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Instruction Manual

Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves

377 Series Trip Valves

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Scope of Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Supply Pressure Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Operating Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Principle of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Type 377D Trip Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Type 377L Trip Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Type 377U Trip Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Periodic Operational Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Trip Valve Part Replacement Procedures . . . 10
Replacing Diaphragms and Valve Plug Parts 10 W8435-1
Replacing Stem/Plug Assembly Parts . . . . . . 11
Parts Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Parts Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Figure 1. Type 377 Trip Valve Mounted on Size 130 Type
Parts List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 585C Actuator

applications where a specific valve/actuator action is

required when supply pressure falls below a specific
Introduction point. When supply pressure falls below the trip
point, the trip valve causes the actuator to fail up,
lock in the last position, or fail down. When the
Scope of Manual supply pressure rises above the trip point, the 377
This instruction manual provides installation, Series trip valve automatically resets, allowing the
operation, maintenance, and parts information for system to return to normal operation. The trip valve
the 377 Series trip valve. Refer to separate can be top-mounted on a manifold, yoke-mounted,
instruction manuals for information regarding the or bracket-mounted to match the application
control valve, actuator, and accessories. requirements. The 377 Series trip valves are used
with all types of piston actuators.
No person may install, operate, or maintain a 377
Series Trip Valve without first D being fully trained
and qualified in valve, actuator and accessory
installation, operation and maintenance and Note
D carefully reading and understanding the contents
of this manual. If you have any questions about Fisher does not assume responsibility
these instructions, contact your Fisher sales office. for the selection, use, or maintenance
of any product. Responsibility for the
proper selection, use, and
Description maintenance of any Fisher product
The 377 Series pressure-sensing trip valves, shown remains solely with the purchase and
in figures 1, 2, and 3, are for control end-user.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

Table 1. Specifications

Available Configurations Port D to Port E: 0.48

Type 377 Trip Valve: Includes check valve, but Port E to Port F: 0.64
no volume tank: user configured for locking
position. For field use or replacement. Pressure Connections
When supply pressure falls below the trip point, 1/4-inch NPT female
Type 377D Trip Valve: Fails actuator piston
down. Includes check valve and volume tank Temperature Capabilities(3)
Type 377L Trip Valve: Locks actuator piston in Nitrile Diaphragms and O-Rings: - 40 to 82_C
the last position ( - 40 to 180_F)
Type 377U Trip Valve: Fails actuator piston up. Fluoroelastomer Diaphragms and O-Rings:
Includes check valve and volume tank. - 18 to 104_C (0 to 220_F)
Type 377CW Trip Valve: Fails fully clockwise to
close valve
Type 377CCW Trip Valve: Fails fully Volume Tank Maximum Internal Working
counterclockwise to open valve Pressure (for Type 377D, 377U, 377CW and
377CCW trip valves)
All 377 Series Trip Valves can be converted to
Standard: 10.3 bar (150 psig) for non-ASME
any of the above fail modes with minor hookup
approved applications. See note on page 5.
ASME Approved Applications: Rated 10.3 bar
(150 psig), maximum; 9.3 bar (135 psig),
Allowable Supply Pressure for Trip Valve(3)
recommended. See note on page 5.
Maximum: 10.3 bar (150 psig)
Minimum: 3.8 bar (55 psig) Hazardous Area Classification
Complies with the requirements of ATEX Group II
Outlet Pressure Category 2 Gas and Dust
Normal Operation: Pressure from control device
Fail-Up or Fail-Down Mode: Maximum volume
tank pressure
Lock-In-Last-Position: Respective cylinder Mounting
pressure Top-Mounted: Manifold-mounted between a
3570 Series positioner and 480 Series actuator
Trip Point(1) (manifolds cannot be supplied with 585C, 1061,
Adjustable from a minimum of 2.8 bar (40 psig) to 1066, and 1069 Series piston actuators)
a maximum of 72 percent of supply pressure; see Side-Mounted: Yoke-mounted or
figure 4 bracket-mounted for use with a FIELDVUE
Reset: 12.5 to 33 percent above adjusted trip DVC5000f or DVC6000 Series digital valve
point controller

