TaskforceReport GCCP1 Hartung ATLA30
TaskforceReport GCCP1 Hartung ATLA30
TaskforceReport GCCP1 Hartung ATLA30
Thomas Hartung,1 Michael Balls,2 Claudia Bardouille,3,4 Olivier Blanck,5 Sandra Coecke,2
Gerhard Gstraunthaler6 and David Lewis3
1Biochemical Pharmacology, University of Konstanz, 78457 Konstanz, Germany; 2ECVAM, Institute for
Health & Consumer Protection, European Commission Joint Research Centre, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy;
3European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures, Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research, Porton Down,
Salisbury SP4 0JG, UK; 5Pfizer Central Research, Amboise, Poce-sur Cisse, 37401 Amboise, France;
6Institute of Physiology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
been distributed worldwide in a totally uncontrolled will be communicated to the scientific community
manner, creating a massive potential for identifica- in the form of a scientific publication.
tion errors and the introduction of contaminants. Where the work needs to be carried out routinely,
Therefore, it is recommended that authenticated a procedure should be written down. In the context of
stocks of a continuous cell line are purchased from regulatory acceptance, this procedure should be capa-
a recognised, national or international animal cell- ble of being developed into a proper GLP-compliant,
culture repository, such as the Deutsche Sammlung stepwise Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH Many guidelines are available concerning what a
(DSMZ) in Germany, the American Type Culture scientific report for academic, industrial or regula-
Collection (ATCC), the Riken Gene Bank in Japan, tory purposes should contain. To achieve a wide
or the European Collection of Animal Cell Cultures acceptance of the GCCP guidelines, it is therefore
(ECACC) in the UK. crucial to encourage implementation of these prac-
Nevertheless, it is possible that even samples of an tices at all levels where cell and tissue culture work
authenticated continuous cell line with the same is conducted and reported.
nominal identity, but purchased from different The recommended content of a GCCP-compliant
sources, may exhibit phenotypic differences that study report, including a study plan and a GLP-
reflect divergence arising from their different culture compliant SOP, should form an integral part of
histories. It is even possible that different banks of GCCP guidelines.
the same cell line, manufactured within the same
repository, may exhibit minor differences that could
be significant in the context of a specific study. Cells
ratio, initial passage number, number of pas- approximate in vivo-like cell behaviour. In general,
sages in culture). cell proliferation and differentiation are conflicting
aims of cell culture. This implies the following.
7. Conditions for freezing/thawing, including cryo-
protectant, storage conditions, viability, plating 1. The impact of variation of these materials
efficiency. should be monitored and documented.
8. Indicators of the state of differentiation and 2. Equipment and instruments should be properly
expression of specific activities, where available; maintained and calibrated (for example, control
precise definition of measures undertaken to of temperature and CO2 levels of incubators).
maintain or induce differentiation and activity
3. All materials employed should be stored under
9. Test method, dose and test intervals for appropriate conditions to protect them from
Mycoplasma contamination, and other appro- damage, infestation or contamination.
priate controls.
4. Changes of batches of material should be moni-
tored with regard to their influence on principal
Other materials, equipment and procedures endpoints in use in a study.
The quality of equipment and cell culture materials 5. Measures should be taken to assess the status of
should be sufficient to maximise the generation of cells before any experiment is undertaken.
reproducible and reliable results.
6. Suitable measures should be employed for cell
1. The compositions of culture media for routine line identification and verification, and for test-
cultures (maintenance media) and/or experi- ing for cross-contamination.
mental cultures, and supplements/additives (for
example, serum, heat-inactivation or irradia- 7. The differentiation state/phenotype of cells
tion of serum, growth factors, hormones, antibi- should be monitored (for example, by morphol-
otics) should be defined. ogy, histochemistry, enzyme/gene expression,
growth rate, viability, sensitivity to toxins, abil-
2. Non-defined preparations (for example, serum ity to stimulate cell functions, surface markers,
replacements, growth factor mixtures) should adherence to substratum, DNA/chromosome
not be considered acceptable, except in specific analysis, or fingerprinting).
8. The appropriate measure of differentiation
3. Volumes of media used, and feeding cycles should be independent of the cellular function
should be defined. under study, and should be assessed at least at
the beginning and at the end of each series of
4. Culture vessels (for example, flasks, Petri experiments.
dishes, bottles, roller cultures) should be
defined. 9. Positive and negative controls should be
included in all experiments.
