Kinematics For Multisection Continuum Robots: Bryan A. Jones, Member, IEEE and Ian D. Walker, Fellow, IEEE
Kinematics For Multisection Continuum Robots: Bryan A. Jones, Member, IEEE and Ian D. Walker, Fellow, IEEE
Kinematics For Multisection Continuum Robots: Bryan A. Jones, Member, IEEE and Ian D. Walker, Fellow, IEEE
1, FEBRUARY 2006 43
continuum robots [13], an assumption also made throughout joints, with the equivalent to rotations i and translations d i
this paper. However, the model in [14] assumes an inexten- being an arc of constant curvature modeled by trunk parame-
sible backbone, does not correctly determine the orientation of ters s, , and where s gives trunk length, determines cur-
the trunk tip due to a simplifying assumption in the model, vature, and determines the angle of curvature as shown in
and is limited to the particular physical design (a unique ac- Fig. 2. A critical question for continuum robot kinematics is
tuator arrangement) of hardware implemented by the authors how to modify conventional robot kinematics to fit this case.
of [14]. A fundamental concept exploited in this paper, first intro-
These approaches constrain the performance of contin- duced by [14], is to fit a conceptual conventional rigid-link
uum robot hardware to reduced classes of shapes and motions, manipulator to the continuous backbone of a continuum robot.
which in turn has restricted their potential applicability. In this Using simple geometric arguments, the work in [14] deter-
paper, we modify and extend some of the ideas in [14] as part mined the relationship [ d ] = f1 ( s, , ) between D-H ta-
each of the three McKibben actuators in a section of the Oct- III. VERTEBRATE-TO-INVERTEBRATE (SHAPE)
Arm manipulator [23] shown in Fig. 20 may be utilized. TRANSFORMATION: MODIFIED D-H KINEMATICS
Therefore, the work in this paper which builds on the above The following paragraphs discuss the derivation of a new
mapping from [18], [19] is more generally applicable then the D-H formulation which fits a conceptual virtual (but con-
results in [14]. venient for calculation, as we shall see) rigid-link robot to the
In summary, these forward kinematic transformations relate continuum backbone. Given this modified D-H formulation,
trunk tip position and orientation x to the cable length l or we then develop geometrical solutions which relate the D-H
pressure p of the robot according to the information flow model to the shape of a continuum trunk. The D-H table ex-
plicitly described in this paper is for a single section of a con-
f f
x , d
s, ,
l / p, (1) tinuum arm. The model for the complete, multi-section arm is
formed by multiplying the single-section D-H transformation
or, more formally, matrices in the conventional manner.
This new model shown in Fig. 3 is based on a rigid-link
( ( ( ))).
x = f D H f1 f 2 l / p (2)
arm composed of two revolute joints with intersecting axes
followed by a prismatic joint and completed with two more
revolute joints, also with intersecting axes, whose joint vari-
The corresponding transformations are fully developed and ables are coupled to those of the first two revolute joints. This
analyzed in the next section. differs from the rigid-link system used in [14], where the ap-
In forward velocity kinematics, the goal in the context of proximation of a torsional term in the first link of the D-H
continuum robots is to relate trunk tip linear and angular ve- table produces incorrect angular information in the resulting
locity x to either cable velocities l or actuator pressures p A matrix as shown by Fig. 4. This torsional model, while a
through a Jacobian, so that x = J l or x = Jp. Following the good approximation (another interesting approximate Jaco-
approach of (1), this can be accomplished through a series of bian is introduced in [20]), does not reflect the torsion-free
Jacobians according to the information flow construction of continuum robot backbones, yielding an incor-
rect orientation term. The kinematic arrangement introduced
Jf Jf in this paper more precisely matches the capabilities of real
, d
s, ,
l / p. (3)
continuum arms by modeling trunk bending as a bending
about two axes just as the actual robotic mechanism bends,
That is, a straightforward application of the chain rule [21] to therefore producing physically correct results for orientation,
(2) yields compared to the approach in [14] which models bending as a
torsion followed by a single-axis bend.
