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Volume 43 Number 1

of the


Austin, Texas

Limestones are divisible into eleven basic types, which are relatively easy to recognize both in
the laboratory and in the field. These rocks are made up of three constituents; (1) allochems, evi-
dently transported or otherwise differentiated carbonate bodies; (2) 1-4-micron microcrystalline cal-
cite ooze matrix, and (3) coarser and clearer sparry calcite, which in most rocks forms as a simple
pore-filling cement (like the calcite cement in a quartz sandstone), and only uncommonly forms by
recrystallization. Only four types of allochems are volumetrically important in limestones: (a)
intraclasts (reworked fragments of penecontemporaneous carbonate sediment), (b) oolites, (c) fos-
sils, and (d) pellets (rounded aggregates of microcrystalline calcite averaging .04-. 10 mm.). Allo-
chems provide the structural framework of limestones, just as sand grains provide the structural
framework of sandstones; microcrystaUine calcite and sparry calcite are analogous with the clay
matrix and chemical cement of sandstones.
A triangular diagram showing the relative proportions of allochems, calcite ooze matrix, and
sparry calcite cement is used to define three major limestone families. Family I consists of abundant
allochems cemented by sparry calcite; these are the cleanly washed limestones, analogous with well
sorted, clay-free sandstones and similarly formed in loci of vigorous currents. Family II consists of
variable amounts of allochems embedded in a microcrystalline ooze matrix; these are the poorly
washed limestones that are analogous with clayey, poorly sorted sandstones, and form in loci of inef-
fective currents. Family III limestones consist almost entirely of calcite ooze, hence are analogous
with terrigenous claystones.
Just as clayey versus non-clayey sandstones can be divided mineralogically into orthoquartzites,
arkoses, and graywackes, similarly the first two limestone families are subdivided by considering the
nature of the allochems. Family I includes respectively intrasparite, oosparite, biosparite, and pels-
parite; family II includes intramicrite and oomicrite (both rare), biomicrite, and pelmicrite. Family
I I I includes homogeneous ooze (micrite), and disturbed ooze with irregular openings filled with spar
(dismicrite). Rocks made up largely of organisms in growth position are considered as a separate
family IV (biolithite). Properties and mode of formation of each of these types are discussed briefly.
Content of admixed terrigenous material or dolomite is shown by additional symbols; pure
dolomites are classified on allochem content and crystal size. Recrystallization in limestone is be-
lieved to be locally abundant but of over-all minor importance. Among several types of recrystalliza-
tion, that in which a former microcrystalline ooze matrix recrystallizes to 5~15-micron "microspar"
is considered most common.
The term "calclithite" is suggested for the terrigenous carbonate rocks, e.g., limestone conglom-

' Read before the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists at St. Louis, April 3,
1957. Manuscript received, November 16, 1957; revised, August 8, 1958.
^ Department of Geology, LTniversity of Texas.

erates or sandstones made up of material eroded from outcrops of considerably older lithified-car-
bonate formations exposed in an uplifted source land.


This classification was developed by the writer in essentially its present form
in 1948, and first formalized in a Ph.D. dissertation on the Beekmantown (Lower
Ordovician) carbonates of central Pennsylvania, submitted to the Pennsylvania
State College in 1951, P. D. Krynine, supervisor (Folk, 1952). Modifications in
terminology and the role of pellets were made in 1953, and the composite names
were first coined in 1955. During this time, the classification has been used in de-
scription of several thousand carbonate thin sections from many areas. Hence it
has undergone an extensive period of practical testing and revision, and is now in
semi-final form. Imperfections will obviously arise as further samples are de-
scribed because any classification is inevitably colored deeply by the limited ex-
perience of the investigator; however, the main foundation appears to be sound.
While first working on this classification, the writer was under the inspiring
guidance of P. D. Krynine, and the stimulating mental climate engendered by
this association contributed materially to the development of the scheme; further
discussions have been carried on fruitfully with Krynine in later years. While
using the classification during several sessions of a course in carbonate petrog-
raphy at The University of Texas, the writer has also benefited by discussions
with graduate students, in particular Thomas W. Todd, J. Stuart Pittman, and
E. Hal Bogardus. The section of recrystallization has been largely developed
through vigorous arguments with Robert J. Dunham of the Shell Research and
and Development Company, who succeeded in proving to this stubborn writer
that recrystallization was an important factor in the lithification of carbonate
rocks. Constructive criticism by Dunham, J. L. Wilson, M. W. Leighton, and
L. V. Illing has aided the writer in clarifying weak points before going to print.
This classification is intended for use with marine limestones. The writer has
not examined enough fresh-water limestones to know if the same principles apply
to them. Peculiar carbonate rocks such as caliche, travertine, cave deposits, vein
carbonates, tufa, cone-in-cone beds, or spherulitic limestones are also excluded.
The writer recognizes their existence and local importance but adding pigeonholes
for them in this classification would serve no particularly valuable purpose at the
present time.
For generations, geologists have been accustomed to using a dozen or so
igneous rock terms as routine, and more than 2,000 types of igneous rock have
been individually named. The utility of igneous classification is seen in the study
of ore deposits, where certain metals are associated with monzonites, others with
peridotites; in ordinary mapping, where different intrusions and extrusions are
identified by differences in composition; and in geotectonics, where concepts such
as petrographic provinces or the "andesite line" aid philosophical speculation.
Similarly, mineralogists attacked with gusto the classification of metamorphic

rocks, as an indispensable tool in field mapping and as an indicator of grade and

type of metamorphism and of rock genesis. Half a century, however, elapsed be-
fore mineralogists turned their attention to classification of sandstones. Although
many rival sandstone classifications have by now been proposed, the battle for
acceptance is not yet won and most field geologists still go on describing strati-
graphic sections as "sandstone" rather than using more exact terms such as fine
sandstone :subarkose, or medium sandstone :orthoquartzite. Greater use of precise
sandstone classification in routine field work would aid greatly in interpretation of
environment and development of sedimentary petrographic provinces, just as
nomenclatural precision has aided in igneous and metamorphic studies.
Limestones, however, have remained largely on the sidelines in the contro-
versy over rock classification. The carbonates are scarcely touched on as rock
types in college classrooms except to admire their fossil content. Thus when most
geologists get out into their working life they have an inbred defeatist complex
that limestones are much too complicated to bother studying closely, and if the
rock fizzes in acid that is normally the terminus of the investigation. Occasionally
a brief note is made that such-and-such a limestone is a calcarenite or calcilutite
or contains crinoids, but beyond that point descriptions seldom go.
It is the purpose of this paper to show that limestones are not nearly so for-
midable as they might at first seem. There are only eleven basic types which are
relatively easy to recognize both in the laboratory and the field. Four types of
transported constituents may each occur with two types of interstitial material
(ooze matrix or chemical cement) entirely analogous with sandstones wherein,
again, four polar assemblages of sand grains may occur either with a clay matrix
or with chemical cement. In addition to these eight types, there are three types of
limestone that lack transported constituents.
Before classifying anything, it is necessary to determine what constituents
occur; therefore, the six chief building-blocks of limestone are discussed first.
Next, the principles of the rock classification scheme are introduced, and char-
acteristics of the eleven rock types are briefly discussed. Finally, the effect of re-
crystallization in limestones is summarized.


As Krynine (1948) pointed out, all sedimentary rocks are composed of mix-
tures of end-members in various proportions (Fig. 1). Before classifying lime-
stones, then, it is essential to determine what end-members are present. The main
constituents are as follows.
I. Terrigenous constituents include all materials derived from erosion of
source lands outside the basin of deposition and transported as solids to the sedi-
ment. Examples: quartz sand and silt, feldspar, clay minerals, zircon. This usage
coincides with Krynine's (1948) definition of "detrital"; however, the word
"detrital" is used by many others in an entirely different sense to include any-
thing abraded or transported, even shell material or oolites in a limestone, and is

thus rendered somewhat ambiguous. "Clastic" is also used differently by different

persons, to some meaning land-derived material, to others including also broken
shell material. Consequently to avoid confusion the writer recommends the use of
the relatively unequivocal word "terrigenous."
II. Allochemical constituents, or "allochems," include all materials that have
formed by chemical or biochemical precipitation within the basin of deposition,
but which are organized into discrete aggregated bodies and for the most part
have suffered some transportation ("alio" is from the Greek meaning "out of the
ordinary," in the sense that these are not just simple, unmodified chemical pre-
cipitates, but have a higher order of organization). Allochems are by far the domi-


FIG. 1. Main divisions of sedimentary rocl^s, based on relative proportions of terrigenous (T),
Allochemical (K), and Orthochemical (O) constituents. The Triangle is divided into fields cor-
responding with five types of sedimentary rocks: T, Terrigenous rocks (sandstones, mudrocks, con-
glomerates, etc.); lA, Impure Allochemical rocks (sandy oolitic limestones, silty pellet limestones,
clayey fossiliferous limestones, etc.); 10, Impure Orthochemical rocks (clayey microcrystalline
limestones, silty primary dolomites); A, Allochemical rocks (intraclastic, oolitic, biogenic, or pellet
limestones, etc.); 0, Orthochemical rocks (microcrystalline limestones, primary dolomite, halite,
anhydrite, chert, etc.). Rocks in fields lA or 10 may be collectively designated as Impure Chemical
rocks; those in fields A or 0 can similarly be grouped as Pure Chemical rocks.

nant constituent of limestones, and only four types of allochems are of impor-
tance: intraclasts, oolites, fossils, and pellets.
1. Intraclasts.This term is introduced to describe fragments of penecon-
temporaneous, usually weakly consolidated carbonate sediment that have been
eroded from adjoining parts of the sea bottom and redeposited to form a new sedi-
ment (hence the term "intraclast," signifying that they have been reworked from
within the area of deposition). Figures 5-8 illustrate typical intraclasts.
Intraclasts may be torn up.from sedimentary layers almost immediately
after they have been laid down, or under more severe conditions may be produced
by erosion of layers that had become buried some feet below the sea floor.'

' The following discussion of intraclasts has been modified and considerably expanded in response
to the very fine descriptive article of Beales (1958), which appeared after the present paper had been

Consequently, the sediment layers from which they are derived show a complete
range of degrees of consolidation or lithification. Some intraclasts are reworked
from surficial carbonate mud when that mud is still very plastic and barely co-
hesive; these on redeposition are usually plastically deformed and commonly
have vague or mashed boundaries. Other early formed intraclasts are the Bahama
"grapestone" aggregates of Illing (1954), which are clusters of pellets that have
become stuck together by incipient cementation shortly after deposition; these
later undergo erosion and various degrees of abrasion. In this writer's opinion,
however, the most common mode of formation of intraclasts is by erosion of frag-
ments of a widespread layer of semi-consolidated carbonate sediment, with ero-
sion reaching to depths of a few inches up to a few feet in the bottom sediment.
These fragments (which commonly show bedding) are then abraded to rounded or
somewhat irregular shapes, and the abraded margin of the intraclast cuts indis-
criminately across fossils, earlier intraclasts, oolites, or pellets that were contained
inside the intraclast. This indicates abrasion of intraclasts that had become con-
solidated enough so that these included objects would wear equally with the
matrix. These intraclasts could be formed either by submarine erosion (such as
might be caused by storm waves or underwater slides), by mild tectonic upwarps
of the sea floor, or by low tides allowing wave attack on exposed, mudcracked
flats. Specifically excluded are fragments of consolidated limestone eroded from
ancient limestone outcrops on an emergent land area (see later under "calclith-
Intraclasts commonly range from very fine sand size to pebble or boulder
size, as in the familiar "edgewise" limestone conglomerates. Usually they are well
rounded, and the form varies from equant to highly discoidal. Less commonly
they may be subangular to subround, and some may possess irregular protuber-
ances like the grapestone of Illing (1954). Intraclasts may be composed of any
type of limestone or dolomite, thus many have complex internal structure and
contain fossils, oolites, quartz silt, pellets, and previously formed intraclasts; in
fact, these are their most important diagnostic features. However, some are com-
posed of homogeneous microcrystalline calcite (i.e., "lithographic" limestone) and
these are difficult to differentiate from pellets if they are smaller than about 0.2
The term "intraclast" is thus used to embrace the entire spectrum of sedi-
mented, aggregated, and then reworked particles, regardless of degree of cohesion
or time gap between deposition of the original layer of sediment and later rework-
ing of parts of it. After this paper was submitted, Beales (1958) showed that these
objects were abundant in certain formations of Canada, and maintained that
most of them had formed like the Bahama material, i.e., by in situ aggregation of
pellets, somewhat analogous with the formation of lumps in a bowl of sugar. In-
deed, he advocated using the term "bahamite" for the rock made of these parti-
cles. In this writer's opinion, use of the term "bahamite" implies that one knows
that the aggregates formed like the grapestone of Illing (1954), hence has a very

