How To Create A New Event For E-Social - v2.0 PDF
How To Create A New Event For E-Social - v2.0 PDF
How To Create A New Event For E-Social - v2.0 PDF
How-To Guide
Applicable Releases:
SAP_HR 6.00 and higher
Version 2.0
October 2017
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Table of Contents
1. Business Background .....................................................................................................1
2. Technical Background ....................................................................................................1
2.1 eSocial Framework Components...............................................................................1
2.2 eSocial Framework Details........................................................................................3
2.2.1 ABAP OO Interfaces .....................................................................................4
2.2.2 Processing class...........................................................................................5
2.2.3 Data storage .................................................................................................5
2.2.4 Event Data Structures ...................................................................................5
2.2.5 Customizing..................................................................................................7
2.2.6 Event Deadline .............................................................................................7
2.2.7 Event statuses ..............................................................................................7
2.2.8 Data Selection ..............................................................................................9
2.2.9 Reports....................................................................................................... 10
3. How to Create a New Event for eSocial ........................................................................ 11
3.1 Create the processing class of the event ................................................................. 11
3.2 Customize the eSocial information type table .......................................................... 11
3.3 Define the eSocial application tables ....................................................................... 11
3.4 Create a data structure ........................................................................................... 12
3.5 Implement the processing class .............................................................................. 13
3.6 Customize the events deadline table rules .............................................................. 14
3.7 Customize the eSocial event type table ................................................................... 15
3.8 Customize the eSocial table for Change Manager ................................................... 16
4. Appendix........................................................................................................................ 18
4.1 Appendix A Objects reference .............................................................................. 18
4.2 Appendix B Example of processing class implementation ..................................... 18
4.3 Appendix C Example of logging errors.................................................................. 22
4.4 Appendix D Change Manager .............................................................................. 22
4.4.1 Change Manager for Table Events.............................................................. 23
4.4.2 Change Manager for Employee Events ....................................................... 24
4.4.3 Change Manager for Deletion Events.......................................................... 25
4.4.4 Change Manager for Employee events without rectification ......................... 25
4.4.5 Change Manager for Periodic events .......................................................... 25
4.4.6 Change Manager for Periodic events on employer level .............................. 26
4.5 Appendix E When a new version of the class is necessary ................................... 26
4.6 Appendix F HCM Objects ..................................................................................... 27
4.7 Appendix G Data Dictionary Structures ................................................................ 28
4.8 Appendix H XML Generation Classes .................................................................. 28
1. Business Background
eSocial is a system for digital bookkeeping of payroll, and of work, tax and social insurance tributes,
valid for all employment contracts established in Brazil. Employers must send information about all
employees to the relevant government authorities in a specific timeframe. The information sent to the
government is grouped in events, such as hiring, firing or leave notice.
Note that according to the eSocials layout, the validity of the table events are competence
(month and year) and it does not take account the day. As the SAP tables have begin and end
dates, in case an entry starts and ends in the same month it has to be discarded. The Business
classes of the event are in charge of applying this rule. Use of the standard classes for
2. Technical Background
The eSocial framework manages the process of extracting the data, storing the data and generating the
XML files to be sent to the government.
The logic to get the data from the database is managed by specific business logic classes, and each
event type has its own class.
The eSocial framework executes the processing of each event and, manages data events
rectification/deletion/changes, and manages the data returned by the event processing. The processing
of the event is business dependent; therefore each event needs to have a specific class extracting the
data from database.
Events Monitor: Report for monitoring the events status and deadline.
Pulling: Report to trigger the check of the processing status the events sent to the authorities.
Data Engine: main component of the framework that is in charge of the full processing. It is the
entry point to use the framework, in other words, you use this class when you want to run the
Data Management: it is in charge of storing and reading data from database.
Event Data Extraction Logic: it is the specific logic of the events to extract data from database
and generate the events.
