6 Asset Accounting
6 Asset Accounting
6 Asset Accounting
Financial Accounting
Table of Contents
Asset Accounting
Master Data
AS01 -
A fixed asset is defined as an individual economic good that it is recognized in the balance sheet
at the time of closing, and is in the long-term service of the enterprise.
In order to make it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate master data, the varied
individual information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions in the
system. The asset master record consists of two main parts:
1. General Master Data: This part of the master record contains concrete information about
the fixed asset.
2. Data for Calculating Asset Values: You can specify depreciation terms in the asset master
record for each depreciation area in the chart of depreciation. In order for you to make
these specifications, the master record contains an overview of the depreciation areas. In
addition, there is a detailed display available for each depreciation area. If there are
depreciation areas that are not needed for a specific asset, it is possible to deactivate
these depreciation areas at the asset level.
A Capital Investment Order with Budget should have been created in preparation for assignment
to the asset master record.
2. Press [F4] or Click the Search button in the Asset class field.
3. Click the Enter button for a complete list for company code 1100
Note: Use the reference field if you'd like to create an asset master record that is similar
to another asset master record. When creating a new asset with a reference asset, the
values from the fields of the master record of the reference asset are proposed as
default values.
Note: Number of similar assets; This function enables you to create multiple similar
assets in one master transaction. These assets initially differ from each other only by
their main and/or sub-number. When you save, you can also enter a description and
inventory number for each individual master record.
This function does not allow you to create multiple assets that automatically have the
same long text..
10. Press [F4] or Click the Search button in the Cost center field.
11. Click Enter Button to get a list of cost centers based on your entries.
12. Select the relevant cost center and Double click on it.
Note: Fields on this screen are typically used for report groupings as required.
AS01 -
The term "asset" is used for simple assets, as well as for complex large-scale assets that consist
of a number of component assets. The data structure of the system, with a 12 character alpha-
numeric main asset number and a 4 character sub-number, allows both. The main asset number
represents the asset as a whole. Parts of assets can be represented by different sub-numbers.
Every master record is automatically created with at least one sub-number, even if no sub-assets
exist. The system marks the first master record as an asset main number master record. When
you use internal sub-number assignment, this main number has sub-number "0000". You can
create additional sub-numbers for this main number master record. The system manages values
for each sub-number for every individual depreciation area in year segments. The individual
transactions are posted directly to the sub-numbers as line items.
Asset master.
Note: All of the master data from the parent asset master record are adopted to the sub-
asset master record.
Note: Once all relevant data has been maintained, the sub-asset can be saved.
Note: Notice the new asset sub-number has a one at the end. 11500001 1
Prerequisites :
Creation of Internal Order, Assets Master & Settlement Rule has to be created before
capitalization of Asset under Construction. – Covered in master data user manual.
1. Procurement without PO
2. Procurement from External Vendor With PO
3. Procurement of Assets with CWIP Assets MM integration
Put the following Required field Optional, and Conditional fields, as needed :
Here data divided in two parts : 1. Header Data 2. Item level data.
1. Header Data :
Now before saving the document, go to the document overview than go to document tab & select
the simulate the document or simulate General ledger view below screen appear
Simulate Ledger View :
3. Purchase Order : That will be created by mm people with account assignment “A” –
Transaction code – ME21N
4. Goods Receipt : Goods receipt entry for assets inward will be done thru MIGO in
5. Excise Posting : Posting of Excise Invoice / BOE by transaction code – J1IEX to be used
with option of Post excise invoice. Here reference document can be taken as internal
Excise doc. Number generated. In case of capital goods, Tools and consumables system
will post entries to RG23C register with 50 % splitting amount.
6. Asset vendor invoice : Vendor invoice book by transaction code –MIRO with reference to
2. Internal Order Creation : Internal order will be created by using T-Code “KO01”
Select Controlling
Next Step : In Assignment Tab select Company Code, Plant, object Class, Profit Center,
Responsible Cost Center & User (Department & Name of person Who is Responsible to do that
work), Requesting Cost Center(Department who is requesting for assets), Requesting Co. Code
(Same as above), Requesting Order (here we have to give Project order )
Next Step : go to the Investment Tab and select the “Ruchi AUC”
Click here to
release the
Internal Order.
4. Creation of AUC Master : Create AUC thru internal order - GOTO KO02 and put IO no.
and GOTO extras select Asset under construction system automatically create AUC
Assets.below screen appear.
5. Purchase Order : That will be created by mm people with account assignment “F” –
Transaction code – ME21N
6. Goods Receipt : Goods receipt entry for assets inward will be done thru MIGO in
7. Excise Posting : Posting of Excise Invoice / BOE by transaction code – J1IEX to be used
with option of Post excise invoice. Here reference document can be taken as internal
Excise doc. Number generated. In case of capital goods, Tools and consumables system
will post entries to RG23C register with 50 % splitting amount.
