Ship Dynamics

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College of Maritime Engineering, and Biological, Oceanic and

Natural Resource Sciences

Ship Dynamics

1Alejandro Monar
[email protected]

For the ship you analyzed in previous Homework # 4, you are asked to compute the roll response
when the ship receives waves from its side (90). So you may use the same file employed for that
work, including the pertinent information for the Lateral response of the ship; be careful to input
the correct value of OG, which specifies the position of the center of gravity from the flotation
line, positive upward. Look on pages 76 and 77, in Battacharyyas book for formulas to estimate
the roll gyration radius of a ship. To estimate the amplitude of the incoming waves apply DNV
regulations and use the value for CW as the wave height. For roll damping, use values of 0.05,
0.10 and 0.15, for the nondimensional damping coefficient.

Compare your results with the value of the roll angle produced by a side wave, which is calculated
as part of the Weather criterion of IMO, part 2.3.4:


Condition 1 Light Ship

Estimate the roll Gyration Radius of a Ship:

Para la estimacin del radio de giro se utiliz la formulacin EMPIRICA, dada por
Battacharyyas book :

( ) = [ + 1.1 (1 ) ( 2.2) + 2 / 2

= .
: .
: . = /.

: = + .
: .
: .
: & .
: .
: .
: 0.125 ,
( )
Table 1.- Calculate of Virtual Radius

Virtual Radius "kxx"

kxx 3.0793 m
cb 0.7
cu 0.520
He 6.719 [m]
D 6 [m]
A 45.872 [m^2]
Lpp 63.82 [m]
d 3.95 [m]
B 10.5 [m]
f 0.125
Lmax 65.8 [m]
AuDeck 359.59 [m^2]
%B kxx 29%

El radio virtual calculado mediante la formulacin de Battacharyya s book es 3.079 [m],

aproximadamente el 29% de la manga del buque.

Estimate the amplitude of the Incoming Waves:

De la regla de clasificacin Det Norsket Veritas (DNV) determinamos el wave coefficient (Cw) de la
siguiente manera:
Table 2.- Wave Coefficient [Cw]


L Cw
L=<100 0.0792*L
100<L<300 10.75-[(300-L)/100]^3/2
300<L<350 10.75
L>350 10.75-[(L-350)/150]^3/2

Table 3.- Calculation of the amplitude of the wave

Wave Coefficient Cw
2.381 [m]
Cw 4.762 m
Lf 60.13 [m]
: Amplitud de la ola
Weather criterion of IMO:

The angle of roll 1 referred shall be calculated as follows :

1 = 109 1 2 ()
X1 = factor as shown in square 1
X2= factor as shown in square 2
k= factors as follws:
k= 1.0 for round-bilged ship having no bilge or bar keel.
k= 0.7 for a ship having Sharp bilges (my case)
k= as shows for a ship having bilge keels , a bar keel or both.
R=0.73 +0.6OG/d
With :
d= mean moulded draught of the ship (m)
s=factor as shown in the table , where T is the ship roll natural period.
In absence of sufficient infomation , the following approximate formula can be used :
Rolling period:

=2 ()

Where :
Lwl= length of the ship at waterline (m).
B= moulded breadth of the ship (m).

Fig. 1.- Factores

Weather Criterion
1 19.686 degrees
k 0.70
X1 1.0
X2 1
r 0.738
s 0.10
d 3.95 [m]
Cb 0.7
Ak 29.7 [m^2]
T 17.43 [seg]
Lf 60.13 [m]
B 10.5 [m]
C 0.41
GM 0.242 [m]
B/d 2.6582

Utilizando el programa SCOORES obtenemos las siguientes respuestas analizando en el plano

LATERAL en rolido a 90.
For roll damping, use values of 0.05,0.10 and 0.15, for the nondimensional damping coefficient.

