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About Accuracy and Sizing of Delta Printers

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Theoretical developement on domestic 3D printing

About accuracy and sizing of delta


Honorio Salmeron Valdivieso

November 17, 2017



2 Accuracy on highlight points 3

3 Sizing your delta printer. 3

3.1 Fixing minimum angle and maximum error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2 Fixing minimum angle and step size around center of the print area . . . . . . . . 4
About accuracy and sizing of delta printers
Autor: H. Salmeron Valdivieso


If you are about to make a delta printer, or if you already did, probably you are
familiar to this question: whats the correct size for this or that part of my printer?
How do I decide my diagonal rod length? Is it important for accuracy? This text is
going to give you some mathematical tools and concepts to solve those questions.

1. INTRODUCTION that expression. First of all, the next expression

describes the relationship between carriage po-
This is what the text is going to develop: sition h and head position x (x is the horizontal
a compact effective mathematical development distance between the point where the diagonal
about the relationship between basic accuracy rod joins the head and the tower):
of printing, delta kinematics and how to calcu-
late them easily. Of course, it is not mandatory Dr2 = h2 + x2 (1)
to understand the mathematical stuff, you can
just take the final equations and the explana- After manipulation and derivation we get the
tion and work with it. Lets get started. next two expressions:

x = Dr2 h2 (2a)
x h
=p (2b)
h Dr2 h2

Combining expressions 2a and 2b we can get

the next one:
x Dr
= 1 (3)
h x
The magnitude of interest for us is just the
Figure 1: squeme of the important geome-
rate of displacement of nozzle for every unit
try dimensions for our calculations of carriage displacement, and for the numeri-
cal range of interest it is well described by the
Figure 1 show us the names of all different next relationship:
dimensions we are going to appeal. It should be
clear that the derivation of nozzle displacement
s 2
x Dr
respect to the carriage displacement is going to (x) = = 1 (4)
h x
give us direct information about the maximiza-
tion or minimization of the minimum length Summarizing and clarifying for non mathe-
step given by our nema motors. Lets proceed to matics connoisseur: A value of superior to 1
means that the actual step size of the nozzle is 3. Sizing your delta printer.
higher than the step size of the carriage (first
one is dependent of the position in the print- Now we have information of the step size on
ing area, the second one is constant along the the critical points of our printing area is time to
tower). decide the size of the printer based on our own
priorities fixing one or another variable.
2. Accuracy on highlight points

Now is time to analyse the error on critical 3.1. Fixing minimum angle and maxi-
zones of the print area, so we will then base our mum error.
sizing decision on those values. This places of
the print area are the next: So you have a given bed diameter and you
want to make sure the controller does not over-
load when the angle goes to little and also want
x =xmin = (Rd D0 /2) (5a) to make sure you have enough accuracy. 1
x =Rd (5b)
x =xmax = (Rd + D0 /2) (5c)
Rd + D0 /2 1
cos(min ) = = (8a)
Dr a
To get clearer equations we are going create
max = b 1 (8b)
the next non-dimensional variables:

a= (6a) Manipulating the equations we should get:
Rd + D0 /2
b= (6b)
Rd D0 /2
a= (9a)
Applying the values 5 a, b and c on the cos(min )
expression 4, and the manipulating with the b = 2max + 1 (9b)
just mentioned non-dimenssional variables we
get the next expressions:
Now we manipulate expression 6 to obtain
Rd and Dr , then we calculate in the next order:

max = (x = xmin ) = b2 1 (7a)
s 2
2ab 1
center = (x = Rd ) = 1 (7b) a= (10a)
a+b cos(min )
min = (x = xmax ) = a2 1 (7c) b = 2max + 1 (10b)
D0 b + a
Rd = (10c)
The real practical minimum error is the one 2 ba
given on the center, because min is only given
in the perpendicular direction of each tower. Dr = D0 (10d)
Note that this case is just a particular form of what we are going to solve at the next section

Theoretical developement on domestic 3D printing, 2017 | 3

3.2. Fixing minimum angle and step size After solving we get the next equations ready
around center of the print area for the calculation of Rd and Dr :

Probably, your requirements on the last sec- q

tion give you back huge numbers for your diag- z = cos(min ) 2cir + 1 (15a)
onal rod and delta radius. If we want a more  
zDcir + D0 1
compact and cheap printer we should require Rd = (15b)
z1 2
less accuracy at the borders of printing area,  
Dcir + D0 z
but we can still ask for a particular accuracy Dr = (15c)
z1 2 cos(min )
circular area surrounding the center. First of
all we should describe our x position variable
Make sure z > 1 and Rd > D2 r . Smaller
in terms of distance from the center, then well cir +1

force to have a particular value cir at a given min means smaller Rd and same for cir . You
diameter Dcir . may notice that for a value of D = D0 we are
solving the situation of the last section and for
D = 0 you are fixing = cir at the bed center.
Dcir /2 = |Rd x| (11a)

We now should use equation 4 and force

to have a given value cir for a given Dcir . This
requirement is described by the next expression:
s 2
cir = 1 (12)
Rd Dcir /2

After some manipulation and taking in care

only the useful solutions of the last equation we
will get the next relationship:

Dcir 0 R < D2 r
cir +1
= (13a)
2 Rd D2 r R > D2 r
cir +1 cir +1

We have taken only the positive part of the

solution for equation 12, now you should decide
what diameter D do you need for high accuracy
printing area and solve the next system.

a= (14a)
cos(min )
Dcir Dr
= Rd p 2 (14b)
2 cir + 1

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