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Analytical Biochemistry 434 (2013) 6066

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Analytical Biochemistry
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Whole-mount in situ detection of microRNAs on Arabidopsis tissues

using Zip Nucleic Acid probes
M. Begheldo a,,1, F.A. Ditengou b,1, G. Cimoli c, S. Trevisan a, S. Quaggiotti a, A. Nonis a,
K. Palme b,d,e,f,g,, B. Ruperti a
Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and Environment, University of Padova, 35020 Legnaro (Padova), Italy
Institute of Biology II/Botany, Faculty of Biology, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Tecan Italia S.r.l., Cernusco Sul Naviglio, 20063 Milano, Italy
Centre of Biological Systems Analysis, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg Institute of Advanced Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
Freiburg Initiative for Systems Biology, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) affect fundamental processes of development. In plants miRNAs regulate organ
Received 20 August 2012 development, transition to owering, and responses to abiotic/biotic stresses. To understand the biolog-
Received in revised form 26 October 2012 ical role of miRNAs, in addition to identifying their targeted transcripts, it is necessary to characterize the
Accepted 31 October 2012
spatiotemporal regulation of their expression. Many methods have been used to dene the set of organ-
Available online 10 November 2012
specic miRNAs by tissue dissection and miRNA proling but none of them can describe their tissue and
cellular distribution at the high resolution provided by in situ hybridization (ISH). This article describes
the setup and optimization of a whole-mount ISH protocol to target endogenous miRNAs on intact Ara-
Whole mount ISH
bidopsis seedlings using DIG-labeled Zip Nucleic Acid (ZNA) oligonucleotide probes. Automation of the
miRNA main steps of the procedure by robotized liquid handling has also been implemented in the protocol
ZNA for best reproducibility of results, enabling running of ISH experiments at high throughput.
Robotized liquid handling 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

In the past two decades thousands of microRNAs (miRNAs)2 have between plant miRNAs and their corresponding targeted mRNAs.
been identied among animals, plants, and viruses, thus raising them Because of this specic interplay between plant miRNAs and their
to the most abundant class of small (2025 nt) non-protein-coding targets, there are only a few targets for a majority of miRNAs in
RNAs (miRBase [1]). Although there is no evidence of similarities be- plants, while, for instance, there can be many for each animal miR-
tween miRNAs of animals and plants, they are conserved in distantly NA [7].
related species ranging from mosses to higher owering plants and Traditional genetic approaches based on microarray technology,
from worms to animals [2]. For this reason it has been suggested that analysis of target expression using miRNA loss-of-function mu-
they might play a key role in all kingdoms in regulating essential bio- tants [8,9], and computational prediction [10,11] have been suc-
logical processes such as stem cell differentiation, signal transduction, cessfully employed to identify new small RNA molecules and
disease, and responses to environmental stresses [35]. their target sequences.
As regulatory molecules miRNAs control gene expression at the qPCR and microarray technology have been used to study miR-
post-transcriptional level by three major mechanisms, namely NA expression patterns and thus infer their presumptive function.
translational repression, exonucleolytic decay of mRNA, or direct Nevertheless, even though these techniques ensure nearly quanti-
mRNA degradation (slicing). This last case often occurs in plants tative analysis of expression in a large-scale approach, only in situ
(even though not exclusively) [6] and it is due to the high similarity hybridization (ISH) allows one to determine directly the tissue dis-
tribution of specic small non-coding RNA molecules and their tar-
Corresponding authors. Fax: +39 049 827 2850 (M. Begheldo), +49 761 203 geted sequences. ISH, if compared with other expression proling
2629 (K. Palme). methods, gives a far better spatiotemporal denition of RNA regu-
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Begheldo), klaus.palme@biolo- lation at high resolution. In the case of miRNAs, this may be further
gie.uni-freiburg.de (K. Palme). facilitated by the fact that they are present at high copy numbers
These authors contributed equally to this work.
(mammalians) [12] or usually highly expressed (plants) [13], thus
Abbreviations used: miRNA, microRNA; ISH, in situ hybridization; qPCR, quanti-
tative real-time PCR; ZNA, Zip nucleic acid; DIG, digoxigenin; GUS, b-glucuronidase;
making easier their cellular and subcellular localization by ISH
GFP, green uorescent protein; QC, quiescent center. with sufcient sensitivity. Conversely, a major drawback of ISH

