Isomorphism Problems For Hopf-Galois Structures On Separable Field Extensions
Isomorphism Problems For Hopf-Galois Structures On Separable Field Extensions
Isomorphism Problems For Hopf-Galois Structures On Separable Field Extensions
Abstract. Let L/K be a finite separable extension of fields whose Galois closure E/K
has group G. Greither and Pareigis have used Galois descent to show that a Hopf algebra
giving a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K has the form E[N ]G for some group N such that
|N | = [L : K]. We formulate criteria for two such Hopf algebras to be isomorphic as Hopf
algebras, and provide a variety of examples. In the case that the Hopf algebras in question
are commutative, we also determine criteria for them to be isomorphic as K-algebras. By
applying our results, we complete a detailed analysis of the distinct Hopf algebras and K-
algebras that appear in the classification of Hopf-Galois structures on a cyclic extension of
degree pn , for p an odd prime number.
key words: Hopf-Galois extension, Greither-Pareigis theory, Galois descent
MSC: 16T05
1. Introduction
Let L/K be a finite extension of fields and H a K-Hopf algebra. We say that L is an H-
Galois extension of K, or that H gives a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K, if L is an H-module
algebra and the obvious K-linear map L K H EndK (L) is bijective. For example, if
L/K is a Galois extension with group G then the group algebra K[G], with action induced
from the usual action of G on L, gives a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K. We say that two
Hopf algebras H1 , H2 give isomorphic Hopf-Galois structures on a finite extension L/K if
there is an isomorphism of K-Hopf algebras : H1 H2 such that hx = (h)x for all
h H1 and x L. Note that it is possible for two distinct Hopf-Galois structures on L/K
to have underlying Hopf algebras which are isomorphic as K-Hopf algebras or as K-algebras;
equivalently, one might view this as multiple actions of a single K-Hopf algebra or K-algebra
on L. In this paper we study this phenomenon.
If L/K is purely inseparable, it is known that a single Hopf algebra can act in an infi-
nite number of ways: see e.g. [11]. We shall therefore suppose that L/K is separable. In
this case Greither and Pareigis [10] have classified the (isomorphism classes of) Hopf-Galois
structures admitted by L/K. In order to state this classification we require some notation.
Let E be the Galois closure of L/K, G = Gal(E/K), and GL = Gal(E/L). Let X denote
the left coset space G/GL , and define a homomorphism : G Perm(X) by ()( ) = ,
where denotes the coset GL X. The theorem of Greither and Pareigis asserts that there
is a bijection between Hopf-Galois structures on L/K and subgroups N of Perm(X) which
are regular (that is, having the same size as X and acting transitively on X) and normalized
by (G) (that is, stable under the action of G on Perm(X) defined by = ()()1 ).
The enumeration of the Hopf-Galois structures admitted by L/K is therefore equivalent to
the enumeration of subgroups of Perm(X) with these properties. If |X| is large then this
is a difficult problem, but Byotts translation theorem [1] provides a useful simplification.
Loosely, for each abstract group N of order |X|, Byotts theorem relates the number of G-
stable regular subgroups of Perm(X) that are isomorphic to N to the number of subgroups
of the holomorph of N that are isomorphic to G. Since Hol(N) = N Aut(N), this group
is much smaller than Perm(X). We give a more precise statement of Byotts theorem in
subsection 2.2 below.
The theorem of Greither and Pareigis also asserts that the Hopf algebra appearing in the
Hopf-Galois structure corresponding to the G-stable regular subgroup N of Perm(X) is
E[N]G , the fixed points of the group algebra E[N] under the simultaneous action of G on
E as Galois automorphisms and on N by the action . We will refer to the isomorphism
class of N as the type of Hopf-Galois structure given by E[N]G . The proof that E[N]G is
indeed a K-Hopf algebra, and the proof that it gives a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K, are
accomplished via Galois descent. We review this theory briefly since it will feature in many
of our arguments.
