General Guidelines For Design and Construction of Concrete Diaphram (Slurry) Walls
General Guidelines For Design and Construction of Concrete Diaphram (Slurry) Walls
General Guidelines For Design and Construction of Concrete Diaphram (Slurry) Walls
I. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................1
December 2008 - ii -
Design Guide Slurry Wall
VIII. PHOTOS......................................................................................................................42
December 2008 - iv -
Design Guide Slurry Wall
This guide was developed to assist designers in evaluating the suitability of concrete
diaphragm walls (slurry walls) for earth support for project application, to provide an
understanding of common construction issues, and provide guidance on construction
inspection requirements. The objective of this guide is to help designers confirm that
major items associated with the design and construction of slurry walls have been
addressed on their project and to provide guidance for field inspection staff. The guide
includes lessons learned from numerous slurry wall projects designed and/or overseen by
PB. The designer is not bound to follow these guidelines, but should refer to these
guidelines on projects that may use slurry walls.
Although this guide is considered comprehensive, it is likely that each project will have
its own site specific issues that may not be addressed in this document. Since additional
experience will be gained and technologies will evolve, the suggestions and direction
provided herein should be confirmed for current relevancy.
For each project application it is essential that this guide not be considered a replacement
for proper quality control/quality assurance procedures. Rather it should be considered
an additional tool for the designer and field inspectors.
These guidelines were developed under the supervision of Ray Castelli and Bob
Rawnsley. It is requested that any comments or errors be sent to either
[email protected] or [email protected] .
facilities, electric vaults, etc., it may be prudent to consider slurry walls for
temporary support only.
1. Earth Pressures: For many cases, employing traditional earth pressure design
and empirical correlations for wall and ground deformations are appropriate
for slurry wall design. The tributary area method, continuous beam method,
and beam on elastic foundation method are all considered acceptable methods.
In congested urban settings, slurry wall deformations are critical and often
warrant more sophisticated analyses. Numerical analyses require detailed
knowledge of soil properties and groundwater conditions, and must assume a
detailed sequence of construction. Numerical analyses require significant
experience in the collecting, processing and evaluation of data. If a structure
requires numerical analyses, all work related to the analysis should be planned
and performed under the supervision of a person with extensive experience in
the modeling of underground structures. It is common practice to compare the
results of each numerical analysis with empirical data to confirm the results
are reasonable. Projects that warrant a numerical analysis will also likely
warrant a sophisticated monitoring program to confirm the
accuracy/assumptions of the analysis. For a more thorough presentation of
design procedures, refer to the FHWA manual on Earth Retaining
Structures (Munfakh et al, 1999)
a. Temporary Earth Pressure: Temporary earth pressures are those that
would be anticipated during excavation and in the period of time
following completion of excavation to completion of the structure and
backfilling within the excavation. Where the slurry wall forms part of the
final structure, the final structure should be checked for the temporary
earth pressures. Temporary earth pressures are generally based on active
earth pressures for cantilever and single brace levels, and on empirical
(trapezoidal) pressures diagrams for excavations with multiple levels of
bracing. When providing temporary earth support criteria, it is suggested
a determination regarding the allocation of risk be made. Two approaches
may be considered including: 1) risk almost entirely with the contractor, 2)
shared risk between the contractor and designer. The determination as to
the level of direction the designer will provide to the contractor is project
specific and should be determined by the projects management team.
In the first approach, the contract documents should clearly indicate that
the contractor is solely responsible for the design, construction and
performance of the temporary earth support system. The designer may
modify this slightly by providing minimum design criteria that the project
is willing to accept, such as minimum earth and groundwater pressures,
maximum spacing of bracing, etc. However, the contractor is solely
responsible for determining if more conservative design parameters are
The second approach is more common when deformations are a major
concern. In this case the contract documents provide strict direction
regarding design parameters to be used, such as required earth and
groundwater pressures, maximum strut spacing and required strut levels,
excavation restrictions, crack control, permissible deformations, etc. The
contractor then designs its earth support system to accommodate the
specified parameters.
Regardless of the level of direction provided to the contractor, the designer
should confirm the buildability of the project by checking the adequacy
of the slurry wall to perform as intended under at least one assumed
sequence of construction. As part of the temporary condition check, the
designer should confirm that additional steel reinforcing required for the
assumed construction sequencing can be reasonably added to the slurry
wall without impeding the flow of concrete.
b. Permanent Slurry Walls: Slurry walls used for permanent support may not
provide the same watertightness as traditional cast-in-place concrete
structures with external waterproofing. Finish items, including lighting,
electrical, ventilation, fireproofing, tile, drainage etc. need to be selected
based on realistic assumptions of the performance of the completed slurry
wall. To avoid direct exposure to moisture, finish items should not abut
directly against the slurry wall. Where items are attached to the wall, the
attachments are suggested to be corrosion resistant, capable of
accommodating the irregular finish of slurry walls and adaptable to permit
modifications in the event a wall panel is constructed out of specified
2. Waterproofing for Permanent Structures: Leaking of slurry walls may occur
at four typical locations, including: panel joints, connection to invert/base
slab, connection to roof slab, and penetrations. In addition, leaks may occur
within the panel due to the presence of inclusions, such as fragments of
Styrofoam that were not fully removed during excavation, soil inclusions, and
cold joints. Waterproofing details for penetrations, roof connections, and base
slab connections are addressed in PBs waterproofing guidelines, Guidelines
for the Design of Waterproofing Systems for Underground Structures.
Waterproofing of slurry walls is considered a means and methods issue, and
the responsibility for providing a slurry wall meeting specified watertightness
criteria should therefore be left to the contractor. With proper workmanship,
forming of panel joints, cleaning of panel joints, slurry properties, and
concrete placement, excellent watertightness can be achieved. Although
specialty water stops are available, they too are highly dependent on
workmanship; therefore, it is suggested that the decision to use these devices
to meet contract performance requirements be left to the contractor.
3. Penetrations for both Permanent and Temporary Walls: Utility penetrations
are to be coordinated to permit the slurry wall designer to make
accommodations in its design, such as adding steel reinforcing around the
penetration. Common practice is to install steel sleeves attached to the
reinforcing cage; the sleeves are sealed at each end to prevent concrete
intrusion. For SPTC walls without reinforcing, utility penetrations are
typically cored during general site excavation. Whenever possible, block-outs
and/or penetrations in a slurry wall should be rounded to allow the flow of
slurry and concrete around the penetration to minimize the risk of trapping
soil and/or creating bentonite pockets.
work sites where the area enclosed by the slurry wall is used as the
construction lay down area. This method of construction also provides
schedule benefit since it allows initiation of above grade construction
simultaneously with below grade work.
b. Groundwater
Permanent Conditions: Both flood and normal groundwater elevations
should be considered in the permanent design. Loadings from flood
condition are not typically assumed to occur simultaneously with seismic
loads; however, this should be confirmed on a project by project basis.
Permanent slurry wall structures are generally designed for the full
hydrostatic pressure, even if the final structure is provided with a
permanent under drain.
Temporary Conditions: Since flood conditions are usually assumed to
occur on the order of once every 100 years, designing temporary earth
support systems to accommodate flood conditions may not always be
warranted. In some instances, allowing the excavation to flood will prove
to be less costly than designing for maximum flood levels; for this case
design of the temporary excavation support walls may be based on the
maximum groundwater elevation permitted during construction.
When appropriate, and when demonstrated by appropriate seepage
analysis, design groundwater acting on the lower portion of the slurry wall
may be adjusted to reflect anticipated seepage beneath the wall. When a
reduction in pressure is assumed, instrumentation monitoring is suggested
to confirm the analysis.
c. Seismic
Temporary Conditions: Including seismic in the temporary condition is a
regional issue and/or a risk decision to be made by the owner and/or
contractor or dictated by applicable codes. Combining seismic and flood
conditions loads is a decision specific to each project. These issues should
be addressed separately for each project.
The inclusion of seismic lateral loading is almost always included in the
permanent wall design. When the permanent wall is used as part of a
boat section (i.e. U-section) structure, the dynamic earth pressure method
using Mononobe-Okabe theory can be used to account for the seismic
effects. The Mononobe-Okabe method assumes that the wall structure
moves and/or tilts sufficiently so that a yielding active earth wedge forms
behind the wall. For a slurry wall to be incorporated into a more rigid
underground box structure with transverse walls (or shear walls), the
Mononobe-Okabe method may under estimate the dynamic earth pressure.