restricted genetic meaning. Usually, however, it would be almost impossible to

prove that these objects formed by this exact mechanism rather than resulting
from more ordinary modes of erosion, which this writer thinks of as being more
common. Especially would this be difficult after abrasion has smoothed off their
characteristic "grapestone" outer surface. Inasmuch as the descriptive term "in-
traclast" covers the whole range of particles regardless of the precise method of
origin, it is certainly preferable. One can call an object an intraclast, then if de-
tailed study shows that they have in fact formed like grapestone, it could be de-
signated as the bahamite variety of intraclastalthough, following priority, it
would be both better and more specific to call it the grapestone variety of intra-
clast and drop the term "bahamite."
2. Oolites.These particles must show either radialand/or concentric struc-
ture (Figs. 9, 10). Superficial oolites (Illing, 1954)in which a large nucleus
(which may be an intraclast, pellet, or fossil) is surrounded by a relatively thin
oolite coatare for point-count purposes considered as oolites. Spherical masses
of microcrystalline calcite devoid of internal structure are usually either intra-
clasts or pellets. Pisolites might also be included as a form of oolite, although they
are more probably to be considered as algal accretions and hence are genetically
3. Fossils.The petrography of fossils is an enormous subject in itself and
the main features of the different phyla are covered in Johnson (1951). For pur-
poses of this classification, both sedentary and transported fossils are grouped
together as allochemical constituents, except for coral or algal structures growing
itt situ and forming relatively immobile resistant masses (those are considered as
a separate rock group later). It seems quite logical to class transported fossils as
allochems, because they have been current-sorted and are often broken and
abraded just like oolites or intraclasts. But there is some question as to the wis-
dom of including sedentary fossils within the same allochemical category, when
there is no evidence that they have been transported or abraded. Yet it is very
difficult and probably of very little significance to determine whether an entire
brachiopod embedded in carbonate mud was actually living and died in that posi-
tion or whether the animal was rolled over several times after death. Conse-
quently, for the practical reason that the distinction is difficult to make and fur-
ther of dubious petrologic significance, all fossils and fossil fragments are con-
sidered together as allochems. As shown later, one can, if desired, specify the
sedentary nature of the fossils by using an adjectival modifier of the main rock
name. Some rocks contain fossils with gobbets of carbonate sediment attached;
since it is unfortunately necessary to draw lines, the writer considers these as
intraclasts for counting purposes inasmuch as they at one time were part of a
cohesive, deposited sediment.
4. Pellets.These bodies are rounded, spherical to elliptical or ovoid aggre-
gates of microcrystalline calcite ooze, devoid of any internal structure. In any one
rock they show a surprising uniformity of shape and size (Figs. 20-22), ranging in

different specimens between .03 mm. and about .15 mm., although the most com-
mon size is .04-.08 mm. This writer follows Hatch, Rastall, and Black (1938) and
considers them as probably invertebrate fecal pellets. They are distinguished from
oolites by lack of radial or concentric structure, and from intraclasts by lack of
internal structure, uniformity of shape, extremely good sorting, and small size.
Usually one has no difficulty in identifying them with a slight amount of practice;
however, the writer has seen some rocks in which he found it impossible to tell
whether certain small rounded homogeneous objects were tiny intraclasts or
large pellets.
It is possible that some pellet-looking objects may form by recrystallization
processes, a sort of auto-agglutination of once-homogeneous calcareous mud; of
such nature may be the "grumeleuse" structure of Cayeux (1935, p. 271). How-
ever, nearly all the pellets studied by the writer have been obviously current-laid
grains because they are interbedded with quartz silt and usually are delicately
laminated and cross-bedded. Pellets with vague boundaries are sometimes en-
countered; the seeming vagueness of the borders is partly an optical effect due to
the small size of the near-spherical pellets and the thickness of the thin section,
but in other rocks it is caused by recrystallization of pellets, matrix or both to
produce microspar, which blurs the boundaries. Pellets are usually richer in
organic matter than the surrounding material in the slides, thus showing as
brownish objects when convergent light is used; in fact that is very helpful in rec-
ognizing them when they are embedded in a microcrystalline calcite matrix.
5. Pseudo-allochems.This classification assumes that allochems, except for
certain sedentary fossils, are transported constituents. This is true for the great
majority of carbonate rocks; however, some limestones may contain pseudo-
allochems which are objects that simulate the appearance of intraclasts, oolites,
or pellets but which have formed in place by recrystallization processes. Some of
the vague-looking pellets may be examples of this. Further, the writer has seen
some thin sections in which it is logical to infer that oolites have grown in situ
while remaining stationary, completely embedded in carbonate mud. Dunham
(personal communication, 1955) has postulated that some intraclast-looking ob-
jects may actually be negatives from recrystallization, i.e., a once-homogeneous
rock recrystallized in patches to sparry calcite, and the remnants of unaltered
rock may be cut off and thus mimic intraclasts. If one were to erect a classification
to include all these possibilities in separate pigeonholes, it would be far more com-
plex than it is now. The writer feels very strongly that these pseudo-allochems are
rare exceptions to the normal rule. Certainly one must be alert to catch such un-
usual lithologic features and they should be adequately described, but the basic
classification need not be greatly expanded or distorted for the sake of such rare
III. Orthochemical constituents or "orthochems." This term includes all
essentially normal precipitates, formed within the basin of deposition or within
the rock itself, and showing little or no evidence of significant transportation.

Only three orthochemical constituents require discussion at this point, micro-

crystalline calcite ooze, sparry calcite, and other replacement or recrystallization
1. Micro crystalline calcite ooze.This type of calcite forms grains 1-4 microns
in diameter, generally subtranslucent with a faint brownish cast in thin section
(Figs. 17, 23, 24). In hand specimen, this is the dull and opaque ultra-fine-
grained material that forms the bulk of "lithographic" limestones and the
matrix of chalk, and may vary in color from white through gray, bluish and brown
ish gray, to nearly black. Single grains under the polarizing microscope appear to
be equant and irregularly round, although electron microscope study by E. Hal
Bogardus and J. Stuart Pittman at The University of Texas has shown that some
microcrystalline calcite forms polyhedral blocks bounded by sub-planar (crys-
tal?) faces much like the surfaces of novaculite-type chert (Folk and Weaver,
1952). Microcrystalline calcite ooze is considered as forming by rather rapid
chemical or biochemical precipitation in sea water, settling to the bottom and at
times suffering some later drifting by weak currents. This is analogous with the
mode of deposition of snow which also is precipitated in a fluid medium (the
atmosphere), then settles down and either lies where it falls, or may be swept into
drifts. It is here considered as an orthochemical constituent because it is a normal
chemical precipitate, despite the fact that it may undergo slight drifting; further-
more, some of it may form in situ as a diagenetic segregation or concretion. Con-
sequently, lithographic limestone is considered an orthochemical rock (Fig. 1).
Conceivably, some 1-4-micron calcite may be "dust" produced by abrasion of
shell debris, hence would not be a chemical precipitate; yet the writer thinks that
this dust is quantitatively negligible and in any case it behaves hydraulically as
ordinary ooze. As yet no criteria are known whereby it might be identified in thin
section; therefore it is included with ordinary, chemically precipitated ooze in this
classification. Microcrystalline ooze, in addition to being the chief constituent of
lithographic limestone, also forms the matrix of poorly washed limestones and
forms pellets, intraclasts, and some oolites.
2. Sparry calcite cement.This type of calcite generally forms grains or crys-
tals 10 microns or more in diameter, and is distinguished from microcrystalline
calcite by its clarity as well as coarser crystal size (Figs. 7, 9, 11, 13). The name
spar alludes to its relative clarity both in thin section and hand specimens, paral-
lelling the term as used by Sander (1951, pp. 1, 3). It is difficult to draw a sharp
boundary between these two types of calcite that are genetically different; the
writer has vacillated at different times between grain-size boundaries of 10, 5, and
finally 4 microns, but drawing the boundary strictly on grain size is not very
satifactory. Clarity is certainly a distinguishing feature between the two types,
but clarity in itself is partially a function of grain size and is almost impossible to
define quantitatively for practical work. Morphology helpsfor example, if the
calcite grains encrust allochems in radial fringes, the writer terms them sparry
calcite regardless of their precise crystal sizebut the differentiation remains

very subjective in borderline cases which, fortunately, are uncommon.

Sparry calcite usually forms as a simple pore-filling cement, precipitated in
place within the sediment just as salt crystallizes on the walls of a beaker. Grain
size of the crystals of spar depends upon size of the pore space and rate of crystal-
lization; in most limestones, the spar averages from .02 to .10 mm. although crys-
tals of 1 mm. or more are not uncommon in limestones with large pore spaces. In
some rocks, sparry calcite is not an original precipitate but has formed by recrys-
tallization of finer carbonate grains or microcrystalline calcite.
3. Others.Orthochemical constituents include not only (1) sedimented ooze
and (2) directly precipitated pore-fillings, such as the two varieties of calcite dis-
cussed above, but also include minerals formed by post-depositional replacement
or recrystallization. Recrystallized calcite belongs to this latter group. The min-
eral dolomite forms a series parallel with calcite, inasmuch as it may also occur
as directly deposited (?) ooze, and directly precipitated pore-fillings; however, by
far the greatest amount of dolomite occurs as an orthochemical replacement.
Likewise some types of quartz and chalcedony, evaporites, pyrite, etc. may occur
as orthochemical pore-fillings or as replacement minerals in some limestones.


Field vs. laboratory use of classification.Carbonate rocks are no different from

igneous rocks or sandstones in that only in thin section can one fully describe, ac-
curately classify, and interpret them. However, good approximations can be made
with a binocular microscope or even in the field if the specimen has been etched
in weak (10 per cent) hydrochloric acid for a few minutes. This can be performed
on an outcrop by placing a drop of acid on the horizontally held surface of the
specimen, letting the acid spend itself, then adding another drop in the same spot
and repeating this until about 5 drops have been added. With practice, one can
name a rock in the field and be correct about two-thirds of the time. In the labo-
ratory, of course, one can submerge the specimen in weak acid for about 5 minutes
or less and examine the etched surface with a binocular microscope (sawed faces
are desirable but not at all necessary). Microcrystalline calcite appears dull and
opaque, whereas sparry calcite is clear with a vitreous luster. With this method,
one can attain about 80 per cent accuracy in classification, subject to the difficulty
that it is hard to differentiate heavily abraded fossils from intraclasts, and
furthermore, rocks containing abundant pellets (pelmicrite and pelsparite) al-
most invariably look like pure microcrystalline ooze rocks (micrites). Etching is
superior to the thin section in that it brings out superbly the content and dis-
tribution of silt, clay, pyrite, dolomite, and authigenic silica. All limestones should
be studied by etched surfaces as well as thin sections.
The use of acetate peels (Buehler, 1948) is of about the same level of accuracy
as etching; it is much better for determining grain size and texture of the calcite
particles, but does not reveal distribution of insoluble constituents. Once a "pilot
suite" of rocks has been examined by thin section and the results correlated with

