CCS On Offshore Oil and Gas Installation Design of Post-Combustion Capture System and Steam Cycle
CCS On Offshore Oil and Gas Installation Design of Post-Combustion Capture System and Steam Cycle
CCS On Offshore Oil and Gas Installation Design of Post-Combustion Capture System and Steam Cycle
Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659
Most of the released CO2 on offshore oil and gas installation originates from the gas turbines that power the installations. For
certain offshore installations, CO2 capture and storage (CCS) could be an alternative to decrease the CO2 emissions. When opting
for a chemical absorption CO2 capture system, a heat source for the stripper reboiler is needed. Since most offshore installations
are powered by simple cycle GTs, there is typically no steam available that could be used for stripper reboiler heat. A compact
steam bottoming cycle could, in addition to providing the reboiler steam, partly or fully provide power from a steam turbine
generator to the equipment in the CCS system, including CO2 compressors, pumps, and flue gas booster fan. Three different
steam cycle configurations were designed, modeled, and simulated. The design of the post-combustion CO2 capture system is
also presented but the main focus in the paper is on the steam cycle design. In addition to the energy and mass balance results, a
weight assessment of the major equipment was done with the objective to come up with a simplified weight relationship for
changes in the oil and gas installation size in terms of changes in total mass flow from the gas turbines. A steam cycle with a
back-pressure steam turbine was ultimately selected. The back-pressure option was able to provide all necessary steam and
power (with some margin) to the CO2 capture and compression system.
2017TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published Ltd. This
by Elsevier Ltd. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of GHGT-13.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of GHGT-13.
Keywords: Steam bottoming cycle; process simulation; weight assessment; back-pressure steam turbine; CO2 capture; FPSO
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
1876-6102 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of GHGT-13.
Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659 6651
1. Introduction
Some of the largest CO2 point sources in Norway are offshore oil and gas installations [1]. Most of the released
CO2 originates from the gas turbines (GTs) that powers the installations. Electrification, by providing power to the
installations from the onshore electrical grid, has been politically promoted as a solution to alleviate the offshore
CO2 emissions. However, for fields far of the coast, for offshore installations that are wind-turned, and in areas with
weak electrical grids, CO2 capture and storage (CCS) could be an alternative.
When opting for a chemical absorption CO2 capture system, a heat source for the stripper reboiler is needed.
Since most offshore installations are powered by simple cycle GTs, there is typically no steam available that could
be used for stripper reboiler heat. On about a third of the GTs on the Norwegian continental shelf, waste heat
recovery units (WHRUs) utilizing hot oil, water, or other media are installed downstream of the GTs [2]. One could
envision a redesigned WHRU to allow for reboiler steam, however, a compact steam bottoming cycle could also be
an attractive solution, especially since the requirement for reboiler steam mass flow is very high for a chemical
absorption capture system. A steam bottoming cycle could, in addition to providing the reboiler steam, partly or fully
provide power from a steam turbine (ST) generator to the equipment in the CCS system, including CO2 compressors,
pumps, and flue gas booster fan.
Compact steam bottoming cycles for offshore installations are, as of 2016, operating on three Norwegian offshore
oil and gas installations, however, none were considered for CCS applications. Design considerations for offshore
compact steam bottoming cycles are discussed in [3]. Different plant layouts and operating scenarios at both design
and off-design conditions are analyzed in [4]. Single-objective optimization of the weight-to-power ratio is
performed in [5]. Multi-objective optimization of weight and power is examined in [6] and combined heat and power
layouts including extraction, condensing steam turbines and back-pressure steam turbines are evaluated in [2].
However, none of the cited works have considered CCS applications.
The research question for this work was formulated as: What is the best steam cycle design for an offshore oil and
gas installation with post-combustion CO2 capture? To answer this question, three different steam cycle
configurations were designed, modeled, and simulated. The design of the post-combustion CO2 capture system will
also be presented but the main focus in the paper will be on the steam cycle design. In addition to the energy and
mass balance results, a weight assessment of the major equipment was done. Subsequent to the design screening and
selection, the most favorable steam cycle configuration was further analyzed with the objective to come up with a
simplified weight relationship for changes in the oil and gas installation size in terms of changes in total mass flow
from the gas turbines. This mathematical relationship could be used for early estimates of weight of major
components in a steam bottoming cycle when evaluating a CO2 capture system on an offshore oil and gas
Aux Auxiliaries
CCS CO2 Capture and Storage
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading
GT Gas Turbine
HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator
HX Heat Exchanger
MEA Monoethanolamine
ST Steam Turbine
WHRU Waste Heat Recovery Unit
2. Methodology
The work was focused on a case study based on a floating production, storage and offloading installation (FPSO).
