Test Teoria Mintii
Test Teoria Mintii
Test Teoria Mintii
Jussi Vesterinen
Masters thesis
University of Jyvskyl
Department of Psychology
April 2008
Background: Although false belief tests are valuable for scientific research on Theory of Mind
(ToM), clinical and applied use require more comprehensive tests, containing multiple tasks on
different aspects of ToM. The ToM Storybooks is such a comprehensive ToM test focusing on basic
ToM components in children from three to five years old. It is a newly developed Dutch test. In this
article, the value of a Finnish version is examined. Method: Forty two Finnish children (2-7 years
old) were tested with a Finnish version of the ToM Storybooks. Their ToM knowledge was
compared to that of a Dutch norm group. A subgroup of nine children was retested after 80 days.
Results: According to paired comparisons there are no significant differences between the
performances of Dutch and Finnish children. Internal consistency of the ToM storybooks was
adequate. Children got better scores on their second testing. Finnish ToM scores were positively
correlated with verbal intelligence and age. SDQ-Fin scales of prosociality and peer problems were
not linked to ToM. Conclusions: The Finnish version of the ToM Storybooks can be applied to use
with Finnish children. It gives versatile and reliable information and is able to differentiate between
children on the basis of their ToM skills. Clinical use and further studies with the Finnish version of
What is Theory of Mind?..................................................................................................................5
Theories on Theory of Mind.............................................................................................................6
Children with Theory of Mind problems..........................................................................................7
Testing people's Theory of Mind skills.............................................................................................8
Objective of the study.....................................................................................................................11
Other measures...........................................................................................................................14
Statistical method...........................................................................................................................15
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION................................................................................................20
Limitations of the study..................................................................................................................22
My ideas and future directions.......................................................................................................23
Appendix A: The Theory of Mind Storybooks: example tasks......................................................28
Appendix B: Example pictures of the Theory of Mind Storybooks...............................................32
Appendix C: Order of the tasks in the Theory of Mind Storybooks..............................................35
As an exchange student in Groningen, The Netherlands, I had the opportunity to learn about
children's understanding of mind. I did not have much previous knowledge but I found the topic
interesting since it was closely related to children's social and emotional development. After talking
with E.M.A. Blijd-Hoogewys and Prof. Dr. P.L.C. van Geert, I decided to do a literature study on
Theory of Mind (later abbreviated as ToM). They had been developing a new test called The ToM
Storybooks which helps in understanding children's ToM skills. Later I was asked to translate the
test into Finnish. It was an honor and I accepted. I was presented with the possibility of continuing
with this topic in Finland by doing my thesis on The ToM Storybooks. All this experience
encouraged me to take that challenge. Blijd-Hoogewys is my Dutch director and Prof. Dr. T.
Ahonen is my Finnish director. They both deserve my gratitude especially due to their patience.
ToM seems to be rapidly gaining interest in Finland. Many professionals in the area of psychology
and psychiatry would like to have a contemporary tool for measuring different aspects of ToM
especially in children with developmental disorders. Hopefully The ToM Storybooks will become a
Theory of Mind is part of the social cognitive setting in psychology. The term 'Theory of Mind' or
shortly 'ToM' was first used by Premack & Woodruff (1978) who were studying whether
chimpanzees have mind-reading skills or not. ToM gained publicity among other researchers who
soon began to study human children in order to learn how this ability is acquired (for reviews see
ToM can be defined as the ability to impute mental states to others (Premack & Woodruff,
1978). It has also been referred to as everyday psychology (Wellman et al., 2001). Having a ToM
enables us to recognize emotions, understand beliefs and desires, and predict and explain others'
actions (Buitelaar, van der Wees, Swaab-Barneweld & van der Gaag, 1999). This makes ToM an
essential skill for competent functioning and communication in everyday social situations
(Astington & Jenkins, 1995). It has also an important role in emphasizing, understanding deception
and allowing for self-consciousness and self-reflection (Frith & Happ, 1999; Howlin, Baron-
There are different phases in the development of ToM, though there remains controversy
about what those phases are and when they take place in child's development. It has been suggested
that an important conceptual change in children's understanding of persons is taking place between
the ages of 2,5 and 5 years (Wellman et al., 2001). This change has been characterized as a shift (1)
Theories on Theory of Mind
Children with autism have serious social interaction problems. There are several hypotheses
concerning the nature of their specific social-cognitive problems, the most influential ones being the
ToM hypothesis and the rival affective or emotion recognition hypothesis (in Buitelaar et al., 1999).
Some consider them as complementing activities (in Steerneman, Jackson, Pelzer & Muris, 1996).
The biggest difference between them is whether ToM is seen as theory-like or not and perhaps the
emotional expressions because they do not have the biologically based and normally innate capacity
for it (in Buitelaar et al., 1999). This makes them fail in creating interpersonal connections when
they are young and troubles the development of functions that are needed for interpersonal feeling.
