VIP 300 Relay Front Panel
VIP 300 Relay Front Panel
VIP 300 Relay Front Panel
Content page
Testing and
Overview of VAP6 test unit 10
VAP6 test sequence 11
Commissioning Ringmaster
with VIP 300 12-15
VIP 300
Relay front panel
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 9 10
I> RI off
1.2 2.7 4 20 DT
DT (s) 1 3
(x Is) 3 (x Is) off
curve selection
trip 0.2 0.4
42 48 56 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.6
36 64 0.1 0.3
30 72 x10
0.05 0.9 t>
24 80 0.07 0.4
20 100 90 x1 0.03 1.5
0.05 0.6 (s) t>>
t> t>>
Is Is1.2 Is I> 10Is I>>
minimum operating
phase current: 20A
Io> DT only
VI EI 1.8 2.1 9 12
SI 1.5 2.4 6 15
DT 1 3 3
trip (s) (x Ios) off
curve selection
11 12 13 14 15 17 18 16 19 20
VIP 300
Curve selection
Is 1.2 Is 10 Is I>>
Earth fault setting
F The principle is the same as for phase
DT curve selection F Setting current Ios (14)
G Type of low setting Io> curve (15)
Definite time: DT
H DT low set pick-up Io> (16)
G This setting is only active for the
low set DT curve selection (as
shown). If IDMT curves are
I> J selected this switch is disabled,
as SI, VI, EI low set pick-up is
fixed at 1.2 Is.
J Low set time delay to> (17)
and multiplier (18)
K High set Io>>(19)
L High set time delay to>>(20)
t>> L The high and low set elements
operate separately. The tripping order
results from the logical OR between
the two settings.
VIP 300
Use and settings
VIP 300
Use and settings
Earth fault The setting principle is the same as 15. Choice of low
for phase overcurrent. set curve.
SI : Standard inverse time.
11. Earth fault setting
VI : Very inverse time.
EI : Extremely inverse time.
All information concerning earth fault RI : Specific curve.
settings are grouped together in the
DT : Definite time.
lower half of the front panel. Section
numbers below are related to the Off : Low set is disabled.
numbering on the drawing shown on
page 4.
16. Low set pick-up
12. Earth fault pick-up (DT only) Io>.
indicator. The setting is a multiple of Ios. It is
only active when the low set curve type
When the red LED blinks, It indicates DT is selected.
that the low set element has picked up.
If the current does not decrease below
the pick-up level the relay will trip. 17. Low set
For IDMT curves (SI, VI, EI) the time delay to>.
LED blinks when the current is If the DT curve is selected, the
greater than 1.2 times the setting value shown is the low set time
current Is. delay.
For the IDMT curve (RI), the LED For IDMT curves the value
blinks when the current is greater displayed is the tripping time for a
than the setting. phase current equal to 10 x
For the DT curve, the LED blinks Ios.
when the l> pick-up setting
is exceeded. 18. Multiplying factor
*N.B. The LED only blinks when the (low set)
phase current is greater than the
minimum operating current (refer to In the x10 position, the time delay
minimum operating current, page 9) displayed on switch 17 is multiplied by 10.
Also refer to indicator reset button
(page 9). 19. High set pick-up Io>>.
13. Earth fault trip indicator. The high set is chosen as a multiple of
the current Ios. In the off position, the
The indicator is normally black and high set is disabled.
turns yellow when the earth fault
element has given a tripping order. It
stays yellow, even when the relay is 20. High set time delay to>>.
Time delay is set directly in seconds.
VIP 300
Use and settings
Reversible scale label for Ringmaster fitted with 200/1A CTs The label indicates the range for
the phase overcurrent and earth
fault primary amp settings. It is
inserted from the top, behind the
transparent part of the front
sensor sensor
200/1: 4509996A0 200/1: 4509996A0 panel.
VIP 300LH range: x2 VIP 300LHrange: x4
The label is reversible and is
printed with the x2 range setting
Is Is currents on one side, and the x4
48 96 range setting currents on the
42 56 84 112
36 64 72 128 other. The scale label when
30 72 60 144 inserted should match the CT and
24 80 48 160
20 100 90 40 200 180 terminal positions on the rear of
the relay, for the range required.
(A) (A)
Also refer to testing and
minimum operating minimum operating commissioning.
phase current: 20A phase current: 40A
B. CT and range
Ios indication.