etched surfaces or peels, one soon gets the "feel" of the rock suite, and interpreta-
tion of new specimens from the same suite becomes much more rapid and the
number of thin sections can be cut down greatly.
Three main limestone families.Almost all carbonate rocks contain more than
one type of material; one may be a mixture of oolites, fossils, and sparry calcite
cement; another may consist of quartz silt, pellets, and microcrystalline ooze
partly replaced by dolomite and chert. Thus the problem of classification becomes
one of systematizing these variations of composition and drawing significant
quantitative limits between types.
Disregarding for a moment the content of terrigenous material or of later re-
placement minerals, fracture or vug fillings, it is possible to base a practical lime-
stone classification on the relative proportions of three end-members: (1) allo-
chems, (2) microcrystalline ooze, and (3) sparry calcite cement.
AUochems represent the framework of the rock and include the shells, oolites,
carbonate pebbles, or pellets that make up the bulk of most limestones. Thus
they are analogous with the quartz sand of a sandstone or the pebbles of a con-
glomerate. Microcrystalline ooze represents a clay-size "matrix" whose presence
signifies lack of vigorous currents, just as the presence of a clay mineral matrix in
a sandstone indicates poor washing. Sparry calcite cement simply fills up pore
spaces in the rock where microcrystalline ooze has been washed out, just as
porous, non-clayey sandstones become cemented with chemical precipitates, such
as calcite or quartz cement. Thus the relative proportions of microcrystalline
ooze and sparry calcite cement are an important feature of the rock, inasmuch as
they show the degree of "sorting" or current strength of the environment, anal-
ogous with textural maturity in sandstones. If we plot these two constituents and
the allochemical "framework" as three poles of a triangular diagram (Fig. 2), the
field in which normal limestones occur is shown by the shaded area; divisions be-
tween the three major textural families of limestone are also shown on this figure.
A similar field appears if one plots terrigenous rocks on a triangle with the three
analogous poles of sand plus silt, clay, and orthochemical cement.
This classification is predicated on the assumption that the sparry calcite and
microcrystalline calcite now visible in the rock are the original interallochem
constituentsi.e., the sparry calcite has not formed by aggrading recrystalliza-
tion of a fine calcite ooze, and that microcrystalline calcite has not formed by de-
grading recrystallization of coarser calcite. In most limestones the writer has ex-
amined, this assumption is believed to be correct and it is discussed more fully in
the final section of this paper. Nevertheless, the writer agrees that recrystalliza-
tion is a very important process in some limestone formations, and the classifica-
tion proposed here does not apply to recrystallized rocks. However, this classifi-
cation provides a necessary foundation for the study of recrystallized rocks be-
cause on original deposition these rocks all must have belonged to one of the
groups here proposed.
Type I limestones (designated as Sparry Allochemical rocks) consist chiefly

o 1 1 S 55 SS
< 0

o o

ii i
o Jt Ul
g 3
" S ^
^.^ s + 0 H L
Clayey, Microcrystalline ^ Sparry allochemical
immature. ^Cleon' QllocheiTlicO 1 / i / limestones
sandslores son stones limestones'-\ *i'"'JiBC(Oleonly woshed)
(Ooze matrix;
Snales ond ?!\
cloyslones J
V 1 \\ Mi croc;rys1alline
IP^^ 1
\ limestonesv K-.'f-."'\
FT"- I \
(Ml crites) V |
\ ^ '
(Ignoring recrystollizotion)

FIG. 2. Diagram comparing limestone classification in this paper with analogous classification of
terrigenous rocks. Shaded areas are those parts of composition triangle which occur most commonly.
Terrigenous rocks could be classified by proportions of sand grains (structural framework frac-
tion), clay matrix, and chemical cement, the proportions of the last two being an index to degree of
sorting. Non-recrystallized limestone can be classified by the proportion of allochems (structural
framework fraction), microcrystalline calcite matrix, and sparry calcite cement, the proportions of
the last two also being an index of sorting.
Three basic limestone families are proposed: sparry allochemical limestone (type I), represent-
ing good sorting; microcrystalline allochemical limestone (type II), representing poorly winnowed
sediments; and microcrystaUine limestone (type III), analogous with claystone in terrigenous tri-
angle. Just as one uses composition of sand grains for further classification of terrigenous rocks into
arkose, graywacke, orthoquartzite, and calclithite, each ranging from clayey to non-clayey, so one
uses composition of allochems for division of limestones into subvarieties such as intrasparite or bio-

of allochemical constituents cemented by sparry calcite cement. These rocks are

equivalent to the well sorted terrigenous conglomerates or sandstones in that
solid particles (here intraclasts, oolites, fossils, or pellets) have been heaped to-
gether by currents powerful or persistent enough to winnow away any microcrys-
talline ooze that otherwise might have accumulated as a matrix, and the inter-
stitial pores have been filled by directly precipitated sparry calcite cement. These
sparry limestones have textures and structures similar to terrigenous rocks, e.g.,
cross-bedding and good grain orientation. The relative proportions of sparry cal-
cite cement and allochems varies within rather restricted limits because of the
limitations of packing.
1. There is a limit to the tightness with which allochems may be packed; thus
there will always be some pore space available for cement to fill.
2. There must be a certain minimum amount of allochems present in order to
support the structuresparry calcite cement grows only in pore spaces and in
general can not form a rock in its own right, unless recrystallization occurs.
Similarly sandstones require a minimum amount of sand grains, on the order of
60 per cent, to support the rock structure. It may be noted that carbonate rocks
on deposition may have porosity much greater than sandstones or conglomerates

of equivalent size because of the irregular shapes of fossils and some intraclasts.
Coquinas like that shown in Figure 13 may have approached 80-90 per cent
porosity prior to cementation with spar.
Type II limestones (designated as Microcrystalline Allochemical rocks) con-
sist also of a considerable proportion of allochems, but here currents were not
strong enough or persistent enough to winnow away the microcrystalline ooze,
which remains as a matrix; sparry calcite is very subordinate or lacking simply
because no pore space was available in which it could form. These rocks are equiv-
alent texturally to the clayey sandstones or conglomerates, which also tend to
have little chemical cement. In these rocks the restrictions of packing impose a
certain maximum on the amount of allochems; yet there is no minimum, and
Microcrystalline Allochemical rocks are found with percentages of allochems
(intraclasts, oolites, fossils, or pellets) varying continuously from about 80 per
cent down to almost nothing. The reason for this is that microcrystalline ooze
can form a rock in its own right (comparable with claystone in the terrigenous
series), and can accept any amount of allochem material that becomes mixed
with it. Thus the boundary line between Microcrystalline Allochemical rocks and
Microcrystalline rocks in entirely arbitrary, and has been set at 10 per cent allo-
Type I limestones indicate strong or persistent currents and a high-energy
environment, whereas type II limestones indicate weak, short-lived currents or
a rapid rate of formation of microcrystalline ooze. Most limestones can be as-
signed readily to one or the other of these two classes because usually either
sparry calcite or microcrystalline calcite is clearly dominant. In some rocks there
are transitions inasmuch as washing may be incomplete and the ooze may be only
partly removed. In normally calm environments with an abundance of ooze,
momentary episodes of increased wave or current energy may sort laminae only a
millimeter or so thick, whereas adjacent layers will be full of ooze; or a quick
swash with rapid redeposition of allochems and small amounts of entrapped ooze
may result in pores being partly and irregularly filled with carbonate mud (Fig.
19). Furthermore, in some pellet calcilutites the pore spaces between pellets are so
tiny that the sparry calcite crystals are very minute, and can be distinguished
from microcrystalline ooze only with great difficulty. All these transitional types
can be designated by symbol I-II and given hybrid names (e.g., biomicrite-bio-
sparite, or interlaminated intrasparite-intramicrite). Recrystaliization of part of
the ooze matrix to spar can mimic these "poorly washed" rocks and it is impor-
tant to recognize these cases.
Type III limestones (the Microcrystalline rocks) represent the opposite ex-
treme from type I, inasmuch as they consist almost entirely of microcrystalline
ooze with little or no allochem material; "lithographic" limestone belongs to
this class. These rocks imply both a rapid rate of precipitation of microcrystalline
ooze together with lack of persistent strong currents. Texturally, they correspond
with the claystones among the terrigenous rocks; they may form either in deep
waters or in very shallow, sheltered areas.

Some microcrystalline rocks have been disturbed either by boring organisms

or by soft-sediment deformation, and the resulting openings are filled with irregu-
lar "eyes" or stringers of sparry calcite. Other beds of microcrystalline ooze have
been partially torn up by bottom currents and rapidly redeposited but without
the production of distinct intraclasts. These are considered as Disturbed Micro-
crystalline rocks, and a special symbol and rock term ("dismicrite") is used for
them (Table I).
Parts of some limestone are made up of organic structure growing in situ and
forming a coherent, resistant mass during growth, as exemplified by parts of
many bioherms (Cumings and Shrock, 1928). These rocks because of their unique
mode of genesis are placed in a special class. Type IV. Formerly the writer called
this type "biohermite" but that word was objectionable because it implied a
mound-like form, which was a common but not universal attribute. As a sub-
stitute, Philip Braithwaite (student. University of Texas) suggested "biolithite."
This is adapted from Grabau's (1913, pp. 280, 384) term "biolith," which he
applied to rocks formed by organisms. This rock class is very complex and needs
much subdivision itself, but no attempt to do so is made in this paper other than
to suggest "algal biolithite" or "coral biolithite" as possibilites. If these organic
structures are broken up and redeposited the resulting rock is considered to be
made up of intraclasts or biogenic debris, and falls in type I or type II depending
on the interstitial material. The name "biolithite" should be applied only to the
rock made of organic structures in growth position, not to the debris broken from
the bioherm and forming pocket-fillings or talus slopes associated with the reef.
Study in the field is usually required to ascertain whether a specimen should be
termed "biohermite."
Subdivisions of major limestone families.After the main division of limestones
into types I, II, and IIIbased chiefly on sortingit is most essential to recognize
whether the allochemical part consists of intraclasts, oolites, fossils, or pellets. In
terrigenous sandstones, one desires to know not only whether the rock has a clay
matrix or not, but what the composition of the sand is; hence geologists recognize
arkoses, graywackes, and orthoquartzites, all of which types may or may not con-
tain clay matrix (Fig. 2). It is just as important to recognize the radically differ-
ent allochem types in limestones, and the scheme for classification is presented in
Table I.
There would be few nomenclatural difficulties if all limestones were made up
of only one allochemical constituent, such as all oolites or all intraclasts, for then
there would be no need to encumber classifications with percentage boundaries.
Although many limestones are almost pure end-members, most appear to be
mixtures of several different types of allochems in varying proportions. Con-
sequently it is not sufficient to define a pelsparite as a "rock consisting mostly of
pellets" or an intrasparite as a "rock that contains abundant intraclasts." Classi-
fications that sidestep the admittedly disagreeable problem of setting precise
limits result in a triumph of vagueness and are entirely inadequate for quantita-
tive work.