However, many studies have failed to replicate the results that have led to these conclusions.
The ToM hypothesis got the most attention. There are roughly three movements within the
ToM field: the theory-theory, the modular view and the not-theory. There are also differences within
these theories. Supporters of the theory-theory account see ToM as a highly theory-like conceptual
framework that is very much like any scientific theory building and develops essentially by
hypothesis testing (in Hala & Carpendale, 1997). Wellman (1990) argues that three important
features of adults' understanding of mind, that can be found in scientific theories, are also apparent
ontological distinctions (between mental and physical phenomena) and a causal explanatory scheme
The modular view assumes that ToM has a specific innate basis, part of which is modular
and which is activated on the basis of maturation. Those who favor the nativist account emphasize
innate factors in development instead of seeing the child as a scientist (in Hala & Carpendale,
1997). Perner's vision (1993) is partly theoretical but definitely mostly modular. He agrees that
children make use of a theory and that the process of ToM development involves a dramatic theory
shift at around 4 years of age but he puts more emphasis to general cognitive ability to understand
representations. He argues that young children conceive mental states and other representations
simply as situations that correspond to a state of affairs (in Hala & Carpendale, 1997). Perner
(1985) introduced the idea of dividing beliefs to first-order and second-order beliefs, which proved
to be very helpful in measuring children's ToM and is used up till now. Another modular follower is
Leslie. According to his early competence model, children understand persons' mental states
because of a special Theory of Mind Mechanism (ToMM) that is activated early in development.
There is also a Selection Processor (SP) that adjusts the functioning of ToMM by limiting it
An example of a not-theory is the simulation theory. The simulation view emphasizes the
aspect of putting oneself in another persons shoes, and thus of truly empathizing, which is the
ability to recognize, perceive and feel directly the emotion of another person. Thus, this theory
emphasizes the centrality of first-person consciousness (in Hala & Carpendale, 1997). Its advocates
(like Gordon & Harris) deny the possibility that children's understanding of other minds would be
theory-based and instead claim that this understanding takes place through a process of analogy.
As mentioned before, deficits in ToM abilities characterize individuals with autism. Autism is a
complex disorder that affects many aspects of a childs functioning. Their social and communicative
development is particularly disrupted, even in individuals who are of normal intelligence. They
typically have rigid behavior patterns, obsessional interests and routines (APA, 1994; Howlin et al.,
1999). Concerning ToM ability, they tend not to use mental-state terms in their spontaneous speech
and they have difficulty distinguishing mental from physical entities (in Leekam, 1993). Across
different studies only 20-50 % of the autistic children were found to pass first-order belief-
typically developing control children (in Buitelaar et al., 1999). Studies on ToM in autism are
important since they resulted in the most important information in ToM field, they make us better
understand the problems associated with autism and also give us some idea of what life might be
like without ToM (Baron-Cohen, 1989b; Buitelaar et al., 1999; Leekam, 1993). However, ToM
problems are not unique to autism. They are also known in individuals with mental retardation,
schizophrenia and in deaf children (in Yirmiya, Erel, Shaked, Solomonica-Levi, 1998). Also
children with PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, a milder
form of autism), ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and children with
developmental language disorders (SLI, Semantic Language Impairment) are known to have ToM
problems (in Buitelaar et al., 1999). What may be unique to autism is the severity of the ToM
The existence of ToM problems in other clinical groups, does not exclude the possibility
that distinct elements (emphatic ability, various dimensions of cognitive ability, social relations,
etc.) of this ability are differently impaired in various groups of individuals. For example, the
studies on deaf children point to the importance of social learning or of an acquired element in ToM
abilities, whereas studies regarding individuals with mental retardation point to the importance of
In doing research, one has to reflect on which tests and which research groups to involve.
