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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey

Report-Nr: 106082-001

Subject/Title: Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey

Issue: 0.1

Date: 10.06.11



Prepared: Backhaus, Jan Onne

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

Table of References



1 Reference Structure
Design Principles for V51RSDP07001.
4.0 29.05.09 EDSBK ANDISSAC D.
A350 XWB Volume 4
2 Handbuch Struktur AIRBUS/I
45131-01 C 04 Mester
Berechnung ASB
3 Reference Structure
Design Principles for V51RSDP07001.
4.0 21.07.09 EDSBS ANDISSAC D.
A350 XWB Volume 1
4 Bruhn analysis and
design of flight - 1973 1973 E.F. Bruhn
vehicle structures
5 AIRFRAME Stress ISBN 962-7128- Michael Chun-Yung
2 Jan99
Analysis and Sizing 08-2 Niu
6 Air Tightness FEM ELAN-
X53RP1128335 1.1 Aug11 Jan Onne Backhaus
Study AUSY

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2 Literature Study 8
2.1 Design rules.......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Structural failure criteria......................................................................................10
2.3 Air Tightness Criterion.........................................................................................12
3 Analytical Study 13
3.1 Max. Rivet Pitch..................................................................................................13
4 FEM 16
4.1 Air Tightness.......................................................................................................16
5 Summary 16

6.1 Abbreviations......................................................................................................17

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Figure 1: IRB geometry (principle sketch).............................................................................10

Figure 2: Design Limitations [4].............................................................................................11

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

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Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011


Books checked without positive findings:

Konstruieren mit Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunden

2 Literature Study
2.1 Design rules

2.1.1 Introduction
The RSDPs [1] demands certain requirements for longitudinal joints. These are
The primary function of (..) junctions is to link two CFRP adjacent fuselage panels in
order to realize a closed fuselage skin.
The junction must be able to sustain the transfer of loads between the two panels.
Those junctions are located in a pressurized area; indeed, they must guarantee air
tightness. The general rule for a bolted joint to cover this requirement is to have at
minimum 2 rows of fasteners at tight pitch (between 4.5 and 6 ).
The junctions must respect the aerodynamic requirements.
The range of fasteners diameters used in these junctions will be between 4.8 mm to
6.35 mm.
Fastener pitch and edge distance applied will be in accordance to RSDP Volume 1
chapter 4. (see [1] chapter 5.1)

Three basic requirements are named in the above-cited text of the RSDPs. These are:
1.) Structure must bear a certain force without failing
2.) Structure must be aerodynamic
3.) Structure must guarantee air tightness tight pitch between 4.5 and 6
Requirement 1 and 2 will be discussed more closely in chapter 2.2 and chapter 2.3.

2.1.2 RSDP Volume 1

The RSDP Volume 1 [3] chapter defines the rivet pitch for primary structures to be:

4d s 6d

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

while pointing out that due to reparability reasons Pitch values below 4,5 may not be
compatible with some of these [reparability] requirements. [3]

2.1.3 RSDP Volume 2

The RSDP Volume 2 chapter defines the rivet pitch s to be:
4.5d s 6d

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

2.2 Structural failure criteria

2.2.1 Load calculation IRB

The load calculation for inter-rivet buckling assumes a monolithic, undisturbed section.
Influence by rivet holes, rivet geometry or the load introduction by the rivet are neglected.
Therefore the inter-rivet stress can be calculated as:
IR ,max
with M = Moment
W = Section modulus

2.2.2 IRB in Handbuch der Strukturberechnung [2] Chapter 45131-01 Inter-Rivet Buckling
Chapter 45131-01 Inter-Rivet Buckling of the HSB deals with the analysis of the sheet
buckling between two rivets (inter rivet buckling). [2] The method calculates a critical inter-
rivet buckling stress, which is then compared with the prevailing stresses. Figure 1 shows a
principle sketch of the reviewed geometry. Figure 2 is an excerpt from [2] and gives the
formulas for the calculation of the critical inter-rivet buckling stress. Beside other factors the
rivet type C is taken in consideration.