Flow Coefficients (Cv)(2) Approximate Weight

Depends on flow path (shown in figure 3) as Trip Valve: 2.0 kg (4.5 pounds)
follows: Mounting Manifold: 0.5 kg (1.2 pounds)
Port A to Port B: 0.47 Volume Tank: Varies between 5.4 and 21 kg (12
Port B to Port C: 0.56 and 47 pounds) depending on size
1. If the trip point is not specified, the trip point is factory set at 72 percent of supply pressure or 40 psig (2.8 bar), whichever is higher.
2. Values represent nominal Cv measures for each port pair using a trip valve/actuator combination.
3. The pressure/temperature limits in the manual and any applicable standard or code limitation should not be exceeded.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves



W4292- 1 / IL

Figure 2. Typical 377 Series Trip Valve PORT D PORT A


Specifications for the 377 Series trip valves are PLUG
given in table 1. ASSEMBLIES

W4303-1 / IL PORT F PORT C


Figure 3. Simplified Sectional View of Trip Valve

Avoid personal injury from sudden

release of process pressure. Before D If installing into an existing
mounting the controller: application, also refer to the WARNING
D Always wear protective clothing at the beginning of the Maintenance
and eyewear when performing any section in this instruction manual.
installation operations to avoid
personal injury. The 377 Series trip valve is normally ordered as part
of a control valve assembly. Follow the procedure in
D Check with your process or safety the appropriate valve body and actuator instruction
engineer for any additional measures manual when installing the control valve in the
that must be taken to protect against piping.
process media.
D Overpressuring any system If the 377 Series trip valve is shipped separately
component could result in personal from the control valve assembly, the installation
injury or property damage due to fire procedure depends upon the type of actuator and
and explosion caused by venting or accessory equipment required for the individual
leakage of the supply medium. To control valve system. Install any accessory
avoid such injury or damage, provide equipment in the control valve system so that the
suitable pressure-relief or overall functioning of the specified trip valve
pressure-limiting devices if the supply pressure line connections is not disrupted. Figures 5,
pressure is capable of exceeding the 6, and 7 are schematics showing the pressure line
maximum allowable pressure of the connections for each of the three possible fail-mode
system component. configurations of the trip valve.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

SUPPLY PRESSURE, BAR suffice in most applications, check

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 with a Fisher Field office and
110 7.6 Instrument Industry air quality
100 7 standards for use with corrosive gas
or if you are unsure about the proper
amount or method of air filtration or


filter maintenance.
5 A supply regulator, if used, must have a flow
capacity greater than the required combined
SETTING TO ENSURE capacity of the trip valve and actuator. In order to
60 RESET 1 4
ensure proper selection of a supply regulator, be
50 sure the Cv value of the regulator is greater than the
3 appropriate flow path Cv value listed in table 1 for
55 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
the trip valve. A regulator with insufficient capacity
SUPPLY PRESSURE, PSIG may allow supply pressure to droop, which can
NOTE: cause the trip valve to trip again and begin a
1 TRIP POINT MAY BE SET TO ANY VALUE BETWEEN trip-reset cycle. An example of an appropriate supply
regulator to use with a 377 Series trip valve is a 64
TRIP POINT. Series regulator; its capacity is usually great enough
Figure 4. Maximum Trip Point Settings to meet the demands of most trip valve/actuator
combinations. Determine the requirements of your
trip valve/actuator combination for proper selection
Note of a supply regulator.

CAUTION During normal operation, an
adequately sized supply regulator
377 Series trip valves are leak tested to maintains a greater supply pressure
ensure that the intended actuator fail than the pressure demand of the trip
mode is maintained upon loss of valve and control devices. However, if
supply pressure. Control system the normal actuator piston position is
accessories, such as volume boosters not relatively close to the actuator
with hard seats, compromise the piston fail position during startup, or
integrity of the entire system due to during the restoration of supply
leakage. Therefore, using control pressure, the regulator supply
system accessories, such as volume pressure may droop and cause the trip
boosters, between the trip valve and valve to trip again and begin a
the actuator is not recommended. If trip-reset cycle. To prevent this,
this cannot be avoided and a volume perform the following steps:
booster is required, a volume booster
1. Adjust the instrument (control
designed for tight shutoff, such as the
device) pressure to position the
Type 2625, provides a higher
actuator piston as it is positioned in
probability of control system integrity.
the fail mode.
2. Restore the supply pressure to the
Supply Pressure Requirements normal operating range.
3. Manually reset the instrument
WARNING pressure for normal operation.