0003-2697/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Whole mount Arabidopsis miRNAs detection by ZNA probes/M. Begheldo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 434 (2013) 6066 61

was considered to be its low throughput in comparison to qPCR Germany) [23] were chosen for selected known mature miRNA
and microarray techniques, because of its requirement for labori- sequences (listed in Table 1, miRbase registry http://microrna.
ous procedures. However, this limitation has been partially over- sanger.ac.uk/sequences). These probes were used to perform
come through the development of robotized platforms through whole-mount experiments on Arabidopsis seedlings by testing
which ISH procedures can be automated and standardized, thus serial concentrations at 15, 30, 50, and 70 nM. A ZNA-modied
raising ISH throughput to relatively high levels ([12]; Gene Paint oligonucleotide designed to target the mouse mmu-miR124a was
Project http://www.genepaint.org). used as negative control [39].
Because of the chemical and structural nature of miRNA mole- After xation, seedlings were dehydrated through a graded eth-
cules (short and often GC-rich), the localization of miRNAs with anol series (30%, 50%, 70%, and 100% in 1 PBS Triton 0.01% (PBST),
satisfactory reliability and specicity requires carefully developed 30 min each) and stored in 100% methanol at 20 C until hybrid-
dedicated protocols. ization. Before use xed plants were rinsed in 100% ethanol for
A decisive improvement in the in situ detection of specic miR- 30 min at room temperature. Sample permeabilization steps were
NAs has been provided by the development of locked nucleic acid carried out following the protocol described by Hejtko et al. [40]
(LNA) probes, which overcame the low capability to enhance the with some modications. After Histo-Clear treatment and rehydra-
signal-to-noise ratio owing to the use of 20-nt-long unmodied tion through a graded ethanol series, plants were washed twice in
probes [14]. In fact, the LNA modication (a methylene bridge con- 0.85% NaCl solution for 5 min at room temperature and immersed
necting the 20 oxygen atom with the 40 carbon atom of the ribose in 0.2 mM HCl for 20 min and again washed in 0.85% NaCl for
backbone) locks the hybridized duplex so that the acquired rigid- 10 min. Proteinase K digestion (70 lg/ml in 0.02 mM TrisHCl,
ity leads to increased melting temperature of the complex made by pH 7.5, 2 mM CaCl2 buffer) was run for 40 min at 37 C and stopped
the LNA probe and its complementary miRNA. This leads to a sig- by 0.2% glycine in PBST for 5 min at room temperature (RT). Plants
nicant reduction in the background, arising from the non-specic were washed with PBS twice for 5 min and subsequently xed
binding of probes in ISH experiments, by enabling highly stringent again in 4% PFA with PBST for 30 min at RT and rinsed overnight
hybridization/washing conditions. Since LNA probes were rst in 0.1 M triethanolamine, pH 8.0, supplemented with 0.1% (v/v)
introduced into the ISH protocol a number of technical applications acetic anhydride. Plants were subsequently exposed for 20 min
have been published [1518]. Recently Trevisan et al. [19] showed to vapors of TrisEDTA, pH 9, buffer (DAKO, Glostrup, Denmark)
that another type of modied nucleotides, namely ZNA (Zip Nu- heated at 90 C in a water bath and prehybridized for 2 h at
cleic Acid) oligonucleotides, already adopted for real-time PCR 50 C in 50% formamide, 2 standard saline citrate (SSC), and
[20], can be used on plant sections to detect in situ expression of 0.1 mg/ml heparin. Samples were hybridized for 16 h at 50 C in
miRNAs. The stability of the ZNAprobemiRNA duplex, different a solution made up of 50% formamide, 2 SSC, 2.5 Denhardts
from LNA, is due to the presence of cationic spermine units (Z) solution, 0.5% dextran sulfate , 500 lg/ml tRNA, and a 5070 nM
