5 B Alignment of Canal

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1 A brief note on original proposals and Agency's modification if any.

2 The canal alignment shall be submitted after thorough examination
of the alternatives duly marked with the recommended alignment
and certificate to that effect shall be issued by the concerned
3 Index plan showing the head works and canal alignment
depicting on S.I sheets.
4 H Ps at beginning and at reach end of canal in case of packages.
The HPs must be submitted in sequence starting from head reach
to subsequent packages.
5 All the proposals must be scrutinised and verified in respect of
levels and relevant information before communicating to CDO
by the CE/SE. (A check slip is enclosed for guidance).
6 Catchment Area of drains/rivers and the assessed MFD shall be
indicated at CD works in the LS.


1 Site survey shall be furnished as per the stipulated check slip Check slip & IS:5968-1987
(copy enclosed) with Report accompanying the alignment &
H.Ps .



a Authenticity /supporting calculations for arriving at canal IS:7112-1973 &IS:10430-2000,

discharge considering seepage & transmission losses as CBIP Publication No.171
per Modified penman method.
b If there is any provision for drinking and industrial water supply,
along its service line (canal alignment) the same may be added
duly considering losses.


a b/d ratio: CWC recommendations in

i Simple conveyor system( where there is no command), Technical Report No.7 of C.B.I.P
it is preferably of range 2 to 3 . and IS-7112-1973
ii Canal with command, the b/d ratio is preferably
of range 5 to 8 or even higher depending on the terrain.

b critical velocity ratio V/Vo : C.B.I.P 171, IS-10430-2000

i)Diversions, silt carrying unlined canals V/Vo shall be
1.1 - 0.90 ( head - tail end).
(ii)Lined canals, V/Vo higher than unity is preferable to avoid
any silting.

c coefficient of rugosity 'n' (Irrespective of the discharge): IS-7112-1973 and IS-10430-2000

The following values are recommended :
Lined canal- 0.018
Normal alluvial soils- 0.0225
Murum- 0.025
Rocky strata- 0.03-0.035

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d Allowable velocities:- C.B.I.P 171

I Unlined canals - Recommended Velocities :
1 All Soils 0.6 to 1.1m/sec Technical Report No.7 of C.B.I.P
2 Hard clay or grit 1.0 to 1.5m/sec
3 Gravel and shingle 1.5 to 1.8m/sec
4 Cemented gravel conglomite,hard pan 1.8 m/sec
5 Soft Rock 1.4 m/sec
6 Hard rock 2.4 m/sec
7 Very Hard Rock 4.5m/sec.

II Lined canals- For CC lining max. permissible velocity- 2.7m/s IS-10430-2000

e side slopes:inner and outer IS-7112-1973 and IS-10430-2000

a)canal in cutting 1.5:1
b)canal in banking 2:1(inner)/2:1(outer)
c)canal in rock 0.5:1/0.25:1 (According to classification of rock)

f Free Board: IS-7112-1973 and IS-10430-2000

g Berms:In deep cut reaches, it is desirable to have 1st berm IS-7112-1973 and IS-10430-2000
at FSL+FB and at around 5m ht. for the subsequent depth.
A minimum berm of 3m. Wide on each side shall be
desirable to reduce bank loads, for stability, facility of
maintenance, silt clearance etc. preferably at 5m depth intervals
which can be upto 7.5m at the ground level.

h Dowels:Dowel banks are recommended on both the banks IS-7112-1973 and IS-10430-2000
and it shall be as per IS standards

i Bank Top Widths: IS-10430-2000

Unlined and Lined canals :
Discharge(m3/sec) Minimum Bank Top Width ( m )
Inspection bank/ Non Inspection bank
wider bank /Other bank
( including dowel )
0.15 to 3.0 4.0 2.5
3.0 to 10.0 4.0+dowel 2.5
10.0 to 30.0 5.0+dowel 4
30.0 and above 6.0+dowel 5

3 Radii of curvature:may be adopted as per IS 5968-1987. IS-5968-1987

In difficult reaches, 20 times the width of water at FSL is

4 Hydraulic Grade Line: IS-7112-1973

5 Catch Water Drains: IS-7112-1973

6 Roadway and Drainage: IS-10430-2000

7 Typical Cross Section

a) Full Cutting: As per IS code IS:7112-1973 & IS:10430-2000
b) Full embankment: As per IS code
If the height of embankment is more than 6m, the stability of the
bank should be checked by the slope stability analysis as per
IS:12169-1987,IS:826-1978,IS:7894-1975 etc.
c) Partial cutting & banking: It is reccomended to avoid
berms but the banking shall be well compacted to the
required standards.In case where the GL is at less than or
equal to 1/2 FSD, the embankment slopes shall be adopted.