Concerning the tests to involve, various false-belief tests have frequently been used in measuring
ToM abilities in autism. Perhaps the most common paradigm is the Maxi test that was introduced by
Wimmer and Perner (1983). A variation of this paradigm is the Sally and Anne test (Baron-Cohen,
Leslie & Frith, 1985). The test introduces Sally, who has a ball and puts the ball in a basket. She
then leaves the room. Later on, Anne takes the ball out of the basket and puts it in a box nearby. So,
the main character (Sally) does not know that the other character (Anne) has moved the object to a
different location. Then, the child is asked where the main character (Sally) will look for the object
after coming back. To answer correctly, the test person (child) needs to comprehend that other
people may have beliefs that are unlike the ones of the test person, that these beliefs may be false
and that the character's actions are determined by his/her mental states. This is called a false belief
Another well known paradigm for testing false belief understanding is the Smarties
(Perner, Leekam & Wimmer, 1987) or milk-carton task (in Yirmiya et al., 1998). There the child is
presented with, for instance, a Smarties tube that contains something unexpected like a pencil. The
participant is then asked to remember what the participant though to be inside the tube before
knowing what it was, and what somebody else would say to be inside. Only 25 % of participants
with high functioning autism seem to pass this test; so, it has good discriminating value (children
who succeeded on this test had a minimal verbal mental age of 5,5 years old and a minimal
chronological age of 11,5 years old; typically developing children succeed on this task around 4
years old) (in Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg & Cohen, 1993). Besides that, these 25 % will also fail
tasks that require second-order mental attributions. A task suitable for second-order ToM measuring
could be the second-order belief attribution task developed by Wimmer and Perner (see Buitelaar et
al., 1999). In other paradigms designed for studying ToM, the test person tries to understand various
picture stories concerning mental states, mental physical distinctions, brain's function and deception
To reiterate, there are many tests that can be used to measure childrens ToM, and false
belief tests were the crown. There are three reasons that justify the use of such tests (in Wellman et
al., 2001): First, with false-belief tasks it is easy and fast to assess if children understand that beliefs
involve representations of reality and so can be mistaken. This is a very important feature of ToM
understanding. Second, these tasks are very sensitive to early developmental changes which helped
researchers to find out that even 4-year-olds have a surprisingly sophisticated ToM. Third, children
with autism do very badly on these tasks, giving support to tasks' validity and highlighting the
However, the ToM tests mentioned above also have limitations. A big problem about
measuring childrens ToM has been highlighted by psychometric testing theorists. They see a
danger in measuring only single behaviors or focusing too much on single tasks (in Hughes et al.,
2000). So instead of putting too much emphasis on false-belief tests alone, researchers should apply
a task battery approach which means using a variety of tasks (Wellman et al., 2001). That way
measurement errors average out and researchers get a broader picture of child's abilities that is also
more reliable and valid. The Dutch ToM Storybooks is a comprehensive test that complies with
those demands.
ToM has been measured with many different kind of tests and methods. Some differences
between studies have created challenges to those who have compared the achievements of different
studies. Children's performance in ToM tasks can be aided by some task manipulations. A child can
be helped by increasing the child's participation by letting the child do the key transformations (e.g.
hiding the ball in the Sally and Anne test), making the child realize the story's main character's
mental state more obvious, reducing the influence of the contrasting real-world state of affairs and
making the task involve explicit deception or trickery (Wellman et al., 2001). Furthermore, children
Traditionally in research measuring development of ToM, test groups and control groups
are not always balanced by verbal age but more often by chronological age. This can lead to
underestimation of skills of some autistic participants who could pass the tasks presented to them if
those tasks were not too verbally demanding. In that case the control group of the same age but
normally developed verbal intelligence has the advantage over the test group. Those children with
autism who do pass ToM tasks have been suggested to have higher verbal mental age, better skills
in pragmatic language and better social functioning (in Leekam, 1993). However, this does not
The ToM Storybooks is a recently developed test for measuring many different aspects of
childrens ToM understanding. It is a more comprehensive test than most other tests and also more
reliable because of the task battery approach. What makes it different from most tests designed for
that purpose is its diversity.
This study introduces a newly constructed Dutch test, The ToM Storybooks (described in more
detail later). This is the first small-scale pilot study of the Finnish version of the ToM Storybooks.
The test results reported are those of Finnish and Dutch children of normal verbal intelligence.
According to the null hypothesis there should be no significant differences between these two
random samples. The effects of some potential background variables that could affect ToM scores
are explored. In addition to nationality, the test results of Finnish children are expected to be
connected to their verbal intelligence, age, peer problems and prosociality. Test-retest reliability and
learning effects are analyzed by testing some children twice with moderate time difference between
information on attributes and usage of the Tom Storybooks as a potential tool for clinical practice in
The sample of Finnish children was gathered from a kindergarten and a pre-primary school in
Pyhjrvi. Invitation to join the study was delivered to 52 children's families. In 42 families parents
gave their consent and their child wanted to participate. There are 23 boys and 19 girls. Their native
language is Finnish. The great majority of participants were 5 to 7 years old (Mean = 6 years 2
months, SD = 13 months).