An example of such a structure is a volume basement structure resting on
very stiff/hard medium and rigidly braced across by transverse shear wall
diaphragms. In this case another theoretical form of dynamic earth
pressure derived by Wood (1973) should be considered.
e. Unbalanced Loading
Temporary Conditions: In some settings, it is possible to have unbalanced
loadings during temporary conditions. Some examples of unbalanced
loading include different surcharge loads, sloping ground and sometimes
differing groundwater elevations across the site.
Permanent Conditions: In addition to the unbalanced loadings that may
occur under temporary conditions, consideration should be given to
designing the permanent structure to accommodate adjacent excavations
for future development. This issue is a project specific decision that should
be made by the owner. Frequently, public owners will want to
accommodate future development and will dictate that the design of the
b. Uplift Loading: Similar to the vertical soil loading discussed above, for
deep inverts, uplift water pressure acting on the permanent invert needs to
be assessed early in the project as these loads will likely be transferred to
the slurry wall and may dictate the type of slurry wall to be used, the
design of the invert slab, the depth of excavation to accommodate the
invert slab, and the connection of the invert slab to the slurry wall.
c. Air-rights Loading: In designing permanent slurry walls for this future
loading, it is necessary to consider the verticality of the slurry wall in its
capacity to support the axial loads that will be applied. It is suggested that
for design purposes, assume that the wall has been constructed to
verticality in the range of half its specified criteria, i.e. assume a verticality
of approximately 1:100 for a wall specified to be constructed to 1:200.
The magnitude of the air-rights loads to be considered in the design is
provided by the owner.
d. Tiebacks
Temporary Conditions: Tiebacks are installed at a slight angle, typically
10 to 20 degrees from horizontal, and occasionally up to 30 degrees. When
tiebacks are anticipated to be used, supervision by an engineer with
experience in tieback design is necessary to determine the resulting
vertical load on the wall and the potential for slurry wall settlement which
would result in relaxation of the tiebacks with corresponding increased
lateral deformations.
Permanent Structures: Tiebacks for permanent lateral support of
permanent slurry wall structures should generally be avoided due to
concerns of corrosion, permanent right-of-way easements and future
disturbance to the tiebacks due to adjacent site development. When used
for temporary support during construction staging, these tiebacks are
typically de-tensioned as the invert slab, floors, and roof are placed.
Should tiebacks be used for permanent support of permanent slurry wall
structures, vertical load concerns are similar as the temporary condition.
14. Bracing
a. Cross Lot: Cross lot bracing is the most common and preferred method
for temporary support. Cross lot bracing is typically pre-loaded to 50% of
the maximum design load anticipated to occur at each strut for the entire
construction period. In some instances, where deformations are a critical
concern, higher preloads may be considered. Excavations exceeding
widths on the order of 65 feet may require intermediate temporary pile
support to produce acceptable sizes. For SPTC walls it is typical practice
to attach the wales directly to the soldier piles. For conventional
reinforced slurry walls, bearing plates are attached to the face of the
reinforcing cage, struts can either bear directly on the plates or exterior
wales may be attached to the plates. Elimination of exterior wales is
possible by including reinforcing beams within the slurry panel cage;
however, this method is not generally preferred as the steel congestion
may inhibit concrete flow and makes tremie pipe installation difficult.
Temporary design of the slurry wall to accommodate bracing is generally
the responsibility of the contractor.
d. Slurry Wall Embedment: Extending the slurry wall into dense soils or
rock can provide significant resistance to vertical loads and lateral
deformations, and should be considered when the dense soils or rock are at
or relatively close to the bottom of excavation. However, where deep
deposits of soft soils extend below the proposed excavation, extending the
slurry wall is of little benefit in reducing lateral wall deformations.
Extending the wall may be done for reasons other than providing lateral
resistance, such as groundwater cutoff and vertical bearing. As one of the
main reasons in selecting a slurry wall is control of groundwater,
extending the wall into an underlying impermeable stratum is common
practice. Common depths of embedment for groundwater cutoff are on
the order of 5 feet into clays and the width of panel into rock, i.e. a 3 foot
panel would extend a minimum of 3 feet into rock. The same depth of
minimum wall embedment into rock applies for the condition where end
bearing is required.
C. Design Details: This section provides general guidance for various structural
design details associated with slurry walls. Appendix B provides illustrative
sketches of details used successfully on previous projects.
embedded items, these items should be located as far as practical from the
panel joint such that panel joint cleaning is not compromised and the flow
of concrete at the panel joint is not impaired.
3. Reinforcement
a. Minimum Cover: For steel reinforcing, minimum concrete cover for each
face is 3 inches.
b. Reinforcing Spacing: Common spacing is a minimum of 12 inches on
center for horizontal steel and 6 to 9 inches for vertical ( for SPTC walls,
where the reinforcing spans horizontally, the typical spacing can be
reversed). Control of dimensions, reinforcement placement and concrete
placement is more difficult for slurry walls then for conventionally formed
concrete. Therefore, although reinforcement requirements should be in
general accordance with ACI 318 for reinforced concrete (unless another
code governs the project) the minimum spacing between reinforcing
should be more generous than what is allowed by ACI 318 to permit flow
of the tremie concrete through and around the steel reinforcement. At this
time there is not a national code for slurry wall reinforcing spacing.
However, both the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway
Bridges and the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications provide
reinforcement spacing criteria for drilled shafts constructed by the slurry
method. The AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges
requires the following for drilled shafts: The minimum clear distance
between parallel bars in a layer should be at least 3 times the bar
diameter, or 3 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate, or 1-1/2
inches, whichever is largest. If reinforcing bars are bundled, the spacing
limits should be calculated based on an equivalent bar diameter, i.e. the
unit of bundled bars are treated as a single bar of a diameter derived from
the equivalent total area. While the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
currently requires: a minimum clear space between reinforcing of 5 times
the maximum aggregate size or 5 inches whichever is greater. Recent
research is suggesting a minimum reinforcing clear spacing of 10 times
the maximum aggregate size may be appropriate for tremie concrete. A
pending revision to the AASHTO LRFD specification will increase the
minimum space between reinforcing from 5 to 10 times the maximum
aggregate size. In their 1999 Edition of the manual on Drilled Shafts:
Construction Procedures and Design Methods, the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) suggests a minimum clear spacing between
reinforcing bars of 5 times the size of the largest coarse aggregate, or 3
inches, whichever is larger. However, the pending update to this FHWA
manual will be consistent with the new AASHTO LRFD specification
noted above.
Based on AASHTO requirements and past PB experience it is suggested
that for slurry walls, the designer strive for a minimum clearance between
reinforcing of 10 times the maximum aggregate size and not less than 5
times the maximum aggregate size or 5 inches, whichever is greatest.
permanent slurry wall, from frame analysis for the final loading
The structural design involves sizing of the vertical reinforcing for flexure,
checking shear, and designing shear reinforcement and stirrups, when
needed. In addition, crack control and wall deflection are considered,
especially when the slurry wall is part of the permanent structure.
Combined axial load and bending require checking if the slurry wall will
be supporting vertical loads.
Generally, ACI 318 is applicable for the design of slurry walls; however,
project requirements may dictate the use of AASHTO or local building
codes. Since quality control is difficult for slurry walls, such as control of
dimensions, reinforcement placement, and concrete quality, a more
conservative approach to design and detailing is suggested. As an
example, when calculating the effective depth of structure, d, in addition
to concrete cover and rebar size, slurry wall excavation tolerances should
be considered.
g. Permanent Structural Connections: As part of the permanent structure, the
slurry wall must support slabs and beams. Depending on requirements for
structural behavior, hinged, partially hinged or fixed connections can
theoretically be used. However, partially hinged connections are not
considered practical for slurry wall design. The designer should carefully
consider the use and location of each type of joint. For linear structures,
such as cut and cover tunnels, only the roof or invert slab is typically
rigidly connected. For box-like structures, such as underground garages,
all slab to slurry wall connections may be pinned as the perpendicular
slurry walls provide lateral stability.