Severe personal injury or property

damage may occur if the instrument WARNING
air supply is not clean, dry and oil free.
While use and regular maintenance of If a flammable or hazardous gas is
of a filter that removes particles larger used as the supply pressure medium,
than 40 microns in diameter will personal injury or property damage

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves
could result from fire or explosion of
accumulated gas or from contact with
hazardous gas. The positioner/
actuator assembly does not form a To avoid damage and possible
gas-tight seal, and when the assembly operational impairment to the trip
is enclosed, a remote vent line, valve, be careful not to get excessive
adequate ventilation, and necessary pipe compound on the connections.
safety measures should be used. A Excess compound could result in
remote vent pipe alone cannot be improper pilot and cylinder valve
relied upon to remove all hazardous operation.
gas. Vent line piping should comply
with local and regional codes and 3. Use acceptable piping practices when installing
should be as short as possible with the trip valve. Coat all male threaded connections
adequate inside diameter and few with a pipe compound.
bends to reduce case pressure

Note To ensure the integrity of control

systems utilizing a Type 2625 volume
To ensure trip system integrity upon booster in conjunction with a 377
loss of supply pressure, a Type 377D Series trip valve, apply supply
or 377U trip system requires a volume pressure to the volume booster and to
tank and check valve as shown in the volume tank (volume tank not
figures 5 and 7. required on 377L trip valve) through a
check valve. Failure to install the
State and local regulations may check valve properly will allow the
require the use of ASME approved cylinder pressure to bleed back
volume tanks. Determine requirements through the open volume booster
and applicable regulations for proper supply port upon loss of supply
volume tank selection. pressure. The actuator may not fail as
For ASME approved applications, the
volume tank is rated at 10.3 bar (150 4. Read the following information before making
psig) internal working pressure, and pressure connections:
has a safety valve with a 10.3 bar (150
psig) set pressure mounted on the a. Trip valve port A must receive the operating
volume tank for pressure relief. Avoid pressure that is intended for the top of the
supply pressure too near the safety actuator cylinder. Depending on the actuator type
valve set pressure. To ensure safety and accessories being used, this operating
valve seat tightness and longevity, the pressure will be from a valve positioner or
recommended maximum supply switching solenoid.
pressure is 9.3 bar (135 psig).
b. Trip valve port B must provide operating
For standard applications (not ASME pressure to the top of the actuator cylinder.
approved), a DOT tank is used. This Depending on the actuator type and accessories
tank is rated at 1.5 bar (240 psig) in LP being used, connect this port to the manifold
service. When used with air, the rating assembly (key 31, figure 8), to the top of the
should be considered to be 10.3 bar cylinder, or to the cylinder connection on the
(150 psig), consistent with the hydraulic snubber (if one is used).
maximum pressure allowed for the 377
Series trip valve. c. Trip valve port C must provide a fail-mode
1. Before installing the trip valve, inspect it to be outlet for the operating pressure to or from the
sure it is free of any foreign material. top of the actuator cylinder. For the fail-down
mode, connect this port to the volume tank. For
2. Be sure all connecting tubing is free of foreign the fail-up mode, vent this port to atmosphere.
material. For the lock-in-last-position mode, plug this port.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