x (
( , d ) ( s, , ) d l / p )
dt ( , d ) ( s, , ) l / p ) dt (4)
( )
x =J D H J f1 J f2 l / p ,
(a) (b)
Fig. 4: Comparison of orientational terms. Illustration (a) shows the results due to rotation of the trunk from = [ 0, 2 ] using
formulas taken from [14]. Local coordinates axes at the trunk tip, which are drawn in ( x, y ) order using the colors (red, green),
indicate that the trunk torsionally rotates about the base frame z axis. However, the continuum robots discussed in this paper are
mechanically constructed to be torsion-free, resulting in a local coordinate frame which rotates as shown in illustration (b), seem-
ing to spin about the tip z axis. Videos at IEEE Xplore more clearly illustrate these effects.
The first two revolute joints which lie at the base of a trunk following the convention established in [14]. The fixed rota-
section point the local coordinate frame toward the sections tion at the end of the table then orients the tip coordinate
tip. Next, the prismatic joint translates the local frame to the frame to match the tip coordinate frame in [14].
tip of the trunk. The final two revolute joints then orient the This approach yields the D-H table given in TABLE I, illus-
local frame to point along the tangent of the trunk sections trated in Fig. 5, which results in the homogenous transforma-
tip, so that following trunk sections will be properly oriented. tion matrix A of
However, the first and last pairs of variables in this model are
coupled, due to the constraints of the conceptual rigid link c1 s2 s4 c5 + c1c2 c4 c5 s1 s5 c1 s2 s4 s5 c1c2 c4 s5 s1c5
robot fitting a constant curvature continuous backbone. There- s s s c + s c c c + c s s1 s2 s4 s5 s1c2 c4 s5 + c1c5
fore, the model contains only three independent variables, A= 1 2 4 5 1 2 4 5 1 5
rather than five. This demonstrates the symmetry in the rigid-
( c2 s4 + s2 c4 ) s5 ( c2 s4 + s2 c4 ) s5
link model, reflecting that in the trunk section. Although the 0 0
D-H approach above aligns trunk extension along the local x c2 s4 c1 + s2 c4 c1c2 d3
axis, geometrical transformations in (7) cause it to extend s1c2 s4 + s2 c4 s1c2 d3
along the y axis. Therefore, the addition of a fixed rotation ,
c2 c4 s2 s4 s2 d 3
about the x axis at the beginning of the D-H table causes the
trunk to extend along the z axis after transformations in (7), 0 1
where ci cos i and si sin i . We note again here that the
ADDITIONAL UNNUMBERED LINKS ORIENT TRUNK EXTENSION ALONG last two joint variables will be coupled to the first two, spe-
THE z AXIS. cifically that 4 = 2 and 5 = 1 + .
Link a d Thus (5) represents the kinematics for a virtual rigid-link
robot whose initial and final conditions align with the real
- 0 0 0
2 trunk section. The next stage is to relate the joint variables of
the virtual robot to the shape variables s, k , and for the ac-
1 0 0 1*
2 tual continuum section.
2 0 0 2* + Thus we now derive a transformation which relates the D-H
2 2 parameters and d to trunk parameters s, , and . For this,
3 0 d 3 0 consider Fig. 6. As shown in [14] by the translational terms in
the rows 1 and 2 of column 4 of the 2-D Jacobian given equa-
4 0 0 4* tion (19) of [14], the ( x, y ) coordinates of the trunk in the 2-D
2 2
5 0 0 0 5* cos s 1 sin s
plane A are labeled in Fig. 6 as , . Also
- 0
0 0
2 from [14], the distance from the base to the tip of the trunk is
[1 d3 4 5 ] = f1 ( s, , ) =
2 s
d= sin , (6) s
2 cos
tan 1 2
as labeled in Fig. 6. Per the figure, note that the consideration s
sin s sin 2 cos
of simple triangles yields the identities tan 1 =
and 1 s
l sin sin sin
h 2
sin 2 = . Lengths h and l can also be found from tri- (7)
2 s 2 s
sin sin .