Fixed connections transmit the moment and shear from the end of the floor
into the slurry wall, often resulting in heavy/congested reinforcing.
Hinged connections only transmit shear force from the slab to the slurry
wall and are generally simpler to construct than a fixed joint; however,
bending moment at midspan of the slab is greatly increased and should be
considered in the design development phase of the structure.
CRC slurry wall to cast-in-place slab connections: For pinned connections,
bend-out bars are generally used. Since the bend-out bars will be cold bent
in the field their size is limited to #4 or #5, Grade 40 rather than the Grade
60 which is used for the main reinforcing. Fixed connections typically
require the use of threaded rebar couplers.
CRC slurry wall to steel beam connections: This detail requires the use of
embedded steel plates (usually with the use of welded shear studs) in the
face of the slurry wall. Following general excavation, the embedded plate
is exposed and connection angles are welded to it, the steel beam is then
bolted to the angle. If forces permit, single plate shear connections are a
simple method of connection, for moment connections, the beams flanges
can be directly welded to the embedded plate or top and bottom
connection plates can be used. Appendix B provides connection details
successfully used on PB projects.
4. Soldier Piles
a. Minimum Cover: For SPTC walls, the minimum recommended cover for
corrosion protection is 3 inches. For designs where the soldier pile is
essentially the same width as the theoretical trench excavation, the
exposed interior soldier pile flange should be sealed for protection from
corrosion; a design decision regarding the need to provide corrosion
protection for the exterior flange should be made following an assessment
of subsurface conditions to determine if the soldier pile is subject to long
term corrosion. On PBs Baltimore Metro Shot Tower Station, corrosion
protection was provided by applying polyamine epoxy to the interior
flange of each pile during general excavation. On the Central Artery
project, Bridgecoat 8100 (CCS) was applied to the interior flange during
excavation. Individual soldier piles should be set on the bottom of
excavation, similar to an endstop, to prevent movement during concrete
placement. If soldier piles are laced in pairs, preventing horizontal
movement, the piles can be terminated 6 to12 inches above the bottom of
excavation to accommodate any unevenness that may exist along the
trench bottom.
b. General Structural Design: With SPTC slurry walls, the concrete spans
horizontally between the steel piles that provide resistance in the vertical
direction. Therefore, the horizontal reinforcing has to be sized to resist
moment and shear for lateral pressures. Usually it is assumed the wall is a
series of simple spans between the soldier piles. Reinforcing may be
omitted if the flexural, shear, compression and bending stresses are less
than the concrete cracking strength and the permissible stresses allowed by
ACI for plain concrete. The design of the steel piles is in accordance with
the AISC Manual for Steel Construction.
A. Slurry Selection
1. Bentonite: Bentonite slurry is the preferred type of slurry for providing trench
stability and should be used in all cases unless there are site restraints that
dictate otherwise. In addition to better trench stability, bentonite is believed
to provide some level of increased watertightness in comparison to polymer
slurry. Although bentonite is not considered as a waterproofing membrane, it
does provide a watertightness barrier on the external surface of the slurry wall,
after the tremie concrete is placed. The slurry wall utilizes whatever filter
cake is formed on the side walls of the excavated trench which provides some
ability in sealing minor seepage. When clean gravels are expected to be
encountered, trench instability should be anticipated as the relatively large
voids prevent the formation of an effective filter cake.
As noted previously, the behavior of bentonite slurries can be affected by
contaminants. Of particular concern is brackish or salt water. When salt
water is encountered, the contractor will likely be required to mix additives in
with the slurry to maintain the require slurry parameters. Attapulgite clay has
been found to be more effective in this environment than bentonite, but is not
as readily available.
2. Polymer: Polymer slurries provide economical benefits in comparison to
bentonite, primarily savings in desanding, disposal, and decreased staging
area. However, polymer slurries are not considered an equal replacement to
bentonite in regard to trench stability and water sealing capability. Polymer
slurries are not recommended for slurry walls unless specific site constraints
require their use. Such site constraints might include lack of an on site or off
site staging area of sufficient size to accommodate a slurry plant. Subsurface
materials most acceptable for polymer use are medium to stiff clays, very
dense impermeable tills and rock. The likelihood of collapsing trenches is
substantial when polymers are used in soft organic silts and loose cohesionless
soils. Based on PB experience, polymer slurries are not currently suggested
for granular soils.
B. Slurry Properties
1. Bentonite: The bentonite slurry is primarily a contractors means and
methods for constructing the slurry wall, provided the slurry conforms to
specified performance requirements. As such, latitude needs to be provided to
allow revisions to specified bentonite properties based on actual field
observations. Properties that may require revisions in the field typically
include density and viscosity. In general, just prior to steel placement, a
viscosity on the order of 45 seconds and density less than 72 pcf are preferred,
and a sand content of less than 5% and a pH between 7 and 11 are required.
Schedule conflicts, risk of damage to adjacent structures, or sloughing of the
trench may require judgment modifications to the slurry properties and, in
some instances concrete placement under less than ideal conditions is
warranted in the interest of minimizing risk to adjacent facilities. Testing of
the bentonite is performed frequently with the results reported to the engineer.
The most important test is prior to the placement of steel into the trench; this
test should be witnessed by the engineers on site representative, and consists
of testing a slurry sample obtained within 12 inches of the bottom of trench.
Below is a suggested general guideline. Slurry properties and testing
procedures are per American Petroleum Industry Standards, API - 13Aand
Fresh: 65 to 68 pcf,
During excavation: less than 78 pcf (Although a minimum of 64 pcf is
commonly specified, the actual minimum value is that which is required to
maintain trench stability)
Prior to steel placement: less than 72 pcf (72 pcf is preferred; however, if
necessary, a maximum value of 80 pcf is within the limits of practice)
Fresh: 30 to 45 sec,
During excavation: 30 to 70 sec,
Prior to concreting: 30 to 45 sec. (45 seconds is reasonable for most soils;
however, values as high as 70 seconds may be required for some soil
types, such as gravels)
Sand content:
Prior to concreting: less than 5%,
Where end bearing is critical: less than 3%
pH: 7 to 11
During concrete placement, the slurry is pumped from the top of trench to
storage tanks as the concrete is placed. Cleaning of the slurry becomes more
difficult and time consuming with each use; the contractor will determine the
appropriate time to dispose and replace slurry, provided the slurry continues to
meet specification requirements and provides the necessary trench stability.
Bentonite slurries are not to be disposed of in drains or other public
utilities/waterways; they are required to be transported to approved handling
full range of soil types, and obstructions. Hard rock excavation is difficult
and usually limited to a nominal penetration, a few feet, to achieve end
bearing or groundwater cutoff. The rig can be modified for low headroom of
less than 20 feet. (See Section VIII, Photos 3 and 4.)
Rigid Kelly Bar Rig: The rigid Kelly bar is generally slower than the cable
suspended method, but verticality is generally considered to be better for
shallow walls, less than about 50 feet. They come equipped with either cable
or hydraulically actuated buckets. A separate crane for rock chiseling is often
required; rock excavation is similar to a cable suspended rig. (See Section
VIII, Photo 5.)
Hydromill: Hydromills are primarily used for excavation in sands and rock.
They are not typically preferred for clays as the cuttings tend to clog the spoil
return lines, and the mixing of the clay particles and bentonite slurry requires
frequent slurry replacement. Excavation of rock with compressive strengths in
the range of 15,000 psi is reported; however, if significant excavation of hard
rock is anticipated, the designer should consult with specialty contractors to
confirm the reasonableness of the planned construction. The equipment can
be modified for low headroom, less than 20 feet, making it suitable for urban
conditions. (See Section VIII, Photo 6.)
The hydromill has several major advantages over the cable suspended clam
bucket and the rigid Kelly bar rig, including:
Efficient removal of spoil since spoil is discharged simultaneously with
trench excavation.
Provides the best verticality for deep walls as the cutter head is equipped
with instrumentation to continuously monitor verticality and permits
adjustments to be made by the operator.
Contains spoil and can pump spoil to remote locations making it very
suitable for urban settings.
likely to occur where the panels are to be founded in rock which is a condition
that should not result in undermining.
