Needham Enrollment Data
Needham Enrollment Data
Needham Enrollment Data
Superintendent of Schools
As of October 1, 2017, total PreK-12 student enrollment is 5,665 students.
The enclosed October 1, 2017 School Enrollment and Class Size Report is organized in
two parts:
The first part includes a summary of enrollment and class size information in grades
PreK-12. This portion of the report provides an overview of elementary class size
sections, an overview of middle school class sizes in academic and elective classes, and
an overview, by level and grade, of high school class sizes.
The second part of this report includes additional information about specific class
sizes in High Rock, Pollard, and the high school. The Needham High School report also
includes trend data and historical class size information.
4 22 27 23 20 23
4 21 24 21 20 22
4 21 24 21 19 22
4 21 21 20 22
4 22 23 481 22 21.86 22
22 3 LBC students Eliot 4th grade
5 21 24 20 22 20 6 LBC students Eliot 5th grade
5 22 22 20 23 21
5 22 28 19 23 21
5 21 20 22 20
20 22 453 21 21.57 21
Needham Public Schools
4 22 27 23 20 23
4 21 24 21 20 22
4 21 24 21 19 22
4 21 21 20 22
4 22 23 481 22 21.86 22
5 21 24 20 22 20
5 22 22 20 23 21
5 22 28 19 23 21
5 21 20 22 20
20 22 453 21 21.57 21
Middle School (High Rock and Pollard)
Middle School Class Size 2017-2018 by Subject and Grade
ART 06 20 20.80 15 25 0 20 0
07 36 15.17 13 18 14 22 0
08 54 21.02 13 28 1 48 5
ELL 06 3 2.67 2 3 3 0 0
07 2 2.50 2 3 2 0 0
08 6 2.00 2 2 6 0 0
ENGLISH 06 28 17.71 4 26 10 16 2
07 22 18.55 4 24 2 20 0
08 22 20.27 1 24 2 20 0
Average Class Size 6-8 18.84
MATH 06 22 20.45 3 26 4 16 2
07 28 15.57 1 24 8 20 0
08 23 19.78 1 24 3 20 0
Average Class Size 6-8 18.60
MUSIC 06 39 20.54 10 27 1 35 3
07 19 18.68 11 32 8 7 4
08 18 21.56 12 50 1 15 2
SCIENCE 06 20 22.50 14 26 2 15 3
07 39 20.64 17 25 0 39 0
08 43 20.49 1 26 2 40 1
Average Class Size 6-8 21.21
SOCIAL STUDIES 06 20 22.50 14 26 2 15 3
07 20 20.40 18 24 0 20 0
08 21 21.24 1 25 1 20 0
Average Class Size 6-8 21.38
TECHNOLOGY 06 20 20.80 15 25 0 20 0
07 19 19.37 15 24 0 19 0
WELLNESS 06 60 22.50 16 26 0 57 3
07 66 20.33 12 26 6 59 1
08 90 21.71 13 28 3 70 17
WORLD LANGUAGES 06 22 19.50 8 27 2 18 2
07 20 18.95 13 23 1 19 0
08 30 21.40 15 26 0 29 1
Grade 6 450
Grade 7 408
Grade 8 446
Total Enrollment 1304 as of October 2, 2016
Grade 9 435
Grade 10 414
Grade 11 441
Grade 12 395
Total Enrollment 1685
Average Class Size Core Subjects Needham High School 9-12 18.07
Needham High School
Needham High School Class Size 2017-18 by Subject and Course Level
as of October 2, 2017
Please find the class size report for High Rock School. These figures come from our enrollment
figures dated October 30, 2017
# Range Average # @ #@
Sections Class 14 16
Advisory 30 14-16 15 5 6
Please find the class size report for the Pollard Middle School. These figures reflect our enrollment figures
dated October 24, 2017. Below are highlights of the information:
School Enrollment:
7-1 82 21 8-1 90 23
7-2 82 21 8-2 85 22
7-3 81 20 8-3 88 22
7-4 80 20 8-4 89 22
7-5 82 21 8-5 90 23
Lunch Period
To: Daniel Gutekanst, Superintendent
From: Aaron Sicotte, Principal
Re: 2017-2018 Class Size Report and Enrollment Report
Date: 30 October 2017
Please find in the report that follows class size data for Needham High School for the 2017-2018
school year. Data have been gathered based on the October 1, 2017 figures. There have been a
small number of student course enrollment changes since that time that are not reflected in this
document. You will also find matrices that provide the current number of students per section, as
well as, the total teacher course load for this year. As this document will demonstrate, our teachers
are continuing to provide excellent support for our students, even with the increasing enrollment.