The case study involved CO2 capture from the exhaust originating from six 20 MW gas turbines on the FPSO
installation. MEA was used as solvent for post-combustion capture and the process was simulated in CO2SIM, an
in-house process simulator developed at SINTEF Materials and Chemistry. GT PRO was used for the steam cycle
process design and the energy and mass balance calculations, whereas PEACE was used for the steam cycle weight
assessment. Both GT PRO and PEACE are provided by Thermoflow [7]. The water and steam properties within GT
PRO were IAPWS-IF97. Reference conditions for enthalpy were 0 qC, with H2O as liquid.
The boundary conditions for the work are listed in Table 1. The computational assumptions are listed in Table 2.
Ambient conditions
T (qC) 15
p (bar) 1.013
Rel. hum. (%) 60
Table 2: Simulation parameters used for CO2 capture and compression power and heat demand.
Amine MEA (wt%) 30
CO2 capture rate (%) 90
Pressure (bar) 1.8
Reboiler steam
Tsat (qC) 152
Kisen (%) 75
CO2 compressors
Kisen (%) 85
poutlet (bar) 150
Figure 1 shows the CO2SIM flow sheet used in the study. A direct contact cooler was employed to reduce the
exhaust gas temperature from the HRSG down to 33.7 C. This is not shown in the flowsheet.
Simulation of a closed loop absorber-desorber process requires the definition of a lot of process parameters like
dimensions of the towers, liquid circulation rates, the amount of steam into the reboiler, temperatures, etc. Ideally,
one should optimize the process for all these parameters. The focus of this work has been to find close to optimal
values, and the procedure that was used will first be outlined.
Table 2 lists the variables chosen to be constant for all simulations. The amine blend was restricted to be 30w%t
MEA because this is a state of the art amine for systems with low partial pressures of CO2. The parameter for the
rich-lean heat exchanger is important for overall energy requirement.
The value we wanted to minimize was the specific reboiler duty, the amount of energy (MJ) per kg CO2 captured.
During the minimizing procedure, the solvent circulation rate was varied to arrive at the minimum reboiler duty.
6654 Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659
This was done assuming very tall absorbers and stripper. The heights of the absorber and stripper were then reduced
to a point where it did not affect the reboiler duty.
Three different configurations were designed, modeled, and simulated within this work. The selected
configurations were:
a) A steam cycle based on an extraction, condensing steam turbine producing enough steam for the reboiler
and maximum power while keeping a low weight-to-power ratio.
b) A steam cycle based on a back-pressure steam turbine producing sufficient steam for the CO2 capture
system while keeping a low weight.
c) A steam cycle with a stand-alone HRSG (no steam turbine) producing maximum process heat while
keeping a low weight-to-heat ratio.
The selected material selection for the HRSG heat transfer tubing and the steam parameters for the different
configurations are listed in Table 3.
Table 3: Selection of heat transfer tubing material and steam cycle parameters.
The weight assessment included the weight of the major components in the capture system and the steam cycle.
In the steam cycle the following major components were evaluated: steam turbine, HRSG, and condenser. The
weight assessment did not include weight of piping, skid structure, water treatment system, and water tanks. In the
capture system the following major components were evaluated: absorber, desorber, reboiler, condenser, and other
heat exchange equipment (rich-lean HX, coolers, etc.).
Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659 6655
For the capture system, the specific reboiler duty for the process was evaluated to be 3.6 MJ/kg CO2
corresponding to a steam flow of 28.9 kg/s. The absorber and desorber were sized to be 18.6 m packing height with
a 13.6 m diameter and 7 m packing height with a 3 m diameter respectively.
Figure 2 displays the three selected steam cycle configurations including process parameters p, T, m, and h, at
selected stream locations. A summary of the results is shown in Table 4.
p (bar) T (C)
m (kg/s) h (kJ/kg)
To CO2 1.01 215
capture 404 332
Return reboiler 1
Reboiler 5.0 152
Desup. 25.0 440 steam 28.9 2748
38.7 3329
1.04 464 5.5 244
404 608 26.5 2946
Exhaust gas
from GTs 2 21.7 MW
0.06 36
11.7 2294
1 Single-pressure HRSG
2 Extraction ST 3
3 Condenser
b) c)
To CO2 1.01 226
Return 1.01 179
capture 404 343
28.7 144 condensate 404 294
5.9 144
1 38.7 609
1 58.4 605
Desup. steam
25.0 440
Desup. 5.5 155 Process
38.7 3329 Reboiler
58.4 2752 steam
1.04 464
5.5 254 1.04 464
404 608 Reboiler
38.7 2968 404 608 steam
Exhaust gas
from GTs 2 Exhaust gas
13.6 MW
from GTs
1 Single-pressure HRSG
2 Back-pressure ST 1 Single-pressure HRSG
Figure 2: Process layouts for the steam cycles with: a) extraction, condensing steam turbine, b) back-pressure steam turbine, and c) HRSG only.
