Embedded Intel Solutions Fall 2017
Embedded Intel Solutions Fall 2017
Embedded Intel Solutions Fall 2017
Successful applications always get upgraded with more sophisticated software that pushes the perfor-
mance envelope. Can Intel patent the concept of a compute-platform-as-a-cartridge? Will motherboards,
in general, shrink to small modules worldwide? As of this writing, the Intel Compute Card has not yet Embedded Intel Solutions is sent free to engineers and embedded developers
been officially released, but should be out soon, as advance demonstration models have been sent out. in the U.S. and Canada who design with embedded Intel processors.
Embedded Intel Solutions is published by Extension Media LLC, 1786
18th Street, San Francisco, CA 94107. Copyright 2017 by Extension
Lynnette Reese is Editor-in-Chief, Embedded Intel Solutions and Embedded Systems Engineering, and has been working in Media LLC. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.
various roles as an electrical engineer for over two decades.
FALL 2017
6 The Passenger Economy: Challenges Ahead
27 Docker Containers Ease Cloud
By Lynnette Reese, Editor-in-Chief,
Embedded Intel Solutions
and IoT Implementation
By Lynnette Reese, Editor-in-Chief,
IOT SECURITY Embedded Intel Solutions
9 Why Blockchain May Not Reach Beyond 30 Open Source Meets Standards: A
the IP Gateway in IoT Security Platform for Fast Implementation
By Guillaume Crinon, Avnet By Dan Demers, congatec
On the Cover:
...its key to design and plan for security upfront. I still often
see that folks will look at the feature set first and then get
down the road before they start thinking about how they
are going to secure the system. See why right sizing is part
of securing the IoT in the WinSystems interview, page 14.
Image courtesy WinSystems
1. Intel Predicts Autonomous Driving Will Spur New Passenger Economy Worth $7 Trillion. Intel Newsroom. Intel Corporation, 1 June 2017.
Web. 26 July 2017.
Proving Grounds for high bandwidth, super low latency, and wide-ranging wireless
High-Performance connectivity. But Intel has found that the use case for AVs has
Computing taken the lead for 5G, according to Winter. The autonomous
High performance embedded vehicle seems to be one of the forces really driving the need
computing (HPEC) is another area for [5G], and the lead use case from what we can see. You
that challenges the trinity of car/ need a way [to communicate], and weve talked about the end-
cloud/connectivity also known to-end, mission critical information, that needs to be really
as the three Cs. Extremely fast, fast, low latency [communication]. The other piece is the pure
low latency, high-throughput volume of all that data. Once 5G is out there, cars can use it to
devices that are extremely secure communicate to one another, to the cloud for critical updates
are on the agenda for acceptance both ways, and to and from surrounding infrastructure. It may
and success of this pending be that speed limit signs will disappear one day, replaced by
phenomenon. Winter comments innocuous transmitters that signal the speed limit to passing
Figure 4: Kathy S. Winter, that today, the estimated average cars. Stoplights may transmit status to vehicles directly. The
Vice President and General amount of data that a person anticipated 5G also adds another sensor to the car.
Manager of the Intel generates in a typical day is
Corporation Automated
Driving Division. (Source: around 650 MB today. By 2025, So How Do We Get There?
Intel Corporation) this figure might be nearer to 1.5 Labor costs may go down with AVs, but we will see an increase
GB per day. However, AVs produce in demand for cloud services, servers, predictive analytics,
an estimated 4,000 GB per day. and Internet of Things (IoT). Data collection, processing,
How do you get to that number at scale? Winter states that storage, retrieval, and analytics will be even more important
an average vehicle thats driven an hour and half a day yields as we analyze, predict, optimize, decide and anticipate using
that kind of data in the vehicle itself. This translates to a high-performance computing as just part of the picture. At a
challenge for HPEC. Today in 2017, theres probably half a full-scale implementation, the challenges of a driverless world
teraflop of data coming off those [self-driving] cars, on an seem tremendous. One step at a time, building on the work
average day. If you go out to 2025, you think about all the of others, is how science and technology have evolved for
sensors, all the data, everything coming off there, look at the centuries. What Intel has been pushing for, and what Winter
computing power needed to process, that, store, share, save, believes is critical to accelerating success, is in standards and
et cetera. collaboration across the industry. Winter believes that success
is in developing talent for the task and in sharing potentially
Other serious challenges include where and how to rapidly mission-critical safety dataacross the industry, so that
store and retrieve enormous amounts of data, and how to every vehicle manufacturer, every fleet operator, doesnt need
manage, process, save, store, and share that data from each to put in millions and millions of miles to understand the
and every car on a scale thats beyond anything we have seen safety aspects of driving autonomous vehicles. Sharing that
to date for an infrastructure that stretches coast-to-coast. kind of safety data will accelerate the pace of the industry.
Each state has differing traffic laws, landscape, and weather. Additionally, shared standards mean that no one has to learn
A large number of servers positioned across the nation will and develop uniquely, on their own. Putting some standards
handle storing data thats needed to perform deep-learning and industry-wide platforms in place will help accelerate the
processes, and create algorithms for use by a massive fleet entire industry. If you really think about this from a safety
of AVs that will learn collectively from what can only be perspectiveits worth doing for everybody.
described as each others learning experiences. And not all
data is equal. How do we decide what is safety-critical? If Winter says that one of the most common questions she hears
safety-critical data is obtained, how do we get it to a fleet of is What will it take to make this happen? Winter states, To
cars on a massive scale, and as soon as possible? Theres lots make this happen, the biggest thing we need to do is trust and
of learning and testing to do, and as yet, communications just let go. Let go of the wheel.
technology is missing a critical piece.