Figure 1: IRB geometry (principle sketch)

Figure 2: Excerpt from [2] - Calculation of critical buckling stress

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011 Chapter 45132-01 Wrinkling of riveted plate-stiffener assemblies under

compression loading
Chapter 45132-01 Wrinkling of riveted plate-stiffener assemblies under compression
loading of the HSB gives recommended maximum values for the fastener pitch (..) based
on tests. The maximum pitch can be calculated by the following equation:

1.27 1.2
s bst bst
k k*
s = fastener pitch in loading direction
k = buckling factor
k* = modified buckling factor
bst = distance between stiffeners Chapter 45400-01 Buckling of curved plates under compression and shear
Chapter 45400-01 Buckling of curved plates under compression and shear loading of the
HSB deals with the influence of the curvature of a panel of the buckling load. Whether or not
this can be adapted to modify the calculation of critical inter rivet buckling stresses as
described above is not explicitly mentioned by the author.

2.2.3 Rivet pitch acc. Bruhn [4]

Chapter C7.22 of [4] gives General design limitations to prevent secondary failure in sheet-
stiffener Panels. Two main failure modes including the rivet pitch are identified: inter-rivet
buckling and face wrinkling. Based on Figure 3 the following design rules with respect to
the maximum rivet pitch are given:

b0 should be as small as possible

p/bs < 0.5 to avoid IRB
p/D 8 to avoid face wrinkling

Figure 3: Design Limitations [4]

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

2.2.4 IRB in AIRFRAME Stress Analysis and Sizing [5]

For the analysis of inter-rivet buckling NIU uses the same theory as that for buckling of a flat
plate or sheet as a column () with two fixed edges at each end (at rivet) [5] (see Figure 4).
For a flat skin with unloaded free edges he calculates the IRB force as:

F 0.9 c E
t = Skin thickness
s = Rivet spacing (equivalent to column length)
c = End-fixity coefficient (c=4.0 for universal heady)
E = E-Modulus

Figure 4: IRB at NIU [5]

2.3 Air Tightness Criterion

Those junctions are located in a pressurized area; indeed, they must guarantee air tightness.
The general rule for a bolted joint to cover this requirement is to have at minimum 2 rows of
fasteners at tight pitch (between 4.5 and 6 ).
(see [1] chapter 5.1)

2.3.1 RSDPs
The RSDP Volume 4 [1] say that the minimum distance between two rows of rivets must be
assessed by stress to assure air tightness (chapter 5.2 Longitudinal Overlap Design). See
also Figure 5.

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

Figure 5: Minimum rivet distance in hoop direction for longitudinal joints

3 Analytical Study
3.1 Max. Rivet Pitch

3.1.1 Influence of rivet pitch acc. [2] 45131-01 Issue C Year 2004
A parameter study has been performed using the inter-rivet buckling method described in [2].
The goal was to determine the influence of the skin thickness on the inter-rivet buckling
event. As inter-rivet buckling often occurs after buckling of the skin, which again is influenced
by the skin thickness, the following assumption has been made:.

Effective width of the structure stays constant regardless of the difference in skin

Table 1 to Table 3 show results from the parameter study. The E-Modulus and the yield
strength under compression have been set according to CFRP, T300 / 914C (see HSB
12921-01 Issue D Year 1986). The rivet type has been assumed to be a blind rivet with a
normal head so that the factor C is constant.
In run 1 shown in Table 1 the skin thickness has been varied while the rivet pitch has been
set to a constant value (31 mm) to see the influence on the system. As expected the critical
inter-rivet buckling stress raises with raising skin thickness.
In run 2 shown in Table 2 the rivet pitch has been varied while the skin thickness has been
set constant. As expected the critical inter-rivet buckling stress decreases with smaller rivet
pitch. The behaviour, however, seems to be linear for rivet pitches until 20 mm and becomes
non-linear for s>20mm (compare with Figure 6)
In run 3 shown in Table 3 the critical inter-rivet buckling stress has been set constant to learn
about the influence of the skin thickness on the possible rivet-pitch. A linear relationship
between skin thickness and rivet pitch becomes obvious when visualizing the date (see
Figure 7).