The field E is a finite dimensional K-vector space and so, by Morita theory (see, e.g. [9,
3D]), the functor E K is an equivalence between the category of K-vector spaces and
the category of R = EndK (E)-modules, with inverse HomR (E, ). But since E is a Galois
extension of K with group G, we may identify R with the skew group ring E G [4], and so an
R-module is simply an E-vector space with a compatible G-action. In this case the functor
HomR (E, ) is naturally isomorphic to the fixed point functor ()G , and so homomorphisms
of E-vector spaces descend to homomorphisms of K-vector spaces if and only if they respect
the G-action. Applying this to the structure maps defining an E-algebra (resp. an E-Hopf
algebra), we obtain criteria for us to descend to a K-algebra (resp. K-Hopf algebra). In
the case of the objects appearing in the theorem of Greither and Pareigis, the group algebra
E[N] is certainly an E-Hopf algebra, and we may verify that the Hopf algebra structure
maps do respect the action of G on E[N] defined above. We therefore obtain that E[N]G
is indeed a K-Hopf algebra. Since the inverse to the fixed point functor is the base change
functor, we also obtain that E K E[N]G = E[N].
Now suppose that N1 , N2 are G-stable regular subgroups of Perm(X), so that H1 = E[N1 ]G
and H2 = E[N2 ]G are two Hopf algebras giving Hopf-Galois structures on L/K. In section
2 we seek criteria for H1 = H2 as K-Hopf algebras. Since E K Hi = E[Ni ] for each i,
a necessary condition for H1 = H2 as K-Hopf algebras is that E[N1 ]
= E[N2 ] as E-Hopf
algebras, which occurs if and only if N1 = N2 as groups. However, this condition is not
sufficient: for this, we require an isomorphism N1 N2 that respects the action of G on
each of these groups. This idea appears in, for example, [7] and [8]. We prove a more gen-
eral result of this type (Theorem 2.2), and provide a variety of examples. We show that it
is possible to detect K-Hopf algebra isomorphisms by studying properties of Hol(N1 ) and
Hol(N2 ) (Theorem 2.12), and also determine a criterion for F K H1 and F K H2 to be
isomorphic as F -Hopf algebras, for F some extension of K contained in E (Theorem 2.9).
In section 3 we assume that K has characteristic zero and that H1 and H2 are commu-
tative (equivalently, that N1 , N2 are abelian groups). We determine a criterion, in terms of
the dual groups N c1 and N c2 , for H1 = H2 as K-algebras (Theorem 3.1). If N1 = N2 , we
show that it is also possible to detect such isomorphisms by studying Hol(N1 ) and Hol(N2 )
(Theorem 3.5). We show that these results have a particularly simple form in the case that
N1 and N2 are both cyclic of order n and K contains a primitive nth root of unity (Theorem
3.6). Finally, in section 4 we apply the results of the preceding sections to give a detailed
analysis of the Hopf-Galois structures admitted by a cyclic extension L/K of odd prime
power degree. We show that the Hopf algebras that appear are pairwise nonisomorphic as
Hopf algebras (Theorem 4.1) and, under the assumption that K has characteristic zero and
contains a primitive pn -root of unity, determine the K-algebra isomorphism classes (Theorem
N1 , and let {ai } be an F -basis of E[N1 ]G . Then {ai } is also an E-basis of E[N1 ], so
there exist unique xi E such that
= xi ai .
Now for g G we have
(g 1 ) = g 1 xi ai
= g(xi )(g 1 ai )
= g(xi )ai
= g(xi )(ai )
= g(xi )(g 2 (ai ))
= g 2 xi (ai )
= g 2 xi ai
= g 2 ().
Therefore (g 1 ) = g 2 (), and so : N1
N2 is G-equivariant.
The following corollary is the principal application of Theorem 2.2. We retain the notation
established in section 1 to describe the theorem of Greither and Pareigis: L/K is a finite
separable extension of fields with Galois closure E, G = Gal(E/K), GL = Gal(E/L), X =
G/GL . A Hopf algebra giving a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K then has the form E[N]G
for some regular subgroup N of Perm(X) stable under the action of G on Perm(X) by
= ()()1 .
Corollary 2.3. Let E[N1 ]G and E[N2 ]G give Hopf-Galois structures on L/K. Then E[N1 ]G =
E[N2 ] as K-Hopf algebras if and only if N1 = N2 as G-groups.