2 2
angles in the diagram as sin ( ) = and s
sin 1 sin sin
cos s 1
l s
cos ( ) = , where the choice of matches the cos
cos s 1 1 2
convention established by [14] of defining the 2-D D-H table sin 2 cos
to bend along the y axis. Substituting and solving using the
trigonometric identities sin ( 2 ) = 2sin cos and Substituting (7) into (5) produces
sin A sin B = ( cos( A + B ) cos( A B ) ) gives
2 cos 2 ( cos s 1) + 1 sin cos ( cos s 1)
sin cos ( cos s 1) cos 2 (1 cos s ) + cos s
s A=
and 2 = sin 1 sin sin .
1 = tan 1 cos sin s sin sin s
s 2
tan 2 cos 0 0
Again from (6), the necessary translation d3 is the distance cos ( cos s 1)
cos sin s (8)
2 s
from the trunks base to its tip, so that d3 = sin . The final
2 sin ( cos s 1)
two rotations, 4 and 5, simply repeat the rotations determined sin sin s .
for 1 and 2 , but in reverse order, so that 4 = 2 and sin s
5 = 1 + . The addition of is necessary to correct for the cos s
choice made to bend the trunk along the y axis in [14]. Sum- 0 1
marizing, the f1 found for the second arrow of (1) is
Thus, by fitting a particular phantom rigid-link manipula-
tor to a constant curvature continuum robot section, we are
able to use a modified version of the classical D-H procedure
to relate end effector (task) coordinates to robot shape. For
2 s
Length sin
z 2
Plane A
z0 = x2 x3 = z4 = z5
U x0 = x1 = z2 U z2 = x4 = x5
sin s
h Length
l x
cos s 1
z1 z3 Fig. 6. Determining a geometrical transformation between D-
Fig. 5. Coordinate axes for D-H table given in TABLE I, where H parameters and trunk parameters. The semi-transparent line
the circled U shows an axis extending upward from the page. shows the actual trunk section modeled by the geometry.
Point 2m Point 3m
Point c
Cable 2
attachment point d 3
2b = d 3
Point 2m
l l 3
Cables 2 and 3 attachment points h2 = 2 1
2n h2m
Cable 1
Plane A attachment point
Fig. 8: Top-down view of trunk. Fig. 9. Height of points 1 and 2 above plane.
Plane A outer l3 + l2 2l1
n hc =
1 d
1 n 2n
r1 lc
d n
Plane B
ceed the length l1 of cable 1 are equally distributed above the Fig. 11. Determination of r1.
plane shown in Fig. 7 and below a second plane, not shown in
the figure, which contains the bottom attachment point of ca- section. Therefore, the curvature of each segment remains
ble 1 and is perpendicular to cables 2 and 3. Therefore, the constant along the section. The curvature of a section is de-
total length of cables 2 and 3 along the entire section of an n- 1
fined as = where r is the radius of a circle which fits the
segment trunk section can be expressed in terms of h2 and h3 as r
arc produced by the bending of a trunk section. Consider a
l2 l1 l
h2 = and (9) virtual cable of length c as shown in the figure, attached to
2n n
the center of a cross section of the trunk and traveling from
l3 l1 the top to the bottom of a segment of the trunk. At some as yet
h3 = . (10)
2n unknown angle the situation shown in Fig. 10 exists, where
1 l
Note that because the plane passes through the trunk at the an isosceles triangle with sides of length r = and c sub-
attachment point of cable 1, h1 = 0 by definition. tends degrees of an arc of the circle formed by the trunk.
