Experimental Investigation of Concrete Carbonation Under Different Conditions

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org/scea Study of Civil Engineering and Architecture (SCEA) Volume 2 Issue 4, December 2013

Experimental Investigation of Concrete

Carbonation under Different Conditions
Nhiu Zhiguon*1, You Ri2
State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing 210024, China
Department of Materials and Structural Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research
Institute, Nanjing 210024, China
[email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract Chi, Ran Huang and C. C. Yang,2002). So carbonation

This paper summarized the results of an experimental is one of the major factors causing structure
investigation on the carbonation of concrete under different deterioration. From the essence, the carbonation of
conditions. Effects of two different conditions on concrete results from both its own characteristics and
carbonation of concrete were studied: (1) 5% CO2 external environmental conditions (Zhao Y X,Jin W
concentration and 70% relative humidity, (2) 20% CO2 L,2002). The external environmental conditions
concentration and 70% relative humidity. The carbonation include mainlyenvironmental temperature, carbon
depth of specimens were obtained by experimental data and dioxide concentration, relative humidity etc.. Because
theoretical calculation. The analytical results showed that the
of the complexity and randomicity of natural climate
carbonation of concrete under low CO2 concentration can
condition, there are great arguments on the effects of
reflect the rule of concrete carbonation very well. The
investigations, in this paper, were not only important
environmental conditions on carbonation of concrete
improvement for the method of artificial accelerated (Y. H. Loo, M. S. Chin, C. T. Tam, K. C.G.Ong, 1994).
carbonation of concrete, but also the solid foundations for In the laboratory, the artificial accelerated carbonation
further study on the concrete carbonation. test of concrete offen is used to reflect the long-term
effects of natural carbonation on concrete and in this
method, and artificial accelerated carbonation of
Concrete Carbonation; Carbonation Depth; CO2 Concentration; concrete can be achieved by curing the concrete
Experimental Investigation specimens in favorable environmental conditions for
carbonation, i.e. a high CO2 concentration, while a
high CO2 concentration level also leads to the
The durability is a major concern for concrete assessment of concrete carbonation becomes very
structures exposed to aggressive environments difficult(Sanjuan MA, Andrade C,Cheyrezy M,2003).
because the concrete is applied to various civil The objective of this study was to investigate the effect
buildings extensively (NIU Ditao, CHEN Yiqi, YU Shu, of the low CO2 concentration on the rule of concrete
1995). In the recent years, global warming has carbonation by artificial accelerated carbonation. An
dramatically increased the atmospheric carbon- experimental investigation was carried out to study
dioxide concentration and temperature. As a the carbonation of concrete by artificial accelerated
consequence, carbonation has become one of the most carbonation with two different concentration.
critical durability issues for concrete structures in
urban environment. It is well known that carbonation Experimental Program
in concrete regularly involves a chemical reaction
between carbon dioxide and the products of cement
hydration (Saetta A V,Vitaliani R V,2005). This The concrete mixtures were produced in the
reaction can lead to a significant reduction in the pH laboratory and the cement with a specific gravity of
value in the carbonated zone, and may lead to steel 3.11kg/m3 was used in all mixtures. The chemical
depassivation and subsequent reinforcement corrosion. compositions of cement and fly ash are shown in Table
Carbonation-induced corrosion can also increase crack 1. The fine aggregate is river sand with fineness
development and decrease concrete durability (Jack M. modulus of 2.4. The coarse aggregate with a size range

Study of Civil Engineering and Architecture (SCEA) Volume 2 Issue 4, December 2013 www.seipub.org/scea