d. Trip valve port D must receive the operating 1. Remove the adjusting screw cap (key 1).
pressure that is intended for the bottom of the
actuator cylinder. Depending on the actuator type 2. Loosen the hex nut (key 3), and turn the set
and accessories being used, this operating screw (key 2) counterclockwise until all loading is
pressure will be from a valve positioner or removed from the spring (key 6).
switching solenoid. 3. Connect an adequately sized gauge for the
supply pressure reading to the supply line. To make
e. Trip valve port E must provide operating the fail action more visible, adjust the control device
pressure to the bottom of the actuator cylinder. signal so that actuator stem movement is visible
Always connect this port to the bottom of the when the trip valve is actuated.
actuator cylinder.
4. For the lock-in-last-position mode, remove the
f. Trip valve port F must provide a fail-mode plugs from ports C and F.
outlet for the operating pressure to or from the 5. Set the supply pressure at the required trip point
bottom of the actuator cylinder. For the fail-down pressure (refer to table 1 for the trip point limits).
mode, vent this port to atmosphere. For the
fail-up mode, connect this port to the volume
tank. For the lock-in-last-position mode, plug this Note
For proper calibration, completely
back out the set screw (key 2) until
WARNING there is no spring compression. Then,
set the trip point by turning the set
screw clockwise to compress the
Personal injury or property damage spring.
could result from bursting of parts due
to temperature fluctuations or extreme 6. Slowly turn the set screw clockwise to compress
heat. If temperature fluctuations or the spring until the trip valve trips. When the trip
extreme heat cannot be avoided, use a valve trips in the fail-up or fail-down mode, the
relief valve to protect the volume tank. actuator stem moves to the appropriate position. In
the lock-in-last-position mode, the actuator stem
does not move, however, air will be heard escaping
from ports C and F. This is because pressure is
being released from both sides of the actuator
Operating Information cylinder.
7. Tighten the hex nut (key 3), and install the
adjusting screw cap (key 1).
This calibration procedure assumes that the trip 8. For the lock-in-last-position mode, reinstall the
valve is mounted on the actuator (or other device) plugs in ports C and F.
and that all piping and the appropriate volume tank 9. Reset the control device for normal operation.
(if necessary ) are installed. All key numbers refer to
figure 8. For the appropriate fail-mode schematic,
see figure 5, 6, or 7.

WARNING Principle of Operation

Type 377D Trip Valve
The following procedure requires
taking the trip valve out of service. To Figure 5 illustrates trip valve operation in the
avoid personal injury and property fail-down mode.
damage by an uncontrolled process
medium, provide some temporary In normal operation, supply pressure loads the upper
means of control of the process diaphragm of the trip valve. The valve plug spring
medium while the trip valve is out of keeps the exhaust port closed. Supply pressure also
service. loads the lower diaphragm through the restriction,

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves







Figure 5. Type 377D Trip Valve Shown in Tripped Condition

causing the plug assemblies to move down and to the actuator.

isolate ports C and F while connecting port A to B
and port D to E. Normal actuator control pressure Volume tank pressure is then applied through ports
from the control device is applied to the top of the C and B to the top of the actuator cylinder, while
cylinder through ports A and B and to the bottom of pressure in the bottom of the actuator cylinder is
the cylinder through ports D and E. A volume tank is vented through ports E and F. The pressure
charged to the maximum supply pressure through a imbalance created forces the actuator piston down.
check valve. The check valve maintains maximum
supply pressure in the volume tank if the supply When supply pressure is restored, it again loads the
pressure drops. upper and lower diaphragms causing the trip valve
to reset. The exhaust port closes, the upper ports of
When the supply pressure falls below the trip point, the plug assemblies open, and the lower ports close.
the exhaust port opens venting the supply pressure Normal actuator control pressure from the control
that is loading the lower diaphragm. This causes the device is restored through ports A and B and ports D
upper ports of the plug assemblies to close and and E. The check valve opens and recharges the
disconnect normal pressure from the control device volume tank to the maximum supply pressure.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004










Figure 6. Type 377L Trip Valve Shown in Tripped Condition

Type 377L Trip Valve position. Supply pressure from the control device is
applied to the actuator through ports A and B and
Figure 6 illustrates trip valve operation in the ports D and E.
lock-in-last-position mode.
Type 377U Trip Valve
When supply pressure falls below the trip point, the
exhaust port opens venting supply pressure from the
lower diaphragm. This causes the upper ports of the Figure 7 illustrates trip valve operation in the fail-up
plug assemblies to close and the lower ports to mode. The fail-up mode of operation is similar to the
open. Because ports C and F are plugged, no fail-down mode of operation except that the
pressure change occurs on either side of the connections to port C and F are reversed. When
actuator piston and the piston is pressure-locked in supply pressure falls below the trip point, the top of
position. No volume tank is necessary in this mode. the actuator cylinder vents, and volume tank
pressure loads the bottom of the actuator cylinder.
When supply pressure is restored, the plug The pressure imbalance created forces the actuator
assemblies move back into the normal operating piston up.

