Fables Lesson

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Student Teaching Lesson Plan Template (Direct)

Subject: Central Focus:

Fables From Around the World Diversified Fables and Folktales
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective: Date submitted: Date taught:
RI 2.2 Recount stories including fables and folktales
from diverse cultures and determine the moral or lesson

Social Studies 2.C.1.1 Explain how artistic

expressions of diverse cultures
contribute to the community (stories,
art, music, food, etc.)

Daily Lesson Objective:

Students will be able to retell fables and folktales that hold a lesson or moral at the end of the story. Students will
also be able to learn and interpret different types of artwork based on folktales. Students will read a paragraph on
each folktale and match the correlating moral to the story in their own words. Students will then make a picture
booklet of the different fables they have learned about to express how it is important to use artistic expression in
the community.
21st Century Skills:
Critical Thinking Skills:
Students will be able to use their critical Academic Language Demand Build d(s)
thinking skills by creating their own Language Function:
illustration of the folktale and fable that Create: Students will be create their own illustration to the
they have learned about. folktale that they have learned about and create a booklet
Collaboration: categorized by various cultures.
Students will as a team create a folktale
booklet where they will learn about Remember: Students will recount the folktale they have learned
different folktales from different cultures about and create an illustration to shows understanding.
that will be displayed to all other students
Self Direction: Analyze: After reading the folktale they are assigned, Students will
Students will work independently to analyze what lesson or moral the story tells.
make their own folktale page for their
group booklet.
Prior Knowledge: Based on prior common core standards; 2nd grade students should be able to ask questions such
as who, what when, where. and why of the story (R1 2.1)

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Hello Baby Children! How are we doing today? Good? Awesome! 2 mins
Well today we are going to learn about different types of folktales. We
1. Focus and Review will proceed to discuss what a folktale is and what a fable is. I will ask
them questions like what is a folktale and what is a fable. I will remind
students that a folktale is passed down from generation to generation
Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 TPALs + emailed to faculty
and a fable is a short story that has a lesson at the end. I will get the
students to what is it called when you finish reading the story and you
get a lesson thats advice or tells you what you should or shouldnt do.
The students should say the word Moral but if they dont improvise
and say something like Awesome guys we learned a new word today!
Alright you guys! Since we know what a folktale and a fable is, We are 3 mins
going to learn about different fables from around the world. After we
2. Statement of Objective read and learn about our fables, You are going to retell the story in your
for Student own words and create a picture of what you have learned from the
Tip: Rephrase the daily
story. After we finish that picture, you are going to combine all of your
objective in student
language - You will be work together to make a booklet for other kids to read. Many people in
able to . different countries create artwork like we are about to do to pass down
from one family to the next but we are going to be passing it down
from one group to the next group.
We first have to figure HOW we are going to create this booklet. Well I 5mins
am going to tell you. So I remember reading this awesome book from
Aesop's Fables called the lion and the mouse. The story will be
3. Teacher Input
displayed on the board and I will read it aloud to them. I will then fill
out my picture and work with the correct answers to model how they
are going to do their work.
I will play a video of The Bossy Elephant So from what we watched 5 mins
the story called The Bossy Elephant. I will have the students first
give me the 5 Ws of the story then give me a overview of what
happened in the story. I will then ask them what is the lesson or
4. Guided Practice
MORAL that they have taken away from this story. I am expecting
students to tell me what makes a good leader. I will then have them
explain to me where they got this moral from or what evidence do they
have to support their claim .
During their independent practice; students will get an individual folder 15 mins
that has the fables from each country listed on it. From there students
will have the ability to pick and choose what fable they will be
recreating. I will be working with different groups and asking various
5. Independent Practice
questions about their culture and work itself. I will also go around and
speak to each group about the culture of their assigned fables to explain
to them why its important to use artistic expression when contributing
to the community;
6. Assessment Methods Students will use their group booklet as an assessment to show that they understood
of all objectives/skills:
what we did. Students will use a post it note to tell me the reason we use artwork of
Tip: Identify methods as
formal and informal. all forms to contribute to the community.
7. Closure The last few minutes of the lesson will be a gallery walk of our pages 3 mins
Tip: This should bring of our book. After our gallery walk, I will emphasize the reason we
lesson full circle and made these books and the students will tell me why we use art as a way
Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 TPALs + emailed to faculty
address the Daily to help the community.
Objective and the
Language Function(s)
8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:
Tip: Try to have at least
one formal assessment
per LP to collect data on
student understanding

Tip: Always connect your

assessments to either the
Daily Objective, Central
Focus; and/or Language
Function(s). Remember
you must assess the
Language Function(s)
somewhere in your 3-5

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations: Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:

Students who have IEPs with speech will be able Some students will be able to confer with me for extra help if
to use their peers and myself as help to express they dont understand what to do.
what they are trying to say
Aesop Fables Book
The Bossy Elephant Link
Post It Notes
Summarize Worksheets
Lesson Worksheets
More Fables Website

Reflection on lesson:

CT signature: ________________________ Date: ______ US signature: ____________________________Date: ______

Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 TPALs + emailed to faculty

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