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5th Lesson Plan Final Draft

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BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan #29

Lab 1
Date: Wednesday March 31, 2017
Lead Teacher: Kailey
Lesson #5
Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. Stories need a beginning, middle and end.
2. Stories can be told during pretend play.
Preschool Concepts or Skills:
1. Literacy
2. Retelling
3. Dramatic Play
4. Cooperative Play

OPENING CIRCLE 8:20 - 8:35 am

Story I will read Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh. The Mouse Paint by Ellen
Mouse Paint children will be able to answer questions about Walsh (B W12)
what they think the mice and the cat will do
now that there is paint all over them. This will
be a good activity to help the children adjust
to the beginning of preschool and there will
only be a few students there when I begin to
read this book.

Flannel Board I will play the flannel board game with the Flannel Characters (Closet)
Mouse in the children where they guess which house the
House mouse is hiding under. They have enjoyed this
game in the past.

Movement The children and I will play Sally says. I will Puppet (WR)
Activity have a puppet describe actions for the
Sally Says children to do to get them up and moving. The
children respond well to puppets.

Song The children will stand in place and do the Kindle (Office)
Hot Potato actions to the song Hot Potato by the Wiggles. Speaker (Office)
The children will pound their fists for potato,
wiggle like spaghetti, and clap their hands for
mashing the banana. If I see there are children
who dont want to dance I will have them sit
and do the actions.

GATHERING TIME 8:35 - 8:50 a.m.

I will stand at the head of the classroom and we will sing Im a little Tea Pot and do the actions for
the children to do along with me. Thank you, Tea Pots. Everyone sit down on the tape.
Activity Name Description Materials

1. Stories need a I will do the flannel board story of the Three Flannel Board Story (Closet)
Beginning, middle, Little Pigs. I will explain to the children that
and an end. stories need a beginning. In this story of the
Three Little pigs. We first meet the pigs. This is
called the beginning of the story. Once upon a
time there were three little pigs who lived with
their mom. They decided they wanted to move
away and build their own homes. Their mom
said to beware of the Big Bad Wolf. What did
their mom warn them of? Thats right.

I will then say, the middle of the story is where

there is a problem that needs to be fixed. The
Big bad wolf came to blow down the pigs
houses. This is a problem.

The end of the story is where the problem is

fixed. So the three pigs never saw the wolf
again after they burnt him when he went down
the chimney. The end.

I will then ask what the beginning, middle, and

end of this story were.

2. Stories can be As I play with my friends I like to tell stories.

told during pretend Stories can be told when I play pretend. When
play. I am outside playing on the playground I can
pretend I am on a boat. I can also pretend I am
on a boat wherever I go. Lets pretend we are
on a boat. Everyone needs a wheel to steer
their boat. Lets get out our Wheels. Once
upon a time there was a big ship and many
captains. It was a nice day outside but all of a
sudden when night time came, I saw black
clouds ahead. Everyone show me you
searching for black clouds. The wind shook the
boat a lot. Everyone rock like the boat is
rocking! I knew I needed to find a safe place to
dock my ship. So I pulled out my map.
Everyone pull out your map. And I found an
island nearby. So I tried to turn the wheel as
hard as I could to steer the boat in the right
direction. And a not long after I turned the
boat around, we all arrived to the island safely.
The storm cleared the next morning and we
were all safe. The end.

Lets see what the beginning, middle and end

of the story were.
We also were able to tell a story and pretend
we were on a boat while we were at preschool.
We can pretend wherever we go.

Transition to The children and I will sing there were 5 in

Self-Selected the bed. After we finish singing the song I will
ask the children to roll away and play.


Literacy: The children will be given flannel board characters and pieces along with the flannel
board to create their own story with a beginning, middle, and end. They have expressed their
interest in wanted to do their own flannel board stories.

