Agriculture, Food, and Health Are Not On "The List"!

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Agriculture, Food and Health Are Not On "The List"!

Virtually all the powers (apparently) delegated to Congress
are listed at Article I, 8, clauses 1-16.

Original Publishing Date: May 7, 2015 -

"All (the Constitution of September 17, 1787) authorizes the

federal government to do over the (United States[1]) falls into four

Military defense, international commerce & relations; Immigration

& naturalization; Domestically, create a uniform commercial
system: weights & measures, patents & copyrights, money based
on gold & silver, bankruptcy laws, mail delivery & some road
building; and with some of the amendments, secure certain civil
rights ...

If its on the list, Congress may make laws about it.[2] But if its
NOT on the list, Congress usurps power & acts unlawfully when it

Agriculture is not on the list! Food is not on the list! Health is not
on the list![3]

There are endless good-intended causes among the "organic"

agricultural, natural health and real food movements today that
champion different Rights for people to choose life-styles,
practices and pursuits of happiness for themselves. However,
people are naturally free to choose for themselves. There is not a
need to petition government for any of the natural Rights that are
already ours! Resources that are put into campaigns at the
federal level will be better spent educating the public about
nullification of any "law" that is "not on the list"!

May 8, 2015 -

Just posted at Dr. Brownstein's

Thank You Dr. B!

I can see that Save the Children is doing a good work and is
probably able to produce believable reports. I've heard similar
assessments on the health ranking of Americans among that of
the rest of the world. I can understand how you can say "demand
more from our legislators". Surely the plight of all children's poor
health is humanity's cry for rethinking.

Are the legislators responsible for children's health? For those

who think so I'd ask have Americans always looked to the
legislators for their health needs? Of course not! If Save the
Children can show how they respond to malnourishment by
supporting the distribution of goat milk where it is needed in
Kenya (an excellent all-inclusive source of nourishment, BTW)
why would we want to look to legislators when the FDA has
launched a veritable war on raw milk across the u.s. of A.?
Besides food, health as well as agriculture are not the Lawfully
delegated business of Congress (as my blog article shows).

Therefore I am convinced that any health issues (in light of

America's poor health rating) must be rethought from the
perspective of self responsibility. My personal thought is that
"community health" requires the community to rethink this on a
local level. The fact that health is not on "the list" of delegated
powers in the federal Constitution (of September 17, 1787) means
that neither the federal government nor the state governments (by
way of their extension) have any lawful responsibilities for our
health! In fact there is plenty of evidence indicating that
government is incapable of guiding the people toward greater
health. (The government's anti-fat campaign is probably their
most outstanding health disaster!) People can disagree but I still
say this needs rethinking![4]

May 9, 2015 -

Just serendipitously found the following "Thought for the

day" (from the Online Omraam community) that's harmonious with
my comment posted (above) at Dr. B's.

"... we see ... people, involving themselves in public affairs: they

give their opinions on society, the life of their country and world
events ..."[5]

July 19, 2015 -

Just posted the following comment at Jon Barron's "Baseline of

Health" site in response to his current article:

Politics and Nutrition Dont Mix -

Thank you, Jon!

Your reporting is certainly outstanding! (I intend to post and

promote links to this.) Although the overall focus is "Politics and
Nutrition" the report offers additional substance that deserves the
public's recognition. Personally I really appreciate your
acknowledgement of the very important nutritional difference in
having "grass fed" animal products (rather than the grain-fed

I definitely agree that "Politics and Nutrition Dont Mix" - however

my conclusion is based on another perspective (that I think
deserves to be better known in addition to the fact you and others
have presented re: government's nutritional ignorance).

My conclusion: government is not authorized to concern itself with

any of this subject matter! I've reported on this:

Briefly: agriculture, food, nutrition, health, etc. are all subject

matters that are simply not within the delegated "Powers" that
were granted to Congress in any of the four foundational Organic
Laws of the United States of America. IMO, all representatives
need to know the limitations of their authority:

Would you be willing to consider adding the perspective of the

Organic Laws in your "conversation" on "Politics and Nutrition"?

October 14, 2017 - More regarding the "Constitution" -

I find an element of humor in the notions of what is "constitutional"

and what is "unconstitutional". The humor comes from the
perspective that the constitution (of September 17, 1787) was
never "adopted". Indeed the constitution has a birth date, has
been referred to a zillion times and has been "preserved,
protected and defended"[i] yet in a number of ways it is possibly
"the greatest show on earth" when it is realized that no one has
actually adopted it with a written oath to "protect" it![ii]

Most all of people's references to the "constitution" (whether

"constitutional" or "unconstitutional") is based on a grand
assumption of it being the "supreme law"[iii]. This assumption (of
what the constitution means) was made possible by way of a
certain semantic deception regarding "the Land". That was
accomplished by not disclosing this elementary fact of
fundamental Law: all government's jurisdiction is proprietary
based! That means the federal government is limited in its Lawful
authority to what it actually owns and it does not Lawfully extend

into the several states - unless the state clearly granted certain
defined land/s to the exclusive legislation of the United States
government. Naturally this limitation also pertains to private
property and to Individual men, women and children who are not
on federal lands.
[i] What actually is being preserved, protected and defended?
Does the "constitution of the United States" refer to the parchment
or to the territory of the "United States"? In any case "the
Constitution is limited to federal territory that has nothing to do
with you and your life." See: "You Are The Commander In Chief"
by Ed Rivera at:

Also at this linked webpage: "So few people have actually read
the Constitution that it is not widely known that the President of
the United States of America must take an oath to support that
Constitution and the President of the United States must take an
oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the
United States."
[ii] "There is no record that any President has ever sworn or
affirmed an oath to support the Constitution for the United States
of America." - Ed Rivera


Final Notes:

[1] Replaces "the Country at large". A most essential key in

knowing exactly where the Constitution of September 17, 1787
can arguably be enforced comes by understanding the proper
context of this Constitution - with the other three Organic Laws!

[2] The enforceable of these laws are limited to what Congress

owns. This is called proprietary jurisdiction and it has been

discussed at my "Son of Truth of Self" CureZone Blogs under

several titles regarding the four Organic Laws.





Constitution, government, United States, usurpation, Agriculture,

Food, Health, nullification, Organic Laws, rights, freedom, pursuit
of happiness, children, goat milk, raw milk, delegated powers,
Politics, Nutrition, grass fed animal products, Congress, United
States of America, representatives, authority, supreme law,
federal territory, President

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