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Firepass® Fire Prevention Systems

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FirePASS Fire

Prevention Systems
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Oxygen Reduction Systems

FirePASS has the unique ability to create an environment of

breathable, controlled, oxygen-reduced air that prevents fire ignition.

HOW DOES SAFE FOR PEOPLE At sea level, 15% oxygen content is
equivalent, in terms of human physiology,
FIREPASS WORK? & SAFE FOR THE to normal atmospheric air at an elevation
The key to the technology is that oxygen-
ENVIRONMENT of around 2,700 metres (9,000 feet) above
FirePASS produces and uses breathable sea level or being on a commercial flight.
reduced (hypoxic) air is produced by Millions of people around the world live
partly filtering out oxygen from ambient air for fire prevention. It is safe for
people and safe for the environment. at altitudes equivalent to exposure at or
atmospheric air. Normal atmosphere below 15% oxygen concentration at sea
contains 21% oxygen. The hypoxic air No chemicals or gases are involved. The
FirePASS agent is simply oxygen-reduced level.
injected into a FirePASS protected space
is 15% oxygen and 84% nitrogen (1% is (hypoxic) air.
Hypoxic air environments are currently
made up of argon, carbon dioxide and other used for physical training and rehabilitation
gases). Initial combustion cannot occur There has been extensive medical
research in the UK, Europe and Australia of athletes, as well as in medical research.
at this level. Common flammable solid
materials and liquids cannot be ignited with to support the safety of working in a
an oxygen level below 16%. hypoxic environment of oxygen at 15%. UNIQUE AND PATENTED
Unlike other oxygen depletion fire
prevention systems which inject pure
ENVIRONMENT nitrogen, FirePASS, injects natural air
with lowered oxygen (around 10%) into

FirePASS the protected areas. This is inherently

safer for occupied areas and more
acceptable to occupational health and

A Revolution in
safety bodies. Injection of pure nitrogen
can pose problems with pockets of high
concentration where personnel can
become affected.

Fire Safety The FirePASS technology is patented and

universally accepted by occupational health
and safety bodies worldwide including
OSHA in the United States and Worksafe.

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Provide a safe and breathable Designed, engineered and
oxygen environment manufactured to customer
Patented and proven requirements and specifications
AN INDEPENDENT APPLICATIONS technology Easily installed into existing
REVIEW PROTECTION FOR Very small footprint premises as well as in newly
Multiple hazards can be
built spaces
Can fit any application ranging
Thoracic specialist, Professor Matthew Data Centres protected with just one system from self-contained units for
Peters, President of the Thoracic Society Server Rooms Generators require very little smaller volumes, to vast
of Australia and New Zealand, conducted Electrical Switch Rooms maintenance a cycle of 6 systems for large buildings,
an independent review on working in Warehouses months is typical protecting single or multiple
hypoxic conditions, with a goal to develop a Museums No nitrogen injection, so safer rooms and compartments
protocol for workplace safety. Archives than other systems Can be used as an alternative,
Libraries No extensive piping but also as a complementary
A copy of Professor Peters report including
Art Galleries No expensive refilling or supplementary option
a Hypoxic Environment Checklist can
Control Rooms in power plants No pressurised cylinders, no that enhances conventional
be found in the expert review brochure
Hazardous materials storage leaking fire-safety without interfering
published by Fire Protection Technologies
Food storage areas/deep freeze/ No false discharge and no with performance
cold storage rooms discharge failures

FirePASS has invented and holds the patents of this technology (international
In addition to its valuable fire prevention
Technologies takes great publication number WO 2001/078843)
properties, the oxygen-reduced pride in introducing the
environment slows oxidation and is perfect
for preservation of irreplaceable items
worlds latest innovations
such as archived documents, artworks, and technologies to the
museum exhibits and rare artifacts. The
deterioration of materials and stored goods
Australian market. FirePASS prevents fire pro-actively, eliminating
is drastically lowered due to the reduced-
oxygen content of the hypoxic air produced. damage and business interruption that occurs when
The oxygen reduced air provided by the
system is completely clean and particle free suppressing a fire after it has already started.
air (< 1mu).

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The system consists of a hypoxic air membrane generator system and
a distribution system which is built into standing metal cabinets; one
separate hypoxic air buffer vessel, separate compressors mounted on
compressed air buffer vessels plus a separate refrigerant air dryer and
one separate condensate cleaner. The system produces hypoxic air
with never less than 10% O2.

Two standing cabinets for generator and distribution system with

inbuilt control unit and separate hypoxic air buffer vessel

The included control unit monitors the effective O2-level in the

protected areas with the help of the respective oxygen monitoring
units. The O2-level is regulated by opening the valves for the
associated rooms as well as switching the compressor on and off
depending on the pre-set O2-levels and on the actual need for hypoxic
air of the total system. As a need for additional hypoxic air increases
(due to inherent leakage within the room), hypoxic air is delivered via
the buffer vessel into the room.

