Top 400 Q & A Ms & Funda
Top 400 Q & A Ms & Funda
Top 400 Q & A Ms & Funda
44. Confirmatory diagnosis for hiatal hernia
ANSWER: barium swallow 74. Patient Marina verbalized to the nurse that she is like her mother
ANSWER: transference
45. To prevent increase in gastric acid secretion
ANSWER: avoid cigarette smoking 75. Neurotransmitters that are decrease in depression
ANSWER: serotonin and norepinephrine
46. Confirmatory test for cholelithiasis
ANSWER: UTZ 76. Therapeutic effect of Sertraline (Zoloft)
ANSWER: increases Serotonin
47. Morphine is contraindicated for cholelithaisis because:
ANSWER: Causes spasm of the Sphincter of Oddi 77. Crisis
ANSWER: Can no longer cope with usual problem-solving skills
48. Bilateral tubal ligation, ask for informed consent to whom
ANSWER: BOTH husband and wife 78. Crisis, characteristic
ANSWER: Opportunity of learning better ways of coping,
49. Role of nurse in informed consent Presence of a threatening event, Failure of usual problem-solving
ANSWER: witness mechanisms
50. Characteristic (typology) of RBC in iron deficiency anemia 79. Polyneuropathy, deficiency in vitamin
ANSWER: Microcytic and hypochromic ANSWER: B
51. Vitamin B12 deficiency, S/Sx 80. Prompt treatment of alcoholism, assess for
ANSWER: Slight jaundice, fatigue, paresthesia, glossitis ANSWER: At most eight hours from the time the patient last drank
52. Surgeon came into the OR suite swinging her hands
ANSWER: Oblige the assistant surgeon to scrub again 81. I dont need help. Leave me alone. I am just fine.
ANSWER: denial
53. How to apply dressing after stitching of incisional site
ANSWER: Put the dressings, remove his gloves to apply the tape 82. A immediate goal of crisis intervention
ANSWER: Resolve the problem
54. Processes of absorption of nutrients by SMALL intestine
ANSWER: diffusion and active transport 83. Duration of crisis
ANSWER: 4 to 6 weeks
55. Psoriasis
ANSWER: A chronic inflammatory skin disorder, not contagious 84. Research: double blind approach
ANSWER: Neither the subject of those who administer the
56. Psoriasis skin lesions treatment know how is in the experimental and control group
ANSWER: Well demarcated regions of erythematous plaques that
shed thick silvery white flakes 85. Right to self-determination is reflected in
ANSWER: Informed consent obtained
57. Herpes Zoster (shingles), precipitating factor
ANSWER: decrease immune system 86. Blind patent, nursing diagnosis
ANSWER: Risk for injury
58. Shock, position
ANSWER: modified trendelenburg 87. Dementia, nursing diagnosis
ANSWER: Risk for injury
59. 2 characteristics of circulating blood volume in septic shock
ANSWER: (1) Vasodilation and (2) Maldistribution of circulating 88. Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexalate), effect
blood volume ANSWER: Excrete potassium through the intestinal tract
60. Water in the water seal bottle to fluctuate 89. Before paracentesis
ANSWER: patent chest tube ANSWER: Have patient void
62. sudden increase drainage in chest tube 91. Goal of HIV management
ANSWER: Assess for signs of hemorrhage ANSWER: Improve the patients immune function
63. Corticosteroids use, nursing diagnosis 92. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, cause
ANSWER: Ineffective protection (risk for infection) ANSWER: unknown
ANSWER: Attempt of the body to adjust to normal reflex
mechanism. 120. a toddler loves to play at the park, and the nurse encourages the
mother to continue physical activities for what reason
101. removal of the inner cannula when he/she: ANSWER: allowing the toddler to walk, run and hop enhances the
ANSWER: Unlocks inner cannula by turning counter-clockwise childs kinaesthesia
and gently withdrawing in line with its curvature
121. how to prevent early-childhood dental cavities
102. clear liquid diet for a post-surgery client ANSWER: Make sure your childs diet is nutritious, and limit
ANSWER: Tea, cola drinks, gelatin snacks high in sugar.
103. assists the client to identify and cope with stressful emotional 122. In caring for a 3-year-old Nurse Sarah knows that she needs to
problems obtain the height of the child as part of routine health screening.