Limestones, Partly Dolomitized Limestones, and Primary Dolomites Replacement Dolomites^ {V)
(see Notes 1 to 6)
> 1 0 % Allochems < 10% Allochems
Allochemical Rocks ( I a n d II) Microcrystalline Rocks ( I I I )
Sparry Calcite Microcrystalline Undis-
Cement > M i c r o - Ooze Matrix turbed
crystalline Ooze > Sparry Calcite Bioherm Allochem Ghosts N o AUochem
Matrix Cement 1-10% Allochems <1% Rocks Ghosts
Allochems (IV)
Sparry Allo- Microcrystalline
chemical Rocks Alochemical Rocks
(1) (II)

IntrasDarrudite Intramicrudite* Intraclasts: Finely Crystalline

(Ii:Lr) (IIi;Lr) Intraclast- Intraclastic Dol-
Intrasparite Intramicrite* bearing Micrite* omite (Vi:D3) Medium Crys-
(Ii:La) ( H i : La) (IIIi:Lr orLa) etc. talline Dolo-
mite (V:D4)
c Odsparrudite Oomicrudite* Oolites: Coarsely Crystal-
(Io:Lr) (lIoiLr) Oolite-bearing is line Oolitic >3
Cos pa rite Oomicrite* Micrite* Dolomite Finely O y s - O
o ^ (Io:La) (IIo:La) ( I I I o : L r or La) (Vo:D5) etc. talline Dolo-
a E mite (V:D3)
1 ^
E Biosparrudite Biomicrudite Fossils: >
< S , ! = .
(Ib:Lr) (IlbiLr) Fossil if erous 1 Aphanoc rystalli ne
u Biosparite Biomicrite Micrite ( I l l b : Biogenic Dolomite
_o A" ei
( l b : La) ( l i b : La) Lr, La, or LI) 'B (Vb:Dl) etc.
< "s a "3 1
< m O
Biopelsparite Biopelmicrite Pellets: 4JI-H
Very Finely
s V (Ibp:La) (lIbp:La) o Pelletiferous Crystalline
i P Micrite Pellet Dolomite
(IIIp:La) S'5 (Vp:D2) etc.
f II etc.
Pelsparite Pelmicrite
(Ip:La) ( U p : La)
* 'Designates rare rock types.
1 Names and symbols in the body of the table refer to limestones. If the rock contains more than 10 per cent replacement dolomite, prefix the term "dolomitized" to the rock name,
-and use DLr or D L a for the symbol (e.g., dolomitized intrasparite, L i : D L a ) . If the rock contains more than 10 per cent dolomite of uncertain origin, prefix the term "dolomitic" to the
rock name, and use dLr or dLa for the symbol (e.g., dolomitic pelsparite, I p : d L a ) . If the rock consists of primary (directly deposited) dolomite, prefix the term "primary dolomite" to
the rock name, and use D r or D a for the symbol (e.g., primary dolomite intramicrite, H i : D a ) . Instead of "primary dolomite micrite" ( I I I m : D ) the term "dolomicrite" may be used.
2 Upper name in each box refers to calcirudites (median allochem size larger than 1.0 m m . ) ; and lower name refers to all rocks with median allochem size smaller than 1.0 mm. Grain
size and quantity of ooze matrix, cements or terrigenous grains are ignored.
3 If the rock contains more than 10 per cent terrigenous material, prefix " s a n d y , " "silty," or "clayey" to the rock name, and " T s , " " T z , " or " T c " to the symbol depending on which
is dominant (e.g., sandy biosparite, T s I b : L a , or silty dolomitized pelmicrite, T z I I p : D L a ) . Glauconite, cellophane, chert, pyrite, or other modifiers may also be prefixed.
^ If the rock contains other allochems in significant quantities t h a t are not mentioned in the main rock name, these should be prefixed as qualifiers preceding the main rock name
(e.K., fossiliferous intrasparite, oolitic pelmicrite, pelletiferous oosparite, or intraclastic biomicrudite). This can be shown symbolically as Ii(b), Io(p), Ilb(i), respectively.
^ If the fossils are of rather uniform type or one type is dominant, this fact should be shown in the rock name (e.g., pelecypod biosparrudite. crinoid biomicrite).
s If the rock was oridnally microcrystalline and can be shown to have recrystalUzed to microspar (5-15 micron, clear calcite) the terms "microsparite," "biomicrosparite," etc. can
be used instead of " m i c r i t e " or "biomicrite."
^ Specify crystal size as shown in the examples.

Of all the allochemical particles, intraclasts are regarded as the most impor-
tant because of their implication of lowered wave base or possible tectonic uplift.
Therefore in this classification a rock is called an intraclastic rock if the allochems
consist of more than 25 per cent intraclasts by volume (Fig. 3) even if it contains
70 per cent fossils, pellets, or oolites. If the rock has less than 25 per cent intra-
clasts, next determine the proportion of oolites; if the rock contains more than 25
per cent oolites, it is here called an oolitic rock. If the rock has less than 25 per cent
intraclasts and less than 25 per cent oolites, then it consists largely of either fos-

J P m ) S S ! L S a PELLETS

FIG. 3.Triangular diagram to show method of classifying Umestones based on volumetric

allochem proportion. If allochems consist of more than 25 per cent by volume of intraclasts, the
rock is Intraclastic (i) limestone. If there are less than 25 per cent intraclasts, then determine propor-
tion of oolites; if allochems consist of more than 25 per cent oolites, rock is classified as Oolitic (o)
limestone. If rock fits none of these categories, it consists either of pellets or of fossils, and linear
scale below triangle is used to name them. If fossil: pellet ratio is more than 3:1, rock is Biogenic (b)
limestone, a .id if this ratio is less than 1:3 it is Pellet (p) limestone. Intermediate specimens with sub-
equal pellets and fossils can be termed Biogenic Pellet limestones (bp).

sils or pellets. If the volume ratio of fossils to pellets is greater than 3:1, it is a bio-
genic rock; if the ratio is less than 1:3, it is a pellet rock; and if the fossil:pellet
ratio is between 3:1 and 1:3, it may be called a biogenic pellet rock (Fig. 3).
Whether a rock is intraclastic, oolitic, biogenic, or pelletic is indicated by adding
"i", "o", "b", or " p " to the symbol I or II or III, as in Sparry Intraclastic rocks
(li), or Microcrystalline Biogenic rocks (lib). The limits proposed here are un-
avoidably determined by the writer's experience and the rocks with which he has
personally worked. There is no particularly valid reason for choosing a boundary
at 25 per cent intraclasts as opposed to 20 per cent or 3>3.i per cent. However,
the writer feels that the limits proposed herein are close to the "natural" breaks,
assuming there are such, and there is no particular advantage in delaying a
classification for 20 years while waiting for enough data to fix divisions more
So far, gross texture (whether Sparry Allochemical, Microcrystalline Allo-
chemical, or Microcrystalline) and composition of allochems (whether intra-
clasts, oolites, fossils, or pellets) have been included in the classification, but
nothing has been said about grain size of the allochems. If the allochems average
coarser than 1 mm., the rock is a calcirudite (or dolorudite); if they lie between

.0625 and 1 mm., the rock is a calcarenite or dolarenite; if under .0625 mm., cal-
cilutite or dololutite. Although the traditional boundary between "rudite" and
"arenite" has been 2.00 mm. (Grabau, 1913; Wentworth, 1922; Udden, 1914) the
writer prefers to use 1.0 mm. because this appears to be a more meaningful bound-

Transported Authigenic
Constituents Constituents

Very c o a r s e calcirudite
64 mm
Coarse calcirudite Extremely c o a r s e l y
16 mm crystalline
Medium calcirudite
4 mm .4 mm
Fine calcirudite Very coarsely
1 mm <1 mrr-

Coarse calcarenite
0.5 mm Coarsely crystalline
Medium calcarenite
0. 25 mm 0. 25 m m
Fine calcarenite
0. 125 mm. Medium crystalline
Very fine calcarenite
0. 062 mm 0.062 mm

Coarse calcilutite
0. 031 mm Finely crystalline
Mediunn calcilutite
0.016 mm -0, 016 mm
Fine calcilutite
0. 008 mm Very finely crystalline

0. 004 mm Very fine calcilutite -0. 004 m m



Carbonate rocks contain both physically transported particles (oohtes, intraclasts, fossils, and
pellets) and chemically precipitated minerals (either as pore-filling cement, primary ooze, or as
products of recrystallization and replacement). Therefore, the size scale must be a double one, so that
one can distinguish which constituent is being considered (e.g., coarse calcirudites may be cemented
with very finely crystalline dolomite, and fine calcarenites may be cemented with coarsely crystalhne
calcite). The size scale for transported constituents uses the terms of Grabau but retains the finer
divisions of Wentworth except in the calcirudite range; for dolomites of obviously allochemical origin,
the terms "dolorudite," "dolarenite," and "dololutite" are substituted for those shown. The most
common crystal size for dolomite appears to be between .062 and .25 mm. and for this reason that
interval was chosen as the "medium crystalhne" class.

ary in the size distribution not only of sandstones but also of limestones. For de-
tailed grain size terminology in carbonates, Table II is suggested. In determining
the grain-size name, only the size of the allochems is considered; percentage or
crystal size of microcrystalline ooze or sparry calcite and grain size of terrigenous

material is ignored. If this definition is strictly applied, a rock consisting of 20 per

cent brachiopod shells embedded in microcrystalline ooze and quartz sand should
be classified as a calcirudite, just as much as a rock consisting of 80 per cent lime-
stone pebbles cemented by sparry calcite. Thus the word "calcirudite" is in-
tended to be used strictly in a descriptive sense. Genetically there would be a
vast difference between the two rocks just cited. For this reason the writer seldom
in practice uses the term "rudite" to describe an assemblage of large fossils in an
ooze matrix, because this usage imparts a rather misleading idea as to the forma-
tion of the rock.
In theory, the three-fold size classification of calcirudite, calcarenite, and
calcilutite just given is valid; but in practice, rocks with allochems averaging in
the calcilutite range are very rare. The only allochemical rock types with rep-
resentatives in this size class are pellet rocks or some rare biogenic rocks (those
made of tiny foraminifera, for example) and in both of these the pellets or fossil
fragments average no smaller than .03-.06 mm., just barely under the limit of
calcarenite; pellet rocks nearly always hover on the borderline between calcilutite
and calcarenite (since the average pellet size is between .04 and .08 mm.). Setting
a new rock class apart on such an artificial and insignificant boundary seems to be
an unnecessary complication; hence the writer has lumped these rareallochem
calcilutites together with the calcarenites in the classification scheme. The only
common true calcilutites are the "pure" microcrystalline oozes, although many
pellet rocks appear to be calcilutites in the field and under a binocular microscope.
Rock names.All the rock characteristics discussed above can be combined in
a single name, shown in Table I and diagrammatically in Figure 4. At first the
writer used such cumbersome terms as "sparry intraclastic calcarenite" for intra-
sparite, "microcrystalline biogenic calcirudite" for biomicrudite, etc.; but these
names, although self-explanatory, were soon found to be too awkward to use in
descriptions. As an alternative the introduction of locality nomenclature was
considered, but the localities would be difficult to choose and formidable to
memorize. Finally, it was decided to use a composite word, the first part of which
refers to the allochem composition: thus "intra-" for intraclastic rocks, "o6-" for
oolitic ones, "bio-" for biogenic types, and "pel-" for pellet rocks. Whether the
rock is type I or type II is shown by the second part of the name, "-sparite" for
those with sparry calcite cement and "-micrite" (pronounced "mick-rite") for
those with microcrystalline ooze matrix. The two word segments are combined to
designate the eight types of allochemical limestone, for example, biomicrite,
pelsparite, or oosparite. Type III limestones, almost entirely ooze, are designated
simply as "micrite" without any allochem prefix. Inasmuch as most limestones
are calcarenites, no further syllable is added if the size falls in that category, and
as explained, the rare and somewhat artificial calcilutites are lumped together
with the calcarenites in this table. However, if it is felt important to differentiate
the calcirudites, the word segment "rudite" may be added if the size falls in that
class, e.g., "intramicrudite" (pronounced "intra-mick'-rude-ite"). Examples, to-



CO :y:>^-y--}^-

;-.:-.'t-.v '


Sparry Colcit*

MicreeryitaUin* Caleiti

FIG. 4.Graphic classification table of limestones. For determining allochem composition see
Figure 3; for full details of classification, including method of denoting grain size and dolomite
content, see Table I.