We illustrate the applicability of the theory with a variety of examples.
Example 2.4. (The classical and canonical nonclassical Hopf-Galois structures)
If L/K is a Galois extension then in the notation of the theorem of Greither and Pareigis
we have E = L, GL = {1}, and X = G, and the homomorphism : G Perm(G) is in
fact the left regular embedding of G. In this case examples of G-stable regular subgroups of
Perm(G) are (G) itself and (G), the image of G under the right regular embedding (these
subgroups coincide if and only if G is abelian). The elements of (G) commute with those
of (G), so the action of G on (G) is trivial, and therefore the Hopf algebra appearing in
Let d {0, 1, . . . , p 1}, and define , Perm(G) in terms of their actions on a typical
element sk tl G:
[sk tl ] = sk tl1
[sk tl ] = sk1 tl+(k1)d .
(2) s = , t = , s = d , t = .
Thus NT,d is G-stable, and therefore corresponds to a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K with
Hopf algebra HT,d = L[NT,d ]G . If d = 0 then NT,d = (G) regardless of the choice of T , and
so we obtain the classical Hopf-Galois structure. Taking 1 d p 1 and letting T vary
through the subgroups of G of order p, we obtain p2 1 distinct groups NT,d 6= (G), giving
in total p2 Hopf-Galois structures on L/K. These are all the Hopf-Galois structures on L/K.
We claim that two Hopf algebras H1 = HT1 ,d1 and H2 = HT2 ,d2 are isomorphic as Hopf
algebras if and only if d1 = d2 = 0 or d1 d2 6= 0 and T1 = T2 . Let
N1 = NT1 ,d1 = h1 , 1 i
N2 = NT2 ,d2 = h2 , 2 i,
For the converse, note that if T is a subgroup of G of order p and d 6= 0 then by (2)
the kernel of the action of G on NT,d is precisely T . Therefore, if d1 d2 6= 0 and N1
= N2 as
G-groups then we must have T1 = T2 .
We know that (G) and (G) are both regular subgroups of Perm(G) normalized by (G).
Define a map : (G) (G) by
((g)) = (g) = (g)((g)).
It is clear that is an isomorphism of groups. In fact, it is also G-equivariant: if h G then
we have
h ((g)) = (h)(g)((g))(h)1
= (h)(g)(h)1 ((g)) (since (G) and (G) commute inside Perm(G))
= (hgh1 )((g))
= (hgh1 )((hgh1 )) (since abelian implies that (g) = (hgh1 )).
= ((hgh1 ))
= (h (g)).
Using the fact that (G) and (G) commute inside Perm(G) we have in particular, for c = 0,
( i )0 ( i ) = ()( i i )1
= ()( i(1g) )1
= i(g1) ,
where the subscript should be interpreted modulo p. Since g has order q modulo p we
certainly have g 1 6= 0 (mod p) and so, given c = 0, . . . , p 1 there exists i such that
( i )0 ( i ) = c .
Therefore the groups Nc are all isomorphic as G-groups, and so the Hopf algebras Hc are all
isomorphic as K-Hopf algebras.
In the case that q = 2 (so that G
= Dp ), this result is established in [12, Proposition 4.3],
by methods different to those employed above.
2.1. Hopf algebra isomorphisms after base change. We return to the situation ad-
dressed by the theorem of Greither and Pareigis, as described in section 1: L/K is a finite
separable extension of fields whose Galois closure E has group G, so that a Hopf algebra giv-
ing a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K has the form E[N]G for some G-stable regular subgroup
of Perm(X). If E[N1 ]G and E[N2 ]G are two such Hopf algebras then, by Galois descent,
we have E K E[Ni ]G = E[Ni ] for each i, so certainly E K E[N1 ]G and E K E[N2 ]G are
isomorphic as E-Hopf algebras. However, there may exist intermediate fields K such that
K K E[N1 ]G and K K E[N2 ]G are isomorphic as K -Hopf algebras. In this section we
identify the fields with this property that are also Galois over K.
