Journal 2

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Journal two

In second week of the practice days I did my MCT observation. The MST gave me

an English lesson to teach students. Also, in this week I started to teach students

several lessons. In this week I tried to be closer to the students and build a good

relationship with them. And I felt I enjoyed with students because they adapt with

me. Every time I taught I have to sit with my MST and discuss about the lesson or

activities that students can work on. I taught students two lessons was letter Tt

and Math number 5. So, in each lesson she has a feedback from to fill it about me.

In the end of the lesson I went to ask her what I have to improve and work on.

While she loved the way that I involve with students and make them interact

during the lesson. In general, the second week was really good I sit and met my

MST more than first week. She also, gives me some advices to keep me in same

line and for future. The school environment was so good that encourage students to

learn and take their self-responsibility. As I enjoyed in some events they did it for

students to have fun and learn such as: the Flag Day, the teacher day and

Cleanliness day.

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