About Accuracy and Sizing of Delta Printers
About Accuracy and Sizing of Delta Printers
About Accuracy and Sizing of Delta Printers
If you are about to make a delta printer, or if you already did, probably you are
familiar to this question: whats the correct size for this or that part of my printer?
How do I decide my diagonal rod length? Is it important for accuracy? This text is
going to give you some mathematical tools and concepts to solve those questions.
x = Dr2 h2 (2a)
x h
=p (2b)
h Dr2 h2
Now is time to analyse the error on critical 3.1. Fixing minimum angle and maxi-
zones of the print area, so we will then base our mum error.
sizing decision on those values. This places of
the print area are the next: So you have a given bed diameter and you
want to make sure the controller does not over-
load when the angle goes to little and also want
x =xmin = (Rd D0 /2) (5a) to make sure you have enough accuracy. 1
x =Rd (5b)
x =xmax = (Rd + D0 /2) (5c)
Rd + D0 /2 1
cos(min ) = = (8a)
Dr a
To get clearer equations we are going create
max = b 1 (8b)
the next non-dimensional variables:
a= (6a) Manipulating the equations we should get:
Rd + D0 /2
b= (6b)
Rd D0 /2
a= (9a)
Applying the values 5 a, b and c on the cos(min )
expression 4, and the manipulating with the b = 2max + 1 (9b)
just mentioned non-dimenssional variables we
get the next expressions:
Now we manipulate expression 6 to obtain
Rd and Dr , then we calculate in the next order:
max = (x = xmin ) = b2 1 (7a)
s 2
2ab 1
center = (x = Rd ) = 1 (7b) a= (10a)
a+b cos(min )
min = (x = xmax ) = a2 1 (7c) b = 2max + 1 (10b)
D0 b + a
Rd = (10c)
The real practical minimum error is the one 2 ba
given on the center, because min is only given
in the perpendicular direction of each tower. Dr = D0 (10d)
Note that this case is just a particular form of what we are going to solve at the next section
force to have a particular value cir at a given min means smaller Rd and same for cir . You
diameter Dcir . may notice that for a value of D = D0 we are
solving the situation of the last section and for
D = 0 you are fixing = cir at the bed center.
Dcir /2 = |Rd x| (11a)
Dcir 0 R < D2 r
cir +1
= (13a)
2 Rd D2 r R > D2 r
cir +1 cir +1
a= (14a)
cos(min )
Dcir Dr
= Rd p 2 (14b)
2 cir + 1