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves







Figure 7. Type 377U Trip Valve Shown in Tripped Condition

Maintenance sure the actuator cannot suddenly

open or close the valve.
D Use bypass valves or completely
WARNING shut off the process to isolate the
valve from process pressure. Relieve
process pressure from both sides of
Avoid personal injury or property
the valve. Drain the process media
damage from sudden release of
from both sides of the valve.
process pressure or bursting of parts.
Before performing any maintenance D Vent the power actuator loading
operations: pressure and relieve any actuator
spring precompression.
D Always wear protective clothing
and eyewear when performing any D Use lock-out procedures to be
maintenance operations to avoid sure that the above measures stay in
personal injury. effect while you work on the
D Disconnect any operating lines
providing air pressure, electric power, D Check with your process or safety
or a control signal to the actuator. Be engineer for any additional measures

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

that must be taken to protect against Trip Valve Part Replacement

process media. Procedures
Trip valve parts are subject to normal wear so the
trip valve must be actuated periodically to determine WARNING
if it is working properly. If the trip valve does not
work properly, use the following procedures to
inspect and repair or replace parts as necessary. See the WARNING at the beginning of
The frequency of inspection and repair or the Maintenance Section for more
replacement depends upon the severity of service information.
conditions. Be sure to note the location of all 1. Isolate the control valve from the line pressure,
pressure connections to ensure proper trip valve release pressure from both sides of the valve body,
installation upon reassembly, or use the installation and drain the process media from both sides of the
procedures in this instruction manual. All key valve. If using a power actuator, also shut off all
numbers refer to figure 8 unless otherwise indicated. pressure lines to the power actuator, release all
pressure from the actuator. Use lock-out procedures
to be sure that the above measures stay in effect
while you work on the equipment.
Periodic Operational Check
Replacing Diaphragms and Valve Plug
1. Remove the adjusting screw cap (key 1), and
WARNING loosen the hex nut (key 3) that locks the set screw
(key 2). Loosen the set screw to remove all spring
The following procedure requires 2. Remove the cap screws (key 7, not shown) from
taking the trip valve out of service. To the spring case, and lift off the body assembly (key
avoid personal injury and property 16) and attached parts from the trip valve body (key
damage by uncontrolled process 21). Note the orientation of the vent and supply
medium, provide some temporary connections to the body (see figure 1).
means of control of the process
3. Remove the cap screws (key 20, not shown) and
medium while the trip valve is out of
separate the diaphragm (key 17), diaphragm spacer
(key 19), and the pusher plate (key 18) from the rest
of the body assembly. Lift off the spring case (key 4),
1. Isolate the actuator/valve assembly from the
travel stop (key 75), upper spring seat (key 5), and
process loop.
spring (key 6).
2. Provide a means of monitoring the supply 4. Take out the upper diaphragm assembly (keys 8,
pressure input to the trip valve. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15).
5. Carefully unscrew the spring seat (key 9) from
3. Starting with normal supply pressure applied to the upper diaphragm retainer (key 13). Be careful
the trip valve, slowly reduce the supply pressure until not to lose the valve plug (key 14), valve guide (key
the trip valve trips. The trip valve should trip at the 8), and spring (key 10). Also be careful not to
pressure set during the calibration procedures. damage the upper diaphragm (key 12).
4. Increase the supply pressure until the trip valve 6. Inspect the upper diaphragm, valve plug, body
resets. This should occur at a supply pressure 12.5 assembly, and O-ring (key 15) for nicks, scratches,
to 33 percent above the trip point. or cuts that could cause leakage. Replace parts as
necessary. Make sure the O-ring (key 15) is properly
5. If the trip valve fails to trip and reset at the lubricated with lubricant (key 39) to avoid leakage
calibrated settings, refer to the calibration past the O-ring.
procedures. 7. With the spring (key 10), spring seat (key 9),
valve plug (key 13), valve guide (key 8), diaphragm
6. If the trip valve will not calibrate, continue with the washer (key 11), and upper diaphragm (key 12) in
following maintenance procedures. place, screw the upper diaphragm retainer (key 13)