ANSWER: Counselor To obtain an accurate measurement, the child must:
ANSWER: Remove his shoes and stand upright, with head level
104. hospital director gives the nurse a position of authority within a
formal organization, she assumes the role of: 123. The 12 month old child with birth weight 8 lbs. Upon assessment
ANSWER: Manager the child now weighs 18 lbs. in documenting this result, the nurse
knows that this weight is:
105. The nurse who uses his interpersonal skills to guide the client in ANSWER: Below the expected weight
making decisions about his health care is acting the role of:
ANSWER: Leader 124. radiation safety
ANSWER: Shielding, distance, time
106. Part of your teaching plan that helps address nutrition problems in
the community include all 125. LEAST protection from radiation
ANSWER: ANSWER: Rubber gloves
Aiming for ideal body weight in all age brackets
Building health nutrition related practices 126. On auscultation, Mitral Stenosis?
Choosing food wisely focusing on food pyramid guide ANSWER: Low pitched, rumbling murmur occurring during
107. The nurse observes that childhood obesity is more common now.
The frequent cause of this is the Filipino parents belief that: 127. On auscultation, Aortic Stenosis?
ANSWER: A fat child is healthy, a thin child is sickly ANSWER: Cresendo-decresendo systolic murmur
108. plan to do first for a client who is experiencing depression? 128. On auscultation, Mitral regurgitation?
ANSWER: Assist the patient to express feelings, beliefs, and ANSWER: Blowing high pitched systolic murmur
129. Which of the following chemotherapeutic agents effects will be
109. While the nurse is assisting the client in her care, the client starts interfered by vitamin folic acid?
to cry and strikes her. The behavior that the client is manifesting ANSWER: methotrexate
best describes which of the following stages of death and dying?
ANSWER: Anger 130. Chronic Hepatitis B can transmitted by
ANSWER: Contaminated needle
110. A client with injured left leg is sitting on the bed preparing to
transfer to a wheel chair. The nurse is assisting the client and 131. therapeutic range of lithium
positions the wheelchair on the: ANSWER: 0.5 to 1.5 mEq/L
ANSWER: Clients right side
132. When the body responds to stress, epinephrine is released
111. A client has difficulty walking and needs a wheel chair to facilitate producing which physiological response?
performance of daily activities. Anticipating the needs of the client, ANSWER: A more forceful heart beat
the nurse should have the wheel chair ready by placing it at:
ANSWER: 45-degree angle to the bed 133. terminate SVT through stimulation of which of the following cranial
112. You noticed that a clients temperature has widely fluctuated ANSWER: Cranial nerve X
above the normal temperature. You will record this type of fever in
the clients chart as: 134. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?
ANSWER: Remittent ANSWER: Hypersensitivity reaction
113. temperature readings indicate that he has been having fever but 135. Which of the following symbols are used to document arterial
his body temperature would return to normal only to recur the next oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximeter?
day ANSWER: SpO2 (SaO2)
ANSWER: Relapsing
136. The ICU nurse orientee observed the following arterial blood
114. While conducting rounds, the nurse notices a fire in a clients gases results in one of the patients record: ph-7.46; paO2-
room. Which of the following should be the appropriate action of 97mmHg; paCO2-40mmHg and HCO3-30meq/L. Which of the
the nurse? following is the interpretation of these results?
ANSWER: Evacuate the client from the room ANSWER: Metabolic alkalosis
115. To confirm pregnancy, the doctor will most likely: 137. Epinephrine
ANSWER: Order an ultrasound examination ANSWER: Bronchodilating effects
116. Madelaine complains that her early morning nausea and vomiting 138. Based on the suspected diagnosis, the nurse would expect that
really bothers her and prevents her from completing her work. To the gnawing epigastric pain will DECREASE with which of the
decrease the discomfort and keep her nourished, you advise her following activities of the client?
to: ANSWER: Eating a bland diet
ANSWER: Eat dry crackers or toast before getting up in the
morning 139. The stool examination result of clients with peptic ulcer is
117. Last menstrual period (LMP) was March 15, 2010. Using Nagels ANSWER: blood
rule, her expected date of delivery (EDD) is:
ANSWER: December 22, 2010 140. Intussusception, manifestation
ANSWER: Crampy and intermittent severe abdominal pain
118. A pregnant she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She 141. intussusception
asks, what are my chances of becoming a real diabetic later in ANSWER: Telescoping of bowel into the adjacent segment
life? The best reply by the nurse would be:
ANSWER: Women diagnosed with gestational diabetes have an 142. primary indication of the NGT in intussusception
increased risk of developing diabetes later in life. ANSWER: decompresssion
119. A 17 weeks gestation a type 1 diabetic undergoes an ultrasound 143. Which of the following food enhance absorption of iron?
examination. What information about the fetus at this time in ANSWER: Citrus fruits
pregnancy will the results of this examination provide?
