Chapter 6.2 Guided Notes November 1, 2017 "The French Revolution Unfolds"

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Chapter 6.

2 Guided Notes November 1, 2017

The French Revolution Unfolds

The French Revolution is divided into phases

_________________________________________ phase of the National Assembly
____________________________________________ phase of escalating violence
Period of reaction against _____________________________________________
The Age of ________________________________________________________
Political Crisis Leads to Revolt
The political crisis of 1789 coincided with the worst _____________________________ in memory --
Bread prices soared
The Great Fear occurred when rumors spread that _________________ troops were seizing peasant crops
Famine and fear caused peasants to unleash their fury on ___________ who were trying to impose medieval
Peasant set fires and stole _____________________________________________
________________________________________ was the revolutionary center of France
____________________________________________________ competed to gain power
______________________________________ led a large militia of middle class in response to royal troops
arriving in Paris
________ _______________ replaced the royalist government of the city.
o Could mobilize protest and violent action
o Radical political groups emerged
o Pressure to end the monarchy
The National Assembly Acts
Peasant uprisings and the storming of the ________________________________ caused the National
Assembly to take action
Nobles in the assembly voted to end their own_________________________________
___________________________________________________________ was abolished
the equality of all ____________________________________ citizens was put into law
1st step toward writing the constitution was issuing the ___________________________
It was modeled after the American Declaration of Independence
Govt. exists to protect the natural ___________________________________ of citizens
Asserted _____________ of religion
Slogan of French Revolution > ____________, Equality, Fraternity
the Declaration of the Rights of Man excluded ___________________________________
________________________________________ demanded female citizenship
Later imprisoned and _____________________________________________________
6,000 women march to the ____________________________ and demand to see the king
Anger directed at ________________________________________________________

Chapter 6.2 Guided Notes November 1, 2017

Made because she lived a life of great pleasure and extravagance

Women would not leave until the king agreed to return to __________________________
King agrees to return to Paris
Next couple of years Louis XVI would be a virtual _______________________________
The National Assembly Presses Onward
National Assembly seeks to draft a constitution and pay off government __________
Put French Catholic Church under __________ control
Civil Constitution of the Clergy called for the election of ___________ and priests
Bishops and priests refuse/Pope condemns it
The Constitution of 1791 establishes a new government > the _____________ Assembly
Had the power to make laws, collect taxes, and decide on issues of _________________________ and
Reflected Enlightenment goals
Louis XVI and his family attempts a ___________________________________________
It fails
To many, it showed Louis was a ________________________________ of the revolution
Radicals Take Over
Enlightenment philosophers applauded the National Assemblys reform while European rulers and nobles
denounced it
European rulers did not want the French Revolution to ______________________________
Increased border ____________________________________________________________
__________________________________________ by telling horror stories around Europe
Many people thought the revolution would become ___________________________________
King of ______________ and emperor of _______________ issue the Declaration of Pilnitz
Threat to intervene to protect the French _________________________________________
Mostly a bluff, but revolutionaries prepared for war
Ushers in a more radical phase
Legislative Assembly last less than a year
Working class men and women called _______________ took the revolution into a more radical phase
They demanded a ______________________________________________________
Found support in the Legislative Assembly in the _____________________________
Middle class lawyers or intellectuals
Radicals gained upper hand in the Legislative Assembly
Declared war on ______________, _______________, ___________________, and other states
Fighting lasted for around 23 years


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