PLC Scada Training Report
PLC Scada Training Report
PLC Scada Training Report
Section E7
1 Acknowledgement 3
2 Introduction to automation 4
3 PLC 6
4 Architecture of PLC 7
5 Ladder Diagram 9
7 Application of PLC 20
8 SCADA 20
9 SCADA Software 21
10 Architecture 22
11 Application of SCADA 27
12 V.F.D. 28
13 Conclusion 31
I feel profound happiness in forwarding this industrial training report as an image of sincere
efforts. It is almost inevitable to ensure indebtedness to all who generously helped by sharing
their valuable experience & devoting their precious time with us, without whom this seminar
report would have never been accomplished.
First & foremost I extend my thanks & gratitude to the entire unit of Technologics Global
Private Ltd, Bangalore, whose guidance, teaching and invaluable suggestions provided me a
deep insight in my chosen field of technology, enhanced my knowledge and supported in
widening my outlook towards the communication industry. I am also very thankful to all the
engineers of the department for their kind support throughout the training.
Automation is the use of control systems such as computers to control industrial machinery
and process, reducing the need for human intervention. In the scope of industrialization,
automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human
operators with machinery to assist them with physical requirements of work, automation
greatly reduces the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Processes and
systems can also be automated.
Automation Impacts:
Advantages of Automation:
1. Replacing human operators in tasks that involve hard physical or monotonous work.
2. Performing tasks that are beyond human capabilities of size, weight, endurance etc.
3. Economy improvement: Automation may improve in economy of enterprises, society or
most of humanity.
Disadvantages of Automation:
1. Technology limits: Current technology is unable to automate all the desired tasks.
2. Unpredictable development costs: The research and development cost of automating a
process may exceed the cost saved by the automation itself.
3. High initial cost: The automation of a new product or plant requires a huge initial
investment in comparison with the unit cost of the product.
Automated video surveillance monitors people and vehicles in real time within a busy
environment. Existing automated surveillance systems are based on the environment
they are primarily designed to observe, i.e., indoor, outdoor or airborne, the amount
of sensors that the automated system can handle and the mobility of sensor, i.e.,
stationary camera vs. mobile camera. The purpose of a surveillance system is to record
properties and trajectories of objects in a given area, generate warnings or notify
designated authority in case of occurrence of particular events.
Automated manufacturing:
The main advantages of automated manufacturing are higher consistency and quality,
reduced lead times, simplified production, reduced handling, improved work flow, and
increased worker morale when a good implementation of the automation is made.
Home automation:
Industrial automation:
Limitations to automation:
As a process becomes increasingly automated, there is less and less labour to be saved or
quality improvement to be gained. This is an example of both diminishing returns and the
logistic function.
Similar to the above, as more and more processes become automated, there are fewer
remaining non-automated processes. This is an example of exhaustion of opportunities.
In the 1960's Programmable Logic Controllers were first developed to replace relays and relay
control systems. Relays, while very useful in some applications, also have some problems. The
primary reason for designing such a device was eliminating the large cost involved in replacing
the complicated relay based machine control systems for major U.S. car manufacturers. These
controllers eliminated the need of rewiring and adding additional hardware for every new
configuration of logic. These, along with other considerations, led to the development of PLCs.
plc was more improved in 1970s. In 1973 the ability to communicate between PLCs was
added. This also made it possible to have the controlling circuit quite a ways away from the
machine it was controlling. However, at this time the lack of standardization in PLCs created
other problems. This was improved in the 1980's.The size of PLC was also reduced then, thus
using space even more efficiently. The 90's increased the collection of ways in which a PLC
could be programmed (block diagrams, instruction list, C, etc.).
In simple words, Programmable Logic Controllers are relay control systems put in a very small
package. This means that one PLC acts basically like a bunch of relays, counters, timers, places
for data storage, and a few various other things, all in one small package.