5. Culture substrata, coating materials (for exam-
ple, collagen, fibronectin, laminin), and coating The value of studies on cell cultures is endangered
procedures should be defined. by contamination and/or infection. Therefore, lab-
oratory animals from an outside source, to be used
6. Names and addresses of the manufacturer/sup- as donors, should be kept in quarantine for an
pliers of culture media supplements, vessels and appropriate period. Similarly, appropriate meas-
substrata should be given. ures should be taken when a cell line is introduced
into the laboratory, to ensure that no infection/
contamination of cell lines already present can
Quality Assurance occur (certificate from supplier, testing for the
more common contaminants [for example, Myco-
The aim of a quality assurance regimen is to assure plasma], growth on antibiotic-free medium for a
consistency, traceability and reproducibility. In specified period). Tests for frequent contamina-
each laboratory, a person responsible for the qual- tions (such as Mycoplasma) should be performed
ity assurance of cell culture work should be on a regular basis, and results should be discarded
appointed. in the event of any evidence of contamination of
When in vitro systems are used to model the in materials. If an infection has been eradicated, the
vivo situation, all possible efforts should be made to regimen should be defined and reported.
Good cell culture practice 411
The onus is on a laboratory to confirm that Whenever possible, testing for viral infections
incoming materials are suitable for the intended should be performed at the very beginning of
purpose, by: cell/tissue isolation. A primary consideration in
the research use of human tissues is the safety of
1. identifying the critical materials; all the personnel who will be, or could be, exposed
to such tissues, or any product obtained from
2. defining the test and criteria/markers related to them, such as cell cultures or cell fractions. The
suitability; most important aspects of ensuring safety are
awareness, suitable handling and disposal proce-
3. either introducing a regimen to test incoming dures, and the provision of adequate training for
materials/lots for these markers, or obtaining all users. Although it is possible to test for a num-
certification from manufacturers/suppliers; ber of viral and bacterial pathogens, there are sig-
and nificant residual risks when this testing has been
performed. Therefore, such testing does not
4. keeping reference samples of previously absolve either the provider of non-transplantable
used lots for comparison with incoming mate- tissue or the end-user from taking appropriate
rials. precautions against known and unknown hazards.
As the cases of HHV8 and Kaposis sarcoma, and
In addition, it is vital to introduce an adequate sys- of Coxsaeckie 4 and juvenile diabetes have recently
tem of record keeping, and to maintain appropri- demonstrated, new human viruses linked with
ate records concerning all those conducting the pathogenic conditions have been discovered as
work. often as every 510 years, and more are likely to be
found in the future. Therefore, whatever the
results of specific testing, all human tissue must
Safety be considered to be hazardous at all stages of its
procurement, experimental use and disposal.
Some safety issues connected with cell and tissue Personnel should be vaccinated whenever possible
culture are summarised in Table 1. (for example, against hepatitis B). Although the
Potentially infectious materials are widely used, risk for the experimenter may be relatively low
and all work with human materials should be per- during standard procedures, the proper handling
formed in Class II cabinets. and disposal of waste material is critical.
Table 1: Some safety issues connected with cell and tissue culture
Primary cultures Primary cultures of human origin may be a source of viral infection (for example, HIV,
hepatitis B, hepatitis C), and precautions should be agreed with the tissue-supplying agency.
Primary cultures of animal origin may also be a source of infection or allergy.
Cell lines Cell lines may contain endogenous viruses, genetically manipulated material, be of tumour
origin and/or be tumorigenic.
Procedures Procedures should be performed in suitable facilities, according to local legal regulations (for
example, sterile/aseptic working place, use of laminar-flow cabinets and cell culture
Experimental procedures and downstream processing of culture should be clearly defined
(for example, cell harvesting, isolation of cell culture products, virus propagation, vaccine
production, induction of differentiation).
Proper handling of liquid nitrogen during cryopreservation of cells and retrieval of vials
from frozen storage is essential.
Disposal All waste should be treated properly, to minimise any threat to humans (for example,
toxicity, mutagenicity, teratogenicity), as well as to other cells and animals under study.
Infections The main safety concern is the potential for worker infection (viruses, bacteria, fungi,
mycoplasmas and parasites are potential pathogens).
Potential exists for continuous cell lines to carry latent viruses and for transformed lines
to spontaneously produce viruses with oncogenic potential in humans.
412 T. Hartung et al.
The assessment of risk requires a knowledge of The number of people directly exposed to any
the history and status of the cell population: risk is risks should be kept to an absolute minimum, and
low when the work involves cells derived from such exposure should be strictly limited to those
pathogen-free animals, or cell lines that have been who have sufficient knowledge and training to be
determined to be free of adventitious agents. The considered informed as to their personal safety.
potential for infection increases when the work All such personnel should be provided with what-
involves the use or the production of pathogenic ever effective and safe immunisations are available
agents. In cells from pathogen-free sub-primate at the time. Tracking methods that clearly identify
species, the principal safety concern is probably the samples of human origin, especially when this is not
potential for injury associated with handling liquid obvious by inspection, for example, tissue
nitrogen during the cryopreservation of cells and homogenates or DNA extracts, which may contain
the retrieval of vials from frozen storage. In labora- viral DNA, are essential, to ensure that the appro-
tories where glass pipettes are used, breakage of priate containment is maintained at all times, up to
these can also pose a significant threat. and including the final disposal and decontamina-
The main safety concern is the potential for infec- tion of all samples.
