To Insure Proper Success by Raymond Lord III: But Keep Your Listings Number With The Business Phone

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To Insure Proper Success by Raymond Lord III

What makes you different makes you stronger (& different = great)
o Take who you are, what you have a passion for and what you enjoy and mold
your business around you. Do NOT let your business shape who you are.
IE Love to surf, read, play chess. Anything
Everyone is the same over the phone or email. Meet F2F (Face-2-Face)
o Every conversation over the phone in a potential pitch or with a buyer should
have the goal of meeting F2F
Go to the persons residence, office, etc.
They live far away? Fine. Say you are going to be in the area
[Woah, what a coincidence] and make an appointment to meet
Now go book that travel and lodging [Insert sly face]
Have TWO (2) cell phones.
o One business, one personal.
One can represent work and allow you to relax when needed. You can
leave work behind and live in the moment and give 100% of our attention
Youre not a human computer, have one in your hand while on the phone
to make you look even better.
All these phones die too quickly -one dies, forward the calls to the other
and your business never stops.
However, keep contacts SEPARATE
Note: some clients/customers become friends and will have both
but keep your listings number with the business phone.
Knowledge is power.
o Know your stuff inside out. The Devil is in the details.
Find those details people normally dont know and know it so well people
could think you wrote the rules yourself.
This will help you with the next one
Got balls?
o Dont be afraid to push the boundaries, grab peoples attention, create some
o Do advertisements that are different (See video from Australia); embrace
challenging people Are you too old to learn?
Swallow the tadpole.
o Before it becomes a frog. What does this all mean? Deal with issues now, dont
let them sit and become bigger issues.
Communicate Properly
o Ask your clients/customers their preferred modality
o Most younger clients always want to text. Some clients only want to talk. Some
want email. Just ask, its the best way to avoid confusion or miscommunication.
Dont be too proud.
o Know when to admit and say youre wrong. Followed by Im sorry. Even if you
dont know when, realize that you may be wrong.
o Remember youre human. Sounds simple but people do need to be reminded
sometimes, people make mistakes.
Build & Maintain Relationships
o Dont be a salesman in all relationships. Be yourself. Do things for people and
think of people without any expectations. I promise it will pay you back in
o Nurture your A+ relationships. Constantly contact those who love you -send them
small gifts, texts, emails, mail, simply to say hi and youre thinking of them.
o People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.
People want to do business with people they like
Cooperatively compete:
o In our business, your name is your business. Be competitive but also respectful of
other agents and realize you will be doing deals with these people at some point.
You dont want them to have a bad taste in their mouth
o Network with your peers. Ask how they do things. Best to learn from the best.
Realize not everyone will like you. You will make enemies. Get over it.
o Just the nature of the beast. Not everyone is going to like you and youre not
going to like everyone. That is life realize this now because when people bet
against your success, tell others you wont succeed or await your failure the best
FU is success beyond what, even you, thought wasnt possible.
Touch your clients.
o I know you read this with a dirty mind. However, did you know that a server who
makes skin-to-skin contact with a guest as they hand them the bill is more likely
to receive a higher tip? Its also been studied that the same contact between a
baby & mother can decrease maternal stress levels.
o We are built and wired for touch. Its also why it works when we flirt -casual
hand on shoulder, brush by an arm or hand. Etc.
o A simple hug hello or goodbye can accomplish this (and tie into the last
Track everything.
o Keep yourself in check. Literally. You receive a check that has no tax taken out
remember that nearly 40% of every check you receive is out the window to Uncle
o Detail your expenses per listing/sale
IE 123 Jane Smith, track everything associated
Photos, video, floorplans, open house food, staging ETC
DO NOT work from home
o What I mean by this is do not work FROM home, you can of course do work at
home and you will.
o Why? Youre not productive. Youll spend your time washing sheets, organizing
a closet and letting money pass you by.
o Those who do more than what they are paid will be paid for more than what they
o Give back and it will give back to you
Realize you dont become successful without the help of others and give
back with that in mind. (A super short story for you: I gave $25,000 when
I was 24, to a program at my Alma Mater and I ended up selling a $3.15M
apartment due to it)
o NEVER ask a question that can be easily answered by a No. NEVER ask,
Will/Would you sell.
o ALWAYS ask for consideration. ALWAYS start with, Would you ever
consider selling your property, buying a piece of land instead of a home, etc.
o Change is the only constant in life is the greatest quote for sales. Circumstances
always change. There are plenty of considerations people can contemplate to
prompt them to do something: Death. Birth. Raise. Layoff. Empty Nest. Etc.
Often you ask in this way and the people call you days or weeks later
because they have been thinking about it the whole time.
Just keep listening.
o People categorize great conversations when they do most of the talking.
o Ask, ask, and ask some more. Keep the person talking, specifically when on a
pitch. Ask them what their favorite part of the property is, where they are going
after they sell / what they will do with the place when they buy it, etc.
o The longer you spend with the person, giving them 100% of your time and
attention they are more likely to work with you
In the age of digital, physical wins.
o Handwrite thank you notes. Handwrite notes, period. May sound simple but the
only physical mail people receive today are bills or junk-mail. Send a super
simple card saying, Thinking of you, I hope you and the kids are well and the
recipient will walk away from the mailbox giddy. This ties into the last point
o Talk about spirit animals -this womans wisdom, vigor, and wit are certainly a
goal of mine. One of her famous quotes is all you need to remember:
o People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will
never forget how you made them feel.
o When exiting a scenario - Always leave them laughing

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