Theorem 2.9. Let E[N1 ]G and E[N2 ]G give Hopf-Galois structures on L/K, let G be a
normal subgroup of G, and let K = E G . Then
K E[N1 ]G
= K K E[N2 ]G as K -Hopf algebras
if and only if (N1 , )
= (N2 , ) as G -groups.
Proof. For i = 1, 2 we have by Galois descent that E[Ni ]G is a K -Hopf algebra, and one
may show that action of G on E[Ni ] induces an action of the group G/G on E[Ni ]G and
E[Ni ] = E[Ni ] .
Now since K /K is Galois with group G/G , we have
K K E[Ni ]G = E[Ni ]G ,
Example 2.10. (The smallest extension of scalars giving a group algebra) Let
E[N]G be a Hopf algebra giving a Hopf-Galois structure on L/K, and let G denote the
kernel of the action of G on N. Then E[N]G = E G [N] = K [N], a group algebra with
coefficients drawn from the field E G = K . By Theorem 2.9 we have K K E[N]G = K [N].
In fact K is minimal amongst the subfields F of E such that F K E[N]G is isomorphic as
a Hopf algebra to a group algebra (see [10, Corollary 3.2]).
Example 2.11. (Elementary abelian extensions of degree p2 revisited) Let p be an
odd prime, and let L/K be an elementary abelian extension of degree p2 with group G. In
Example 2.5 we determined which of the Hopf algebras appearing in the classification of Hopf-
Galois structures on L/K are isomorphic as K-Hopf algebras. Here we can show that, given
any two Hopf algebras H1 , H2 giving nonclassical Hopf-Galois structures on the extension,
there exists a subfield K of L/K of degree p over K such that K K H1 = K K H2 as K -
Hopf algebras. Recall from Example 2.5 that for i = 1, 2 the Hopf algebra Hi corresponds
to a choice of subgroup Ti of degree p and an integer di {1, . . . , p 1} (the possibility
di = 0 is excluded since the Hopf algebras give nonclassical structures). Specifically, we have
Hi = L[Ni ]G , where Ni is generated by two permutations i , i as described in Equations (1)
and the action of G on Ni is as described in Equation (2). From this last equation, we see
that the kernel of the action of G on each Ni is precisely Ti , which we now write as hti i. Let
g = t1 t2 , G = hg i, and K = LG ; we claim that K K H1
= K K H2 as K -Hopf algebras.
By Theorem 2.9, we must show that there is a G -equivariant isomorphism : N1 N2 .
For each i we have g i = i for each i, and so we focus our attention on the action of g
on the i . Since each Ti is precisely the kernel of the action of G on Ni and G is abelian, by
equation (2) we have
g 1 = t1 t2 1 = t2 1 = 1u1 1 for some u1 {1, . . . , p 1}
g 2 = t1 t2 2 = t1 2 = 2u2 2 for some u2 {1, . . . , p 1}.
There exists an integer c such that cu2 u1 (mod p); use this to define a homomorphism
: N1 N2 by
(1 ) = 2 , (1 ) = 2c .
It is clear that is a isomorphism of N1 onto N2 , and to verify that it is G -equivariant it
suffices to consider the action of g on 1 . We have:
(g 1 ) = (1u1 1 )
= 2u1 2c
= 2cu2 2c
= g 2c .
Therefore is a G -equivariant isomorphism of N1 onto N2 , and so Theorem 2.9 we have
K K H1 = K K H2 as K -Hopf algebras.
2.2. Hopf algebra isomorphisms via the holomorph. We retain the notation of sub-
section 2.1. We have seen that a necessary condition for E[N1 ]G
= E[N2 ]G as Hopf algebras
is that the underlying groups are isomorphic; we now use this requirement to change our
point of view. Fix an abstract group N of the same order as G, and study embeddings
: N Perm(G) such that (N) is G-stable and regular. Byotts translation theorem [1,
Proposition 1] relates such embeddings to certain embeddings of G into the holomorph of
N, denoted Hol(N), which is normalizer of (N) inside Perm(N). More precisely, there is a
bijection between the sets
{ : N Perm(X) | an injective homomorphism whose image in G-stable and regular}
{ : G Hol(N) | an injective homomorphism such that (GL ) is the stabilizer of eN }.