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves
and spring seat (key 9) together, being careful not to Note
damage the diaphragm.
Use only genuine Fisher replacement
8. Inspect the lower diaphragm (key 17) and pusher parts. Components that are not
plate (key 18), and replace them if damaged or supplied by Fisher should not, under
excessively worn. any circumstances, be used in any
9. Place the upper diaphragm assembly (keys 8, 9, Fisher trip valve. The use of
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15), travel stop (key 75), components not supplied by Fisher
spring (key 6), upper spring seat (key 5), diaphragm will void your warranty, might
spacer (key 19), pusher plate (key 18), and adversely affect the performance of
diaphragm (key 17) onto the body assembly (key the valve and and might jeopardize
16). Secure the body assembly parts to the spring worker and workplace safety.
case (key 4) with the cap screws (key 20). Position
the supply and vent connections as noted in step 2.
10. Note the orientation of the supply connection to
the body (see figure 1). Attach the assembly, from Fisher does not assume responsibility
step 9, to the body (key 21) with the cap screws (key for the selection, use, or maintenance
7, not shown). Tighten the screws. of any product. Responsibility for the
proper selection, use, and
11. Refer to the installation and calibration maintenance of any Fisher product
procedures. remains solely with the purchase and
Replacing Stem/Plug Assembly Parts
1. Remove the cap screws (key 76, not shown) from
the body (key 21), and remove the manifold (key 73) Parts Kits
and the stem/plug assemblies (keys 22, 23, 24, 26, Parts kits include valve plugs, stems, plug
and 27). assemblies, and nitrile diaphragms, O - rings,
and gasket (keys 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24,
2. Inspect the upper and lower O-rings (keys 23 and 26, 29, 63, 74, and 89). R377X000012
26) for nicks or wear. If the lower O-ring needs to be
replaced, remove the O-ring retainer screw (key 27)
before installing the new O-ring. The upper O-ring
simply slips over the end of the stem (key 22).
3. Inspect the stem/plug assemblies, inspect the Parts List
valve seats in the body (key 21), and replace any Key Description Part Number
parts if necessary.
4. When stem/plug assembly maintenance
procedures are complete, carefully slide the Common Parts
1 Adjusting screw cap, plastic 19A3182X012
stem/plug assemblies (keys 22, 23, 24, 26, and 27)
2 Set screw, pl steel 1H305028982
and springs (key 25) into the body. Attach the 3 Hex Nut, pl steel 1A946324122
manifold (key 73) to the bottom of the body (key 21), 4 Spring case, aluminum 39A3186X012
and tighten the screws (key 76).
5 Upper spring seat, pl steel 1B798525062
5. Refer to the installation and calibration 6 Spring, pl steel 1B788327022
procedures. 7 Cap screw, pl steel (4 reqd) (not shown) 19A3191X012
8 Valve guide, anodized aluminum/TFE 15A1288X012

9 Spring, seat, aluminum 25A1290X012

10 Spring, pl steel 15A1282X012
11 Diaphragm washer, aluminum 15A1291X012
Parts Ordering 12* Diaphragm
Whenever you correspond with your Fisher sales Nitrile 25A1298X012
office about this equipment, always mention the Fluoroelastomer 26A9338X012
13 Diaphragm retainer anodized aluminum/TFE 25A1289X012
actuator serial number which is located on the
14* Valve plug
nameplate. When ordering replacement parts, refer Brass/nitrile 1D5604000A2
to the part number of each required part as found in Brass/fluoroelastomer 1N379871662
the following parts list. Stainless steel/nitrile 1D5604000B2