The flow of the eSocial execution for data extraction is the following:
The flow of the eSocial execution for events send is the following:
2.2.1 ABAP OO Interfaces
Processing class of the event is the class that contains the business logic to fill the event data. This
class is triggered by the framework according to customizing (see section 3.7). It receives the selection
object as parameter (see section 2.2.8) and, according to this selection; the class has to generate one
or more instances of the CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_EVENT class. It must use the interface
The framework controls the events by the table T7BREFD_EVENT. For each event generated in
productive mode an entry is created in this table and an ID is generated (EVENT_ID) to identify the
event. The main fields of the table are:
Event ID: unique global ID of the event
Event type: event type, link to table T7BREFD_EVTYPE
Status: current status of the event
Information type and value: fields to inform what the content of the event refers to, e.g.
employees, branches, companies
Begin and end dates: valid dates of the event
When the eSocial events are generated, they have to be stored in application data tables to allow
you to send the XML file in a future time. The application tables you created must have all fields
necessary by the event XML file. You can create one or more tables, and each event can have one or
more entries in each table you created.
You can reuse tables that had been created or create new tables in case the existing ones do not have
all the information you need. In case more than one table is needed to store the event data in the
database, you have to create a data dictionary structure which can contain a deep structure with the
table lines needed. If the event data uses just one application table, the data structure of the event can
be the line of the table. Check the section 2.2.4 for more information.
The processing class fills the table fields and returns them to the framework so that the framework
saves them in the database.
If you want to generate a complex event, which contains many fields, or it has complex deep structures,
you should group all the tables needed for the event in a dictionary data structure. This structure is
called the main structure of the event, and there are some rules that you need to follow when designing
this structure.
When designing a data structure, take the rules below into consideration:
Two kinds of structures must exist:
o Flat structure: structure that only contains data elements as fields. Flat structures
MUST be lines of eSocial data tables.
o Deep structure: structure that only contains structures and table types as fields.
A parent of an application table is the application table that is on the previous level,
according to the image below:
Child of A*
Parent A*
Main Structure Child of A*
Deep structure
Child of A and
Parent B*
The structure can be either a line of an eSocial table (see section 3.3), or have a deep structure with
eSocial table lines inside of it.
In this example, the event consists of employee data, each employee can have several payroll runs,
and each payroll run can have several wage types. Each line in the example corresponds to the
The data structure HRPAYBR_EFD_S_PAY_EVENT is the main structure and it has two fields:
The EMPLOYEE field is the line of the table which stores employee information.
The PAYROLLS field is a table type of HRPAYBR_EFD_S_PAYROLL that is used for organizing
the data. This structure has two fields: PAY_DATA and WAGETYPES.
The PAY_DATA field is the payroll data to be saved in the database.
The WAGETYPES field is a table type of the table which saves the wage type information for the
In this example, LINE (wage type) is a child structure of the PAY_DATA (payroll) structure, and
PAY_DATA is a child structure of the EMPLOYEE structure.
The eSocial framework uses the data structure to save the information in the database. You must follow
some rules when creating a deep data structure:
In case of a table is initial1, it is not saved in the database
In case of a parent table is initial, neither the table nor its children are saved in the database
A structure must only contain tables or table types as fields
The first field of a structure must always be a table
o You can use a dummy table2 if not data is necessary
It means that no field in the table has value. It is checked with the ABAP statement IS INITIAL.
We consider as dummy table, a table which contain only the mandatory fields of the eSocial
application table
2.2.5 Customizing
The customizing of the event types and the corresponding processing classes are stored in the table
The deadline of the event is the maximum date that an event must be send to the Government. Each
event type has its own rule.
The event Monitor uses the deadline date of the event in order to help the end user to deliver the events
in time to the authorities.
Perform the customizing of the deadline rules of the event in the table T7BREFD_DDLINE. This table
contains fields, which supports more than 15 different combinations of rules.
0: For verification
1: Ready to send
Event regeneration
7: Processing into
2: Sent
4: Waiting correction
3: Accepted
6: Obsolete
5: Manually canceled
For verification: Initial status, defined when the event is created. It is created automatically.
Ready to send: Set when the event was already checked and it is ok to send. It is fired by the
Processing into batch: Set when the event was selected to be sent and assigned to a batch.