Average Teacher Load
Tables 1 and 2 provide statistics related to staffing allocations in each department. These data
reflect mean student to teacher ratios within each department that are then compared to a target
load set by the department chairs, program directors, and the principal during the spring of the
previous school year. The staffing formula is designed to attain average student-teacher rations
within five students of the aforementioned targets. This methodology is not used, however, when
calculating ratios within the music and theater programs, as the nature of performing arts and
ensemble programs do not lend themselves to standard class size formulas.
Table 1
Average Teacher Load & Department Enrollment, 2017-2018
Based Upon October 1, 2017 Enrollment of 1684 Students.
Department FTE Total % of NHS Target Teacher Actual Average
Enrollment Enrollment Load Teacher Load
(in students) (in students)
English 19.25 1709 102 92 89
Math 18.5 1975 117 100 107
Science 18.3 1763 104 95 96
Social Studies 17.4 1780 106 100 102
World Languages 14.6 1375 82 100 94
Visual Arts 8.0 1295 77 100 106
Performing Arts 3.0 367 22 - 122
Wellness 7.5 1684 100 100 112
609 WEBSTER ST. NEEDHAM, MA 02494 PHONE (781) 455-0800 FAX (781) 455-5111
Alison Coughbrough-Argentieri
Assistant Principals
Table 2 presents the aggregate data comparing school years 2010-11 through 2017-18. Teacher
load has increased slightly after remaining fairly steady over the last few years. In 2017-18, the
rising student enrollment resulted in five departments showing an increase in average teacher
load, even with slight increases to FTE.
Table 2
Average Actual Teacher Load Comparisons
School Year 2010-11 through 2017-18
Department 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18
English 96 96 88 88 88 90 90 89
Math 113 113 108 108 105 105 104 107
Science 101 101 95 95 96 90 90 96
Social Studies 102 102 105 105 103 99 100 102
World Language 97 97 103 103 102 97 98 94
Visual Arts 98 98 94 94 92 97 105 106
Performing Arts 171 171 176 176 157 130 129 122
Wellness 120 120 115 115 110 110 111 112
Class Size Range
Table 3 reflects the range of enrollment within course sections across academic areas. This years
ranges reflect an increase from the overall number of classes with 25 or more students, as well as,
an increase in the number of classes below 19 students. Our effort to ensure small, supportive
class sizes for our struggling learners and our rising student enrollment have led to these two
increases this year.
Table 3
Class Size Range in Sections, 2017-2018
Department <19 19-21 22-24 25-27 28+ Total
English 18 8 18 22 12 78
Math 37 21 20 22 2 102
Science 36 28 28 - - 92
Social Studies 23 24 30 8 2 87
World Language 28 25 19 4 - 76
Arts 38 26 20 - 6 90
Wellness 18 6 15 27 7 73
Total Sections 198 138 150 83 29 598
609 WEBSTER ST. NEEDHAM, MA 02494 PHONE (781) 455-0800 FAX (781) 455-5111
Alison Coughbrough-Argentieri
Assistant Principals
Chart 1
Section Enrollment Comparisons 2016-2017 and 2017-2018
<19 19-21 22-24 25-27 28+
Impact Statement
As the enrollment at Needham High School continues to rise, so too does average class sizes and
teacher loads. Staffing increases over the last couple years have helped to mitigate those increases
to an extent. The high school will continue to see enrollment increases in the coming years, which
will require further staffing increases to maintain appropriate class sizes and a full complement of
course offerings. As we continue to grow in all areas, NHS will remain a vibrant place to learn and
grow for our students, and we will continue to meet our students needs with instruction that is
engaging and personalized and class offerings that are diverse and robust.
609 WEBSTER ST. NEEDHAM, MA 02494 PHONE (781) 455-0800 FAX (781) 455-5111