Can Bus Diagramas A4

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Golf/Jetta Wiring diagram No.


CAN-Bus, Powertrain and Comfort System

from May 2001

Deviate relay location and fuseplacements as well as the locations of multiple connectors see
section component locations.


Fuse colors

30 A - green
25 A - white
20 A - yellow
15 A - blue
10 A - red
7,5 A - brown
5 A - beige
3 A - violet

Edition 12/01
No. 74/2 Wiring diagram Golf/Jetta

B229 a

B230 b

0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,5 0,5
or/gn or/br or/gn or/br or/gn or/br or/gn or/br or/gn or/br

T10i/ T10k/ T10l/ T10m/

6 6 6 6

T10i/7 T10k/7 T10l/7 T10m/7

0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5
or/gn or/br or/gn or/br or/gn or/br or/gn or/br

J 386 J 386 J 387 387J J 388 388J J 389 389 J J 393 J 393
T29/8 T29/27 T29a/6 T29a/15 T18a/11 T18a/12 T18b/11 T18b/12 T23/9 T23/6

ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

J386 - Door control module, driver side T23 - 23-Pin Connector

J387 - Door control module, passenger side T29 - 29-Pin Connector
J388 - Door control module, rear, left T29a - 29-Pin Connector
J389 - Door control module, rear, right
J393 - Central control module for comfort system, B229 - Connection (high bus), in instrument panel
behind instrument panel, left wiring harness
T10i - 10-Pin Connector, black, connector station B230 - Connection (low bus), in instrument panel
A-pillar, left wiring harness
T10k - 10-Pin Connector, black, connector station
A-pillar, right
T10l - 10-Pin Connector, black, connector station
B-pillar, left
T10m- 10-Pin Connector, black, connector station
B-pillar, right
T18a - 18-Pin Connector
T18b - 18-Pin Connector

CAN connection for: door control module (driver side, passenger side), door control Edition 12/01
module (rear, left and rear, right), central control module for comfort system USA.5102.12.21
Golf/Jetta Wiring diagram No. 74/3

a a

b b

0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

or/gn or/br or/gn or/br

J453 J 453 R R
T18c/3 T18c/1 T16d/9 T16d/10

ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

J453 - Control module for multi-function steering

R - Radio
T16d - 16-Pin Connector (beginning August 2001)
T18c - 18-Pin Connector

Edition 12/01 CAN connection for: control module for multi-function steering wheel, radio
No. 74/4 Wiring diagram Golf/Jetta

a a

b b

501 A2

6,0 2,5 2,5 0,35 0,35
ro sw sw gr/ws gr/ws

D /15 J ... W

12 5 J285
S12 S5
7,5A 7,5A
12a 5a

0,5 0,5
ro/ws sw/bl


135 A20 A76

4,0 1,5 1,5 0,5 0,5

br br br sw/bl gr/ws

30a 15a K
ws = white T16/16 T16/1 T16/7
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown T16/4 T16/5 T16/14 T16/6
gn = green 31 31
bl = blue 0,5 0,5 0,35 0,35
br br or/br or/sw
gr = grey
li = lilac c
ge = yellow 81 d
42 49
or = orange
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

D - Ignition/Starter Switch 81 - Ground connection -1-, in instrument panel

J285 - Control module with indicator unit in instrument wiring harness
panel insert 135 - Ground connection -2-, in instrument panel
J... - Engine Control Module (ECM) wiring harness
S5 - Fuse 5 in fuse holder 501 - Threaded connection -2- (30) on the relay plate
S12 - Fuse 12 in fuse holder
T10 - 10-Pin Connector, orange, in protective housing A2 -
Plus connection (15), in instrument panel wiring
for connectors, in plenum chamber, left harness
T16 - Data Link Connector (DLC), below instrument A20 - Wire connection (15a), in instrument panel
panel, left wiring harness
T32 - 32-Pin Connector, blue A76 - Connector (K-diagnosis wire) in instrument
panel wiring harness
42 - Ground connection, beside steering column

49 - Ground connection, on steering column

instrument cluster, Data Link Connector (DLC) Edition 12/01

Golf/Jetta Wiring diagram No. 74/5

a B229 A121 e

b B230 A122 f

0,35 0,35 0,35 0,35 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

or/br or/gn or/sw or/br or/br or/sw or/br or/sw

can-l can-h can-h can-l

T32a/9 T32a/8 T32a/19 T32a/20

J533 J 234 J 234 J 104 J 104

T75/75 T75/74 T47a/15 T47a/11

T32a/27 T32a/28
can-h can-l
out out
0,35 0,35
or/sw or/br

ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
d or = orange
43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

J104 - ABS Control Module (w/EDL), in engine B230 - Connection (low bus), in instrument panel
compartment, left wiring harness
J234 - Airbag Control Module, behind console, lower
J533 - Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface
T32a - 32-Pin Connector, green
T47a - 47-Pin Connector, green
T75 - 75-Pin Connector, green

A121 - Connection (high bus), in instrument panel

wiring harness
A122 - Connection (low bus), in instrument panel
wiring harness
B229 - Connection (high bus), in instrument panel
wiring harness

Edition 12/01 instrument cluster, data bus on board diagnostic interface, CAN connection for:
USA.5102.12.21 airbag control module, ABS control module (w/EDL)
No. 74/6 Wiring diagram Golf/Jetta

e A121

f A122

0,5 0,5
ws sw

T10w/3 T10w/2

0,5 0,35 0,35 0,5

or/br or/br or/sw or/sw

J 217 J220 J
220 217J
T68/3 T80/29 T80/41 T68/25
T68a/16 T121/58 T121/60 T68a/15

J 248 J
T121/6 T121/7

ws = white
sw = black
ro = red
br = brown
gn = green
bl = blue
gr = grey
li = lilac
ge = yellow
or = orange
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

J217 - Transmission Control Module (TCM), in plenum A121 - Connection (high bus), in instrument panel
chamber, center wiring harness
J220 - Motronic Engine Control Module (ECM), in A122 - Connection (low bus), in instrument panel
plenum chamber, center wiring harness
J248 - Diesel Direct Fuel Injection (DFI) Engine Control
Module (ECM), in plenum chamber, center
T10w- 10-Pin Connector, white, in protective housing
for connectors, in plenum chamber, left
T68 - 68-Pin Connector, on Transmission Control
Module (TCM) (4 speed automatic)
T68a - 68-Pin Connector, on Transmission Control
Module (TCM) (5 speed automatic)
T80 - Connector, 80 point
T121 - Connector, 121 point

CAN connection for: transmission control module (TCM), motronic engine control Edition 12/01
module (ECM), diesel direct fuel injection (DFI) engine control module (ECM) USA.5102.12.21

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