Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note

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Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10

Application Note
Code No. LIT-12011575
Software Release 10.1
Issued October 2, 2015
Refer to the QuickLIT website for the most up-to-date version of this document.

Key Concepts.............................................................................................................................5
Operation Overview............................................................................................................................5
Chiller Selector Overview......................................................................................................................5
Waterside Economizer Overview..........................................................................................................5
Chilled Water Pressure Control Loop Overview....................................................................................6
Temperature Control Loop Overview....................................................................................................6
Sequencing Methods Overview.........................................................................................................7
Building Load Overview........................................................................................................................7
Chiller Load Overview...........................................................................................................................7
Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential) Overview................................................................................7
Temperature Differential Overview........................................................................................................7
Chiller Coefficient of Performance (COP) Overview........................................................................7
Supported Plant Configurations........................................................................................................8
Primary Headered Chilled Water System.............................................................................................8
Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System.............................................................................................9
Primary with Secondary Chilled Water System...................................................................................10
Condenser Water Pump Systems.......................................................................................................11
Cooling Towers...................................................................................................................................13
Alternate Supported Plant Configurations.....................................................................................15
Waterside Economizer........................................................................................................................15
Sequencing Methods...............................................................................................................24
Building Load....................................................................................................................................24
Chiller Load.......................................................................................................................................24
Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential).........................................................................................25
Temperature Differential...................................................................................................................25
Application Distribution..........................................................................................................25
Determining the Application Size....................................................................................................26
Performance Considerations..............................................................................................................26
Subsystem Data Sharing Requirements.............................................................................................26
Degraded Mode of Operation...........................................................................................................42
Setup and Commissioning......................................................................................................43
Chiller Coefficient of Performance (COP).......................................................................................43
Determining Chiller COP.....................................................................................................................43
Configuring the Chiller Selector......................................................................................................45
Device Information Table (Chiller Selector).........................................................................................45
Sequence Table and Device Combinations........................................................................................46
Chiller Timers......................................................................................................................................48
Sequence Table Parameters (Chiller).................................................................................................51
Key Inputs and Parameters (Chiller)...................................................................................................51
Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Chiller)............................................................54
Configuring the Pump Selector.......................................................................................................55