linked at the 50 end of the oligonucleotide, so that increased afnity concentration of denatured miRNA probe (70 C for 5 min). After
for the target is achieved by decreasing electrostatic repulsion be- hybridization, seedlings were consecutively washed once with TN
tween the negatively charged anionic single-strand nucleic acid buffer (0.1 M TrisHCl, pH 7.5, 150 mM NaCl) for 15 min at 37 C
target and the probe [20]. and with a range of SSC solutions (1.5 SSC at 45 C, 1.0 at
Here we describe the use of the ZNA oligonucleotides for the 50 C, and 0.5 at 50 C) 5 times and for 10 min each. A nal 5-
optimization of a whole-mount protocol for localization of miRNAs min rinsing step with PBST at 50 C was included and repeated 3
in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. We provide evidence that ZNA times. Blocking was carried out with 2% bovine serum albumin in
oligonucleotides can be used for ISH on both whole mounts and PBST solution at RT for 60 min, followed by incubation at +4 C
sections of Arabidopsis seedlings, thus offering a valid and more (or alternatively 2 h at room temperature) with fresh blocking buf-
economic alternative to the use of LNA probes. We also show that fer supplemented with anti-digoxigeninAP Fab fragments diluted
automation of the whole-mount protocol described in this paper 1:2000. After 16 h, the plants were rinsed 8 times in TN buffer for
supports the use of ZNA oligonucleotides and miRNA localization 10 min and 10 times in TNM buffer (0.1 M TrisHCl, pH 9.5, 0.1 M
by ISH at high-throughput levels. NaCl, 50 mM MgCl2) for 10 min.
The procedure was terminated by incubation in TNM detection
buffer supplemented with 2 mM levamisole and NBT/BCIP (Roche,
Materials and methods
Basel, Switzerland). Staining was continued until a clearly detect-
able signal was visible under a light microscope. Plants were
Plant material and xation
mounted in 50% (v/v) glycerol and observed with an Olympus
BX50 microscope (Olympus Corp., Tokyo, Japan) equipped with
Three- to ve-day-old seedlings of A. thaliana ecotype Columbia
DIC optics. Images were captured with an MRc5 Axiocam color
(Col-0) were grown on half-strength Murashige & Skoog medium
camera (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and processed with
at 22 C under short-day conditions (8 h light/16 h dark). For the
Adobe Photoshop CS4 (Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA).
whole-mount ISH protocol, seedlings were xed in a 1:1 (v/v) mix-
ture of xation solution (5% paraformaldehyde (PFA), 15% dimethyl
sulfoxide, 0.08 M EGTA, 0.1% Tween in phosphate-buffered saline
Embedding of seedlings and in situ hybridization on sections
(PBS), pH 7.4) and heptane for 30 min [21]. For experiments on sec-
tions, plants were xed in 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS for 2 h at
Fixed plants were rinsed two times in PBS and subsequently
room temperature, vacuum inltrated for 5 min three or four
preembedded in 1% agarose in PBS (as described in [22]). The xed
times, and left overnight in xation solution at +4 C. After xation,
tissue was dehydrated in ethanol, cleared in Hemo-De (Thermo
the plants were embedded in Paraplast [22] for later sectioning and
Fisher Scientic, Waltham, MA, USA), and embedded in Paraplast-
ISH [19].
Plus (Thermo Fisher Scientic). Tissue sections (7 lm thick) were
cut with a 2035 Leica microtome (Leica Microsystems GmbH,
Whole-mount in situ hybridization Wetzlar, Germany), oated on water, and mounted on Superfrost-
Plus slides (Thermo Fisher Scientic).
Five 50 -DIG-labeled ZNA-4 modied oligonucleotides containing The slides were air-dried at 37 C and used for ISH as described
four spermine units (4Z; Metabion International AG, Martinsried, by Trevisan et al. [19]. The same ZNA oligo probes used for the
62 Whole mount Arabidopsis miRNAs detection by ZNA probes/M. BegheldoF.A. Ditengou et al. / Anal. Biochem. 434 (2013) 6066