Two compressors on buffer vessels

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Fresh Oxygen Permanent &
Ambient Air Enriched Air Temporary
(21% 02) (>30% 02)
The key factor that determines the
running costs of any hypoxic air

venting system is the leakage rate of

Room Hypoxic
the protected volume. We therefore
Hypoxic air generators operate by THE SYSTEM Air Several Protected
filtering a part of the oxygen from (10% 02) Rooms
recommend improvements to sealing
ambient air and providing fresh hypoxic Generator system and
in order to reduce running costs. Fire Preventative
air for the ventilation of the protected distribution system with control Compression Air Separation Hypoxic Air
areas. As a result, a slight positive unit mounted in standing metal Unit Unit Distribution Atmosphere
An investment in improving the (typ. +/- 15% 02)
pressure will be established inside the cabinet
sealing typically has short payback
protected room. The positive pressure Multistage filtration consisting
times as there is immediate pay-off Control Oxygen
will keep out dust and other impurities, of a fine coalescing filter
through reduced energy consumption Unit Monitors
while constant hypoxic ventilation will (1mu), a coarse coalescing filter
and reduced maintenance costs
aid in the removal of gaseous products (0,01mu), an activated
that may be generated inside the room. carbon absorber and a dust
We are able to test the enclosure
integrity to determine the extent carry-over filter (1mu)
The flow of the hypoxic air will be In-built moisture control and
and location of leakage points and
adjusted to maintain a level of oxygen automatic draining for each
provide recommendations on sealing
in the internal atmosphere between section
improvements and to discuss any
14.5% and 15.7% typically (these levels Standing hypoxic air buffer vessel
additional requirements.
may change depending on the room Condensate cleaner OPTIONAL FUNCTIONALITIES FOR THE SYSTEM
In order to control and maintain the
and contents to be protected). Usually, Oxygen monitoring units and MAY BE ADDED UPON REQUEST
the system is designed so that hypoxic control panel to monitor
environment to the desired oxygen
flow will shut down at 14.5% O2 and protected areas Additional dry contacts in the control unit to connect separate visable/audible alarms
level, the system will include an
automatically resume when a level UPS (with 24 hour battery back- Signal inputs for a door switch that enables the hypoxic air supply to be turned on or off
advanced oxygen monitoring system
of 15.7% is detected. This provides a up) for the control unit and Separate, additional display located outside the protected area, showing the oxygen concentration level
with ultra-stable, long-life zirconium
good margin for safety in the event oxygen monitoring units Remote location of the control unit, built into a separate metal cabinet
oxide oxygen sensors.
that excessive personnel access creates The system can be connected to a building management system or other central monitoring unit with ModBus TCPIP
Three phase alternating current
leakage. At the same time, this provides
400V/50Hz power supply for the
a level of oxygen that is perfectly safe
compressors and 220V/50 Hz for
for long-term exposure (full working
the generator.
day) of personnel.

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CONTROL UNIT FirePASS provides a high quality,
dedicated and certified stand-alone
continuous oxygen monitoring unit
FirePASS systems have a smaller
footprint compared to conventional
gaseous suppression systems and
Sealing the rooms
The key factor relating to running costs
for the detection of oxygen content do not require rigid piping within the (energy consumption and maintenance) of
protected spaces. The only requirement an installation of FirePASS fire prevention
specifically in hypoxic environments.
The control unit has a user-friendly performance data over a period of time The control unit may be enabled is simple, low pressure piping to each systems, is the leakage. This is the sum of
The system consists of a digital touch protected area and to the ambient
touch screen for easy programming of more than one year, including the to communicate with a building panel display and a sensor head with permanent leakage of the protected area
air, along with wiring of the oxygen and the temporary leakage created by door
and settings, protected by passwords regularly tracked O2-levels measured management system installed on site a zirconium oxide sensor cell for the monitoring units in the protected areas.
to provide various levels of security. by the oxygen monitoring units. The by Modbus TCPIP protocol via standard openings. Investing in improving the sealing
detection of O2 with a range of 0-25%. It is recommended that protected areas be of the protected areas will have a direct
The touch screen will be installed in the data can be written to a USB drive and Ethernet cable. Alternatively, the system It has an inbuilt relay for local alarms equipped with highly sensitive aspirating impact on running costs as they are directly
generator metal cabinet jointly with transmitted to a computer for analysis. can be upgraded to be monitored and for a pre-set oxygen concentration and smoke detectors (HSSD). This is to ensure proportional to the leakage rate achieved.
the control unit. It may be optionally controlled from any PC via a web- is equipped with a buzzer. The oxygen that any smouldering combustion from The payback for such improvements
installed in a separate small metal See example below, of the main browser based interface. monitoring unit stores the measured cable faults, for example, is reported typically, is less than one year.
cabinet and located remotely. The screen of the control unit touch panel The control unit will be equipped with a oxygen values and allows for displaying in its incipient stages, even though it
control unit shows and tracks all alarms interface. Additional functionalities can UPS (hold-time 24 hours) that supplies will not reach the flaming stage. To evaluate the current leakage of the
them on the local touch panel.
and warnings and stores the system be supplied upon request. the control unit and the touch panel area to be protected, we recommend
A comfortable, breathable atmosphere is performing an integrity fan test prior to any
as well as the oxygen monitors and The monitor is 24VDC powered and created inside the protected space by the works being commenced.
the BMS interface. This will keep all continuously transmits O2concentration ongoing ventilation with fresh hypoxic air.
monitoring and alarming functionalities data via a 4-20mA signal. The sensor
working even in the event of mains head, the electronics and the The highly reliable hypoxic air generators
power failure. display are built into a wall-mounted require very little maintenance a
aluminum housing that is installed in maintenance cycle of 6 months is
the protected room. The O2 sensor typical. Regular monthly inspections
cell has a minimum life of 5 years. are recommended to ensure a fire
preventative atmosphere is maintained.