Depending on the size of pour and properties of the concrete mix, removal of
temporary endstops may commence prior to completion of the tremie concrete
operation, generally about two hours after the start of pour. Removal needs to
begin prior to the initial setting of the concrete but after the concrete has adequate
stiffness so as not to deform upon endstop removal. The decision to start endstop
removal is at the discretion of the contractor. A typical method a contractor may
use to confirm proper concrete stiffness for endstop removal is to set aside a
sample of concrete at the start of concrete placement; the stiffness of the sample
is periodically observed by the contractor throughout the pour. The engineers site
representative should document the start of pour, start of endstop removal, end of
pour and completion of endstop removal. Should any difficulties be noted, they
should be recorded and the contractors procedures adjusted accordingly. (See
Section VIII, Photos 7 and 8.)
G. Desanding: Desanding is a process that can be ongoing from the time excavation
is complete up to the time the reinforcing is ready for lowering. Desanders may
be large stationary plants or small portable systems for sites with limited space.
Once the contractor has determined that desanding is complete, he will obtain a
sample of slurry from approximately the bottom 12 inches of the excavation. The
sample should be obtained and tested in the presence of the engineers
representative. Following acceptance of the test but prior to removing the
desanding equipment, the contractor together with the engineers site
representative should sound the bottom of excavation for cleanliness. Sounding
should be performed at a minimum of three locations; near each end of the trench
and at the center of trench. Soundings are typically performed with a weighted
tape; when end bearing resistance is of particular importance, buoyancy neutral
rods can be used. (See Section VIII, Photos 9 and 10.)
H. Steel Placement: Prior to setting the steel reinforcing cage or soldier piles, the
engineers representative shall have finished inspection of the completed steel
assembly to confirm it is consistent with approved shop drawings. The steel
should be marked clearly indicating inside face to ensure proper orientation in the
trench. To minimize the risk of caking of bentonite to the steel, concrete
placement commonly commences within 2 hours after placement of the steel is
completed. If this criterion is violated, the steel is often removed and cleaned.
Cleaning is typically performed by simply spraying with a hose; power washing is
not normally required. After cleaning the steel and trench bottom, the steel is
reinserted. On occasion, project requirements may dictate the need to
significantly exceed the 2 hour guide, in such cases it is suggested that mitigative
measures be specified and senior construction staff be involved to develop the
appropriate time restraints. To help locate the reinforcing cage in the center of the
excavation, concrete spacers are attached to both faces of the steel; typically 4
inch wide concrete blocks or 4 inch wide concrete rollers are tied to the steel.
Concrete block spacers should have tapered or rounded ends to minimize the
scrapping of soil from the sides of the excavation which may cause some minor
amount of spoil to accumulate on the trench bottom. Spacers are generally
located at about 10 feet on center horizontally, with a minimum of two, and about
20 feet on center vertically. Spacers are usually attached as the cage is lowered
into the trench. Spacers are not typically used when setting soldier piles.
Plumbness of soldier piles is confirmed by checking verticality above grade with
the use of levels and assuming the pile stiffness is sufficient to maintain
verticality with depth.
Once the steel is in place; it is hung from the top of the guidewall, often with the
use of steel angles attached to extended vertical bars for reinforcing cages and
rigid steel frames for soldier piles. The angles/frames are anchored to the
guidewall to prevent horizontal movement during concrete placement.
Blockouts for keyways, instrumentation items and all embedments are built into
the cage prior to hoisting. Their inclusion and proper location should be
confirmed during the general inspection of the reinforcing cage.
Welding of cages is generally not accepted as it increases the rigidity of the cage
and can cause permanent deformation of the cage during hoisting. Hoisting of the
cage is a dangerous procedure and inspectors should keep a safe distance during
this process. On occasion, due to the flexing of the cage, some reinforcing
loosens and falls; the inspector should note this and the reinforcing bars re-
installed during the lowering of the cage. (See Section VIII, Photos 11 through
I. Concrete Placement
1. Slump: Concrete commonly has a slump between 7 to 9 inches at the time of
placement. The frequency of samples may vary from project to project, but a
frequency of one set of cylinders per 50 cubic yards of concrete is common.
Slump tests are typically performed for each set of cylinders. Concrete
placement is typically planned to be completed within 4 hours to maintain
concrete fluidity throughout the pour.
2. Tremie Requirements: The tremie pipes shall have a suitable plug for the
initial pour to prevent mixing of the concrete and bentonite slurry. Tremie
pipes range in size from 6 to 10 inches in diameter, but 10 inches is the
recommended minimum diameter. Flows from tremie pipes are assumed to
travel horizontally up to 8 feet; therefore, one tremie may be used for panels
up to 15 feet wide. For T panels and corner panels, one pipe is to be used
for each leg. For SPTC walls, one tremie pipe is to be used between each pair
of soldier piles. When multiple tremie pipes are used, the concrete placement
should be coordinated to maintain a uniform level of concrete within the panel
at all times.
Should the contractor lose the concrete seal of the tremie while placing the the
concrete and it is determined that stopping the pour and excavating the
concrete and steel is not an option, there are alternatives to permit the pour to
continue. One method is for the contractor to re-insert a new tremie with a
closed valve at the end with charged concrete in the tremie pipe. A second
alternative is for the contractor to re-install the tremie pipe and then bail the
slurry from the tremie pipe until only concrete remains. Should either of these
options be employed, the panel should be noted in the field records and the
condition of the panel monitored closely during general excavation.
On occasion, site constraints require the use of concrete pumps. In such cases
the diameter of the pump line should not be less than 5 inches. When site
conditions necessitate the use of concrete pumps, it is suggested that the
assumed typical 8 foot horizontal flow of concrete be decreased to maintain a
level concrete rise and flushing of the panel joints. On past projects, PB has
successfully used a 4 foot horizontal flow with 5 inch pump lines. Pump lines
should be added if measurements suggest concrete rise is not uniform.
Tremie pipes are to be water tight and remain a minimum of 10 feet into the
concrete. The exception to this is pouring the top 10 feet or so of panel at
which time the head differential makes concrete flow difficult, requiring a
reduced embedment to about 5 feet. (See Section VIII, Photo 18.)
2. Work Plan: For typical defects, the contractor should include anticipated
corrective measures as part of its work plan submitted prior to the
commencement of slurry wall work. As defects are exposed during
excavation, the contractor should propose an appropriate repair based on the
typical corrective measures identified in the work plan, or other measures as
K. Inspection
1. Responsibilities: Slurry walls are considered foundation elements, similar to
drilled shafts, piles, and spread footings, and require a similar level of
4. Record Keeping: A complete slurry panel inspection log should be kept for
each panel. The individual log should document all construction operations
for the panel such as, rate of excavation, soil stratification, verticality
measurements, steel placement, endstop placement/removal, rate of concrete
placement, verification of concrete testing, verification of steel inspection,
bottom cleaning and sounding, and slurry properties before concrete
placement. The log should document the type of excavation equipment used,
including the dates, times and depths of special equipment used such as
chiseling for breaking obstructions or rock. The name of each inspector, and
the date/time of changes in inspector, should be noted on the log. A sample
log is included in Appendix C; however, each project will likely require its
own log format to address the specifics of the project. The sample log
provided is for excavation with a cable suspended bucket where verticality
measurements are made at regular intervals of excavation depth. In the event
the inspector is not able to observe a specific item of work this should be
noted on the log. Deviations from specifications, design, or approved work
plan, and any unanticipated field events should be noted on the log and
immediately reported to the supervising engineer followed with written notice
to the contractor. Items known to require corrective action are to be added to
Arman, A., Samtani, N., Castelli, R., Munfakh, G., Participants Manual for Subsurface Investigations,
Federal Highway Administration Publication No. FHWA HI-97-021, National Highway Institute (NHI), Course
No. 13231-Module 1, 1997.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO, LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications, 4th Edition, Customary English Units, 2007.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO, Standard Specifications for
Highway Bridges, 17th Edition, 2002.
American Concrete Institute, ACI-318-05, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and
Commentary, 2005.
American Institute of Steel Construction, AISC, Steel Construction Manual, 13th Edition, 2006.
Munfakh, G., Samtani, N. C., Castelli, R. J. and Wang, J., Reference manual for Earth Retaining Structures,
Federal Highway Administration Publication No. FHWA NHI-99-025, National Highway Institute Course No.