The PLC give output in order to switch things on or off. The PLCs output is proportionally
activated according on the status of the systems feedback sensors and input terminal which
is connected to PLC. The decision to activate output are based on logic programmes. The logic
programme stored in RAM or ROM memory.
The PLC also have same as computer, a CPU, data bus and address bus to communicate with
external devices such as programmers, display monitor The next diagram shows a simplified
diagram of PLCs structure. The central processing unit control everything according to a
programme stored in a memory (RAM/ROM).Everything is interconnected by two buses ,the
address bus and data bus .
Fig : Basic plc sections
This chapter explains how to program the PLC. It describes how to write a program, how the
program is structured and representation of the programming language.
Ladder logic is a method of drawing electrical logic schematics. It is now a graphical language
very popular for programming Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). It was originally
invented to describe logic made from relays. The name is based on the observation that
programs in this language resemble ladders, with two vertical "rails "and a series of horizontal
"rungs" between them. A program in the ladder logic, also called ladder diagram is similar to
a schematic for a set of relay circuits.
The Ladder Diagram is also a graphics oriented programming language which approaches the
structure of an electric circuit. The Ladder Diagram consists of a series of networks. A network
is limited on the left and right sides by a left and right vertical current line. In the middle is a
circuit diagram made up of contacts, coils, and connecting lines.
Each network consists on the left side of a series of contacts which pass on from left to right
the condition "ON" or "OFF" which correspond to the Boolean values TRUE and FALSE. To
each contact belongs a Boolean variable. If this variable is TRUE, then the condition is passed
from left to right along the connecting line. Otherwise the right connection receives the value
Input Instruction:
1) --[ ]-- This Instruction is Called XIC or Examine If Closed.
ie; If a NO switch is actuated then only this instruction will be true. If a NC switch is actuated
then this instruction will not be true and hence output will not be generated.
2) --[\]-- This Instruction is Called XIO or Examine If Open
ie; If a NC switch is actuated then only this instruction will be true. If a NC switch is
actuated then this instruction will not be true and hence output will not be generated.
Output Instruction:
1. --( )-- This Instruction Shows the States of Output(called OTE). ie; If any instruction
either XIO or XIC is true then output will be high. Due to high output a 24 volt signal is
generated from PLC processor.
2. --(L)-- Output Latch (OTL)
OTL turns a bit on when the rung is executed, and this bit retains its state when the rung is
not executed or a power cycle occurs.
Rung is a simple line on which instruction are placed and logics are created
E.g.; ---------------------------------------------
Timer has three bit:
The Timer Done (DN) bit is not set until the accumulated value is equal to the preset value.
It stays set until the rung goes false.
Timer is three type:
1. TON 2. TOF 3. RTO
1. TON: Timer On
Counts time base intervals when the instruction is true.
Fig : Timer on
2. TOF: Timer off - Delay Counts time base intervals
when the instruction is false.
Addressing of timer:
Counter has three bit:
Overflow ( OV):
continues counting from there and remains set till a RES instruction that has same address
as the CTD instruction is executed or the count is incremented greater than or equal to
+32,767 with a CTU instruction.
Counter is two type:
1. CTU 2.
CTU: Count Up
Increments the accumulated value at each false-to true transition and retains the
accumulated value when the instruction goes false or when power cycle occurs.
Fig : Count Up
Addressing of counter:
RESET: --(RES)--
Reset the accumulated value and status bits of a timer or counter.
A C5:0
-------[ ]---------------------(RES)-------------------------- When
A is true than counter C5:0 is reset.
3. NOT logic:
4. NAND logic:
Y0= X0.X1
7. X-NOR logic:
Y2=X0 + X1
Making programme:
Making start stop push button logic:
Making input side sensor logic:
Here we use one input sensor and one counter which is CTU (counter up) and take CTU preset
value 5.
Making exit side sensor logic:
Here we take done bit (DN) of counter for controlling the LED light.
After program making, it is download in plc. This program store in plc memory.