Since Hol(N) = (N) Aut(N) [5, (7.2) Proposition], it is much smaller than Perm(X),
and so Byotts translation theorem is often useful in the enumeration of the Hopf-Galois
structures admitted by a given extension. Of course, different embeddings can have the
same image (and so correspond to the same Hopf-Galois structure), but this can be detected
by studying the corresponding : we have 1 (N) = 2 (N) if and only if 1 (G) and 2 (G)
are conjugate by an element of Aut(N). In fact, we can also detect when the Hopf-Galois
structures corresponding to different embeddings 1 , 2 involve isomorphic Hopf algebras by
studying properties of the corresponding 1 , 2 :
Theorem 2.12. Let 1 , 2 be embeddings of N into Perm(X) whose images are regular
and normalized by (G), and let 1 , 2 be the corresponding embeddings of G into Hol(N).
Viewing Hol(N) as (N) Aut(N), let 1 , 2 denote the compositions of 1 , 2 with the
projection onto the automorphism component. Then
E[1 (N)]G
= E[2 (N)]G as Hopf algebras
if and only if there exists Aut(N) such that
2 (g) = 1 (g)1 for all g G.
Proof. By Theorem 2.2, we have E[1 (N)]G = E[2 (N)]G as Hopf algebras if and only
if (1 (N), )
= (2 (N), ) as G-groups. For i = 1, 2 define an action i of G on N by
g i = i (g)[]; then by [5, (7.7) Proposition] we have that (i (N), )
= (N, i ) as G-
groups, and so (1 (N), ) = (2 (N), ) as G-groups if and only if (N, 1 )
= (N, 2 ) as
G-groups. This occurs if and only if there exists Aut(N) such that
(g 1 ) = g 2 () for all g G, N,
that is, if and only if
1 (g) = 2 (g) for all g G.
As a special case, we have
Corollary 2.13. If Aut(N) is abelian (in particular, if N is cyclic), then E[1 (N)]G
E[2 (N)] as Hopf algebras if and only if 1 (g) = 2 (g) for all g G.
Example 2.14. (The classical and canonical nonclassical Hopf-Galois structures
revisited) Recall from Example 2.4 that if L/K is a Galois extension with nonabelian group
G then L/K admits at least two Hopf-Galois structures: the classical Hopf-Galois structure,
which corresponds to the subgroup (G) of Perm(G) and has Hopf algebra K[G], and the
canonical nonclassical Hopf-Galois structure, which corresponds to the subgroup (G) of
Perm(G) and has Hopf algebra H = L[(G)]G . In the notation of this subsection, we may
take N = G and view and as embeddings of the abstract group G into Perm(G) whose
images are G-stable and regular. By following the details of the proof of Byotts translation
theorem, we find that the embedding G Hol(G) corresponding to is itself, and similarly
for . When we view Hol(G) as (G) Aut(G), we have (G) = {((g), 1) | g G}, whereas
(G) = {((g 1 ), c(g)) | g G}, where c(g) is the inner automorphism of G arising from
conjugation by g. Therefore (G) and (G) have different orders, and so there cannot exist
an automorphism Aut(G) with the properties required by Theorem 2.12. Hence we
recover the fact that K[G] 6= H as K-Hopf algebras.
s E
E ssss
s ss
s ss
L G K()
q qqqq
For i = 1, 2 let act on E[Ni ] by acting on E as Galois automorphisms and on Ni by
factoring through /E (i.e. through G). Then
/E /E
E[Ni ] = E[Ni ]E = E E [Ni ] = E[Ni ]G .
(In the second term E acts trivially on Ni , so we have E[Ni ]E = E E [Ni ] = E[Ni ], the
group algebra of Ni with coefficients drawn from E E = E.) Now elements of N ci , namely
the characters of Ni , have values which all lie in E, and so E[Ni ] is isomorphic to E n as an
E-algebra via orthogonal idempotents, one corresponding to each character. Writing N ci for
the dual group of Ni , the idempotent corresponding to Ni is
e = () E[Ni ].
