Italian For Travelers PDF
Italian For Travelers PDF
Italian For Travelers PDF
for Travelers Practice Book
Volume 1
Volume I
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The Conversational Italian Audio Dialogue Practice Book (Volumes 1 and 2) is filled with useful
phrases, verb conjugations, and sentences for the student of Italian to read and repeat out-loud.
Each chapter of the book can be downloaded as an audio file in MP3 format from the web sites and, and has native speakers for both the
Italian phrases and for the English translation which immediately follows. The phrases in each
chapter start out simply, and the complete verb conjugations for the verbs to be covered in that
chapter are given for memorization. Then, as the chapter progresses, the pharses build into more
complex sentences, using the vocabulary that has already been covered. In this way, word choice
and verb conjugation should become automatic. The more the phrases are repeated, the more
they become a part of ones understanding of how the language is actually used, and the more
natural and easy speaking in Italian becomes!
The two volumes of the audio dialogue practice book are companion books to the textbook
Conversational Italian for Travelers, in that all content in Chapter 1 of the audio book is covered in
Chapter 1 of the textbook, and so on, for each chapter. The audio books provide practice which
includes and then goes beyond the examples and vocabulary provided in the textbook, in order
to make the spoken language truly come alive. Since the focus of the textbook is on adult
education for travel purposes, this is also, of course, the focus of the audio practice books.
The textbook Conversational Italian for Travelers is divided into three units, Transportation,
City Life, and At the Hotel and Restaurant. Volume 1 of the audio practice books covers the
Transportation and half of the City Life units. Volume 1 starts with beginning material, with
basic meeting/greeting phrases, and continues with phrases about how to get around using
various modes of transportation, how to purchase items and how to tell time, and gives details of
the present tense verb conjugation. Command forms and reflexive verbs are also introduced later
in the volume, so one can begin to explain actions and feelings to a friend. Volume 2 covers the
remainder of the City Life unit and the At the Hotel and Restaurant unit, with additional
material so one can describe likes/dislikes, and practice speaking in the past, future, and
conditional tenses. Of course, Volume 2 also covers vocabulary which will enable the student to
make reservations, talk on the telephone, and visit a hotel and restaurant.
Can these audio books be used separately, without the textbook explanations? Of course! For
those who learn best by listening, the material to be covered is listed simply at the start of each
practice session, in the text of the audio book and verbally on the MP3 file. So, one can just listen,
listen, listen, and of course, repeat, and start to speak Italian immediately! There is much
repetition in the first two chapters of names of countries and nationalities, which are words easily
understood by the English speaker due to their similarity to English; this is in order to focus on
basic ideas of verb conjugation and masculine and feminine agreement in Italian. In later
chapters, more and more important vocabulary is gradually introduced similar to the way we
learn our native language as children. Listen to each phrase once, or over and over again as
much or as little as needed, and follow the pace that is best for you!
Purchase the audio book and download the phrases into your own personal MP3 player, and
get started today learning to speak Italian like a native!
Practice - 2
Basic greetings / Idiomatic expression city of origin, Di dove? / Capital cities (di)
Buon giorno, Maria. Good morning, Maria.
Di dov lei? Where are you from? (polite) (lit. From
where are you?)
Sono di Londra. (I) am from London.
Practice - 3
Polite expressions of agreement
Si. Yes.
Certo. Of course.
Daccordo. (I) agree.
Penso di si. (I) think so.
Practice - 5
Polite expressions / Idiomatic expression city of origin, Di dove?
Capital cities (di)
Per favore, Maria Please, Maria
Di dov lei? Where are you from? (polite)
Sono di Dublino. (I) am from Dublin.
Permesso? May I?
Di dove sei? Where are you from? (familiar)
Sono di Berlino. (I) am from Berlin.
Practice - 7
Idiomatic greetings / Chiamarsi present tense - mi chiamo, ti chiami, si chiama
Idiomatic expression city of origin, Di dove? / Capital cities (di)
Saying good bye
Buon giorno! Come si chiama? Good afternoon! What is your name?
Mi chiamo Maria. My name is Maria.
Di dov lei? Where are you from? (polite)
Sono di Mosca. (I) am from Moscow.
Arrivederla! Good bye to you! (polite with respect)
Ciao bella! Come ti chiami? Hey, beautiful (girl)! What is your name?
Mi chiamo Maria. My name is Maria.
Di dove sei? Where are you from? (familiar)
Sono del Cairo. (I) am from Cairo.
Ci vediamo! (Until) we see each other (again)!
Ciao bella! Come ti chiami? Hi, beautiful (girl)! What is your name?
Mi chiamo Rosa. My name is Rose.
Dove abiti? Where (do) (you) live? (familiar)
Abito a Parigi. (I) live in Paris.
Ci vediamo! (Until) we see each other (again)!
Ciao bella! Come va? Come ti chiami? Hi, beautiful (girl)! Hows it going?
What is your name? (familiar)
Mi chiamo Laura. My name is Laura.
Dove abiti? Where (do) (you) live? (familiar)
Abito a Lisbona. (I) live in Lisbon.
A presto! (See you) soon!
Michele, dove sono gli Stati Uniti Where is the United States of America?
Ecco gli Stati Uniti dAmerica! Here is the United States of America!
Practice - 13
Numbers Counting 1 10
Uno 1
Due 2
Tre 3
Quattro 4
Cinque 5
Sei 6
Sette 7
Otto 8
Nove 9
Dieci 10
Practice - 14
Numbers Counting with zero
Zero Zero
Uno zero One zero
Due zeri Two zeros
Dieci ha uno zero. Ten has one zero.
Cento ha due zeri. One hundred has two zeros.