Warships - A Text Book - Atwood (1917)
Warships - A Text Book - Atwood (1917)
Warships - A Text Book - Atwood (1917)
b clitic n
All rights reserved
First Printed J ll
ty) 1904
Second Edition November^ 1905
27iird Edition February, iqoS
Fourth Edition February, 1910
Translated into Spanish by D. Juan de
IN consequence of the rapid change of practice in recent years
E. L. A.
FIG. 1.
FIG. 3.
the trough of a wave of the same length, Fig. 4. Under the first
assumption, the ends of the ship would tend to drop relative to the
middle, and we should have the upper works tending to tear apart,
and the lower works to buckle up. Under the second, the reverse
would be the case, viz. the keel and lower parts of the structure
would tend to tear apart, and the deck and upper parts to buckle.
The first is termed hogging, and the second sagging.
Fig. 5 to save the rupture of the deck that would otherwise occur.
The side plating of the superstructure adjacent is cut by the gangway
ports. In the large cruisers of Invincible and Lion classes, the fore-
castle deck goes right across the ship and is made a "strength deck.
ultimate strength. A
strip is cut from the plate or bar selected by the
Overseer either lengthwise or crosswise of the plate, and it is planed
to the sha pe shown in (a)
plates 3J- Ib. per square foot and over, and 35 to 45 tons under
3J Ibs. per square foot. An elastic limit is required not less than
Below the elastic limit the material is elastic, i.e. it will resume its original
carbon. For H.H.T. plates tests may be taken from one plate in
every batch of 20 or less.
square foot, and angles, etc., by weight per lineal foot. Thus a
steel plate J in. thick weighs 20*4 Ibs. per square foot. plate A
if ordered as 20 Ibs. per square foot is thus really rather under
J in. thick (0*49 in.). A
steel angle bar specified as 3 in. X 3 in.
of 7 Ibs. per foot is rather under f in. There is a distinct advantage
in ordering steel by weight in this way. We
have an exact check
on the thickness supplied, because by a simple calculation of the
area or measurement of the length we can tell what a plate or bar
work must be done when the temperature has fallen to a Hue heat
(600-400 Fahr.). At this temperature the steel is very brittle,
that if moisture gets in under the scale, corrosion of the steel will
bilges. These are the plates of the outer and inner bottoms, lower
plates of freshwater tanks,
and the lower
plates of bulkheads,
plates of frames.
Rivet Steel and Rivets, Tests of. The efficiency of the
The steel bars for mild steel rivets must stand a tensile test of between 26
and 30 tons per square inch, with an elongation of not less than 25 per cent, in 8
diameters. These tests are seen to be rather more severe than those for mild steel.
Eivets for use with high tensile steel are made from steel bars
of special quality, so as to utilize the greater strength of the steel.
H. T. Rivets have 3 ribs on the head as P, Fig. 9, the bars for rivets up to
and including in.have a tensile test of 34 to 38 tons per square inch with
elongation of 20 per cent, in a length of 8 diameters. Over ^ in. the tensile
test is32 to 36 tons with same elongation.
H. H. T. Rivets have 4 ribs on the head. The tensile strength is 37 to 43
tons per square inch with elongation of 18 per cent, in a length of 8 diameters.
With bars less than | in. diameter the elongation is 25 per cent, in a length of
4 diameters.
Nickel Steel Rivets have 1 rib on the head. The tensile strength is 36 to 40
tons per square inch with elongation of 20 per cent, in a length of 8 diameters,
and a chemical analysis must show not less than 3 per cent, of nickel.
The rivets themselves, when made of all the above qualities, must cool
slowly, and samples taken at random must stand the following tests :
A cold test as (a), Fig. 7.
A hot test as Fig. 7, the head being flattened out to two and a
On each casting three projections are cast, to provide, when cut off, test
pieces. One of these is turned and must stand a tensile test of 26 tons per
Although the material of the casting may satisfactorily stand the above tests,
it is most necessary to find out, if possible, whether any blow holes exist in
the body of the casting. In order to thoroughly shake up the casting, it is
either (a) raised to an angle of about 60, or (6) lifted bodily to a height of about
12 ft. and dropped on hard ground. The latter would be adopted for small
castings. The casting also is suspended in chains and hammered all over with
a heavy sledge to find out if it rings true ;
the surface is also carefully examined
for defects.
All the important castings of the structure, etc., are tested to the above
specification, and are described as " quality. A
Less important castings as
bollards, fairleads, hawse pipes, etc., are of "B"
quality, the tests being much
the same except the elongation required is 10 per cent, in a length of 4
diameters. Castings for coaling scuttles, scuppers, and fittings of minor
importance are of" C quality. In this case the tensile and bending tests are
not required, but the falling and hammering tests have to be satisfactorily made.
" "
Instead of cast steel quality C special malleable cast iron may be employed.
Castings have to stand dropping on to an iron or steel slab from a height of 9 to
15 feet. One test piece planed to a section of 1 in. x f in. must have a tensile
strength of 18 tons per square inch and an elongation of 4^ per cent, in a length
of 3 in. Another test piece of similar section must stand bending cold parallel
to the shorter side through an angle of 90 over a radius of 1 in.
FIG. 8.
flanges of the zed, channel, and I bars are more substantial than
the webs. These sections thus illustrate very clearly the principles
touched upon in Chapter I. in connection with beams.
Rivets, Forms of, etc. Fig. 9 shows the usual form of rivets
and riveted connections employed in Admiralty shipbuilding.
A is the most common form of rivet, called a pan head rivet,
from the shape of its head. It will be noticed that the rivet is
formed with a conical neck. All rivets ^-in. diameter and above
are thus formed, because the hole formed in the plate by punching
has a slight taper, and it is most necessary that the rivet should
completely fill the hole (see D, etc., Fig. 9).
D, E, F, Fig 9, show various points associated with the pan
head. D the countersunk point necessary when the surface
has to be flush, as for the skin plating. The hole formed by the
punch has to be made conical by the countersinking drill. E is the
point adopted for most of the internal work. No
is done, and the point is hammered up full as shown. F is the
point adopted where a finished appearance is desirable this point ;
FIG. 9.
edge. The edges of plates are usually lapped, but in some cases,
where a flush surface is necessary, the edges are connected by an
edge strip. A special form of edge connection is seen when the
edge strip takes the form of a tee bar. Here the tee bar forms
FIG. 10.
an edge strip and stiffener at the same time (see n, Fig. 8). When
the end connection of plates has to be flush, as is usually the case,
the connection is called a lutt-strap. Butt-straps are single,
double, treble, or quadruple riveted, according to the importance
of the connection. These are shown by A, B, C, and D, Fig. 10,
the breadths being respectively 6J, 11J, 16J, and 21J- times the
diameter of the rivet used. Quadruple riveted straps are used for
for one instance). In some
specially important joints (see Fig. 51
cases butt-straps are made double, i.e. in two halves on either side,
each being rather more than half the thickness of the plates
Caulking". All caulking should be metal to metal, filling
pieces being avoided as far as possible. For laps the caulking edge
must be made square (planed for important parts, as the outer
bottom plating). The edge near the joint is nicked with a sharp
tool and the piece so left is driven against the adjacent plate, as in
Fig. 10. For butts the edges must be planed a split is made
either side of the joint and the two edges are forced together with
a hollow tool, giving the shape to the butt, as in Fig. 10. Butt
caulking is not so efficient as lap caulking, because a pull on the
joint, or in-and-out working of the plating, is more liable to open
the caulk in the former than in the latter case.
An interesting and very efficient form of butt-strap, shown at
E, Fig. 10, has been adopted in some destroyers. The strap is
double the inside portion is treble riveted, and the outside portion
double riveted. The alternate rivets are omitted in the last row,
so that the plate is not weakened more than at the adjacent frame.
The middle row is closely spaced to allow the edge to be lap
up to the protective
deck. Sections of recent
The special shape of the section was necessary for the purpose of
entering a particular dock.
The double-bottom arrangement is adopted in all ships of the
Eoyal Navy above third class cruisers. A double bottom is valuable
as providing an inner skin in the event of damage to the outer
water forming the boiler reserve feed, and oil fuel. Any of the double-
bottom compartments, including the wings, can be flooded if desired
to correct heel or trim caused by damage (see Chapter IX.).
In the Royal Sovereign the protective deck was level, with a
thick belt, 8J ft. broad, as shown in Fig. 11. In the more recent
ships, the armour belt has been reduced in thickness and increased
in area, and the protective deck has been made level at the middle
line, but sloping down to the lower edge of armour at the side (see
The fore-and-
aft framing
below protec-
tive deck over
the length of
the double
bottom (about
two-thirds the
length) con-
sists of a ver-
deep, and five
or more longi-
tudinal gir-
ders on each
side, the num-
ber depending
on the breadth
of the ship
(see Fig. 12). Fio. 13. Section of H.M.S. King Edward VII.
Of these the
verticalkeel, second and fourth longitudinals are watertight,
thus dividing the double bottom from side to side into six
watertight compartments. The vertical keel
and longitudinals are
continuous, and the latter are allowed to taper somewhat in depth
towards the ends of the double botton. The vertical keel is
25 Ibs. (f in.) thick, with two angles along the bottom 4J in. X 4J in.,
and two along the top 4 in. X 4 in. These, together with the
middle plate of the inner bottom, and the inner and outer plates of
Fro. 17.
In one ship out of a total of 780, 456 were solid, 180 were water-
tight,and 144 were bracket frames.
The bracket frame built up as shown in Fig. 17.
is Deep
angles, 5 in. x worked to the outer and inner bottoms,
3^- in., are
and to these in each bay are riveted two bracket plates, 15 Ibs.
FIG. 19.
watertight platform, and the zed bar is passed through with the
inner flange cut away. This makes the watertight work at the
ship's side more readily performed than if the complete zed bar
went through (see Fig. 41).
Asbefore stated, the vertical keel is continuous from end to
end of the ship, but the five longitudinals on each side, which
FIG. 20.
forward end, before the collision bulkhead, and below the pro-
tective deck, the frame consists of a solid plate connected by angles
to the outer bottom, etc. This plate is well lightened by holes.
It will be noticed that, although the inner bottom proper stops
at about one-sixth the vessel's length from each end, yet an inner
skin is obtained well towards the ends by the provision of the water-
tight flats forming the floors of the store-rooms, etc. (see Fig. 19).
First Class Cruisers. Vessels of this type are in some cases
of equal or even greater displacement than battle-ships, by displace-
ment being meant the total weight of the ship. The broad dis-
tinction between a battle-ship and a first class cruiser of recent
design, is that the former has thicker armour with possibly a
greater proportion of the side area protected and a heavier arma-
ment, while the latter has lighter protection and armament, but
with high speed. The following comparison will illustrate this
distinction :
Fig. 23, the inner skin was only carried to the upper part of bilge.
This gave a larger space available for coal. In some cruisers, also,
the upper coal-bunker bulkhead was dispensed with, to increase
the facility of transporting the coal. It is to be observed that in
the more recent practice, the double bottom is carried up to the
protective deck and a fore-and-aft intact bulkhead worked in
the upper bunkers, as in Fig. 2 3 A.
Manyfirst class cruisers, including some of Edgar class and
all the ships of Diadem, Powerful, and Cressy classes, were con-
structed with the bottom sheathed with wood and copper. This
was done because these ships were intended to keep the sea
for long periods without docking. The sheathing of copper is
found to be the best anti-fouler. In building a ship, however,
sheathed instead of unsheathed, certain sacrifices have to be made,
viz. increase of first cost and reduction of measured mile speed.
This subject will again be referred to later when dealing with
methods of preventing fouling.
Framing of a First Class Cruiser. Taking the framing of
the cruiser whose section is shown in Fig. 23, we notice that the
vertical keel is 42 ins. deep and 25 Ibs. (f in.). This depth
is maintained over the whole length of the ship except in the
engine-room, where the depth is about 5 ft. The two top angles
are 3J in. x 3J- in., and the lower angles 4J in. x 41 in. There
are four longitudinals on each side, of which the second and
fourth are watertight. These extend over the length of the
double bottom, i.e. about half length of the ship.
The transverse framing in the double bottom
is similar in
F'csle Deck
Mam Deck
Lower Deck
"[wrT ELZ
FIG. 23A. FIG. 24. Sheathed second class cruiser.
angles along the top 3 x 3 in., and double angles along the
bottom 3-J
in. x 3J in. There are two longitudinals on either
side, 15 Ibs. (f in.), the second one being watertight. The double
bottom extends over the length of the engine and boiler rooms, or
rather less than half length.
For the transverse framing, the outer bar is 7 in. x 3 in., and
is continuous from the keel to the protective deck, about 4 ft.
continuous from the deck on one side to the deck on the other
side, running along the top of the floor- plate as shown. Some
difficulty isexperienced in making the bunker bulkhead water-
tight where the frame, etc., pass through. In order to make a
satisfactory job, the bulkhead is stopped at the reverse bar,
and a dished plate is fitted below between each pair of frames
as shown. The frame above the protective deck is formed of a
4-in. zed bar.
These plates project above the floors and connect to two con-
tinuous angles, 3 in. x 3 in. The lower edges of the intercostal
plates connect to a continuous angle, 3 in. X 3 in. There are in
addition two continuous rider plates, each 9 in. x 12^ Ibs. ( T5^in.),
running along the top of the floors. The side keelsons are
intercostal, with a rider plate on top as shown. Below the
protective deck, before and abaft the machinery space, the frame
is formed as shown in Fig. 28, with a 4-in. zed bar connecting
on to a 10-lb. (J in.) floor-plate. Above the protective deck the
frame is formed of a 4-in. zed bar.
In a more recent third class cruiser, the section of which
is shown in Fig. 2 8 A, greater longitudinal strength was found
necessary because of the greater proportion of length to depth.
The vertical keel in this case is continuous with double angles,
3 in. X 3 top and bottom, the vertical plate being 21 in. X f in.
in. at
The and reverse bar are not continued through the bunker
angles, 3 in. x 3 in., connecting to the flat keel and to the floors.
The intercostal plates project above the floors and connect to two
continuous angles, 3 in. x 3 in. An intercostal keelson is also
worked on either side.
at the top and bottom. The engine and boiler bearers are so
arranged as to assist materially in providing longitudinal strength
to the structure. Flanging of plates is largely adopted to save
the weight of connecting angle bars. The deck is of special
importance, as it is severely strained if the ship is subjected to
a sagging moment. In this case the deck between the beams is
liable to buckle, being of thin plating, and in order to enable it to
FIG. 33.
tie the sides of the ship together, but they form the support to
the decks and platforms. Beams for decks on to which water
is likely to come, as the upper and main decks, are made with a
round down in order that the water may run to the side scuppers.
The amount of this round is 9 in. in a 75-ft. battle-ship, and
every 4 ft.
/ \\
FIG. 35.
The above instance has been taken to show the care taken to
render the upper deck specially strong when such strength is
of length to
required, but in many cases, where the proportion
is not so this strength is not necessary.
depth great, exceptional
many ships.
In the most recent
ships, however, decks
are nearly always com-
pletely plated ;
wood is worked above
as for the weather deck,
there is less likelihood
of the wood catching
fire with the steel under-
neath. For other decks
we have linoleum, and
this necessitates a com-
very advantageously
situated to assist in
the ship's structural CONNECTION.
With the method
adopted of mounting
all the guns above the I
Fig. 40.
Where such a deck is used for purposes of structural strength,
butt-straps are necessary to develop the full strength of the
plating, and the edges are separated from each other.
Platforms, etc. The plating
of platforms and flats is usually
of 10-lb. ( in.) plating, with both edges and butts lapped and
single riveted. For compartments where a good foothold is
desirable, and where there is a lot of heavy wear and tear, the
FIG. 41.
angle bar passes through. In either case angle bars are smithed
round to cover the holes completely the riveting is closely spaced
Fio. 4'2A.
the wood and the steel may act together in resisting the buckling
re o3^
having the width of the plank, is fitted to take the bolts (Figs.
Fio. 44.
underneath has a plate washer and grummet (Fig. 43). All this
is necessary to make the hole in the deck It will
properly tight.
be noticed that the neck of the bolt is square to prevent the bolt
turning when the nut is being screwed up.