Lynnette Reese is Editor-in-Chief, Embedded
Connectivity Intel Solutions and Embedded Systems Engineer-
Communication is the last vital piece to work out in how the ing, and has been working in various roles as an
trinity of car, cloud, and connectivity brings AVs to full scale. electrical engineer for over two decades. She is
Wireless 5G communication has been on the radar for some interested in open source software and hardware,
time now as a well-needed means of upgrading cell phone the maker movement, and in increasing the num-
communications to much faster, higher bandwidth wireless ber of women working in STEM so she has a greater chance of
services. Intel has long recognized 5G as ideal for industrial talking about something other than football at the water cooler.
use cases, smart cities, and anything that requires super
Beyond the IP Gateway in IoT
Is it time to walk away from the centralized architecture weve used for
more than two decades?
By Guillaume Crinon, Avnet
Whereas these implementations are widely deployed in Figures 3 and 4 show, the robot and the server willing to
most communication protocols such as Bluetooth, 802.15.4, open an end-to-end secure channel are often distant and
802.11, etc., only the IP-compliant ones can take advantage their communication has to go through many intermediaries
of an efficient symmetric key distribution scheme called and networking layers, such as a Local Area Network (LAN)
Transport Layer Security, or TLS, formerly SSL. The other gateway bridging to a Wide Area Network (WAN), and several
implementations rely on more or less manual pairing, factory telecom operators.
pre-setting of keys, or even distribution of keys in the clear!
Simply swapping public keys between robot and server
Efcient and Secure requires trusting that all the intermediaries will pass the
It turns out that the mechanisms at work within TLS can be public key to the next level. However, they could also keep it
easily ported over non-IP communication protocols yielding for themselves and pass on their own, breaking the end-to-end
efficient and secure systems all the same, as demonstrated by tunnel into two tunnels and eavesdropping and stepping into
Avnet with the end-to-end security implementation of Visible the conversation unnoticed, thus successfully performing a
Things 2 between a Bluetooth sensor and an IBM cloud server. well-known man-in-the-middle attack.
participate? to participate in the community job.
2. If the idea is to get rid of CAs, would it mean that every Conclusion: The Cost of Trust
device could sign certificates for others or that certificates A distributed trust architecture will not come at no cost. Some
themselves would not be needed anymore? mechanism and business-model will be needed to finance the
extra hardware, the extra cellular bandwidth, the extra energy
3. Distributing the trust would also imply distributing a trust and earlier wearing-out of those devices and machines which
database in the form of a ledger. What should it contain? will support the computing and storage of trust processing.
Bonds between IDs and public keys or more?
Looking at the industry, I am not sure we are ready yet to
4. Would every participating device be required to check the discard the centralized trust architecture the world has been
ID of others transacting messages and registering them relying on since the Internet went live more than 20 years ago.
into a shared ledger? More probably, trust entities will structure themselves with a
Blockchain architecture and offer compelling business models
5. How would the devices described in point 4 be incentivized? for their customers to collaborate in the overall maintenance
and redundancy of their trust business.
6. By which mechanism would they be capable of
synchronizing their copy of the public ledger with peers Further, Industrial IoT or Industrie 4.0 use cases will be
so as to maintain a consistent ledger overall? massively vertical and self-contained to start with, more like
Intranet of Things deployments. Therefore, its possible that
7. How would they efficiently store a valid copy of the major players that everyone trusts will offer centralized trust
duplicated ledger locally? architectures and business models 10 years from now.
With a current average of 250k monetary transactions every The future will tell
day, the Bitcoin ledger has grown to 130GB since inception
in 2009 and is expected to carry on growing at a rate greater Guillaume Crinon is the Innovation Technical
than 50GB per year. Marketing Manager for Avnet EMEA, where he
is responsible for Internet of Things (IoT) and se-
The process of mining new blocks, once affordable curity strategy across Europe. He has 22 years of
by a personal computer, has become so demanding in experience in the semiconductor business and has
computational resources and energy because of the monetary co-authored 11 international patents in wireless
creation regulation mechanism that only a small number of systems, IC architectures and design to date.
computer pools (less than 10 in the world, mostly in China)
now own 50% of the capacity, hence the trust of the Bitcoin
The addition of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and to-end security. Among the security measures found in IoT
applications to enterprise IT networks is increasing the attack deployments are wireless protocols such as Bluetooth Smart,
surface available to hackers. Failure to secure that surface Thread, or Zigbee, which require gateways to access the public
presents a real danger to the security of the overall systems. Internet or even the corporate intranet. The use of firewalls
Traditional computing/IT systems have been working mightily and integration with public cloud services such as Microsoft
to include robust practices and standards to protect important Azure IoT Hub, AWS IoT and IBM Watson IoT has also helped
enterprise devices on their networks. This hasnt been the case secure such devices.
as much for IoT applications that increasingly must attach
to and communicate with the IT systems. That remains a Such underlying connectivity technologies as Wi-Fi and
primary source for widespread concern, and it has slowed but Bluetooth may well provide good security at the link layer,
not prevented the increasing adoption of such devices. The risk but again, that security exists only among the communicating
grows while the potential advantages of adoption are slowed. wireless devices and the endpoints they are connected to (e.g.,
sensor, router, gateway). Now, the challenge is to provide end-
to-end security beyond the IoT endpoint all the way to the
cloud server. Ideally, this should include a root of trust based
on secure hardware. Such end-to-end security needs to address
three main concerns: authentication, integrity, and privacy.