6656 Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659
Table 4: Accounting of power and process steam for the three different configurations.
Steam (latent heat) from steam cycle at 5 bar (kW) 79 400 114 100 152 800
- Reboiler steam (kW) 79 400 79 400 79 400
Process steam available for other processes (kW) 0 34 700 73 400
The results of the weight assessment are shown in Table 5. It should be pointed out that the processes have not
been optimized, e.g., with the objective of minimizing weight subject to the design constraints. Previous work on
optimization of steam bottoming cycles for offshore oil and gas installations indicate that the decrease in weight-to-
power-ratio when optimizing a knowledge-based design is around 4% [6].
Table 5: Results from weight assessment for the steam cycles with: a) extraction, condensing steam turbine, b) back-pressure steam turbine, and
c) HRSG only.
The main components of the capture system had the following evaluated weights:
- Absorber: 1515 ton
- Desorber: 65 ton
- Reboiler: 50 ton
- Condenser: 10 ton
- Other heat exchange equipment (lean rich HX, coolers, etc.): 60 ton
- Total weight of main components in capture system: 1700 ton
The pros and cons of the different steam cycle configurations are shown in Table 6. Ultimately, the back-pressure
steam cycle was selected. The back-pressure option was able to provide all necessary steam and power (with some
margin) to the CO2 capture and compression system while being lighter than the extraction ST option. If spare GT
power exists on site then the HRSG only option can be attractive. Else, the disadvantage of needing another power
source for the CO2 capture system was too great even with being the least complex and lowest weight system.
Option a) was the most flexible option where the mass flow of extracted steam can be varied (i.e., the heat-to-power
ratio can be varied) and can be an attractive option on an installation having the need for the additional power
Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659 6657
c) HRSG only
+ No steam turbine Needs additional gas turbine or other power source to
+ No condenser supply power to CCS system
+ Lightweight
+ Small footprint
+ Particularly attractive if other heat consumers on
To generalize the weight assessment and to provide an early estimate of steam cycle weight during the design
phase, 50 different steam cycle designs based on the back-pressure ST option were simulated. The results are
displayed in Figure 3. The designs were generated based on changes in heat input to the HRSG, or more precisely,
changes in mass flow rate from the gas turbines. In this way, a simple polynomial was generated that could be used
for different oil and gas installation sizes (power demand).
6658 Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659
550 000
450 000
350 000
y = 1079.9x - 8938.5
R = 0.9992
250 000
150 000
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
GT exhaust gas mass flow rate (kg/s)
Figure 3: Sum of weight of major components as a function of gas turbine exhaust mass flow rate for configuration b) steam cycle with back-
pressure steam turbine. Trendline based on polynomial with the resulting linear relation displayed on chart.
4. Conclusions
Based on three different steam bottoming cycle configurations designed for providing reboiler steam (and
possibly power) to a CO2 capture system on an offshore oil and gas installation, a cycle with a back-pressure steam
turbine was ultimately selected. The back-pressure option was able to provide all necessary steam and power (with
some margin) to the CO2 capture and compression system while being lighter than the extraction ST option. If spare
GT power exists on site then the HRSG only option can be attractive. Else, the disadvantage of needing another
power source for the CO2 capture system was too great even with being the least complex and lowest weight system.
Option a) was the most flexible option where the mass flow of extracted steam can be varied (i.e., the heat-to-power
ratio can be varied) and can be an attractive option on an installation having the need for the additional power
produced. A linear relation between gas turbine exhaust mass flow rate and steam cycle weight was developed,
which could serve as a first estimate of steam bottoming cycle weight (major components) for different installation
sizes (GT power demand). A planned journal publication will further investigate and develop the steam cycle weight
estimation methodology.
This publication has been produced with support from the BIGCCS Centre, performed under the Norwegian
research program Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME). The authors acknowledge the
following partners for their contributions: Gassco, Shell, Statoil, TOTAL, GDF SUEZ and the Research Council of
Norway (193816/S60).
Lars O. Nord et al. / Energy Procedia 114 (2017) 6650 6659 6659
[1] Nordic CO2 emission maps (2011). Background maps attributed to ESRI and its data providers. GIS analysis and map
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[5] Sletten, A.S. (2013). Optimization of combined cycles for offshore oil and gas installations. Masters thesis, Department of
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[6] Nord, L.O., Martelli, E., Bolland, O. (2014). Weight and power optimization of steam bottoming cycle for offshore oil and gas
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[7] Thermoflow (2015). GT PRO and PEACE Version 25. Thermoflow Inc.