The edges and butts of deck planking are caulked to malce
the deck watertight. The edges and butts are left with a slight
opening at the surface, as Fig. 43, and into this oakum is forced,
filling the opening right down to the bottom of the seam. The top
this purpose, with edge strips on the under side worked between
the beams. The upper deck of torpedo-boat destroyers is also
laid with linoleum.
The linoleum is secured to the deck by means of a mixture of
three parts resin and one part tallow, and when secured the edges
are stopped with putty. Eound scuttles and exposed edges the
linoleum is secured in addition to the deck by galvanized iron
strips screwed iuto the plating. For thin decks, as in destroyers,
these strips are secured to the plating by bolts with a nut below
a*. FEET
Mli- T H-^
the same frame space than two passing strakes. With plates as
and the plate. These liners are often lightened, as shown, by oval
holes between the rivets. At the middle line an additional outside
plate, 30 Ibs. (| in.), is worked, called the outer flat keel, the inner
plate being the inner flat keel (see Fig. 3).
Riveting in Outer Bottom. Fig. 46 shows in some detail
the arrangement of the riveting, etc., in the outer bottom plating
near the middle line. The lower angles of the vertical keel are
connected to the flat keels by 1-in. rivets, and as the vertical keel
has to be watertight, these rivets on one side are closely spaced,
viz. 4J to 5 diameters. On the other side a wider spacing, viz.
8 diameters, is all that is necessary. Close spacing is necessary
for the watertight longitudinal, No. 2, and wide spacing for the
non-watertight longitudinal, No. 1. The butt-straps f the inner
and outer fiat keel are treble riveted with 1-in. rivets, and extend
from the keel angles to the edges of the plate concerned. The
edge of the inner keel is connected to the outer keel by a
row of rivets, to get a good connection and to allow the edge to be
caulked. The edge riveting of the outer flat keel is double riveted
with The remainder of the riveting is J- in. diameter,
1-in. rivets.
as shown. The butt-straps are double riveted, and for the outside
strakes extend from the longitudinals to the edge of the inside
strakes. For the inside strake the strap extends the whole width
of the plate.
The ordinary frames are connected to the outer bottom by
rivets spaced 7 to 8 diameters. For the watertight frames it is
I -in.
FIG. 48x.
reserve feed tanks asbestos cloth, and for the oil fuel compart-
ments liquored leather or dexine is used. Air escape plugs are not
necessary in the case of oil fuel compartments, pipes being led into
the open for this purpose. In the case of the manholes to oil fuel
compartments the nuts securing the cover are circular with a slot
requiring a special spanner to open, and with this fitting locks are
not required as would otherwise be the case.
We have already noticed that although the inner bottom proper
ends about one-sixth the length from each end, yet a virtual inner
bottom is obtained well to the ends by the watertight flats, etc.
FIG. 50A.
upper and forecastle deck. Fig. 3 shows the structure at the keel
of a cruiser whose ratio of length to depth is 12'4. This is shown
in comparison with the structure at the keel of a battle-ship of
has already been noticed that the wing bulkhead has been
coal capacity.
dispensed with in some ships to give a greater
52 and 53 show the whole of the watertight subdivision of a
large cruiser,in which it will be noticed that an inner skin is
obtained well towards the ends by means of the flats, etc., to the
In some very long ships it has been necessary to form the upper portion of
the side plating in two thicknesses (say 30 Ibs. each), and in such cases it is found
necessary to work double butt-straps, double riveted on the outside and treble
riveted on the inside, as E, Fig. 10.
Sheer strake 4:5 in. x 12J Ibs. H.H.T. Forward and aft
8 Ibs.
bearers into the general structure of the ship, so that they may
contribute to the structural strength.
Fore and aft girders are worked beneath the deck, to give
longitudinal strength and to support the deck plating against
buckling tendencies, and fore and aft stringers and keelsons
are worked to support the outer bottom plating in a similar
The middle line keel is continuous, and formed of plating
zed bars 3 in. deep. This is not now necessary, because of the
omission of the lining to magazines.
The collisionbulkhead is formed of 15-lb. (f in.) plating,
stiffened by zeds and 3J in. x 2J in. angles spaced alter-
nately 2 ft. apart. Above the protective deck the angles only
are fitted.
The transverse bulkheads forming the divisions between the
engine and boiler-rooms are specially constructed and stiffened
because of the very large area and depth of unsupported plating.
(In one case 46 ft. wide and 25 ft. deep.) The plating is 15 Ib.
(| in.), worked flush jointed, the horizontal joints being covered
with a tee bar 4J in. x 5 in. forming the edge strip. The vertical
butt- straps on the opposite
joints are covered with single-riveted
side to the tee bars. The main stiffening is worked vertical, and
is formed of 5-in. zeds every 4 ft., with 3J in. x 2J in. angles
head, the tee bars being cut and connected to them (Fig. 54).
beams, as Fig. 57. The riveting is closely spaced and the whole
carefully caulked. Another method that is now being adopted is
FIG. 57.
FIG. 57A.
bar round the edge. In " Median's patent door this stiffening
is obtained by embossing the edge to the shape shown, giving us a
clearly the construction, and how the door jams in between the bulk-
head casting and the check plate. The top edge of the casting is pro-
vided with a metal nut, with a thread to correspond with that on the
spindle. This spindle extends from the top of the opening to the main
deck, the thread, of course,
extending only sufficient to open the door.
It hasbeen found necessary to fit a clip at the bottom into which the
door can jam to render the bottom watertight. The door can be closed
by a set of gearing from below, as well
as from above, and, when necessary for \
a taper of -fg in. to a foot, in which the door slides, and in which
the door jams when closed. The door is formed by a steel plate,
by a steel casting, shaped as shown. The weight of
ell stiffened
the door taken by two wheels. The inside edge of the door has
casting. The leading edge of the door jams into a number of clips
on the edge of the frame, and the following edge of the door has
some back pieces, which jam against the back of the bulkhead
frame. The door has two horizontal steel racks, and into these
two gunmetal pinions engage, these being rotated by a vertical
spindle. This spindle extends to the main deck, so that the door
can be worked from above if desired. The door can also be closed
at the door by a spanner, working on a nut on the spindle.
A disadvantage with horizontal doors is the existence of the
bottom groove. The dirt from the traffic soon fills up the groove,
and this gets hard and prevents the door from closing. To obviate
this a sill 'plate is fitted over the sill. When the spindle for closing
is first turned, it plate up out of the way, to allow
turns the sill
the door to slide along and shut. When the door is again opened,
the sill plate automatically drops over the groove again. Hori-
zontal sliding doors are not now being fitted.
The vertical spindles for closing watertight doors are always so
arranged that a right-hand motion closes the door. The deck
plate at the main deck, where the spanner is worked, is provided
with an indicator to show whether the door is shut or not. The
spanner, however, should always be turned as far as possible to
close the door, as frequently after the gearing is worn the indicator
hinged down and secured by means of the two lower butterfly nuts.
It has a sunken strip of indiarubber which engages with a rim on
the inner side of the scuttle. In
action, however, or when guns are
fired in
proximity to the scuttle, it is necessary to hinge back the
glass scuttle, and then the pin of the deadlight is put in the inner
Constant attentionto be paid to all watertight doors, valves, and fittings
to ensure them beinga state of thorough efficiency and watertightness, and
they should always be kept clear for immediate closing. No fitting of any kind
is to be allowed which will
require to be removed before the doors can be shut.
Certain doors are to be permanently closed, and doors fitted for facilitating the
removal of certain parts of auxiliary machinery should be kept closed and water-
tight until actually required for use.
" All
watertight doors and valves below the protective deck, automatic or
otherwise, are to be closed by hand as soon as the anchor is off' the ground, and
not opened until the anchor is let go again, except in the following cases :
(a) For purposes of ventilation for half an hour in the day, or for as long
as considered absolutely necessary by the Captain ;
(6) In parts of the ship which it is absolutely necessary to keep constantly
ventilated, such as where men are employed or sleeping.
" In both
the above cases men should be specially stationed to close by hand,
required, all openings which are of necessity left open."
This suggestion is a revival of one made long ago, then carefully considered
and put aside after certain experimental doors had been tried.
"Automatic arrangements are applied in valves to ventilating trunks and
Parliamentary Paper, No. C. 7208/1893.
other small openings in bulkheads and platforms. Even in such cases the feeling
of the Naval Service has led to the automatic fittings being supplemented by the
means of closing the valves when desired. In doors and scuttles the risks of
the automatic appliances failing to act, or of solid materials being carried into
openings by a rush of water, and preventing doors from closing properly, would
be much greater. These considerations have led to the retention of existing
fittings, the design of which provides that, when properly closed and secured,
doors and hatchway covers shall be as strong as the neighbouring partitions, and
watertight under considerable pressure.
"There is no difficulty in making automatic appliances. It is a question of
what plan secures the maximum of safety under the working conditions of the
Royal Navy. With large numbers of disciplined men, familiar with the fittings,
and constantly drilled in their use, it is possible to close and properly secure all
the doors, etc., in a battle-ship in three to four minutes, or possibly a less time
for ships after long periods in commission.
" In the
Victoria, no orders were given to close doors until one minute before
collision. It is established by the evidence that the doors, etc., were in good
order. The failure to close doors, therefore, was due entirely to the insufficiency
of time available, especially in compartments breached by the collision.
Under these circumstances no new argument in favour of the use of auto-
matic doors seems to arise out of the loss of the Victoria."
sessing good strength and ductility (see Chapter II.), and capable
of being cast into most efficient forms for the special purpose
above not only provide a direct support, but they would resist the
side bending action that would ensue when the ships swung together
after the blow was struck.
The sketches each show a " cofferdam bulkhead 3 ft. abaft
the collision bulkhead. It would be advisable to pack the space
between these bulkheads, like an ordinary cofferdam, before ram-
ming, to limit the flow of water aft, in case the collision bulkhead
was damaged; access is obtained through the various decks for
this purpose. This bulkhead has not been fitted in recent vessels.
The phosphor bronze stem of a sheathed second class cruiser is
shown in Fig. 66. In this case the stem is cast in two pieces, and
the plating and planking have both to be recessed into the casting.
The wood keel also has to be recessed as shown.
In the stems of recent ships the casting has been stopped at
the main deck, the strength to the upper deck or forecastle being
provided for by a bent plate.
Sternposts. The remarks already made as to
the necessity of
in this case also.
phosphor bronze stems in sheathed ships apply
The of a single screw ship has to be formed to receive
and steering gear. See also Figs. 75, 76, 7 6 A, for the sterns of
Lord Nelson and recent battle-ships and battle-cruisers.
Taking first the case of battle-ships, the stern in vessels up to
the Canopus class was of simple construction. The sternpost was
a casting shaped as shown in Fig. 67, with projections on which
the rudder could be supported. In more recent ships the flat
portion of the stern, called the deadwood," has been cut away,
as in Fig. 68, and this makes the shape of the sternpost casting
" "
rather more complicated. The
object of this cut away was to
maintain good turning qualities ; this will be referred to again in
Chapter XX.
shape of the stern. The keel is cut up about 50 ft. from the stern,
but is brought down again to allow about 7 ft. to take the blocks
when docking. A 2-in. plate is worked horizontally from the stern-
post, extending well forward and securely fastened to the ship's
structure. This thick plate forms a substantial bed, to which the
lower palms of the shaft brackets and the forward end of the stern-
FIG. 68.
nought and subsequent ships the stern has been formed similar to
Fig. 76, the stern being cut right up and the two rudders com-
pletely underhung. The sternpost of Lord Nelson is constructed
as in Fig. 78A, the weight of the rudder being taken
by the pintle.
Coming now to the sterns of cruisers, we notice that the stern
Fia. 75.
Fia. 7G.
has been shaped in two ways, in both of which a " balanced
rudder is obtained
1. As Fig. 69, as adopted in large cruisers up to and including
FIG. 78. Rudder of battle-ship.
and the space inside with fir. The rudders of the battle-ships
is filled
In the Lord Nelson the rudder is shaped as Fig. 78A, the stern
being cut away, as shown in Fig. 75, to improve turning. The
weight of the rudder is taken on the bottom of the sternpost and not
inside the ship at the rudder-head, as has formerly been the practice.
The casting is not continued at the fore and after edges, flat bars only
the rudder lifting, and that at the upper part is necessary to enable
the rudder to be lifted for getting out. These portions are portable.
) = 1'8 or an increase of
80 per cent. This represents
the greater pressure, to be
dealt with per unit area in
the fastest cruisers as com-
FIG. 81, pared with ordinary battle-
ships. If we fitted a rudder
hinged on the forward edge in a fast ship, the steering engine and
gear would have to be of great power, and steering by hand would
be difficult. On these accounts the rudders of all recent ships
have been balanced, so that the twisting moment of the water
pressure about the rudder-head is small even at high speeds.
The weight of the rudder was formerly taken by the top of the
sternpost, as shown in Fig. 77. At the top of the rudder-head a
recess is formed, into which a bearing is placed in two halves.
pressure then is nearer the after edge, and the twisting moment about the axis
is of considerable amount. This twisting moment, combined with the bending
moment, will determine the necessary size for the rudder-head, unless the ahead
conditions require a larger diameter.
Accordingly two rudders were fitted with their heads in the same
transverse section. The rudders were placed immediately abaft
the inner pair of propellers, which helps in the steering directly
the engines turn and before the ship gathers way. The rudders
are balanced and completely underhung. The weight is neces-
sarily taken inside the ship. The diameter of the rudder-head is
considerable, because of the great bending moment which comes
on the rudder-head where it enters the ship. In this case the
twisting moment is small and the diameter of the rudder-stock is
determined by the conditions due to bending when going full
speed ahead. Similar steering arrangements have been fitted in
In any rudder, the head being under water, it is necessary that
the hole in the sternpost should bo made watertight. The hole
FIG. 82.
* * t0
steerig gear.pends on -
(i) The area of the rudder
is iRi tu"S A
TH Iimit
an aCC m Panied
Blower motion at
an^TZT ^
Zge *
by a
steering gear is
,hieh have been largel
3d in battle-ships. A
cross-head on the rudder-head is connected
parallel rods to a second cross-head, on to which a long tiller is
ached. The forward end
ot this tiller is of parallel
the chain or sprocket wheel broke, the tiller would swing from
side to side with the movement of the rudder. On this account a
friction brake is fitted, to hold the tiller ifnecessary. This brake
is tightened up to hold the tiller when the gear has to be changed
from hand to steam, or vice versa.
2. Harfield's Steering
Gear. This patent gear has
been fitted in a number of
FIG. 85.
of compensation, which is
obtained as shown in Figs. 83
and 86. The forward cross-head is fitted with a curved rack,
The steam-engine heats the compartment, making special
ventilation necessary.
The steam and exhaust pipes led from the boilers heat the
compartments at the after end of the ship, through which they pass.
Attention of the engine-room staff is required at the
In recent ships the steering engines, of which there are two,
are placed on the after bulkhead of the engine-room. In some
cases duplicate shafts are taken aft, one from each engine, to the
gear; in recent vessels, however, only one shaft is taken aft, the
connection being made in the engine-room to enable either engine
to work the steering gear.
The steam steering enginesare of ample power, and in a large
ship the time specified to take the rudder from hard-over to hard-
over is only 30 seconds when the vessel is going full speed, A
worm and worm-wheel between the shaft and the steering
is fitted
engine, so that shocks from the rudder are kept from the engine,
i.e. supposing the steering gear is reversible.
ning tower, lower deck forward in the lower conning tower. The
engine worked from these positions by means of controlling
FIG. 89.
(Fig. 89).
In Harfield's gear an interesting clutch is fitted just abaft the
hand wheels (Fig. 90). The wheels A and B are loose on the
shaft, and are provided with pawls at A and B, so that motion of
A in a right-handed direction and motion of B in a left-handed
direction (looking from the bulkhead) is impossible. The pinion,
which gears with the spur wheel on the steering gear, moves
Fio. 90.
One connecting-rod pin for crosshead, one ditto for sleeve, one length of the
weakest shafting 7 in. diameter, one spur wheel 34 teeth and one with 64 teeth
being the wheels from the steam gear, one complete set of brasses, one bush and
one gland for each size fitted. All of these are tried in place and stowed.
be the first to go, and so save the steering gear itself. spare A
length of this shafting is carried to replace.