gether with the symbols used, are presented in Table I. On first acquaintance,
such names as biosparite, intrasparite or pelmicrite sound odd, but so do gabbro,
tourmaline, and brachiopod to the beginning geologist! Further, the names pro-
posed here have the advantages of not requiring memorization because they can
be deciphered by a simple syllabic code.
The principles of the classification are felt to be far more important than the
use of the names, however, and some of the writer's colleagues prefer to use de-
scriptive phrases like "sparry oolitic calcarenite" instead of "oQsparite"; either
method of nomenclature is completely functional and acceptable within the
framework of the classification.
Some rocks classified as oosparite, intramicrudite, etc. may have significant
amounts of other allochems which do not appear in the name. These may be

specified at the discretion of the worker, such as fossiliferous oosparite Io(b),

oolitic intramicrudite Ili(o), etc. Biogenic rocks, if composed largely of one type
of organism, should always be described as brachiopod biomicrudite, gastropod
biosparite, algal biomicrite, etc. If desirable, and if dififerentiation is possible,
rocks containing fossils in growth position may be specifically designated as
"autochthonous brachiopod biomicrite" etc.
Carbonate composition.All of the rock types described, and listed in the table,
can occur either as limestone or dolomitized limestone, and some may possibly
occur as primary (directly deposited) dolomite. Over-all texture is combined with
carbonate composition in a double symbol linked with a colon, as shown in the
table. If the rock is a limestone, the rock name (e.g., oosparite or pelmicrite) is
used unmodified and the symbol applied is Lr or La (for calcirudites and calcare-
nites, respectively). Intrasparrudite, for example, would be Ii:Lr, biomicrite,
IIb:La. If the rock contains more than 10 per cent replacement dolomite, "dolo-
mitized" is prefixed to the main rock name and the symbols DLa or DLr are used
(e.g., dolomitized oosparite Io:DLa, or dolomitized pelmicrite Up:DLa). If the
dolomite is of uncertain origin, the term "dolomitic" and the symbols dLr and
dLa are suggested, using a lower-case "d" to distinguish from known replacement
dolomite. If the rock is a primary (early, non-replacement) dolomite, this term is
prefixed to the rock name and Dr or Da are used for the symbol (e.g., primary
dolomite intramicrudite IIi:Dr). Primary dolomite ooze may be called "dolo-
micrite," IIIm:D (name suggested by Thomas W. Todd).
Limestones that have been completely replaced by dolomite offer considerable
difficulty since in many specimens the original structure is partly obliterated.
Fine-grained clastic particles such as pellets or finely broken fossils are especially
prone to vanish during dolomitization. Likewise, one does not know the original
proportion of microcrystalline ooze versus sparry calcite cement. In such cases
it is very difficult if not impossible to allot a dolomite to either classes I, II, or III,
and it seems best to arbitrarily lump all such completely metasomatized rocks
into a distinct class, type V; if ghost oolites, fossils, intraclasts, or pellets are
present, that fact can be indicated by a symbol such as Vo, Vb, Vi, or Vp, respec-
tively, and if no allochem ghosts are recognizable, it is simply listed as class V.
The crystal size of these rocks is a very important characteristic and should be
shown by the following terms and symbols, using divisions based on the Went-
worth scale (Wentworth, 1922) but with a constant ratio of 4 between divisions.
Aphanocrystalline Dl under .0039 mm.
Very finely crystalline ~
D2' .0039-.01S6 mm
Finely crystalline D3 .0156-.062S mm.
Medium crystalline D4 .0625-.2S mm.
Coarsely crystalline D5 .25-1.00 mm.
Very coarsely crystalline D6 1.00-4.00 mm.
Extremely coarsely crystalline D7 over 4.00 mm.
Examples of rock names in type V are medium crystalline intraclastic dolomite
(Vi:D4), finely crystalline biogenic dolomite (Vb:D3), or for a rock with no
visible allochems, coarsely crystalline dolomite (V:D5).

Terrigenous admixture.So far in this paper, the content of terrigenous par-

ticles has been ignored. If the rock contains more than 50 per cent terrigenous
material, it is a Terrigenous rock and not further discussed here. If it contains less
than 10 per cent terrigenous material, it is a Pure Chemical rock and the terrig-
enous content is so low that it is not mentioned in the classification (Fig. 1).
However, if the rock contains between 10 and 50 per cent terrigenous material,
that is regarded as important enough to be mentioned in the name and in the
classification symbol. These rocks as a class are known as Impure Chemical rocks;
a specimen of this type is classified just as previously described (i.e., as a bio-
micrite, oosparite, etc.), but to identify it as an Impure Chemical rock the follow-
ing letters are prefixed to the symbol: Ts for rocks in which the terrigenous (T)
material is dominantly and, Tz for those in which silt prevails, and Tc for rocks
with clay as the most important terrigenous constituent.
The following list shows examples of this usage.
Clayey biopelmicrite, TcIIbp:La
Silty coarsely crystalline dolomite, TzV:DS
Sandy dolomicrite, TsIIIm:D2
Sandy dolomitized intrasparite, TsIi:DLa

The classification used here is determined necessarily by relative rates of forma-

tion of each constituent, not on absolute rates. Thus an abundance of terrigenous
material in a limestone may mean (1) that uplift or proximity of the source area
caused a more rapid influx of detritus; (2) a change of conditions in the deposi-
tional basin suppressed chemical activity, so that terrigenous minerals accumu-
lated by default; or (3) current velocities were such as to concentrate terrigenous
material of a certain size in preference to allochemical material of different size.


It is not possible yet to give any quantitative estimate of the relative propor-
tions of all the limestone types in the stratigraphic section as a whole. However,
within each allochemical division it is possible to estimate, based on slides so far
examined, whether intrasparite is more abundant than intramicrite, and to give
some idea as to the usual petrography of these rock types. This summary, again,
is based almost entirely on the writer's personal experience with some supple-
mentation from published descriptions of limestones.
Intraclastic rocks.The great majority of intraclastic rocks have a sparry
calcite cement, inasmuch as currents that are strong enough to transport fairly
large carbonate rock fragments are also usually capable of washing away any
microcrystalline ooze matrix. Thus intrasparite (type li. Figs. 5-7) is much more
common than intramicrite (type Ili, Fig. 8) which is relatively rare. Texturally,
intraclastic rocks are about equally divided between calcirudites and calcarenites,
and few occur beyond the size range of fine calcarenite through coarse calcirudite
(Table II). Small amounts of fossils, oolites, or pellets with terrigenous sand or
silt may occur between the intraclasts; thus sorting is variable. So-called "edge-

: ; ; " <

FIG. 5. X6. Intrasparrudite, Ii:Lr; larger intraclasts themselves are composed of pelsparite; a few fossils and smaller
micrite intraclasts occur between large intraclasts. Packing of allochems is normal for well washed limestones, and sparry
calcite cement is well developed. Lower Ordovician Axemann limestone, Centre County, Pennsylvania,
FIG. 6. X6, Pelletiferous intrasparrudite liCp) :Lr; intraclasts, elongate because of bedding, consist of micrite (dark)_ and
pelmicrite. Between large intraclasts occur smaller intraclasts, common pellets, and a few fossil fragments, Lower Ordovician
EUenburger limestone, Blanco County, Texas. Collected by J. Stuart Pittman.
FIG. 7. XIO. Intrasparite, Ii:La; well sorted, sand-size intraclasts composed chiefly of micrite but with some pelmicrite.
A few superficial oohtes are present. Packing is normal for this rock type; sparry calcite is well shown. Permian Capitan
reef, Eddy County, New Mexico. Collected by Robert J. Dunham.
FIG. 8. X25. Intramicrite, IIi:La; intraclasts of various sizes, "floating" in an ooze matrix; packing irregular with
large areas of "pure" ooze. Intraclasts are themselves composed of micrite. Lower Ordovician EUenburger limestone, Blanco
County, Texas.
FIG. 9. XIO. Oosparite, Io:La; well sorted oohtes, closely packed in sparry calcite cement. A few fossil fragments,
some coated with very thin oolitic rims. Lower Pennsylvanian Wapanucka limestone, Johnston County, Oklahoma.
FIG. 10. X20. Oomicrite, IIo:La; oohtes with well developed radial structure in an ooze matrix. Evidence from other
parts of this slide shows that these "oohtes" may actually have grown in place. Upper Cambrian Point Peak limestone,
Burnet County, Texas.
FIG. U . X25. Brachiopod-crinoid biosparite, Ib:La. Fossils much abraded, weU sorted, and rather tightly packed.
Excellent sparry calcite. Middle Ordovician Trenton limestone, Harrison County, Kentucky.
FIG. 12. X6. Crinoid biosparite, Ib:La. Crinoid fragments tightiy packed because of their more equidimensional shape
(compare pelecypod biosparite. Fig. 13). Sparry calcite forms overgrowths in optical continuity with crinoid pieces. Mis-
sissippian Mission Canyon limestone, Valley County, Montana. Collected hy Daniel N. MiUer, Jr.
FIG. 13. X6. Pelecypod biosparrudite, Ib:Lr. Pelecypod fragments, originally aragonite, have inverted to calcite with
disappearance of original delicate shell structure; ah that is left is mosaic of sparry calcite. Rock originaUy had extremely
high porosity because of way in which curved,shells were'cupped on top of each other during deposition. Loose packing pro-
duces illusion that spar has formed by recr^'staUization, but in three dimensions the sheUs are self-supporting and never had
an ooze matrix. Pleistocene Miami limestone, Brevard County, Florida.

wise conglomerate" or "flat-pebble conglomerate," so common in lower Paleo-

zoic limestones, almost without exception has a sparry calcite cement and may
be classed as intrasparrudite. The discoidal pebbles (intraclasts) of these lime-
stones are very often composed of pelsparite (Fig. 5) with thin laminae of quartz
silt; this lamination is responsible for the extremely discoidal shape.
Intrasparite specimens imply a two-phase genesis: (1) a fine-grained calcareous
sediment, usually microcrystalline calcite ooze, pellets, or fine-grained fossils, was
deposited in a protected, calm-water environment, probably at shallow depths,
and became weakly consolidated or cohesive; (2) a sudden change, such as caused
by either a storm or relative lowering of sea-level, lowered wave base and tore up
the previous sediment; the intraclasts were then ultimately deposited in the new
high-energy environment. Such environments of prolonged calm-water conditions
interrupted by sudden pulses of greatly strengthened wave or current energy
would seem to require shallow-water deposition. The significance of intramicrite
is not yet clear; it may form if the intraclasts are produced in a high-energy en-
vironment and then carried by environmental accidents and dumped into other
(deeper and calmer) areas where there is an abundance of microcrystalline ooze.
Oolitic rocks.These rocks with their high degree of sorting imply fairly vigor-
ous current action; therefore as one would expect oosparite (type lo, Fig. 9) is
much more abundant than oomicrite (type IIo, Fig. 10). Texturally both types
are almost always fine to coarse calcarenites, although rare calcirudites may
occur if the oolites are larger than 1.0 mm. Oosparite frequently contains no other
allochem in significant amounts except for oolites, but in some strata intraclasts,
fossils, and pellets are present. Oosparite forms in high-energy environments such
as tidal channels (Illing, 1954), or the oolites may be drifted into submarine dunes
and show cross-bedding near or in the loci of strong offshore currents. In oosparite,
the sparry calcite cement often grows in radial fringes in continuity with the
radial calcite crystals of the oolite itself. Oomicrite, like intramicrite, is an excep-
tional rock type implying formation of the oolites in a high-energy environment
and their "accidental" transportation into a low-energy environment; perhaps
these would be fairly common in zones of mixture where tidal channels with
swift currents adjoined shallow protected marine flats. The writer has seen rare
oomicrite specimens in which the "oolites" have grown in place while suspended
throughout a microcrystalline matrix.
Just as some well sorted sandstones contain occasional clay stringers, similarly
some oosparite specimens contain scattered stringers of oomicrite, representing a
very brief slackening of current velocity. These may have been caused when wave
agitation ceased for a short period (hours to days) and suspended ooze settled
out to form a thin blanket on the oolitic sediment.
Pisolitic rocks, like oolitic ones, usually have sparry cement and if one wished
to be consistent, could be called pisosparite.
Biogenic rocks.These occur just as commonly with a microcrystalline ooze
matrix (biomicrite, type lib) as with a sparry calcite cement (biosparite, type