This action of on E[Ni ] permutes the orthogonal idempotents, which in turn induces an
ci , as follows: if N
action of on N ci and then
e = ()
= (())
= (( 1 )) (reindexing).
c1 and N
From this, it is clear that if there exist sets of representatives of the orbits of in N c2
having the same stabilizers then E[N1 ] = E[N2 ] as K-algebras. The following theorem is
a refinement of this idea. Note that as in section 2 we formulate the theorem in more general
terms than we require: the added flexibility will be useful later.
Theorem 3.1. Let (N1 , 1 ) and (N2 , 2 ) be abelian -groups and, for i = 1, 2, let act on
E[Ni ] by acting on E as Galois automorphisms and on Ni via i . Then E[N1 ]
= E[N2 ] as
K-algebras if and only if N c1
=N c2 as -sets.
Stab((i )) (i ) = (i )
( i ) = (i ) ( is -equivariant)
i = i ( is a bijection)
Stab(i ).
Recall from Example 2.5 a Hopf algebra H giving a Hopf-Galois structures on L/K de-
termined by a choice of subgroup T of degree p and an integer d {0, . . . , p 1}; the Hopf
algebra is then L[N]G , where N is the subgroup of Perm(G) generated by two permutations
, as described in Equations (1), and the action of G on N is as described in Equation (2).
The dual group N b is therefore generated by two characters , , defined as follows:
() = , () = 1, () = 1, () = .
Since L/K is a Galois extension we have E = L, and the hypothesis that K contains a
primitive pth root of unity implies that in the notation of this section we have E = E = L
and = G. The action of G on N described in Equation (2) translates into an action of G
on Nb by
(3) s = d , t = , s = , t = ,
where d1 is to be interpreted modulo p. Now let H1 , H2 be two such Hopf algebras giving
distinct Hopf-Galois structures on L/K, with underlying groups N1 , N2 as in Example 2.5.
We claim that H1 = H2 as K-algebras if and only if d1 = d2 = 0 or d1 d2 6= 0 and T1 = T2 ;
these are identical to the conditions we derived in Example 2.5 for H1 = H2 as K-Hopf
3.1. Algebra isomorphisms via the holomorph. Hitherto in this section we have not
assumed that N1 , N2 are isomorphic as groups; we now impose this assumption. We can
therefore view N1 , N2 as the images of a single abstract abelian group N under two embed-
dings 1 , 2 : N Perm(X), as in subsection 2.2. We recall from that subsection that
By Byotts translation theorem these embeddings correspond to embeddings 1 , 2 : G
Hol(N) = (N) Aut(N), and we write 1 , 2 for the compositions of 1 , 2 with the projec-
tion onto the Aut(N) component. We have seen in Theorem 2.12 that it is possible to detect
when E[1 (N)]G = E[2 (N)]G as K-Hopf algebras by studying properties of 1 , 2 . We shall
show that in our situation these maps also allow us to detect K-algebra isomorphisms.
Lemma 3.4. For i = 1, 2, we have ( b
i (N), ) = (N, i ) as -groups.
[i ()i ( )] = [i ( )]
= [ ]
= [][ ]
= [i ()] [i ( )].
The following corollary shows that for certain structures of cyclic type we can dispense
b and work directly with N:
with N
Corollary 3.6. Suppose that N is cyclic and that K contains a primitive |N|th root of unity
. Then the following are equivalent:
(1) E[1 (N)]G = E[2 (N)]G as K-algebras;
(2) (\ \
1 (N), ) = (2 (N), ) as -sets.
(3) (Nb , 1 ) b 2 ) as -sets;
= (N,
(4) (1 (N), ) = (2 (N), ) as -sets.
(5) (N, 1 ) = (N, 2 ) as -sets;
Proof. (1), (2), and (3) are equivalent by Theorem 3.1 and Theorem 3.5, and (4) and (5) are
equivalent since for each i we have (i (N), )
= (N, i ) as -groups. We show that (3) is
equivalent to (5).
f f
b , 1 ) b / (N
(N b , 2 )
Since the Hopf-Galois structures admitted by L/K all have cyclic type, we can view the
corresponding regular subgroups of Perm(G) as images of a single abstract cyclic group
N = hi of order pn under pn1 different regular embeddings s : N Perm(G). By By-
otts translation, each such s corresponds to an embedding s : G Hol(N), and these are
described in [5, (8.6) and (9.1)]: let G = hi, and let be the (p1)st power of some generator
of the cyclic group Aut(N). Then the embeddings we seek are of the form s : G Hol(N)
s () = ((), s ), 0 s < pn1 .