24 48
16 32 32 64 The CT and range are given on each
12 40 24 80 side of the setting scale label. The label
8 50 16 100
4 60 will match the appropriate CT for the
8 120
2 80 70 4 160 140 Ringmaster panel type supplied. This
(A) information is hidden when the label is
x 2 range x 4 range
x 2 range x 4 range
VIP 300
Use and settings
VIP 300
Overview of the VAP6
4 trip
earth fault 3 Push buttons: C Trip:
Is used to test other relays in the
1 Battery test:
earth fault VIP 30 trip
trip VIP range. It is not to be
VIP 35
circuit breaker If the batteries are healthy, the considered for the VIP 300 test (it
VIP50 mitop
on indicator(A) lights up when lights up for a transient period
overcurrent the button is pressed. when the VIP 300 sends a tripping
VIP 11, 11R
VIP 12R order; whether or not the circuit
VIP17 circuit breaker 2 Phase overcurrent: breaker is inhibited).
VIP200, 201 mitop
overcurrent Sends the phase overcurrent test
stimulus, which is equivalent to 20 D External MITOP output:
VAP6 times the setting current Is.
This feature may be used to
connect an external MITOP trip
3 Earth fault:
coil which could be used to
Sends the earth fault test operate a timer etc. The external
stimulus, which is equivalent to 20 coil is triggered at the same time
times the earth setting current as the circuit breaker MITOP. The
Ios. trip inhibit button does not effect
the external coil.
4 Trip inhibition:
By pressing and holding this Batteries:
button down the relay can be
tested with the VAP6 without The batteries are normally
tripping the circuit breaker. This deactivated and are automatically
facility will inhibit the circuit activated when the VAP6 is
breaker tripping even if a real connected to the VIP 300. They
fault occurs during the test. are activated in the following
- Pressing the battery test
- Direct connection to a VIP 300
Technical characteristics:
Supply: 3 x 9V 6LR61
Weight: 0.45KG
Dimensions: 93 X 157 X 45mm
VIP 300
VAP6 test sequence
The test may be carried out with or The test consists of:
without the relay energised by the - Initiation of the VIP 300 self
Ringmaster current transformers, and monitoring and diagnostic routine.
all the relay settings are effective.
- Injecting a stimulus to stimulate
During the test, the relay remains
a phase fault.
operational and will give a tripping
order in the event of a fault, unless the - Check tripping
trip inhibit button is pressed and held * The VAP6 is supplied by
down. batteries. Therefore the parts of
the VIP 300 that run on AC
current are not checked using this
method (input and supply
VIP 300
Commissioning Ringmaster with VIP 300
Note: When using a secondary injection set with VIP 300 a filter (e.g. Foster SF30)
should be used to improve the wave form. If a filter is not used the operating time of
the relay may not follow the theoretical operating times.
x4 range
40A or 160A
5 minimum
3 current
C11 4 C11 8
x2 range
20A or 80A
C31 5 C31 6
P1 S1 P1 S1 P1 S1 C51 6 C51 4 current
C30 8
K8 (-VE)
N.B. - Always check against the relevant MITOP - ITC K7 (+VE)
CB schematic diagram before carrying 16
out tests connect to terminal blocks above for secondary injection
MITOP - CB trip coil
VIP 300
Commissioning Ringmaster with VIP 300
Note. - No connection should be made to the MITOP trip coil from the secondary
injection test set.
VIP 300
Commissioning Ringmaster with VIP 300
Indicate on the diagram below actual settings. Carry out tests and record the results
in the table provided.
200/1A 800/1A
Is Is Is Is
48 96 192 384
42 56 84 112 168 224 336 448
36 64 72 128 144 256 288 512
30 72 60 144 120 288 240 576
Mark settings with an arrow e.g. 24 80 48 160 96 320 192 640
20 100 90 40 200 180 80 400 360 160 800 720
I> RI off
1.2 2.7 4 20 DT
DT (s) 1
(x Is) 3 3 (x Is) off
curve selection
trip 0.2 0.4
0.15 0.2 0.1 0.6
0.1 0.3
0.05 0.9 t>
0.07 0.4
x1 0.03 1.5
0.05 0.6 (s) t>>
t> Is1.2 Is I> 10Is I>>
Io> DT only
VI EI 1.8 2.1 9 12
SI 1.5 2.4 6 15
DT 1 3 3
trip (s) (x Ios) off
curve selection
VIP 300
Commissioning Ringmaster with VIP 300
Commissioning test
1. Pick up check.
Inject the test current into the
relay for each phase in turn and
note the current required to flash
the LED.
2. Operating time and curve
check at final settings.
Inject the test current into the
relay for each phase in turn and
note the operating times.
3. Instantaneous trip check
Inject the appropriate test current
into the relay and ensure the
correct instantaneous response.
Publication No.PB1197 LIP2000W O/S-BP