FIG. 14. XS.Brachiopodbiomicrite,IIb:Lr.Brachiopodsrather closely packed but randomly oriented;a few rounded
quartz grains present. Limestone bed in Middle Silurian Rochester shale, Morgan County, West Virginia.
FIG. I S . XIO. Crinoid biomicrite, IIb:La. Crinoid fragments rather tightly packed in ooze matrix. Mississippian
Madison limestone, Bonneville County, Idaho. Collected by Henry H. Gray.
FIG. 16. X20. Ostracod biomicrite, IIb:La; fossils very loosely packed and randomly oriented in ooze matrix. Some
fossils articulated, others greatly broken. Articulated fossils have geopetal accumulations of ooze, and upper part of shell
(originally pore space) is now filled with spar. Devonian Hunton limestone, Murray County, Oklahoma.
FIG. 17. X20. Foram biomicrite, IIb:La (almost a foraminiferal micrite, as rock contains only about 10 per cent
fossils). Fossils very loosely packed in carbonate mud matrix. Middle Cretaceous limestone, San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
FIG. 18. XIO. Algal biomicrite, IIb:La. Angular chunks of spar represent fragmented algal plates. At first this rock
might simulate dismicrite. Pennsylvanian (Allegheny) limestone, Butler County, Pennsylvania.
FIG. 19. XIO. Crinoid biosparite-biomicrite transition, I-IIb:La. This is interpreted as poorly washed limestone in
which currents were unable to winnow out all the ooze. A few intraclasts, an oSlite, and some other fossil fragments present;
rock is tightly packed and rather well oriented. Lower Pennsylvanian Marble Falls limestone, Lampasas County, Texas. Col-
lected by Daniel N. Miller, Jr.
FIG. 20. Xl^. Silty pelsparite, TzIp:La. Rock contains large, curved brachiopod shell which fell concave-side down on
bed of pellets, and resulting space underneath is now filled wilJh spar. Rock also contains some small fossil fragments and
quartz silt. Limestone stringer in upper Silurian Bloomsburg formation, Washington County, Maryland.
FIG. 21. X30. Pelsparite, Ip:La. Pellets show typical excellent uniformity of size (.05 mm.) and sliape, and have nor-
mally tight packing. Sparry calcite cement is very finely crystalline because of small size of available pores. Middle Ordovician
Trenton limestone. Centre County, Pennsylvania.
FIG. 22. X30. Pelmicrite, IIp:La. Pellets very loosely packed in ooze matrix that has partly recrystallized in places to
microspar. Middle Ordovician Trenton limestone, Centre County, Pennsylvania.

lb). Biomicrite (Figs. 14-18) signifies either that the fossils were sedentary or
else that currents were calm in the depositional area and the microcrystalline
ooze was not winnowed out from the shell material. Such a condition could pre-
vail either in deep waters or in shallow, protected areas. Biosparite (Figs. 11-13)
usually forms in environments with more vigorous current action where the micro-
crystalline ooze is washed away; thus fossils and fossil fragments generally show
some abrasion. Biosparite may form also if no ooze is being produced in the en-
vironment. As both the intraclastic rocks and the oolitic rocks require vigorous
current action in order to form, they are almost invariably -sparites; however,
shelled animals may live and become deposited under a wide variety of current
conditions and thus many have either ooze matrix or sparry cement with about
equal frequency. Biogenic rocks range in grain size from coarse calcilutites, such
as some foraminiferal limestones, to coarse calcirudites, but most appear to lie in
the medium calcarenite to fine calcirudite range. The cement of biosparite shows
diverse morphologies: around certain fossils (brachiopods, ostracods, and trilo-
bites) the sparry calcite quite commonly forms radially oriented stubby fibers in
continuity with the fibrous calcite of the fossil; in some trilobite biosparites,
growth of the calcite fibers may actually spread the fossils apart perpendicular to
the bedding, expanding the sediment to more than double its original bulk vol-
ume! This dilatant precipitation of calcite is similar to the mechanism of frost-
heaving. Around echinoid fragments, large overgrowths of clear calcite develop as
singly oriented clear crystals in optical continuity with the fragment, and in many
the original boundary of the fossil is very hard to see (Fig. 12). These rocks (crinoid-
al biosparites) are often termed "recrystallized" by the field geologists though
actually it is a simple matter of pore-filling overgrowths, exactly analogous with
growth of quartz cement in continuity with detrital quartz grains in sandstones.
Biomicrite and biosparite specimens in which algal fragments are abundant com-
monly produce puzzling rocks (Fig. 18) because many types of algae recrystallize
readily to sparry calcite and the rocks look as if they had angular chunks or curv-
ing plates of spar embedded in a micrite matrix. Other types of algal structures
may resemble intraclasts.
Biosparite and biomicrite show great variation in grain size, sorting, and
orientation of fossil fragments. Sorting and orientation (Fig. 14) are normally
poorer in biomicrites than biosparites because of the difference in energy of the
environments under which they accumulate. There are numerous exceptions to
this generalization; if the fossils are all of one type (e.g., all foraminifera or all
crinoids, Figs. 15, 17), then they will be well sorted even in biomicrite. If many
diverse types of fossils occur in one specimen (e.g., a mixture of bryozoans, foram-
inifera, brachiopods, and crinoids), then even the most winnowed biosparites
will be poorly sorted considering the size distribution of the fossil fragments. The
degree of damage to the fossils is another important characteristic to be noted in
the description of biogenic rocks: whether the fossils are still articulated, or
whether they are disarticulated or broken; and, if the fossils are fragmented, the

degree of rounding of the particles. Normally, rounded and heavily abraded fossils
occur in the high-energy biosparites (Fig. 11), whereas the best preservation of
delicate structures is found in biomicrites (Fig. 16). Broken fossils occur com-
monly in both limestone types.
Some biomicrite has only a small proportion (10-40 per cent) of fossils (Figs.
16, 17), and there is a complete gradation between this rock type and Fossiliferous
Micrite. The boundary line is entirely arbitrary, but with more thin-section data
we may able to set a more "natural" boundary. However, it is possible that no
natural boundary exists, because it seems logical that any amount of fossil mate-
rial from 1 to 80 per cent could fall on and become incorporated in a calcareous
mud bottom. Some biomicrite contains considerable clay, because of the hydraulic
similarity of clay flakes and microcrystalline calcite particles. Most chalk is here
termed foraminiferal biomicrite.
The reader may ask what is wrong with using such commonly-understood
words as "coquina," "encrinite," "rudistid limestone," etc. In this writer's opin-
ion, such words are definitely useful but only in a rather broad and vague sense,
similar to the usage of "trap," "grit," or "puddingstone." They certainly convey
meaning, but are not specific enough; "coquina" might be pelecypod biosparite, or
brachiopod biomicrudite, and "encrinite" does not tell one the important fact
whether the rock has an ooze matrix or is cemented with spar. Further, these are
isolated and unquantified words, set off by themselves beyond the pale of a sys-
tematic scheme of nomenclature, and typical of the early nomenclatural history
of the sciences.
Pellet rocks.These are common, especially in lower Paleozoic limestones.
However, they are so fine-grained that in the field they are almost without excep-
tion mistaken for micrite, and even with the binocular microscope under the most
favorable observing conditions and highest power, this writer wrongly identifies
most pellet rocks as micrite. To identify them with any confidence takes an ace-
tate peel or a thin section, although one can make a shrewd guess at their identity
by knocking a small chip off the corner of a hand specimen, placing the thin chip
in index oil under a petrographic microscope and turning up the converger; if
pellets are present they can be seen easily.
Usually pellet rocks have a very finely crystalline sparry calcite cement; thus
most are pelsparite (type Ip, Figs. 20, 21), although some have a microcrystalline
matrix (pelmicrite, type Up, Fig. 22). In many instances, the sparry calcite is so
fine that it is difficult to decide whether it should be called pelsparite or pel-
micrite; furthermore, pelmicrite is sometimes difficult to distinguish from micrite
even in thin section because it consists of small aggregates of microcrystalline
ooze in a matrix of microcrystalline ooze. But the convergent lens helps bring out
the pellets because they usually have more organic matter.
Texturally, pelmicrite and pelsparate are borderline between coarse calcilutite
and very fine calcarenite. They may contain significant amounts of quartz silt,
which is hydraulically equivalent to the pellets; furthermore, they usually show

very fine lamination and sometimes delicate cross-bedding but they rarely contain
any clay. The extremely discoidal pebbles of "edgewise conglomerate" are usually
composed of silty pelsparite (Fig. 5).
The environment of deposition of pelsparite is not known. The lamination
would seem to require an environment of gentle, persistent currents probably in
water of moderate depth. If the pellets are truly fecal, and the writer believes they
are, then mud-feeding organisms must have been common in the environment.
Pelmicrite may form if occasional burrowing animals defecate sporadically within
the calcareous mud, or if calcite ooze is subjected to a gentle rain of infalling
pellets; in either case it indicates a very calm, current-free environment. Alter-
nately, it may perhaps originate by partial recrystallization of the calcareous
A fairly common rock type in the Silurian limestones of eastern West Virginia
is composed of a subequal mixture of fossils and pellets. It is not known whether
this is a valid rock class or not, but the writer has tentatively called these common
hybrids "biopelsparite" (Ibp) and "biopelmicrite" (Ilbp). It is quite logical that
pellets and fossils should commonly be associated.
Microcrystalline rocks.All rocks with less than 10 per cent allochems, that is,
those that consist very largely of microcrystalline calcite, are classed as micro-
crystalline rocks (type III). This group itself should be split, however, to sepa-
rate the rocks with less than 1 per cent allochemsthe "lithographic limestone"
of long usage, here called simply "micrite" (Illm, Fig. 23)from rocks with 1-10
per cent allochems. The writer feels that for the sake of precise usage it is better
to introduce a quantitatively defined new word ("micrite") rather than trying to
redefine the former words for this rock type like "lithographic limestone,"
"vaughanite," or "calcilutite" which are used chiefly in a loose megascopic sense.
The term "micrite" should be reserved strictly for those rocks that, under the
petrographic microscope, are seen to consist almost entirely of microcrystalline
calcite. Many rocks that in the field appear like micrite actually turn out upon
closer examination to be very fine-grained biomicrite, pelmicrite, or pelsparite.
It might be better for preliminary field usage, during the measurement of strati-
graphic sections, to continue to call these aphanitic rocks calcilutites until they
can be properly named under the microscope or by acetate peeling.
Rocks consisting of microcrystalline ooze with 1-10 per cent scattered fossils
(termed "fossiliferous micrite," I l l b , Fig. 24) are quite common, and as noted be-
fore, grade continuously into biomicrite (lib); this rock type is common in chalk.
If the fossils are dominantly of one type, this should be specified, e.g., foraminif-
eral micrite, crinoidal micrite. Pelletiferous micrite (IIIp, 1-10 per cent pellets;
transitional to pelmicrite. Up) is not uncommon, but micrite with 1-10 per cent
intraclasts or oolites is rare.
All the microcrystalline rocks presumably indicate calm-water conditions be-
cause of the very fine grain size of the constituent particles. These rocks could
accumulate either in shallow, protected shelves or lagoons as in the Bahamas, or

FIG. 23. XIO. Micrite (lllm:Ll). Homogeneous ooze with bed of silty pelsparite (clear) at top of slide. Upper Silurian
Wills Creek formation, Washington County, Maryland.
FIG. 24. X15. Fossiliferous micrite, IIIb:La. Contains about 5 per cent of diverse fine-grained fossil fragments loosely
packed in carbonate mud. Cretaceous Buda limestone, Terrell County, Texas.
FIG. 25. X20. Dismicrite (IIImX:Ll) with irregular patches of spar. Their origin is not known. Middle Ordovician
limestone, Franklin County, Kentucky.
FIG. 26. X30. Dismicrite, IIImX:Ll. Here "eyes" of sparry calcite are crudely cylindrical and obviously represent bor-
ings, probably of worms. Apparent compaction of ooze (darkening) in roughly concentric zone surrounding burrows. Smaller
patches of spar of unknown origin; they may represent collapsed burrows or general stirring of soupy semi-congealed carbo-
nate mud by small organisms. Middle Ordovician limestone, Franklin County, Kentucky.
FIG. 27. XIO. Sandy dismicrite, TsIIImX: LI. Irregular areas of spar tend to have crudely horizontal orientation. Geneti-
cally, this is probably an algal reef (Ham, 1954), therefore a more proper name would be sandy algal bioUthite. Appearance
is practically identical with Recent laminated (algal mat?) sediment. Fig. 28. Upper Ordovician McLish limestone, Ponto-
toc County, Oklahoma.
FIG. 28. XIO. Thin section of Recent lithified, laminated (algal mat?) sediment from Florida keys. If the pores were
filled with sparry calcite, this rock would simulate dismicrite (compare Fig. 27). Collected by Robert Ginsburg.
FIG. 29. X12. Algal biolithite, IV :L. Very complex rock with algal ooze, entrapped small fossils, pellets and irregular
patches recrystallized to microspar. Cambrian Snowy Range formation, Park County, Montana. Collected by Richard E.
FIG. 30. XIO. Algal biolithite, IV:L. Algal structures with former pore space, entrapped pockets of pellets, and very
irregular bedding. Permian Capitan reef, Eddy County, New Mexico. Collected by Robert J. Dunham.
FIG. 31. XIO. Algal biolithite, IV:L. Irregular algal structures, spar partly occupies pore spaces and partly is result of
recrystallization. Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) reef, Otero County, New Mexico.