Table 1
Arabidopsis thaliana microRNA probes adopted in the experiments.

miRNA Targets Biological functions Probe sequence Ref.

0 0
ath-miR160 ARF10, ARF16, ARF17 Stem cell differentiationroot development; auxin signal 4Z5 -TGGCATACAGGGAGCCAGGCA-3 [2426]
0 0
ath-miR164a/b CUC1, CUC2 Stem cell maintenance and signal transductionestablishment 4Z5 -TGCACGTGCCCTGCTTCTCCA-3 [2731]
of axillary meristems and boundary domain, lateral root
ath-miR167a/b ARF6, ARF8 Phase change ovule and anther fertility control; organ 4Z50 -TAGATCATGCTGGCAGCTTCA-30 [32,33]
developmentlateral root emergence; auxin signal transduction
ath-miR390 TAS3-ARF2|ARF3|ARF4 Signal transduction and organ developmentauxin-mediated 4Z50 -GGCGCTATCCCTCCTGAGCTT-30 [3436]
polarity establishment in root, leaf, and ower development
0 0
zma-miR166j/k/n HD-ZIP-III Stem cell maintenance and developmentcell organization in 4Z5 -AGGGATTGAAGCCTGGTCCGA-3 [9,37,38]
root and shoot

Investigated miRNAs, their targets, and the corresponding oligonucleotide sequences of probes are listed along with references reporting their characterization and biological
roles. For each miRNA the probe sequence refers to oligos modied with four ZNA spermine (Z) building blocks.

whole-mount protocol (listed in Table 1) were used at a nal con- enhance the extraction of nucleic acids in ISH embedded samples
centration of 20 nM. and to allow greater penetration of the probes [43]. Thus, we have
adopted a combination of a heat-retrieval method, based on the
Automation of liquid handling for ISH standardization use of a warmed ionic solution of TrisEDTA, with a proteinase K
digestion step at the lowest effective concentration (70 lg/ml) to
All ISH steps, with the exception of xation and staining, were keep a better tissue integrity in comparison to short-term and
carried out using an adaptation of a universal liquid handling ro- high-concentration proteinase K treatment alone [44,45]. In the
bot, Freedom EVO 100, from Tecan (http://www.tecan.com). For hybridization solution no herring sperm was used, but tRNA and
ISH on sections, a minimum number of six slides (each including Denhardts solution were added to maintain a clear background,
at least ve sections) per probe concentration were tested using along with dextran sulfate, to increase the rate of hybridization
the Gene Paint suite accessories as described by Trevisan et al. [46]. Washing steps were carried out with an initial 1.5 SSC solu-
[19]. For ISH on whole-mount specimens xed plants were placed tion at 45 C, followed by a decreasing concentration series of SSC
in a custom-developed 48-well plate positioned on a thermostat- solutions at 50 C, to maintain stringency by acting on temperature
controlled carrier. Three independent biological replicates per miR- instead of using formamide, thus minimizing the use of hazardous
NA probe per concentration were performed, in three independent chemicals. After anti-digoxigeninAP incubation the antibody ex-
wells each containing ve or six seedlings. cess was rinsed off in TN buffers instead of PBS to equilibrate the
plants in detection buffer.
Overall changes applied to the protocol resulted in an improve-
Results and discussion
ment in terms of reproducibility of signals from the starting 30%,
obtained with the unimproved protocol, to ca. 70% of plants show-
Optimization and automation of whole-mount in situ hybridization
ing a well-preserved structure and detectable signals (data not
protocol on Arabidopsis seedlings
shown). In addition, no tissue clearing steps were necessary, such
as mounting of specimens with chloral hydrate solution.
Changes were applied to some steps of the whole-mount ISH
Since a major drawback of ISH procedures is their time-con-
protocol described by Hejtko et al. [40], to improve reproducibil-
suming low throughput, we implemented the protocol in an auto-
ity of probe penetration and signal-to-noise ratio. For this dual pur-
mated robotized platform (Tecan Freedom EVO 100) for liquid
pose, specic crucial steps were modied to improve penetration
handling of all steps except xation and nal staining.
of reagents within the tissues and to reduce background, making
An upgraded Gene Paint suite (http://www.genepaint.org, [47])
a compromise between increased accessibility of targets and loss
was set up for this purpose and a custom-designed thermostat-
of tissue structure organization.
controlled 48-well plate was developed to process 48 independent
To this end, an HCl step was added in the permeabilization
samples at the same time.
phase before protein digestion with proteinase K, while the pro-
Special care was taken to achieve effective liquid handling with-
teinase K working concentration was optimized to a relatively
out damaging the fragile biological structure of samples that were
low concentration (70 lg/ml versus the 125 lg/ml used by Hejtko
repeatedly exposed to several different solutions. The automation
et al. [40]) with a digestion time of 40 min. Before the hybridiza-
brought the throughput of the entire procedure to a high level,
tion step, and after postxation, samples were rinsed in triethanol-
by signicantly increasing the technical reproducibility of results,
amine supplemented with acetic anhydride, a treatment reported
by ensuring highly standardized conditions and running several
to inactivate RNases and to improve signal-to-noise ratio [41].
technical replicas, and, most of all, by enabling the evaluation of
When oligonucleotide probes are used, RNases should not repre-
high numbers of biological replicates, thus overall enormously
sent a problem; nevertheless the preservation of RNA species in
improving condence in the results.
the processed tissues is also fundamental to enhance sensitivity.
This RNA protection is usually carried out using a crosslinking x-
ative such as formaldehyde. If on one hand this step is essential, on Whole-mount detection of miRNAs with ZNA probes
the other crosslinking itself prevents the probes from reaching
their target molecules [42]. To solve this problem, an mRNA retrie- The performance of the optimized automated whole-mount
val treatment is normally carried out. mRNA retrieval can be per- miRNA ISH protocol was evaluated by determining the localization
formed enzymatically, by digestion with proteinase K, which of ve different selected miRNAs on Arabidopsis seedlings. These
should not be prolonged too much to avoid disruption of tissues, miRNAs were chosen based on the facts that: (a) for some of them
or by heat treatment of the specimen. Heat retrieval techniques, a partial characterization of tissue-specic expression (e.g., by pro-
borrowed from immunocytochemistry, are commonly applied to moter::GUS fusion studies) was available [24,36], thus providing a
Whole mount Arabidopsis miRNAs detection by ZNA probes/M. Begheldo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 434 (2013) 6066 63