Sent: Set when the event is sent to the component that will fire the WebService. It is fired by the
Accepted: Set when the event was received and it is correct. Status changed automatically when
the Government answer is received.
Waiting correction: Set when the event was sent and it has an error identified by the
Government. Status changed automatically when the Government answer is received.
Obsolete: It is used when the event was already sent to the Government but it was deleted (via
S-3000 event or via deletion on table events) or rectified. The change manager creates a link
between the original event and the deleted/rectified one through the T7BREFD_EVLNK table.
This status is set automatically by the change manager when the deleted/rectified event is
Selection class is a class that is in charge of carrying the selection data from the selection screen of
the application that triggers the framework to the processing class of the event. The standard solution
has four classes for selection:
CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_SELECTION: this class contains basic data, like the start and end selection,
whether the execution is productive or not, whether the application needs a detailed log, and extra
parameters if necessary. This class should be used for generic selection of events.
Ensure that all the events you generate respect the selection period, otherwise the Change Manager
component could lead to unexpected situations.
Do NOT change the begin and end dates of the selection object.
In case you want to have another selection, you can create your own selection class with your rules as
a sub class of the CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_SELECTION class. After that, you have to create your own report
to select the data, fill the selection class you created and run the framework (dispatcher).
2.2.9 Reports
Generator reports are used to run the eSocial events, and the framework provides three reports for it:
The information type table stores the main type of information that the event contains; for example,
employee, wage type, company. The information type identify what is the meaning of the information
value of the event, in other words, the information type field and the information value field represents
the event key. You just need to create it in case you want to store an information value that is different
form the ones already supported.
1. In Customizing for Payroll, choose Payroll: Brazil -> eSocial -> Basic settings -> Set information
2. Fill the following fields:
a. Information type define a code for the information type. Note that the namespaces are
the following:
From 01 to 79: SAP namespace
From 80 to 99: customer namespace
b. Conversion class enter an optional class that can be used for converting the information
type to be displayed in the screen. This class has to implement the
IF_HRPAYBR_EFDF_TYPINF_CONV interface. The eSocial framework calls this class
every time it displays the information value field in the output screen.
1. Identify which eSocial application tables are necessary to cover the event data.
2. If necessary, create new tables following the instructions below. Note that the naming convention
for SAP: T7BREFD_<free name>, and that there is not naming convention for customer tables.
Enter the HRPADBR_EFD_S_APP_KEY_FIELDS structure at the beginning of the table as
.INCLUDE and set as key of the table.
Enter the HRPADBR_EFD_S_APP_OTHER_FIELDS structure as .INCLUDE after the
Enter delivery class A.
The fields of the structures above are filled by the framework. The other fields of the table have
to be filled by the processing class.
o The following fields of the XML should not be created in the application tables because
they will be controlled by the framework (T7BREFD_EVENT table):
o The XML fields related to the period (iniValidade and fimValidade) are controlled by the
framework using the table T7BREFD_DTCTRL. Then if you are creating an event that
contains these fields, add this table to your structure.
You can omit a field to be displayed by the eSocial viewer 3 by replacing data element of the
field by an incorporated data type.
You can create database views for a table, in case you want to reuse a table in another event,
but you do not need all the fields of the table.
Just do it all the following conditions apply:
o The eSocial is not in productive mode yet
o The field in the table is obsolete and will not be used further
o You make sure this field is not yet filled by the data extract class
Design a data structure to contain all the fields necessary in the XML and create the data structure in
the data dictionary considering the rules presented in section 2.2.4.
For table events4 use the T7BREFD_DTCTRL application table to control the dates of the event,
than the framework will be able to handle the insertion/change/deletion process of this event
types. This table contains the following fields:
o Begin date (BEGDA): represents the begin date of the event.
o End date (ENDDA): represents the end date of the event.
eSocial viewer is the functionality that displays the generated event information, and it is used by the
generator reports, the Event Monitor report and the Event view report
Table events are defined by the Government as the events of eSocial which reports data related to
tables, like wage type table, branch table, etc.
o Previous begin date (PREV_BEGDA): represents the begin date of the event which was
already sent to the Government. It will be filled by the framework automatically in case
of a change operation
o Previous end date (PREV_ENDDA): represents the end date of the event which was
already sent to the Government. It will be filled by the framework automatically in case
of a change operation
Do not remove any table or data structure of the main data structure of the event in case of
there is already productive events generated.