13236-Module 6, April 1999.
Chi, M., Dennis, B. and Basci, M., Slurry Walls as an Integral Part of Underground Transportation Structures,
Report No. FHWA/RD-80/047, Arlington, VA, November, 1981.
Einstein, H.H. and Azzouz, A. S., Instrumentation and Evaluation of Slurry Wall Construction, Volume 4
Slurry Trench Stability, Report No. FHWA/RD-84/056, June 1984.
Hansmire, W. H. and Einstein, H.H., Instrumentation and Evaluation of Slurry Wall Construction and Design
Executive Summary, Report No. FHWA/RD-84/052, June, 1984.
Hansmire, W. H., Russell, H. A., Rawnsley R. P. and Abbott, E. L., Instrumentation and Evaluation of Slurry
Wall Construction, Volume 1 Interpretation of Field Measurements, Report No. FHWA/RD-84/053, June 1984.
Hansmire, W. H., Russell, H. A., Rawnsley R. P. and Abbott, E. L., Instrumentation and Evaluation of Slurry
Wall Construction, Volume 2 Diaphragm Wall Case Studies and Application of Finite Element Method,
Report No. FHWA/RD-84/054, June 1984.
Oyenuga, D., FHWA Road Tunnel Design Guidelines, U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
Administration, January, 2004.
Patel, A. and Castelli, R., Permanent Slurry Walls at Baltimore Metros Shot Tower Station, Slurry Walls:
Design, Construction, and Quality Control, ASTM STP, 1129, David B. Paul, Richard R. Davidson, and
Nicholas J. Cavalli, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992.
Paul, D. B., Davidson, R. R., Cavalli, N. J., Slurry Walls: Design, Construction and Quality Control, ASTM
STP 1129, ASTM Publication Code Number 04-011290-38.
Puller, M., Deep Excavations, A Practical Manual, Second Edition, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 2003.
Puller, M., The Waterproofness of Structural Diaphragm Walls, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers,
Geotechnical Engineering, 1994, 107, March, 1994.
Schultz, M.S., Einstein, H.H. and Azzouz, A. S., Instrumentation and Evaluation of Slurry Wall Construction,
Volume 3 Empirical Investigation of the Behavior of Diaphragm Walls, Report No. FHWA/RD-84/055, June
U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA Tunnel Leak Assessment Boston Central Artery Interim Report, 23
March 2005.
Verfel, J., Rock Grouting and Diaphragm Wall Construction, Elsvier, New York, 1989.
Wickham, G. E. and Tiedemann, H. R., Jacobs Associates, Cut-and-Cover Tunneling, Volume 1. Construction
Methods, Design and Activity Variations, Report No. FHWA-RD-76-28, San Francisco, CA, May 1976.
Xanthakos, P. P., Slurry Walls, McGraw-Hill Inc. Series In Modern Structures, 1979.
Following are photos 1 through 23 showing typical slurry wall construction procedures.
Photo 6: Hydromill.
Photo 7: Temporary pipe endstops.
Photo 12: Hoisting cage, approx. 25 x 100 (note flexing at far right).
Photo 13: Lowering cage (note steel screw cap on tieback sleeve and 4 wide spacer roller).
Photo 14: Lowering cage (note angles attached to vertical steel at top of cage,
angles set on guidewall to support cage at design elevation).
Photo 15: Setting soldier piles.
Photo 16: Soldier pile template to secure soldier piles.
Photo 17: Soldier pile secured for splicing.
Photo 21: Exposed plywood and Styrofoam ready for removal from keyway. Significant
overpour above keyway.
Photo 22: Void in slurry wall at keyway location.
Photo 23: Repairing structural defect, debris removed,
relieving water pressure to facilitate repair.
Design Guide Slurry Wall
Attached are the following Appendices:
Appendix A Comparison Table for Various Wall Types
December 2008
Comparison Table of Various Wall Types
1 of 1
Design Guide Slurry Wall
December 2008
3'- 2"
3'- 0"
2' +/-
1. Vertical bars can be placed inside or outside of horizontal bars. If cracking is a concern, placing horizontal bars
outside may be beneficial
2. These details are illustrative, site specific details shall be developed for each project
1. For waterproofing details see Parsons Brinckerhoff's 'Guidelines for the Design of Waterproofing Systems for
Underground Structures'
2. These details are illustrative, site specific details shall be developed for each project
3" (TYP)
2" IF D<24" 3" (TYP)
2" IF D<24"
3" (TYP)
2" IF D<24"
3" (TYP)
2" IF D<24"
3" KEY
3" (TYP)
3" (TYP)
3" (TYP)
3" (TYP)
1 1/2" (TYP)
1. For waterproofing details see Parsons Brinckerhoff's 'Guidelines for the Design of Waterproofing Systems for
Underground Structures'
2. These details are illustrative, site specific details shall be developed for each project
3" KEY
3" (TYP) NOTE:
1. For waterproofing details see Parsons Brinckerhoff's 'Guidelines for the Design of Waterproofing Systems for
Underground Structures'
2. Bendout dowels are common for pinned connections with reinforcing bar size upto #5 Grade 40, for fixed
connections and larger reinforcing threaded couplers are used
3. Vertical bars can be placed inside or outside horizontal bars. If cracking is a concern, placing horizontal bars
outside may be beneficial
4. These details are illustrative, site specific details shall be developed for each project
Design Guide Slurry Wall
December 2008
Parsons Brinckerhoff PAGE 1 OF 2
(20) (+)
(40) (+)
(60) (-)
Parsons Brinckerhoff PAGE 2 OF 2
Design Guide Slurry Wall
December 2008
Section XXXX Concrete Diaphragm (Slurry) Wall
Note to Specifier: Articles 1.01 through 1.07 are required to appear in each technical
specification. If they are not used, they remain and are labeled as not used. For example, if
a project has no CITED STANDARDS, the article would consist of 1.03 CITED
STANDARDS- not used. Any additional articles to be included in Part 1 follow Article 1.07.
A. Requirements for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, and equipment, and
performing all operations necessary for the construction of concrete diaphragm
(slurry) walls by the bentonite slurry trench method, indicated on the Contract
Drawings and specified herein.
B. Where the design of the walls, or any details thereof, is not indicated, Contractor
shall be responsible for such design, in accordance with design criteria and loads
specified herein or shown on the Contract Drawings.
B. Where methods of construction, or any details thereof, are not indicated, they will
be at Contractors option, subject to applicable codes, Contract requirements, and
acceptance by the Engineer.
C. Concrete work, steel reinforcement, and soldier piles (structural steel) shall
conform to Sections- xxxx- Concrete Reinforcement, Section xxxx,-Cast-In-Place
Concrete, Section xxxx-Portland Cement, and Section xxxx-Structural Steel of
these Specifications, as modified herein.
E. During excavation and below grade construction period, the slurry wall is intended
as a cut-off wall for groundwater and as a construction bulkhead to retain the
surrounding ground, streets, pavements, utilities, buildings, and other structures
and facilities from damage due to ground deformations; as such, all precautions
shall be taken against such damage. The wall reinforcement and strengths, as
shown on the Contract Drawings, are designed for conditions imposed after
completion of the slurry wall and all connecting structural framing and slabs of the
completed structure.
F. Definitions:
1. (Option B) Leakage rate of 0.15 gpm for 100 lineal-feet of wall, 0.01 gpm
for a leak in 10-feet of wall, and 0.005 gpm for any single leak.
2. Soldier Pile Tremie Concrete (SPTC) Wall: A slurry wall that uses steel
soldier piles as the principal vertical bending element.
Note to Specifier: List other sections of the Contract Specifications only if they are referenced
elsewhere in text of this Section. Following is sampling of other specification sections that
are often referenced within slurry wall specifications.
When referencing other spec sections, the full title of the referenced section gets included in
Article 1.02; anywhere else within the section only "Section XXXXX" is used.
Note to Specifier: List only industry standards that are cited elsewhere in text, such as
ASTM, etc.
Do not include any dates or editions in the citation. In the titles such as ASTM, it is
not necessary to use the words Standard Specification for for each title.