Clearly, there is a gap between what IoT developers create and
what IT architects need.
Figure 2: Enterprise IoT applications require true end-to-end security
cryptography in which each communicating entity is assigned between the IoT end-point and the Cloud server, with typical con-
cerns including authentication, integrity, and privacy.
a unique and strong private key, and a mathematically related
public key. The private key must be kept secure with its owner
and not disclosed to any third party. The public key, on the using measurement of dynamic supply currents or analysis
other hand, may be made generally available, as it is practically of electromagnetic emissions and cannot be considered
impossible to use it to determine the private key. reliably secure. For applications with the highest security
requirements, developers should choose a hardware secure
Public key cryptosystems structures enable two primary elementa device built on tamper-resistant hardware that
operations: implements mechanisms to:
t The public key may be used to verify that the holder of the t Store the private key in a manner that makes it irretrievable
corresponding private key signed a given message. by all practical means
t The public key may be used to encrypt a message such that t Perform the cryptographic operations necessary to sign
only the corresponding private key holder can decrypt it. and/or decrypt data using the private key
TLS builds on these functions to directly achieve the goals IoT products typically have limited user interface and
of authentication and ensure message integrity. Privacy frequently need to be installed and commissioned by non-
is indirectly achieved by using communication under the expert users. As a result, they must support provisioning
protection of public key encryption to establish a shared secret flow, which is very simple to follow, while still maintaining
that may then allow a more computationally efficient symmetric security of the overall system. With the device identity and
encryption scheme to protect subsequent communications. root of trust embedded within a hardware secure element
in the IoT end-point, the provisioning process can, without
Secure Hardware compromising security, enable the device with credentials and
With TLS securing the sender, the next step is to protect details for access to the wireless network and/or gateway via
the receiving IoT end-point. For TLS to secure edge-to-cloud which it will access the Internet.
communications, developers need to address the following:
Designing robust security into an IoT product whether a
t Secure storage of the private key in the IoT end-point, camera, thermostat or temperature sensor, is possible and
so an attacker wishing to impersonate the device cannot should be part of every designers criteria. Not only will
retrieve it. the use of industry standard practices provide a high-level
of protection and ease implementation in the field, it will
t Ensuring the authenticity and validity of the public key also provide the assurance needed for large enterprise level
certificate offered by a server to which the IoT end-point distributors to come onboard, resulting in a dramatic uptick
is attempting to connect. in market growth.
As noted, private keys must remain known only to the IoT end- Rusty Stapp is the CEO of UbiquiOS Technology,
point to ensure the overall security of the system. If compromised, which enables low-cost Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and LP-
an attacker could use the private key to impersonate the IoT end- WAN connectivity for the Internet of Things (IoT)
point, intercept communications, or gain increased information market. Stapp brings nearly 30 years of component
for a potential attack on the cloud infrastructure. and material customer engagement experience to
his role. He has led eorts in Europe, North America
While modern microcontrollers and architectures often and Asia for large companies like Texas Instruments and Kodak to
implement mechanisms to protect non-volatile memory VC funded startups. Stapp also worked at NextWindow, where he
and incorporate cryptographic co-processing engines, led engagements with HP, Microsoft and others. He holds a EET
such platforms can still be susceptible to discovery attacks from Texas A&M and a MBA from University of Texas at Dallas.
well as enabling all of the broad features that Intel has brought to
the tablebecause every chip that Intel brings to the table has new
IoT features and improved security, Smith adds.
1. https://lwn.net/Articles/506761/
T.J. Smith, WinSystems: As soon as you that is where their planning and expertise are going to come in.
realize that your product has value, you
need to understand how you are going to Smith, WinSystems: Exactly. The platform is designed from the
protect that value. So, you have to do an start to enable, but not require, all levels of encryption and security.
assessment very early on in the product A strong level of security requires a good root of trust. And where
life cycle. that root of trust resides is an important decision between us, the
designer and manufacturer of the hardware, and the consumer,
T.J. Smith, Its also possible to oversize or overdevelop the integrator, and their development of their application. We
on security. One of the things we target have to coordinate that root of trust. Our hardware is capable of
with our customers is how to right size their security. You providing a hardware root of trust. We can also enable any of the
need to understand the value of what is being protected and variety of layers that are well integrated with the Intel platform.
put the appropriate measures in place to address that security The Apollo Lake platform provides a generous helping of security
now and into the future. What will need to be monitored? capabilities. The application author and system integrator have
What will need to be adapted 10 years down the road? an awful lot of options for developing security. We support them
through that decision process; we support them through that
EECatalog: How have some of the actions taken by Intel in the implementation process. And we definitely support them through
past couple of years, including licensing decisions, affected the the production and manufacturing ramp into volume.
solutions WinSystems is developing for its customers?