FirePASS systems can be implemented as

an alternative, but also as a complementary
or supplementary option which enhances
the conventional fire-safety means without
interfering with their performance.

Note: The protected areas have to

be well sealed in order to minimize the
permanent leakage of air in and out of
the room. All spaces in the protected area
must have split-type air cooling or closed,
dedicated air recirculation systems.

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VENTING / COOLING INSTALLING THE number of bends (generally, 11 mm for all

areas, with two tubes or pipes in parallel for
SYSTEM the supply of the bigger area).
OXYGEN SENSORS The results of the inspections must be
The area where the compressors and Acceptance test
The installation of tubing or piping is to recorded in an inspection report. The
filtration units are housed is required FirePASS systems come readily mounted Each room is to be equipped with two
be planned, prepared and carried out by records of the acceptance tests must be
to be well-vented in order to allow a and tested. Once on site, the system is Oxygen Monitoring Units as a minimum. The operator/operating company
kept throughout the operating time of the
certified installers.
permanent supply of fresh, ambient air connected to the room sensors and to The monitoring units are typically placed at must subject the FirePASS oxygen-
FirePASS oxygen reduction system. The
to the compressors. Alternatively, the the power supply. The system is then eye level, at an appropriate distance from reduction system to an acceptance test
Noise generated at the air outlets is records of the regular inspections must
room can be cooled with chillers but by a qualified person after installation or
connected to the rooms via the installed the door of the room. This is to provide for be kept for at least 4 years. These may be
reduced by installing sound mufflers. after any significant modification to the
this will also require a supply of fresh air. tubing. The byproduct oxygen-enriched air monitoring of oxygen conditions and alert stored on computer data carriers. These
system. This test must take place prior to
There is a requirement for a small is vented outside. if doors are wedged open or not closed documents must be presented to the
drain in the machine room for the
2. Oxygen enriched air outlet commissioning.
competent supervisory authorities upon
properly, whilst minimising the amount of
wastewater of the condensate cleaner. The power supply for the compressors is false high oxygen alarms. request.
Piping for the oxygen enriched air outlet
400 Volts/50 Hz/3-phase with slow fuses to Regular Inspections
may be done with a PVC, PPS, ABS or similar
Note: The final design of the serve the compressors. The generator units
pipe, or with a metal duct. It is to lead
Each sensor is to be wired directly to the WARRANTY
equipment room and the manner in need 230Volts/50 Hz and shall be buffered
directly outside the building, ideally up to
FirePASS control panel with its own 7-wire, The operators/operating company must
which it is being cooled and ventilated via the central UPS. fire rated shielded cable. have the proper function of the FirePASS The FirePASS hypoxic air generator
the roof level, to avoid any increase of the systems come with a regular warranty of
should be specifically designed danger of fire.
oxygen-reduction systems tested by a
two years. The warranty commences on
to suit the particular application. PIPING MAINTENANCE qualified person at least once per year.
Special operational circumstances may the date of delivery.
Separate recommendations will be A sufficient inner diameter will be
given regarding all preparatory work. make it necessary to carry out more
1. To the protected area: approximately 10-12mm, depending on The FirePASS hypoxic air generators
frequent inspections.
Material and diameters of tubing/piping the location of the protected area and the are highly reliable passive units that
mentioned in the following sections are Supply of the hypoxic air to protected area respective distance and number of bends can operate for decades with proper
to be verified, based on the final design. with can be achieved either with metallic, required. maintenance. This normally includes, as a
PVC, PA, ABS or similar material tubes or minimum, changing the filters after every
pipes. If the piping for the provision of The installation of the piping is to be 3,000 operating hours or at latest after 12
hypoxic air to the protected area crosses planned, prepared and carried out by months. This cycle applies if the supplied
other fire sections, metallic piping shall certified installers. fresh air is compliant with the required
be used and should be protected against quality. If the air quality is lower (in the
corrosion. Note: The oxygen enriched airflow has to event of dust, humidity, temperature etc.)
be vented outside the protected area whilst the cycle of filter changes needs to be
The tubes or pipes shall be installed in a the system is operating, as this waste flow reduced.
way that they build the shortest possible will carry up to 35% oxygen content.
connection to the room and have as The compressors require regular
few bends as possible. For the piping to maintenance with a cycle of 2,000 running
the protected area, the sufficient inner hours. We recommend a maintenance cycle
diameter will depend on the length and of 2,000 hours for the whole system (both
for compressors and generators).