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a As far as possible, the alignment may be taken along the IS:5968-1987,CBIP Publication
FSL contour avoiding higher embankments and deep cuts. No:171

b Change of canal section after 10 to 20% reduction in canal

discharge followed by a Cross Regulator.

c Propose Cross Regulator / Drop @ change of section IS:5968-1987

or change of bed fall or at maximum interval of 40 km to
take care breaching at embankment sections

d Avoid number of Interchange Points/curves in the alignment so as C.B.I.P Publication No.171

to have straight alignment.

e Canal drops are recommended where the canal bed slope is flatter
than the slope of the ridge.Drops may be located where the canal
cutting comes to 1.25 BDC or FSL cutting.

f The Sluices at the head of the large distribution channel are

recommended to be capable of passing full suply into the
distributory with three fourth discharge at head to half supply in
the tail end i.e when the parent canal discharge is about 20%. The
driving head should not be less than 15cms.. The sill level of the
sluice should also be fixed such that they get lower and lower as
the location go towards the tail end.

g As far as possible, avoid CM and CD works in curves.

h As far as possible, avoid canal syphons.

i As far as possible, avoid flume sections.

j As far as possible, Inlets into canal may be avoided.

k Avoid skew crossings of bridges/CM and CD works

wherever possible.

l No. of Bridges have to be proposed at designated roads,

without foregoing the available facility.

m Reduce number of CM and CD works by diversions

/combining/combining SLBs&DLBs with Regulators/
super passages etc.

n The loss of heads recommended for the CM & CD works

are as follows
(i) Cross Regulators-0.075 to 0.15m.
(ii) Aqueducts-0.075mts. to 0.15mts or as per calculations for
' major drain crossings.
(iii) Canal syphons-0.075 to 0.15mts. or as per calculations for
' major drain crossings.
(iv) For bridges (SLB/DLB) & SPs-Loss of head is not permitted.
(v) Measuring devices-0.075m.

o To finalise type of structure i.e UT/SP/Aqueduct/Viaduct/

Syphon/Inlet with reference to CBL,DBL and ground levels.

p To finalise mileage/length of canal along the curve.

q To propose Canal Escapes on U/S of embankment reach near IS-6936-1992,C.B.I.P

river/drain course combined with a Cross Regulator for 50% canal publication No.171

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r Measuring devices are suggested at 40 Km. (where there
are no Regulators) for effective water management.

s To finalise salient features of drain/river like catchment area,

MFD,DBL,MFL,OMFL and bed width of drain/river. The MFD
may be finalised as per the formula indicated in the Tender
Document / agreement or in general the M F D
of drain/river may be finalised as per Dicken's formula/Ryve's
or Mithra committee report for upland and deltaic catchments.

IV Statements and Drawings:

a Hydraulic Particulars Statements:

1 Detailed Discharge Calculations reachwise.

2 Design of canal sections reachwise.

3 Reach wise ayacut statement

4 HPs statement-Reachwise and structure wise

Proformas of statements enclosed
5 Curves statement

6 Statement showing Regulators

7 Statement showing Offtakes

8 Statement showing Drops

9 Statement showing Surplus/canal escapes

10 Statement showing Cross Masonry works

11 Statement showing Cross Drainage works

b LS sheets together with contour site plan indicating TBL/ FSL/CBL/

GL.Reachwise canal sections,T.Ps,H.Ps Reachwise, village
boundaries etc. as indicated in the tender schedule or as indicated

L S Sheets
Horizontal scale 1cm = 20m or 25m
Vertical scale 1cm = 1m & 2m in deep cut.
In L.S, levels shall be given at 20m or 25m.In structure
portion , the levels shall be at closer intervals of 5m.

(ii)Site Plan:
(1)same as horizontal scale of L.S.
(2)contours shall be at 2m interval in hilly areas & 0.3m
in plains
(3)C/S shall be at 20m or 25m interval with levels at 3m to 5m
interval upto a distance of 100m on either side.

c Condensed Longitudinal sections in case of Main Canal of Major


sd/- 7.01.05
( I.S.N.Raju )
Chief Engineer
Central Designs Organisation

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