AIJ QS Profile S
AIJ QS Profile S
AIJ QS Profile S
We aim to be the first people clients come to when investing in the built and natural
environment. As a majority black-owned company, our goal is to work with clients
through every stage of the development process, providing managed solutions for
clients investing in infrastructure, property and construction.
Our core services are cost, program and project management, complemented by
a wide range of specialist consultancy capabilities including quantity surveying;
engineering cost management; specification consulting; facilities management; value
and risk management; and sustainability management.
Feasibility Studies
Cost Estimates and Planning
Documentation (Bill of Quantities)
Cash Flow Budgets
Financial Control and Valuation of Work in Progress
Final Accounts
Resolution of Disputes
Project Management
Facilities Management
Assistance to Previous Disadvantaged Contractors (Tendering, Procure
ment of Material, Administrative Issues, etc)
Risk Management
Strategic Hospital Planning Services
To be Africas premier Infrastructure advisory
and consulting firm.
INTEGRITY - We are honest and ethical in our actions. We keep our commitments
and treat others with mutual respect and trust
CLIENTS - We are passionate about solving clients problems and exploring new
opportunities with them.
Huge amounts of experience were drawn from the depth of skills from our staff to collectively and individually achieve success in a wide spectrum
of projects in the Quantity Surveying and Project Management fields. The following page highlights but a few of these projects we were involved
UNAM Hostels & Admin Block ( Henties Bay Campaus) N$ 65 000 000.00
Controlling Costs.
Adding Value.
Americo is a versatile and accomplished Isak is a results driven and resourceful Quantity Jorik is a qualified Quantity Surveyor and
Quantity Surveyor with over 11 years Surveyor with over 12 years experience in the Project Management professional with over 11
experience in the construction industry and a built environment. years experience in pre and post construction
proven track record in project management management projects.
and supervision. His ability to perform in a fast paced
Equally adept in managing small scale environment and meet tight deadlines He has gained extensive experience in projects
and multi-million dollar projects in the has seen him excell while managing and ranging from infrastructure, oil and gas, Civil
private and public sectors, he has achieved supervising multi-million dollar infrastructure and Earthworks, Office and Commercial
excellence in Quality Assurance, Contractual projects. building developments. Meticulous in nature,
Law and financial strategy while maintaining Jorik is skilled in minimizing the costs of a
the highest level of standards. A great communicator, Isak understands the project and enhancing value for money, while
inherent value in construction projects and still maintaining high standards of quality.
With a wealth of technical and commercial works tirelessly to ensure this is maximised for
skills acquired over the years, he has the clients benefit. Posessing excellent foresight and the ability to
demonstrated the ability to provide or analyze and intepret a clients vision, Jorik is
source creative solutions that enhance a His attention to detail and pragmatic instrumental in assessing a clients needs and
clients objectives when investing in the built approach makes him a valuable asset on presenting the best possible solution.
environment. any infrastructure project and the right
professional to have in your corner. Mr. Bothas approach is one of the founding
Mr De Almeidas leadership has proven principles this dynamic and ambitious
invaluable in helping guide AIJ to become Mr. Nahum is a key driver in AIJs growth as a company has been built on.
one of the premier firms in the country. leading project cost consultancy.
Carel Van Wyk Quantity Surveyor Vavarirai Tagarira Quantity Surveyor Chido Dondo Quantity Surveyor
(Registered Quantity Surveyor)
Carel is a graduate of the University of Vavarirai completed his BSc Honors in Quan- After completing her Honours Degree in
Potchestroom (North West). He brings with tity Surveying from the National University Quantity Surveying from the National Uni-
him a wealth of work experience gained over of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe. He versity of Science and Technology (NUST)
a 30 year period. is currently working towards PMP certifica- in Zimbabwe, Chido achieved her Master of
tion with the Project Management Institute. Philosophy in Construction Economics and
Carel is a respected Quantity Surveying pro- Management from the University of Cape
fessional and is a member of Institute of Na- Over the years, he has gained practical Town (UCT) in 2011.
