ECE 445 - Senior Design Design Review: Suiping Wu Isaac Wong
ECE 445 - Senior Design Design Review: Suiping Wu Isaac Wong
ECE 445 - Senior Design Design Review: Suiping Wu Isaac Wong
Design Review
Suiping Wu
Isaac Wong
1.2. Objectives
1.2.1. Goals
1.2.2. Functions
1.2.3. Benefits
2. Design
Voltage/Current Sense
The H-bridge inverter comprises 4 single power MOSFETs. Each inverter leg will have 2 power
MOSFETs driven by a gate driver to switch the MOSFETs on and off. The inverter is designed to
handle up to an input DC voltage of 300V, and an input current of 10A.
Fairchild Power MOSFET FCB20N60F was chosen to be the inverter gates. The drain to source
breakdown voltage and continuous drain current are twice of the maximum input voltage and
current. This provides headroom for the inverter to handle voltage spike and inrush current during
starting. The low gate charge of 75nC allows a lower gate switching current.
Silabs isolated gate driver Si8234AD-C-IS take a single PWM signal and outputs two complementary
gate signals to high and low side. Si8234 also offers protection features such as 5V undervoltage
lockout, 5 kVrms isolation and overlap protection.
The critical parameter, peak current, was calculated as the following using the maximum total gate
charge of FCB20N60F power MOSFET and a switching time of 50ns.
I ch arg e 1.96 A
The charging current using the above method is an average/constant current. To account for the
nonlinearity of gate charging current, the average value found was doubled (i.e. 4A) to ensure a
sufficient current level to turn the gates on.
The microcontroller will be responsible for sending PWM signal to the gate driver, receiving
feedback signal of voltage and current and adjust the PWM signal accordingly. TI LAUNCHXL-
F28069M LanuchPad features InstaSPIN-MOTION and InstaSPIN-FOC functions. The two features
provide a robust speed and field-oriented control schemes by replacing the hard-to-tune PID
controllers with simple, single-parameter tuning. The 16 PWM channel with 8 in high resolution
make possible of expanding the project in the future from driving a three-phase motor up to a 18-
phase motor.
The current sense circuit comprises of three components, AD8210, AD8274, and LM4140. AD8210
high voltage, bidirectional current shunt monitor has a common-mode voltage of -2V to +65V with a
gain of 20. LM4140 precision micropower low dropout voltage reference output is connected to the
negative input of AD8274 very low distortion, precision difference amplifier, which ensures that
AD8274 input has the same common mode voltage as the AD8210. The positive input of AD8274 is
connected directly to the output of AD8210. AD8274 is powered from 15 V supplies and is
configured in a non-inverting gain-of-two configuration. The AD8274 takes the difference between
its two inputs and applies a gain of 2. The input-to-output transfer function is determined to be
Assuming the shunt peak current is 15 (i.e 1.5 times more than the rated current), the shunt
resistance value is determined by
5 ( Rshunt 15 20) 2
Rshunt 8.33m
Rshunt 10m
2.3 Power Supply
2.3.1 Inverter DC Voltage
The DC voltage supplied to the inverter serves as the source voltage which will be converted to AC
using PWM modulation. The inverter DC voltage will be provided by two sources depending on the
stage of development. For safety purposes in the early stage of development, Kenwood PD56-10AD
DC power supply will be used to have fully control on input voltage and current level. The power
supply can provide up to 56V and 10A. Once the design has been verified at low DC voltage, the DC
supply voltage will be stepped up to 120V or 240V using the three-terminal 120V DC main on the
lab benches in the machinery lab.
The auxiliary +5V, +12, 15 DC voltages for supplying the gate driver and sense circuit will be
provided by the DC power supplies on lab bench.
3. Schematic
A resistor-inductor load will be connected to the output terminal of the inverter to mimic the
electrical characteristics of an induction motor. For testing purposes and financially reasons, no off-
the-shelf inductor will be purchased. Test load will be using 100 mH toroid and 20 ohm power
resistor from the machinery lab. Stimulation results showed the peak current will not excess 10A
with the maximum voltage input of 300V.
Figure 5: Inverter Voltage (Bottom) and Current (Top) Output Waveform at 300 Vdc, 100mH, 20ohm
5. Control Flowchart
Start of
Execute ADC
Save Contexts
and Clear
Interrupt Flag
Execute PID
Execute the
Voltage Calc
Execute the
ACI_FE and
ACI_SE Modules
Execute the
PWM drive
Restore Context
The most vulnerable part of the inverter is the power MOSFET. When both the high-side and low-
side MOSFET of any one inverter leg is switched on, it creates a short to the ground and draws huge
amount of current, and damages the circuit. Therefore, the gate driver has to be thoroughly tested
with the MOSFET before building and controlling the inverter. MOSFET parasitic body diode reverse
recovery occurs during diode switching from the on-state to the off-state. When the MOSFET is off
(gate-source shorted) and no current flow through its body diode, a voltage step with certain dv/dt
is applied across Drain and Source. The result is a displacement current flow through the drain-base
capacitance (CDB), which can turn on the bipolar to result MOSFET failure.
This project involves high voltage and high current. All components shall be carefully chosen, and
their maximum ratings shall not be exceeded. All testing shall begin with low voltage and current
level before moving onto high voltage testing. All power supplies must be turned off before making
any changes on the circuit. Exposed conductors shall be shrink-wrapped.
As a responsible engineer, we oblige to commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional
conduct and ensure our project will not violate IEEE Code of Ethics. The following is from the IEEE
Policies, Section 7 - Professional Activities (Part A - IEEE Policies).
1. to accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of
the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the
- The inverter will be thoroughly tested at the maximum rated voltage and current.
High Voltage warning sign will be printed on the circuit.
2. to avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to
affected parties when they do exist;
- The readings and findings will be reported and documented as the way they are.
6. to maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for
others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent
7. to seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct
errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others;
- Any literature, resources, and personals consulted will be fully acknowledge in the final
8. to treat fairly all persons and to not engage in acts of discrimination based on race, religion,
gender, disability, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender
10. to assist colleagues and co-workers in their professional development and to support them in
following this code of ethics.
9. Cost Analysis
9.1. Labor
Total Cost
Item Description Manufacturer Part No Cost [$] Quantity
Microcontroller TI LAUNCHXL-F28069M 30 1 30.0
Power MOSFET FCB20N60F 5.22 16 83.52
Cartridge Fuse 0326010.MXP 1.69 20 33.8
Non-Inverting Schmitt Trigger SN74LVC1G17 1.0 4 4.0
Inverting Schmitt Trigger SN74LVC1G14 0.49 4 1.96
High and Low Side Gate Driver Si8234AD-C-IS 3.33 6 6.7
AD8210 4.56 8 60.0
AD8274 1.05 8 8.4
Voltage/ Current Sensing IC
AD8479 6.59 8 52.72
LM4140 4.53 8 36.24
4-layer Printed Circuit Board - 66.0 1 66.0
Total: 383.34
13 4/13 Testing and debugging
Prepare for presentation Isaac
14 4/20
Prepare for demo Suiping
Prepare for final paper Isaac
15 4/27
Prepare for presentation Suiping
Finalize final paper Isaac
16 5/4
Check out Suiping