ANSWER: Placental Maturity
144. The client was prescribed ferrous Sulfate as iron supplement. For
better absorption, the nurse would instruct the client to take this 164. High in purine
supplement. ANSWER: Organ meats, wine and mussels
ANSWER: 1 hour before
165. Shooting in ER, first to do by the nurse
145. The scrub nurse aids the assistant surgeon apply the sterile ANSWER: hide
drape. The scrub nurse understands that once the drapes are
positioned over the prepped incision site, the drapes must not be: 166. Hypotension, compensatory mechanism of the body
ANSWER: Moved ANSWER: Activation of Renin-Angiotensin
146. During the interview, nurse found out that the client takes 167. Scrub nurse, role played for patient under anesthesia
Prophythiouracil (Prophyl-Thracil) daily. Which of the following is ANSWER: Client advocate (the nurse fights for the rights of the
the specific action of this drug? patient)
ANSWER: Blocks thyroid hormone production
168. Scrub nurse
147. Along with other treatments. Metformin HCL (Glucophage) was ANSWER: Guardian of asepsis
prescribed. The nurse should monitor for which potential serious
side effect of the drug? 169. Surgeon
ANSWER: Lactic acidosis ANSWER: Captain of the ship (makes major decision)
148. Colchicine is prescribed during the acute attack phase. Nurse 170. Circulating nurse, function
Karmela is aware that the action of the drug is to: ANSWER: Validates informed consent
ANSWER: Interfere with the inflammation response of uric acid
crystals in the joints. 171. Circulating nurse, first thing to be done upon entrance of patient in
149. Hydrochlorothiazide (Hytaz) 12.5mg 1 tablet orally once daily has ANSWER: Greet the patient and CHECK the IDENTITY
been prescribed for the client. The specific action of this thiazide
diuretic is to: 172. Surgery done without consent
ANSWER: Promote excretion of sodium and chloride be ANSWER: Battery
decreasing absorption in the distal tubule.
173. Role of nurse in obtaining informed consent
150. From the results of the laboratory test prescribed by the ANSWER: Witness
physician, which of the following will the nurse consider as an
indication of impaired renal function? Elevated levels of: 174. Role of head nurse in OR
ANSWER: Creatinine ANSWER: Scheduling of patients for surgery
151. Which of the following examination would the nurse expect to be 175. Anterior Pituitary Gland, hormones
ordered? ANSWER:
ANSWER: Synovial fluid analysis Prolactin/ Lactotropic
152. The client is 24-hour urine collection for uric acid determination. Growth Hormone (Somatostatin)
To have a reliable result, the nurse anticipates which diet GnRH: FSH and LH
prescribed prior to the examination? MSH
ANSWER: Low-purine diet ACTH
153. Which activity indicates that a client is fully aware of his/her 176. Posterior Pituitary Gland
impending surgery? ANSWER: Oxytocin
ANSWER: Voluntarily signs the consent for surgery ADH
154. For client who cannot totally give up smoking, nurses should 177. Hypophysectomy, post-op position
instruct client to cease smoking at least how many weeks before ANSWER: Fowlers
ANSWER: 1 178. Transphenoidal Hypophysectomy, watch out for bleeding
155. Health instructions like encourage the client to move after surgery
should also be understood and reinforced to the significant others. 179. Potassium, acceptable rate
The goal of the instruction includes the following EXCEPT: ANSWER: 10 to 15 mEq/ hr
ANSWER: Comply with Institutional policy Give with NSS
156. The purpose of pre-anesthetic medication is one vital information 180. Maximum drug given subcutaneously