mibian Quantity Surveyors, Namibian Council experience of all facets within Construction,
for Architects and Quantity Surveyors and is Quantity Surveying, Project Management, Chido brings with her a blend of great com-
also a member of the Qualifications Sub Com- Safety Health and Environmental Systems munication and analytical skills honed during
mittee of Namibian Council for Architects and through participation in different types of her time working as an assistant Quantity
Quantity Surveyors. projects that include civil, industrial, com- Surveyor for a building contractor in Cape
mercial and residential developments. Town and as a tutor for the Department of
He has an impeccable work ethic that often Construction, Economics and Management
sees him putting in extra hours into his proj- Vavarirai worked for Murray and Roberts at the University of Cape Town .
ects and going the extra mile for clients. Construction (Zimbabwe) before joining AIJ
in 2013. She has an interest in charity work and is a
His passion includes reading, camping and ca- keen traveller.
nine oriented welfare work. He has an interest in exploring the outdoors,
camping and is a keen guitarist.
Stanley Mwashekele Quantity Surveyor Langton Nthala Quantity Surveyor Ephraim Takaza Quantity Surveyor
Stanley holds a BTech in Quantity Surveying Langton completed his BSc Honors in Quan- Ephraim completed his Bachelor of Science
from the University of Johannesburg. He tity Surveying from the National University (Hons) Degree in Quantity Surveying at the
has seven years of work experience in of Science and Technology in Zimbabwe . His National University of Science and Technology.
quantity estimation, preparation of interim currently perusing his Masters of Science in
payment certificates / progress bills and their Project Management from the University of He has overall working experience of six years
certification, verification of subcontractor Cape Town and a PMP certification from the working experience working for construction
submitted bills, preparation / certification Project Management Institute. companies and Quantity Surveying firms. He
of variation orders, preparation of enquiries is a confident, determined and results oriented
and their subsequent reviewing for subletting He joined AIJ in 2013 from Stefanutti Stocks person who has managed a large number of
works and cost controlling on-going projects Botswana, were he worked as a Quantity Sur- projects.
with different companies at different Mega veyor in civil, commercial, government and
Civil / Building & Infrastructure projects. private development. Langton has experience He has a great passion for reading, soccer and
in the fields of Quantity surveying, Project chess.
Stanley possesses good communication and Management and Infrastructural develop-
problem solving skills which enabled him to ment. Langton is a good communicator and
maintain good relations with contractors/ strategist.
developers. He has managed a number of
projects and has the required skills and His interest are Travelling and learning new
experience to be a real asset at AIJ. cultures , social networking and anthropology.
Margaretha (Grietji) Rossouw Sylvester Mieze - Quantity Surveyor in Taurai Chingwaramusee Quantity Surveyor
Quantity Surveyor - PrQS training
Taurai completed his National Diploma and
Margaretha (Grietjie) is a Namibian who Sylvester is currently pursuing his National holds a B-Tech Quantity Surveying Cum
graduated at the University of the Free State, Diploma in Property Valuation and Estate Laude from the Cape Peninsula University of
South Africa. She has been working in the field Management at the Polytechnic of Namibia. Technology (CPUT). He joined the company
of quantity surveying, project management He also holds a Microsoft Profession immediately after completing his B-Tech in
and construction since 1993 and is a Profes- Certificate(MPC). He has various work Quantity Surveying.
sional Quantity Surveyor for the past 8 years. experience that has moulded him and gave
She is registered with the South African Coun- him the ability to work under almost any Taurai is a goal-oriented individual holding
cil for the Quantity Surveying Profession as a condition. a number of academic achievement awards
PrQS and is a professional member with the and has held a number of leadership roles
Association of South African Quantity Survey- Sylvester enhances our companys capacity including being at the helm of CPUTs Asso-
ors (PMAQS). in other areas apart from Quantity Surveying, ciation for International Students (AIS).
which is nevertheless crucial towards our
Margaretha has extensive experience in the broadened goal of client satisfaction. In addition Taurai played a huge role in the
Construction Industry and has managed major Tutoring and Mentoring program at CPUTs
projects while serving as an Office Manager His contribution has been invaluable to Department of Built Environment which
and Senior Professional Quantity Surveyor at our company and has enhanced customer makes his expertise resourceful in the com-
her previous employment in South Africa. satisfaction. Soccer is his favourite sport and panys mentorship program.
he has been actively involved with various
She also has a passion for mentoring student local teams as a player.
and quantity surveyors in training.
