Furnace Design WT - 8 PDF
Furnace Design WT - 8 PDF
Furnace Design WT - 8 PDF
Power consumption during turbulent flow in agitation tank is proportional to the -------- of the liquid.
(a) Viscosity
(b) Thermal conductivity
(c) Surface toughness
(d) Density
The flow of fluid in venturimeter and orificemeter attains minimum cross section area at
I. Exit of convergent section
II. Certain distance from the hole
III. Throat
IV. Entry of divergent section
Which of the following is correct?
(a) I and II (b) II and III
(c) III and IV (d) IV and III
(e) III and II (f) II and I
Venturimeter is used to measure the flow rate of fluids in pipes, when the pipe is in -------- position.
(a) Horizontal
(b) Vertical
(c) Inclined
(d) Any of the above
A pitot tube is installed in a pipe of diameter 0.3m which carries air at 70C. Atomspheric pressure is
745mm Hg. Pitot tube measures pressure difference=50 mm water. Assume Cp=1, calculate the V avg of
air. If 1mm Hg =133.2 N/m2, 1mm water=9.806 N/m2 , viscosity of air =20.6*10(-6)
It is proposed to install a fan to draw air at rest in a horizontal rectangular duct of 250mm *350mm
cross section, while length is 60m. The air enters the duct at 298K and 755mm Hg at 30 m 3/min.
Calculate the friction factor. If the viscosity of air is 1.78*10-5 kg/ms2, 1mm Hg =133.2 N/m2.
(a) 0.0043
(b) 0.0034
(c) 0.0024
(d) 0.0043
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