EECatalog: Please comment on the Industrial Internet
Smith, WinSystems: Longevity is very important. Intel Connectivity Framework (IICF).
has been strongly promoting its longevity and has been
making licensing decisions based on that. When you go into Smith, WinSystems: I like the direction the IICF is headed.
deployment, you have to understand not just security today, Its reached critical mass at this point and will be effective. The
but security tomorrow. How are you going to make sure that IICF defines a wonderful selection of reference architectures
two years down the road the millions of the products youve and frameworks to apply to basically any IIOT application.
deployed into the field dont suddenly become vulnerable with They are helping drive interoperability in the space so that
no cost-effective way to repair them? The advanced decisions developers can integrate layers even if they are from different
involve understanding what a proven framework can do and vendors. This is particularly helpful to WinSystems and our
how WinSystems and Intel and the different software and IIOT ecosystem partners as we help our customers get their
security layers play together to give you a secure yet flexible, products to market.
adaptable, solution for your IoT products without going
through the roof on costs. Hilliard, WinSystems: The [Industrial Internet Consortium]
IIC is involved in the standards, but they are not trying to set the
Hilliard, WinSystems: In the embedded space, which has standards so much as to get individual standards to talk to each
now morphed into what everybody is calling the IIoT, Intels other. With all these big installed bases for industrial control
acquisition of McAfee and VxWorks shows its commitment to there are so many different protocols on industrial Ethernet, for
embedded systems platforms. We are seeing these technologies examplethey are trying to find ways for all of these platforms
picked up into the consumer products, which is encouraging to talk to each other and then be able to transfer that data at
in that it can flow back into our area as well. And I think the different layers at a higher level. Its going to be beneficial long
fact that Intel has focused on including more of the hardware term, but I dont think were really seeing the structure around
security into its chipsets is also a positive sign and helps us to it yet, although publishing the Industrial Internet Security
set the platform for the root of trust. Framework2 is going to go a long way toward that.
2. Industrial Internet of Things Volume G4: Security Framework IIC:PUB:G4:V1.0:PB:20160926. Published in 2016
EECatalog: With regard to IIoT security as well as for other EECatalog: What tools and practices need to be developed
elements, the model referenced is often that of layerswill today to keep the things of the Industrial Internet of Things
this model continue to work? secure?
Smith, WinSystems: Yes, the layered model has been shown Smith, WinSystems: One of them is system management.
to be effective and beneficial for over 30 years in the networking When you have devices in the field you have to have a way to
arena. Applying this model to security and the IIOT provides manage them. Depending upon the requirements, this could
a similar abstraction from the complications and details that be aggregated to a single pane of glass cloud-based solution
each layer provides. This allows customers to quickly integrate or it might have to be an on-site hands-on management-
security features from trusted partners while maintaining based solution.
WinSystems has a very similar role. We build very trustable Security detection is also very important. You need to have
hardware. We put on top of that very trustable BIOS; we some level of monitoring to understand when an attack or
put on top of that very trustable security layers, network breach has occurred. There is a tremendous amount of malware
layers, and Board Support Packages [BSPs] and Operating in the world, detection of that is going to be an ongoing
Systems all the way up into where the user runs their specific problem for decades to come.
application. One of the benefits the layers model gives us is
that users can almost be a la carte with what they do and Finally, once you detect an issue, you have to be adaptable
dont need. If they dont need a secure network layer from enough to correct the problem. You have to be able to correct
us, then that can be provided through their own existing problems and restore the system to a trusted state. That can be
capabilities. Depending on whether they need, for example, something as simple as changing passwords or as complicated
a unique identification key for each board or a shared key for as pushing a complete new software image, a more secure, not
each board or for their family of boards, we can abstract that corrupted software image into the device remotely.
in a different layer of security. Yet the layers above and below
dont have to change dramatically. Security needs to be included early, right-sized, and cost-
efficient because it will require attention for the life of your
The layered models give you the flexibility to adapt to the product. If you deploy security measures and think youre done
various needs of a customer without having to start over and and out the door, and youre forever secureWell, theres no
redevelop everything. There are substantial benefits there in such thing as forever secure.
terms of speed of execution, speed of production, re-using
tested code, and cost efficiency.
Many communications service providers (CSPs) are looking t These servers typically have individual AC-DC power
to adopt COTS hardware and virtualize many of their supplies, increasing cabling and power costs and limiting
applications, deploying these diverse workloads on a common the ability for centralized management.
pool of hardware resources (Figure 1). The potential savings
of COTS computing and networking hardware is also creating t A short supply of real estate is available, curtailing attempts
great interest in the latest data center innovation: open to increase functionality.
compute technologies.
Facebook wanted a new rack-scale solution in which all servers
Pioneered and promoted by the Open Compute Project (OCP), would be identical no matter what company manufactures
these technologies focus on the most efficient and economical them. Servers needed to be powered, plugged into the rack,
ways of scaling COTS computing infrastructure. Founded by and cabled in the same manner. Determined to remove
Facebook, the OCPs original objective was to guide, from anything that didnt contribute to efficiency, Facebook even
the ground up, design of the most cost-efficient data center had manufacturers remove server faceplates and other
infrastructure. metalwork, choosing to handle the regulatory EMC shielding
at the facility level instead of at the server or rack level.
environments and carrier grade building practices. The normally assigns IDs for the instances of PSME in the
result is the CG-OpenRack-19 specification, which has been rack, and manages rack power and cooling.
designated OCP-ACCEPTED.