8. Asset vendor invoice / Expenses Incurred for that asset : Vendor invoice book by
transaction code –MIRO with reference to P.O. and With out P.O we have also to book FI
Vendor Invoices by using T-Code, FB60,F-90 same as above transaction F-90 except the
second line item. In first line item we have to given credit to vendor and in second line item
is explained below.
after that go to Document and select simulate general ledger view below screen appear.
9. Internal Order Reports : before settlement of Internal order, we have to check how much
cost booked in that internal order by using transaction code “KOB1”.
10. Settlement of Internal Order : Every month end all internal order should be settle by using
transaction code “KO88” and put Internal order Number in Order field.
After Checking that go back and remove tick from Test Run and again Execute and see
detail. System automatically create the Accounting Document as well as Asset
Transaction Document & Controlling Document.
11. Settlement of AUC(CWIP) Account : When asset is ready to use we have to settle AUC
(Capital Work in Progress) A/c to Final Assets (Capitalisation of Asset) by using same
transaction code “KO88” but before run this transaction you have to create Assets by
“AS01” and also make settlement rule. This AUC settlement process is Same as Internal
Order Settlement Process.
Maintain Settlement Rule only for AUC settle to Final Asset by using T-Code “KO02”. Go to
“KO02” select internal order go to settlement rule and maintain rule for AUC Settle to Final
Fixed Assets.
Transaction Code : “KO88” Select order and go to settlement tab select Reverse option.
That Reversal can be happened only in settlement period i.e. Settlement done in 11th month
and we want to reverse it in 12th month in that case reversal not happened. Only in 11th
month possible.
Important Note : If having addition in any existing assets in standard S A P system will
calculated depreciation on first acquisition date, Now in our current scenario depreciation
should be calculated on addition capitalisation date, however in SAP We have to create Sub
Assets with the reference to Main Assets and here we have to put ordinary depreciation start
date which is added field with compare to normal assets creation & that is mandatory field.
Purpose :
This transaction is used to process an asset transfer between two units. There are
different types of transfers, depending on the business transaction that is the reason for the
transfer. However for each asset, which is being transferred we will have to carry out the
transaction. The accounting entry in both the company code will hit the inter company clearing
account, at the end of the period the account the account will have net of balance which should
be nil. Information of transfer of Assets receipt from respective department giving full description
of assets transfer & location & department of transferee & transferor Intra company asset
Prerequisites :
Menu Path
To go to the Transfer: Initial Screen, use the following menu path:
• Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Postings Transfer Inter-
company transfer. Transaction Code : ABUMN
Put the following Required field Optional, and Conditional fields, as needed :
1. Transaction Data :
Field R/O/C Description/Action
Document Date R Enter the Document Date means Invoice
Date or date when original document was
Posting Date R The date on which the transaction is
executed. This becomes the date from
which the sender asset is to be removed
from the books and the receiver is to be
debited take the date.
Asset Value Date R The asset value date is the value date for
Asset Accounting. It can deviate from the
posting and document date.
Transfer to R Choose any one option from below two
2. Additional Detail :
3. Partial Transfer : Put detail in that field when assets partially transferring.
No Revenue – Transferring
without Revenue
Now if here give error for “Balancing field "Profit Centre " in line item 003 not filled” than you
select Code 122027 and press the above option “Additional Account Assignment” and put the
Profit Centre.
Prerequisites :
Asset Account Number
Menu Path
To go to the Transfer: Initial Screen, use the following menu path:
• Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Postings Retirement Retirement
W/Revenue. Transaction Code “ABAON” or “ABAO”
Work Flow :
1. Retirement / Sale without customer : Retirement of Assets with
Revenue means Sale of assets in Cash, some market value which is to be charge off in P&L
Account i.e. which is retire without customer. Update the following Required, Optional, and
Conditional fields, as needed:
Post or Save
Now, after that process Payment received in Cash and that time via Cash Journal
Transaction Code “FBCJ” received cash and credit to above Clearing Account of Asset
Now, If we want to partial retire of assets, go to the Partial Retirement Tab & Update the
following Required, Optional, and Conditional fields, as needed:
Field R/O/C Description/Action
Amount posted O The amount of asset to be posted for partial transfer
Percentage O The %age of asset to be posted for partial transfer
Quantity O The quantity of asset to be posted for partial transfer
Related to O Tick the Option for Assets which related to Current
Year Acquisition of Previous year Acquisition.
After that process simulate the Document and check the entry than post.
Update the following Required field Optional, and Conditional fields, as needed :
Here data divided in two parts : 1. Header Data 2. Item level data.
3. Header Data :
Field R/O/C Description/Action
Document Date R Enter the Document Date means Invoice
Document Type R Automatic derive from System
Company Code R Put Company code in which you want to
post the document
Posting Date R Put date of document posting for only open
period otherwise system will not take the
Period O Automatically derive on base of posting
Second Step:
Field R/O/C Description/Action
Amount R Put * (Amount automatically derived from
previous line items) or put Amount.
Cost Center O Select Cost Centre
Asset Retirement C Now, we are going to retire Asset by Sale
so you should tick the Asset Retire. After
ticking the asset retirement press Enter
than “Create Asset Retirement” Box will
be appear
Asset R Put Asset Number which is to be retire
Transaction Type R Select Transaction Type i.e. Retirement
with revenue or retirement without revenue.