1. Implement the processing class that you created in step 3.1. For examples of implementation,
see the appendix A. If necessary, create a constructor method for the class, but without
o Return a reference to the data structure that contains all the fields of the event.
o The statement CREATE DATA must be used.
o Extract the data from the database and create instances of the class
CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_EVENT to encapsulate each event.
o The method has to use the selection object IO_SELECTION passed by parameter to
filter the data.
The selection object is filled by the application that executes the eSocial
To process employee events, use the HCM Objects framework to read
employee information (see appendix D).
The selection object can also contain other parameters that are set in the
o Use one of the following three static methods of CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_EVENT class to
instantiate this class:
NEW_INSTANCE_WITH_COMPANY: used for events related to company
IV_BUKRS: Company code
IV_WERKS and IV_BTRTL: Personnel area and Personnel subarea (if
IV_EVENT_TYPE: The code defined on step 3.7 (see below)
IV_BEGDA and IV_ENDDA: the dates that the event refers to. If the
event contains just one date, like hiring, the event dates (BEGDA and
ENDDA) are the hiring date of the employee. If the event is a table event
which contains start and end dates, these dates have to be used
IV_INF_VALUE: the main information that the event contains; for
example, personal number, CPF document, branch, company,
according to information type returned by the method
GET_INFORMATION_TYPE. For standard values use a constant of the
IR_DATA: the reference to the data structure that contains the data of
the event, the same one defined on step 3.4.
NEW_INSTANCE_WITH_EE: used for events related to employee
IO_EMPLOYEE: Reference to the employee instance
IR_DATA: The same as the other method
NEW_INSTANCE_WITH_EVENT: used to instantiate the event class using a line
of the T7BREFD_EVENT table
IR_DATA: The same as the other method
o Use the CREATE DATA statement and get its reference to set it in the event class. Do
not use local definition of the structure like DATA or attribute of the class.
SAP recommends calling the CREATE_STRUCTURE method.
o A best practice is to create another method inside the class to fill the fields of the
structure and not do this processing in the PROCESS method.
o Let inside the PROCESS method just the code to create the structure and the event
o In the class there is no need to deal with rectification process because it will be done
by the framework. Just generate the events according to your database and the
framework will control the deletion, insertion and rectification process.
o Return a table with the reference to the events created in the method PROCESS
o Need to return the type of information on which the event refers to, for example,
employee, CPF, company. It is used as key for the event and it specifies what kind of
information is stored in the field INF_VALUE of the T7BREFD_EVENT table.
o The returned value can to be one of the standards that are defined in the interface
Log errors and warnings by using the instance of the CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_EVENT class to
append exception and messages from message classes and define if the exception is an error
or warning.
To log general errors and warnings which are not specific from events, use the instance of the
class CL_HRPAYBR_EFDF_DATA_LOG which is passed as parameter to the method.
The deadline table rule is the table that stores the calculation rules to determine the deadline of the
events generated. It is just necessary to create an entry in this table in case the standard rules do not
support the rules of the event you are implemented or in case you want to define a rule with different
deadline to follow different processes in your company.
1. In Customizing for Payroll, choose Payroll: Brazil -> eSocial -> Basic settings -> Create rules for
transmission of events.