6. C618 - Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a
Mineral Admixture in Concrete
7. D1785 - Poly (Vinyl Chloride) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80 and 120.
None Cited
C. The slurry wall will be constructed in an urban area with active vehicular and
pedestrian traffic. Interruption of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will not be
permitted, except as specified herein and/or as shown on the Contract Drawings.
None Noted
Note to Specifier: List Federal, State, and Local agencies whose regulations govern
this Section as follows, as applicable.
Note to Specifier: Additional quality control will follow the Regulatory Requirements,
as applicable. If there are no Regulatory Requirements, begin with Paragraph B.
B. Slurry Wall Contractor: Experienced firm that has successfully installed in urban
areas a minimum of five slurry wall systems of a similar type required for this
project. Employ only skilled tradesmen who are thoroughly experienced with the
materials, equipment and construction methods to be used in this work, and
provide a fulltime project superintendent who has worked on at least three slurry
wall contracts in similar ground conditions, depths, and using similar equipment as
required for this project
2. Furnish notification, with at least one business days notice, for all slurry
wall fabrication and installation operations.
4. Furnish access and proper facilities, including but not limited to scaffolding,
temporary work platforms, and hoisting facilities, as required for inspection
and testing.
7. Contractor shall be responsible for all additional slurry wall inspection and
testing resulting as a consequence of slurry wall work not evidencing
compliance with this specification, performed without prior notice, or
performed contrary to previously submitted procedures.
9. Raise and lower joint cleaning device along the cleaned joint to confirm
joint has been cleaned and cleared of all materials.
1. Required Tests
b. Specific gravity
c. pH
e. Sand Content
b. pH
4. Perform API fluid loss test, at least once every two days as directed by the
Engineer, in accordance with API-RP-13A. Fluid loss is not to exceed 25-
cc in 30 minutes.
F. Survey Control
Note to Specifier: Submittals are items that require review by the Engineer. General
information on submittal procedures is covered in Section xxxx and should not be
repeated in this Article.
A. Qualifications: Submit qualifications of firm and assigned key staff for slurry wall
construction not less than 15 calendar days following Notice to Proceed. Work
shall not be initiated until the firm and work force has been accepted by the
B. Mill Certificates: Submit copies of certified mill reports covering the chemical and
physical properties of reinforcing and structural steel elements.
1. Fly Ash
7. Bentonite
11. Equipment and method of checking and proving the cleanliness of the
trench bottoms prior to concrete placement.
12. Method of forming and cleaning joints between adjacent wall panels,
method for verifying joints are clean, method of checking plumbness, and
details of corrective measures to be implemented, if needed.
13. Method of installing and securing reinforcing steel cages and/or soldier
15. Methods for preventing concrete overpour from entering the web area on
the unexcavated side of soldier piles.
16. Methods to protect the public and the surrounding property from hazards
inherent in the operations, including leakage and spillage of slurry, falls into
open guide trenches or excavated wall panels, and methods of lifting and
setting soldier piles, reinforcing cages, tremie pipes, and desanding pipes.
17. Method for cleaning bottom of trench prior to placing reinforcing steel
cage and/or soldier piles.
19. Drawings showing templates or other devices for installing steel reinforcing
cage and/or soldier piles to specified tolerances.
2. Soldier piles including structural steel sizes, lengths, and splice details.
5. Details of plates, sleeves, pipes, and other embedded items and the
requirements for instruments and utilities to be installed in or through the
H. Calculations: Submit engineering design calculations for slurry wall for conditions
during construction, prepared and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed in the
State of *_____*
I. Corrective Action:
1. Repair all defective concrete. Submit repair procedures for the acceptance
of the Engineer.
3. Prepare and submit for review and approval corrective measures to restore
or replace nonconforming panels to specified requirements at no additional
Note to Specifier: Deliverables are items that do not require review/approval by the
Resident Engineer
B. During slurry wall construction, maintain and submit to the Engineer within 24
hours of panel concrete placement as-built records of the work including:
1. Panel identification.
4. The volume of concrete placed and the actual level of the top of concrete
in the trench shall be recorded and compared to the theoretical panel
volume at not greater than ten-foot vertical intervals during the concrete
placement operation.
Note to Specifier: These articles need to be reviewed and modified, as appropriate, for each
specific project.
1. Class: 4,000-psi
Note to Specifier: Aggregate size may vary based on reinforcing spacing, 3/4-
inch, maximum size, is typical, but for panels with congested reinforcing steel
and/or significant blockouts, 3/8-inch, maximum size, aggregate is sometimes
specified to minimize resistance to concrete flow. Concrete mixes vary from
project to project, similar to slurry mix design, each contractor will likely have
a preferred mix which may differ from the specified mix, the contractors mix
should be submitted for approval. The mix below is a standard mix used on
some of PBs projects and is provided for information, it is suggested that a
performance mix specification be used. in lieu of a detailed concrete mix.
8. The concrete mix at the time of design shall be checked for setting time,
and retarders added, if required, to delay setting time. Coordinate mix
design with the endstop removal requirements. The concrete shall have
proper retarders to maintain a minimum 4-inch slump for the full length of
time required for tremie placement.
B. Steel Reinforcement: Steel reinforcing bars and soldier piles shall be as indicated
on the Contract Drawings for permanent design and as indicated on the accepted
Shop Drawings for Contractor designed work.
Note to Specifier: In general, polymer slurries are not recommended for slurry wall
construction. On occasion, there may be an occurrence where the use of polymer is
warranted. Please see PBs slurry wall guides for further information if polymer is
being considered. Also see PBs slurry wall guide for additional information regarding
slurry properties.
2. Bentonite slurry shall not be used before 8 hours after it is mixed, except
where specifically permitted by the Engineer.
5. Any admixtures proposed for use in the bentonite slurry must be reviewed
by the Engineer.
6. The slurry shall not have adverse effects on the concrete including but not
limited to, setting time, density, and strength.
G. Centering devices for steel reinforcing cages and/or soldier piles shall be made of
concrete, 4-inches wide minimum. Plastic rollers will not be permitted.
H. Inclinometer outer casings and grout sleeves installed in panels shall be 6-inch and
4-inch, respectively, PVC pipe, Schedule 80, conforming to ASTM D1785.
I. Polyamide Epoxy Coating for Soldier Pile Corrosion Protection: Section xxxx.
Note to Specifier: These Articles may not be applicable to all projects. The Specifier needs to
review carefully and modify as necessary for each project.
A. Place the slurry wall along the lines shown on the Contract Drawings. Excavate
the wall within the specified tolerances to the depths shown on the Contract
Drawings. The Engineer reserves the right to adjust at any time the bottom
elevation to which the wall is to be excavated. Excavate the slurry filled panels
through whatever material is encountered to the depths indicated on the Contract
Drawings, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
B. Stockpile materials and install plant only in staging areas within the property limits
or designated work areas. Keep public ways and areas clear of all spillages from
construction operations and from trucks hauling materials to or from the project
site. Employ construction methods, including protective coverings when
necessary, to prevent excavated material and/or slurry from entering utilities, and
to prevent all spillage onto streets, sidewalks or other facilities.
C. Protect all exterior surfaces of adjacent structures from damage and disturbance.
At the completion of the concrete slurry wall construction, all exterior surfaces of
adjacent structures shall be restored to their original condition, as acceptable to the
D. Take all necessary measures to prevent collapse of the excavated slurry trench
prior to concrete placement. In the event collapse occurs, backfill with lean
concrete and re-excavate as accepted or as directed by the Engineer.
E. Confirm that the trench has been cleaned of all loose soil, rock fragments, and
other foreign material. Sample and test bentonite from top and bottom of panel
prior to tremie concrete placement.
F. Check the verticality of the panel during panel excavation at a minimum of 20-foot
intervals (continuously when using a hydromil) and make modifications to the
excavation procedures as required to maintain verticality within the specified
H. Do not excavate two adjacent panels at the same time. Sequence the work so that
at least one concreted panel is left between two open panels. At least two panels
of unexcavated ground must remain between open panels.
I. Do not excavate next to an existing panel until the concrete in the existing panel
has been in place at least 72 hours and has strength of at least 1,800-psi.
J. Excavate and cast together the two sides of each corner panel. No corner joints
will be allowed. The length of the sides of the corner panels shall be as indicated
on the Contract Drawings.