control for the reliability of the results obtained, and (b) their on these results, a 5070 nM (depending on target) nal probe con-
expression in distinct types of tissue (hypocotyl and root) centration was used for all subsequent experiments.
[24,26,36] made them good candidates to test the degree of oligo All the results obtained from the hybridizations of the ve se-
probe penetration within various cell structures and thus tissue lected probes are shown in Fig. 2 and appeared in agreement with
accessibility. data obtained previously from promoter::GUS reporter lines and
The oligonucleotides used, their corresponding miRNA targets, from ISH [24,26,36,38]. The signal of the miRNA160 probe appeared
and their sequences are listed in Table 1 along with references localized specically at the shoot apical meristem (SAM), in leaf
reporting their characterization and biological roles. Four of the primordia, and in the root provascular tissue (from the stem cell
chosen miRNAs (ath-miR160a/b, -miR164a/b, -miR167a/b, and - niche) and lateral root primordia (LRP) (Fig. 2AC). This result is
miR390a/b) referred exclusively to A. thaliana, while the fth consistent with previous data suggesting that this family of miR-
(zma-miRNA166j/k/n) belonged to the Zea mays miRNA database NAs is probably involved in promoting lateral root development
and had two mismatching nucleotides in comparison with its cor- and in the regulation of primary root length by acting in the quies-
responding ath-miRNA166 from Arabidopsis. This miRNA was se- cent center [2426]. The specic signal in SAM was compatible
lected to conrm also in Arabidopsis the results that were with embryo GUS reporter line observations and with a hypothet-
previously obtained on maize root sections [19] and to verify the ical role for miRNA160 in stem cell differentiation [26]. miRNA164a/
ability of ZNA probes to potentially discriminate miRNAs belonging b also appeared localized in SAM, in leaf primordia, and in root pro-
to the same family across species and displaying minimal nucleo- vascular tissues, even if with a slightly weaker signal (Fig. 2DF),
tidic mismatches. 50 -DIG-labeled ZNA (4Z) oligonucleotides were conrming its putative involvement in the regulation of the cell
used instead of the most commonly used LNA [19,48]. For each proliferation in these tissues [29]. Concerning miRNA166 and miR-
ZNA probe various probe concentrations (15, 30, 50, and 70 nM - NA167a/b (and to a lesser extent miRNA390), a more intense and
nal concentration) were tested to identify the optimal range yield- diffused signal could be detected in the SAM compared to those ob-
ing the best signal-to-noise ratio. At 15 nM no signal could be tained with the rest of probes. A slight signal in the root provascu-
detected (Fig. 1A), while the presence of detectable signals with in- lar tissues and LRP was visible for miRNA166 and miRNA167a/b,
creased intensity could be appreciated within the 3050 nM range while a much stronger signal was evident in the root provascular
for the majority of probes (two representative examples are shown tissue only for miRNA390, which in contrast did not show any sig-
in Fig. 1B). A dened signal with higher signal-to-noise ratio was nal in LRP.
detectable for all probes at 70 nM. Hybridizations with mouse miR- These results overlap with previous expression data reported in
NA mmu-miR124a [39] gave no signals up to 70 nM probe concen- the literature and support the hypothesis that both miRNA167a/b
tration, while at higher molarities the general background and miRNA390 could be involved in regulatory mechanisms
increased because of non-specic binding (data not shown). Based linked to auxin signaling and metabolism in driving lateral root