2. Fill the following fields:
a. Rule code define a code for the rule. Note that the namespaces are the following
i. From 0001 to 8999: SAP namespace
ii. From 9000 to 9999: Customer namespace
iii. As this field is a character field, customers can create own values with Yxxx and
Zxxx namespace
b. Description name of the rule
c. Rule type define a type for the rule calculation. The values can be:
i. 1 (After): it will calculate the deadline after a specific date
ii. 2 (Before): it will calculate the deadline before a specific date
iii. 3 (Next Month): it will calculate the deadline as a date in the next month considering
a specific date
d. Field define which field must be used to calculate the deadline. The values can be:
i. 1 Begin date of the event
ii. 2 End date of the event
iii. 3 eSocial starting date
e. Number of days define the number of days to compose the rule calculation
f. Class for rule you can also define a class to calculate the deadline. The class you
customize here must implements the interface IF_HRPAYBR_EFDF_CALC_DDLINE
i.Note that the naming convention for SAP is CL_HRPAYBR_EFDD_<free_name>,
and that there is no naming convention for customer classes.
g. Working days define if the calculation of the deadline must consider just working days,
it means that the deadline of an event will be calculated to be always a working day
The combination of the fields Rule type, Field, Number of days and Working days define the
rule to calculate the deadline
The Class for rule is just needed in case the customizing of the fields Rule type, Field, Number
of days and Working days is not enough to support a specific requirement for calculating the
deadline of an event
The event type table is the table that stores the event types that can be executed by the framework. It
mainly identifies an event type as a numerical code, and it stores the name of the class that processes
the event (the class created in step 3.1).
1. In Customizing for Payroll, choose Payroll: Brazil -> eSocial -> Basic settings -> Set event types.
a. In this step, you can see the standard entries (V_T7BREFD_EVTYPE table view) and the
customer entries (V_T7BREFD_EVTY_C table view) where you can use to overwrite a
standard entry.
2. Fill the following fields:
a. Event type define a code for the event. Note that the namespaces are the following:
i. From 0001 to 7999: SAP namespace
ii. From 8000 to 9999: customer namespace
b. Start and end dates
c. Processing class enter a class that you created in step 3.1.
d. Classification The classification is used by the change manager module in order to
decide which rule apply to generate the rectifications, modifications and deletions. There
are 8 possible values:
i. P (Payroll events Periodic events): events which will contain payroll information,
e.g. S-1200 (employee remuneration)
ii. T (Table events): events which will contain data related to company customizing,
e.g. S-1000 (employer/taxable person information), S-1010 (wage types table).
iii. W (Employee events Non-periodic events): events which will contain employee
master data, e.g. S-2200 (employee hiring), S-2005 (change to employee
registration data).
iv. D (Delete events): this is used for the event S-3000 (deletion of events)
v. M (Table event on employee level): events that are table related (defined by the
eSocial) and are processed on employee level, e. g. event type 0006 (S-1030
positions/public positions table). If the event type has this classification it will be
processed by PNP.
vi. E (Periodic event on employer level): events that are periodic (defined by the
eSocial) and are processed on company level, it means that these events will be
executed by company and not by employee as the events S-1200 (employee
remuneration) and S-1300 (union dues).
vii. R (Employee events without rectification): events related to employee that does not
have rectification rule, e.g. S-2190 (employee hiring - preliminary registration).
viii. Q (Periodic event on employer level without rectification): events that are periodic
(defined by the eSocial) and are processed on company level and the event does
not have rectification, e.g. S-1295 (sum of contingency payment).
e. Visualization there are 2 possible values:
i. Detailed: display the event data in the log in a detailed mode, respecting the table
which it is stored.
ii. Flat: display the all the event data in the log in a flat structure, it means,
concatenates all the tables of the event in one single data structure.
f. Event legal code legal code of the event, e.g. S-1000
g. Deadline rule Fill this field for defining the rule to calculate the deadline of the event.
This information is mandatory for the event generation. This rule must be one of the rules
defined in step 3.6
h. Skip For Verification Status indicate that the framework should skip this status to
generate the event. It will generate the event with initial status equals to Ready to send.
i. Maximum number of events per batch indicate the maximum number of events that
should be included in each batch
j. Transmission class enter the name of the class used to send the events to eSocial. By
default, SAP delivers the class configured to send events with SOA Manager:
k. XML generation class enter the name of the class used to generated the XML of the
event. By default, SAP delivers the classes for all events defined in the eSocial layout
(check the appendix for more information).
In case the event type relates to a worker event, you can customize the infotypes that are relevant for
the event and needs to be logged for controlling the regeneration of events.