Clutches, etc. All steering wheels are so arranged that the
upper part of the wheel moves in the same direction as that of
the ship's head. In a large ship the steam steering wheels take
the rudder from hard-over to hard-over in eight complete turns, the
hand wheels requiring twenty-four complete turns.
Clutches are fitted to enable the gear to be changed quickly
from connection with one engine to the other, or from either
engine to the hand wheels. In doing this it is necessary to hold
the gear (unless this is self-holding), by means of a brake, usually
a friction brake. Indicators are provided in a prominent position,
showing the angle at which each engine, hand wheels, and the
steering gear itself are situated. The angle shown on the indi-
cating dials for the rudder, steam steering shaft, and hand steering
shaft all now show the position of the helm and not the position
of the rudder. It is of the greatest importance that connec-
tion should only be made when the engine or hand wheels,
as the case may be, indicate the same angle as the steering
gear itself. For, suppose the engine at 5 port is coupled with
the steering gear at 0, then when the steam-engine is taken over
to hard-a-starboard the gear will bring up against the stops with
the engine at full speed, and some part of the gear will be fractured.
In recent ships the steam gear brings up at 35, and the gear
itself brings up with the rudder at 38. The clutches to the
steering gear should be so arranged that it is not possible for the
steam steering engines to become geared up together, or for either
to be geared up to the hand wheels under any circumstances.
having twin rudders. Each rudder has its own set of screw
steering gear, either of which can be disconnected by a clutch
CL 1. The screw in this case was 6f in. under thread, 8J in.
over thread, and the pitch was If in. single thread. 1 It is seen,
by putting in the clutch CL 2, which throws the hand-gear clutch
CL 3 out, the shaft from the steering engine works the port set of
gear direct, and by means of the spur-wheels A, B, C, and D, the
starboard set of gear is given an identical motion. The shaft
takes 16 revolutions to take the rudder from hard over to hard
It will be noticed that the ratio pitch -4- circumference is below the value 0-075
mentioned on p. 102.
over 35 each way. To put the hand gear in, the clutch CL 3 is
* te
all, the steering all having been performed by the twin screws.
In the most recent ships it has been found impossible to steer
satisfactorily by manual power, and hand wheels and gear are not
fitted. An auxiliary gear is provided in some ships, worked by
" "
means of the Williams-Janney variable speed gear, of sufficient
If A be the area of a hole in a ship's bottom in square feet, and d the distance
of the centre of the hole below water, then the initial velocity of the water
through the hole is given by 8*/d ft. per second, so that jjvery second there
would be SAy'd cubic ft. of water entering, or about lK*/d tons per minute.
If the hole is 16 ft. below the surface, about 56 tons will enter in a minute for
every square foot of area.
56 tons a minute is 3360 tons an hour.
etc. The forward and after drains, and also the main drain, each
have connection to a sea valve for flushing purposes. The
compartments and inner coal-bunkers are drained on to the of top
the inner bottom, as shown in Figs. 91 and 93.
When a flat requires draining, a valve, as Fig. 99, is fitted.
pockets, independent
main suction, direct to the steam
of the
pumps. Mud
pockets, are placed at intervals on the main
suction as shown. This main suction also has branches to the
bottom of the ship, forward and aft of the double bottom,
as shown in Fig. 92. The main suction is connected with the
steam pumps in the engine-room, so that any desired compart-
ment may be pumped out by the use of the steam pumps of
the ship.
Downton Pumps. A connection is also made with each of
Fio. 94. Downton This action creates a partial vacuum above the piston,
pump. and water will rise and fill the upper part of the piston
chamber. During the upward movement this water is
forced up through the valve C, the valve D closing. The water which then
collects below the piston is forced away during the downward stroke. In this
way a continuous flow of water is delivered either overboard through the
discharge or into the rising main (Fig. 93).
FIG. 95.
The branch to the fire main has a N.E. valve, E, so arranged
that when the fire-engines are working the pressure from the fire
main is prevented from affecting the hand pumps or their system
of pipes. The rising main from the Downton is shown in Fig. 93,
and this can be used for wash deck purposes, etc., hose connections
being fitted as shown. A connection is made across the ship to
the pump on the opposite side. Fig. 95 shows how the valves at
the ship's side are geared to be worked from the level of the pump,
and also from the
main deck if desired.
To pump any com-
partment out, all the
valves between the
fire-engine or Down-
DFLIVFRV ton and the compart-
ment must be opened.
Thus for a forward
compartment all the
bulkhead stop valves
FIG. 96. Screw-down FIG. 97. Screw-down must be opened be-
valve. non-return and flood- i
The fire main itself in the Duncan is a copper pipe 5 in. diameter,
running all fore and aft under the protective deck. It is con-
nected in the engine-room with the fire and bilge pumps, stop
valves being fitted to shut off the fore-and-after portions of the
system as desired. The fire main system can be charged from
the Downton pumps if required, but the connection is fitted
with a non-return valve, so that the pressure in the fire main
may not affect the Downton pumps. The fire main is not
rigidly connected to the protective deck, but is either supported
from bulkheads or from slings connected to the deck. Branches
are taken from the fire main to each stokehold, to submerged
torpedo-rooms, capstan engine-room, ammunition passages, etc.,
with connections at each place for attaching a couple of hoses.
Rising mains are led at intervals to the upper deck, two of
these are led up under protection inside the barbettes. Each
rising main has a stop valve beneath the
protective deck at its
junction with the main, and these valves are placed in
.3. o
water. In some ships a mud box with perforated grid inside has
been fitted in the position shown, and the cover can be readily
removed for clearing out (see Fig. 103E). The hand- wheels and
deck-plates for flooding are marked L, which indicates that they
" "
are locked and must only be opened under proper instructions.
Fio. 103R
FIG. 103D.
A book
is issued to each ship, and among other things it is
on board, because the moisture causes a rapid and dangerous generation of heat
and gas. The coal should also be kept as dry as possible (thus when cleaning
the main deck the coaling scuttles should be kept closed.) Temperature tubes
are provided in all coal-bunkers, so that the temperature in the body of the coal
explosive gas. Special precautions in this respect are necessary for a few days
after coaling.
be used for coal if desired, and in the deep load condition these
are assumed to be filled).
1. Upper bunkers. These bunkers are formed into groups,
Fig. 102 shows the arrangements for the forward group of four. A
trunk is taken into the funnel casing into which all the four bunkers
exhaust. Each bunker has a separate supply by means of a pipe
leading from the upper deck. The coaling scuttles in the main
deck can also be removed and the gratings put in if desired.
2. Lower bunkers. The supply pipes for these bunkers are
taken down the ventilators in order to avoid piercing the thick
decks, and the exhausts are taken up the funnel casings. A
separate supply and exhaust is taken from each bunker, the
supply pipe being taken to the far corner so as to get the current
of air well over the top of the bunker.
3. Wing bunkers. These bunkers are ventilated similarly to
the lower bunkers.
The upper end of each supply pipe is fitted with a louvre with
fittings for locking, and the louvre has engraved upon it, Not to be
closed without special order." The top ends of the exhausts are led
above the upper deck, each with a mushroom top and a throttle
valve for closing. Where these pipes have a bend where water
is likely to accumulate, a plug is fitted so that the water can be
are in pairs (see Fig. 49), fitted as far apart as possible, and hand
fans can be used to ventilate the spaces before entering.
Ordinary Ship Ventilation. 1. With large steam-driven fans-
For the artificial ventilation of spaces below, the system adopted,
up to and including Canopus class, was by means of a number
of large steam-driven fans. Trunks were led from these fans, and
these trunks were pierced by louvres to allow air to pass into the
compartments through which the trunks pass. Fig. 106 shows
some specimen leads in a ship of the Majestic class. In these
ships there were ten fans, eight being 6 ft. in diameter, two being
4 ft. 6 in. in diameter. Some of the most important of these are
connected together, so that if a fan breaks down the other can do
its work. With this system the watertight bulkheads are con-
stantly pierced by the non-watertight trunks, and it is necessary
at such places to fit valves which will automatically close the
The large fans require steam-engines, which heat the com-
partments, and which require long lengths of steam and exhaust
(ii.) The use
of the automatic valves to keep the flats and
bulkheads intact. These are frequently found either to work too
stiffly, so that they do not act, or to be too sensitive, so that the
motion or vibration of the ship continually closes them. In the
former case the watertightness of the bulkheads is completely
destroyed, and in the latter great inconvenience is caused by the
shutting off of the ventilation.
Living and sleeping spaces have artificial supply and natural
exhaust, and the supply after leaving the fan is passed through a
steam heater for warming the air. The great difficulty is to avoid
draughts which lead to the pipes being stuffed up, and as far as
possible the outlets are taken so that the air issuing will not cause
inconvenience either to men sleeping in hammocks or sitting at
the mess tables.
Compartments containing auxiliary machinery, as dynamos
and hydraulic engines, are now always ventilated by the exhaust
system. That is, one or two fans are provided for exhausting
the hot air, discharging it above the weather deck, and the supply
" "
is natural and comes down the large escape trunk with opening
at or above the weather deck. The great advantage of this system
is that the hot air is drawn directly out of the compartment and
the fresh air is supplied without draughts, this latter is almost
impossible when supply fans are employed, as they deliver the air
I S a
-J55 a .3
S s
111 _l-g
*JS 78
_-c s
cc - |11.^
CI.-M ci
S T3
.52 S
S 2
OD 2-
^ ^ij
55 ^q P
Cu o
= o o-o
08 08
ct ft. O J PM
VI *
-.9 gog-o
2 fiP.1^
* af
o a
- *3
rust is once formed it does not cover up and protect the material,
but itself is a cause of further corrosion. Eust is hydroscopic, i.e.
etc., and in all such places a strip of zinc is secured to the plating,
called a zinc protector (see Figs. 77 and 108 for examples). (For a
sheathed ship it will be noticed that these zinc protectors are not
necessary (Fig. 108)). The current then goes on between the gun-
metal and the zinc, rather than between the steel and zinc or the
steel and copper, and the zinc becomes corroded. The zinc thus
protects the steel structure by its own decay, and it can be readily
examined and renewed as opportunity offers. It is evident that
these zinc protectors should le left unpainted.
Gunmetal and brass propellers of steel ships are now kept
bright, not being painted at all, in order to reduce the friction of
water on the blades, which is an important factor in
efficiency. This, however, results in a tendency to corrosion
between the metal propeller and the adjacent hull due to galvanic
action, and special attention has to be paid to the coating of the
hull and to the cleaning of the zinc protectors in the vicinity.
An extra coat of composition is applied to the portions likely to
be liable to corrosion.
Fouling". In dealing with the outer surface of a ship below
water, we have notonly to seal up the plating to prevent corrosion,
but also to avoid, as far as possible, the attachment of marine
gro^hs and animals. This is termed fouling, and some means
of preventing fouling must be adopted in order to keep the
resistance as low as possible. The increase of resistance due to
fouling very considerable, and if a certain speed is desired it
off the surface, and any marine growths, etc., which have attached
themselves to the ship are thus washed off as the ship moves along.
This action of copper is termed exfoliation. Although the copper
ispoisonous, it is not by poisoning that the growths, etc., become
detached, since these only use the ship to attach themselves to, the
nourishment being obtained from the water. There is, however,
said to besome poisonous effect on germs that are deposited.
With wooden ships, therefore, for many years copper was the
FIG. 110.
Fi. in.
between the copper and the structure was obtained. Fig. 109
shows the method of securing the wood sheathing. The inner
thickness was connected to the frame bars by naval brass bolts
screwed through, with a nut on the inside. The outer thickness
was connected to the inner by copper through bolts. The com-
posite system is not, however, structurally strong enough
vessels of any size and power, and no ships of the Eoyal Navy
have been built on this system for some time. The system
adopted instead has been to build the ship completely
an iron or steel ship, with skin plating as usual but on to this ;
screwed through the bottom plating, and with plate washers under-
neath the nuts.
3. The thorough water-testing of the skin plating before the
planking is worked.
4. careful fitting, fairing, and fastening of the planks
The most ;
the bolt heads and under the plate washers to secure watertightness
in the bolt holes. The use of a plug of cement over the bolt head
to prevent the sheathing nails coming into contact with the bolts
and destroying the insulation.
Ill shows the method of fastening above described.
For any vessel sheathed with copper it is impossible to use
iron or steel for stem, sternpost, etc., in consequence of the
can be made to give good castings, and which also possesses good
Copper sheathing. The surface of the vessel is payed over with
pitch, and tarred paper is placed on, and the copper sheets are then
fixed on with brass nails.
cruisers, every four years. Third class cruisers, scouts, and small
vessels with plating over 10 Ibs. (J in.), every two years. Torpedo-
boat destroyers, torpedo boats, and other small vessels with plating
10 Ibs. and under, every year.
Pipes at the lower parts of a ship should preferably be of
galvanized iron, and not copper or lead. If, however, copper or
lead pipes have to be used, it is necessary that they be well
preventing corrosion.
The inner bottom plating under engines and boilers is specially
liable to corrosion, especially the upper surface, due apparently to
the fretting action of the ashes and hot water. These parts should
be frequently examined, and where rust is found to be forming, or
where the paint is abraded, the surface should be thoroughly scaled,
cleaned, and dried, and coated with three coats of red-lead paint.
Cement. The cementing carried out in recent ships is of far
Fig 112, for a length of 218 ft. and a depth of 22 ft. This 4.J-in.
armour was the thickest that could then be produced, and experi-
ments carried out at the time showed that it was sufficient to
withstand the guns then in use. The armour was of wrought iron,
and this material was used for protection right up to the Inflexible,
(1874). Owing, however, to the continuous
development of gun power the thickness and
disposition of the armour in subsequent ships
underwent considerable modifications. One
serious disadvantage in the Warrior was the
Fro. 119.
wv 3
* (log 693,500,000 8-841)
I) 693,500,000
where t = thickness of wrought iron in inches
V= striking velocity in feet per second
D= calibre of shot in inches
W = weight of shot in pounds (uncapped).
The figure of merit of any particular plate is the ratio between
the thickness of wrought iron and of that plate which is just
perforable by a given projectile and the same striking velocity.
EXAMPLE. A 6-in. armour plate is attacked by a 6-in. 100-lb. Holtzer
armour piercing shot with 2200 per second striking velocity.
ft. The shot
just perforates the plate, find the figure of
100 x (22QO) 3
we have t z =_ for wrought iron.
6 693,500,000
By using logarithms t is found to be IG'O in., so that the figure of merit
is 2-66.
seven with barbette mountings for the heavy guns (Royal Sovereign,
Ramillies, Repulse, Royal Oak, Resolution, Revenge, Empress of India),
and one with turrets (Hood). The former ships were able to obtain
a greater height of big guns above water than the Hood on account
of the weight involved in the turrets.
In these ships the waterline belt was 8J ft. broad, with a
maximum thickness of 18 in., covered in with a horizontal deck
3 in. thick (see Figs. 11 and 122). The length of the belt was
FIG. 124.
the bottom of the armour at the side, as shown in Fig. 124. This
deck was 3 in. on the flat and 4 in. on the slope. In this arrange-
ment of armour the influence of the larger nature of quick-firing
guns is seen. The protection at the waterline is not sufficient
to keep out the heaviest projectiles. It is, however, backed
by the 4-in. sloping deck (which is about equivalent to 5 in.
is graduated from the face to the back. After heating the face is
placed under the cold water douche.
w-v 2 =
% (log 2,255,000 6-3532)
d 2,255,000
the termsmeaning the same as before.
This formula can be used to construct a diagram as Fig. 132,
in which the thickness of plate can be picked up for various
forward and aft, are 2 in. A section of the side amidships of this
class is given in Fig. 127.
" "
Formidable Class. The next type of ship laid down
(1898) was the Formidable class (Formidable, Implacable, Irresis-
tible). These ships are 400 ft. long and 15,000 tons. They are
protected similarly to the Majestic, with 9-in. armour, but the
main deck is made 1 in., and the middle deck 2 in. on the flat and
3 on the slopes (see Fig. 132 for section at side). The lower
decks at ends are 2 in. forward, 2J in. aft, and the side forward
has 2 in., worked on a double thickness of plating. The side
plating aft is increased to a total thickness of 1^ in. The barbettes
have a maximum thickness of 12 in.