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SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA The Oslo City Archives is the citys executive authority within the
archival domain. The City Archives has a supervising and advisory
Australias first oxygen-reduction fire prevention system was installed
responsibility for the citys records management, both electronic
in the Sydney Adventist Hospital using a FirePASS FP-500 system.
and paper.
1. Several rooms are protected including the power factor correction
room and the hospitals main switch room that feeds the operating
FirePASS FP-8000 Twin System is protecting 2 large archive
rooms with a volume of 8,000 m3. Offering full redundancy of air
compression and air separation units.
FirePASS FP-500 System typically protects a volume of 500m3.


ARA Installed a FirePASS FP-145 System at their corporate office OMAN - TIER 4 DATA CENTRE
located at Stanmore in Sydney.
Ministry of Defence Pension Fund, Muscat, Oman -
2. FirePASS FP-145 is a self-contained unit protecting one room of up to Tier 4 Data Centre. Muscat is the capital of Oman. The
200 m3. This system has a simple installation - plug and play. city lies on the Arabian Sea along the Gulf of Oman
and is one of the Middle Easts oldest cities.

OSLO MUSEUM OF CULTURAL HISTORY, FirePASS FP-1000 Twin System is protecting

9 areas in the Data Centre.
The Museum of Cultural History is one of Norways largest
cultural history museums.
Images: 1. FirePASS FP-500 Twin System 2. FirePASS FP-145
FirePASS is protecting 6 areas of around 14,000m3. outside ARA Boardroom 3. The Oseberg Viking Ship. Copyright:
Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, Norway /
Photographer Unknown 4. Archives 5 & 6. FirePASS FP-1000 Twin
3. 5. 6. System

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Gaseous Suppression Fire Detection

Inert Gas (IG-01, IG-55, IG-100, IG-541) Linear Heat Detection - Digital
Novec 1230 Fluid (FK-5-1-12) Linear Heat Detection - Fibre Optic
FM-200 / NAF S 227 (HFC-227ea.) Linear Heat Detection - Micro Chip
Ecaro 125 / NAF S 125 (HFC-125) Flame Detection
Carbon Dioxide (C02) Video Imaging Detection
Hybrid Systems (N2 / Water) Spark Detection
Pressure Relief Vents Control & Indicating Equipment
Enclosure Integrity Testing Equipment Thermal Imaging Detection
Pipe & Fittings
Military & Defence
Water Suppression
Military Vehicles
Water Mist - High Pressure Naval Vessels
Water Mist - Intermediate Pressure
Water Mist - Low Pressure
Hybrid Systems (Water / N2) Special Applications
Monitors & Delivery Systems
Micro Environment
High Speed Deluge
Oxygen Reduction
Foam Suppression Kitchen Protection Systems
Dry Chemical
Foam Concentrates
Vehicle Systems
Foam Proportioning
Compressed Air Foam
Foam Delivery Systems
Marine & Offshore
Foam Concentrate Testing
Vapour Mitigation
Explosion Protection
Support Services
Explosion Suppression
Design / Engineering
Explosion Isolation
Technical Support
Explosion Vents & Pressure Relief
Services & Testing
Spark Suppression
Explosibility Testing

Australia New Zealand South East Asia

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Australia New Zealand
+65 9614 6086
+64 9 415 5488 www.fire-protection.com.sg
Brisbane Office
Unit 7, 93 Rivergate Place www.fire-protection.net.nz
Kuala Lumpur: +60 19 359 9339
Murarrie QLD 4172

Perth Office
28 Hargreaves Street,
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Sydney Office
Unit 29/10 Gladstone Road,
Castle Hill NSW 2154

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Int: +61 3 8542 8900
Every solution for your special hazard needs

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