Children were tested one by one in a quiet place either in the kindergarten or the pre-primary school
during those hours when children were available there. They were first presented with the ToM
Storybooks and later on another day with a test on verbal intelligence (because of logistic reasons,
only a subgroup was administered an intelligence test, namely 28 children). Nine children
participated in the test-retest study: after an average of 80 days they were tested again with the ToM
Storybooks. There was a half-time pause of five minutes during every test when children were
The administering of the ToM Storybooks took 26 to 45 minutes (not taking into account
the half time pause). On the first testing round the average testing time was 33 minutes (N=42,
SD=4). For the subgroup of nine children the first testing round was administered in 33 minutes
(SD=4) and the second round in 29 minutes (SD=4). The second testing was done averagely 4
child's ToM skills and assessing whether these skills are developing with the child's age or not
(Hoogewys, Loth, Serra & Van Geert 1998; for a preliminary version see Serra, Loth, van Geert,
Hurkens & Minderaa, 2002). The test consists of six storybooks in which a main protagonist, named
Sam, experiences all kinds of feelings, desires and thoughts. The child is asked a variety of ques
tions about the protagonists experiences. The questions are clustered in tasks. The tasks focus on
ToM and associated aspects that children develop between the ages of three to six years old. They
cover five components: 1) Recognition of emotion, 2) Distinction between physical and mental en
tities, 3) Understanding that seeing leads to knowing, 4) Prediction of behaviors and emotions from
desires, and 5) Prediction of behaviors and emotions from beliefs (Blijd-Hoogewys, van Geert, Ser
In each story the child is presented with an illustrated book that makes it easier to follow
the stories read by the researcher. During the stories the researcher stops to ask the child some ques
tions such as Where will Sam look for grandpa? and Why is Sam looking under the table? Giv
ing the correct answer requires the child to take the perspective of the protagonist. Occasionally the
child is also asked to connect the story characters mood to some pictures that represent different
For administering the test the researcher needs six storybooks, an empty score form and
emotion cards. Based upon the six books, a total score is calculated. Subsequently a quantitative
(max 76) and a quantitative + qualitative score (max 112) are possible. For the Dutch version, also a
ToM quotient (abbreviated as ToM-Q) and a ToM age equivalent can be calculated (Blijd-
Hoogewys, Van Geert, Timmerman, Serra & Minderaa, submitted a). ToM-Q is a normed quotient
score with an average of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Scoring the qualitative answers
requires the researcher to be familiar with 21 different answer categories. In the current research, a
Finnish translation of the ToM Storybooks version Sam was used (a revision of the test used in
Serra, Loth, van Geert, Hurkens & Minderaa, 2002). The author of this thesis, Jussi Vesterinen, has
translated the test from the English version into Finnish. Children's answers were coded and sent to
Blijd-Hoogewys who calculated the ToM total scores and ToM quotient scores with an Excel Visual
Basic macro. The quotient scores are based on the normative data of Dutch children (N=324, 3-11
years old). They should not be used for calculating the scores of Finnish children but they can give
some indication. The English score form was used for preventing children from seeing and
understanding the answers in case they would try to have a look at the score form.
can be calculated, with the aid of the Dutch computer program. Questions that form these sub-
scores are scattered in the six stories (see Appendix A for examples of tasks). Emotion recognition
tasks (maximum score 14) require labeling the main character's current emotion and selecting it
from the emotion cards. Emotions and actions are predicted on the basis of desires (17), beliefs (26)
and false beliefs (9) that are either fulfilled or not fulfilled. Mental physical distinctions (24) require
understanding if the situations are real and physical or mentally represented. In real imaginary dis
tinctions (8) a child can be asked for example whether he can dream about dancing bananas or not.
Close impostors (12) involve characteristics of physical objects that can be experienced in only few
ways, such as smoke. Some tasks measure the understanding that seeing leads to knowing (3).
Other measures
Three subtests of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R,
Finnish version) were used for an index of verbal intelligence: Comprehension, Vocabularity and
Sentences. A fourth subtest, Block Design, was used as a sign of performance intelligence. Only
28 children were tested with WPPSI-R mostly due to the limited time.
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire is a brief instrument designed for screening
children who are at high risk for mental health problems (Goodman, Ford, Simmons, Gatward, &
Meltzer, 2000). The Prosociality Scale and the Peer Problems Scale were chosen from a total of
five scales. Parents were requested to answer to 10 claims concerning their children by choosing
one of three possibilities: 'not true', 'somewhat true' and 'certainly true'. The Finnish version of the
Statistical method
Independent Samples t-test, Pearson Correlation, Spearman Correlation and Wilcoxon Signed
Ranks Test were used. Six Finnish children with low verbal IQ or ToM-Q were excluded from all
comparisons so 36 children remained. The ToM Storybooks results of Finnish and Dutch children of
normal verbal intelligence were compared in three ways: First, Finnish ToM-Q scores were
compared to Dutch ToM-Q scores. Comparisons required a Dutch comparison group of the same
age range as the Finnish children. From the 324 Dutch norm children, 259 children were of the
same age range as the Finnish children. Their verbal or nonverbal IQ was at least 70 (not all
children received an intelligence test, it was assumed that they had normal IQs because they
Second, Finnish children were paired with matching Dutch children and ToM total scores
were compared. Third, the same operation was executed to compare ToM-Q scores. In total 23
Finnish children, who also had a verbal intelligence score (WPPSI-R), were chosen for paired
comparisons. To make paired comparisons, 23 Dutch children were chosen, matched on age, gender
and IQ-scores (where applicable). 12 of them were selected by age, gender and standardized verbal
intelligence. 10 were selected by age, gender and nonverbal IQ (close to Finnish verbal IQ). One
child was selected only by age. All 23 children chosen for paired comparisons belong to the
previously selected group of 36 Finnish children. The Finnish sample had one girl more and one
The possible connection between ToM skills and verbal intelligence was explored by
comparing the ToM total scores and verbal IQs of those Finnish children whose verbal IQ was
The Finnish sample of 42 children was checked for outliers. The mean ToM-Q score was 87.02
(SD=22.86). This seemed to be low compared to Dutch mean ToM-Q score 99.9 (N=259, SD 18.26)
(see Table 1). It was decided to exclude children with a low verbal intelligence (a WPPSI-R verbal
IQ of 70 or less) or with a ToM-Q score under 50 from further analyses. As a result, 36 children
remained in the group (see Table 2), with an average ToM-Q score of 92.94 (SD=16.12).