given by the nurse prior to any surgery. Clients should be made to ANSWER:
understand that this medication will: 1 ml pedia
ANSWER: Facilitate induction of anesthesia 2 ml adult
157. Virgilio has been taking Atenolol (Tenormin) 50 mg orally once 181. Maximum drug given intramuscularly
daily. The nurse understands thatr the specific action is to block: ANSWER: 3 ml
ANSWER: Beta receptor stimulation of the heart
182. SQ, drug administration, obese
158. Stools of breastfed babies ANSWER: 90 degrees and taut the skin
ANSWER: Breastfed infants usually have soft stools the bottle-fed
infants. 183. SQ, drug administration, skinny
ANSWER: 45 degrees and pinch the skin
159. The nurse is inserting a nasogastric tube on a toddler. Which of
the following restraints would be most appropriate for the nurse to 184. ID, drug administration
use with this child during the procedure? ANSWER:
ANSWER: elbow Parallel to skin, 10 to 15 degree
Bevel up
160. When assessing a client with Menieres disease, the nurse
expects the client to experience: 185. 1L NSS to be given in 24 hours, rate per hour
ANSWER: ringing of the ears ANSWER: 41 ml/ hr
161. The nurses focus of care on clients with hearing and balance 186. D5W, classification
problems is: ANSWER: Isotonic fluid but hypotonic in function
ANSWER: safety and promotion of independence
187. Heparin lock
162. The onset of crisis is triggered by a: ANSWER:
ANSWER: sudden precipitating event S.A.S.H. method (Saline, Antibiotic, Saline, Heparin)
163. A client is in a skeletal traction, the nurse understands that this 188. Infiltration
procedure involves pulling force: ANSWER: Stop and warm compress
ANSWER: Directly through pins inserted into the bone
189. Dehiscence ANSWER: 5 minutes
ANSWER: Stop and cold compress
215. Suctioning, per attempt
190. Billroth 1 ANSWER: 5 to 10 seconds
ANSWER: Gastroduodenostomy
216. Withdrawal of NGT
191. Billroth 2 ANSWER: Inhale hold breath pinch the catheter
ANSWER: Gastrojejunostomy withdraw
194. Preferred treatment of cancer for pedia 219. Kidney transplant patient taking immunosuppressant may still
ANSWER: Chemotherapy experience rejection, what is the possible sign
ANSWER: Increase serum creatinine
195. Preferred treatment of cancer for adult
ANSWER: Surgery 220. Dialysis, not affected by the treatment
ANSWER: Hemoglobin
196. Cruciferous vegetables (anti-cancer)
ANSWER: 221. Iron deficiency anemia
Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Kohlrabi ANSWER: Spoon shaped fingernail (koilonychia)
207. Inflate cuff more after palpable systolic BP around 235. 1st successful bone marrow and kidney transplant
209. Correct about VS taking 237. Anticoagulants (Coumadin, Heparin), how does it work
ANSWER: wait at last 30 minutes after exercise, eating or ANSWER: It inhibit synthesis of Vitamin K dependent clotting
smoking factors
ANSWER: RA pain occurs during immobility whereas OA pain
243. Fire in hospital, management (in sequence) happens because of mobility
1 protect client 268. Patient prone to chocking or aspiration, priority management
2 activate the alarm ANSWER: Position the patient in upright
3 confine the fire
4 extinguish the fire 269. Otic medication administration
244. Burns, 2nd degree (superficial partial thickness burn) Up and back (out) adults
ANSWER: Blisters (vesicles), painful Down and back (out) pedia
245. Burns, 3rd degree (deep partial thickness burn) 270. Patient prone to infection
ANSWER: Red to gray, local edema, wet, painless ANSWER:
Removal of spleen
246. Burns, 4th degree (full thickness burn) ICU patients
ANSWER: Charred, dry, leathery, painless Steroids (Kidney transplant patient, Cushings disease)