When we push the start button than plc scan the input means input condition of button A is
true(1).so the binary output is also true(1).
Fig : operation of Push button logic(on pressing NO switch)
When button release than input condition of button a start is false. But the start button and
binary input both are in parallel. The address of binary output and binary input are same so
we get continuous supply.
Binary output we can use as a input in next step ,its status is true for sense the entering car
we use a input sensor and for counting the car we use a CTU because accumulator value less
than preset value.
Similarly when fifth car enter than CTU count its accumulator value .Now counter done bit is
true because CTU address is C5:0 and take its preset value 5 because parking place capacity is
5. When first car enter then input sensor status goes true. Due to this CTU count one in its
accumulator value .but counter done bit does not true accumulator value equal to preset
Fig : operation of led with input sensor logic
At exit side, one car is goes outside form parking place. Now four car is present in the parking
place but CTU done bit is on so LED light is on. To remove this interlocking problem we use
same address for both counter (CTU and CTD).
Both counter have same address so CTU accumulator value and CTD accumulator value both
are same.
At exit side for sense the car we use a exit sensor .when one car is exit. Than exit sensor status
is true and CTD count and update the accumulator value.
Now both counters accumulator value less than preset value so done bit goes false and
parking light off .
1. The PLC can be programmed to function as an energy management system for boiler
control for maximum efficiency and safety.
2. In automation of blender recliners
3. In automation of bulk material handling system at ports.
4. In automation for a ship unloaded.
5. Automation for wagon loaders.
6. For blast furnace charging controls in steel plants.
7. In automation of brick molding press in refractory.
8. In automation for galvanizing unit.
9. For chemical plants process control automation.
10. In automation of a rock phosphate drying and grinding system.
11. Modernization of boiler and turbo generator set.
12. Process visualization for mining application.
13. Criteria display system for power station.
SCADA stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. As the name indicates, it is not a
full control system, but rather focuses on the supervisory level. As such, it is a purely software
package that is positioned on top of hardware to which it is interfaced, in general via
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), or other commercial hardware modules.
SCADA systems are used to monitor and control a plant or equipment in
Industries such as telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining
and transportation. These systems encompass the transfer of data between a SCADA central
host computer and a number of Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and/or Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLCs), and the central host and the operator terminals. A SCADA system gathers
information (such as where a leak on a pipeline has occurred), transfers the information back
to a central site, then alerts the home station that a leak has occurred, carrying out necessary
analysis and control, such as determining if the leak is critical, and displaying the information
in a logical and organized fashion.
1. One or more field data interface devices, usually RTUs, or PLCs, which interface to field
sensing devices and local control switchboxes and valve actuators
2. A communications system used to transfer data between field data interface devices and
control units and the computers in the SCADA central host. The system can be radio,
telephone, cable, satellite, etc., or any combination of these.
3. A central host computer server or servers (sometimes called a SCADA Center, master
station, or Master Terminal Unit (MTU)
4. A collection of standard and/or custom software [sometimes called Human Machine
Interface (HMI) software or Man Machine Interface (MMI) software] systems used to
provide the SCADA central host and operator terminal application, support the
communications system, and monitor and control remotely located field data interface
Fig : Typical SCADA System
Generally SCADA system is a centralized system which monitors and controls entire area. It is
purely software package that is positioned on top of hardware. A supervisory system gathers
data on the process and sends the commands control to the process. For example, in the
thermal power plant the water flow can be set to specific value or it can be changed according
to the requirement. The SCADA system allows operators to change the set point for the flow,
and enable alarm conditions in case of loss of flow and high temperature and the condition is
displayed and recorded. The SCADA system monitors the overall performance of the loop. The
SCADA system is a centralized system to communicate with both wire and wireless technology
to Clint devices. The SCADA system controls can run completely all kinds of industrial process.
EX: If too much pressure in building up in a gas pipe line the SCADA system can automatically
open a release valve.