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 1

Pump Selector Module Timers............................................................................................................55
Plant Pump Capacity..........................................................................................................................56
Pump Selector Details........................................................................................................................58
Sequence Table Parameters (Pump Selector)....................................................................................59
Key Inputs and Parameters (Pump)....................................................................................................59
Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Pump)............................................................59
Configuring the Cooling Tower Selector........................................................................................60
Sequence Table Parameters (Tower)..................................................................................................61
Key Inputs and Parameters (Tower)...................................................................................................61
Cooling Tower Timers.........................................................................................................................61
Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Tower)............................................................62
Configuring the Waterside Economizer Suitability........................................................................63
Waterside Economizer Sequencer......................................................................................................63
Waterside Economizer Suitability........................................................................................................63
Configuring the Heat Exchanger.....................................................................................................65
Sequence Table Parameters (Hx).......................................................................................................67
Key Inputs and Parameters (Hx).........................................................................................................67
Heat Exchanger Timers......................................................................................................................68
Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Hx).................................................................69
Pressure and Temperature Control.................................................................................................70
Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Minimum Flow Control...........................................................70
Chilled Water Pump Differential Pressure Control..............................................................................70
Condenser Water Temperature Control..............................................................................................72
Condenser Water Pressure Control....................................................................................................74
Alarms and Interlocks......................................................................................................................75
Maintenance and Lockout Switches...................................................................................................75
Setup, Delay, and Maintenance Switch Inputs....................................................................................81
Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Equipment Interlock)......................................82
Sequence of Operation for Staging Chillers.........................................................................82
Transition from Actual to the Desired Combination......................................................................83
Transition Timing..............................................................................................................................83
Waterside Economizer States.................................................................................................92
Waterside Economizer State Timing Diagram.......................................................................93
Transitions in Dedicated Case.........................................................................................................93
Transitions in Headered Case..........................................................................................................94
Operation and Troubleshooting.............................................................................................98
Searching for More Efficient Combinations...................................................................................98
Stage Down Decision..........................................................................................................................99
Stage Up Decision..............................................................................................................................99
Chiller Lift Sensitivity.........................................................................................................................100
Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load Reset................................................................................102
Derating a Chiller............................................................................................................................103
Appendix: Application Inputs and Parameters...................................................................106
Appendix: Creating Distributed Applications.....................................................................109
Creating a Distributed Application Using the Master Application.............................................109
Creating Subsystems From the Master Application....................................................................111
Creating the Chiller Subsystem........................................................................................................111
Creating the Condenser Water (Tower) Subsystem.........................................................................112
Creating the Primary Chill Water (PCHW) Pump Subsystem...........................................................113
Creating the Condenser Water Pump Subsystem............................................................................114
Application Note 2
Creating a Distributed Application Using Master Preferences..........................................................116
Creating Subsystems from the Master Preferences.........................................................................116
Setting up Communication between Controllers...............................................................................121
Appendix: Central Plant Optimization 30 Integration.....................................................122
CPO30 Enable Control System......................................................................................................122
CPO 30 Inputs and Outputs...........................................................................................................122
CPO30 Control Systems.................................................................................................................124
Heartbeat Control System.................................................................................................................124
Example: Creating an Application with a Combination of Dedicated and Headered
Detailed Procedures.......................................................................................................................125
Selecting the Mechanical System and Control Logic for the CPO10 Application.............................125
Configuring the Chiller Selector........................................................................................................127
Deleting the Isolation Valve Outputs and Associated Commands for Dedicated Chillers................128
Adding Dedicated CHW Pump Output Control Modules...................................................................130
Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CHW Pump (CHW Pmp x Control).........................................131
Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CHW Pumps..............................................132
Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CHW Pump......................................................134
Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CHW Pump..........................................................136
Adding CHW Water Pump Application Outputs................................................................................139
Adding Dedicated CW Pump Output Control Modules.....................................................................140
Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CW Pump (CW Pmp x Control)..............................................141
Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CW Pumps................................................141
Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CW Pumps......................................................143
Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CW Pumps...........................................................145
Adding Condenser Water Pump Application Outputs.......................................................................147
Adding a Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module................................................149
Configuring CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs...............................................................................151
Adding and Configuring the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module.......................................................152
Connecting the Input on the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module......................................................153
Connecting the CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs to the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module.......153
Connecting the Output on the Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module...............154
Copying the Custom Modules...........................................................................................................155
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.....................................155
Connecting the CW Min Flow Setpoint to the Min Flow Input...........................................................156
Setting the Default Value for the Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier Input............................................156
Connecting the Commands of the DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification...........................157
Disconnecting the CW Min Flow LV from the Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61.....158
Adding a Last-Value (Float) Block Named CW Modified Minimum Flow LV.....................................158
Connecting the Input of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the
DedicatedHeadered_MinFlowModification Module Output...............................................................159
Connecting the Output of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the Variable Speed Modules.......159
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification........................160
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification Module...............................161
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.....................164
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification Module............................165
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic...........................................................167
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic Module.................................................................167
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands...............................................175

Application Note 3
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands Module.....................................................175
Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification..................................177
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification Module.........................................178
Connecting Interlocks to the Chiller Enable Determination...............................................................180

Application Note 4
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 allows programming of complex chiller plant configurations through
the Controller Configuration Tool (CCT). This application supports the following:
selection and sequencing of up to eight chillers of different sizes
selection and sequencing of up to eight (each) primary and secondary chilled water pumps of varying pumping
selection and sequencing of up to eight condenser water pumps
selection and sequencing of cooling towers and bypass valve, including single speed, multi-speed, and vernier
control (one variable speed fan with all other tower fans at constant speed)
selection and sequencing of up to four heat exchangers
sequencing of devices that considers user-defined efficiency rating, runtime equalization, and the
number-of-starts/number-of-stops equalization
control definition for the chiller plant in a single Field Equipment Controller (FEC), Advanced Application Field
Equipment Controller (FAC), Network Control Engine (NCE), if supported by available memory and point
Input/Output (I/O), or split across multiple FECs, FACs, and NCEs
This application note assumes you have a knowledge of chiller plant theory. This document describes:
supported plant configurations
chiller and heat exchanger sequencing methods
sequence of operation
alarms and interlocks
application distribution into multiple controllers

Key Concepts
Operation Overview
The CPO application comprises up to six different subsystems. The subsystems include:
primary chilled water pumps
secondary chilled water pumps
condenser water pumps
waterside economizers
One or more control loops exist within each subsystem. These control loops are described in the following sections.

Chiller Selector Overview

The chiller selector is the heart of the application that determines which chillers meet the building cooling load
requirements and selects the combination of chillers that operates the most efficiently. The application does not start
a chiller unless it has what it needs to support the function, such as chilled water flow, condenser water flow, and
tower flow. The application can also consider chiller runtimes and start counts.
For more information, see Configuring the Chiller Selector.