For each s, let s : N Perm(G) denote the embedding corresponding to s , and let
Hs = L[s (N)]G denote the corresponding Hopf algebra.
Theorem 4.1. Let 0 r, s < pn1 . Then Hr
= Hs as K-Hopf algebras if and only if r = s.
Proof. Since N is cyclic, Aut(N) is abelian, and so by Corollary 2.13 we have Hr = Hs as
K-Hopf algebras if and only if r (g) = s (g) for all g G. Since in this case G is generated
by , this occurs if and only if r () = s (); that is, if and only if r = s . Hence Hr
= Hs
as K-Hopf algebras if and only if r = s.
Therefore the Hopf algebras giving the Hopf-Galois structures on L/K are pairwise non-
isomorphic. We can use Theorem 2.9 to determine which of them become isomorphic under
various base changes. Let
K = K 0 K1 Kn = L
be the maximal tower of field extensions, and for each i = 0, . . . , n let Gi = h p i =
Gal(L/Ki ).
Theorem 4.2. For 0 r, s pn1 and 0 i n, we have Ki K Hr
= Ki K Hs as
Ki -Hopf algebras if and only if r s (mod pn1i ).
Proof. By Theorem 2.9, we have Ki K Hr = Ki K Hs as Ki -Hopf algebras if and only if
= (s (N), ) as Gi -groups. By [5, (7.7)], this is equivalent to (N, r )
(r (N), ) = (N, s ) as
Gi -groups, so we must show that this occurs if and only if r s (mod p ).
Recall that Aut(N) has order pn1 , so there exists an element d (Z/pn Z) of or-
der pn1 such that () = d . It follows that for 0 j pn 1 we have
j r = r ()j [] = rj = d ,
and similarly j s = d . Now let be an automorphism of N, and write () = t for
some integer t coprime to p. Then for 0 i n we have:
i rpi rpi
p r = d = td
i i spi
and p s () = p s t = td ,
i i
so is Gi -equivariant if and only if drp dsp (mod pn ). Since d has order pn1 in (Z/pn Z) ,
this occurs if and only if rpi spi (mod pn1 ), that is, if and only if r s (mod pn1i ).
Corollary 4.3. Let 0 i n. Then:
(1) The collection {Ki K H0 , . . . , Ki K Hpn1 1 } can be partitioned into pn1i Hopf
algebra isomorphism classes;
(2) Each class contains pi Hopf algebras;
(3) {Ki H0 , . . . , Ki K Hpn2i } is a complete set of representatives for the classes;
(4) For 0 j < pn1 , the class containing Ki K Hj is
{Ki K Hj+pni m | 0 m < pi }.
Corollary 4.4. Let 0 r pn 1 and 0 i n. Then Ki K Hr
= Ki [N] as Ki -Hopf
algebras if and only if r 0 (mod n 1 i)
Proof. We have H0 = K[N] as K-Hopf algebras, so for each i we have Ki K H0
= Ki [N]
as Ki -Hopf algebras. The result now follows from Theorem 4.2.
We now impose the additional assumption that K has characteristic zero and contains a
primitive pn -root of unity . In this case we can use Corollary 3.6 to determine which of
the K-Hopf algebras appearing in the classification of Hopf-Galois structures on L/K are
isomorphic as K-algebras.
Theorem 4.5. For 0 r, s < pn1 , we have Hr = Hs as K-algebras if and only if vp (r) =
vp (s), where vp denotes the p-adic valuation function.
Proof. By Corollary 3.6, we have Hr = Hs if and only if (N, r )
= (N, s ) as G-sets, so we
must show that this occurs if and only if vp (r) = vp (s).
Suppose first that vp (r) = vp (s). Then since Aut(N) is cyclic we must have h r i = h s i =
say, and we have r (G) = s (G). Therefore for each N, the orbits of with respect to
r and s coincide, and so the stabilizers Stabr (), Stabs () of with respect to r , s have
the same order. Since G is cyclic, this implies that they are equal.