Considering plane A containing the circle which forms the top
Examining Fig. 8 which shows a 2-D slice of the trunk of the trunk shown in Fig. 8, note the leg of this triangle which
2d lies in this plane. This leg can be viewed as the vector in
viewed looking down on its top segment reveals a = and
3 polar coordinates in plane A where the origin of the plane is at
d 3 point c. The magnitude of corresponding vectors 1, 2, and 3,
b= . As shown in Fig. 9, viewing a different 2-D slice
2 notated 1 3, which pass through the attachment points for
perpendicular to plane A in Fig. 8 which contains the dotted cables 1, 2, and 3 allow determination of via coordinate
l l transformations detailed in the next section.
line in Fig. 8 allows determination of h2 m = 2 1 . Likewise,
3n To compute 1, rotate a second plane B shown in Fig. 10
l3 l1 l l
h3m = . Height hc is equidistant from these two points, so which is perpendicular to plane A containing and c about
3n n n
its height is their average, producing lc
from angle to an absolute angle of 90, the location of
l3 + l2 2l1 l
hc = . (11) cable 1, so that the plane now contains l1 and c . Fig. 11 shows
6n n
the contents of plane B after rotation, which contains an isos-
Note that hc may be negative at some orientations of the trunk, l
where 2l1 > l2 + l3. Though unexpected, the following geomet- celes triangle with sides r1 and c . Similar to the reasoning in
rical uses of hc are correct in this case. lc
(9) and (10), the length of this virtual cable can be divided
Based on the assumptions, curvature of the trunk segment is l1
evenly distributed along each of the n segments in the trunk into , the length of cable 1 in one trunk segment, and hc, the
2n h
d h1 p
90 a
2 d
Fig. 14. Computing s.
ing (18) and solving yields s = sin 1 c . Substituting
from (15) and (17) yields s in terms of cable lengths as
Fig. 15. Projecting h1 along a line parallel to the tangent shown
nd ( l1 + l2 + l3 )
s= in Fig. 16.
l12 + l2 2 + l32 l1l2 l2 l3 l1l3
. (19) end-on as in Fig. 16, note that heights measured from plane C
l 2 +l 2 +l 2 l l l l l l
sin 1
1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3
to a point on A do not change when following any line on A
3nd parallel to this tangent. For example, as illustrated in Fig. 15,
projecting the height h1 along a line parallel to the tangent at h
Note that in the limiting case when the cable lengths are equal, gives h1 = h1 p , where h1 p is the height at a point along the line
the terms under the square root go to zero so that connecting hc and h . Knowledge of the slope of the line cre-
l +l +l ated by viewing plane A end-on and of a position on this line
lim s = 1 2 3 . Together, equations (15), (16), and (19)
l1 + 0 3 allows computation of the height of this position above plane
comprise the function ( s, k , ) = f 2b ( l ) for a cable-actuated C , which appears as horizontal line in the figure. Therefore,
robot. the height of an arbitrary point on the circle such as h1 = h1 p
Because pneumatic actuators bend continuously, the deriva- can be determined by projecting the point along a line parallel
tion for f 2 c as defined in (1) can be found by increasing the to the tangent of h onto the diagonal line in Fig. 16 then ap-
number of cable guides to infinity. Examining the limiting plying the slope-intercept form of that line to find the points
case when n of f 2b yields identical expressions for (15) height.
and (16), while (19) becomes In the forward kinematics derivation, the height h1 = 0 was
chosen to anchor the plane as shown in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig.