in calm, deep waters. In themselves, therefore, they do not seem to be a depth

indicator; depth should be indicated by the rock types that are interbedded with
the micrite, faunal assemblages, bedding, or other features.
Although many micrite specimens contain very little insoluble residue, others
contain abundant clay. Silt and sand, however, are uncommon in the micrite
specimens the writer has examined. This appears to be simply a matter of hy-
draulic equivalence. Silurian limestones in West Virginia commonly contain
micrite and pelsparite interbedded on a scale of 1 cm. or less (Fig. 23) and the pel-
sparites contain abundant silt and no clay whereas the micrites contain abundant
clay and very little or no silt.
Dismicrik (IllmX, disturbed micrite) is a sack term for a group of rock types
of diverse and obscure origin (Figs. 25-28). These rocks all consist dominantly
of microcrystalline calcite, but contain irregular patches, tubules, or lenses of
sparry calcite, almost invariably with sharp boundaries. This type of limestone
has been called "birdseye" by many geologists. It seems to form in at least six
ways. (1) Animals (worms, moUusks, etc.) burrow in and "chew up" what was
originally a soft, homogeneous carbonate mud (Figs. 25, 26); spar is later chem-
ically precipitated in the resulting tubules and irregular openings. The resulting
openings (later filled by chemically precipitated spar) range from a few distinct,
cylindrical tubes (commonly with fecal pellets accumulated at intervals along
the bottoms of the tubes) to sediments that are riddled with completely irregular
openings showing no tubular aspect, possibly the result of collapse of soft sedi-
ment into larger burrows. (2) Some dismicrite specimens are apparently ancient
algal mats, such as the birdseye McLish limestone described by Ham (1954); a
thin section of the McLish looks almost identical with a thin section of recent
lithified laminated sediment from Florida (Figs. 27, 28), thought by Robert N.
Ginsburg (personal communication, 1957) to be bound by the action of blue-
green algae in the intertidal zone. Here the spar lies in irregular patches parallel
with the bedding, and apparently represents interspaces between irregularly
shaped subhorizontal algal-bound layers. If it is certain that the rock originates
in this way, it is preferable to call it by the genetic term "algal biolithite"
rather than the purely descriptive "dismicrite." Vertically trending algal growths
can also give rise to rocks simulating dismicrite, as can accumulations of recrys-
tallized algal plates in calcareous mud. (3) Other dismicrites are the result of soft-
sediment slumping or mudcracking, which creates openings having more the
appearances of fractures, although the walls are commonly deformed by flowage
in the plastic sediment. These should not be confused with tectonically induced
fractures. (4) Some dismicrite specimens contain irregular vertical patches of
spar, which may represent openings in semi-coherent calcareous mud caused by
passage of gas bubbles. (5) If a soft, unconsolidated calcareous mud is partly torn
up by an increase of current velocity, and then rapidly redeposited, the result is a
rock with very vaguely defined proto-intraclasts, semi-coherent clouds of calcare-
ous mud, and irregular patches of spar. This type of dismicrite is hence transi-

tional with, and sometimes hard to distinguish from, intrasparite. (6) If a cal-
careous mud begins to recrystallize in patches, the resulting rock would simulate
a dismicrite. Although an entirely possible mechanism, the writer knows of no
such examples.
In many dismicrite specimens the origin of the spar-filled openings is not
Biolithite (type IV) is another sack term. Inasmuch as these rocks have been
studied very little by this writer, he proposes no detailed classification other than
to suggest that they be specified as algal biolithite, coral biolithite, etc. The name
should be used only for these specimens that are in growth position and it does
not include broken-off fragments of corals or algae. These are allochemical con-
stituents and a rock composed of them would be algal or coral biosparite or bio-
micrite, depending on the matrix. Numerous specimens of algal biolithite (Figs.
29-31), especially in lower Paleozoic rocks, are very complex with crumpled band-
ing, irregular pockets of winnowed pellets, scattered animalian fossils, and
patches of sparry calcite, some of it formed by recrystallization and some repre-
senting fillings of hollows and burrows. Certain biolithites may also simulate dis-

In order to avoid introducing unnecessary complications while discussing the

classification, the writer has purposely evaded the role of recrystallization in lime-
stones. But to ignore this important process entirely would give a misleadingly
simple picture of limestone petrography; therefore, brief discussion of this phenom-
enon appears to be necessary. When a mineral undergoes "recrystallization,"
this term signifies that original crystal units of a particular size and morphology
become converted into crystal units with different grain size or morphology, but
the mineral species remains identical before and after recrystallization. Such
changes would be the alteration of 3-micron, equant grains of microcrystalline
calcite to 20-50 micron, equant mosaic crystals of sparry calcite; change of the
same microcrystalline calcite to fibers of calcite 100 microns long; or (theoretically
possible) conversion of large crystals of spar, such as are found in sparry calcite
cement or echinoderm fragments, to very fine-grained calcite. It would not in-
clude conversion of calcite to dolomite, which is properly termed replacement;
and would also not include solution of one type of calcite, leaving an open cavity
existing for a significant time interval, and later or much later filling of that cav-
ity with a different type of calcite. Recrystallization is really a special case of
metasomatism or replacement in which the original and the "replacing" mineral
are identical mineralogically, although different in grain size, morphology, and
orientation. In common usage, the conversion of unstable aragonite to calcite is
loosely called recrystallization, although this process is more properly termed in-
version inasmuch as these two minerals are not the same, difi'ering in ionic lattice,
crystal system, density, and other properties.

FIG. 32, Microsparite, RIIImiL. Rock was formerly homogeneous microcrystalllne calcite ooze which recrystallized to
10-15 micron microspar. Photo A magnified 45 X, photo B, 225 X. Devonian Stribling limestone, Blanco County, Texas.
FIG. 33. X45. Glauconitic biomicrosparite, RIIblLa. Small shell fragments and glauconite grains both have radiating
fringes of microspar, and original ooze matrix has been completely recrystallized. Limestone in Mississippian Barnett forma-
tion, San Saba County, Texas. Collected by E. Hal Bogardus.
FIG, 34. X30. Spiculiferous microsparite, RIIIblLl. Spicules (cross- and longitudinal-sections) originally were deposited
in ooze matrix, which has recrystallized to 10-micron microspar. Pennsylvanian Marble Falls limestone, San Saba County,

Recrystallization and inversion manifest themselves in diverse ways in lime-

stones. Some t3'pes of recrystallization leave obvious clues behind; others are ex-
tremely difficult to prove or disprove. The latter kind of recrystallization as a
consequence gives rise to heated and often insoluble controversy. As in the granit-
ization argument, the criteria for proving a recrystallization or replacement
origin are usually simple, obvious, and incontrovertible if found; the defender of a
primary (direct-precipitation), non-replacement, or non-recrystallization origin
has no such firm ground to stand on, but is forced to fall back upon vague argu-

FIG. 35. X48. Coral biomicrosparite, RIIb:La. Microspar shows gradual coarsening in crystal size toward lower left part
of picture. Upper Ordovician (Richmond) limestone, Green County, Ohio.
FIG. 36. X45. Rock originally pelmicrite, but former ooze matrix has completely recrystallized to 15-20-micron micro-
spar. Spar must have formed by recrystallization because pellets are so loosely packed. Illustrates completion of process which
began in Fig. 22. Upper Ordovician Trenton limestone, Centre County, Pennsylvania.
FIG. 37. X45. Rock formerly contained abundant (?) fossil fragments; not known whether it originally had ooze matrix
or not. Now completely recrystallized to medium crystalline (.10-.15 mm.) sparry calcite, and fossils have been all but obht-
erated. Rare rock type tentatively designated "pseudosparite." Upper Cambrian Point Peak limestone, Burnet County,
FIG. 38. X 13.5. Intramicrite in process of recrystallizing. Rock originally consisted of intraclasts, fossils, and pellets loosely
packed in microcrystalline calcite ooze matrix. Scarry calcite, starting from allochems as nuclei, has grown out in large crystals
to replace most of original ooze matrix. Completion of process would yield rock with allochems floating loosely in sparry cal-
cite. This rock type believed to be rare. Upper Cambrian San Saba limestone. Bianco County, Texas.

ments such as statistical associations, *'common-sense," and other lines of rea-

soning that rarely give iron-clad proof. The four major types of recrystallization
and inversion are depicted in Figure 39 and are ranked in the following paragraphs
in the approximate order of increasing difficulty of proof.
1. Inversion of originally aragonilic fossils to calcite.Aragonitic shell material

(most pelecypods, many gastropods) inverts to calcite with time, and the original
delicately fibrous or prismatic structure of the shell is replaced by a structureless,
interlocking, semi-equigranular mosaic of anhedral sparry calcite, apparently of
the same appearance and crystal size as ordinary pore-filling sparry calcite (Fig.
13). Some algae also recrystallize or invert to sparry calcite easily (Fig. 18). Worn
or rounded fragments of algal structures or pelecypod shells often are difficult to
identify because after inversion they look like rounded allochems of mosaic
sparry calcite and lack any internal structure as a clue to their true organic origin.
Inversion is generally regarded as a function of time, but many aragonite shells of
Pleistocene or Recent age have already inverted to calcite, while some aragonite
shells have persisted un-inverted since the late Paleozoic. This type of inversion
can be recognized simply by knowing which types of fossils have aragonite shells
in life.
2. Recrystallization {or inversion) of an original micro crystalline calcite {or
aragonite) ooze matrix to microspar.This appears to form a common limestone
type developed from rocks that would have been originally classified as micrite,
type III, or biomicrite, type l i b (i.e., nearly pure microcrystalline ooze, or
fossils in an ooze matrix, respectively) were it not for the fact that the microcrys-
talline calcite is coarser than normalaveraging 5-15 microns instead of 1-4
microns, although the grains are still equidimensional and uniform in size (Figs.
32-36). Because this relatively coarser material occupies large areas or makes up
the entire specimen, the looseness of packing of the embedded allochems requires
that it can not have formed as a cement, and probably represents aggrading re-
crystallization of a "normal" microcrystalline ooze matrix. These rocks the writer
has designated as microsparite (corresponding with micrite) and biomicrosparite
(corresponding with biomicrite), with symbols respectively R l l l m and Rllb. In
these rocks, the allochems seem to remain unaffected by recrystallization, barring
the previous existence of aragonitic shells. Unfortunately, microsparite looks
exactly like micrite in hand specimen, but it is easily identifiable in thin section or
by chipping off a sliver of limestone and examining in oil.
How do we know that the microspar did not accumulate as an originally de-
posited ooze, which because of unusual physico-chemical conditions (speed of
crystallization, saturation, etc.) simply grew larger particles than "normal"
ooze? In many microsparite specimens, the microspar occurs as irregular patches
grading by continual decrease of grain size into areas of "normal" microcrystalline
calcite (Fig. 35). Furthermore, the microspar may begin to crystallize about allo-
chems (or even quartz grains) as an outwardly advancing aureole of recrystalliza-
tion. In some samples the grains of microspar calcite in these recrystallization
fringes have a vaguely rod-like to radial-fibrous form, oriented perpendicular to
the allochem surface (Fig. 2i). In most microsparites, the matrix has been con-
verted completely; therefore in these there is no direct evidence of its origin (Figs.
32, 34). The reason why some micrite or biomicrite specimens are partly or en-
tirely converted to microsparite is unknown; one can only advance the truism