247. MRI, avoid
ANSWER: Pacemaker, jewelry, metallic objects 271. Phytochemicals, examples
ANSWER: lycopene in tomatoes, isoflavones in soy and
248. CT scan, before flavanoids in fruits.
ANSWER: check for allergy to iodine
272. Antioxidants and phytochemicals, benefits
249. Cardiac catheterization, after ANSWER: Anti-cancer
ANSWER: Check for distal pulses and possible bleeding
273. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), most appropriate
250. Ventricular tachycardia, characteristic ANSWER: Sterile technique
ANSWER: Bizarre QRS complex, regular rhythm
274. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), type of dressing to be use
251. Ventricular fibrillation, characteristic ANSWER: Air occlusive and transparent dressing
ANSWER: Chaotic pattern, no rhythm, no P wave, no QRS
complex 275. TPN solution is emptied but no follow up doctors order, what will
you give
252. Parkinson disease, S/Sx: ANSWER: hypertonic solution
ANSWER: D10 W pedia
Tremors (resting and pill rolling) D50W adult
Rigidity (cogwheel)
Akinesia or Bradykinesia 276. Liver cirrhosis, health teaching
Mask like appearance ANSWER: Good nutrition, avoid infection and abstain from
253. Menieres disease, S/Sx:
ANSWER: Vertigo, Hearing loss (sensorineural), Tinnitus 277. Bronchoconstriction, appropriate nursing diagnosis
ANSWER: Ineffective airway clearance
254. Menieres disease, priority
ANSWER: Safety (Nursing Diagnosis: Risk for Injury) 278. Crackles, appropriate nursing diagnosis
ANSWER: Impaired breathing pattern
255. Menieres disease, diet
ANSWER: Low sodium, restrict fluid 279. Respiratory acidosis, appropriate nursing diagnosis
ANSWER: Impaired gas exchange
256. Legal Blind, visual acuity
ANSWER: 20/ 200 280. Infusion pump, alarm on when
257. DM patient, before extraneous activity, AVOID Empty/ near empty IV fluid
ANSWER: Insulin injection Sudden twisting or movement
Tension on the tubing/ occlusion
258. Insulin, when to decrease dose Sudden change on the solution
ANSWER: During breastfeeding
281. Pulse oximeter, purpose
259. 100ml of NSS to be given at 10ml/ hour starting at 10 am, when ANSWER: measures oxygen saturation and pulse
will it end
ANSWER: 8pm 282. To reduce tenacity of secretions
ANSWER: Increase fluid intake
260. Cholecystitis, pain location
ANSWER: RUQ radiating to midsternal, shoulders and back 283. Stimulant of breathing
ANSWER: Carbon dioxide
261. Cholecystitis, laboratory data
ANSWER: 284. Metered dose inhaler, correct teaching
Increase bilirubin ANSWER:
Increase alkaline phosphatase Disperse drug with inhalation
Increase WBC Do not place inside the mouth the tip of the inhaler, provide 1 to 2
inches apart from the lips
262. Obstructed bile flow Provide mouthwash after drug administration
ANSWER: increase bilirubin
285. Evaluation of Tissue perfusion
263. Pericarditis, characteristic of breathing ANSWER: Monitor hourly urine output
ANSWER: Rapid and shallow
286. Foods that retain fluids in the body
264. Pericarditis, pain location ANSWER: Salty foods (dried fish), cola, pickles
ANSWER: Substernal
287. Foods that causes diuresis
ANSWER: Tea, coffee
265. pH 7.30
CO2 28 288. To prevent atelectasis:
HCO3 12 ANSWER: Ambulate as soon as possible
ANSWER: Metabolic acidosis, Partially compensated
289. Fifth vital sign:
266. Long bone fracture, check ANSWER: Pain
ANSWER: RR (possible fat embolism)
290. SEVERE pain medication:
267. Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis ANSWER: Morphine
291. Pain assessment used in pediatric clients
ANSWER: Faces scale 317. Shock
292. Colonic Cancer Decreased BP, Decreased MAP
ANSWER: CEA- Carcino Embryonic Antigen Increased RR, Increased PR
Narrowing pulse pressure
293. Ascites, measure
ANSWER: abdominal girth 318. Digoxin (Lanoxin), effects
294. Eye pain after cataract surgery Increased force of contraction,
ANSWER: Call the MD increased cardiac output, increased tissue perfusion
increased urine output
295. Myasthenia Gravis, initial manifestation decreased electrical impulse
ANSWER: Ptosis (drooping, sinking or falling down of an organ or decreased heart rate, decreased workload
part, particularly the drooping of the upper eyelid) increased myocardial oxygenation
