List of French Advanced Prepositions
List of French Advanced Prepositions
List of French Advanced Prepositions
On the previous page, we gave a list of what we might see as the main prepositions in
French (accepting that the choice of which ones belong to the "main" list is a little
arbitrary). Now we look at two categories of prepositions that are a little less common
that that "main" list. You're more likely to come across them in formal writing than in
everyday speech, for example. On the other hand, they're not literary or archaic.
Prepositions outside our "main" list but which are still in "normal" use
The prepositions in the Table 2 might not be considered "basic" prepositions, but are
still readily used in writing under the right circumstances. One or two of them are a
little formal, but none are old-fashioned or archaic.
You may have noted that various participles (words ending in -ing and -en) in English
can essentially function as though to all intents and purposes they were prepositions:
regarding his position, following his complaint etc. A similar phenomenon exists in
French. Table 3 below gives some common examples of French participles (present
participles ending in -ant or occasionally past participles) that are effectively used as
Note that these words are used as "genuine" prepositions in the sense that as such,
they are invariable in form. So for example, during his life would be sa vie durant,
not sa vie durante.