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number

15* O - ring 37 Vent assembly, plastic (not shown)
Nitrile 10B2658X012 1 reqd for top mounted
Fluoroelastomer 10B2658X022 Types 377D, 377U 377CW and 377CCW
16 Body assembly, anodized aluminum /TFE 19A3189X012 1 reqd for top or boss mounted types
377D, 377U 377CW and 377CCW with flow control valve
17* Diaphragm 2 reqd for boss mounted Types 377D, 377L, 377U,
Nitrile 15A1297X012 377CW and 377CCW 27A5516X012
Fluoroelastomer 15A1297X022 37 Flow control valve, (optional on
18 Pusher plate, aluminum 15A1287X012 Type 377D, 377U 377CW and 377CCW trip valves)(not
19 Diaphragm spacer, aluminum 29A3184X012 shown) 1K257418992
20 Cap screw, pl steel (4 reqd) (not shown) 19A3190X012 39* Lubriplate Mag-1 lubricant (not furnished with trip valve)
21 Body, aluminum 59A3187X012 Note
22* Stem, stainless steel (2 reqd) 25A1284X012
Key numbers 44 through 61 are not shown
23* O - ring (2 reqd)
on the trip valve assembly drawing.
Nitrile 15A1283X012
Fluoroelastomer 15A1283X032 44 Volume tank, alloy steel
24* Plug assembly (2 reqd) (for Types 377D, 377U 377CW and 377CCW only)
Brass/neoprene 1E4567000A2 Standard
Brass/fluoroelastomer 1E4567X0022 11.8 L (721 inch3) 17A0955X012
Aluminum/neoprene 1E4567X0012 21.6 L (1315 inch3) 1J393132992
25 Spring, pl steel (2 reqd) 1D666827222 33.4 L (2036 inch3) 1J393232992
26* O - ring (2 reqd) 42.9 L (2615 inch3) 1J393332992
Nitrile 1D682506992 65.6 L (4001 inch3) 1J393432992
Fluoroelastomer 1N423906382 131.1 L (8002 inch3) (requires two 4001 inch3
27* O - ring retainer screw, stainless steel (2 reqd) 1E456635032 volume tanks) 1J393432992
ASME Approved (use w/safety valve)
29* O - ring (2 reqd) (top - mounted only) 8.5 L (518 inch3) 14A4391X012
Nitrile 11A8741X052 24.9 L (1520 inch3) 14A4392X012
Fluoroelastomer 11A8741X012 30.0 L (1831 inch3) 1N908328992
30 Cap screw, pl steel (top mounted2 reqd; 42.8 L (2609 inch3) 14A4393X012
yoke or bracket mounted1 reqd) 68.8 L (4199 inch3) 1N908228992
Top or yoke mounted 1C398824052 71.6 L (4371 inch3)
Bracket mounted 1K747624052 (Canadian registered) 1W138432992
31 Manifold assembly, aluminum 36A8296X022 137.6 L (8398 inch3) (requires two 4199 inch3
volume tanks) 1N908228992
143.3 L (8742 inch3) (requires two 4371 inch3
tanks) (Canadian registered) 1W138432992

Key numbers 32 through 37 are not shown 45 Pipe bushing, pl steel

on the trip valve assembly drawing. (1 reqd per volume tank)
For standard volume tanks w/o 2625 1A3424X00A2
32 Cap screw, pl steel (use w/manifold For standard volume tanks w/2625 or
assembly) (2 reqd) (not shown) 1A341824052 ASME approved volume tanks 1K289528992
33 Cap screw, steel (not shown) 46 Pipe tee, galvanized iron
Yoke mounted 1C595824052 For two standard volume tanks w/o 2625 1C597547362
Bracket mounted 1B787724052 For two standard volume tanks w/2625 or
34 Pipe plug (for Type 377L only) (2 reqd) two ASME approved volume tanks 1A473621992
(not shown) For one ASME approved volume tank w/o 2625 1D192621992
Brass, use with all actuators except 1069 1A649528982 For one ASME approved volume tank w/2625 1L9802X0082
316 SST, use with Type 1069 actuator 1A649538982 47 Pipe nipple, galvanized steel
35 Pipe plug, pl steel (boss or bracket For two standard volume tanks w/o 2625 1C488226232
mounted w/o manifold assembly for Type For two standard volume tanks w/2625 or
480- 16 only) (not shown) 1J797328982 two ASME approved volume tanks or
one ASME approved volume tank w/o 2625 1B352626012
36 Check valve, (for Types 377D, 377U 377CW and 377CCW For one ASME approved volume tank w/2625 1B539126012
only) (not shown) 48 Safety valve, brass and steel
For use w/o Type 2625 For ASME approved volume tanks 15A6018X022
Brass 16A8280X152
316 SST 16A8280X042 49 Connector, brass (2 reqd)
For use w/ Type 2625 For two standard volume tanks w/o 2625 15A6002X202
Brass 11A0735X012 For two standard volume tanks w/2625 or
316 SST 15A6009X022 two ASME approved volume tanks 15A6002X342