of 5~20 mm was used in all mixtures. The concrete carbonation depth increases with the growth of
mixtures were designated as shown in Table 2. carbonation time and higher CO2 concentration level
has a higher carbonation depth for all concrete
A pH indicator solution (made of 1% phenolphthalein
specimens. It can be seen that the carbonation has
in a 70% ethyl alcohol solution) has been prepared in
more obvious effect on the low strength concrete
order to measure the depth of carbonation.
specimens than on high strength concrete specimens.
When the time is short (<30 days), the carbonation has
Material CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO little effect on the the concrete specimens under 5%
cement 62.53 20.67 6.02 5.03 1.36 CO2 concentration level. While when the time is up to
fly ash 7.27 51.72 27.16 5.77 1.68 60 days, the carbonation has remarkable effect on the
TABLE 2 MIX PROPORTIONS OF CONCRETE concrete specimens under 5% CO2 concentration level.
So the carbonation time should be long enough(>60
Cement Fly ash Sand Water coarse aggregate
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3)
days) if an accelerate carbonation test was designed in
T01 365 62 610 195 1151
low CO2 concentration level.
T03 391 69 651 170 1109
Time 5% 20%
(days) T01 T02 T03 T01 T02 T03
No. compressive strength in 28 days (MPa) 20 5.77 5.54 3.89 9.34 8.12 8.06
T01 41.2 30 7.21 6.37 4.25 10.83 9.47 10.33
T02 44.7 60 9.32 7.69 6.19 15.28 13.88 13.41
T03 47.5 90 12.56 9.01 8.74 17.97 16.26 14.59
120 13.87 10.13 9.51 19.38 18.13 16.05
Experimental Methods
In this experiment, the specimens of 100100400 mm
were made by mix prportion, and the specimens were
cured at 100% relative humidity for one day and
subsequent curing for 28 days at 23oC. The specimens
are placed in dry oven and the temperature is kept at
60oC for 2 days before the initiation of the experiments.
Then concrete specimens sealed on both top and
bottom surface were placed in the carbonation
chamber (as shown in Figure 1)for 20~120 days with FIG. 2 CARBONATION DEPTH VS TIME UNDER DIFFERENT CO2
two diffrents concentration levels of CO2 gas (5%, 20%), COMCENTRATION LEVELS
Testing temperature was kept at 20oC and relative Based on the Ficks first law of diffusion, the
humidity was 70% during the experiment. carbonation depth can be expressed as follows:
x=K t (1)
K= C (2)
Where x is carbonation depth, K is carbonation rate
factor, t is carbonation time (year), C is CO2
concentration, Dco2 is dispersion coefficient of CO2 in
concrete, a is CO2 uptake in carbonated concrete.
Frome Eq 1 and Eq 2, a relationship can be writen as:
tn = (3)
Results and Discussions where Cn , tn are carbonation time and CO2
The carbonation depth of concrete specimens at the concentration in narural condition, ta , Ca are
time of 20, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days are presented in carbonation time and CO2 concentration in artificial
Table 4 and Figure 2. It was significant that the accelerated carbonation condition.

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Based on related research results (Zhang Lingmao and is 25.94%. Therefore, the carbonation depth of concrete
Jiang Wenhui, 1990), the carbonation rate factor in specimens in the accelerate carbonation test with CO2
narural condition can be given by concentration level of 5% is closer to the theoretical
K n 0.52 0.01R28 (4) value compared to CO2 concentration level of 20%,
suggesting that the carbonation results under 5% CO2
in which R28 is concrete compressive strength in 28
concentration level agree well with the Ficks first law
of diffusion (Ming Jing,Zhang Yamei,2010).
The theoretical value of carbonation depth is obtained
by the formulaes presented above, and the results are Conclusions
shown in Table 5.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the
TABLE 5 THE THEORETICAL VALUE OF CARBONATION DEPTH (mm) analysis of the test results of concrete carbonation:
Time 5% 20% (1) The artificial accelerated carbonation of concrete
(days) T01 T02 T03 T01 T02 T03 under low CO2 concentration level is practicable when
20 6.24 4.62 3.18 12.47 9.24 6.35 the carbonation time is long enough.
30 7.64 5.66 3.89 15.27 11.31 7.78
(2) Because the carbonation results under low CO2
60 10.80 8.00 5.50 21.60 16.00 11.00
concentration level agree with the Ficks first law of
90 13.23 9.80 6.74 26.45 19.60 13.47
diffusion, the carbonation of concrete under low CO2
120 15.27 11.31 7.78 30.55 22.63 15.56
concentration level can reflect the rule of concrete
Figures 3 and 4 show the comparative results for the carbonation very well.
experimental and theoretical values of carbonation
depth under two CO2 concentration levels. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors gratefully acknowledged the financial

support from the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (No. 51109142). This work in the article also
was supported by the fundamental research funds for
central public welfare research institute No.


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