296. AV fistula how long does it mature? 319. Decreased tissue perfusion in kidney, effect
ANSWER: 3-4 weeks ANSWER: Stimulates erythropoietin causing bone marrow
stimulation leading to polycythemia
297. AV fistula with no bruit/thrill
ANSWER: Obstruction/clot 320. Most common nosocomial infection:
298. Purpose of neomycin in peri-ops
ANSWER: To kill bacteria in the gut 321. Best management for UTI
ANSWER: increased water intake
299. Heparin/Insulin is measured as
ANSWER: Units/ml 322. Stridor and wheezing, first drug to be given
ANSWER: bronchodilator
300. 1 grain is equal to
ANSWER: 60 mg 323. Pruritus
ANSWER: oatmeal bath colloidal bath
301. 1 tsp is equal to
ANSWER: 5 ml 324. Tinea Capitis hair loss is:
ANSWER: temporary
302. Appendicitis report ASAP
ANSWER: Rigid abdomen, indicates peritonitis 325. Pediculosis Capitis:
303. Colorectal cancer, screening: Treat all household members
ANSWER: Lindane is not given in children (can cause seizure in children)
a. Rectal exam (DRE) correct answer
b. Biopsy confirmatory test 326. Gastric Cancer s/sx:
ANSWER: Weight Loss
304. Best way to measure fluid retention
ANSWER: Weight 327. Lung Cancer s/sx:
ANSWER: dry hacking cough
305. Best way to measure body fat
ANSWER: Skin fold thickness 328. Herpes zoster:
ANSWER: give antiviral
306. Nursing audit
ANSWER: Review of records 329. Patient with Luccid (clear thoughts) then unarousable:
ANSWER: hematoma cerebral
307. Quality assurance
ANSWER: ensuring and evaluating that the nursing care rendered 330. Most reliable sign of cardiac arrest:
is within the minimum standards of care (REACTIVE) ANSWER: absence of pulse
309. Process evaluation 332. Non-plaster cast a.k.a. synthetic cast gets wet:
ANSWER: how the nursing care is given ANSWER: Hair blower on a cool setting for itchiness
311. Total quality management 334. Collecting urine specimen for C&S sterile procedure
ANSWER: focus on identifying real and potential problem ANSWER: 5 to 10ml
335. Routine urinalysis
312. Hyperparathyroidism, main problem ANSWER: 30 to 50 ml
Increased serum calcium 336. Abdominal: post-op: sleeping intestines:
Decreased serum phosphate ANSWER: paralytic ileus
372. Discharges
343. MYOPIA Serous Clear
ANSWER: Nearsightedness Sanguineous Red (open wounds)
Seroanguineous Pinkish (surgical incision)
344. SIADH s/s: Purulent Pus
ANSWER: (dilutional) hyponatremia Purosanguineous Pus and blood (new infected wound)
347. GCS score of a patient who is moaning and mumbling 375. Plaster of Paris
ANSWER: 2 ANSWER: 24 to 72 hours
349. GCS score, coma 377. Patient has weak side, where to place the wheelchair during
ANSWER: 7 and below transfer?
a. Unaffected/ STRONG SIDE
350. GCS, the higher the score b. Affected
ANSWER: the deeper the level of consciousness
378. Transfer from surgical bed to wheelchair, position of the
351. Manifestation of ICP wheelchair?
ANSWER: Bradycardia a. Foot of the bed
b. Facing the client
352. Pernicious anemia CORRECT UNDERSTANDING: c. Middle of the bed
ANSWER: Vitamin B12 for life IM d. Parallel to the bed
353. Urine output per hour 379. First to check if patient has 1000 mL blood loss:
ANSWER: 30 60 ml a. VS
b. Soaked dressing
354. What substance is produced by the kidneys that assists in blood c. Pain
pressure control
ANSWER: Renin 380. Patient on NPO complains of thirst, how to alleviate?
a. Wet cotton put on lips
355. A patient has had a sudden 5-kg weight gain. How much fluid has b. Gargle but dont swallow
been retained? c. Sip water
381. Promote safety to a patient in a bed without siderails
356. The functional unit of the kidney is called a(n) ANSWER:
ANSWER: Nephron lower the bed
357. What is oliguria? 382. Most common type of goiter is related to deficiency of
c. Oliguria is a urine output less than 400 mL in 24 hours.
383. Earliest sign of skin reaction to radiation therapy is
358. Anuria is a urine output of ANSWER: Erythema
ANSWER: 50 to 100 mL/24 hours
384. Waste disposal like biological wastes disposal should be
359. most reliable pain indicator coordinated to
ANSWER: Subjective complaint of patient; DIAPHORESIS ANSWER: DILG, MMDA
394. Positioning patient into lithotomy position
ANSWER: place both legs slowly and simultaneously on well-
padded stirrups
401. Antacids
ANSWER: neutralize gastric acidity