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

s 31,00 mm 31,00 mm 31,00 mm 31,00 mm 31,00 mm 31,00 mm 31,00 mm

t 1,00 mm 1,25 mm 1,50 mm 1,75 mm 2,00 mm 2,25 mm 2,50 mm
Ec 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa
Rc0.2 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa
C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
psi 3,1800 2,5440 2,1200 1,8171 1,5900 1,4133 1,2720
sigma_cr,irb 134 MPa 209 MPa 300 MPa 409 MPa 534 MPa 663 MPa 764 MPa
Table 1: Variation of skin thickness with constant rivet pitch

s 31,00 mm 25,00 mm 20,00 mm 15,00 mm 10,00 mm 5,00 mm

t 1,25 mm 1,25 mm 1,25 mm 1,25 mm 1,25 mm 1,25 mm
Ec 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa
Rc0.2 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa
C 2 2 2 2 2 2
psi 2,5440 2,0516 1,6413 1,2310 0,8206 0,4103
sigma_cr,irb 209 MPa 321 MPa 501 MPa 792 MPa 1046 MPa 1243 MPa
Table 2: Variation of rivet pitch with constant skin thickness

Variation of s; t=const



sigma,cr [MPa]





0,00 mm 5,00 mm 10,00 mm 15,00 mm 20,00 mm 25,00 mm 30,00 mm 35,00 mm
s [mm]

Figure 6: Variation of rivet pitch with constant skin thickness (see Table 2)

s 82,72 mm 62,04 mm 41,36 mm 31,02 mm 25,85 mm

t 4,00 mm 3,00 mm 2,00 mm 1,50 mm 1,25 mm
Ec 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa 78000 MPa
Rc0.2 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa 1350 MPa
C 2 2 2 2 2
psi 2,1213 2,1213 2,1213 2,1213 2,1213
sigma_cr,irb 300 MPa 300 MPa 300 MPa 300 MPa 300 MPa
Table 3: Variation of skin thickness with constant sigma,cr,irb

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

Variation of t; sigma,cr=const.




rivet pitch [mm]



sigma, ideel = (PI^2 x E) / (12 x (1-nue^2) x (t/b)^2)
10 sigma, Ki = sigma, ideel x k
0,00 mm 0,50 mm 1,00 mm 1,50 mm 2,00 mm 2,50 mm 3,00 mm 3,50 mm 4,00 mm 4,50 mm
mit K = C nach Tabelleskin
thickness t [mm]

Figure 7: Variation of skin thickness with constant sigma,cr,irb (see Table 3)

3.1.2 Influence of rivet pitch acc. classic plate buckling

Classic plate buckling is used to model the buckling behaviour of the inter-rivet area in ISAMI
by the following formula:
2 E t
12 1 b

Ki c ideal
With this a relation between thickness of skin, buckling stress and rivet pitch is derived and
displayed in Figure 8. The following assumptions have been made:

E= 78000 MPa
= 0,28
c= 2 (blind rivet with normal head OR Lockbolt (rivet, close tolerance) with flush head)

The maximum rivet pitch is a linear function of the laminate thickness. The maximum
buckling stress is a quadratic function of both laminate thickness and maximum rivet pitch.
(see Figure 8).

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

Rivet Pitch based on plate buckling



Rivet Pitch in [mm]

100 600 MPa

500 MPa
400 MPa
300 MPa
200 MPa
100 MPa



1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Laminate Thickness in [mm]

Figure 8: max. Rivet pitch according sigma, ki and laminate thickness

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011

4.1 Air Tightness
A linear FEM study has been performed to determine the influence of the rivet distance on air
tightness for thin skins. [6] documents the FEM study and its results. The conclusion is drawn
as follows:
The air tightness analysis has shown that air tightness would be maintained for a spacing of
12d and below for the 1.65mm thick type 1 skin and for 9d and below for the 1.125mm thick
type 2 skin. Figure 9 gives a screenshot of the used FEM model.

Figure 9: FEM Model

5 Summary

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Title: REFERENCE 105860-001) DATE

Maximum Rivet Pitch Survey ISSUE 0.1 15.11.2011


6.1 Abbreviations

HSB Handbuch der Struktuberechnung [2]

IRB Inter Rivet Buckling

bst Distance between stiffeners

c clamping factor
d Nominal rivet shank diameter
E E-Modulus
k Buckling factor
k* Modified buckling factor
s Fastener pitch in loading direction
t skin thickness

Poisson ratio

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