t PSMEPooled System Management Engine. System
CG-OpenRack-19 is a scalable carrier grade rack-level system management software that runs on the DMC and is
that integrates high-performance compute, storage, and responsible for the conguration of pooled storage
networking in a standard rack (Figure 2). CG-OpenRack-19 modules by the Pooled Node Controller (PNC), the
brings the OCP to carriers, tracking (but de-coupled from) network (SDN) the compute modules, and the switches.
changes driven by web companies and allowing compute,
storage, and acceleration to scale independently. The capital t MMCModule Management Controller. The controller
expense (CAPEX) is driven down by flattening the supply chain, that manages the blades in the module.
using OCP economies of scale and driving competition through
an open source specification, while OPEX benefits from lower t BMCBaseboard Management Controller. A specialized
power consumption and a reduced maintenance overhead. service processor that monitors the physical state of a
computer and provides services to monitor and controls
Functional Elements certain compute/ storage module operations.
There are six major system elements (Figures 3 and 4):
t MEManagement Engine. A physical hardware resource
1. System rack (19-inch) that gives access to hardware features at the baseboard
2. Power conversion and distribution via dual 12V bus bars level below the operating system.
3. White-box top-of-rack switches for optimized cable
handling t BIOSBasic Input/Output System. Firmware that
4. Two sizes of open bays for compute and storage elements initializes and tests compute/storage module hardware
(full- and half-width) components and loads a boot loader or an operation
5. A sled can be full- or half-width, each of which includes a system from a mass memory device.
single optical header on the back for connectivity
6. Pre-wired blind mate optical backplane
CG-OpenRack-19 Specication
Management Strategy
The CG-OpenRack-19 specification requires
each sled to have a dedicated baseboard
management controller (BMC) for various out-
of-band platform management services, which
is fully IPMI 2.0 and DCMI 1.5 compliant.
The specification goes on to stipulate certain
conditions that the BMC should meet,
but implementation details are left to the
t Suitable for current central office and new telco data center
While Redfish is not a part of the CG-OpenRack-19 specification, t Terabit-capable blind mate optical cabled backplane with the
it is one of the most popular platform management approaches ability to individually hot swap sleds
and is a requirement for a solution to be Intel Rack Scale
Design (Intel RSD) compliant. t Consistent hardware user interface across different vendors
to shorten the learning curve
Comparing CG-OpenRack-19 to OCP
There are some key differences between the OCP specification t Option for central office seismic, acoustic, and safety
and carrier grade OCP as implemented in CG-OpenRack-19. For standards (NEBS)
example, while web companies are comfortable with rack-level
System Management:
t One or more Ethernet TOR switches for I/O aggregation to Working with the OCP and other industry bodies, companies
nodes like Artesyn have developed solutions that will meet
CSP requirements with standardized architectures such
t Pre-cabled designfiber cables in rack, blind mate to node as CG-OpenRack-19 (Figure 6). Through a performance-
with flexible interconnect mapping optimized solution that maximizes data flows to virtualized
applications while maintaining high reliability, CSPs in the
t Durable, blind-mating coupling connectors provide for future should easily and confidently be able to implement
rapid insertion/extraction and prevent accidental damage open compute solutions.
or incorrect placement
These solutions will enable open compute successes not
One Infrastructure. Any Workload. only for their enterprise data center needs, but also for
CSPs are embarking on an exciting period of business NFV solutions and a range of new innovative services that
transformation. The ability to use high-volume COTS servers will help them better compete in the cloud provider and
to implement cloud technologies, such as virtualization and communications industries.
OpenStack, will help them reduce CAPEX and OPEX, unleash
new flexibility and elasticity in their operations, and radically Todd Wynia is Vice President of Communications
improve their time to market for new services. Products for Artesyn Embedded Technologies. He
has written a number of white papers on indus-
While OCP provides an excellent solution for the enterprise try standards and the telecom industry as well as
data center, CSPs require a higher grade of hardware platform serving on the board of CP-TA, VITA and partici-
designed to meet their more challenging needs for low- pating extensively in the PCI Industrial Computer
latency performance, bandwidth scalability, reliability and Manufacturers Group (PICMG). Wynia is a graduate of the Uni-
serviceability, and regulatory and safety compliance. versity of Wisconsin, where he earned his B.S. in economics with
a math emphasis.
Considering how critical and specialized their current
equipment is, the shift requires a carefully managed transition. Editors Note: More evidence of CG-OpenRack-19 benets is de-
tailed in this articles online version.
Developers can embrace any type of IoT environment, tuning An optimized platform is built with developers in mind,
system performance to the edge or on-premise without a using open architecture and a full range of communication
change in architecture. Ideally, software can be deployed in interfaces. Most interface protocols are available, as well
any manner that makes sense for the application at hand. as open source protocols and APIs for communicating with
devices or enterprise systems. Developers are empowered to
This advantage allows developers to reduce risk dramatically, focus on the business problem at hand, building their solution
removing difficulty by building their applications on what could as opposed to building a low-level infrastructure.
be called infrastructure middleware. Across the full spectrum
of embedded applicationsindustrial automation, medical, Your IoT Initiative
defense, energy, and moremost technology leaders compete Tackling a single mission such as accessing remote monitoring
best by focusing on their business of managing large devices or and management capabilities is a smart strategy, right-sizing
systems, not building core level platform middleware. the overwhelming proposition of becoming IoT-enabled. These
capabilities not only reduce maintenance costs, but also make
Addressing Pain Points and Simplifying Deployment OEMs more competitive for their end-user customers. Because
It is true that engineers love to build things, but their bosses deployed systems can be supported remotely, costly on-site
need to build the bottom line. Given that time-to-market is visits to either repair or simply diagnose systems are vastly
a critical factor in this effort, application-ready platforms reduced. Uptime is improved with more proactive options, and
address a range of options that improve the balance between overall support resources are significantly better managed
costs and development resources. based on predictive and preventive maintenance strategies.