Hardware Architecture:
The generally SCADA system can be classified into two parts:
Clint layer
Data server layer
The Clint layer which caters for the man machine interaction. The data server layer which
handles most of the process data activities. The SCADA station refers to the servers and it is
composed of a single PC. The data servers communicate with devices in the field through
process controllers like PLCs or RTUs. The PLCs are connected to the data servers either
directly or via networks or buses. The SCADA system utilizes a WAN and LAN networks, the
WAN and LAN consists of internet protocols used for communication between the master
station and devices. The physical equipments like sensors connected to the PLCs or RTUs. The
RTUs convert the sensor signals to digital data and sends digital data to master unit.
Most of the servers are used for multitasking and real time database. The servers are
responsible for data gathering and handling. The SCADA system consists of a software
program to provide trending, diagnostic data, and manage information such as scheduled
maintenance procedure, logistic information, detailed schematics for a particular sensor or
machine and expert system troubleshooting guides. This means the operator can sea a
schematic representation of the plant being controlled.
EX: alarm checking, calculations, logging and archiving; polling controllers on a set of
parameter, those are typically connected to the server.
Human machine interface:
The SCADA system uses human machine interface. The information is displayed and
monitored to be processed by the human. HMI provides the access of multiple control units
which can be PLCs and RTUs. The HMI provides the graphical presentation of the system. For
example, it provides the graphical picture of the pump connected to the tank. The user can
see the flow of the water and pressure of the water. The important part of the HMI is an alarm
system which is activated according to the predefined values.
For example: The tank water level alarm is set 60% and 70% values. If the water level reaches
above 60% the alarm gives normal warning and if the water level reach above 70% the alarm
gives critical warning.
The SCADA system uses different switches to operate each device and displays the status at
the control area. Any part of the process can be turned ON/OFF from the control station using
these switches. SCADA system is implemented to work automatically without human
intervention but at critical situations it is handled by man power.
SCADA is main interface between your control system and Operator. Maximum data and
features available on SCADA give you better control and clarity about the system. SCADA
needs to read data from various devices like:-
Energy meters/Load managers/Data loggers
Field instruments like Flow meters and positioners
Each of above data communicates with SCADA on various protocols . SCADA reads or writes
the data in format of tags.
Show Window:
Used to make an object or symbol into a button that opens one or more windows when it is
clicked or touched.
Hide Window:
Used to make an object or symbol into a button that closes one or more windows when it is
clicked or touched.
Discrete Alarm:
The text, line, and fill colour of an object can all be linked to the alarm state of a tag name,
Alarm Group, or Group Variable. This colour link allows a choice of two colours; one for the
normal state and one for the alarm state of the tag name. This link can be used for both analog
and discrete tag names. If it is used with an analog tag name, it responds to any alarm
condition of the tag name.
Analog Alarm: The text, line, and fill colour of an object can all be linked to the alarm state of
an analog tag name, Alarm Group, or Group Variable. Allows a specific colour to be set for the
normal state as well as a separate colour for each alarm condition defined for the tag name.
We use Object Size links to vary the height and/or width of an object according to the value
of an analog (integer or real) tag name or analog expression. Size links provide the ability to
control the direction in which the object enlarges in height and/or width by setting the
"anchor" for the link. Both height and width links can be attached to the same object.
We use Location Links to make an object automatically move horizontally, vertically, or in both
directions in response to changes in the value of an analog tag name or expression
There are four type of miscellaneous links. Visibility:
Use to control the visibility of an object based on the value of a discrete tag name or
Used to make an object blink based on the value of a discrete tag name or expression.
Used to make an object rotate based on the value of a tag name or expression.
Used to disable the touch functionality of objects based on the value of a tag name or
SCADA systems can be relatively simple, such as one that monitors environmental conditions
of a small office building, or incredibly complex, such as a system that monitors all the activity
in a nuclear power plant or the activity of a municipal water system. SCADA monitors and
controls industrial, infrastructure, or facility-based processes, as described below:
Infrastructure processes may be public or private, and include water treatment and
distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, oil and gas pipelines, electrical power
transmission and distribution, wind farms, civil defence siren systems, and large
communication systems.