" The Formidable class (Bulwark,
Bulwark." five later ships of
guns in pairs, and to place these guns so that they were free to
fireover very large arcs of training meant a much longer ship }
the length finally fixed upon being 490 ft. This length in con-
junction with the breadth (82 ft.), the draught (26 ft. 6 in.), and
the displacement (17,900 tons) leads to a coefficient of fineness of
0'59. With a form of this length and fineness a higher speed than
thickness, and the shields to the 12-in. guns are 11 in. in thick-
ness. The forward conning tower is 11 in. and the after conning
tower is 8 in. The main deck is a protective deck J in. thick,
and the lower protective deck is 1J in. on the flat and 2| in. on
the slope. There are five submerged torpedo tubes, one being right
at the stern.
" "
Bellerophon (1907). The ships immediately following the
Dreadnought, viz. Bellerophon, Superb, and Temeraire, were of
similar type, but the draught was increased 6 in. and the dis-
belt have already been noticed, and since the Orlando until the
time of Cressy class (1897) large cruisers were "protected," 1 i.e.
they had the vitals covered in with a thick deck, and this thick
deck, in conjunction with the coal stowed above it, was depended
upon to give protection. We shall see in Chapter XVI. how
constructed on this system (Figs. 24, 26, 27). The side bunkers
are also well subdivided by watertight bulkheads in order to
localizeany damage at the waterline (see Fig. 54).
" "
Cressy (1897). The ships of Cressy class represent a distinct
departure in the design of large cruisers. There were six ships of
this class, all being sheathed with teak and copper (Cressy,
c 3
burgh, but there is no armour between the main and upper decks
except that protecting the mountings of the 9*2-in. and 7'5-in.
guns. The lower deck is of J-in. mild steel with 1-in. K.N".C. on
the flat and IJ-in. K.N.C. on the slopes, making a total of 1J- in.
on the flat and 2 in. on the slopes. The main deck is not fitted
with thick plating except over the engines; the lower deck
forward and aft is 2 in. thick.
"Invincible" (1906). There are three vessels of this class,
viz. Invincible, Inflexible, Indomitable. The dimensions are :
.?/ I *
l\l I
length, 660 ft. ; breadth, 90 ft, 6 in. ; draught, 28 ft. 6 in. ; dis-
placement, 28,500 tons, and with 85,000 horse-power has a
designed speed of 28 knots. Eight 13J-iu. and twelve 6-in. guns
are carried with four torpedo tubes. The armour belt is 9 in.
thick, and is carried to the upper deck with a 6-in. battery above
for the 6-in. guns.
Second and Third Class Cruisers. As mentioned above,
these cruisers are built on the deck-protected system, Fig. 24
Glasgow . .
1909. Gloucester .
Liverpool . .
FIG. 139. Armoured hatch.
they are made rather wider, about 18 in., in order to allow bags
Omitted in recent ships (see Fig. 13).
. 142.
FIG. 143.
FIG. 144. Support to 6-in. armour.
bwo sides only are parallel, as ABCD (Fig. 150). Calling the
parallel sides a and b respectively, and
h the distance between
them, the area = J (a -f b) h, or one-half the sum of the parallel
sides multiplied by the distance between them.
4. Circle. (a) Length of circumference is TT times the diameter,
where TT = 2
31416, or -^ nearly.
v /
Area of circle of diameter d = ?
5. Curvilinear figure, as ABCD (Fig. 151). The area of figures
of this character are continually required in ship calculations.
(a) Trapezoidal rule. This rule has found considerable favour,
especially in France and the United States, on account of its great
i.. the first and last ordinates are added together and divided by
two, then all the remaining ordinates are added and the total sum
is multiplied by the common interval.
The following example will illustrate the use of the rule and
how near the result obtained is to the real area required.
Thecurve, whose ordinates 2 ft. apart are 0, 2*2, 4*0, 5'4, 6'4, 7*0, and
7'2 respectively, is a portion of a common parabola, and the exact area
enclosed is 57'6 square ft. Find the area by using the trapezoidal rule.
= + '
7 2
Area 2
( 2
+ 2-2 + 4'0 + 5'4 + 6'4 + 7-o)
= 57-2 square ft.
employed is
(&) Simpson's first rule. Take a figure as ABCD (Fig. 152),
aud divide the base into two equal parts in the point E. Then,
assuming the curve is a common parabola, the area ABCD is
Area LMCB = -
(?/ 5 -f 4ye 4- yi)
Number of
EXAMPLE. The following ordinates, 1-3 ft. apart, give a curve which is an
arc of a circle of 6 ft. radius, viz. 0, 1'56, 2'41, 2-86,
3-00, 2-86, 2'41, 1/56, 0. The exact area of the circular
segment thus obtained is 22' 1 square ft. If the area be
calculated by the two methods considered above we
PIG. 153.
03, 22-7, 48-8, 73-2, 88-4, 82-8, 58-7, 26-2, 3-9 square ft.
The same body is divided by horizontal planes, 1 ft. 6 in. apart, having the
following areas, viz.
944, 795, 605, 396, 231, 120, 68, 25, 8 square ft.
The following is the calculation using the areas of the transverse sections, the
curve of areas being given in Fig. 153
Nnmber of
Number of
(a) The normal load draught, the ship being fully equipped,
with reserve feed-tanks empty, and with the legend weights of
coal, etc., on board.
(&) The deep load draught, the ship being fully equipped,
fresh- water and reserve feed-tanks full and bunkers full.
The light draught, being an extreme light condition
of the
above, but with the boilers quite full, and the engine condensers
and feed-tanks empty.
A specimen stability statement is given at the end of Chapter
It should be stated that ships generally increase in draught
somewhat as time goes on, owing to the alterations and additions
carried out. Large weights of paint are often worked into a ship,
In ships carrying oil fuel there is an extreme deep load draught which sup-
poses, in addition to (&), that the oil fuel compartments are filled to 95 per cent, of
their capacity.
FIG. 156.
previous chapter as 4052 cubic ft., will weigh if floating at the top
waterplane in salt water QK = 115 '8 tons. If floating at the
same waterplane in river water, of which 35'6 cubic ft. go to the
ton, the weight would be ^^ = 114 tons.
A- This must be the weight neces-
35 s- tons.
sary to add to sink the ship 1 in., or to take out to lighten the ship
1 in. This is termed the tons-per-inck immersion.
Tons per inch
-^ = 18'7 tons
Rise = fQ-^.
= 3 in.
the correct figure for a particular ship. The correct tons per inch
is usually given in the Ship's Book. The length between perpen-
and breadth of hull are used above instead of the length
and breadth on L.W.L., as the latter are not usually known with-
out reference to the drawings.
The following show how far the approximation holds in different ships :
the L.W.L.
Coefficient of Fineness. This is the ratio which the actual
volume of displacement bears to the volume of a
rectangular block
having the same length as that of the ship between perpendiculars,
the same breadth and the depth equal to the mean draught of the
110.000 ,15,000 I
I I I I l
FIG. 157.
"Formidable." 400 ft. x 75 ft. x 26| ft. x 15,000 tons; 15,000 I.H.P.,
18 knots.
Volume of displacement = 15,000 x 35 cubic ft.
Volume of block = 400 x 75 x 26-75 cubic ft.
Coefficient of fineness
= = '
400^75 x 2 6'75
"Duncan." 405 ft. x 75| ft. x 2CJ ft. x 14,000 tons; 18,000 I.H.P.. 19
14,000 x 35 =
of fineness
= fl
of fineness = 0-59.
"Amethyst." 360 ft. x 40 ft. x 14| ft. x 3000 tons; 9800 I.H.P., 212
3000 x 35
Coefficient of fineness = =
360 x 40 x 14'5
"Drake. 500 ft. x 71 ft. x 26 ft. x 14,100 tons; 30,000 I.H.P., 23
W x 2240
We have
., ,
= T x t
x 2240 Ibs.,
W x 2240 T x t X 2240
Thus for a battle-ship 57*2 tons per inch, 15,000 tons displace-
= 15,000 =4
ment, the difference of draught ^ 7
= jrjj
X draught.
L x B x D) J*
(0 52 x
(I) C^sers . <^ x L x ^f ,
= =r x draught.
,, .
W .
-^ ^
Reserve of Buoyancy and Freeboard. We have seen that
buoyancy is the upward support given by the water to the ship,
and this upward force exactly equals the weight of the ship.
Freeboard is the height of the upper deck at side (to top of
deck plank if fitted) from the water surface. Reserve of "buoyancy
204 WAR-SHIPS. ,
quence of the loss of buoyancy the vessel must draw on the reserve
of buoyancy by sinking down to the waterline WL' to the draught
(I feet, say
and seeing that the weight of ship is the same, these two volumes
must be the same, so that d = 12'5 ft.
It is important to note that if a compartment is filled with
coals, stores, etc., the space thus occupied cannot be taken up by
the water, and thus the lost buoyancy is much less. For instance,
in the above vessel, if the central compartment were filled with
coal from the ends, the vessel floating at the same draught of 10 ft.
displacement. When the water filled the space, before the ship
was there, the weight of the water acted through this point, and
so the support of the surrounding water, or, as we term it, the
waterplane, can be accurately calculated by simple rules (which
it is not proposed to discuss in this work), and this position has
V5 j_ "*"
^ "\ where D= mean draught (excluding keel pro*
3\ 2 12 T/ jection, if any)
W= displacement in tons
T = tons per inch
1. Vessel 2135 tons, 18'7 tons per inch, 13 ft. 6 in. mean draught.
= +
C.B. below L.W.L. approx.
j(?^ 12 x^) = 11<76 ft '
move, these two forces which are acting on the ship must act in
the same vertical line. That is to say, the C.G. and the C.B.
must be in the same vertical line.
place, it is evident that both sides are equal, and they are both pulling in the
same line.
See the author's "Theoretical Naval Architecture.
1 '
These three kinds of equilibrium are seen in Fig. 161, in which cylinders are
shown resting on a smooth table.
(a) In the first case the C.G. is below the centre, and if the cylinder is
FIG. 161.
slightly inclined it is seen that the two forces acting, viz. (1) the weight
through the C.G., and (2) the support of the table through the point of contact,
form a couple which tend to take the cylinder back to the upright. This is a
state of equilibrium which is stable.
(b} In the second case the C.G-. is above the centre, and on slightly inclining
it isseen that the couple acting is an upsetting couple, and the cylinder will
incline still farther. This is a state of equilibrium which is unstable.
(c) In the last case the C.G. coincides with the centre of the figure, and there
will be no tendency to return to or incline further from the original position on
giving a small inclination. This is a state of equilibrium which is neutral. This
is the necessary condition for a billiard ball. The ivory must be perfectly homo-
geneous, so that the C.G. is at the centre of the ball, and the ball must be perfectly
gpherical, so that the support will always act through the centre.
In the case of a ship let Fig. 162 represent the vessel inclined
to a small angle 0. WL was the position of the waterline on the
ship when upright; B, the
position of the C.B. when
upright; and G, the position
of the C.G. The ship as in-
clined has a new waterline,
WL', and the C.B. of the new
displacement will be at B', so
that the buoyancy will now
act through B'. Let the verti-
cal through B' cut the
vertical through B in M.
Then in the first case, in Fig. 161, we notice that the couple acting
on the ship tends to bring her back to the upright. In the second
case the couple tends to incline her still further from the upright.
We see that whether the couple is a righting couple or an
upsetting couple depends on the relative positions of the points
G and M.
If G is below M, the couple is a righting couple, and the
ship is
in stable equilibrium. If G is above M, the couple is an
couple, and the ship is in unstable equilibrium. If G coincides
with M, the ship is in neutral equilibrium. The point is thus M
seen to be an important point, as its position relative to G deter-
mines the state of the equilibrium in the upright condition. It is
given the name of the transverse metacentre when dealing with
transverse inclinations, and the distance between G and M is
termed the metacentric height.
We thus see that there are three conditions which must be
fulfilled in order that a floating body shall float freely and at rest
in stable equilibrium, viz.
1. The weight of the body must exactly equal the weight of the
water displaced ;
The C.Gr. and the C.B. must be in the same vertical line ; and
displacement) or BM = y.
The moment
of a figure about any axis is obtained by dividing
the area into a large number of small areas, and multiplying each
by its distance from the axis. The addition of all such products
is called the moment.
The moment of inertia of a figure about any axis goes one step
further. The area is divided into a large number of small areas,
and each of these is multiplied by the square of its distance from
See the author's " Text-book of Theoretical Naval Architecture."
This definition and the value of the moment of inertia given for a rectangle
may be illustrated by the following approximation to the I of a rectangle 100 ft.
X 20 ft. about the centre line. Divide the breadth into ten strips, each having an
area of 100 X 2 = 200 square ft. the centre of the strips from the centre line are
9, 7, 5, 3, and 1 ft. respectively. The I of the half of rectangle about the centre
line is therefore nearly
[200 X 2
(9) ] + [200 X (7) J
+ [200 X (5) ]
+ [200 X 2
(3) ] + [200 X 2
(1) J
and for both sides I = 66,000. The exact value is T15 (100)(20) 3 = 66,666. If the
strips had been taken 1 ft. wide a closer approximation still would have been
Battle Ship
Battle Cruiser
Thus Drake, a cruiser of 14,100 tons, carrying two 9'2-in. guns in shallow
and sixteen 6-in. guns in casemates, is 71 ft. beam.
But Duncan, a battle-ship of 14,000 tons, carrying four 12-in. guns in
massive barbettes, with twelve 6-in. guns in casemates, has to be 75 ft.
beam to obtain sufficient stability. (See Fig. 163 for comparison of shapes of
waterplane of a battle-ship and a cruiser.)
A similar cause was in operation resulting in the Lord Nelson being made
79J ft. beam. In this ship placing of the whole armament of four 12-in. and ten
to be higher than in previous
9-2-in guns on the upper deck caused the C.G.
ships, and the metacentre had to be made higher by increasing the beam.
Similarly the Dreadnought with ten 12-in. guns, eight on the upper deck
and two on the had to be made 82 ft. in breadth to get a sufficiently
high metacentre.
from W.L., and the C.G. at half depth. To find the position of the
downwards, we have the C.B. 4'24 in. from the C.G. and
A X 240 x (18\/2) 3
240 x 18 x 9
= 8-48 in.
We notice that there are two influences at work in obtaining
the stability in the second case, viz. (1) C.B. rises, owing to the
new shape of the displacement, carrying M
with it, and (2) BM
is increased owing to the greater breadth at the waterplane.
214 WAR-SHIPS. -
FIG. 167.
At 30 ft. 6 in. waterline, C.B. is 10'35 ft. below 27 ft. 6 in. waterline
27 ft. 6 in. C.B. is 12-00 ft.
waterline, BM
= 20*5 ft. at 21 ft. 6 in. waterline,
= 24'5 ft. BM
These distances, set up from BI, B 2 B 3 B respectively, give the, ,
spots MI, 2 3 M M M
4 and the curve through these is the locus of
, , ,
FIG. 168.
taken into the service, and converted into a hospital ship). She
is much narrower than the other vessels, and the effect of this is
Weights are placed on the upper deck, as Fig. 169, and w tons,
say, is moved across the deck, a distance of d feet. Then the C.G.
of the ship will shift to G', such that
C.G., G'. Then the point where B'G-' meets the middle line is M
the transverse metacentre. If 8 is the angle of heel, then
GG '
= w x d
W x GM
w X d
or GM = W X tan 9 (3)
The only part in this that we do not know is tan 0, and this
i i
P" i
2i8 WAR-SHIPS. ,
vessel displacing 5372 tons is inclined by shifting 25 tons of ballast across
the deck, the mean deflection observed being 10 \ in. in 15 ft.
w * i*
~ z;y x. ou o.n
A 9
V^M =ATT . . L _
Vorr> x ^ ^ r. f v
The transverse metacentre was measured off the metacentric diagram 31 ft.
above the L.W.L. at the draught given, so that the C.G. of the ship in the
inclined condition was 31 2-9 = 0'2 ft. above the L.W.L.