Some Finnish children reached maximum sub-scores in false belief tasks, close impostors tasks, real
imaginary distinctions tasks and seeing is knowing tasks. The most challenging tasks involved be
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1.ToM total score -
2. Emotion recognition .64**
3. Desires TOT .66** .43**
4. Beliefs TOT .72** .26 .34*
5. False Belief TOT .78** .37* .47** .64**
6. Mental Physical .74** .39* .28 .39* .51**
7. Close Impostors .72** .59** .39* .44** .38* .54**
8. Real Imaginary .78** .46** .42* .54** .57** .64** .64**
9. Seeing is knowing .57** .21 .34* .38* .39* .43** .55** .43**
Note: ** p < .01 (2-tailed); * p < .05 (2-tailed)
Every sub-score was significantly correlated with ToM total score, and almost every sub-score with
all other sub-scores (see Table 3). The internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) was 0.85.
The average age of the Finnish group (N=36) was 73 months and the average age of the Dutch
group (N=259) was 63 months (for the distribution, see Figure 1). The significant age difference
between samples (p<.001) points out that the effect of age must be controlled in ToM result
comparisons. This can be done either by calculating ToM-Q scores or pairing parts of samples
The difference between ToM-Q scores of the Finnish (N=36) and the Dutch (N=259)
samples was found to be significant (p=.039, 2-tailed, Independent samples t-test). Paired
comparison between the ToM total scores of Finnish (N=23) and Dutch matching children (N=23)
did not yield significant results (p=.46, Independent samples t-test). The Finnish average ToM total
score was 69.7 and the Dutch average ToM total score was 72.1. The difference between ToM-Q
scores was not significant (p=.37, Independent samples t-test). The average ToM-Q for Finnish
sample (N=23) was 97.9 and for the Dutch sample (N=23) 101.6.
Verbal IQ and Language Comprehensio n IQ
20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80
There seems to be a more profound rising trend between ToM total score and verbal intelligence in
the Finnish sample than in the Dutch sample (see Figure 2). Language comprehension of the Dutch
sample had been measured using the Reynell (test for receptive language comprehension; Van
Eldik, Schlichting, lutje Spelberg, van der Meulen & van der Meulen, 1997). It does not require
children to use spoken language. This may have accounted for this difference in findings.
The relationship between the ToM total score and verbal intelligence was explored using
the Pearson Correlation. This correlation in the Finnish sample (N=23) was significant (r=.45,
p=.03, 2-tailed). The Dutch sample (N=170) did not show significant correlation (r=.14, p=.07, 2-
tailed) (See Blijd-Hoogewys et al., (under revision) for different results and more thorough
1. 2. 3. 4.
1.ToM total score
2. WPPSI - SP Comprehension .33
3. WPPSI - SP Vocabularity .53* .74**
4. WPPSI - SP Sentences .17 .37 .47*
5. WPPSI - SP Block Design -.13 .12 .18 .45*
Note: ** p < .01 (2-tailed); * p < .05 (2-tailed)
Possible correlations between ToM total score and WPPSI-R sub-scores (SP=standardized points)
were explored (N=23) (see Table 4). ToM total score was significantly correlated only with
vocabularity (r=.53, p=.01). Vocabularity correlated also with comprehension (r=.74, p<.001) and
sentences (r=.47, p=.02). Additionally sentences correlated with block design (r=.45, p=.03) which
is a nonverbal task.
Concerning the test-retest part, the second ToM testing occured approximately 80 days
after the first one. Nine children took part in this study. The ToM total scores of both measurements
were compared with a Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The average ToM total score was 64.33 (SD =
16.27) for the first measurement and 75.78 (SD = 16.82) for the second measurement. These
averages were significantly different (p=.015, 2-tailed). Spearman's correlation between testings
was 0.38 (p=.32, 2-tailed). Eight children improved their scores and one child got a lower score on
Age was significantly correlated to ToM total score in both samples (p<.001). The
correlation was 0.76 for the Finnish sample (N=36) and 0.75 for the Dutch sample (N=259). Gender
was not significantly correlated with ToM total score in either sample (See Blijd-Hoogewys et al.,
(submitted a) for different results and more thorough analysis). ToM total score was not correlated
to prosociality (r=.04, p=.81) or peer problems (r=-0.13, p=.47) (Pearson Correlation, 2-tailed).