A Kitten Tale by Eric Rohmann (R5)
A Soup Opera by Jim Gill (G28)
Amelias Road by Linda Jacobs Altman (A8)
The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall (H28)
Are You a Bee? By Judy Allen (A6)
Are You a Lady Bug? By Judy Allen (A5)
Bread Comes to Life by George Levenson (L15)
The Closet Gorilla by Frances Ward Weller (W6)
Dinosaur! by Peter Sis (S25)
Dinosaur Chase by Carolyn Otto (O6)
Four Fierce Kittens by Joyce Dunbar (D12)
Good Night Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann (R37)

Activity Name Description/Activity Objective Materials, Special Set-up

*Creative Art: Activity Description: The children will create 8x11 paper cut into 1/4ths
My own Cartoon their own story through drawings. There will be Butcher paper (RR1)
(5) strips of butcher paper on the table. It will not Glue (Art Cart)
be taped to the table. There will also be Markers (Art Cart)
squares of paper for the children to draw a Colored pencils (Art Cart)
story on different pages and glue it to the Crayons (Art Cart)
butcher paper like a cartoon strip. Scissors (RR1)

*Manipulatives: Activity Description: The preschoolers will Color Creatures (RR1 40)
Color Creatures be given pieces of the color creatures to put
(3) piece together like a puzzle and create their
own creature. They will be able to tell a story
with the creatures they create. Story telling will
be encouraged as a teacher begins with. Once
upon a time there was a blue creature. Then
the teacher will have the children finish the

Math: Activity Description: Dominoes RR2 146

The children will be provided with dominoes to
build and knock down or match the dots. This
will give them the opportunity to explore
something new we have not done this
semester and practice matching and
calculating how far apart to stack the
dominoes so they all knock over.

Science: Activity Description: Color Touch Boards (RR1

Color Touch 79)
Boards (3) There will be color touch boards for the
children to press their hands on a see that the
heat makes the color board change color. It will
take problem solving for them to learn how to
make their hands warm enough to change the

*Sensory Table: Activity Description: Jurassic Sand (RR2 138)

Jurassic Tales (5) Dinosaurs (RR2 166)
@ The sensory table will be filled with Jurassic Scoops (RR2 120)
sand, dinosaurs and scoops. The children will
be able to tell stories about what their
dinosaurs are doing through teacher modeling.
The teacher will start the story and ask the
children questions of what to do next so they
can continue the story.

*Blocks: Activity Description: Wooden Community

Community(6)@ Building Blocks (RR2 182)
After Gathering Time a teacher will set up a Wooden community cars,
wooden community with people, buildings, and signs, etc. (RR2 182)
signs, that the children can tell a story with. A Wooden people (RR2 169)
teacher will be there to initiate the story and Classroom Blocks
then ask the children what should come next in
the story.

*Dramatic Play: Activity Description: Fantasy Bin (RR2 245)

Fantasy (6) Dolls (RR2 216)
There will be a fantasy land set up with fair Castle (GG)
wings and dolls to play with. The children will
be able to play pretend and tell a story as they
are fairies. This will give them an opportunity
to use their imagination to create characters
they dont normally see.

1st: Activity Description: -Colored Pencils, and
Colors Galore (5) --Crayons (Art Supplies 12)
The preschoolers will be given markers, -Markers (Art Supplies 16)
crayons, colored pencils, and butcher paper.
This activity will provide them with a blank
slate on the butcher paper to create open
ended art using different materials. This allows
them to have creative expression while they
use their fine motor muscles to manipulate the
crayons, markers, and pencils.

2nd: Marble Works Description: The preschoolers will be given Marble Works A (RR1 38)
(3) marble works construction toys to build ramps
that marbles can go down. They will be able to
see their creation and the trial and error that
goes along with the ramps to see if their
marble will make it all the way to the bottom of
their structure.

OUTDOOR PLAY 9:10-9:50 am Location: South Playground

Gross Motor: Activity Description: Activity Description: 3 Hula Hoops (GG)

Hula Hoops and 6 Hula Hoop Stands (GG)
Stepping Stones There will be three hula hoops set up on Stepping Stones (GG)
stands in a row with stepping stones placed in
between. The children will be able to duck and
go between the hula hoops and then step
across the stones to show their ability to shift
their weight and balance between hula hoops.

*2nd: Activity Description: Kitchen set (GG)

Picnic Picnic Blanket (RR2 220)
In the willow hut there will be an outdoor Food (RR2 234)
kitchen set up with food and a picnic table for
the children to explore pretending to cook and
eat outside. There will be food and plates set
up on the picnic blanket in the willow hut, as
well as food on the outdoor kitchen set. The
teachers will not put out too much food to
overwhelm the center. Teachers will encourage
a story line as they model pretend play and
descriptive language.

