"Lex Bonanza-2016": Ndore Nstitute of AW
"Lex Bonanza-2016": Ndore Nstitute of AW
"Lex Bonanza-2016": Ndore Nstitute of AW
Lex Bonanza-2016
Striving for Legal Excellence
Chapter V
RULES & REGULATIONS ................................................................................................................. 2
1. Competition committee and forum ............................................................................................... 2
2. Interpretation clause & Eligibility................................................................................................ 2
3. Team composition........................................................................................................................ 4
4. Rounds ........................................................................................................................................ 4
4.1. Preliminary round................................................................................................................. 4
4.2. Semi-Final .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.3. Final ..................................................................................................................................... 6
4.4. Ex-parte proceeding ............................................................................................................. 6
5. Memorials ................................................................................................................................... 6
5.1. Service of memorial ............................................................................................................. 8
5.2. Anonymity ........................................................................................................................... 8
6. Scoring ........................................................................................................................................ 8
6.1. Scoring of oral arguments ..................................................................................................... 8
6.2. Scoring of Memorial ............................................................................................................ 9
6.3. Researchers test .................................................................................................................... 9
7. Awards ...................................................................................................................................... 10
8. Dress code ................................................................................................................................. 10
9. Registration & fee ...................................................................................................................... 10
These rules shall be the official rules for Moot Court Competition to be held on 22nd and 23rd
October, 2016 at Indore Institute of Law. All the participating teams must strictly adhere to these
rules in every circumstance.
Students enrolled in a full-time or part-time law programme at the time of the competition are
eligible to compete in the Competition. Each College/Law School or University may enter one
team ONLY.
3. Team composition
A team consisting of three members that satisfies the eligibility Criteria can participate.
Each team shall comprise of two speakers and one Researcher.
Only the speakers are allowed to present and argue. The researcher will not be given a
chance to speak unless specifically allowed by the Judges. However, he/she can pass on
the hand written notes to the Speakers with the permission of the Judges.
No team member may be replaced after the teams memorial has been received by the
Competition Committee, except with the express written consent of the Competition
Committee, which will require a showing of good cause.
4. Rounds
The competition shall be of three rounds namely Preliminary, Semi-Finals and Final
Following shall be the rules for Oral Presentation in each round.
If any speaker continues to speak after the completion of the allocated time, the
additional time which he or she speak for will be deducted from the time allocated to his
or her co-speaker, as the case may be. However, no speaker shall be allowed to present
his arguments beyond the maximum time.
Each speaker must introduce himself or herself to the court using only his identification
code and team code given to him/her at the time of memorial submission.
A team shall be credited with a win in the Preliminary Rounds if their Round Total
(score of both speakers + marks allotted to memorial) is greater than the opposing
Teams with two wins will qualify for Semi-Final. In case there are more than four teams
with two wins round total will be used to decide the winners.
In case of tie, scores of the speakers will be considered.
In case the tie still persists then scores allotted in Understanding of Law and
Procedure will be added to decide the winner.
Total of four teams from the preliminary round will qualify for the Semi-Final round.
Matching of each team shall be done by the Draw of Lots
Each team will be allotted 30 minutes for the arguments including time for Rebuttal
and Sur-rebuttal.
The Semi-Final Round will consist of One (1) Mooting Session and will also be a
Knockout Round where the winner of each Semi-Final Round pairings will advance to
the Final Round.
A team shall be credited with a win in the Semi-Final Round if their Round Total (score
of both speakers) is greater than the opposing team. (Marks allotted to Memorial will
not be considered in the Round Total).
In case of tie in Semi-Final Round pairing, total scores allotted in Understanding of
Law and Procedure will be considered to decide the winner.
4.3. Final
Winners of each Semi-Final round will qualify for the final round.
Each team will be allotted 45 minutes for the arguments including time for Rebuttal
and Sur-rebuttal.
At the outset, if a team fails to appear within 15 minutes of the scheduled time (in any
of the three rounds) or in case of odd number of teams (in preliminary round), then the
oral round of the attending party may proceed Ex parte.
In case failure of appearance of teams within stipulated time period, the attending party
is Respondent the party will be declared winner.
5. Memorials
Each participating team shall prepare both memorials and counter memorials, in
English. All teams are to submit their copies to organizers in hard copy to the organizers
before the deadline specified by the organizing committee. Failure to do so will result in
disqualification from the competition.
Memorials from each side should not contain more than 20pages (which constitutes
summary of facts & arguments, arguments advanced and prayer).
The memorial must be typed and double-spaced. A team does not violate the double-
spacing requirement by including written material properly that is single spaced, such as
a block quote.
The memorial shall consist of following:
i. Cover Page
ii. Table of Contents
iii. Index of Authorities
iv. Statement of Jurisdiction
v. Summary of Issues raised/questions presented
All citations must adhere to Blue Book 9th Edition and fulfill the following requirements
Font type Times New Roman
Font size 12
Footnotes Font type Times New Roman
Footnotes Font 10
**Memorials that do not follow the above mentioned specifications shall be
5.1.Service of memorial
All participants must submit EIGHT (8) copies of the Memorial for both sides.
The soft copy of the memorial shall also be sent through e-mail on
[email protected] latest by 10 October before 5:00 pm.
The memorial should be sent as an email attachment in Word format. Do not send the
memorial as a PDF-file.
Subject of the email shall Memorial for team code. Please name the memorial using
your teams Code and A for Applicant or R for Respondent. For example, if you are
assigned team number 555 the file name should be 555A.doc or 555R.doc.
The submission of hard copies should be done latest by 12th October at Indore Institute
of Law, Campus before 5:00 pm.
Memorials that arrive after the deadline may receive a deduction for being submitted late.
Each team will be awarded a code number after registration and that number alone shall
be marked on the memorials.
Identity of the team or the names of the participants must not be revealed in the Memorial
in any manner whatsoever and all teams must send the Memorial with a covering letter
specifying the name and contact details of the Team Members and their designated Team
Name of the school/University shall not be mentioned on any compendium or material to
be presented the bench. Failure to compliance will lead to disqualification of such
compendium or material from presentation.
6. Scoring
Following schematics will be followed in the competition for the scoring of the teams.
7. Awards
**For Best Mooter award, the points scored from the preliminary rounds alone will be counted.
8. Dress code
Formal wear
11. Miscellaneous
All participants are expected to maintain the decorum in the court during the competition
and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner befitting the legal profession.
The Competition committee reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to take appropriate
action for any unethical, unprofessional and wrongful conduct during the entire period of
the Moot Court competition.
Upon completion of the competition, the competition committee reserves the exclusive
right to use the memorials submitted to them, as they deem appropriate.
Participating teams should carry with them required study or reference materials for their
own use during the oral rounds of competition.
Team found attempting to approach and influencing Judges/Administrators/Organizers
shall be disqualified.
No member of any team will be permitted to hear the arguments in any court rooms in
which that team is one of the contesting teams whilst that team is still in the competition.