This study presented the ToM Storybooks and evaluated the Finnish version. The results gave us
different answers on the question whether Finnish and Dutch children get through the ToM
Storybooks similarly or not. Comparison between ToM-Q scores of all children suggested that the
Dutch children were superior: they had better scores on this test. However, it should be noted that
paired comparisons did not show significant differences between ToM total scores or ToM-Q
scores. Therefore the null hypothesis is maintained: there are no significant differences between the
two random samples. This is encouraging because Dutch norms were used and it can be assumed
ToM total score was positively correlated to verbal intelligence score, which is in
concordance with findings from other ToM studies (e.g. Hughes, Deater-Deckard & Cutting, 1999).
Age was strongly correlated with ToM total score, as expected. The sub-scores of the ToM
Storybooks were correlated with ToM total score and also well within themselves. The internal
consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0,85) was adequate. This indicates that the different tasks measure
It seems that an excellent result in the test was not achievable for Finnish children. Some
Finnish children were able to get the maximum points in four sub-scores out of eight. It should be
noticed that these four sub-scores had fewer questions compared to the remaining ones. The ToM
total score maximum is 112 points. The best Finnish score was 85 and the best Dutch score was 94,
both existed of age and gender matched samples. The best Finnish ToM-Q was 125. On the basis of
the lowest and highest sub-scores achieved by the Finnish sample, it can be concluded that the test
The second measurement (after 80 days) of the average ToM score was significantly
higher. Such a rise is not surprising, since it can be expected that young children learn from being
tested (Grigorenko & Sternberg, 1998). The test seemed more familiar to children on the second
testing round which was accomplished on average four minutes faster than the first round. Some
children seemed to remember some correct locations of hidden objects from the first time and this
gave them some advantage which lead to a higher score. Still it is difficult to draw strong
conclusions from a sample of nine children. Though, other ToM research has shown that such
Blijd-Hoogewys and her colleagues (under revision) have also found a significant rising
(M=6.84 points, SD=10.33) on the children's scores when the second testing occurred two weeks
after the first one (N=45, 3-7 years old, paired samples t-test, p<.001.) Interestingly children with
PDD-NOS did not improve their score at the second measurement. They seemed not to have learned
from their former experience. This finding may form an important point of attention in evaluating
ToM gives us tools for getting along with other people and understanding them. The SDQ-
Fin scales were used to measure children's prosociality and possible peer problems. This study
found no significant correlation between ToM total score and the SDQ-Fin scales, though the
connection was theoretically considered highly likely. Perhaps the ten questions used from the
SDQ-Fin were too imprecise for this purpose, parents' estimation skills were not accurate enough,
or both tests do not measure the same underlying phenomena. Parents used both scales moderately:
differences between minimum and maximum were five points but they could have been ten points.
The average scores were 6.3 (SD = 1.5) for prosociality and 2.1 (SD = 1.5) for peer problems (N =
41). In a research of Obel et al. (2004) Finnish children's average scores were 6.6 (SD = 1.8) for
prosocial behaviour and 2.4 (SD = 1.6) for peer problems (N = 727).
In the Dutch sample, the Reynell test was used to demonstrate the correlation between ToM
total score and verbal abilities. This connection was weaker than the one found in the Finnish
sample, using the WPPSI-R, even though the Dutch sample was considerably bigger. However, note
that Blijd-Hoogewys and her colleagues (under revision) found different results in their more
thorough analysis. They found correlations ranging from .43 to .47 between three different language
comprehension tests and the ToM Storybooks (N=249, 3-9 years old; p.001, 2-tailed; a common
In this study no significant connection was found between gender and ToM total score,
which is not surprising taking into account the small number of subjects involved. Blijd-Hoogewys
and her colleagues (submitted a) did find gender differences in their much bigger sample. First, they
found that girls had slightly higher ToM total scores than boys (Independent samples t-test, p=.098)
though the variances between sexes were considered equal (Levene's test, p=.749). So, on first
inspection, it could be concluded that there were no gender differences. But, when different age
groups were considered (n=87, <54 months; n=119, 54<78 months; n=118, 78 months), there were
eminent significant differences between boys and girls. Gender differences were found in the oldest
and youngest subgroup. Based on these results, separate norms for boys and girls were generated.
Norms based on the total sample were also determined, since the overall difference between boys
and girls was relatively small (about 0.15 of the standard deviation)
Children with low IQ's (lower than 71) were not included in this study, since ToM is correlated to
intelligence: children with a mental retardation also have ToM problems. Six Finnish children were
left out of comparisons based on their low performances on WPPSI-R and the ToM Storybooks.
Maybe even more children would have been discarded if verbal IQ had been measured from all
Finnish subjects (N=42). Thus, the sample of 36 qualified children is somewhat questionable even
though the average ToM-Q was raised from 87 to 93. The sample of 23 was more controlled.