Tabla 4.-Input data

Tabla 5.- Respuestas en Plano Lateral Rolling

Plano Lateral Plano Lateral Plano Lateral

Damping Coefficient =0.05 Damping Coefficient =0.10 Damping Coefficient =0.15
(m) FASE () AMPLITUD (m) (m)
20 92.1 3.6347 20 95.4 3.6077 20 -64.4 0.2582
29 94.2 6.381 29 98.5 6.3033 29 -61.6 0.3082
38 96 8.7262 38 101.5 8.5638 38 -60.4 0.2643
47 98 11.1563 47 104.9 10.8431 47 -63.1 0.1946
56 100.2 14.123 56 109.1 13.5131 56 -78 0.1183
65 103.3 18.0561 65 114.5 16.8197 65 -129.9 0.079
74 107.8 23.9241 74 122.2 21.1856 74 -172.4 0.1429
83 115.9 33.9763 83 133.9 27.0753 83 -177.4 0.2581
92 133.1 52.746 92 151.9 33.755 92 -169.8 0.3789
101 173.1 76.0449 101 176.4 37.4172 101 -157.1 0.4737
110 -141.9 59.6595 110 -159.3 34.3541 110 -143.8 0.5152
119 -121.2 38.8639 119 -141.7 28.2288 119 -132.6 0.5118
128 -111.9 27.6489 128 -130.3 22.7711 128 -124 0.484
137 -107 21.2866 137 -122.9 18.7124 137 -117.7 0.4496
146 -103.9 17.2668 146 -117.8 15.7479 146 -113.1 0.416
155 -101.8 14.527 155 -114.1 13.5499 155 -109.6 0.3864
164 -100.4 12.5338 164 -111.4 11.8646 164 -107 0.3591
173 -99.2 11.0278 173 -109.3 10.5456 173 -105 0.3351
182 -98.4 9.8443 182 -107.7 9.4834 182 -103.3 0.3145
191 -97.7 8.8929 191 -106.3 8.6142 191 -102 0.2963
200 -97.1 8.111 200 -105.2 7.8901 200 -100.9 0.2801

Rolling -Plano Lateral 90

A mplitud

0 50 100 150 200 250
=0.05 =0.10 =0.15 OMI

Ilustracin 1.- Rolling-Plano Lateral 90

Anlisis de Resultados:
En las (ilustracin 1) graficas presentadas se observa que la IMO considera implcitamente en sus
clculos de 1 =19.6 que el damping coefficient que utiliza es aproximadamente =0.15 a un poco
ms. El ngulo de balance debido a la accin de las olas es de 19.6 es valor razonable, si el perodo
de balance es grande, la estabilidad podra ser escaza e inversamente que si el perodo de balance es
muy corto la estabilidad es grande es preferible no estar en los lmites, mantenerse intermedio en este
caso el periodo calculado por la OMI es de T=17.43 [seg], mientras que el periodo de balance
calculado usando SCORES es de T=8.14 [seg], estos valores debes ser bastante cercanos. En la
ilustracin 1 podemos notar que a mayor damping =0.15 la amplitud en rolido es baja a 20 [m] de
amplitud y a menor damping =0.05 la amplitud es mucho mayor, esto tiene sentido. La zona de
resonancia llega aproximadamente a una amplitud de ola de 100 [m].

Fig. 2.-Seccin Transversal del Buque

Notas en la imagen anterior que la seccin es de pantoque pronunciado, por lo tanto, se tom un
valor de k=0.7 siguiendo la recomendacin de la IMO, hay que tenerle cuidado ese parmetro ya
que directamente influye en el clculo del ngulo de Balance.
Condition 1 Maximum load

Estimate the roll Gyration Radius of a Ship:

Virtual Radius
kxx 3.0492 [m]
cb 0.7
cu 0.520
He 6.719 [m]
D 6 [m]
A 45.872 [m^2]
Lpp 63.82 [m]
d 4.14 [m]
B 10.5 m
f 0.125
L 65.8 m
AuDeck 359.59 [m^2]
%B kxx 29.04%

El radio virtual calculado mediante la formulacin de Battacharyyas book es 3.04 [m],

aproximadamente el 29.04% de la manga del buque.