tion of workers from continuous cell lines carrying Specific procedures that may amplify a hazard
latent viruses, and for transformed lines sponta- and thus greatly increase risk, such as the in vitro
neously to produce viruses with oncogenic potential culture of a susceptible cell type from a potentially
in man. Because human cells and body fluids can infected donor, must be clearly identified, and the
carry infectious agents such as HIV and hepatitis risks posed should be separately assessed before the
viruses, cells of human origin must be considered a work is undertaken.
potential risk. It is important to remember that
HIV has been isolated from human cells and tis-
sues, cell extracts, whole blood, and body fluids, Education and Training
including semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal
fluid, tears, breast milk, and urine. In successful cell and tissue culture, living material
All work with human cells should be carried out from various tissues should proliferate and/or func-
on the assumption that the specimen may carry an tion under appropriate culture conditions, while
infectious agent. Significant viral pathogens that preserving sufficient differentiated characteristics,
could be encountered include hepatitis B, hepatitis which closely resemble those of their ancestors in
C, HIV and cytomegalovirus (CMV), all of which vivo.
have specific known pathogenicities, and the Additional aims can include permitting cells to be
recently identified HHV8 (Kaposis sarcoma virus), manipulated either genetically or chemically, trans-
which may cause tumours under certain circum- fecting cells for the expression of foreign genes and
stances. In addition, the possibility of bacterial haz- proteins, or the use of cultured cells for virus prop-
ards, such as various Mycobacterium species, and agation or vaccine production.
antibiotic-resistant organisms, such as methicillin- Therefore, the proper training of all personnel in
resistant Staphylococcus aureus, should not be basic cell culture practice, in the application of spe-
ignored, as they are becoming increasingly frequent cific procedures, and in general and specific safety
among hospital cases. precautions, depending on the types of cells (pri-
There is also a potential risk that certain human mary cultures, transformed and/or transfected
or primate cell lines, if able to enter the body, may cells, etc.) and on the aims of the work, should be
have oncogenic potential. A classification of cell viewed as mandatory. Some aspects of training are
lines as aetiological agents can be consulted. summarised in Table 2.
The safe use of human tissue that might contain
known and unknown infectious agents depends on
secure containment during collection, transport Ethical Issues
and use (to minimise exposure of laboratory per-
sonnel and transportation couriers who handle From an ethical and a legal point of view, it is desir-
such tissues directly), effective methods of sample able to establish high standards for cell and tissue
decontamination prior to release for disposal from culture worldwide, so that ethical acceptability,
the laboratory (to eliminate risk to the environment safety and accountability can be guaranteed, inso-
and to the general public), and strict protocols for far as that is possible.
handling and disposal as waste. It is essential that Two ECVAM workshops have considered ethical
the experiments are performed in suitable facilities, and quality control aspects related to cells and tis-
according to the legal regulations (sterile/aseptic sues obtained from human donors (4, 5). These
working place, use of laminar-flow cabinets and cell aspects extend from the initial contact with the
culture incubators). Full descriptions of experimen- donor or their next-of-kin, through isolation and
tal procedures and downstream processing of cul- supply procedures, to use in the research facility. It
tures are essential. was strongly felt that human tissues should be sup-
Good cell culture practice 413
Table 2: Aspects of training in the use of 8. Awareness of the widespread use of potentially
basic culture techniques and infectious materials in cell and tissue culture
examples of special culture should be improved.
9. Many aspects of the patenting of cell lines need
clarification. Access to patented cell lines
Basic culture technique should be regulated and harmonised.
Principles of sterile technique
Handling of culture media 10. The Declaration of Bologna should be updated
Feeding of cultures (media changing)
at future World Congresses on Alternatives and
Cell counting
Subcultivation (trypsinisation) Animal Use in the Life Sciences.
Detection and elimination of contamination
Growth parameters, growth curves
Viability assays Acknowledgement
Storage and freezing/thawing of cells
The authors are grateful for valuable comments
Special culture procedures from Dr L. Steeb/Dr Brcsk (PromoCell,
Primary cell and tissue cultures Heidelberg, Germany), Dr K. Macfelda (AKH Wien,
Toxicity testing, viability assays Austria) and Dr J. Noraberg (Neuroscreen, Odense,
Transfection, expression cloning Denmark).
Cell transformation and immortalisation
Virus propagation and isolation
1. Cooper-Hannan, R., Harbell, J.W., Coecke, S., Balls,
plied through officially recognised human tissue M., Bowe, G., Cervinka, M., Clothier, R., Hermann,
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studies. C., Jones, D., Price, D., Richert, L., Ravid, R., Shute,
D., Sladowski, D., Stone, H., Thasler, W., Trafford,
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