Facility processes occur both in public facilities and private ones, including buildings,
airports, ships, and space stations. They monitor and control HVAC, access, and energy
Industries that are catered to are:
Building Automation
Cement & Glass
Food and Beverage
Machinery & Manufacturing
Aerospace & Defence
Metals & Mining
Oil & Gas
Power, Utilities & Generation
Water & Wastewater
The SCADA system provides on board mechanical and graphical information
The SCADA system is easily expandable. We can add set of control units and sensors
according to the requirement.
The SCADA system ability to operate critical situations.
2. Increase of supply frequency without change in terminal voltage will cause decrease
in flux therefore leading to reduction of torque capability of the motor.
The base speed of the induction motor is directly proportional to the supply frequency and the number
of poles of the motor. Since it is not possible to change the number of poles, the only option to change
the speed of the induction motor is by changing the supply frequency. The torque developed by the
induction motor is directly proportional to the ratio of the applied voltage and the frequency of supply.
By changing the voltage and the frequency, but by keeping their ratio constant, the torque developed
can be kept constant throughout the speed range. This is the main focus of V/f method of speed
control. Figure 3 shows the torque-speed characteristics of the induction motor with VF control
A constant V/f ratio produces a constant maximum torque, except at low speeds or
frequencies. The maximum torque will have lower value in motoring operation and larger
value in braking operation due to reduction in flux during motoring operation and increase in
flux during braking operation. The advantages of this method are:
1. Speed control of motor
2. Starting current required is lower.
3. Stable operating region of the motor is increased.
4. At base speed, the voltage and frequency achieve their rated values.
5. Acceleration and deceleration of the motor can be controlled by controlling the change of
supply frequency to the motor with respect to time.
DC link consists of a capacitor which smoothens out the converter's DC output ripple and provides a
stiff input to the inverter. This filtered DC voltage is converted to quasisinusoidal AC voltage output
using the inverter's active switching elements. VSI drives provide higher power factor and lower
harmonic distortion than phase-controlled Current Source Inverter. VFD control has been chosen
specifically because they provide the advantages of energy savings, low motor starting current,
reduction of thermal and mechanical stresses on motors and belts during starts, simple installation,
high power factor and lower KVA. Variable Frequency Drives are generally required because many
applications are not run at the same speed all of the time due to surrounding circumstances. The
revolutions per minute of the driven shaft need to be increased or decreased depending on load
changes, application requirement or other circumstances. The PLC has been connected to control and
monitor a VFD which is the acts as a go between the three-phase induction motor and the PLC.
Experimental setup
1. The Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 4M AC drive is the smallest and most
cost effective drive which provides powerful motor speed control in a
compact, space saving design.
Rated Output 0.75 kW (1 Hp)
240 V AC, single
Rated Voltage
Rated Current 4.2 A
Rated Torque kg
2. The PLC used in this project was Allen Bradley MicroLogix 1400 series.
The basic parts of a 1400 series PLC are Power Supply, CPU, Discrete
Input Module and Discrete Output Module.
With the speed of changing technology today it is easy to lose sight or knowledge of the basic
theory or operation of programmable logic. Most people simply use the hardware to produce
the results they desire. Hopefully, this report has given the reader a deeper insight into the
inner workings of programmable logic and its role in mechanical operations. The idea of
programmable logic is very simple to understand, but it is the complex programs that run in
the ladder diagrams that make them difficult for the common user to fully understand.
Hopefully this has alleviated some of that confusion. SCADA is used for the constructive
working, using a SCADA system for control ensures a common framework not only for the
development of the specific applications but also for operating the detectors. Operators
experience the same look and feel whatever part of the experiment they control. However,
this aspect also depends to a significant extent on proper engineering.