The ship was incomplete at the time of the experiment, so the weights to
complete and remove were determined, amounting to a net total of 600 tons,
with the C.G. 3'5 ft. above the L.W.L., or 3-3 ft. above the C.G. in the in-
clined condition. The rise of the C.G. due to this addition was
600 * 3 '3
=0-3 ft.
(5372 + 600)
so that the C.G. in the completed condition, 5972 tons, would be 0-5 ft. above
the L.W.L. At (he draught corresponding to this displacement the transverse
metacentre was measured to be 2 '9 ft. above L.W.L, so that the GM in the
220 WAR-SHIPS. -
consumed are in the aggregate below the C.G-. Thus the GM. in
the light condition is found to be less than in the other conditions.
Fig. 170 is the diagram for a first class cruiser, Fig. 171 for a
second class cruiser, Fig. 172 for a destroyer. The diagram for
the Maine, originally a merchant steamer, is given in Fig. 173.
In this ship it has been necessary to provide 1000 tons of perma-
nent ballast to give proper immersion and stability, and this is
so stowed so as to provide stability, when the double-bottom tanks
are empty and also the lower bunkers. In this extreme condition
a GM
of 07 ft. only is obtained but when fully equipped with
moment is small. If GM
is large, the ship comes back to the
upright very suddenly after being inclined, and the ship will have
a quick motion. Such a ship is stiff. If is small, the ship GM
is easily inclined, but returns to the upright slowly with an easy
motion. 1
There are thus two opposing conditions to fulfil in settling the
GM for a war-ship, viz.
1. GM must be large enough to enable the ship to retain
stability after a fair amount of damage.
2. GM must not be so large as to make the ship have violent
This is further considered in Chapter XIX. A "
crank " ship easily inclined
is found to "be the steadiest in a seaway.
largely on the coal above the protective deck for their protection,
and on this account the coal in the upper bunkers at the side
should be the last to be used. All ships of this type in the
Royal Navy have sufficient stability even supposing all the
coal in the lower bunkers burnt out and the upper bunkers
completely full. In the sloops, which are quite unprotected save
(b) With the side riddled and no coal, the shaded parts will
contribute nothing to the moment of inertia of the waterplane.
(c) With the side riddled and coal in, the shaded parts will
contribute five-eighths their area to the moment of inertia of the
trimmed down.
EXAMPLE. A box-shaped vessel is 350 ft. x 60 ft. with lungers at the side
amidships 10 ft. wide, 160 ft. long, extending from 14ft. to 26 ft. above the keel.
When these bunkers are full the draught is 20 ft., and the metacentric height
3 ft. Determine the effect on the initial stability
(i.) With sides riddled in way of upper bunkers, coal in.
(ii.) With sides riddled in way of upper bunkers, the coal having been
trimmed lower bunkers 8ft. above keel.
to the
Taking 43 cubic ft. of coal to the ton, the side bunkers will hold about
900 Ions. The displacement of vessel is 12,000 tons.
With the sides intact is 25 ft. above keel, and G consequently 22 ft. above
keel. In the bunkers five-eighths the space is occupied by the coal, and three-
eighths the space is vacant. When the sides are riddled the vessel sinks
slightly, and the moment of inertia of the waterplane is reduced by the admis-
sion of water to the space in the bunkers unoccupied by the coal, from its
original value of 6,300,000 to 5,540,000. This causes M to drop to 23-2 ft. from
keel, and the resulting metacentric height is 1*2 ft. The vessel is therefore
stable since M is above G.
If now we trim the coal to the lower bunkers, we depress the C.G.
= '
9 ft -> so that the GM is 3<9 ft -* and G is 21>1 ft - aoove keel -
On we
get a greater sinkage, but the chief effect is the
riddling the sides
reduction of the moment
of inertia of the waterplane to 4,274,000, the area ol
the waterplane in the bunkers contributing nothing to the moment of inertia.
This gives the point M
20-36 ft. above keel, or 0'74 ft. below the C.G. The
vessel is thus unstable in the upright condition.
xgflQfl 7^r\
= ^'34 ft., and this will be generally the increase
the C.G., the present method deals with the metacentre. It will
be remembered that
the position of the
metacentre is di-
rectly dependent on
the moment of in*
ertia of the water-
plane. If we can
increase this we
raise the metacentre, FIG. 178.
and so increase the
initial stability. This can be done by placing a girdling at the
waterline, over the midship portion of the length, as Fig. 178. This
of the zone, now acts at the keel, and the buoyancy W w acts in
FIG. 179.
caused is (
^ X Ob j
In the case of a ship being docked, the critical point is reached
when the keel is just taking the blocks all fore and aft, and the
time until this happens is longer in the case of a ship trimming a
great deal by the stern than in a ship on a more even keel. In
such a ship, therefore, the support w may reach a considerable
amount before the ship takes the blocks, after which the shores
can be set up. Just before the shores are set up, there is, there-
fore, a reduction of stability which may be sufficient to render a
is necessary, therefore, when
ship unstable. It docking and
undocking keep the
to ship well under control to prevent any
transverse inclinations while any of the weight is taken by the
For ordinary ships the loss of metacentric height thus caused
will not be sufficient to reduce the GM
enough to cause instability,
but it is possible in a ship having large trim and small metacentric
height when being docked.
It is important to note in connection with the
docking of
ships that a ship with small GM
should never be undocked, if,
while in dry dock, any alteration of the weights on board is made
which tends to reduce the metacentric height, unless other weights
are added to compensate. For example, a merchant ship when
light may require water-ballast to keep her upright. If docked in
this condition the ballast must not be removed while in dock
FIG. 179A.
FIG. 180.
I= ?t'.L
.B (n!being a coefficient)
also V= &.L. B.D (k being the coefficient of fineness)
so that BM = . =r =& .
where L is the length of ship between perpendiculars in feet
D is the mean draught in feet
& is a coefficient which does not vary much from 0'075.f
docs not vary much for ordinary ships.
but also
change of trim __
GG' ==
wX d
length ~GM W X GM
using the value found above for GG r
We therefore have
w x d = ^X G1V
12 x Y~
L change of trim in inches
So that
draught forward = 12 ft. 1 in. - If in. = 11 ft. 11 in.
draught aft = 14 ft. 10 in. + If in. = 14 ft. llf in.
(13 ft,
5J in. - 12 ft. 1
in.) + (14 ft. 10 in. - 13 ft. 5 in.)
= 33 in.
The necessary moment from aft forward is therefore 295 x 33 = 9735 foot
tons, so that 50 tons would need to be shifted = 195 ft., say, from aft forward
in order to bring the ship to an even keel.
fore,we wish to add a weight to a ship so that the trim shall not
be changed, the added weight must be in the same section as the
added buoyancy, and if the added weight be not large, it must,
therefore, be placed in the same section as the centre of flotation.
The centre of flotation in ships of the Navy is usually abaft amid-
ships,on the average about one twenty-fifth the length.
is placed on board anywhere else both increase of
If a weight
much she will sink to a parallel waterline, and then we shift the
weight to the position given, and determine the change of trim.
The following will illustrate the method of dealing with the
addition of weights on board a ship.
EXAMPLE. A ship is floating at a draught o/20 ft. forward and 22 ft. aft,
when the following weights are placed on board in the positions given, viz.
What will le the new draught, the moment to change trim 1 in. being 800 foot
and the tons per inch 35.
The total weight added is 155 tons, and if
placed at the centre of flotation,
the increased draught is
= 4^ in.
The weights to be moved forward give a moment of (20 x 100) + (45 x 80)
= 5600 foot tons, and the weights to be moved aft give a moment of (60 x 50)
+ (30 x 10) = 3300 foot tons. The forward moment is thus in excess by
2300 foot tons, and this will cause a change of trim of ^p Q = 3 in. nearly, and
the new draught forward is 20 ft. 4 in. + 1^ in. = 20 ft. 6 in., and the new
draught aft is 22 ft. 4* in.
- 1 in. = 22 ft. 3 in.
done so that the vessel lightens to a draught of 10 ft. 6 in. forward, 13 ft.
G in. aft?"
The approximate moment to change trim 1 in. is Yrfojff x (300) 2 x 36-5
= 300 foot tons, say. As a change of trim of 3G ins. is necessary to bring the
vessel to an even keel, we require a moment of 300 x 36 = 10,800 foot tons.
The 330 tons must therefore be removed i$$ ga = 33 ft., say, abaft the centre of
flotation to give the necessary moment. Taking the centre of flotation as ^ the
length abaft amidships, or 12 ft.,the 330 tons would have to be removed so that
its C.G. was about 45 ft. abaft amidships to give the required draught of 12ft.
forward and 12ft. aft.
(It may be stated that, taking the correct data for the above ship, the answer
would be 350 tons, taken out 42^ ft. abaft amidships, so that the approximation
is a very good one.)
In order that the vessel may pass through the Suez Canal, the extreme
draught should not exceed 25 ft. 7 in., which may be obtained in the following
manner :
1. Remove all water from the hydraulic tanks, the after fresh-water tanks,
quantity from the after 12-in. shell-room also 40 tons of shell from forward G-in.
shell-room, and an equal quantity from the after 6-in. shell- room.
draught by 1 ft.
2. A longitudinal moment of about 15,800 foot tons will alter trim by 1 ft.,
i.e. if w tons is weight moved, and d feet the distance the weight is moved
longitudinally, then -
QA ^ is the change of trim in feet, or the increase of
draught the decrease of draught forward, or vice versa.
aft plus
3. A weight
placed on board or removed from about station 93, which is
about the middle of the after boiler-room, will not affect the trim.
4. To ascertain the combined effect on draught and trim of removing a weight
or placing a weight on board, the effect on draught only is first obtained by rule
(1) above, supposing the weight put on board at station 93 ; the effect on the
trim is then obtained by rule (2) above, the distance moved through being the
distance in feet between station 93 and the actual position of the weight.
Note. The removal of any weight before station 68, which is 12 ft. abaft the
forward bulkhead of forward boiler-room, will not diminish the draught aft.
Similarly, any weight removed from abaft station 116, which is abreast the
mainmast, will not decrease the draught forward.
buoyancy must always act through the same point, viz. the centre
of buoyancy. The stability of any angle 9 is x BG X sin 0, W
varying directly as sin 6. It will be a maximum at 90, where
sin 9 is a maximum, and the angle of vanishing stability
be 180, where sin = 0. W * TE * SuRFACE -; . -
In order to give good sta-
bility, therefore, EG- must
be as large as possible. This
is done by so arranging the
6 4-
FIG. 181c. Change in BM L due to Trim.
bilged near either end both bodily sinkage and change of trim occur.
This is well illustrated by the case of the Victoria in Chapter XXIV.
In that case the change of trim was so considerable as to bring the
upper deck forward under water, and consequently water gained
access to the ship through hatchways, etc., and the movement
down by the head was greatly accelerated. Fig. 182 has been
drawn for a box-shaped vessel 175 ft. long, 30 ft. broad, 15 ft.
deep, 8 ft. draught, before damage. If an empty compartment
between bulkheads 25 ft. and 55 ft. from the bow is laid open to
the sea the vessel will float at a draught of 13 ft. 5 in. forward
and 6 ft. 8 in. aft. It is seen that the stem head is quite close to
the water, and although the loss of buoyancy is not very consider-
able, yet this, with the change of trim, causes a dangerous condition.
It is thus seen to be most important to carry watertight transverse
bulkheads well above water. Figs. 52 and 54, which show the water-
tight subdivision of a battleship and small cruiser respectively,
show that most of these bulkheads are carried to the upper deck.
Fio. 182.
WE have seen that the stability of a ship at any angle is the effort
she makes to return to the upright when put over to that angle.
For small angles of inclination, up to 10 to 15, this depends
directly on the metacentric height.
Thus at 10 the Eoyal
Sovereign, with 3J ft.
and GM
14,150 tons displacement, will
have a righting moment of
specially brought
out in the investigations which followed the loss
of H.M.S. Captain. Metacentric height alone, apart from other
considerations, principally free-
board, will not ensure a vessel
having sufficient stability, and
special calculations are necessary
to determine the righting moment
at large angles of inclination.
Curve of Stability. Take a
vessel inclined to a large angle 0,
as Fig. 183. The upward force
of the buoyancy acts through B',
the new
centre of buoyancy, and
the couple tending to right the
of maximum stability (in this case 47). The angle at which the
FIG. 184.
curve crosses the base line (in this case 77) is termed the angle of
vanishing stability, or the range of stability. Up to this angle the
vessel possesses a righting lever which will take her back to the
In striking contrast to the curve for the Captain is that for the
Monarch (Fig. 184). In this case the angle of maximum stability
is not reached until 40 as against 21 in the Captain, and the
value of the maximum GZ is about twice as great. The stability
does not vanish until the large angle of 70 is reached. The reason
for the difference between the two ships is seen by comparing the
sections. The Monarch had high freeboard, which pulls out the
centre of buoyancy as the ship heels over. The Captain had a
low freeboard, giving a curve of stability which was dangerously
small for a ship carrying a large amount of sail.
In considering a curve of stability certain assumptions have to
a FT
FIG. 185.
range over which the curve is drawn. Thus all sidelights and
gun-ports are supposed to be closed below the upper deck If the
effect of the forecastle or poop is included, any openings in these
1. Inclination which the curve has to the base line at the start.
This inclination depends directly on the metacentric height.
2. The angle at which the maximum value of the righting arm
8 FT
80 90
ao w 40.
therefore the slope of the curve near the origin, but does not
greatly influence the area enclosed by the curve or the range.
(5) An increase of freeboard has a most important influence
in lengthening out the curve and increasing the area enclosed.
(c) An
alteration in the position of the C.G. influences
both the initial stability and the area and range of the curve
of stability. If the C.G. is raised to G', say, then the ordinate
of the curve at angle 9 is lessened by GG' sin 9. If the C.G.
isdepressed to G", say, the ordinate of the curve at angle 9 is
the ports were open, there was a sudden drop at 17, and the
ordinates of the curve decrease until the vanishing point was reached
at 40. The ratio of the areas enclosed is about 1 to 3 ;
i.e. with
the sides intact, about three times as much work would have
to be done by the wind and the heave of the sea to capsize the
ship as would be necessary supposing the ports open.
It is thus seen that the area enclosed by a curve is of im-
which the breadth at the deck is only 48 ft., while the breadth at
the waterline is 66 ft.
Fro. 191.
Two vessels have been taken, Fig. 191, both with 13 ft.
draught, 9 ft. freeboard, 32 ft. beam, and 2 ft. metacentric height.
In one however, the side falls in as shown to the deck, where
the breadth is 24 ft. This results in a much lower curve of
stability than is obtained without the fall in we have seen that
by reference to Fig. 131 that all British designs since the Royal
Sovereign carry the belt high above water, enabling sufficient
stability to be maintained, even supposing the whole of the
unarmoured side is penetrated and open to the sea when the
vessel inclines.
Open. Closed.
The angle which the ship reaches her
maximum above condition
stability in the
A, and beyond which the righting force
diminishes, is about ...
NOTE. So far as stability is concerned the coal may be worked in any manner
desired by the Commanding Officer.
potential energy.
This conversion of energy of one form into energy of other forms is well seen
in the case of a stoneon the top of a house. In some way work has had to be
dono to get the stone there, and the stone, in virtue of its position, has stored up
in it a certain amount of If the stone is released, it will reach
potential energy.
the ground with a certain velocity, and (neglecting the friction of the air) the
kinetic energy then possessed is equal to the original potential energy. When
stopped by the ground both potential energy and kinetic energy disappear, but
the energy is not lost, but is dissipated into the form of heat energy.
operate, the energy gets drained away from the ship and becomes
finally dissipated by imparting heat and motion to the air and
water surrounding the ship.