Waterside Economizer Overview

A waterside economizer provides chilled water to a building using one or more cooling towers and heat exchangers.
The Chiller Plant Optimization application supports a non-integrated waterside economizer where chilled water is
either provided by a chiller or by a heat exchanger, but both devices do not operate simultaneously.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 5

To learn more about waterside economizers, see Waterside Economizer. For information on setting up the heat
exchanger, see Configuring the Heat Exchanger.

Chilled Water Pressure Control Loop Overview

The primary chilled water pressure control loop controls pump speed to maintain flow through the chillers that are
running and maintain system differential pressure setpoint. If there are only primary pumps, the application controls
the speed of those pumps to maintain system differential pressure, while still maintaining enough flow through the
chiller. If there are secondary pumps, the chiller primary pumps maintain flow through the chillers, and the control
loop modulates the speed of the secondary pumps to maintain system pressure.
System differential pressure can be maintained at a constant value or reset based on two strategies. Differential
Pressure Setpoint Reset monitors the building differential pressure and adjusts the setpoint when the sensed pressure
is above or below the setpoint outside of a defined deadband. Reset by Coil Position monitors a number of valve
positions and changes the setpoint.
For more information, see Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset.

Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Overview

The differential pressure control loop modulates the speed of the primary pumps to maintain system differential
pressure, while still maintaining minimum and maximum flow through the chillers that are running.

Primary Chilled Water Constant Speed Water Pumps and Secondary Variable Speed Water Pumps Overview
The chiller primary constant speed pumps maintain flow through the chillers, and differential pressure control loop
modulates the speed of the secondary pumps to maintain system differential pressure.

Temperature Control Loop Overview

The condenser water system commands condenser pumps to maintain flow through the chillers that are running
and controls a bypass valve and cooling towers to maintain condenser water temperature setpoint.

Condenser Water Variable Speed Pump Control Loops Overview

The chiller condenser water pumps temperature control loop for dedicated variable speed pumps modulates the
pump speed to maintain a differential temperature setpoint of the chillers that are running while still maintaining
minimum flow through the chillers that are running.
The chiller condenser water pumps differential pressure control loop for headered variable speed pumps modulates
the pump speed to maintain a differential pressure setpoint while still maintaining minimum flow through the chillers
that are running.
Note: On systems that have variable speed condenser water pumping, the minimum CW flow should be set
sufficiently high to ensure proper cooling tower flow. If this information is not available from the cooling tower
manufacturer, set the value to 80% of the rated flow.

Cooling Towers Temperature Control Loop Overview

Cooling towers are part of the central plant's condenser water system. The water cooled chillers pass the plants
return condenser water through cooling towers where a portion of the water evaporates, cooling the remaining water.
The condenser water supply is provided from the cooling tower to the chiller, and the condenser water return is from
the chiller to the cooling tower.
The condenser water system temperature control loops modulate a bypass valve and cooling towers to maintain
condenser water temperature setpoint. ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control controls tower fan speed based on the
chilled water system cooling load and associated capacity. This strategy maximizes energy efficiency by continuously
maintaining a tower airflow that minimizes the total power consumption of the chiller and tower fan.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 6

Sequencing Methods Overview
Chiller sequencing methods may involve Building Load, or other methods, such as Chiller Load (chiller only), Flow
Differential, and Temperature Differential. Building Load produces the most accurate measurement of the building
load by monitoring a building BTU meter or calculating the building load from temperature and flow inputs, then
selects chillers to meet the load.
For more detailed information on these sequencing methods, see Sequencing Methods.

Building Load Overview

The building cooling load is provided by a BTU Meter Analog Input or is calculated inside the Load Calculator module
(a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module), using the chilled water temperature difference and the primary chilled water flow
input. The Percent Load is the percentage of the current building load to the total chiller plant available.
For more detailed information, see Building Load.

Chiller Load Overview

Chiller Load method calculates each chiller's current operating capacity based on either its Percent Full Load Amps
or Actual Amps and the defined chiller capacity and then adds all devices to determine the current chiller plant
capacity. The Chiller Load sequencing is used on systems that contain only chillers and no heat exchangers.
For more information on Chiller Load, see Chiller Load.

Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential) Overview

The goal of the Flow Differential is to reduce the difference between the secondary chilled water supply flow and
the primary chilled water supply flow. When the two flows are equal, the chiller plant just meets the building cooling
load demand and operates most efficiently. The Flow Differential method is used only with the primary/secondary
chilled water pumping configuration.
For more detailed information on flow differential, see Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential).