The ToM-Q results were lower in the Finnish sample. Perhaps Dutch norms should not be
applied too seriously for foreign samples. Comparison of ToM total scores between the Finnish
(N=36) and Dutch (N=259) samples was not sensible because average ages were too different. Also
the distributions of ages in our sample created challenges for comparisons (see Figure 1). Including
The pairing between the Dutch and the Finnish children was based on best judgement of
the author. The idea was to find as similar Dutch children as possible concerning verbal
intelligence, age and gender. In ten occasions nonverbal IQ had to be used instead of verbal IQ in
Dutch sample. A different researcher might have come up with a different kind of pairing.
Probably the use of different tests affected different kind of trends between ToM total score
and verbal intelligence (see Figure 2). Dutch average on the Reynell language comprehension test
(N=170, M=108.62, SD=12.60) seemed higher than the Finnish average on the WPPSI-R verbal-IQ
(N=23, M=104, SD=13.15). Off course both tests are not totally comparable, since the Reynell is no
intelligence test. Also, maybe the language comprehension test was too easy. Children do not need
to use spoken language in order to perform well on this test. It would be interesting to study if this
is a matter of using spoken language or not. Maybe expressive language skills have stronger
Originally the order of tests presented to the children was planned to be randomised.
Possibly presenting the WPPSI-R first might have activated vocabulary and reduced nervousness
towards the ToM Storybooks and promoted better results in the latter. All testing situations were
attempted to be interesting so that the children could concentrate about 45 minutes during both
testing days. Some children expressed that they found the ToM Storybooks more interesting than
Some children got surprisingly low results on the ToM Storybooks. In the author's opinion certain
characteristics seemed to have affected these performances: shyness, poor language skills, bad
mood, low motivation, confusion and restlessness. On rare occasions some children made up funny
or strange explanations to the test questions as if they did not take the test seriously or they had their
own ideas about situations in the stories. These rare answers rarely got any points.
It has been supposed that children may find the correct answers to ToM questions through
logical reasoning without much awareness of social factors (in Buitelaar et al. 1999). In that case
involving justifications is important. For these kind of questions, explanations consisting of mental
states is an absolute requirement for success on the ToM Storybooks. Sometimes these explanations
seemed to be scarce in the otherwise intelligent Finnish children. Situational explanations, not
involving any mental states, were more commonly used than expected. Another common problem
found in the Finnish sample was that children forgot the names of the emotions (sad, angry etc.). It
is possible that the Finnish culture favours more situational language than language with mental
state verbs compared to Dutch culture. Maybe some children gave meagre or short answers to the
qualitative questions (justification questions) because they thought that the tester would understand
It is not certain whether the test should be modified to be more suitable for Finnish use or
not. For example, in one story the main protagonist, Sam, get's a jumper as a birthday present even
though he did not want a jumper. Children are asked how Sam looks like (emotion). Children get
points for answering sad. In this study 23 children replied with sad, 7 with normal, 4 with
surprised, 1 with happy and 7 gave other answers. The typical way to act in this kind of situation
in Finland may vary with age and other factors. Probably some adults would lie that they like the
present to avoid hurting the feelings of the person who gave the jumper. Caring of another's feelings
requires ToM. Probably this kind of things have been taken into consideration in designing the ToM
Storybooks. The test was not made for adults but for children.
There are 21 categories for the qualitative answers (justifications) used in the Dutch
version of the ToM Storybooks. The administer of the test uses a qualitative handbook for scoring
the test according to these categories. The handbook has not been translated into Finnish. It is
possible that different language might result in different categories. Exploring the need for changing
categories and translating a Finnish version of the handbook are recommended. This would call for
For the present, no children with special needs have been tested with the ToM Storybooks
in Finland. Studying them would give precious information both on the Finnish version of the test
and on the aspects of ToM in Finnish children with special needs. Especially people working with
children with autism would benefit from detailed information on children's ToM skills.
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Before beginning the test, the child is presented with drawings of five facial expressions (happy,
scared, angry, sad, and surprised); there was also a neutral (just OK) face. The child was asked to
provide labels with the faces in order to be sure that he/she recognized each emotional expression
(see also Hadwin, Baron-Cohen, Howlin & Hill, 1996). If the child did not know or made a
mistake, the experimenter gave the appropriate label. After practicing the emotions, the actual test
There are 34 tasks (also see Appendix C); they can be divided in five groups.
There are five emotion recognition tasks: happy, scared, angry, sad and surprised. The child is
presented with five situational descriptions. It has to choose the appropriate face and provide the
correct emotion label. To avoid a response bias, the presentation order of the faces varied.
Example task (see figure 1): Sam has won shooting marbles. He has won the most beautiful
marble. Questions: 1) Choose the face that matches. (emotion recognition), 2) How does he look?