Unresisted Rolling in Still Water. It can be shown that
for unresisted rolling in still water the period of a single oscillation
T =
0-55 X /Jl!_ seconds
(The longer the period of a ship the more likely is she to be steady
in a seaway.) Of these two, the first is of the lesser importance,
because the distribution of the weights is governed by other
features of the design than the desirability of obtaining a long
"light" voyages they can be filled with water. The weight thus added, while
giving sufficient immersion, does not produce excessive GM, and being at the
sides tends to lengthen the period by increasing the radius of gyration.
period from side to side, viz. T = Q'55\/ A_J is, that the righting
lever varies directly as the angle or GZ = GM
x 0, i.e. it assumes
that the curve of stability is a straight line up to the angle
considered. Under this condition large and small inclinations will
be performed in the same time. A ship rolling in this manner is
said to be isochronous.
Royal Sovereign \
shi P s of moderate GM - ab ut 3J ft., and
., . ,. > 8 sees. < great moment of inertia, due to beam and
Majestic \ \ armour at BideB.
Powerful 7 sees. \
Pelorus _
^ sees. )
Gunboats and I
Small period due to (a) small moment of
Destroyers I
inertia; (b) relatively very large GM.
the boat, which has a considerable leverage about the C.G-. of the
In the case of bilge keels projecting from the surface of a ship,
suppose the ship is rotating clockwise, as in Fig. 193. The relative
velocity of the ship and the
^U i water along A2 Ai has to be
brought to zero at AI, and
there is caused an increase
of pressure along A 2 Ai.
This results in a resultant
force P acting as shown,
a similar force Q being
Flo 193
found on the other side of
the ship. These forces both
act in such lines that they give a moment tending to stop the
rotation. This effect will be more pronounced as the section of
the ship sharper, because of the greater relative velocity of the
The relation between speed and pressure in flowing water, by which if speed
created on the surface of the water at each side ; this wave passes
away from the ship, and requires energy spent to create it. A wave of
very small height represents a large amount of energy, and the drain
on the ship's energy is a distinct resistance reducing the rolling.
5. Air Resistance. The resistance of the air must be quite
small under ordinary circumstances, but it may be made consider-
able by the use of steadying sails. It is well known that sails
have a great steadying on a ship's rolling.
as shown, the space between being filled in with light wood. The
projection in battle-ships is inconvenient in connection with dock-
ing, and the breadth
of the bilge keel is made somewhat less amid-
ships than forward and aft where the ship gets narrower.
For smaller ships the bilge keel can be formed as shown
the figure gives the construction in a torpedo gunboat.
258 WAR-SHIPS. ,
important to note that a wave is not the passage of water but the
passage of motion. The motion of the particles of water composing
a wave is quite small, as may be noticed by watching a piece
ofwood among waves. The wave profile is seen to move along
with considerable speed, but the wood sways backwards and for-
FIG 194. Bilge keels.
centrifugal force being greater than the force of gravity which keeps the car on
the rails in looping the loop,"
trough to trough. A
small raft, as in Fig. 195, will always tend
to keep normal to the wave surface; this normal is termed the
virtual upright at any particular instant.
If now we take a ship floating broadside on to a series of
waves (supposed long in comparison with the size of the ship), we
shall have the set of forces as shown in Fig. 196. The inclination
of the wave normal to the vertical is 9, and this wave normal is
the virtual upright. If the ship is as shown the righting force is
If the ship has a very quick period compared with that of the
wave, she will quickly come to the virtual upright, and so will
take up the motion of the wave. This would be the case in a
raft as in Fig. 195,and it is found that a ship of very short period
does not roll very much or ship much water when rolling among
waves, because she always keeps the deck parallel to the wave
If a ship has a long period compared with that of the wave, the
ship, at any particular instant, as in Fig. 196, does not come to
the virtual upright with any sudden-
ness,and the wave profile passes on
and soon acts in the contrary direction.
The ship therefore remains steady,
never heeling to large angles. This
quality of remaining nearly upright
when among waves is termed steadiness,
and obtained in ships with a long
versa) equal to the period of the waves (time the length of the
wave is traversed), we have a serious state of things. This timing
istermed synchronism. As each wave passes the ship, an impulse
is given timing with the period of the ship herself, and the
tendency of this is to produce larger and larger angles of oscillation.
was perfectly isochronous for large as well as small
If the vessel
then as the ship rolls this point has motion and the pendulum
does not give the true vertical. If one takes a fishing-rod, for
instance, with a few feet of line, it is evident that, if the rod is
swayed backwards and forwards, the line does not remain vertical.
The same state of things obtains on board a ship the pendulum ;
supported on delicate
motion. The paddle is adjusted so that its C.G. is just below the
This interesting as analogous to the case of a ship vrith great moment of
inertia and small metacentrio height, both of which conduce to a long period.
Fia. 198.
& of heel read off. The time of each roll should also be noted
by another observer. Forms are issued to ships of the Eoyal
Navy giving detailed instructions.
observed. I have invariably heard it spoken of very highly by those who have
used it." Mr. (now Sir) Philip Watts, F.R.S. (I.N.A., 1901).
p. 226.)
Heel caused by putting Rudder over. On first putting a
rudder over, the force P has a tendency to cause heeling inwards.
This inward heeling is specially
felt in vessels like destroyers, in
which the rudder area is relatively
large. In a full-sized ship, how-
ever, this inward heeling tendency
is only of short duration, as when
couple, as shown
in Fig. 200, tending to heel the ship outwards.
This heeling tendency is resisted by the stability of the ship,
and it can be shown that the vessel will take up an angle of heel 0,
given approximately by
V 2
-*( GM
when turning. (In a recent case the speed was reduced from 17 J
knots,on putting the rudder over, to 8 knots when on the circle.)
If, any instant, the ship is as shown in Fig. 201, GiGG2 being
the path of the C.G. and being the centre of the path, then GT
being the tangent to the path at G, the angle PGT is the drift
See a paper by Mr. (now Sir) Philip Watts, F.R.S. (I.N.A., 1898).
swept out by the stern will have a greater diameter than this.
This must he allowed for when considering the room a ship can
turn in (see Fig. 202 A).
The features of a ship which influence the turning are
1. Time of putting the helm over.
2. Angle of helm.
3. Size of rudder.
4. Moment of resistance of underwater body of ship to turning.
5. Moment of inertia of the vessel.
1. In modern ships with steam steering gear the time of
" '
_Wj ;
. 202.
the cosine of the apgle it makes with the vertical. The flat
portions of a ship at the after end are therefore best adapted for
offering effective resistance to turning, and on this account the
flatportions at the stern of recent ships are cut away in order to
improve the turning (see Figs. 72 to 76 for examples). In large
cruisers the stern is cut right up, with an underhung balanced
rudder. In the fourteen battle-ships of Formidable and Duncan classes
the stern is cut away as shown in Fig. 75, being brought down at
the sternpost to take the blocks when docking. In King Edward
VII. (Fig. 76) this cut away is associated with a partially balanced
rudder. The cut up at the bow
is of little value in influencing
more slowly than a ship of the same size and weight, etc., with
the weight concentrated more amidships, and when once turning
will be more difficult to get back to the straight again. This is due
to the greater moment of inertia of the ship about a vertical axis
in the former case.
Suppose two balls each weighing 1 Ib. are fastened on a stick 12 in. apart,
and two other balls of the same weight are fastened on a stick 60 in. apart. It
is readily seen that the latter system is more difficult to start rotating about an
axis in the middle perpendicular to the stick than the former, and when once
in motion will be more difficult to stop. This is due to the different moments of
inertia,. In the first case it is roughly 2[1 x (^) ] (i.e. weight multiplied by
in the second it is roughly 2[lx(f) 2 ], the ratio being
square of distance),
(D :
(), r 1 ' 25 -
FIG. 202A.
a twin screw vessel. The rudders of the two ships were of the
same balanced type and of much the same area.
The turning circles are given in Fig. 20 2 A, from which it is seen
that the twin screw ship has a tactical diameter of 870 yards and
the triple screw ship has a tactical diameter of 550 yards or 7*25
and 4' 6 times the length respectively. It is also seen that the
latter ship gets into the circular path much sooner than the former
ship. All the conditions are practically identical except that the
ship with the smaller circle has a propeller operating immediately
on the rudder.
Turning of a Twin Screw Ship. The above discussion deals
with the turning of ships under the action of the rudder alone. A
twin screw vessel, however, may be made to turn in a smaller arc
by the use of its screws in association with the rudder. The
engine on the side to which the helm is put would be worked
ahead, and the other worked astern. This power of turning in the
smallest possible circle may be of great value in special circum-
stances to avoid collision. It is found that the advance and
tactical diameter with one screw ahead and one astern are some-
what less than with both screws ahead. The time taken is
generally greater.
Twin screw
vessels have a great advantage over single screw
during the official steam trials of the ship when she is in the
builder's hands, and secondly a series of turning trials at 12 knots
and 6 knots, carried out when the ship is in commission.
1. Trials before Commission. These trials determine the time
of turning through 4 and 8 points, the advance and the tactical
diameter under the following condition, viz. :
FIG. 203.
FIG. 204.
Speed in knots . .
30.000 I.H.P.
25000 l.H.R
20.000 l.H.R
15,000 l.H.R
. o;
10,000 I.H.P 100 REV
Fio. 205.~
Mr. Froude found, as the curve in Fig. 204 indicates, that the
very different thing" from the power exerted by the vessel's own
engines or the indicated horse-power (I.H.P.).
In any general case, if B is the resistance in pounds, the V
speed in knots (1 knot is a speed of 6080 feet per hour), then-
, ,
and horse-power
--- 60 )
x V).
few cases. This ratio is termed the propulsive coefficient, being the
ratio of the horse-power usefully employed to the horse-power
actually exerted.
We have been considering above the total resistance experienced
by a ship on being towed through water, it is necessary now to
inquire how this total resistance is made up. It may be divided
into four parts, viz.
1. Eesistance due to the friction of water on the surface.
2. Eesistance due to the formation of eddies.
3. Eesistance due to the formation of waves on the surface.
4. Eesistance of the air.
E=/.S.V r83
where S is wetted surface in square feet ;
V is speed in knots ;
/ is a coefficient.
sand, the coefficient / is twice as great, and the power of the speed
rises from T83 to 2*0. This illustrates the fact that in order to
keep the resistance as low as possible, and so economize horse-
power, and therefore coals, it is necessary to keep the bottom
clean by periodical docking. On this account, also, ships which
are employed on distant service, with the probability of remaining
at sea for long periods, are sheathed with copper to prevent fouling.
The frictional resistance is of importance at all speeds, but at
low speeds it accounts for the bulk of the resistance. For a
torpedo-boat destroyer, which has an abnormally wide range of
speed, at 12 knots the frictional resistance is 80 per cent, of the
total; at16 knots, 70 per cent. at 20 knots, 50 per cent. and at
; ;
the arms is madeas in Fig. 82, taken to a small radius at the after
3. Wave Resistance.
It is this form of resistance which
becomes of the greatest importance at high speeds, and it is because
of the rapid growth of this resistance that it becomes increasingly
difficult toobtain these high speeds in full-sized ships.
When is towed through water there are two
a ship separate
and distinct series of waves brought into existence, viz. those formed
at the bow and those formed at the stern. Each of these series
consists of (a) a series that diverge with their crests sloping aft,
and (b) a series of transverse waves whose crests are nearly
perpendicular to the middle line of the ship.
The diverging waves both at the bow and the stern at once
pass away from the ship. The transverse waves of the bow series
are of the most importance, and the interference of these waves
with the corresponding waves at the stern causes considerable
variation of the resistance. If a crest of the bow wave series
coincides with a crest of the stern wave series there is an increase
of wave resistance. A decrease
is found to result if a crest of the
against the wind, the relative velocity is the speed of wind plus
speed of ship, and this gives rise to considerable resistance.
Corresponding Speeds. We
continually use the terms high
speed and low speed, as applied to certain ships, but these terms
are strictly relative. What would be a high speed for one ship
might very well be a low speed for another. Thus 15 knots is a
high speed for a ship 150 ft. long, but quite moderate for a ship
500 ft. long. To obtain a real measure of speed in any case we
find its ratio to the square root of the length, viz. ?-=.
y =
where T~ 0'5 to 0*7 the ship is being driven at a moderate
economical speed ;
y =O f
TO we have
7 to the speed of mail steamers
and battle-ships ;
Y= =
1/0 to 1*3 we have cruiser speeds.
in these ships
Y= = T9 to 2*5. Such speeds as these are exces-
\/ L
sive, and require a great expenditure of horse-power to obtain.
When these excessive speeds are reached, although the horse-power required
isvery great, yet the resistance does not vary at so great a rate as is the case at
lower speeds. The following figures show how the total resistance varies in a
typical destroyer :
If we took the destroyer as a model, and took a vessel of the same form but
14,100 tons displacement, 25 knots of the destroyer would correspond to 47 knots
of the larger vessel, and this vessel would not reach the condition where further
increments of speed are obtained with comparatively moderate additions of
power until she reached 47 knots, which is an impossible speed for such a vessel
under existing conditions" (Sir W. H. White's Address to British Association,
V within moderate limits. In
of is to keep the ratio
Z. 23. 24.
FIG. 206.
I.H.P. of ships of 9000 tons displacempnt, but of varying lengths.
(From Sir Philip Watts's article in Encyclopaedia Brttannica")
Speed in knots . . .
If we are designing a ship 500 ft. long of similar form, the speed cor-
Froude's Law of Comparison. The resistances other than
frictional of similar ships, or of a ship and her model at corre-
sponding speeds, are connected by a most important law, called
the law of comparison, viz.
Vi\/l> V*\fi> PffvA e te-> tfie resistances of the ship mil le Rf,
RJP, Ef, etc.
the same for long and short surfaces. Neither of these conditions
are actually fulfilled, as we have seen, so the law cannot strictly be
applied to frictional resistance.
In Mr. Froude's experiments on the Greyhound, mentioned
above, experiments were also made with a model of the ship at
the experimental tank to determine the resistance. It was found
that, deducting the frictional resistance of the ship and the model
from the total in either case, the
remaining resistance of the ship
compared with that of the model in accordance with the law of
It is the established practice of the British Admiralty to have
models made and run in the experimental tank in order to deter-
mine the resistance of the ships of the Koyal Navy, and most
valuable data is obtained in this way to determine the power
necessary when considering new designs. Alternative forms can
also be readily tried in order to determine the best possible form
of underwater body for the desired speed. It may be mentioned
that this best form cannot always be adopted, because of the
conditions of stability which must necessarily be satisfied.
have seen that E.H.P. = ^J^(R x V), so that we can use
E.H.P. in the law of comparison instead of resistance as follows :
If EI, 2 E
E%, etc., are the effective horse-powers (other than
the model, at the corresponding speeds V\\/l, V^l, V^/l } etc., are
3 3 B
(JSi X Z X \/T), (E2 x
I X -x/0, (^3 X 1 X >/0, 6fo
Methods of Estimating I.H.P. There are a number of
methods in vogue for estimating I.H.P. the following are in use ;
it is desired to design a
Suppose battle-ship of 12,000 tons of 20 knots speed.
To get this speed one would need a fine form ; a good breadth is necessary for
stability purposes, and a moderate length is desirable for handiness. have We
data concerning the E.H.P. of a vessel 320 ft. x 57 ft. x x 5150 tons, and
19-5 ft.
this appears to have a form that is desirable. We therefore have the following
calculations :
Ratio of displacement
= 3/2W=
= Z
3 = ^^ = M5. 2-33,
so that I 1-325, and jr=
The dimensions of the 12,000-ton ship would therefore be
ship is = 17-4 knots. At this speed the E.H.P. of the 5150-ton ship is
found to be 2960, so that the E.H.P. of the larger ship at 20 knots is
7940 x
^ = 16,750 I.H.P.
therefore have a ship
425 ft. x 75| ft. x 26 ft. x 12,000 tons 16,750 I.H.P., 20 knots.
(In the above calculation we have made no correction for frictional resistance,
assuming it to vary according to the law of comparison. This gives the result
for the larger ship a little in excess, so that we are somewhat on the safe side.)
" "
ff.M.S. Edgar is 360 ft. x 60 ft. x 23f ft. x 7390 tons, and when tried
obtained 10, 14, 18, 20 knots with 1000, 8000, 7500, 11,000 I.H.P. ship 'of A
similar form, 11,000 tons, is being designed^ and it is desired to have a speed of
21 knots. Make an
estimate of the power required.
(11 000^
The ratio of displacement is Z3 =
/.room = 1*49, so that ratio of linear
dimensions is
= M4.