Asset Value Date R The asset value date is the value date for Asset
Zero Net Book Value Assets Scrapping : Transaction Code “ ABSO ” Mostly This Transaction will be
used for Low Values Assets Scrapping.
Screen - 2
See below status bar where after saving system will show the Document No. which is posted for
that transaction.
Now, we have to received Payment and credit to Clearing – Assets Sale A/c.
Purpose : This transaction is used to process depreciation on the assets which are either already
existing or the assets which are created new in the system. This process of depreciation should be carried
out at the end of the period that means either at end of the quarter or at the end of the year. This is a
period end closing exercise. Depreciation run can be executed for a period only once. It is advised that, at
the end of the period when all the transaction pertaining to assets gets over, this run is executed.
We can post two type of depreciation :
1. Planned Depreciation
2. Manual Depreciation
• Unpalnned Depreciation for Singal Assets
• Unplanned Depreciation for Multi Assets – BDC Configue for Shiftwise Depreciation.
Planned Depreciation :
SAP Access
Access Menu Accounting > Financial Accounting > Fixed Assets >
Periodic Processing > Depreciation Run > AFAB - Execute
Transaction Code AFAB
Now, Here it is
always advisable first
Depreciation run
Should be in Test
Run Mode after
checking the data in
test Mode execute
without tick (√) of test
(*) Reason for posting:
⇒ You should select “Planned posting run”, which requires that depreciation from previous period was
normally posted. During a regular posting run of this kind, the system does not allow you to limit the run
to particular assets.
⇒ “Repeat run” is to be used in case there are some new assets created after the depreciation run for the
last period posted. the depreciation on those assets will be calculated by executing the repeat run &
Same in case of re-posting of incorrect asset depreciation. The system will not calculate depreciation
for all the asset again when in the normal course the system has already calculated depreciation and
posted the same in the system, so in case of repeat run only for specific new asset we will execute the
depreciation run. Repeat run is executed in the similar manner as the normal run. That Function only
use at Corporate level.
⇒ “Restart depreciation posting run which is indicator for depreciation posting run terminated for
technical reasons and changes had already been made to the database, you have to restart the
program in restart mode. Using the restart mode ensures that all system activities that were interrupted
by the termination are repeated. A restart run should therefore only be performed in certain cases and
cannot be started in a test mode.
⇒ “Unplanned Posting Run” If, for whatever reason, you want to skip over one or more posting periods,
you can do this by specifying an unplanned posting run. The system then creates postings for all the
periods that were skipped, as well as for the period entered. The posting period that you specify,
however, must fit into the posting cycle. If you specify period 7 for a quarterly posting cycle, for
example, no posting occurs.
Depreciation Run for Planned Posting :
After Checking the data in Test Run go back and remove the tick (√) from Test Run than to go to
programme tab and select ‘’ Execute in Background’’ OR Press ‘’F9’’ to Execute the Depreciation posting
Click here
to Execute
the Job
after that go to SM 37 and execute the background job as mention above. After executing below screen
appear. And select the job which is run in background.
after that click to Spool and than double click to Type box OR go to Display Contents OR Press F6.
Now the same way we can process Normal ‘’ Unplanned Depreciation Posting Run’’ which is above
The planned depreciation is posted to the accounts defined in Customizing. Note that the system always
creates collective documents (not individual documents for each asset) when posting depreciation.
IMPORTANT NOTE : The document is an internal asset accounting document hence the same
cannot be seen as FI document. But when the asset is displayed the unplanned depreciation will
be displayed as values adjusted. This unplanned depreciation gets posted when the next planned
depreciation run is carried out. And we can not post the manual depreciation in depreciation
posted periods.
after clicking update field system will creation only asset transaction document system will not create the
Finance Document because Finance document will be prepared after posting the planned depreciation
and that unplanned/shiftwise depreciation should be run before planned depreciation run.
BDC Format >> ..\..\F I\AB01_Asset_Unplanned_Dep.xls
Purpose : Reporting of Assets are required for Company act and Income Tax act. Asset
Explorer provides all information on individual asset: Master data, Valuation, Depreciation,
Transactions, Asset History
SAP Access
Access Menu Accounting > Financial accounting > Fixed assets >
Asset > AW01N - Asset Explorer
Transaction Code AW01N
On this report we can get assets acquisition, assets planned and posted depreciation, assets
retirement, vendor, cost centre, and depreciation as per IT and Co. act. We can also see
comparisons detail of year wise depreciation of this asset.
Report selection: with this icon you can drill-down to Asset Reports by double clicking in
below options.
SAP Access
Access Menu Accounting > Financial accounting > Fixed assets >
Environment > Work list > AR01 - Asset Balance
Transaction Code AR01
Select above selection criteria and get below assets report. We have selected only two or three
We can get more report of assets with different type of combination. See the below path for
various assets reports.
SAP Access
Access Menu Accounting > Financial accounting > Fixed assets > Information System >
Reports on Assets Accounting > Asset Balances >