End-users want to put software where they need it, and avoid Integrated hardware/software platforms provide the
being tethered to one cloud provider vs another. Rather than necessary toolsas well as the freedomto enable this value
committing an infrastructure build to a cloud service such as for developers. Faster time-to-market, reliable performance,
Amazon, Google, or Azure, an integrated container-based IoT and a security-first perspective are bundled in a flexible
platform can be deployed and moved as needed. Edge components system that accommodates both edge and on-premise
act as self-contained IoT systems, and can run completely computing. Investments are protected with longevity in
disconnected from the cloud or the on-premise server. mind, capitalizing on the remote management platform
as a flexible IoT framework on which to build additional
Improved Reliability with Security at Every Layer connected applications.
This flexibility and independent capability also protects uptime,
for example in scenarios where a rugged system may not have This initial step can open the door wide for whats next.
connectivity. The device continues to operate under the rules The ability to create IoT systems in a fast, scalable, secure
running at the software edge, an important value add for non- manner may be just what it takes to move your organization
stop applications such as manufacturing or hazardous security. into the future.
Security innovations capitalize on options built into Ed Trevis is President and CEO, Corvalent. Trevis
processors such as hardware-accelerated encryption; today, has been Corvalent President and Chief Execu-
a range of features is available below the operating system, tive Ocer since the companys inception in 1993,
creating comprehensive capabilities that enhance productivity leading the rm to double-digit growth, rapid
and secure management. In an integrated system, secure gain in market share, and numerous business
hardware dovetails with secure software. The perspective is awards and recognitions. He is an active CEO
security first, with protocols architected into the platform at member of Vistage International, and maintains
every opportunity. Everything is locked down by default, and a leadership philosophy promoting employee edu-
developers must specifically open ways to access the system. cation and encouraging personal and professional growth. Connect
This is in contrast to ground-up solutions, where security tends with Ed via LinkedIn or at [email protected]
The digital signage industry is booming. Analysts predict an But what makes an industrial digital media player different,
8.94 percent compound annual growth rate1 between now and what factors play into an educated hardware choice for
and 2020, and that by 2023 the market will be worth $32.84 signage integrators and ISVs?
billion2. The expansion of signage implementation throughout
industry has been a major contributor to this exponential A Different Look and Feel
growth, with displays being used by businesses of every shape In the past, theres been an attitude toward disposability in
and size for a huge range of content delivery needs. Of course, much of the digital media player space, with entry level device
Digital Out of Home (DOOH) advertising is still a significant builders suggesting that when a media player fails, the user
part of the overall signage equation, but increasingly digital simply throw it away and replace it. But that assumes a certain
displays are being utilized for applications far beyond level of nonchalance toward the information being displayed.
customer acquisition, and in locations that would challenge, Industrial digital signage players arent throw away devices
or even destroy, a typical media player. because the content theyre displaying isnt disposable. In fact,
its often mission-critical.
1. http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2014/03/12/7720094.htm
2. http://www.marketsandmarkets.com/PressReleases/digital-signage.asp
Industrial media players may also look very different than their interior menu boards are increasingly turning to fanless
their commercial counterparts. With enclosure extrusions solutions to prevent dust, grease, and moisture from reaching
designed to dissipate heat, and form factors tailored to sensitive hardware components and causing failures.
installation behind low profile displays or within electrical
cabinets, industrial signage devices dont always conform Constructed for the Long Term
to the nondescript black box archetype. The connectivity One important aspect of industrial signage that frequently
options available on industrial media players also tend to take goes overlooked is the concept of life cycle. While the
into account the variety of output devices they may need to reliability of the hardware contributes to its life span (how
interface with. In addition to HDMI, USB, and DisplayPort (of long its expected to operate without a failure), life cycle
various flavors), its not uncommon to find VGA or even DVI refers to the manufacturers commitment to produce and
connections to accommodate legacy displays that may be part support a given device.
of the existing infrastructure at a given installation location.
In the world of consumer technology, frequent hardware
Purpose-built Reliability turnover due to obsolescence makes life cycle less of a concern,
A hardware crash at a retail facility utilizing a digital signage but for industrial applications that may depend on a system
solution might be inconvenient or embarrassing for the to operate for three to five years or more once installed,
proprietor, but imagine the potential ramifications to loss the ability to order additional devices or get support for
of signal at a high-paced manufacturing plant or, worse any necessary updates is paramount. When dealing with
still, a busy medical facility. Reliability is paramount in any international or safety certifications, even slight changes to a
industrial signage application, making attention to detail device configuration can cause huge logistical headaches, not
and careful engineering of industrial media players vital to to mention the significant costs of re-certification. The ability
their longevity. For signage integrators installing hardware at to order a locked-down configuration for the foreseeable
client sites, a single failure that results in the need to roll a future of a project is a huge advantage industrial media players
support truck can cost the company hundreds of dollars, not offer over their consumer-grade counterparts. In addition to
to mention the potential lost revenue for its customer. life cycle management, industrial media player manufacturers
frequently offer more inclusive and longer warranty support,
With outdoor signage deployments becoming more providing additional peace of mind to signage integrators.