l1 + l2 + l3 9. For the inverse kinematics derivation, the plane will be an-
s= . (20) chored by h = 0 instead. Examining the isosceles triangle
1 l
with sides and c shown in Fig. 10 creates Fig. 17 which
Therefore, ( s, k , ) = f 2 c ( l ) is defined by (15), (16), and (20). n
D. Inverse kinematics (manipulator curvature to cable reveals sin = . Substituting (18) and solving produces
2 d
lengths) s
Consider the manipulator section shown in Fig. 2. Given hc = d sin . Projecting these points onto the diagonal line
the length s of one section of the manipulator, the curvature of Fig. 16 allows the line to be defined as
of that section, the angle at which the curvature lies , the dis- hc h
tance d from the center of the manipulator to the location of h1 p = h1 = ( d a ) + h . Also note from Fig. 15 that
the cables, and the number of segments in this manipulator a
section n, this section discusses the computation of the lengths cos = = sin . Substituting and simplifying shows
2 d
of the three cables l1, l2, and l3 due to the configuration of the s
manipulator section. This is the inverse kinematics problem. that h1 = d sin (1 sin ).
As shown in Fig. 13, the top of one segment in a section of Similar to the reasoning in (9) and (10), the length of cable
the elephant trunk lines in plane A . Heights can be measured 1 l1 can be divided into l , the length of a virtual cable attached
from a second plane C which is parallel to plane H shown in
at angle on the circumference of the manipulator and run-
Fig. 7. These two planes intersect along a single line tangent
ning the length of the manipulator, and h1, the height cable 1
to height h as shown in the figure. Viewing these two planes
extends above the plane anchored by l , so that l1 = l + 2nh1.
Cable 2
Cable 3
h2 h d 1
hc Point at , d
h1 where h = 0 k
Cable 1
Plane C viewed end-on
Fig. 16. End-on view of planar intersection shown in Fig. 13. Fig. 18. Triangle from Fig. 10 used to determine length l .
To find l , note that the length of a cable l attached to the cir-
lim l2 = lim l3 = s. This completes the derivation for a cable-
cumference of the manipulator at the point of maximum cur- 0 0
vature forms the triangle shown in the inner circle of Fig. actuator robot such as Air-OCTOR of
f 2b ( s, , ) = [l1 l2 l3 ] as defined in (1) where l1, l2, and l3
1 T
are given in (21), (22), and (23) above.
10, redrawn in Fig. 18, yielding sin = 2n . Therefore,
2 1 d Because pneumatic actuators bend continuously, the deriva-
tion for f 2 c 1 as defined in (1) can be found by increasing the
substituting (18), the cable length can be computed as number of cable guides to infinity. Examining the limiting
1 s case when n of (21), (22), and (23) yields
l = 2n d sin . Substituting and simplifying,
s 1
l1 = 2n sin d sin . (21) s (1 d sin )
2n 1
f 2 c 1 ( s, , ) = l2 = s 1 + d sin + . (24)
Likewise, rotating to 210 and 330 to find h2 and h3, the l3
heights of the attachment points of cables 2 and 3, then re- s 1 d cos +
solving produces
instead of the approximate model introduced by [8], leading to each section of the robot [13]. Therefore, this approach does
greater ability to precisely specify trunk shape. Additionally, not suffer from significant errors due to a fitting process.
our directly physically motivated backbone approach pro- However, this model assumes the absence of external forces
duces enhanced insight into the mechanics of the trunk. For which can bend the trunk in a non-circular fashion, leading to
example, trunk sections in this paper are chosen not as arbi- errors. For example, when the trunk grasps a non-circular ob-
trary points as in [8] but at the interface between two groups ject such as a box, it no longer bends in a circular arc. Like-
of McKibben actuators, again carefully modeling the physical wise, when it supports a gravity load, either the mass of the
construction of the trunk. trunk itself or of a payload the trunk is carrying, the trunk sags
The orientation of the tip and the computation of its angular in a non-circular fashion [26]. Finally, this kinematic analysis
velocity requires additional work when the backbone ap- ignores all dynamics effects due to inertial, centrifugal, and
proach is not followed. One approach, detailed in [8], is to Coriolis forces. Unfortunately, dynamics in the 3-D case re-
include a rotated frame which allows specification of orienta- main in integral-differential form, rendering them unsuitable
tion independent of the frame produced by the curves for real-time control [13], [17], or can be computed only as an
mathematical representation. The angular velocity is then de- approximation in closed form [7]. However, as discussed
fined by S ( ) = RR T where R gives the rotation matrix of the above, these issues are less significant for continuum robots
frame and S ( ) describes factoring a skew-symmetric matrix designed for operation in unstructured environments than for
S to a three-parameter vector . Factoring the resulting into traditional rigid-link manipulators which operate primarily in
a Jacobian then yields results parallel to those obtained using structured environments.
