w4 Budgeting Operations
w4 Budgeting Operations
w4 Budgeting Operations
Note that in order to ascertain whether or not a project finance formula can be applied to a given initiative,
an advisor builds a financial model. The technical/industrial, legal, and insurance considerations are
compiled, collated, and translated into numbers.
Some are obtained from objective data, and others are computed within a framework of a precise set of
assumptions. The advisors aim is to come up with estimates on cash flows, profits, losses, and the balance
sheet, along with a series of ratios based on the same forecasts. The projected cash flow calculation is vital
for valuing the ability of the initiative to generate enough cash to cover the debt service and to pay sponsors
dividends that are in line with expected returns.
EBIT 55 55 55 55 55
Interest Expenses ? ? ? ? ?
Debt Service 25 24 23 22 21
Step 3: Profit and Loss Sheet - Net Income
Years 0 1 2 3 4 5
EBITDA 75 75 75 75 75
Depreciation & Amortization (DA) 20 20 20 20 20
EBIT 55 55 55 55 55
Interest Expenses 5 4 3 2 1
EBT 50 51 52 53 54
Corporate Taxes (50%) 25 25.5 26 26.5 27
Net Income 25 25.5 26 26.5 27
Capex (assumption) 0 0 0 0 0
Outstanding debt is spread over 5 years, and it is progressively reduced by the constant repayments (20%)
5% interest fixed rate on debt
Constant Principal Repayments (20% per annum)
The proposed financial structure together with the hypothetical debt repayment plan
give rise to the requirements for debt service for the principal and interest
Corporate Tax Rate = 50% of EBT
EBITDA - Taxes
By means of the simulations run through the financial model, the advisor/arranger can
come up with a series of debt/equity mixes that in every year of the operating phase
satisfy the condition: Operating cash flow > Debt service