The new ship similar to Edgar is accordingly
410 ft. x 68i ft. x 27 ft. x 11,000 tons.
called the frictional wake. The motion of this wake at the stern is
- - : : .
of restance in both
In running spec trials
is placed.
The resistance caused by the deflection of water at the forward
screw ship, because in the latter case the screws are further away
from the hull.
We notice that in a single screw ship, although the gain due
to the frictional wake is greater than in a twin screw ship, yet the
loss due to augment of resistance is also greater, and it is found
that under ordinary circumstances the gain due to wake is practi-
cally equal to the loss due to the augment of resistance in both
single and twin screw ships.
The various items which make up the I.H.P. may be stated
approximately as follows, in the case of a twin screw vessel with
fast-running piston engines of high pressure :
Per cent
Dead load friction, due to dead weight of working
In running speed trials
ence to Fig. 207s that the stern wave had practically disappeared
and indeed this was the case on the Maplins at speeds
at 35 knots,
above 28 knots. It is thus seen that at the lower speeds the
wave system becomes exaggerated in shallow water leading to an
abnormal increase of power, but a radical change takes place in
the wave formation at the higher speeds involving a considerable
decrease in the necessary power. (The above is taken from a
paper by Sir P. Watts, K.C.B., etc., I.KA. for 1909.)
In running progressive trials it is necessary to have the ship
as near to the normal load draught as possible. When a ship
is deep or light the horse-power required for a given speed will
vary approximately as the displacement.
From the information obtained on such a series of trials a
curve of I.H.P. on base of speed can be constructed, as Fig 205,
and then it can be at once determined what I.H.P. is required for
a given speed, or what speed can be got for a given I.H.P under
trial conditions. The curve of revolutions on base of speed can
also be drawn as shown, and such a curve, showing revolutions
necessary for any desired speed, is found very useful in the subse-
quent history of the ship. Eecords of all trials are kept in the
ship's book for the information of the officers commanding.
Power Trials. The following series of trials are now carried
out in ships of the Royal Navy.
1. Battle-ships, first class cruisers, second class cruisers.
(a) Preliminary trial at sea.
(6) 30-hour trial at about one-fifth full power.
(c) 30-hour trial at about 70 to 75 per cent, full power.
(d) 8-hour trial at full power.
ship, however, will be considerably less than the steel ship, because
it will not foul so quickly or require such
frequent docking.
8. Length of vitality. The amount of coal, ammunition, etc.,
carried by a ship will determine how long she can remain efficient
as a fighting machine. The coal will determine the radius of action.
9. Slowness of destruction. This includes protection by armour
and decks, and the provision of minute subdivision.
10. Armament. Being the available provision for attack
guns, torpedo equipment, ram.
Of the first stages of a design, Sir William White says
(" Manual of Naval Architecture ")
" Iu the
preliminary stages the processes are necessarily tentative and subject
to correction. The various features of the design are, to a large extent, inter-
dependent. At the outset the dimensions, form, and displacement are undeter-
mined. Yet upon them depend the power which the engines must develop to
give the desired speed, the weight of the hull, and the weight of certain parts of
the equipment. In the finished ship the sum of the weights of the hull structure,
propelling apparatus, equipment, coals, and load must equal the displacement to
Approximate dimensions and forms are first assumed. The weight of hull is
then approximated to for the system of construction adopted and the type of
ship. An estimate of the probable engine power is made, either on data obtained
from the steam trials of previous ships or from model experiments. The weight
of the engines and boilers is then ascertained for the horse-power, and the rate of
coal consumption per hour calculated on the same basis, while the total weight
of coal for the intended steaming distance at the desired speed is readily deduced.
Adding together these first approximations to the weights of hull, equipment,
machinery, and coal, and to the total adding the load stipulated to be carried, a
grand total is reached which should equal the displacement provisionally assumed.
If the sum total is in excess or defect of the provisional displacement, corrections
must be made on the dimensions originally assumed, with a view of obtaining a
balance. For these corrected dimensions a fresh series of approximations is
made to the weights of hull, equipment, machinery, and coal. A balance
between the grand total of weights, and the displacement corresponding to the
form and dimensions, is ultimately obtained. When no large departure from
previous experience or precedent is made, this preliminary work is rapidly
performed. Under other circumstances, the selection of the most suitable
dimensions and form may involve the consideration of many alternatives."
The total displacement of a completed design is made up of
the following items, viz.
1. General equipment.
2. Armament.
3. Machinery.
4. Engineer's stores.
5. Coal.
6. Armour and protection to hull.
7. Hull, including structure and fittings.
8. Board margin.
General equipment.
1. This includes fresh water provisions ;
See Chapter XXI.
See a paper on The effect of modern accessories on the size and cost of war-
order that the vessel may float at the required draught and trim.
Also, the transverse metacentre must be 2'9 ft. above L.W.L. to
vessel 150 ft. long, but quite a moderate speed for a vessel 500 ft.
long. A measure of speed is obtained by comparing it with the
square root of the length. this ratio is above unity we
have a speed which is high for the ship, and which requires a
large expenditure of horse-power to obtain. It is interesting to
note that, in the Atlantic liners, as speeds have gone up, so
have increased, keeping the ratio nearly constant. Thus we
In the latter case it is seen that the ship has only a slight
armament of 12-pounder and smaller guns, with only 150 tons of
coal at the designed draught. The machinery is 17,000 LH.F. for
the 25 knots desired. Thus the ship is only able to carry herself
and her machinery with a comparatively small load, in order to
reach the high speed of 25 knots. In the former case the ship
is able to carry an armament of 4-in. guns, with a large amount
of coal, but this increase of load carried can only be obtained by
machinery, 10 '5 per cent. ; coal, 5 '5 per cent. ; armour, 26 per
cent. hull, 35 per cent.
The fleet was proceeding in two lines, the Victoria leading the
starboard column, the Camperdown leading the port column. The
ships were proceeding at a speed of 8-8 knots, the two lines being
1200 yards apart. At the time of the signal to turn, the helm of
" "
Victoria went hard-a-starboard 35 (corresponding to a tactical
diameter of 600 yards). The helm of Camperdown was put at 28
(corresponding to a tactical diameter of 800 yards). When the ships
had turned through eight points, it was recognized that collision
was inevitable, and the port engines of Victoria and the starboard
engines of Camperdown were reversed, but this had little effect, as
the collision took place one minute later. The speed of the ships
at the time of the collision was from 5 to 6 knots.
The Camperdown struck the Victoria nearly at right angles,
about 65 ft. abaft the stem. The blow was just before important
transverse bulkheads (Fig. 208). Both the ships turning rapidly
at the time of the collision caused the sterns to swing together,
and considerably widened the breach in the side of the
Victoria. This, together with the hole caused by the original
blow, destroyed the connections of the bulkheads above-mentioned
with the side of the ship. The value of these bulkheads was thus
completely destroyed, and the compartments on either side were
thrown open to the sea.
For the first minute after the collision the two vessels were
locked, and during this time the Victoria heeled slightly to star-
board and settled a little by the bow. After the Camperdown had
cleared, the Victoria continued to settle by the bow and to increase
her heel to starboard. These movements proceeded gradually for
See also end of Chapter VI regarding the question of watertight doora.
*/* |^^
had ports for the 6-in. guns. With these doors and ports closed,
the freeboard near midships was about 18 \ ft., with them open
the freeboard was about 12 ft.
At the time of the collision a number of watertight doors
forward were open, the turret ports and scuttle on upper deck
Fio. 209.
were open, and the doors in the front of the battery and the gun-
ports in battery side were also open.
For convenience it will be desirable to consider separately the
two movements which actually proceeded simultaneously (Fig.
209), viz.
1. Depression of the bow.
2. Heel
to Accompanying this depression by the
bow, a gradual heel to starboard took place, until a heel of about
20 was reached. At this time the door in the battery front and
the foremost 6-in. gun-port were just awash.
Both the above movements were accelerated by the motion
ahead of the Victoria, the ship being made to steam slowly
towards the land with the helm hard-a-starboard.
At this time, at the heel of 20, a sudden lurch to starboard
took place, and the vessel capsized and went down head first.
Calculations have been made, using for data the observed con-
ditions, to investigate the cause of the sudden lurch that was
observed; the suddenness of this lurch was without doubt the
cause of the great loss of life.
The loss of buoyancy caused by the opening up of the com-
partments forward, which were inevitably flooded by the collision,
and those flooded subsequently through open doors and hatchways,
caused a change of trim of 29 ft., or 23 ft. depression forward and
6 ft. lift of the stern. Taking the ship in this condition, but
supposing the turret ports, battery doors, and gun-ports closed, the
vessel would have a positive metacentric height of ft. In Fig. ^
208 the shape of the intact waterplane is shown by I, and the
shape of the waterplane area under the above condition is shown
by II. In Chapter XVI. it is seen that the distance between the
centre of buoyancy and the transverse metacentre is directly pro-
moment of inertia of the waterplane at
portional to the transverse
Taking now the actual state of the ship with the turret ports,
the battery doors, and the gun-ports open, the waterplane would be
Condition of ship.
subject of calculation ?
5. Why is the structure at the keel and at the upper deck
stronger in a long cruiser than in a battle-ship of the same total displace-
6. Why is it that the boat deck and the topside plating adjacent are not
made an integral part of the structure in a ship having a boat deck ?
7. To what special sort of strain are the flat portions of a ship forward
weight of hull structure than that adopted in, say, the cruisers of the Edgar
Suppose .one had a vessel 300 ft. long, the structure of which had
proved sufficiently strong, and a vessel of the same depth, but 360 ft. long
were required. Discuss generally what portions of the structure would have
to bo strengthened to ensure the new vessel being sufficiently strong.
11. Indicate how the inspection and maintenance of a ship influences
the design of the structure.
strength and ductility of the material? Why are such tests of great im-
portance for castings of steel ?
4. Compare the tests for "mild steel" and those for the special steel
used in cruisers and destroyers.
6. It is laid down that holes in high-tensile steel must be drilled, and not
angle bulb, and a I bar. State places in your present ship in which these
sections are used.
8. A
flange is frequently used on the edge of a plate instead of an angle
bar for connection purposes. What advantage is thereby secured? State
places in your present ship where this is done.
9. Describe the most ordinary form of rivet used in ship work, and show
how such a rivet is used for the outer bottom plating where the outside
surface must be flush.
10. What meant by the pitch of rivets? State the amount
is of this
11. When your ship is next in dry dock, examine the "lap" caulking
and the " butt" caulking of the outer bottom plating.
12. State the various advantages that result from ordering plating by the
square ft., estimate the saving of weight, if the steel plating is ordered
20 Ibs. per square ft. instead of | in. thick. What further saving would
be possible if the manufacturer sends in all the plating down to the limit
allowed, viz. 5 per cent, under? Ans. 5*4 tons; 13'4 tons.
14. If the area of the outer bottom plating (specified of 15 Ibs.) is
two second class cruisers. Show how the intended service has had a distinct
influence on the design.
10. Draw in outline the midship section of a sloop," and point out what
provision is made in such a vessel for protective purposes.
11. State in general terms the distinction between a battle-ship and a
first class cruiser. Compare H.M.S. Triumph with H.M.S. Duncan and
H.M.S. Cressy, and state in what category you consider she should be
12. Discuss the question of working zed bars for the framing of ships
instead of two angles riveted back to back from the point of view of (i.)
economy of weight, (ii.) saving of cost.
13. Discuss the importance of avoiding discontinuity of strength in a
ship's structure.
14. Name typical vessels of the Royal Navy which are sheathed with wood
and copper. Whyhave all the sloops and most of the second class cruisers
built in recent years been sheathed ?
15. In going through the double bottom of a vessel it will be noticed that
the non-watertight longitudinals have no lightening holes in certain frame
spaces. Trace the reasons for this.
16. Taking the length of the double bottom of a battle-ship as 250 ft.,
and the frame spacing 4 ft., make an estimate of the saving of weight if an
oval manhole 23 in. x 15 in. is cut in every frame space in the non-water-
tight longitudinals. -4ns. 5 to 6 tons.
19. What is a middle-line keelson ? When this is intercostal, and the floor
1. Draw out the sections of the beams used in your present ship for the
various decks and platforms. State the spacing of the beams amidships and
at the ends.
2. Under what circumstances
are zed bars likely to be advantageous for
beams ? do you consider it would have been inadvisable to form the
beams to the decks of your ship of zed bars ?
3. Why is the connection of beams to frames of great importance ? Draw
out two such connections as fitted in your present ship.
4. What is a carling ? State places in your ship where carlings are
5. should the upper deck of a vessel be given a round up while the
deck is worked level ?
6. Why would a log of timber wedged up between-decks be inefficient as
"stringer plate," and the structure adjacent. See how a good shift of butts
is obtained. Why is this of great importance ?
(6) to a wood deck. In both cases state what preparations are necessary
before the caulking is started. What essential quality is caulking intended
to secure ?
1. What special advantages attach to the use of steel instead of iron for
3.What is the "raised and sunken system of working the outer bottom
" "
plating ? What is the function of the liner ?
" Does the lightening in any way injure
4. Sketch a lightened liner."
the strength of the structure ?
5. State places where the outer bottom plating of a large ship is doubled.
For what purpose is this done in each case ?
6. Why is the transverse section of a ship in way of a watertight bulkhead
a line of weakness ? Show how this weakness is
compensated for.
7. Sketch the form of bulkhead liner adopted in your present ship.
8. State the requirements necessary in a watertight manhole to a double-
bottom compartment. Draw out to a large scale the plug fitted in the
cover, and state its uses.
9. Make a tabular statement giving the thicknesses of keel, outer bottom
plating, and sheer strake in (a) a battle-ship, (6) a second class cruiser, (c) a
third class cruiser, (d) a sloop, (e) a destroyer.
10. What is a
" liner " ? What Would
purpose does it serve ? there be
any objections to making such a liner of iron instead of steel if desired on
the score of cheapness?
importance 1
3. Why do you think the rules of the Registration Societies specify the
minimum distance of the collision bulkhead abaft the stem ?
4. State the special advantages attendant on the provision of a watertight
11. Make a list of the horizontal sliding watertight doors in your ship.
In each ease see if it would have been practicable to fit a vertical sliding
door instead.
12. Make a list of the most important vertical sliding doors in your ship.
In each case state why a hinged door would have been undesirable.
13. How many double-bottom compartments (excluding the wings and
reserve feed spaces) are there in your present ship ? What is the water
capacity in tons of the largest, and what of the smallest ? What is the total
capacity in tons of this double bottom available for the introduction of
water as ballast ?
Why means of access provided to such spaces not used for stowage
are such
purposes ?
15. Describe with outline sketches the three types of watertight door
fitted in ships of the Royal Navy. What are the conditions governing the
adoption of each type ?
16. Why is it essential that when name plates or fittings are removed
from bulkheads that the holes left should be immediately filled up by tap
rivets? (See Admiralty Circular, S. 32111/1903, January 29, 1904.)
1. Sketch and describe the stem and its supports for a battle-ship. Draw
special attention to the provision that is made to withstand the side bending
that is likely to take place when the ships swing together after ramming.
2. Sketch and describe the stem for a sheathed vessel.
3. What
are the special functions of the sternpost of a twin-screw
vessel? Sketch and describe such a sternpost with the connection of the
adjacent structure.
4. What special features do the sternposts of modern cruisers
possess ?
Make a sketch of one such sternpost. What is specially necessary for the
support of the rudder?
5. What information is supplied to your ship with respect to the
rudder ?
6. Make a sketch of a shaft bracket. Indicate the exact nature of the
strains that this fitting has to withstand. What is it made of in your ship ?
the spindle to the forward cross-head is considerably less than the diameter
of the rudder-head. Why are these diameters so different, seeing that both
have to take the same twisting moment ?
5. In Harfield's and Rapson's slide steering gears (Figs. 86 and 84), why
are not the tillers keyed direct on to the rudder-head without the use of the
connecting rods ?
" "
6. Is a Fayrer's brake fitted to the hand-wheels of your ship ? If so,
what purpose does it serve ? If not, why has it been dispensed with ?
