Ship Dynamics
Ship Dynamics
Ship Dynamics
Ship Dynamics
1Alejandro Monar
[email protected]
For the ship you analyzed in previous Homework # 4, you are asked to compute the roll response
when the ship receives waves from its side (90). So you may use the same file employed for that
work, including the pertinent information for the Lateral response of the ship; be careful to input
the correct value of OG, which specifies the position of the center of gravity from the flotation
line, positive upward. Look on pages 76 and 77, in Battacharyyas book for formulas to estimate
the roll gyration radius of a ship. To estimate the amplitude of the incoming waves apply DNV
regulations and use the value for CW as the wave height. For roll damping, use values of 0.05,
0.10 and 0.15, for the nondimensional damping coefficient.
Compare your results with the value of the roll angle produced by a side wave, which is calculated
as part of the Weather criterion of IMO, part 2.3.4:
Para la estimacin del radio de giro se utiliz la formulacin EMPIRICA, dada por
Battacharyyas book :
( ) = [ + 1.1 (1 ) ( 2.2) + 2 / 2
= .
: .
: . = /.
: = + .
: .
: .
: & .
: .
: .
: 0.125 ,
( )
Table 1.- Calculate of Virtual Radius
De la regla de clasificacin Det Norsket Veritas (DNV) determinamos el wave coefficient (Cw) de la
siguiente manera:
Table 2.- Wave Coefficient [Cw]
Wave Coefficient Cw
2.381 [m]
Cw 4.762 m
Lf 60.13 [m]
: Amplitud de la ola
Weather criterion of IMO:
0 50 100 150 200 250
=0.05 =0.10 =0.15 OMI
Notas en la imagen anterior que la seccin es de pantoque pronunciado, por lo tanto, se tom un
valor de k=0.7 siguiendo la recomendacin de la IMO, hay que tenerle cuidado ese parmetro ya
que directamente influye en el clculo del ngulo de Balance.
Condition 1 Maximum load
Virtual Radius
kxx 3.0492 [m]
cb 0.7
cu 0.520
He 6.719 [m]
D 6 [m]
A 45.872 [m^2]
Lpp 63.82 [m]
d 4.14 [m]
B 10.5 m
f 0.125
L 65.8 m
AuDeck 359.59 [m^2]
%B kxx 29.04%
Wave Coefficient Cw
2.520 m
Cw 5.039 m
L 63.63 m
Weather criterion of IMO:
Weather Criterion
1 19.633 degrees
k 0.70
X1 1.0
X2 1
r 0.689
s 0.10
d 4.14 [m]
Cb 0.7
Ak 29 [m^2]
T 12.38 [seg]
Lf 63.63 [m]
B 10.5 [m]
C 0.37
GM 0.39 [m]
Utilizando el programa SCOORES obtenemos las siguientes respuestas analizando en el plano
LATERAL en rolido a 90.
For roll damping, use values of 0.05,0.10 and 0.15, for the nondimensional damping coefficient.
0 50 100 150 200 250
0.05 0.1 0.15 IMO
5 horas