Conversely, suppose that vp (r) 6= vp (s), and assume without loss of generality that vp (r) <
vp (s). Then since Aut(N) is cyclic we have s (G) ( r (G), and so (for example) the orbit
of with respect to s is strictly contained in the orbit of with respect to r . Therefore
(N, r ) and (N, s ) cannot be isomorphic G-sets in this case.
Corollary 4.6. Precisely n non-isomorphic K-algebras appear in the classification of Hopf-
Galois structures on L/K. For each 0 v n 1, the K-algebra Hpv has (pv ) distinct
Hopf-Galois actions on L/K.
Finally, retaining the assumption that K, we explicitly compute the Wedderburn-
Artin decompositions of these algebras. Recall that, by [16, Lemma 2.5], for 0 r < pn1
we have
Hr = L[r (N)]G
= LSm as K-algebras,
where the Sm are the stabilizers of a set of representatives of the orbits of G in \ r (N). By
Corollary 3.6, these stabilizers coincide with those of a set of representatives of the orbits of
G in N, with G acting by
i r j = r ( i )[ j ] = ir [ j ] = jd .
Since N is cyclic, we may translate this to an action of the additive group Z/pn Z on itself
i r j = jdir ,
and study the orbits and stabilizers of this action.
Lemma 4.7. Let j Z/pn Z and m = max{n 1 vp (j) vp (r), 0}. Then
O(j) = {jdis : 0 i < pm }, and Stab(j) = hpm i.
Proof. Note i r j = j if and only if
jdir j (mod pn )
dir 1 (mod pnvp (j) ),
which holds if and only if
ir 0 (mod pnvp (j)1 ).
Now if m = 0 then vp (r) = n 1 vp (j), hence pn1vp (j) | r and the result is clear.
Otherwise, the above congruence holds if and only if
i 0 (mod pn1vp (j)vp (r) ).
Thus, Stab(j) = hpn1vp (j)vp (r) i. The orbit computation follows immediately.
The following allows us to count orbit classes in the cases m > 0.
Lemma 4.8. Let 0 < r pn1 and pick, if possible, 0 < m n 1 vp (s). Then Z/pn Z
has pvp (r) (p 1) distinct orbits whose stabilizer is hpm i.
Proof. There are (pm+vp (r)+1 ) = pm+vp (r) (p 1) elements of order pm+vp (r)+1 in Z/pn Z.
Clearly, j has order pm+vp (r)+1 if and only if vp (j) = n m vp (r) 1. Thus, there are
pm+vp (r) (p 1) choices of j for which m = n 1 vp (j) vp (r). By Lemma 4.7 there are pm
choices for j in each orbit. Thus, the number of orbits whose stabilizer is hpm i is
pm+vp (r) (p 1)
= pvp (r) (p 1).
For m = 0 we have
Lemma 4.9. Suppose vp (j) n 1 vp (r). Then
O(j) = {j} and Stab(j) = Z/pn Z.
Proof. Immediate from Lemma 4.7 since m = 0. Note additionally that there are p1+vp (r)
such j since
{j : vp (j) n 1 vp (r)} = {j pn1vp (r) : 0 j < p1+vp (r) }.
Having computed orbits and stabilizers, we are now able to give Wedderburn-Artin de-
Theorem 4.10. There is an isomorphism of K-algebras
n1vp (r)
1+vp (r)
Y vp (r)
= Kp (Km )p (p1)
Proof. Suppose first that r = 0. Then Hr = K[N], and since K it follows that
1+vp (p n1 )
= Kp = Kp .
Now let 0 < r < pn1 . Pick 0 < m n 1 vp (r). From Lemma 4.8, we know that
m m
there are pvp (r) (p 1) distinct orbits whose stabilizer is h p i. Since Lh i = Km , the
Wedderburn-Artin decomposition contains pvp (r) (p 1) copies of Km . Therefore,
n1vp (r)
1+vp (r)
Y vp (r)
= Kp (Km )p (p1)
as K-algebras.
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