Clsificacion 3
Clsificacion 3
Clsificacion 3
Gastric cancer (GC) is a highly aggressive and life-threatening malignancy. Even with radical surgical removal and
front-line chemotherapy, more than half of GCs locally relapse and metastasize at a distant site. The dismal outcomes
reflect the ineffectiveness of a one-size-fits-all approach for a highly heterogeneous disease with diverse etiological
causes and complex molecular underpinnings. The recent comprehensive genomic and molecular profiling has led to
our deepened understanding of GC. The emerging molecular classification schemes based on the genetic, epigenetic,
and molecular signatures are providing great promise for the development of more effective therapeutic strategies in
a more personalized and precise manner. To this end, the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) research network conducted
a comprehensive molecular evaluation of primary GCs and proposed a new molecular classification dividing GCs into
four subtypes: Epstein-Barr virus-associated tumors, microsatellite unstable tumors, genomically stable tumors, and
tumors with chromosomal instability. This review primarily focuses on the TCGA molecular classification of GCs and
discusses the implications on novel targeted therapy strategies. We believe that these fundamental findings will sup
port the future application of targeted therapies and will guide our efforts to develop more efficacious drugs to treat
human GCs.
Keywords: Gastric cancer, Molecular classification, Personalized therapy, The Cancer Genome Atlas research network
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Chen et al. Chin J Cancer (2016) 35:49 Page 2 of 10
single patient (intra-tumor heterogeneity). In a study on a molecular classification that focuses on the associa-
genetic heterogeneity of GCs, erb-b2 receptor tyrosine tion between genetic profiling and clinical outcomes.
kinase 2 (ERBB2, also known as HER2) was amplified in In 2014, TCGA performed a comprehensive molecular
19 (17.4%) of 109 samples [8]. Meanwhile, intra-tumor characterization of GCs from 295 patients who had not
heterogeneity was also identified in 50%80% of primary been treated with prior chemotherapy or radiotherapy
GCs, and the HER2 amplification occurred in these GCs [14, 15]. Concerning increasing evidence of GC hetero-
[8]. The results of this study underline the importance of geneity, TCGA integrated the results of genetic altera-
obtaining multiple biopsies from different tumor areas tions and proposed a molecular classification of GCs
for diagnostic purposes. This notion might be particu- into four major subtypes: EBV-associated tumors, MSI
larly important when a highly heterogeneous target gene tumors, genomically stable (GS) tumors, and tumors with
is analyzed. Together, it calls for a new classification chromosomal instability (CIN) (Fig.1). In this article, we
based on the molecular characteristics of GC given that review and discuss the TCGA classification and its thera-
GC has been recognized as a much more heterogeneous peutic implications.
disease than previously thought [9, 10].
Traditionally, GCs are commonly classified into intes- The TCGA classification ofgastric cancers
tinal and diffuse subtypes according to the Lauren clas- EpsteinBarr virusassociated gastric cancer (EBVaGC)
sification or papillary, tubular, mucinous (colloid), and EBV was discovered 50 years ago from Burkitts lym-
poorly cohesive carcinomas according to the World phoma [16, 17] and is carried in the blood circulation
Health Organization (WHO) classification (Table 1). without symptoms in 90% of the adult population [18].