the backbone approach. The backbone method was chosen in C. Singularities
our approach because it provides a good method for comput- Robots constructed of a combination of revolute joints typi-
ing the kinematics of wide range of continuum manipulators, cally exhibit singularities at their workspace boundaries, in
including those not considered in our work, simply by modify- addition to inherent singularities due to their mechanical de-
ing the appropriate D-H entries and geometrical transforma- sign. Because the continuum robots analyzed in this paper can
tions to match a new design. In comparison, finding a correct theoretically extend to any arbitrary arc length s, they do not
orientation frame is non-trivial and involves additional com- possess workspace boundary singularities. Actuator length
putations to develop angular velocity. limits, however, impose workspace constraints, but they do
B. Accuracy not enter into the kinematics formulation. The only singular
Two concerns affect the accuracy of a continuum robot, de- configuration occurs when the trunk is straight ( = 0). In this
fined as the distance between desired and achieved locations case, velocities normal to the angle of trunk curvature can-
in the workspace. First, error due to the compliance of the not be produced. However, the angle of curvature is essen-
manipulator, in contrast to the rigid construction of traditional tially meaningless when the trunk is not curved, so this con-
robot, is significant; second, the nature of the modeling proc- figuration presents no practical problems. An alternate repre-
ess must be examined for possible sources of error. sentation for the trunk, for example as two orthogonal curva-
The first category of accuracy errors as discussed in [33] tures x and y discussed in section VI-A, would eliminate
arises from the construction of the robot. Traditional robots, this singularity.
due to their extremely rigid design, can achieve very high ac- D. Simulation results
curacy and repeatability. For example, a trunk-like high de-
As a prelude to implementation on continuum robot hard-
gree of freedom manipulator [32] can be expected to achieve
ware such as the Clemson Air-Octor robot [18] or the Penn
very high accuracy. Continuum robots, due to their soft, com-
State OctArm robot [23], the Jacobians derived in the previous
pliant design, cannot. However, high accuracy is not the in-
section were symbolically computed using Maple 9.5. First, a
tended niche of continuum robots. They are generally poor as
D-H table for an n-section trunk is determined. Given that
high- accuracy positioning tools when compared to traditional
table, a second routine then computes J D H by applying stan-
rigid-link robots. Instead, their compliance can be used to re-
duce the accuracy needed to perform manipulation tasks in dard Jacobian techniques to the table. Next, a set of n-section
unstructured environments by allowing the inherent flexibility geometrical transformations representing f1 are computed and
of the manipulator to compensate for a lack of precise knowl- their Jacobian J f1 computed. The product J D H J J f is then
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 20. OctArm mounted on the Talon mobile Fig. 21. Abilities of the robot, such as (a) hook-style grasping,
platform. Courtesy of Chris Rahn. (b) large object grasping and whole-arm manipulation, (c)
prey capture, and (d) hole exploration using a tip-mounted
era, and teleoperation using cameras mounted at the trunk camera view shown in the lower left corner of (d).
computation in real time, enabling real-time kinematic control
Prior to the analysis and algorithm development reported in
at the velocity level. Implementations on two spatial contin-
this paper, the two hardware platforms were operated in a sec-
uum robots are summarized.
tion-by-section fashion, with the operator moving only one
section of the robot at any time. This proved to be a slow, la-
borious, and often unsuccessful approach. Implementation of
the approach described in this paper transformed the operation
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