12 *Recommended spare parts

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves
Key Description Part Number Key Description Part Number
51 Volume tank tubing, copper 88 Washer, pl steel (2 reqd) (not shown)
7.6 m (25 foot) coil Bracket mounted 1B865928992
1/4- inch O.D. 1K329017012 89* Gasket
1/2- inch O.D. 12B2726X012 Standard, nitrile nylon 22B1328X012
61 Pipe cross, for two ASME approved volume High temperature, polyacrylate/nylon 22B1328X022
tanks only 1K647728992 Note
63* O - ring (use w/manifold assembly)
The following is a list of brass tubing fittings,
Nitrile 1C853806992
and galvanized pipe fittings used for trip
Fluoroelastomer 1C8538X0052
valve installation. Key numbers and
64 Screen, stainless steel (not shown)
quantities are not shown due to the
For top mounted 377D, 377U, 377L, 377CW
variations in piping arrangements possible.
and 277CCW (2 reqd) 0L078343062
To order replacement fittings, determine the
For Types 377D ,377U, 377CW or 377CCW
part name, size, and number of replacements
with speed control valve (1 reqd) 0L078343062
required. Order the replacement by part
65 Screen, stainless steel (not shown)
name, size, and part number.
For boss mounted 377D, 377U, 377CW or
377CCW 0L078343062 Pipe Tee, galvanized iron
71 Spring retainer spacer, stainless steel, 1/4- inch NPT 1C597547362
(use w/ manifold assembly) (not shown) 17A7052X012 3/4- inch NPT 1L9802X00B2
72 Mounting plate, pl steel (not shown) Pipe Nipple, galvanized steel
Bracket mounted 1C221825022 1/4- inch NPT 1C488226232
73 Manifold, aluminum 39A3185X012 1/2- inch NPT 1K201526022
74* O - ring (2 reqd) 3/4- inch NPT 1B539126012
Nitrile 1J108506992 Connector, brass
Fluoroelastomer 1J1085X0042 1/4- inch NPT x 1/4 - inch O.D. 15A6002X212
1/4- inch NPT x 3/8 - inch O.D. 15A6002X202
75 Travel stop, pl steel 19A3188X012 1/2- inch NPT x 1/2 - inch O.D. 15A6002X342
76 Cap screw, pl steel (2 reqd) (not shown) 1L7325X0032 Elbow, brass
77 Molykote No. 33 lubricant (not furnished with trip valve) 1/4- inch NPT x 3/8 - inch O.D. 15A6002X162
78 Cap Screw, pl steel (2 reqd) (not shown)
Bracket mounted 1C631224052 Pipe cross, galvanized iron
1/4- inch NPT 1C679021992
79 Lockwasher, pl steel (4 reqd) (not shown) 3/4- inch NPT 1A6403X0012
Bracket mounted 1C225728982 Pipe plug, brass, 1/4 - inch NPT 1A572614012
80 Hex Nut, pl steel (2 reqd) (not shown) Pipe Bushing, galvanized steel
Bracket mounted 1E944024112 3/4- inch NPT x 1/4 - inch NPT 1A342428992
3/4- inch NPT x 1/2 - inch NPT 1A3424X00A2

*Recommended spare parts 13

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004


KEY NUMBERS 7, 20, 64, 65, 76, 78, 79, 80, 88 NOT SHOWN
49A3195- C / IL

Figure 8. Trip Valve Assembly

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
April 2004 377 Series Trip Valves

Instruction Manual
Form 5235
377 Series Trip Valves April 2004

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