K. Lay out and measure panels taking as reference the inner face of the wall as shown
on the Contract Drawings.
L. Provide inclinometer outer casings and grout pipes embedded within the indicated
wall panels for the full height of the panel.
M. Below ground obstructions will be encountered. Such obstructions include but are
not limited to boulders, concrete slabs, walls, footings, timber, piles, railroad track,
railroad ties, abandoned and active utilities, pavement, miscellaneous steel
members, and miscellaneous rubble. Remove obstructions by pre-trenching to the
extent practicable and backfilling with suitable material. Construction methods and
equipment shall be selected with consideration of the possibility that obstructions
may be encountered within the slurry wall excavation. Piles located within the
slurry trench may be pulled during pre-trenching; piles outside the theoretical
slurry trench shall not be pulled.
N. The slurry level shall be maintained a minimum of 4 feet above the groundwater
level and within 2 feet of the top of guidewall, whichever is higher, at all times.
O. Remove and legally dispose of the guidewalls and any portions of slurry wall that
require removal.
P. Cut openings for drainage and utilities as necessary or as indicated on the Contract
S. Provide concrete, reinforcing and soldier piles for all additional depth of slurry wall
panels as shown on the Contract Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
T. Use endstops that are clean and have a surface that conforms to the excavation
tool. For SPTC walls, soldier piles may be used as endstops. Use excavation
methods to ensure a clean contact between the soldier pile and tremie concrete.
Tools used to clean permanent endstops shall not cause damage to soldier pile
splices or the soldier pile.
A. Before excavating over or adjacent to existing utilities, notify the utility owner to
ensure that protective work will be coordinated and performed by Contractor in
accordance with the requirements of the owner of the utility involved. If existing
service lines, utilities, and utility structures to remain in service are uncovered or
encountered during these operations, protect from damage and provide support as
B. Remove existing work, including but not limited to, piping, conduit, and manholes
to be abandoned as necessary to accommodate the new work. Plug open ends of
existing piping and conduits, to be abandoned, with 3000-psi concrete.
B. Bracing and Shoring: Take every precaution and guard against movement or
settlement of the work and adjacent property, existing and new construction,
utilities, paving, walks, light standards, piping, conduit, etc. Design and provide
bracing, sheet piling, lagging, sheeting, and shoring as necessary to guard against
movement or settlement. Contractor is responsible for the strength and adequacy
of all bracing and shoring and for the support of construction, utilities, and other
existing facilities, and for any movement, settlement, damage, or injury thereto.
C. Protection: If at any time the safety of any existing or new construction, utilities,
roadways, walkways, or other facilities, shall appear to be endangered, take all
necessary means to support such structures, utilities, etc.
C. Excavation shall proceed continuously from the ground surface to the required
depth. All loose debris from the bottom shall be removed by a large capacity air
lift and suction system. The trench bottom shall be free of all loose soil, rock
fragments, and debris using methods acceptable to the Engineer.
Note to Specifier: When terminating a panel in cohesive soil, cleaning of the trench
bottom should include the use of a smooth edge bucket.
E. Slurry panels shall not exceed *___*feet in length without acceptance of the
Note to Specifier- Maximum panel length is a project specific item. Please see PBs
slurry wall guides for further information on selecting panel lengths.
F. Maintain a reserve supply of mixed bentonite equal in volume to 50 per cent of the
volume of one fully excavated panel. If panel sizes vary, the size of the bentonite
reserve shall be based on the largest panel.
A. Before placing reinforcing steel and/or soldier piles in the slurry filled trench, the
joints of any adjacent panels shall be cleaned in the presence of the Engineer and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. If temporary endstops or permanent soldier pile
endstops are required, the endstops shall be installed and secured prior to placing
reinforcing steel or interior soldier piles in the slurry filled trench. Reinforcing
steel cage and/or soldier piles shall not be placed until the bottom of excavation
has been sounded and accepted by the Engineer, the Contractor has demonstrated
to the Engineer that the panel joint is clear, and the final slurry test has been
performed in the presence of the Engineer and found acceptable for concrete
placement. Bottom sounding shall be performed at not less than 3 locations; at
each end of the panel and at the center of panel. Endstops are to be adequately
restrained at the bottom and top to prevent movement in any direction during
concrete placement. Steel soldier piles may be used as permanent endstops
provided a submitted and accepted filler material is used between the pile and end
of excavation. The filler material shall prevent the migration of tremie concrete
around the pile, and shall be easily and completely removable during excavation of
the adjacent panel. Both temporary and permanent endstops shall be seated at the
bottom of excavation. Twisting of endstops will not be permitted.
B. Secure the reinforcing bars together in a manner that will provide a reinforcing
cage of sufficient rigidity to resist distortion during lifting and placement into the
trench. Welding of the steel reinforcing will not be permitted.
C. Mark the steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier piles to indicate its correct
orientation for proper insertion into the trench.
D. Fit the steel reinforcing cage with approved centering devices on both the exterior
and interior faces. Centering devices shall be located at a minimum of 10-feet on-
center horizontally, minimum two per level, and 20 feet on center vertically. When
using soldier piles, in lieu of concrete spacers, extending the soldier piles above
grade and confirming pile verticality with a 4-foot level or other approved method
is acceptable.
Note to Specifier: Centering spaces on soldier piles are not normally used.
E. Lift and suspend the steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier piles in the trench.
Lower the steel reinforcement cage and/or soldier piles into the excavated panel
immediately after cleaning and sounding the panel bottom. Dropping or forcing
the reinforcing cages and/or soldier piles into the excavation will not be permitted.
If the steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile does not properly and smoothly
enter the excavation, the steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile shall be
retrieved, and the excavation adjusted and recleaned until proper insertion of the
steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile is achieved. If removal of the steel
reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile is required, the reinforcing/soldier pile shall be
washed clean of bentonite and/or soil and any damage to the reinforcing that may
have occurred shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
F. All embedded items, forming items, keyways and other embedded items shall be
securely fastened to the reinforcing to prevent their displacement during hoisting,
setting of the steel and concrete placement. Recesses and blockouts as detailed on
the working drawings shall be formed using high-density Styrofoam, plywood and
necessary steel fasteners, or other methods accepted by the Engineer.
G. Steel reinforcing cages and soldier piles, when tied together in pairs, shall not be
permitted to rest on the bottom of excavation. Soldier piles set singularly shall
extend to the bottom of trench to prevent movement during concrete placement.
A. Immediately prior to concrete placement, verify the depth and levelness of the
excavation in the presence of and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Measurement
of the excavation depth shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot of the depth
measured immediately prior to setting the steel reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile.
If sediment deposits on the bottom of trench exceed 0.1 foot, the reinforcing shall
be removed and the bottom recleaned and the bottom resounded as previously
specified. The reinforcing steel shall be cleaned of all bentonite and debris and
repaired of all damage before re-inserting into the trench.
B. Commence placement of concrete in the panels as soon as possible but not more
than four hours after completion of slurry and panel bottom cleaning, and no more
than two hours after reinforcing cage and/or soldier pile placement. Proceed
continuously until completion of concrete placement. If the time limitations
specified above are exceeded, remove the steel from the excavation and re-clean
the slurry and the bottom of excavation. The steel shall be cleaned of all bentonite
and debris and repaired of all damage before re-inserting back into trench.
C. Place concrete in the slurry filled trench by the tremie method in such a manner
that the concrete displaces the slurry from the bottom up and rises like a liquid,
and mixing of the concrete and slurry will not occur. The concrete shall be placed
through a metal hopper and into a rigid watertight elephant trunk tremie,
sufficiently large enough to permit free flow of concrete, but not less than 10
inches in diameter. The tremie pipe shall have sufficient length and weight to
discharge concrete at the base of the panel excavation. The tremie shall not
contain aluminum parts that will have contact with the concrete. The inside and
outside surfaces of the tremie pipe shall be clean and smooth to permit both flow
of concrete and unimpeded withdrawal during concrete placement operations.
Note to Specifier: On occasion, site conditions may require pumping from a remote
location. Concrete pumps with minimum 5-inch diameter rigid pump lines have been
used for this purpose; however, this is not considered typical practice and should be
avoided if possible.