commonplace, systems designed for industrial use are
employing components rated for extreme operating The Bottom Line
temperatures, from -25 C (-13 F), all the way up to +70 C The continued evolution of digital content delivery is changing
(+155 F) or more. In addition to outdoor use, these wide the way signage professionals evaluate the hardware platforms
operating temperature ranges provide integrators the they utilize. Even the most user-friendly, fully featured
flexibility to install systems in cars, busses, trains, and ships software suite is still only as viable as the hardware its running
where theyre commonly used for everything from passenger on. The widespread use of digital media players in increasingly
information delivery to infotainment and wayfinding. challenging environments puts pressure on integrators to
ensure the hardware they select will survive the rigors of
In addition to environmental resistances, many industrial installation, no matter where that might be. Ultimately, the
signage players limit, or even completely forgo, moving parts. quality of your industrial digital signage hardware should
Solid state storage offers faster read and write speeds to always match the gravity of your message.
allow for smooth content delivery while also eliminating the
noise and data corruption that can result from spinning hard Robert Suoletta is a Visual Communications
drives. The most reliable breed of industrial media players Specialist at Logic Supply (www.logicsupply.com),
also leverage fanless, solid state cooling solutions. Removing an Intel IoT Solutions Alliance member. A 20-year
a cooling fan from the equation can result in a digital media veteran of the computer industry with more than
player with zero moving parts, greatly improving overall 10 years experience in providing hardware solu-
system reliability, especially for installations where the tions to the digital signage market, he is dedicated
hardware is subject to vibration. to matching clients building innovative signage solutions with the
most capable and reliable hardware for their unique installation.
Above and beyond fanless cooling, some industrial media
player hardware manufacturers take the extra step to create
systems that are also fully sealed against contaminant ingress,
with no vents or extraneous openings in the enclosure. Quick
serve restaurants who employ digital signage displays for
System-on-Chip (SoC) is an integrated digital signage solution often faced a substantial learning curve when required to use
where media player hardware is embedded within a display, proprietary operating systems (e.g., Samsung Tizen OS, LG
eliminating the need for third-party, external media players. WebOS). Finally, adoption was hindered by skepticism about
These external media players are the commercial equivalent of long-term commitment and focus of manufacturers to what
consumer products such as Roku, Chromecast, and Amazon Fire. will always be for them a relatively niche product.
Initial System-on-Chip Products Had Limited Subsequent generations have addressed some of the issues
Capabilities encountered by early adopters. Improved hardware offerings
First-generation SoC products from Samsung and Sony have greatly improved the functionality and flexibility of
launched in 2013, followed by second generation displays and SoC displays. New entrants into the market (Panasonic,
the entrance of LG into the market in 2014. First- and second- Philips, Sharp, Toshiba, etc.) have adopted Android as a
generation products had minimal processing and graphics standard, and Samsung and LG have made their operating
power, which restricted capabilities to playback of images systems more developer friendly. However, Android remains
and basic video. Content creators and software developers a consumer-grade operating system and the proprietary OSs
(Photo: Samsung)
are derivatives of consumer TV platforms. They are primarily Another Option for All-in-One
based on the world of streaming, and theres not a lot of focus A different type of integrated solution is gaining momentum
on software development. The core hardware is good, but the in the industry. Displays and players that have adopted Intels
software ecosystem is changing all the time. That makes life Open Pluggable Specification (OPS) are offering the Pro AV
difficult for end-users and developers. market a solution thats both powerful and integrated. The
combination of an OPS display and a commercial-grade OPS
What the industry needs are very stable APIs because so many media player delivers an all-in-one signage solution that is
software developers are developing on these platforms. When powerful and feature-rich while still being simple to install,
the software changes with every new version of the consumer eliminating the need for wiring and technical expertise. This
TV models, development is quite difficult. OPS display/player combination can offer all of the benefits of
IoT Implementation
Open-source Docker leverages Linux resource isolation features to deliver
lightweight, efficient, and repeatable software delivery on complex
Three items are key in IoT: a thing, a cloud, and the internet Create Precisely Defined Containers
for communication. Within this model, the cloud is not only Docker is a concise tool that containerizes a process
someone elses computer, but in reality, the cloud is a complex or application and isolates it from other applications. A
compilation of interconnected servers with variable hardware containerized app runs anywhere. Docker simplifies getting
infrastructure, software stacks, and other effects that can be an environment up and running on your machine and
combined in millions of ways if you count all possible settings. provides a container system for code and a very consistent
IT staff loves Docker since it removes the agony factor to a large way to get code running on a specific set up. Linux containers
extent when setting up or bolting on software components have been around for years, but many use containers as
into any infrastructure. Docker eliminates the need to become a kind of tiny server. Docker began as a tool for creating
a pseudo-expert in various packages and hardware settings containers for convenient, reliable, repeatable software
and isnt limited to clouds. Docker, an open source project, delivery and is meant to be as easy as possible to use. Docker
makes it easier to get software and hardware working together gets around the fact that software stacks today are run on
in an efficient, repeatable pattern, so developers dont have to different frameworks, switching between toolchains of
deal with the complexities of servers and storage1. Docker is a different languages, and running on increasingly complex
tool that allows us to innovate without reinventing the wheel and diverse hardware infrastructure. Docker allows people
and like Linux is the crux of why Docker is so successful. to share containers, which has become possible as a critical
mass of people that want to share and reuse containers pull
them from Docker Hub.