Fig.1. Whole-mount in situ hybridization on Arabidopsis 3- to 5-day-old seedlings at various oligo ZNA (4Z) probe concentrations. (A) Root tissue hybridizations conducted
with various probes (ath-miR160a/b, ath-miR164a/b, ath-miR167a/b, ath-miR390a/b and zma-miRNA166n/j/k) at 15 nM are presented, and (B) examples of hybridization at
30 and 50 nM are displayed for two oligo probes (ath-miR160a/b, ath-miR390a/b) on shoot apical meristem (SAM) and root. Scale bars, 50 lm.
64 Whole mount Arabidopsis miRNAs detection by ZNA probes/M. BegheldoF.A. Ditengou et al. / Anal. Biochem. 434 (2013) 6066

study. Carlsbecker et al. [38] demonstrated that LNA-modied oli-

gonucleotides specic for miRNA165 and 166, differing only by one
nucleotide substitution, gave overlapping hybridization patterns
and thus highlighted the impossibility of differentiating between
the signals coming from either probe. Since the results obtained
by Carlsbecker et al. are comparable to those presented here we
could assume that also in the case of ZNA oligonucleotides it is
probably not possible to discern miRNA members of the same
family by using a 1-base substitution. Moreover, because the

Fig.2. Whole-mount in situ hybridization on Arabidopsis 3- to 5-day-old seedlings

with oligo ZNA (4Z) probes at 70 nM nal concentration. (AC) ath-miR160a/b,
(DF) ath-miR164a/b, (GI) ath-miR167a/b, (JL) ath-miR390a/b, (MO) zma-
miRNA166n/j/k oligo hybridizations are shown for three main tissues: shoot apical
meristem (SAM), root, and lateral root primordia (LRP). (PR) Negative control is
represented by mmu-miR124a. Scale bars, 50 lm.

emergence (miRNA167a/b) and in the development of aerial organs

and vascular tissues (miRNA390) [24,36]. Moreover, the miRNA166
expression prole obtained in this study by using a specic maize
miRNA166 probe is in agreement with observations that localized
mature miRNA165/6, particularly in the QC and surrounding cells,
becoming progressively diffused in the neighboring root layers Fig.3. ISH hybridization on Arabidopsis sections of plants 56 days of age with oligo
[38]. A similar ISH prole along the provascular tissues was also ZNA (4Z) probes at 20 nM nal concentration. (AC) ath-miR160a/b, (DF) ath-
miR164a/b, (GI) ath-miR167a/b, (JL) ath-miR390a/b, (MO) zma-miRNA166n/j/k
obtained with maize root sections [19]. oligo hybridizations are shown for three main tissues: shoot apical meristem (SAM),
A specic comment must be made on the recognition of miR- root, and lateral root primordia (LRP). (PR) Negative control is represented by
NA166 family members by the zma-miR166j/k/n probe used in this mmu-miR124a. Scale bars, 50 lm.
Whole mount Arabidopsis miRNAs detection by ZNA probes/M. Begheldo et al. / Anal. Biochem. 434 (2013) 6066 65

zma-miR166j/k/n oligo differs from ath-miR166 by 2 nucleotides Automation of protocols gives important support in this
(miRBase [1]) we could infer that it is probably not possible to dis- direction in terms of reproducibility and reliability of results and
tinguish between miRNAs differing in two base substitutions enables us to expand the capability of determining the tissue-
across species, as previous results we obtained with maize root specic expression of miRNAs at high throughput and, most of
sections evidenced a comparable ISH prole [19]. all, under several experimental conditions. Furthermore, lower
No signal was detected for ISH conducted with the negative cost chemicals are important as well for large-scale experiments
control probe miR124a [39] (Fig. 2). and the ZNA (4Z) chemistry seems to represent an interesting
To test the reliability of the whole-mount results, ISH was car- option for this aim.
ried out also on sections. The expression patterns observed on sec-
tions gave support to the whole-mount data, conrming the
expression of the selected miRNAs in the root apical meristem, in Acknowledgment
leaf primordia, in primary root meristem, and in lateral root pri-
mordia (Fig. 3). Slight differences between ISH data from whole This project was funded by the European Project AUTO-
mounts and sections, which were more evident in root tissues, SCREEN (LSHG-CT-2007-037897).
are probably due to the fact that tissues from sections were ob-
tained from seedlings that were 1 or 2 days older than those used References
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