7. Why is it essential that steering gear should be under perfect control
when changing from steam to hand, or from one steam engine to the other ?
8. What alternative methods of steering your ship are possible, supposing
the steering gear aft and the rudder are in order ?
9. Supposing the rudder of your ship carried away/ how could you steer
the ship?
10. Make a list of the positions from which your ship can be steered,
1. Make
a list (with capacities, if possible) of all the pumps available in
below the surface is about 14 ,^/d tons per minute for every square foot of
area of the hole.
Explain how the centrifugal circulating pumps in the engine-rooms
may be made available for dealing with inflow of water into a ship.
4. Sketch the "main drain" as fitted to a modern ship. Show how
water is prevented from passing away from the engine-room or from one
boiler-room to another through this main drain.
5. How is water got rid of from (i.) wings, (ii.) barbettes, (iii.) submerged
escape pipes ?
9. Describe, with sketches, the ventilation in your ship of (i.) sick bay,
(ii.) spirit room, (iii.) engineer's workshop, (iv.) capstan engine compartment.
What is rust, and under what conditions is it formed ?
to arise in a ship from the steel of which the mill scale had not been removed
before painting ?
7. Sketch and describe the present system of sheathing vessels with wood
and copper. What service are such vessels specially suitable for Name 1
13. Compare the method of protecting the gun mountings for heavy guns
in (1) Admiral class, (2) Royal Sovereign, (3) Duncan.
14. Make out a list of the armament in your present ship, stating in
each case how the rear of the gun, and how the mounting, etc., is under
" armour
15. What are gratings"? Why are they fitted ? State places
in your present ship where you have noticed armour gratings fitted.
2. A wrought-iron armour plate is 15 ft. 3 in. long, 3 ft. 6 in. wide, and
6. The semi-ordinates of the load water plane of a vessel are 0'2, 3'6, 7 '4,
lO'O, 11-0, 107, 9'3, 6*5, and 2'0 ft. respectively, and thay are 15 ft. apart.
What is the area of the load water plane ?Ans. 1808 square ft.
7. The apart have the following
vertical sections of a vessel 10 ft.
diameter, or hollow iron, 6 in. diameter, and \ in. thick. Estimate the
saving of weight for every 100-ft. length of these pillars, if hollow pillars
are adopted instead of solid, neglecting the effect of the solid heads and
heels of the hollow pillars. Ans. T35 tons.
9. A bunker, 24 ft. long, has a mean section of the form of a trapezoid,
with parallel sides 3 ft. and 4'8 ft., 10*5 ft. apart. Find the number of tons
of coal contained in the bunker, at 43 cubic ft. to the ton.
Ans. 22-8 tons.
the displacement quoted in the
" "
1. is Navy List ?
2. Explain what is meant when a ship's dimensions are stated as follows
in the Navy Estimates. Length, 300 ft. ; breadth, 36 ft. 6 in. ; mean draught,
13 ft. 6 in. ; displacement, 2,135 tons.
3. State the draughts of your ship in three distinct conditions of
Define "deep load," "normal load," "light."
is "gross register" and
" nett
5. register" as applied to the
tonnage of war-ships ? Add to the comparative table of tonnage in Chapter
XV., the various tonnages for your present ship as given in the Ship's Book.
6. Compare the methods of referring to the tonnage of
war-ships and
merchant ships, and explain why it is that the great size of modern liners, as
compared with the largest war-ships, is not appreciated because cf the different
systems of stating the tonnage.
7. Write out the regulations contained in the King's Regulations
regarding the statements to be given of the tonnage of H.M. ships.
8. Why do ships of the Royal Navy have to be measured by the Board
of Trade officers for tonnage ?
1. Explain and justify the statement, "the weight of a vessel is equal to
the weight of the water displaced."
2. A vessel at Gravesend, where the water weighs 63*7 Ibs. per cubic ft.,
istound to displace 60,500 cubic ft. What is her weight in tons ?
Ans. 1720 tons.
3. What is the weight of a box-shaped vessel 150 ft. long, 17 ft. broad,
4. A cylinder is 500 ft. long, 20 diameter, and floats with the axis in
the water surface. Find its weight when floating thus in salt water.
Ans. 2244 tons.
5. Stats, if possible, the tons per inch of your present ship, and compare
H.M.S. King Edward VII., 425 ft. X 78 ft. x 26 ft. 9 in. x 16,350 tons,
(ii.) SS. Umbria, 500 ft. x 57 ft. x 22 ft. 6 in. x 9860 tons,
(iii.) H.M.S. Duke of Edinburgh, 480 ft. x 73* ft. x 27 ft. x 13,550 tons,
(iv.) H.M.S. Diadem, 435 ft. x 69 ft. x 25 ft. 3 in. x 11,000 tons (keel
projection 8 in.).
(v.) S.S. Lusitania, 760 ft. x 87 ft. 6 in. x 32 ft. 6 in. x 36,840 tons,
(vi.) H.M.S. Dreadnought, 490 ft. x 82 ft. x 26 ft. 6 in. x 17,900 tons,
(vii.) H.M.S. Invincible, 530 ft. X 78 ft. 6 in. X 26 ft. x 17,250 tons. Ans.
(i.) 0-645 ; (ii.) 0'538 ; (iii.) 0'5 ; (iv.) 0'52 ; (v.) 0-597 ; (vi.) 0'588 ;
(vii.) 0-558.
" "
8. What is tons per inch immersion 1 Find the value of this for a
box-shaped vessel 150 ft. long, 30 ft. broad. Ans. 107 tons.
9. Draw
out a curve giving the displacement of the vessel in the previoua
question for all draughts up to 12 ft.
Ans. Curve is a straight line from at zero draught to 1543 tons
at 12 ft. draught.
10. A vessel of 14 mean draught
has the following displacements at
17-25, 15-6, 13-55, 10-87, and 6 '52, the lowest waterline being 18 in. above
the underside of flat keel. Draw the curve of tons per inch immersion to
scale and estimate the number of tons necessary to sink the vessel from
a draught of 12 ft. to a draught of 13 ft. 6 in. Ans. 344 tons.
12. The area of a waterplane at which a ship floats is 6300 square ft.
What will the sinkage be if 45 tons be placed on board ? Ans. 3 in.
depends on (i.) the shape of the waterplane and (ii.) the displacement.
6. What is the metacentric ? State this length for your ship in the
deeply laden condition.
7. What is a metacentric diagram ? Of what use is such a diagram when
8. Indicate the reason that a log of timber half immersed will not float with
one face horizontal or with the axis vertical.
9. What is the What knowledge of the ship does
inclining experiment ?
one obtain from this experiment ?
10. Show that if a deflection a is observed in a length I of a pendulum,
after traversing w tons through d ft. across the deck of a vessel tons W
displacement, the metacentric height is given by
GM = w x d x I
W x a
16. Atwo-masted cruiser of 5000 tons displacement has its C.G. 2 ft.
above the waterline. It is decided to add a military top to each mast.
Assuming the weight of each top with its guns, men, and ready ammunition
supply to be 12 tons, with its C.G. 70 ft. above the waterline, what will /be
the effect of the change on the metacentric height ?
Ans. Reduce about 0*3 ft.
square of 2 ft. side. Find the longitudinal metacentric height when floating
in stable equilibrium. Ans. 16 '5 ft. nearly.
10. H.M.S. Hermes is 350 ft. x 54 ft. x 5600 tons when floating at a
draught of 19 ft. 6 in. forward, 21 ft. 6 in. aft. It is desired to take her
over a bar at which the depth of water is 19 ft. Approximate to the weight
necessary to remove, and where the C.G. of this weight should be.
Ans. 570 tons removed from the ship so disposed that the C.G.
is about 40 ft. abaft of amidships.
11. A vessel whose moment to change trim 1 in. " is 73 foot-tons, floats
at a draught of 6 ft. 6 in. on an even keel. Determine the draught forward
and aft if a weight of 5 tons is moved aft through a distance of 135 ft.
Ans. 6 ft. 11 in. forward 6 ft. 10| in. aft.
forward, 27 ft. 3 in. aft, and displaces 15,000 tons. Make an estimate of
the new draught if 500 tons of coal is added 75 ft. before amidships.
Ans. Forward, 28 ft. 6| in. ; aft, 26 ft. 8J in., about.
13. At about what station of your ship would the effect of added weight
be to increase draught bodily but not to change the trim ?
14. What relation exists between the transverse and longitudinal stability
of a wholly submerged body ? Discuss the question of submarine navigation
from the point of view of longitudinal stability.
1. What
are the important features of a curve of stability ?
2. Why specially desirable to have the curve of stability of a sailing-
is it
15, 30, 45, 60, 75, viz. 0'51, 0'97, 0'90, 0'53, 0.08 ft. respectively.
Estimate the influence on the range of stability caused by lifting the C.G.
of ship 0'2 ft. Ans. Reduce nearly 6.
6. Draw out curves of stability of two ships, one having a great meta-
centric height and one having a moderate metacentric height.
10. Justify the statement that a " crank ship is likely to be exceedingly
steady in a sea-way."
11. What is synchronism ? If the ship in question 9 is under control,
what could the commanding officer do to destroy the synchronism ?
12. Explain the principle of Mallock's rolling indicator.
13. Why is a pendulum untrustworthy in regard to giving indications of
the rolling of a ship ?
ship bends away from the straight before taking the spiral course. Give an
explanation of this.
3. Explain the features of the Japanese battleship, Yashima, which caused
her to have an outward heel of 8f when on the circle at full speed. Have
you noticed any similar phenomenon in your experience ?
4. What is the "pivoting point" of a ship when turning? Can you
locate this point in your present ship ?
y 2
turning at full speed (a) with steam steering engine in use, (6) with
hand-wheels only available ? Also what difference at 10 or 12 knots under
these circumstances ?
6. Show that the influence of the after deadwood of a ship is favourable
to turning when the rudder is first put over, but unfavourable when on the
7. Enumerate all the advantages you think a twin-screw ship possesses in
either by
(a) Turning with full helm, both screws ahead ;
gpeed, would you not expect that the speed below water would be greater
than the speed on the surface, in view of the absence of wave- making
resistance 1
10. Suppose one engine of Drake broke down, at what speed do you
estimate she could go, (a) "with all despatch," (I) "with despatch,"
" with moderate ?
(c) despatch
Ans. (a) 181-19 knots (1) 17-17 knots ; (c) 141-15 knots.
11. A
twin-screw Atlantic liner in mid Atlantic breaks one propeller
shaft, and it is stated that she finishes the voyage with one engine at three-
quarter speed. How do you account for a falling-off of only a quarter the
speed, with a reduction of one-half the power ?
12. Calculate the value of the coefficient V -r V/L in the following ships,
viz. :
which a naval architect has to design and build a war-ship and an architect
to design and build a large building, or a civil engineer a bridge.
2. Discuss in general terms the conditions under which a war-ship designer
has to work as compared with a naval architect designing large steamers of
the Mercantile Marine.
3. State the advantages of having a forecastle in a war-vessel designed
for high speed.
4. What advantages from a gunnery point of view are found in a war-
Ten 12-in. guns and 27 12-pr. Q.F. anti-torpedo boat guns and 6
submerged torpedo tubes.
In arranging for a uniform armament of 12-in. guns it became at once
apparent that a limitation to the number of guns that could be usefully
carried was imposed by considerations of the blast effect of the guns on the
crews of those guns adjacent to them. It is obviously uneconomical to place
the guns in such relative positions that the blast of any single gun on any
permissible training should very seriously hamper the use of one or more of
the remaining guns.
While it is recognized that broadside fire is held to be the most important
in a battleship, all-round fire is also considered of
great importance, since it
lies in the power of an enemy to force an opponent, who is anxious to
engage, to fight an end-on action.
In the arrangement of armament adopted, 6 of the guns are mounted
in pairs on the centre line of the ship the remaining 4 guns are mounted
in pairs on the broadside. Thus 8 12-in. guns (80 per cent, of the main
armament) can be fired on either broadside, and 4, or possibly 6, 12-in.
guns (or 60 per cent, of the main armament) can be fired simultaneously
ahead or astern.
In view of the potentialities of modern torpedo craft, and considering
especially the chances of torpedo attack towards the end of an action, it
is considered
necessary to separate the anti-torpedo boat guns as widely as
possible from one another, so that the whole of them shall not be disabled
by one or two heavy shells. This consideration led the Committee to
recommend a numerous and widely distributed armament of 12-pr. Q.F. guns
new design and greater power than those hitherto carried for use against
of a
torpedo craft.
In order to give the ship good sea-going qualities and to increase the
command of the forward guns, a forecastle is provided, giving the ship a
freeboard forward of 28 ft. a higher freeboard than has been given to any
modern battleship.
The main armour belt has a maximum thickness of 11 in., tapering to
6 in. at the forward and 4 at the after extremity of the vessel; the
redoubt armour varies in thickness from 11 in. to 8 in. ; the turrets and fore
conning tower are 11 in. thick, and the after conning tower is 8 in. thick ;
the protective deck varies from 1| in. to 2| in. in thickness.
Special attention has been given to safeguarding the ship from destruction
by underwater explosion. All the main transverse bulkheads below the
main deck (which will be 9 ft. above the water-line) are unpierced except
for the purpose of leading pipes or wires conveying power. Lifts and other
of the increased protection which is provided for with this system, due to
the engines being lower in the ship advantages which much more than
easy manoeuvring. Trials were carried out between the sister vessels Eden
and Waveney, and the Amethyst and Sapphire, one of each class fitted with
reciprocating and the other with turbine engines; experiments were also
carried out at the Admiralty Experimental Works at Haslar, and it was
ship, and in this way the steam will be more economically used when going
astern, and a proportionally greater astern power obtained than in the Eden
and Amethyst.
The ship has a total coal-bunker capacity of 2700 tons, and with this
amount of coal she will be able to steam about 5800 sea miles at economical
speed, and about 3500 sea miles at 18J knots after allowance has been made
for bad weather and for a small amount of coal being left in the bunkers.
Stowage for oil-fuel has been arranged for, but oil-fuel has not been taken
into account in estimating the radius of action, which, of course, will be
greatly increased thereby.
Considerable attention has been devoted to the arrangements for the
accommodation of the officers and men. In view of the increasing length
and greater power of modern ships the usual position of the Admiral's and
Captain's quarters right aft is becoming more and more open to objection.
Up to the present the principal officers have been berthed at the furthest
possible distance from the fore bridge and conning tower, where their most
important duties are performed. It has been decided that in this ship the
Admiral's and Captain's quarters shall be placed on the main deck forward,
near the conning tower; also that the officers' quarters shall be placed
forward, both on the main deck and on the upper deck, in the fore part of
the ship. Ample accommodation for the remainder of the crew is available
on the main and lower decks aft.
"Invincible" Class.
plating of, 56
Copper sheathing, 141
support to, 45
Corrosion, 138
Diadem and Powerful, comparison of I.H.P., Greyhound, towing experiments on, 278
286 Grummets, 52, 144
Diadem, section of, 32 Gunmetal composition, 140
turning of, 27 '2
turning, 272
, Powerful and Diadem compared,
sloop, 38 Linoleum, 53
third class cruiser, 35
of Lion, 175
Freeboard, influence on stability, 245 Load, deep, condition, definition of, 194
of merchant ships, 204 stability, 219
Free water, influence of, 227 Load, normal condition, definition of, l'J4
French war-ship, section of, 158 stability, 219
Trim, change of, 232
moment to change 1 inch, 233 Water-testing, 70
Watertight bulkheads, 65
Triumph, H.M.S., 163
Tumble home, effect on stability, 249 doors, hinged, 72
, horizontal sliding, 73
Turning of ships, 265
trials in Royal Navy, 274 , vertical sliding, 73
flats, 50
Twin screw ship, turning of, 274
frames, 26
UNRESISTED 252 hatches, 53
rolling in still water,
inner bottom, 58
Unstable equilibrium, 209
subdivision, 65
Upper deck of a cruiser, 47 Watertightness, 70
VALVE, screw-down, 116
Wave-making resistance, 283
and Wave, ship on, 4
, screw-down, non-return, flood,
Waves, rolling among, 258
Wood backing, 181
Ventilation, artificial, 126
126 decks. 51
, natural,
"L fc