1. In Customizing for Payroll, choose Payroll: Brazil -> eSocial -> Basic settings -> Set infotypes
relevant for events.
2. Fill the following fields:
a. Infotype: number of the infotype which is relevant for the event.
b. Subtype: code of the subtype of the infotype which is relevant for the event. You can use
the character * to represent any subtype.
c. Field: name of the field of the infotype which is relevant for the event. You can use the
character * to represent any field.
d. Start and end dates
4. Appendix
Object Description
T7BREFD_EEINFO Application table with employee information
HRPADBR_EFDE_S_EMPLOYER_INFO Data structure of table event
HRPADBR_EFDE_S_EE_HIRING Data structure of employee event
CL_HRPAYBR_EFDE_EMPLOYER Processing class of table event
CL_HRPAYBR_EFDE_EE_HIRING Processing class of employee event
CL_HRPAYBR_EFDD_TERM_DEADLINE Deadline calculation class
METHOD if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~create_structure.
CREATE DATA rr_data TYPE <data_structure>.
METHOD if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~get_events.
et_events = mt_events.
METHOD if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~get_information_type.
rv_information_type = if_hrpaybr_efd_constants_c=>
Example of implementation using default selection
METHOD if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~process.
et_pernr_table = lt_pernr_table ).
lr_data ?= me->if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~create_structure( ).
lo_employee = lo_ee_selection->create_employee_instance( ).
et_pernr_table = lt_pernr_table ).
lo_employee = lo_ee_selection->create_employee_instance( ).
lo_master_data = lo_employee->get_master_data( ).
lv_cpf = lo_master_data->get_cpf( ).
IF ( sy-subrc <> 0 ).
lr_data ?= me->if_hrpaybr_efdf_data_extractor~create_structure( ).
ls_cpf_event-cpf = lv_cpf.
ls_cpf_event-event = lo_event.
lr_data = ls_cpf_event-event->get_date( ).
4.3 Appendix C Example of logging errors
2. General errors.
lv_msg_var2 = text-t03.
iv_message_id = 'HRPAYBR_EFD'
iv_message_type = 'E'
iv_message_number = '001'
iv_message_var1 = lc_record
iv_message_var2 = lv_msg_var2 ).
The Change Manager is the framework component that deals with the rectification, deletion and change
of events. Before using the Change Manager functionality, make sure that the Business Extractor Class
generates the events using valid data.
For example:
You create an absence infotype for an employee.
When you run the Change Manager framework selecting the employee and the absence period,
the business class generates an event for the absence infotype.
If you delete the absence infotype and run again the business class, the event for the absence
infotype will not be generated, therefore the Change Manager framework will identify that the
event for that absence was deleted.
The Change Manager identifies if an event had a change in its data and generates a rectification for this
change. In other words, when the business class generates an event, the Change Manager evaluates
the content of this event (data) to check if the event was already sent to eSocial national environment,
and performs the following actions:
Sends the event as insertion if it was not sent yet.
Sends the event as change/rectification if the event was already sent with different data.
Discards the event generated by the business class if the event was already sent with the same
Generates a deletion event.
The Change Manager works differently for table events and employee events.
Table events cannot be rectified; they can just be changed and deleted.
The business class generates an event for each table entry and delimitation, and the Change Manager
evaluates one-by-one to decide which event must be executed.
The database here is the table of the event which is managed by the Data Manager component of the
Change Manager framework.
To identify the table event in the database, the following fields are considered as key of the event:
Event Type, Information Type, Information Value, Begin date, End Date.
The Change Manager evaluates the selection period of the selection screen of the generation in order
to select the events which were already generated in the database.
4.4.2 Change Manager for Employee Events
Employee events can be rectified. The rectification is basically the resending of an event, and the
exclusion of the first event you sent is done via the event S-3000. That is, to delete an employee event,
you have to send a S-3000 event referring the event you want to delete.
This rule is used for events with classification W (employee events Non-periodic events).
The Change Manager processes employee events similarly to how it processes Table Events, except
for the following scenarios:
For deletion8 of events, the event S-30009 is automatically generated instead of sending the
same event with a deletion operation.
Find below examples of the Change Manager behavior using an infotype as reference to generate the
event S-2205 (change to employee registration data).
By deletion here, it is understood an event that exists in the database for the selection period but that
was not generated in the current execution by the business class.
The event S-3000 cannot be generated using the standard generation reports. Change Manager on Master Data
For employee events, there is also the possibility to customize an eSocial table to register a log of the
master data changes that are relevant for the eSocial. This procedure is useful to identify which events
should be regenerated for each employee.
The Tabela de controle de eventos para serem gerados (T7BREFD_EVTOGEN) table stores the infotype
log. This table is maintained by the Change Manager framework and stores:
Personal Number
Event type: The code of the event that needs to be generated
Begin and end dates
The customizing is done in the Campos de Infotipos relevantes para gerao de eventos
(T7BREFD_ITEVTRIG) table, as explained in the steps to create an event.
The deletion event (S-3000) cannot be deleted and rectified, that is, this type of event only generates
insertions. This rule is applied to events with the classification D (Deletion events).
When the deletion event (S-3000) is generated, it is automatically linked to the event that should be
deleted. After the deletion event is sent and accepted by the eSocial, the original event (the one to which
it is linked) is set to status obsolete.
For employee events that do not have rectifications, the process is the same as the one described in
the employee events section, except for the fact that when the system identifies that the event was
changed and requires a rectification, the rectification is not generated by the Change Manager and a
warning message is displayed.
This rule is processed for events with classification R (Employee events without rectification).
Periodic Events work similarly to employee events, because they can be rectified, and they can also be
deleted through the generation of event S-3000. The periodic events can be generated and sent to
eSocial national environment in case the payroll period10 is not closed11 or in case was already
reopened12. The Change Manager identifies that a payroll period was already closed and generates
automatically the reopen (S-1298) event.
Payroll period here refers to the eSocial concept, using the eSocial events S-1299 and S-1298. That
is, this concept does not relate to payroll period defined in the system.
The closing of the payroll period is done when you send the event S-1299 (closing of periodic events).
The reopening of the payroll period is done when you send the event S-1298 (reopening of periodic
events), and this event can only be send for a period when you have already sent the event S-1299.
This rule is used for events with the classification P (Payroll events Periodic events).
The business class generates an event for the payroll period, and the Change Manager evaluates one-
by-one to decide which event must be executed.
Find below examples of the Change Manager behavior using the payroll cluster as reference.
The Change Manager manages events S-1298 (reopening of periodic events) and S-1299 (closing of
periodic events) for Periodic Events on employer level.
You cannot delete these events after you have sent them to eSocial. In case a Periodic Event on
Employer level was not already sent to eSocial, the Change Manager deletes this event from the
For future maintenance, it is necessary to create a new version of the processing class and delimit the
V_T7BREFD_EVTYPE (or V_T7BREFD_EVT_C) table view in following situations:
You have removed fields/structures/tables from the event structure
You have changed the hierarchy of the event structure
You have changed the structure of event
You have changed the information type of the event
You have changed the selection class that the processing class is expecting, for example from
For a faster approach on developing events that have employee information, SAP recommends the use
of the HCM Objects framework.
The HCM Objects framework has been developed to retrieve employee master data (infotype data)
more easily. This framework also reads customizing data that are related to the infotypes.
In case the HCM Objects framework does not have the information that you need for eSocial, SAP
recommends that you consider whether the information necessary is applicable to be inserted in the
framework. If so, enhance the HCM Objects framework; otherwise implement it on your processing
Example of code
DATA lo_employee TYPE REF TO cl_hrpadbr_employee.
DATA lo_org_assign TYPE REF TO cl_hrpadbr_org_assign.
DATA ls_t001p TYPE REF TO t001p.
* Read the entry of T001P which have information about the subarea
ls_t001p = lo_org_assign->get_hr_subarea( ).
ls_output_data-bukrs = lo_org_assign->ms_org_assign-bukrs.
ls_output_data-moabw = ls_t001p-moabw.