1. Initially there shall be a suitable plug at the bottom of the tremie pipe,
which will not discharge until the concrete head has at least reached the top
level of the slurry. Thereafter, a positive concrete head shall be maintained
3. The number and spacing of tremie pipes used for each panel shall be
determined from the requirement that the concrete level shall be kept
approximately horizontal during the placement operations. The horizontal
flow of concrete from one tremie shall not exceed 8-feet; therefore, tremie
pipes shall be located less than 8 feet from panel joints, and the maximum
panel length permitted to be poured with one tremie pipe is 15 feet. For
SPTC walls, there shall be at least one tremie pipe between each pair of
soldier piles. For the placement of concrete for corner panels and T
panels, in addition to the above criteria for tremie pipe spacing, there shall
be at least one tremie in each leg of the panel.
4. The rise of the concrete shall be measured at not less than 10-foot vertical
intervals at each joint and middle of panel in the presence of the Engineer
to confirm the concrete rise is level.
7. Cold joints within the slurry wall panel will not be permitted. Any slurry
wall panel that has a cold joint will be considered defective and all the
design, implementation, and costs for repair shall be the responsibility of
Contractor and shall be subject to the acceptance of the Engineer.
D. If at anytime during the concrete placement the tremie line orifice is removed from
the fluid concrete and discharges concrete above the rising concrete level, the
panel will be considered defective. In such cases, remove the reinforcing cage
and/or soldier piles and concrete, complete any necessary panel excavation
cleaning as determined by the Engineer, and repour the panel concrete.
Alternative correction measures may be used, if accepted by the Engineer. All
costs for replacement or repair of defective panels shall be the responsibility of
E. The withdrawal of the temporary endstops shall be accomplished before the initial
set of the concrete and before any damage to the concrete is likely to occur.
A. Slurry Wall
1. The slurry wall face to be exposed shall be vertical within the tolerance of
1:100 perpendicular to the panel alignment and the wall ends and/or
permanent endstops shall be vertical within the tolerance of 1:200 in a
direction parallel to the panel alignment.
4. The depth of excavation shall not be less than that shown on the Contract
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
.Anchorage plates, formed recesses for slab and beam keyways, pipe sleeves and
other embedded items shall be within plus or minus 3 inches horizontally and
1. Normal to wall alignment: Plus or minus 1 inch for reinforcing cage and
soldier pile.
2. Parallel to the wall alignment: Plus or minus 2 inches for reinforcing cage,
plus or minus 1 inch for soldier pile..
3. Vertical: Plus or minus 2 inches for reinforcing cage, plus or minus 1 inch
for soldier pile.
D. Dowels: Plus or minus 3 inches in vertical direction and plus or minus 3 inches in
horizontal direction.
E. Guidewalls: The finished face of the guidewalls towards the trench, and on the side
of trench nearest the main excavation shall be vertical and shall represent the
theoretical inside face of the slurry wall. There shall be no ridges or abrupt
changes on the face and its variation from straight line shall not exceed inch in
10 feet. The clear distance between faces of the guidewall shall be the theoretical
thickness of the diaphragm wall plus not less than 1 inch but not more than 2
A. During earthwork excavation, after the placement of the slurry wall, clean the
interior wall face as it is exposed utilizing rakes, brushes, sand blasting, power
washing or other methods acceptable to the Engineer, to remove bentonite caking,
soils, and film materials and expose a clean surface.
B. Chip bulges on the interior face of the wall to within specified tolerances as
excavation proceeds.
C. Clean all keyways and bring wall dowels to their final bend out conditions
E. Apply waterproofing coating to all exposed interior soldier pile flanges. Where its
use is indicated on the Contract Drawings, waterproofing coating on exterior
flanges shall be shop applied. Coating on interior flange facing shall be applied in
the field after completion of excavation and removal of earth support system,
defect repair and sealing of any leaks. Coatings shall be in accordance with
Section xxxx.
Note to Specifier: Method of payment can be either lump sum or unit price. When
subsurface conditions are uniform and the bottom of wall is well defined with little or no
variation in depth anticipated, it may be preferable to use the lump sum payment method with
nominal unit price quantities to accommodate minor alterations in depth, ADDITIONAL
DEPTH SLURRY WALL. The description of rock is project specific and should be provided
by the designer for each project.
A. SLURRY WALL for indicated thickness, installed by the slurry trench process
through overburden will be measured by the (square foot or lump sum). For
purposes of this measurement, overburden shall include all materials encountered
including fill, organics, sand, gravel, clay, till, boulders, cobbles decomposed rock,
and any other material encountered except rock and obstructions as defined herein.
The length of wall installed will be measured on the inside face, within the limits
indicated on the Contract Drawings (or as directed by the Engineer for unit
price). The height of wall will be measured from the top of design strength
concrete indicated on the Contract Drawings to the elevation where rock, as
defined below, is encountered, or to the bottom of wall shown on the Contract
Drawings (or otherwise directed by the Engineer where the wall is founded on
material other than rock. for unit price).
Slurry wall work shall include but not be limited to, furnishing all labor, materials,
tools, equipment, and incidentals and for all work necessary to complete the slurry
wall as indicated and directed. The (unit price or lump sum) shall include
verification of utility locations; protection of utilities; coordination with utility
owners; pre-trenching and backfilling; removal of obstructions with an in-situ
volume of less than one cubic yard; construction, demolition, removal and legal
disposal of guidewalls; excavation through overburden, rock and all other
materials encountered whether natural or man-made; watertight joint forming;
reinforcing steel; soldier piles; the supply of recess forming devices, inserts,
dowels, and tremie concrete; chipping top of wall for drainage; the supply,
handling, and legal disposal of slurry; the hauling and disposal of excavation
materials; the trimming of the top of slurry wall to expose sound concrete; the
removal of bulges or projections; cleaning of slurry wall; sealing the slurry wall
where necessary for watertightness, including joints between the slurry wall and
existing structures; the cost of obtaining any patent rights and royalties; the cost of
all repairs required to the slurry wall to meet contract requirements.
B. SLURRY WALL IN ROCK for the indicated thickness, installed by the slurry
trench process through rock, will be measured by the square foot. The wall will be
measured on the inside face only within the limits indicated on the Contract
Drawings from the bottom of wall through overburden, as specified above, to the
final foundation level indicated on the Contract Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer. For Purposes of this measurement, rock is defined as material that
satisfies the following:
2. Rock fragments only are consistently recovered by the above tools when used
alone or after chiseling operations.
Payment at the contract unit price per square foot shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals
and for work necessary to complete the slurry wall as indicated and directed. The
unit price shall include but not be limited to all excavation; watertight joint
forming; reinforcing steel; soldier piles; the supply, handling, and legal disposal of
slurry; the excavation, hauling and legal disposal of all excavation materials; tremie
concrete; sealing the slurry wall where necessary for watertightness.
C. Removal of obstructions with a volume greater than one cubic yard, encountered
within *__* feet of the ground surface, will be measured and paid under Payment
Item xxx, REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS as described in Section xxxx,
Earthwork. Obstructions encountered below *__* feet will be addressed as
changed conditions. Obstructions are considered manmade items such as granite
blocks, piles, steel sheeting, etc. Encountering boulders and/or cobbles should be
anticipated; these items shall not be considered as obstructions and therefore no
separate payment will be made for their removal. Payment for obstruction removal
shall include materials, equipment, and labor required for their removal and legal
disposal as well as any costs including but not limited to costs from schedule delay
and standby time of all labor, equipment and material.
D. ADDITIONAL DEPTH OF SLURRY WALL (lump sum only) for the indicated
thickness will be measured by the square foot. The wall will be measured on the
inside face only from the bottom of wall indicated on the drawings to the depth as
directed by the Engineer.
Payment at the contract unit price per square foot shall constitute full
compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals
and for work necessary to complete the slurry wall as indicated and directed. The
unit price shall include but not be limited to all excavation; watertight joint
forming; reinforcing steel; soldier piles; the supply, handling, and legal disposal of
slurry; the excavation, hauling, and legal disposal of all excavation materials;
tremie concrete; sealing the slurry wall where necessary for watertightness.
December 2008
Listing of PB Slurry Wall Projects
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Listing of PB Slurry Wall Projects
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Listing of PB Slurry Wall Projects
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Listing of PB Slurry Wall Projects
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