Pairs of real-mental contrasts are used in which the child has to compare two characters that have
corresponding objective and subjective experiences. The child has to compare real situations with
pretending, dreaming, thinking about things, and remembering things. The (justification) questions
Example task (see figure 2): Sam, mummy and Sparky are going to the park. First, they are
going to the pond. Sam gives bread to the ducks. And then mummy too. Sams friend, John, cant go
to the park today. John is sick and is lying in bed at home. John pretends to give bread to the
ducks. Questions: 1) Who can really see the bread with his eyes? John or Sam? (mental physical
senses), 2) How come... [Sam/John] can really see the bread with his eyes? 3) Who can really give
the bread to the ducks now? John or Sam? 4) John plays. He pretends to feed the ducks. Can the
mummy of John really give that bread to the ducks too? (mental physical others), 5) Who cannot
save the bread now and give it to the ducks tomorrow? John or Sam? (mental physical future).
Questions are asked about real items and imaginary, non-existing items.
Example task: John and Sam are eating their sandwiches. John, says Sam, Listen. I know
a fun game. I am going to ask you strange questions. Questions: 1) Do yellow bananas exist? 2) Do
dancing bananas exist? 3) Can you think of yellow bananas? 4) Can you think of dancing bananas?
Close impostors are physical objects that do not posses all characteristics of real objects. Real phys
ical objects, like for instance chairs, have three characteristics, namely behavioral-sensory evidence,
public existence and consistent existence. Close impostors can only be perceived in one modality
and cannot be touched or acted upon. There are two tasks: one task is on smoke, the other is on a
nasty smell.
Example task (see figure 3): Sparky, the dog, is rolling in the mud. Yak Sparky, you smell
bad, says Sam. It stinks! Questions: Can Sam touch the smell with his hands? Can Sam smell the
smell? (close impostor senses) Can mummy smell it too? (close impostor others) How come mummy
can smell it [too/not]? Can Sam save the smell in a box and smell it again tomorrow?(close im
postor future)
3. Perception knowledge (maximum of 3 points)
Only one task is involved. Questions are asked about the connection of seeing or not seeing
something and knowing or consequently not knowing something (a subtest that was also included
Example task (see figure 4): Today, it is Sams birthday. He is five. In the room there are
two gifts on the table: a little parcel and a big box. Lisa, his sister, is allowed to look in the box,
Sam however, can only touch the box. Questions: 1) Who knows what is in the box? Sam or Lisa?
The knowledge of desires allows one to predict both emotions and actions. Both sorts of tasks are
incorporated into test items where desires are either fulfilled or not fulfilled.
There are five tasks on desire-emotions (wanting and getting/ not getting/ getting something
Example task: Come along Sam and Sparky, says mother, we are going home. On the way home,
Sam sees the ice cream man. He wants an ice cream. Mother, can I have an ice cream?, he asks.
Off course, says mother and Sam gets a great ice cream. Questions: 1) Choose the face that
matches. (desire emotion recognition), 2) How does he look?(desire emotion naming), 3) How come
There are three desire-action tasks. Example task: They are at Johns house. But John has
hidden himself. Sam wants to go swimming and John has to come along to the swimming pool. He
goes to look for Sam in the cellar. He opens the door. And yes! There is John. Questions: 1) What
5. Beliefs (maximum of 34 points)
Questions are asked about fulfilled or not fulfilled beliefs. These tasks, like desire tasks, can be used
There are two belief-emotion tasks. Example task: Sam thinks his swimming trunks are on
the chair. Sam goes to look on the chair. But there he finds a chicken! Question: 1) Choose the face
that matches. (standard belief emotion recognition), 2) How does he look? (standard belief emotion
There are eight belief-action tasks. They are all first order belief tasks: on standard belief,
changed belief, inferred belief, inferred belief control, not belief, not own belief (or diverse-belief),
explicit false belief and false belief (change-of-location, see figure below) tasks.
Example task (see figure 5): Grandpa and grandma are paying Sam a visit. Sam gets rollerblades
from grandpa and grandma. Hes very happy with the present. Sam puts the rollerblades in the toy
trunk. Then, he goes upstairs. When Sam has left, his sister Lisa goes to the toy trunk. She likes to
tease her brother. Lisa hides the rollerblades in the box! And then, she goes outside. Then, Sam
comes back. He wants to rollerblade. Questions: 1) Where will Sam look for his rollerblades? 2)
Why is Sam looking [there]? 3) Where does Sam think his rollerblades are? 4) Where are they
Appendix B: Example pictures of the Theory of Mind Storybooks
FIGURE 5. Close impostor task
FIGURE 7. False belief task
Appendix C: Order of the tasks in the Theory of Mind Storybooks
Note. 1 number of test questions, and between brackets the number of additional justification
questions; 2 maximum attainable points; 3 correct justification answers per task: D=desire, FB=fact
belief, GK=general knowledge, IPP=insight physical process, LP=location possession,
PC=perception criterion, RM=rest category mental state, RR=referring to reality, S=situational,
VB=value belief, VRB=verb referring to a belief.