Simbarashe Dube Quantity Domingo Bernado Quantity Tamuka Mutiti Quantity Sur-
Surveyor Surveyor in training veyor
Simbarashe completed his Honours Domingos is working towards com- Tamuka completed his National Di-
in Quantity Surveying in 2013 from pleting his QCP Certificate from ploma in Quantity Surveying and
the National University of Science the University of the Free State. He Construction Technology from Ha-
and Technology. During his studies, joined the company immediately af- rare Technical College in 2013. After
he worked as an intern at Murray & ter completing his B-tech in Quantity working at a number of firms, he
Roberts for year. Simba joined AIJ Surveying. joined AIJ to gain valuable experi-
after school and has been slotting ence within the Quantity Surveying
well into the company culture. Domingos is a goal-oriented indi- Profession.
vidual holding a number of academic
He is a results driven professional achievement awards and has held a Tamuka has a passion for teambuild-
who is an effective team member number of leadership roles. Domin- ing as he is also a lifeskills coach.
that is eager to learn new things. He go has a passion for motorsports and
combines strong interpersonal skills fast cars.
with an ability to work under pres-
sure with minimal supervision, a vi-
brant and dynamic young man who
is ever ready for challenge
Erastus Erastus - Head: Vistorina Amwele - Office Daniel Tichagwa - Systems Abed Erastus - Corporate
Administration Administrator Administrator Communications
Erastus graduated from the Via completed her National Daniel holds a Professional Diploma Abed has over 10 years experience
Polytechnic of Namibia with a certificate in accounting and finance (Ass. Degree) in e-Technology in the marketing, advertising and
Bachelors of Communication in at the Polytechnic of Namibia and is Computing from the National branding industry.
degree in2014. After working in currently busy pursuing her diploma Institute of Information Technology
the financial services industry for 6 and degree in the similar respect. (NIIT). A qualified copywriter, he has
years, first as a senior administrator worked on some of Namibias
and then a consultant, he joins AIJ She has worked as an executive He has seven years working leading brands and managed a
Project Cost Consultants as Head of assistant/project administrator at experience, six of which were spent multitude of sucessful marketing
administration. Naltech Pty Ltd. Her experience working in the United Nations campaigns. Abed joined AIJ in 2013
with diverse clients and exposure environment. This experience has to help revamp its branding and
Erastus brings a wealth of experience to project level administration is a allowed him to work in diverse corporate image.
from the corporate sector and is also useful tool. Vistorina is our Office environments and with various task
currently pursuing a degree in Human Administrator. loads. His hobbies include reading, hunting
Resource management from the and rugby.
Namibia University of Technology.
Erastus joins our administration
team and will be tasked with running
day to day operations.
Paula Nell Project Assistant Yolandy Nderura Administrative As- Jennifer Kavavure Receptionist Ida Ushoona Project Assistant
Paula is currently a final year student Jennifer welcomes all our clients with Ida is currently a final year student
enrolled at the University of Namibia Yolandy is currently a 2nd year Law her bubbly and friendly personality. enrolled at the University of Namibia
where shes completing her degree in Student enrolled at the University of She has over four years experience where shes completing her degree in
Accounting. Namibia. working at a number of companies Accounting.
After working part-time as an assistant Her interests include reading, net- before joining AIJ in early 2015. After working part-time as an assis-
accountant for the firm, Paula joned us workig and travelling. tant accountant for the firm, Ida joned
on a full time basis in November 2014. Her other interests include reading us on a full time basis in January 2015.
Her interests include reading, net- and photography. Her interests include reading, net-
working and travelling. working and travelling.