Based on the integrated genetic characteristics of GCs, However, for reasons yet to be further identified, EBV
the Asian Cancer Research Group (ACRG) analyzed gene may affect epithelial cells and become carcinogenic. It is
expression in 300 primary gastric tumors and established estimated that EBV is associated with 2% of all human
four molecular subtypes (Fig.1): the microsatellite stable tumors, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma [19],
(MSS)/epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) sub- another major cancer type that is unique to the Chi-
type, microsatellite instable (MSI) subtype, MSS/tumor nese population especially in the southern areas, such as
protein 53 (TP53)+ subtype, and MSS/TP53 subtype Guangdong province. In recent years, it has been increas-
[1113]. Overall, MSS/EMT tumors have the highest ingly recognized that the majority of GCs are associated
frequency of recurrence (63%) with the worst prognosis; with infectious agents, including EBV [20]. EBV is found
the MSI subtype has the lowest frequency of recurrence within malignant epithelial cells in 9% of GCs [21]. Given
(22%) with the best overall prognosis; the MSS/TP53+ that EBV was first found in GC cells in 1990, the relation-
and MSS/TP53 subtypes have intermediate progno- ship between EBV and GC has become a research hotspot
sis and recurrence rates. Therefore, the ACRG provides [22]. It is reported that the major molecular characteristic
of EBVaGCs is CpG island promoter methylation of GC-
related genes [20]. The expression of EBV latent mem-
Table1 Pathologic classifications ofgastric cancers (GCs) brane protein 2A (LMP2A) may result in the promotion
of DNA methylation through inducing signal transducer
Classification Subtype Characteristics
and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation
Lauren Intestinal Recognizable glands, arise and subsequent transcription of DNA methyltransferase
on a background of intes 1 (DNMT1) [23]. TCGA reported the special characteris-
tinal metaplasia
tic of EBVaGCs [14]. They found that most of these can-
Diffuse Poor cohesiveness, round
small cells, diffuse infiltra cers were present in the gastric fundus or body. They also
tion in the gastric wall demonstrated that more DNA hypermethylations occur
with little or no gland in EBVaGCs compared with other subtypes. EBV-asso-
ciated DNA hypermethylations involve both promoter
WHO Tubular adenocarcinoma Prominent dilated or slit-
like, branching tubules
and non-promoter CpG islands. Cyclin-dependent kinase
Papillary adenocarcinoma Well-differentiated tumor
inhibitor 2A (CDKN2A) promoter hypermethylation was
cells, exophytic growth demonstrated in all EBVaGCs, whereas mutL homolog 1
Mucinous adenocarci Extracellular mucinous (MLH1) hypermethylation was not noted.
noma pools In the aspect of somatic gene alterations, strong pre-
Signet-ring cell carcinoma Cells lie scattered in the dilection for phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate
lamina propria, wide
distances between the
3-kinase, catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) mutation
pits and glands was observed in EBVaGCs, and approximately 5%10%
WHO the World Health Organization
of all GCs exhibited a PIK3CA mutation. In addition
Chen et al. Chin J Cancer (2016) 35:49 Page 3 of 10
Fig.1 Molecular classifications of gastric cancers (GCs): a the Asian Cancer Research Group (ACRG) classification; b the Cancer Genome Atlas
(TCGA) classification. MSS microsatellite stable, TP53 tumor protein 53, MSI microsatellite instable, EMT epithelial-mesenchymal transition, MLH1
mutL homolog 1, CDH1 cadherin 1, EBV Epstein-Barr virus, CIN, chromosomal instability, GS genomically stable, RTK receptor tyrosine kinase, RAS
resistance to audiogenic seizures, CDKN2A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A, PIK3CA phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic
subunit alpha, ARID1A AT-rich interactive domain 1A, BCOR BCL6 corepressor, JAK2 janus kinase 2, PD-L programmed cell death ligand, CIMP CpG
island methylator phenotype, RHOA ras homolog family member A, CLDN18 claudin 18, ARHGAP Rho GTPase-activating protein 6
to PIK3CA mutation, EBVaGCs had frequent AT-rich identified in EBVaGCs. These genes encode JAK2, pro-
interactive domain 1A (ARID1A) mutation (55%) and grammed cell death 1 ligand (PD-L1), and programmed
BCL6 corepressor (BCOR) mutation (23%) and rarely cell death 2 ligand (PD-L2), separately. JAK2 is used by
had a TP53 mutation. Chen et al. [24] identified TP53 several class I cytokine receptors, including growth hor-
and ARID1A mutations as markers for high clonality mone (GH), erythropoietin (EPO), and prolactin. These
and low clonality subtypes of GC in Chinese patients, receptors primarily use JAK2 to activate STAT to regulate
respectively. Simultaneously, a novel recurrent ampli- gene transcription. PD-L1/2 and their receptors PD-1/2
fication locus containing janus kinase 2 (JAK2), CD274, are involved in immune checkpoints. Thus, the EBV sub-
and programmed cell death 1 ligand 2 (PDCD1LG2) was type can be a good candidate for testing immunotherapy.
Chen et al. Chin J Cancer (2016) 35:49 Page 4 of 10
MSS andCIN gastric cancers GCs and poor prognosis. In the GS subtype, a recurrent
Knowledge on the molecular mechanisms indicates that interchromosomal translocation between claudin 18
two major genomic instability pathways, MSI and CIN, (CLDN18) and Rho GTPase-activating protein 6 (ARH-
are involved in the pathogenesis of GCs. MSI is caused GAP26) was also identified. RNA sequencing data from
by widespread replication errors in simple repetitive the TCGA cohort identified CLDN18-ARHGAP26 fusion
microsatellite sequences due to the defects in mismatch in 3.05% of GCs as well as CLDN18 fusion to the homol-
repair genes. MSI has been recognized as an early change ogous GTPase-activating protein encoded by ARHGAP6
in GC carcinogenesis [25]. TCGA reported that the MSI in 2 cases. This type of fusion gene may represent a class
subgroup represented 21% of GCs. In addition, MSI of gene fusions in cancers that establish pro-oncogenic
cases were characterized by accumulation of mutations tumor growth and prognosis. Thus, this new molecu-
in PIK3CA, ERBB3, HER2, and epidermal growth factor lar classification has deepened our understanding of the
receptor (EGFR), but MSI cancers generally lacked targ- molecular characteristics of GCs and will benefit the tar-
etable amplifications. Importantly, B-Raf (V600E) muta- geted therapy.
tion was not identified in MSI GCs but was commonly
found in colorectal cancer. Therapeutic implications ofthe TCGA molecular
CIN involves the unequal distribution of DNA to classification
daughter cells upon mitosis and results in the loss or gain The CIN subtype
of chromosome during cell division [26]. CIN is a more The TCGA molecular classification provides a number
common pathway that may comprise clinicopathologi- of clinical impacts on individualized therapeutics (Fig.2)
cally and molecularly heterogeneous cancers [27]. GC [14]. In the CIN subtype, the TCGA network identified
has been demonstrated to exhibit significant abnormali- genomic amplifications of RTKs and resistance to audio-
ties in DNA content. Copy number gains at 8q, 12q, 13q, genic seizures (RAS), many of which are targetable. In
17q, and 20q and copy number losses at 3p, 4q, 5q, 15q, the recent decade, the RTK pathway has been heavily
16q, and 17q are frequently noted in GCs [2831]. In investigated [32, 33] and is regarded as a promising can-
addition to chromosomal gains and losses, CIN contrib- didate target for individualized therapy for GCs (Fig.3).