3rd: Activity Description: 6 Paint brushes (RR1)

Painting Butcher Paper (RR1)
The children will be able to paint on the Outdoor Easel (GG)
outdoor easel on butcher paper while they 8 containers with paint
play outside. This shows the versatility of art, (RR1)
and provides the children with more of an
outlet as they paint outside.

SNACK 10:00-10:10 am

Mandarin oranges, graham crackers, and water.

CLEAN UP 9:50 -10:00 a.m.

We will sing the Clean Up Song

Transition to The children will do the finger play, Way Up
Small Focus High in the Apple Tree. As we count down the
Groups apples the children will be excused into their
groups to wash their hands between verses.


10:10-10:25 a.m.

Your Activity Description & Objective Materials

Stories have a Description: Books:

beginning, middle, and A Kitten Tale by Eric
end. The children will be given a blank booklet to create Rohmann (R5)
their own story. They will be able to draw on all of
the pages with open ended art to create a story A Soup Opera by
with a beginning, middle, and end. Jim Gill (G28
Child Objective: The preschoolers will be able to Four Fierce
draw pictures and state what the beginning, Kittens by Joyce
middle, and end of a story are as they create their Dunbar (D12)
own story.

Intentional Teaching: The teachers will tell the Good Night

children they are creating a story with a beginning, Gorilla by Peggy
middle and end. They will help them make a title Rathmann (R37)
page, and put their name on it since they are the
author. They will ask about the beginning, middle, Materials:
and end of the book. They will help the children 25 Booklets (IWP)
write, The End on the back. Crayons
Colored pencils
(All art Cart)

CLOSING CIRCLE 10:25-10:40 a.m.

Transition We are the Dinosaurs. After the song is over I will have the children take a rest like the
dinosaurs and sit on the tape.

Activity Name Description Materials

Review I will have the children tell a story that we will do the actions
to. Boys and girls I need your help to tell a story. We need a
beginning. Once upon a time there was a _______

Now we need a middle. What happened next?

How did it end?

We were able to play pretend all day in preschool and tell

stories. Our stories need to have what? Thats right, a
beginning, middle and an end.
Movement In this activity the teacher will stand at the head of Circle Tape line
Activity time and ask the children to stand on the line in the back of
the classroom. The children will be asked to fly like a plane, Stop and Go
Stop and Go row a boat, and drive a car to get to the end destination. signs (Closet

Phonemic The children will sing and do the actions to 5 little speckled
Awareness frogs. This song has rhyming in it which will give the children
phonemic awareness as I stop singing some of the words to
5 Little Speckled see if they know the rhyme to it.

Music Activity The children will gather around the parachute and do the Parachute
actions as we sing, The Famous Duke of York. They will raise (GG)
Parachute up and down as we sing the song and march in a circle.

Age Appropriate In this activity the teacher will stand at the head of Circle
Game time and introduce Simon Says to the children. This will
assess their knowledge of their bodies. I will ask them to label
Simon Says body parts as I says Simon says, touch your nose. Simon
Says, Touch your toes. Simon says, hop on one foot. This will
assess their knowledge of labeling their body parts, as well as
giving them movement through a game that teaches them a
fun way to exercise and understand their body.

Big Book I will read Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother too? By Eric Carle. Does a
This book talks about different sounds that we can hear Kangaroo
animals make. Have a
Mother too?
By Eric Carle
(B C12)

Game Depending on how many children there are we will split into
two groups or stay in one group. The children will gather in a
Telephone circle and the teacher will start a secret on one end of the
circle. Each child will tell the secret to the friend next to them
and it will travel around the circle. The goal is to see if the
secret stays the same as they listen to their peers. There will
need to be at least one teacher in the group. This activity can
be saved until the end if there are not enough teachers

Duck, Duck, Goose The remainder of the children will sit in a circle and play duck,
duck, goose. This will keep them active as they wait for their
parents and will promote exercise that is fun for them as they
move around.


5 Little Monkeys:

There were 5 in the bed and the little one said,

Roll over, Roll over!
So they all rolled over and one fell out,
There were 4 in the bed and the little one said,
Roll over, Roll over!
(Continue to 1 and then say goodnight.)

Way Up High In the Apple Tree

Way up high in the apple tree,

I saw 5 apples looking at me.
I shook that tree as hard as I could,
Down came one apple, Mmm it was good.
Crunch Crunch Crunch(Continue down to 1)




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