Estimate the amplitude of the Incoming Waves:

Wave Coefficient Cw
2.520 m
Cw 5.039 m
L 63.63 m
Weather criterion of IMO:

The angle of roll 1 referred shall be calculated as follows :

1 = 109 1 2 ()
Tabla 6

Weather Criterion
1 19.633 degrees
k 0.70
X1 1.0
X2 1
r 0.689
s 0.10
d 4.14 [m]
Cb 0.7
Ak 29 [m^2]
T 12.38 [seg]
Lf 63.63 [m]
B 10.5 [m]
C 0.37
GM 0.39 [m]
Utilizando el programa SCOORES obtenemos las siguientes respuestas analizando en el plano
LATERAL en rolido a 90.
For roll damping, use values of 0.05,0.10 and 0.15, for the nondimensional damping coefficient.

Ilustracin 2.-Input Data

Tabla 7.- Respuestas en Plano Lateral Rolling

Plano Lateral Plano Lateral Plano Lateral

Damping Coefficient =0.05 Damping Coefficient =0.10 Damping Coefficient =0.10
ONDA (m)
ONDA (m) FASE () AMPLITUD (m) DA (m)
20 1.1345 89.1 20 1.1264 93.6 20 1.1314 91.4
29 2.3207 92 29 2.2943 97.8 29 2.3105 94.9
38 3.2959 93.4 38 3.241 100.5 38 3.2745 97
47 4.1556 94.5 47 4.059 102.9 47 4.1179 98.7
56 4.9704 95.3 56 4.8146 105.2 56 4.9093 100.3
65 5.8377 96.3 65 5.5919 107.7 65 5.7406 102.1
74 6.7656 97.3 74 6.3882 110.4 74 6.6149 104.1
83 7.8278 98.5 83 7.2488 113.6 83 7.5931 106.3
92 9.0753 99.9 92 8.1851 117.3 92 8.7066 109.1
101 10.5872 101.8 101 9.2074 121.6 101 9.9981 112.4
110 12.5132 104.1 110 10.3361 126.8 110 11.5432 116.5
119 15.0502 107.3 119 11.5502 132.9 119 13.3959 121.8
128 18.5409 111.9 128 12.7985 140.2 128 15.6002 128.7
137 23.5763 118.8 137 13.9845 148.7 137 18.1287 137.6
146 30.9832 130 146 14.9432 158.3 146 20.7142 149.2
155 40.7181 149.1 155 15.4947 168.7 155 22.7126 163.3
164 46.6729 177.9 164 15.5246 179.3 164 23.3006 179
173 41.1298 -153.5 173 15.0562 -170.6 173 22.2371 -166
182 31.8918 -134.8 182 14.2345 -161.5 182 20.1481 -153.4
191 24.7709 -123.8 191 13.2277 -153.7 191 17.7905 -143.3
200 19.9291 -117 200 12.1827 -147 200 15.6218 -135.7

Rolling -Plano Lateral 90


0 50 100 150 200 250
0.05 0.1 0.15 IMO

Ilustracin 3.- Rolling -Plano Lateral 90

Anlisis de Resultados:
En las (ilustracin 1) graficas presentadas se observa que la IMO considera implcitamente en sus
clculos de 1 =19.63 que el damping coefficient que utiliza es aproximadamente entre =0.10 y
=0.15. El ngulo de balance debido a la accin de las olas es de 19.6 es valor razonable, si el
perodo de balance es grande, la estabilidad podra ser escaza e inversamente que si el perodo de
balance es muy corto la estabilidad es grande es preferible no estar en los lmites, mantenerse
intermedio en este caso el periodo calculado por la OMI es de T=12.38 [seg], mientras que el
periodo de balance calculado usando SCORES es de T=10.47 [seg], estos valores de periodos estn
cercanos con el 15 % de diferencia la respuesta en el plano lateral a la condicin de mxima carga
en rolido es ms aproximada tanto tericamente y en el uso del programa Score la frecuencia
natural de balance es de 0.608 [rad/seg]. La resonancia se da a la amplitud de ola de 164 [m],
teniendo ms resonancia que en la condicin anterior claramente se observa esto en

5 horas

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