AIJs committment to Namibias development is evident in our sponsorship of new students within the quantity surveying profession. Our
student Quantity Surveyors are nurtured in a systematic way ensuring they are exposed to the inner working of a professional consulting
Currently, we support Lerato Shovaleka and Tateati Shapalo, who are both Quantity Surveying students at the Cape Peninsula University
of Technology (Cape Town). Tuna Amutenya, Cecyllia Amuela, Guilherme Chonhi and Johanna Kapapero are distance students, at the
Institute of Quantity Surveyors in Free State, attending classes in Windhoek. Once they have completed their studies, they will join the
dynamic AIJ Project Cost Consultants team.
Lerato Shovaleka Tateati Shapalo Johanna Kapapero David Lugambo Cecyllia Amuela
Osho Iitope Tuna Amutenya Jason Kalola Nikanor Shidondola Wiets Coetzee
The driving forces in sustaining our company through all these
Daniel Blchle projects were and still are our valued clients. The following are
but a few of our past and current clients:
As a civil engineer, Daniel
Blchle has a relevant Namibian Government
technical background in Ministry of Education
construction. Through Ministry of Works and Transport
funded education at the Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Karlsruhe Institute of Ministry of Safety & Security (Nampol)
Technology (KIT) in facility Ministry of Defence
management, he learned Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry
all theoretical principles Ministry of Regional and Local Government and Housing
of the fields of hospital and Rural Development
management and PPP.
Donor Agencies
During his four-year work Komeho Namibia Development Agency.
as a research fellow at
KIT, Daniel Blchle was Private Sector
responsible for various Global Queastor International.
projects as a project leader Dynamic Building Solution
and acting project leader. In Sovereign Investments
the field of hospital management, he has been responsible for the OPIK Langer Heinrich Mine
optimisation and analysis of processes in hospitals and benchmarking Nikodemus Developers
in hospitals projects since 2009. Namfisa
Thereafter, as part of his two-year research project, he was a project Standard Bank
leader responsible for the introduction of floor-space management
at Klinikum Region Hannover GmbH. He led this project from its
conception stage, through the introduction of CAFM software with a
building model, to the implementation of the floor-space management.
In the field of PPP, Daniel Blchle was the deputy head of the examination NATIONAL FOOTPRINT
of the involvement of medium-sized companies in PPP projects in Baden-
Wuerttemberg and head of the office of the working group of hospitals
of the federal PPP network of excellence of the German state and
Lnder. As part of a one-year research project with Forschungszentrum
Karlsruhe (formerly Kernforschungszentrum), he was the project leader
responsible for drawing up a maintenance costs budget, optimising
maintenance processes and evaluating the responsibility of the operator.
Daniel Blchle has been working as a head of department at ikl GmbH
since 2011. Before joining ikl GmbH, he worked as a research fellow at the
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
Dipl.-Ing. Civil Engineering (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
AIJ firmly believes in the development of skills of our staff. With this in mind, each of our senior Quantity Surveyors have a Namibian
Junior Q.S training under them. This way, we are able to transfer valuable skills and experience to young Namibians.
Surveyors Grietjie Stanley Carel
Simba Vavarirai Chido Ephraim Langton Taurai
In Training
Surveying Sylvestor Domingo Tuna Cecyllia Lerato Johanna Teatie
AIJ organizational structure works via a four tiered system with the partners at the top followed by three Registered Senior
Quantity Surveyors. Each of the Senior Q.Ss have a pair of Junior Quantity Surveyors that report to them and in turn they have a
student Quantity Surveyor attached to them.
This system ensures that skills transfer occurs and the collective capacity of our organization is continuously improving.
Management. We are committed to using our resources to the benefit of all our
Quantity Surveying Students 4 current and future clients and to continually create innovative and
effective solutions when and wherever the opportunities arise.
Accountant 1
IT Administrator 1
Computer Network (WinQS/SQL Version 1.9.15 and 1
QSplus - Version 9.9)
BIZHUB for Printing, Photo copying, scanning and 1
binding facilities, etc.
Windhoek Office: Walvis Bay Office: Ongwediva Office: