Sustainable Construction and Green Building: The Case of Malaysia
Sustainable Construction and Green Building: The Case of Malaysia
Sustainable Construction and Green Building: The Case of Malaysia
The adoption of sustainable construction and green buildings has become an
important issue in Malaysia in recent years and has been duly highlighted under
the Malaysian Construction Industry Master Plan (20052015). This paper
highlights current initiatives taken by the government and private sectors in
Malaysia to encourage the adoption of sustainable development and green
buildings. Leads by the Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia
(CIDB), the government of Malaysia has establishment a technical committee
and eco-label task force to create guideline for good practices in sustainable
construction and green buildings and to develop eco-label accreditation scheme
for construction materials. The challenges of the adoption are lack of skill and
capacity, overlapping of roles among the government agencies, slow industry
follows through on government programs, lack of research and innovation, and
cost versus benefits in term of implementation of green technology. Finally, the
way forward to accelerate the adoption are to establish green public procurement,
to encourage Research and Development (R&D) in related field, to educate and
change public perception and mindset, to adopt life cycle costing and
Industrialised Building System (IBS) method of construction and to provide
legislative and financial framework for sustainable development and green
Keywords: sustainable construction, green buildings, Malaysia.
1 Introduction
The construction industry in Malaysia plays an important role in generating
wealth for the country and development of social and economic infrastructures
WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 167, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)
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and buildings. The industry provides job opportunities for 800,000 people which
represented 8% of total workforce [1]. The construction industry is one of the
productive sectors that constantly contribute to the economy. Recent data
showed that the construction sector growth at 5.3% in 2007 and contributed
2.1% total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malaysia. The industry creates a
multiplier effect to other industries, including manufacturing sector, financial
and banking, agriculture, mining and professional services and has predicted by
many as the catalyst of economic recovery and as a driver for the modernisation
of Malaysia.
2 Problem statement
Construction industry is a major consumer of non-renewable resources and a
massive producer of waste, and the operation of buildings is responsible for
around half of the total CO2 emissions. Based on a recent study in developed
countries, 30-40% of natural resources were exploited by the building industry,
50% of energy used for heating and cooling in buildings, almost 40% of world
consumption of materials converts to built environment and 30% of energy use
due to housing [2]. The similar percentage is expected in the developing
countries including Malaysia. This is a huge amount of resources and energy
consumed in the building life-cycle, let alone the usage of resources and energy
during the construction phase. It was recorded that more than six million tonnes
of waste has been generated of which a quarter was produced in the Klang
Valley alone, the most affluent area in Malaysia [3] and today, solid waste issue
is one of the biggest environmental problems in Malaysia [4]. The construction
exploits natural resources such as forest for timber, housing and industry without
proper control that contributes to the environmental problems [5]. Many of
environmental issues that occur in this country are due to lack of environmental
considerations in the exploitation, development and management of resources as
well as lack of control of pollution resources. These issues if not tackled
strategically will further aggravate and exert challenges towards sustainable
construction in the following way. It was observed that the Malaysian
construction industry is still behind in waste management, rainwater harvesting
and reduction of carbon footprint as compared to the developed nations.
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low carbon green growth economy. For a start, the government is conducting a
baseline study for green technology in Malaysia. The baseline study comprise
the following sectors; energy, waste water, building, transportation,
manufacturing and ICT. This comprehensive document incorporates inputs from
various stakeholders and was completed in Dec 2010.
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6 Recommendation
Recommendations to accelerate the adoption of sustainable construction and
green buildings in Malaysia are:
To further incorporate and applies innovation in construction in the form
of Industrialised Building System (IBS). The fundamental idea of IBS is
to move on-site work to a controlled environment of manufacturing floor.
IBS promote sustainability from controlled production environment
minimisation of waste generation effective usage of energy, efficient
building materials, effective logistic and long term economic stability
which can contribute to better investment in environment technologies
The introduction and adoption of while whole life cycle costing and green
procurement in construction industry is important way forward. The
concept refers to the total cost of ownership over the life of an asset. It
also commonly referred to as cradle to grave or womb to tomb costs. The
primary benefit of whole-life costing is that costs which occur after an
asset has been constructed or acquired, such as maintenance, operation,
disposal, become an important consideration in decision-making. By
introducing the whole life cycle costing and green procurement, the
industry has resources to plan for sustainable and use green materials
when the investment is justified.
Environmental considerations will be integrated into all stages of
development, programme planning and implementation and all aspects of
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7 Final remarks
Mitigation to sustainable mentality requires a lot of change in attitude,
innovation, creativity, research and support from many stakeholders.
Construction industry must inevitably change its historic of operating with little
regard for environmental impact to a new mode that makes environmental
concern a centre piece of its effort. The era of sustainability is taking its stand
and the construction industry must demonstrate that it can abide by this new
stand. It is important for the government of Malaysia to exploit their foresight
regarding this transition to maximise its potential benefit through policies
supporting the development of the private demand for and supply of activities
which meet this agenda. Change requires investments, and the vast majority of
those investments must happen through the private sector with the government
providing adequate enabling effect.
[1] CIDB, (2006). Strategic Recommendations for Improving Environmental
Practices in Construction Industry. Construction Industry Development
Board (CIDB) Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.
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WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol 167, 2011 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line)