Competences of Advanced Nursing
Competences of Advanced Nursing
Competences of Advanced Nursing
Are the specific knowledge, skills, judgment and personal attributes required for a registered
nurse to practice safely and ethically in a designated role and setting.
Core competence for advanced nursing practice is based on appropriate depth, breadth and range
of nursing knowledge, theory and research enhanced by clinical experience.
Core competences
a) Clinical practices
It s a cornerstone of advanced nursing practice and expertise in a specialized area of
nursing. Through a holistic and integrated approach, the nurse works in partnership with
the client and other members of the health care team in provision of comprehensive care.
In clinical practice, an advanced nurse practitioner does the following;
Practices in accordance with federal and provincial legislation professional and ethical
standards and policy relevant to nurse Practitioner practice (reference to nursing ethics,
rules and regulations nurse act etc).
Understands the changes in the scope of practice from that of a registered nurse and the
ways such changes affect responsibilities and accountabilities when assuming the
reserved title and scope of practice of a nurse practitioner.
Incorporates knowledge of diversity, cultural safety and determinants of health in the
assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic management of clients and in the evaluation of
Advocating for individuals, families, groups and communities in relation to treatment, the health
care system and policy decisions that affect health and quality of life.
Provide leadership in the management of clinical care as a resource education and role model.
Acts as a preceptor, mentor and couch to nursing colleagues, other members of the health care
team and students.
Articulate s and promotes the role nurse practitioner to clients, other health care providers, social
and public service sectors, the public, legislators and policy makers.
Provides leadership in the development and integration of the nurse practitioner role with in the
health care system.
Advocates for and participates in creating an organizational environment that supports safe client
care collaborative practice and professional growth.
Guides, initiates and provides leadership in policy-related activities to influence practice, health
services and public policy.
The nurse practitioner integrates abroad knowledge base with critical appraisal to obtain the
required information for determining diagnosis and client needs.
Throughout the process, the nurse practitioner works in collaboration with clients to identify and
mitigate health risks, promote understanding of health issues and support health behaviors.
Perform a focused health assessment and an advanced comprehensive health assessment using
and adapting assessment tools and techniques based on client needs and relevant client stage of
Perform a complete and focused health history appropriate to client situation, including physical,
psychosocial, emotional, ethnics, cultural and spiritual dimensions of health.
Perform complete and focused physical examination, identifies and interprets normal and
abnormal findings as appropriate to client presentation.
Synthesize health assessment information using critical inquiry and clinical reasoning to
diagnose health risks and states of health /illness.
Formulates differential diagnosis through the integration of client information and evidence
informed clinical reasoning and critical inquiry and assumes responsibility for follow up.
Diagnoses diseases, disorders, injuries and conditions and identifies health needs while
considering the clients responses to the health/illness experiences.
Communicate with clients about health assessment findings or diagnosis including outcomes or
Therapeutic management
Nurse practitioner collaborates with clients to set priorities for the provision and overall
coordination of care along the health /illness continuum. Selects appropriate interventions from a
range of non- pharmacological and pharmacological interventions to assist clients in restoring or
maintaining functional, physiological and mental stability to achieve optional health.
Explores therapeutic options considering implications for clients through the integration of client
information and evidence informed practice.
Supports, educates, coaches clients /patients on self care management, including their personal
responses to diseases, disorders, injuries, risk factors, life style changes and therapeutic
Perform invasive and non invasive procedures for the clinical management and prevention of
diseases, injuries, disorder or conditions.
Promotes client self efficiency in navigating the health care system and identifying and accessing
the necessary resources.
Initiates interventions for the purposes of stabilizing clients in emergent, urgent and life
threatening situations.
Determines care options and initiates therapeutic interventions in collaboration with clients,
while considering client perspective feasibility and best outcomes.
Counsels clients on medication therapy, benefits, potential side effects, interactions, importance
of compliance and recommended follow up.
Intervenes as appropriate when potential or actual problematic substances use and or misuse of
drugs including complementary and alternative therapies are identified.
Monitors, evaluates and revises the plan of care and therapeutic intervention based on current
evidence- informed practice and on client goals, preferences, health status and outcomes.
Assess, identify, and critically analyze information from a variety of sources to determine client
or population trends and patterns that have health implications.
Initiate or participate in the development and implementation of evaluation processes including
identification of indicators for ongoing monitoring of strategies, service and interventions.