The result is a new means
of delivering software that
is lighter than a virtual
machine (VM) yet sidesteps
the complexity of setting up
the run environment for the
recipient. Docker.com states,
When an app is dockerized,
that complexity is pushed
into containers that are
easily built, shared, and run.
Setting up to work on a new
codebase no longer has to
mean hours spent installing
software and figuring out
Figure 1: Left: Virtual machine (VM). VMs run a resource intensive OS
setup procedures. Code that
and establish a configuration entanglement. Right: Containers can ships with Docker files is simpler; dependencies are pulled as
share a kernel. Only the executable and package dependencies are in neatly packaged Docker images and anyone with Docker and
a container image. Processes run as native and can be managed indi-
vidually with no configuration entanglements. (Source: docker.com)
an editor installed can build and debug the app in minutes2.
1. Levy, Ari. One of Techs Most Ambitious Open Source Projects Puts a Software Veteran at the Helm. CNBC. CNBC, 02 May 2017. Web. 31 May 2017
2. What Is Docker. Docker. N.p, 15 Apr. 2017. Web. 31 May 2017.
3. Buckley, Kaitlin. 451 Research: Application Containers Will Be a $2.7bn Market by 2020. PRWeb. PRWeb, 10 Jan. 2017. Web. 31 May 2017.
4. https://docs.resin.io/introduction/ N.p. Web. Accessed 31 May 2017.
Like it or not, embedded development is getting more platforms arent appropriate for embedding in finished
demanding. Devices like the iPad and Surface have raised devices. Professional embedded system engineers lag behind,
the bar for the quality of the hardware, software, and user lacking comparable ecosystems.
experience. Accelerating investment in hardware start-ups
means there are a larger number of talented and well- One response to the gap between embedded engineers needs
funded competitors fighting over the same markets. With and ecosystem readiness could be to leverage a standards-
heightened expectations and competition, developing based Linux platform. Such a solution capitalizes on the vast
better embedded devices on shorter timelines is essential, ecosystem of open source software available to embedded
highlighting the importance of hardware standards and a devices One aspect that an environment like this excels at
comprehensive ecosystem! is in bringing together the best parts of WebKit for HTML
rendering and the V8 JavaScript engine. Out-of-the-box
they support audio, video, and 3D rendering with WebGL
as well as raster and vector artwork and UIs that reflow
to different screen sizes. Beautiful applications with rich
user interactions can be created with these technologies.
Moreover, these web technologies benefit from broad
support and a large development community. They surpass
other environments in the number of developers, support
resources, best practices and community activity. As it is
rare to find a task that hasnt been solved before, software
engineers can make efficient re-use of existing knowledge
and concentrate on innovating their products rather than
redeveloping code that others have already written.
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Seeking processing power that can boost IoT board and blade been available on desktop Personal Computers (PCs) and larger
performance, manufacturers are eagerly integrating upgrades devices to this small form factor.
in microarchitecture.
The CL has a PCIe x16 EPIX Camera Link card, and the CXP
Earlier this year ADL Embedded announced the ADLVIS-1700 configuration has PCIe x16 Euresys two-port CoaXPress
CoaXPress/CameraLink vision system. The prototype debuted framegrabber. There are four removable Serial Advanced
at Embedded World, in Nuremberg, Germany. At 5.0 x 7.0 x Technology Attachment (SATA) drives (two SATA II and two
7.6-inch, it is claimed to be the smallest CoaXPress system in SATA III) in each, and a single cable to provide power while
the industry. It consists of a CoaXPress board inside the vision sending data up to 300 feet. Transfer speed is 1200MB per second
box (see Figure 1). The company has used the small PCIe/104 for image capture and storage. Target applications include
form factor, and believes it is the first to do so. 3D machine vision for factory automation, hyperspectral
and multi-spectral imaging, traffic surveillance, security
Compact and Connected monitoring and control, military and defense Intelligence,
Both the ADLVIS-1700-CL Camera Link configuration and the Security and Reconnaissance (ISR), unmanned drone vision,
ADLVIS-1700-CXP CoaXPress configuration are based on an and high frame-rate motion analysis and recording.
Intel architecture (formerly known as Skylake) central processor
unit (CPU), the QM87HD Intel Core 6th Generation i7-4700EQ Industrial Controls
with 8GB DRAM. At Embedded World, the company explained The company also uses dual and quad core Intel E3800-Atom
that Skylake combines security with hardware level TPM 2.0 processor options in the ADLEPC-1500 embedded PC, which
encryption technology and power virtualization capabilities. The is designed for unmanned, industrial controls, and robotics.
vision system also brings the speed and resolution that has only
The compact PC measures 1.3 x 3.4 x 3.2 inches and has a wide
voltage range of 20 to 30 VDC, a 24V nominal input (optional
7.0 to 36V) a temperature range of -20 to +50C, and an
extended range of -40 to +70 C, for operation in a variety of
harsh environments.
Figure 2: The ADLE3800SEC SBC has dual and quad core Intel Atom
E3800 options to support graphics technologies.