that it may be due to an original difference in the ratio of calcite ooze to aragonite
ooze, to the influence of trace elements or clay minerals in the environment, or
to other as yet unrevealed factors.
3. Recrystallization transecting allochems.This uncommon type of recrys-
tallization occurs when parts of allochems (e.g., intraclasts, non-aragonitic fos-
sils) are recrystallized to sparry calcite, or when allochems and matrix are at-
tacked indiscriminately. The areas recrystallized to spar may take the form of
irregular patches, advancing massive fronts which may leave unrecrystallized
relics behind, or vein-like areas of recrystallization, transecting both allochems
and matrix. The criteria for recognition of this process are the same as those for
recognizing any type of irregular replacement such as dolomitization or silicifica-
tion. In extreme examples, the entire rock may be converted to spar so that no
vestige of original structure remains (Fig. 37). These have been tentatively
termed "pseudosparite."
4. Recrystallization of original ooze matrix to coarse spar, leaving allochems
essentially unaffected.The preceding examples of recrystallization are relatively
non-controversial, inasmuch as they leave unimpeachable evidence behind. In this
type of recrystallizationthought to be rather rare by this writer but considered
very common by many othersmost of the rocks that now have a sparry calcite
cement are thought to have accumulated as a sediment consisting of allochems in
a microcrystalline ooze matrix, and the spar later developed by recrystallization
of the ooze (Fig. 38). This recrystallization spar supposedly imitates exactly the
morphology of pore-filling spar. If this hypothesis were generally true, it would
completely destroy the genetic principle of the classification proposed herein, by
denying the role of hydraulic action in producing the cleanly washed (type I)
versus the non-winnowed ooze-rich limestones (types II and III); instead, this
difference would be ascribed to recrystallization in the former and lack of it in the
latter limestone families.
This hypothesis is a very serious challenge. To meet it, the writer offers the
following argument. In most limestones the presence or absence of spar is simply
a function of packing (Fig. 40). Where allochems are closely packed (and espe-
cially if they are well sorted), there is sparry calcite cement; where allochems are
loosely packed like fruits in a fruit cake, then a microcrystalline ooze matrix is
present; and where there are no allochems, the rock consists of ooze. This is ex-
actly the relation that one would expect if current action accounted for the pres-
ence or absence of ooze, just as is the case with terrigenous sandstones, clayey
sandstones, and claystones. If sparry calcite were usually the result of recrystal-
lization, then the presence or absence of spar should have no relation to packing;
rocks with allochems spread far apart in a sparry calcite matrix (which was orig-
inally an ooze matrix) should be abundant, and many patches of recrystalliza-
tion spar should be present in sections of dominant micrite. If the ooze recrystal-
lizes in the closely packed, well sorted calcarenites, then it should also recrystallize
in rocks made largely or entirely of ooze. Yet it is a monotonous rule that one can

measure hundreds of feet of limestone sections and find that spar occurs only in
closely packed calcarenites, and loosely packed or widely dispersed allochems
occur only with ooze matrixexactly analogous with sandstone-claystone se-
quences in terrigenous rocks. Those who claim a recrystallization origin for most
spar are denying the evidence of recent carbonate sediments, most of which are
porous calcarenites devoid of ooze matrix and with plenty of pore space waiting
to receive their sparry calcite cement.
The writer firmly believes the foregoing principles apply to the vast majority
of limestones. However, there are a few limestones in which it is demonstable that
the original ooze matrix has recrystallized to coarse spar. These limestones can be
identified positively by the criterion that allochems are dispersed widely in a



^ ^ ^ y


Partial Altarallon CMTvMti Alliration

FIG. 39.Types of Recrystallization and Inversion in Limestone. In type 1, aragonitic allo-

chems (e.g., certain types of shells, and aragonitic algal masses or intraclasts "a") recrystallize or
invert to calcite. Consequently their delicate structure is destroyed and replaced by homogeneous
mosaic of sparry calcite, in appearance exactly like sparry calcite resulting from cementation. Cal-
citic fossils " c " and the matrix of rock remain unaffected. In type 2, microcrystalline ooze matrix
of rock crystallizes to microspar. During partial stages of alteration, it is common for microspar to
begin as radial fringes encrusting allochems "f," and also to occur as irregular patches scattered
randomly throughout ooze. Contact between unrecrystallized ooze and microspar is usually grada-
tional. When recrystallization is complete (usual case), entire matrix is converted to microspar but
allochems are unaffected (unless they were aragonitic). This is most common type of recrystalliza-
tion. In type 3, coarse spar develops by recrystallization of both ooze and allochems, and spar
transects allochems and matrix indiscriminately. Recrystallization may advance along massive
fronts or work out as replacement veinlets "v." When recrystallization is complete, entire rock is
converted to coarse, mosaic sparry calcite ("pseudosparite") and allochems may be completely
obliterated or visible as faint ghosts "g." This process is apparently identical in mechanism with
dolomitization, except that replacing mineral is calcite, not dolomite. This type of recrystallization
seems rare. In type 4, original ooze matrix recrystallizes to coarse sparry calcite. This differs from
type 3 in that allochems are not affected. In partial stages, irregular patches of spar may occur
scattered throughout ooze; these simulate the appearance of "poorly winnowed" limestone. After
process is completed, main evidence for recrystallization lies in fact that allochems are too loosely
packed (floating) in sparry calcite; rock could not have been deposited that way. This type of re-
crystallization is felt very important by some workers, but the writer feels that it is of small volu-
metric importance.

n in






FIG. 40.Occurrence of sparry calcite as function of packing. Column II shows relations in
great majority of limestone sequences: sparry calcite occurs where allochems are relatively tightly
packed (strata labeled " T " ) . No sparrj' calcite occurs where allochems are loosely packed and
"floating" in calcite ooze matrix (strata "L"), and no spar occurs in strata of homogeneous ooze
("N"). This demonstrates pore-filling origin for sparry calcite in most limestones, because relations
are exactly those that occur in terrigenous sand-shale sequences (column I). Here also chemical
cements (e.g., calcite, quartz) occur only where sand grains are relatively tightly packed, and
cement is inconspicuous in clayey strata. Clay forms a rock in its own right, just as does micrite in
column II. If spar usually developed by recrystallization of microcrystalline calcite ooze, occurrence
of spar should be completely independent of packing as shown in column III. Here the spar would
occur as irregular patches even in midst of large areas of ooze. Limestone sections like column I I I
do occur, but in the writer's experience are extremely rare.

matrix of spar. This is simply again a matter of packing, that is, the allochems are
widely enough spaced so that they must have been originally deposited with an
ooze matrix filling between them, which ooze has now recrystallized to spar.
Rarely this process may be seen in mid-stage (Fig. 38). Recrystallization spar
tends to form crystals of much more uniform size (like replacement dolomite) in
contrast to cementation spar, in which the crystals in the mosaic show wide size
variation. Occasionally ordinary pore-filling spar, especially in some trilobite and
ostracod-rich sediments, forms fibrous overgrowths on the fossils possessing
enough force of crystallization to actually spread fossils apart and expand the
sediment volume to double or more its original bulk, but these examples are
easily recognizable. Similar displacive growth of calcite cement also occurs in some
sandstones. Patches of spar in otherwise homogeneous micrite (i.e., dismicrite)
seemingly offer fuel to the recrystallizationist, but careful examination nearly
always shows that the sparry patches are demonstrably burrows or desiccation
phenomena, as has been discussed previously. The specimens most difficult to

interpret are those which have their pore spaces partially filled with spar, and
partially with ooze (Fig. 19). These the writer has termed "poorly washed lime-
stones" and regards them as transitional between types I and II because currents
were only strong enough or persistent enough to wash away part of the ooze.
Many of the remaining clots of ooze have "fuzzy" boundaries because of their
incoherence. Others see in these limestones a patchy recrystallization of the ooze
to spar. Inspection of these limestones for geopetal accumulations of ooze helps in
deciphering their origin. If clay minerals are present in the ooze, then they should
also be present in the spar if it has formed by recrystallization of ooze, and clay
should be absent if the spar is a pore-filling.
Summary.Recrystallization is a very important process in some formations
and in some localities; but its over-all volumetric importance in limestone is con-
sidered minor. Like turbidity currents, recrystallization tends to become a pan-
acea which one falls back on to explain any phenomenon he can not readily under-
stand. In studying samples, one most always keep in mind the possibility of recrys-
tallization, but unless this writer sees definite evidence of recrystallization such
as ultra-loosely packed allochems in a sparry cement, or transection of allochems,
or gradational recrystallization of matrix, he assumes the simpler view that the
spar is primary. Even in the recrystallized rocks one must have started with one
of the basic eleven rock types outlined, and recrystallization merely adds a
qualification to the system. This is no more serious than recognizing that original
limestone fabric may be partly replaced by calcite as well as dolomite or silica.


' Some mention should be made of those terrigenous rocks that are made up
largely of fragments of older limestones eroded from outcrops in a source land. Al-
though these have the mineral composition of limestone (or dolomite), they
should really be considered as terrigenous rocks and hence form a rock clan fully
equivalent in rank to the orthoquartzite, arkose, or graywacke. Thus the clan
triangle composition for sandstones proposed by Folk (1954, 1956) should be ex-
panded to a tetrahedron to include these terrigenous carbonate rocks. These rocks
are here termed "Calclithites" alluding to the fact that they are a rock made up of
fragments of older calcareous rock. A calclithite, then, is defined as a terrigenous
rock whose silt-sand-gravel fraction contains more than 50 per cent carbonate rock
fragments. The grain size of these rocks ranges from siltstones (rare) through
sandstones (fairly common) to conglomerate (most common). A good example of
a calclithite-type sandstone is the Miocene Oakville formation of central Texas, a
sandstone made up of 80-90 per cent grains of Cretaceous limestone and fossil
fragments. Another example is the Collings Ranch conglomerate (Ham, 1954) a
Pennsylvanian conglomerate made up chiefly of fragments of Cambro-Ordovician
limestone. The rocks are usually the product of intense orogeny, particularly in
its early phases before the sedimentary cover has been stripped off the source
area. They require rapid erosion and short transport, otherwise chemical weather-

ing and abrasion would destroy the soft limestone fragments. Consequently,
calclithites are typically stream or alluvial fan deposits from rugged terranes.


Whether the new names and the symbolic shorthand are accepted or not, the
writer is convinced that the rock types for which these names and symbols stand
are basically valid although the limits may become modified through more re-
search. Using these types, proportionate lithologic diagrams can be prepared for
limestone formations, as shown in Figure 41. With time, the environmental sig-
nificance of each of the eleven rock types will become clearer and they can be used
in deciphering the reasons for lateral and vertical changes which have taken place
in limestone sections.

Morgan Co., Wes1 Virginia


ROCKS QrocMopods)


FIG. 41.Proportionate lithology diagram, Silurian limestones, Morgan County, West Virginia
(based on research in progress). This type of diagram is example of graphic lithologic summary, using
classification here proposed; summaries like this can be used in comparing formations or tracing
lateral and vertical stratigraphic changes in limestone types. Total area of diagram equals 100 per
cent; area shown for each rock type is proportional to its volume in section studied. Pelsparite is
most common rock type, with Ostracod Biosparite second.

Is this classification too complicated? To the outsider looking in, it un-

doubtedly appears sobut all classifications look complex to people who have
not had to work with the rocks involved. But to the geologist who must struggle
with limestones continually, this classification will soon appear too simple.
Dozens of different subtypes of biomicrite could be established, dependent upon
proportion of fossils to ooze, grain size and amount of breakage of fossils, type of
organism, bedding, hardness, color, and impurities. This classification merely
established the eleven major limestone types; in any one stratigraphic problem
the worker may well be forced to make detailed subdivisions of these major types
in order to establish trends or correlations, just as an igneous petrographer map-
ping a pluton that is entirely granite finds it useful to subdivide his rocks on
percentage of quartz, hornblende :biotite ratio, color, or crystal size.
Although limestones are fundamentally simple rocks, the subject of limestone
petrography is not something that one can plunge into immediately with "cook-

book" in one hand and calculating machine in the other; it still has far more of the
characteristics of an art than a science in identity of obscure features such as
borderline allochems and recognition of recryslallization. The petrography of
fossils (Johnson, 1951) and even of algae alone is a vast subject in itself. Inter-
pretations of some problematical slides can not be proved, but must rest on the
observers "feelings" and past experience; different "experts" may come to op-
posite conclusions. Such controversies are not unknown in geology, however, and
are the seasonings that add zest to the subject.
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