utes to focal gene amplifications as well. In TCGA data, EGFR overexpression is associated with an aggressive
the CIN subtype represented 50% of GCs and showed phenotype and short survival [34]. However, similar to
elevated frequency in the gastroesophageal junction/ the results in patients with colorectal cancer, the expres-
cardia. Genomic amplifications of genes that encode sion levels of EGFR did not associate with treatment effi-
receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) were identified in the cacy on GCs. HER2 is overexpressed in various cancer
CIN subtype. A new finding is that elevated phospho- types and acts as an oncogene involved in the regulation
rylation of EGFR (pY1068) was observed in the CIN of cell proliferation, differentiation, motility, and apop-
subtype and consistent with amplification of EGFR [14]. tosis [33]. In breast cancer, the overexpression of HER2
In addition, amplifications of cell cycle genes Cyclin E1 is a poor prognosis marker for patients who underwent
(CCNE1), Cyclin D1 (CCND1), and Cyclin-dependent chemotherapy and endocrine therapy but is a positive
kinase 6 (CDK6) have been noted in CIN tumors. These predictive marker for patients who underwent adjuvant
gene amplifications could be the molecular basis of thera- treatment with trastuzumab, a fully humanized monoclo-
peutic monoclonal antibodies and targeted agents given nal antibody. In GCs, after the preliminary phase II study
that their amplifications can lead to excessive cancer cell [35], Bang et al. [36] completed a phase III ToGA trial,
growth. and this milestone study established trastuzumab as the
first biological therapy. In this trial that demonstrated
GS gastric cancer survival benefits in GC patients, the median overall sur-
In the TCGA study, GS tumors represented 19.6% of GCs vival (OS) was 13.8months in those allocated to trastu-
and were enriched with diffuse histological variant. Fif- zumab plus chemotherapy compared with 11.1 months
teen percent of ras homolog family member A (RHOA) in those assigned to chemotherapy alone. In addition to
mutations were enriched in this diffuse GC subtype. The the primary endpoint, the median progression-free sur-
role of RHOA in cell motility highlights the contribu- vival (PFS, 6.7 vs. 5.5months) and radiological response
tion of RHOA modification to altered cell adhesion in rate (47% vs. 35%) were also improved with trastuzumab
the carcinogenesis of diffuse GCs. In addition, mutations therapy. The phase III TYTAN study compared paclitaxel
in cadherin 1 (CDH1) have also been detected in diffuse alone or in combination with lapatinib in HER2-positive
GCs. CDH1 germline mutations underlie hereditary dif- GCs in the second-line setting in Asian patients [37]. The
fuse GCs and are associated with poorly differentiated median OS was 11months with paclitaxel plus lapatinib
Chen et al. Chin J Cancer (2016) 35:49 Page 5 of 10
Fig.2 The implications of the TCGA molecular classification of GCs for individualized therapeutics. AURK aurora kinase, PLK polo-like kinase, VEGFR
vascular endothelial growth factor receptor, AKT v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1, mTOR mechanistic target of rapamycin, ERBB
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase. Other abbreviations as in Fig.1
compared with 8.9months with paclitaxel alone. Selected 43]. The vascular endothelial growth factor receptor
completed phase III clinical trials about targeted thera- (VEGFR)-targeting antibody ramucirumab has demon-
pies in advanced GCs are shown in Table2 [3641]. strated antitumor effects on GCs and was approved by
Angiogenesis may be highly relevant to the CIN sub- the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United
type based on the recurrent amplification of vascular States for advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junc-
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene. Studies suggest tion adenocarcinoma patients with progression on fluo-
that angiogenesis is a malignant hallmark, and angio- ropyrimidine- or platinum-containing chemotherapy.
genesis has served as a common therapeutic target [42, REGARD is a phase III trial evaluating ramucirumab
Chen et al. Chin J Cancer (2016) 35:49 Page 6 of 10
Fig.3 The current targeted therapies for advanced GCs. EGFR epidermal growth factor receptor, HER2 erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2, IGFR
insulin-like growth factor receptor, MEK MAP kinse-ERK kinase, MAPK mitogen-activated protein kinase. Other abbreviations as in Figs.1, 2
Table2 Completed phase III clinical trials oftargeted therapies foradvanced GCs
Target Clinical trial Inhibitor Combination treatment No. ofcases Primary endpoint Reference
plus best supportive care versus placebo in patients with another AVAGAST phase III trial, plasma VEGFA was a
advanced GCs who have progressed after first-line chem- strong biomarker candidate for predicting clinical out-
otherapy [41]. In this trial, ramucirumab significantly come in patients with advanced GCs treated with beva-
prolonged the median OS compared with the placebo. In cizumab [40].
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