Temperature Differential Overview

Temperature Differential measures the difference between the chilled water supply and return temperatures, and
compares this value to the rated temperature drop of the chillers. The Temperature Differential method may be used
only on primary constant speed pumps.
For more information, see Temperature Differential.

Chiller Coefficient of Performance (COP) Overview

The CPO strategy relies on determining at what loads the chillers operate the most efficiently. The application
determines the range at which the chiller is operating the most efficiently, and selects chillers to meet the load that
operates in this range.
The COP is a unitless representation of the chiller efficiency. It is a ratio of the useful energy output over the energy
To convert kW/ton to COP, use the following equation:
COP = 3.516/(kW/ton)
For more information, see Chiller Coefficient of Performance (COP).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 7

Supported Plant Configurations

Primary Headered Chilled Water System

The primary headered chilled water system shown in the following figure consists of chillers, primary chilled water
pumps, proportional isolation valves, check valves, and a bypass valve. Chillers are enabled or disabled to match
cooling capacity to the building load. Proportional isolation valves are connected to the chillers to prevent water from
flowing through a disabled chiller. The pumps are piped in a parallel or headered configuration and are sequenced
to match the chillers chilled water flow requirement. The bypass valve (constant speed pumps) or the pump speed
(variable speed pumps) is modulated to control the building dP to the dP setpoint (building dP applies only if there
is not a secondary system). The pumps have check valves, which prevent back flow when a pump is disabled.
Finally, if variable speed chilled water pumps are selected, this system is equipped with a bypass valve that modulates
open as the building flow decreases below the chilled water minimum flow setpoint.
Figure 1: Primary Headered Chilled Water System

Variable Speed Primary Headered Chilled Water System

In a variable speed configuration, the appropriate number of pumps needed to supply the required chilled water flow
are turned on. The pump speeds are modulated to maintain the differential pressure (dP) setpoint. As an option, the
setpoint can be reset by either a second sensor that measures differential pressure near the end of the buildings
chilled water loop, or by the valve positions of the main chilled water coils in the building. As the number of pumps
and the speed of the pumps changes, chilled water flow through the chillers and building changes.
Note: If primary pumps are variable speed, you cannot have a secondary chilled water loop. See Primary Dedicated
with Secondary Chilled Water System for more information.

Constant Speed Primary Headered Chilled Water System

In a constant speed configuration, the appropriate number of pumps needed to supply the required chilled water
flow are turned on. An optional bypass valve can be modulated to maintain the differential pressure setpoint. As the
number of pumps changes, chilled water flow through the chillers and building changes.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 8

Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System
The primary dedicated chilled water system shown in the following figure consists of chillers with dedicated chilled
water pumps and check valves, and a bypass valve. The chillers are enabled or disabled to match cooling capacity
to the building load. While active, a chiller controls the chilled water temperature to the chilled water temperature
setpoint. When a chiller needs to be brought on line, its dedicated pump is started first. The pumps have check
valves to prevent back flow when a pump is disabled. Finally, the system is equipped with a bypass valve which
modulates open as the building flow decreases below the chilled water minimum flow setpoint. When the chilled
water pump speed is variable speed, the bypass valve is available for chilled water minimum flow control. When the
chilled water pump is single speed, the bypass valve is available for dP control.
Figure 2: Variable Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Variable Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

In a variable speed dedicated chilled water pump configuration, the pumps are interlocked to their dedicated chillers
and the pumps modulate to control the building dP to the dP setpoint. As pump speed changes, the water flow
through the chillers and building also changes. As an option, the setpoint can be reset by either a second sensor
that measures dP near the end of the buildings chilled water loop, or by the valve positions of the main chilled water
coils in the building. A bypass valve is available for chilled water minimum flow control.
Note: If primary pumps are variable speed, you cannot have a secondary chilled water loop.
See Primary Dedicated with Secondary Chilled Water System for more information.

Constant Speed Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

In a constant speed dedicated chilled water configuration, the pumps are interlocked with the chiller to which they
are piped. The bypass valve is available for dP control.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 9

Primary with Secondary Chilled Water System
When the primary pumps (headered or dedicated) are constant speed, then a secondary pump arrangement can
be selected. The secondary pumps are always headered and can be only variable speed to be able to efficiently
control the building chilled water dP. A dP setpoint reset algorithm using valve positions of the main chilled water
coils in the building is an option of the selection tree.

Primary Headered with Secondary Chilled Water System

The following figure shows a system consisting of chillers with primary headered pumps (must be constant speed)
and secondary variable speed pumps.
The constant speed primary chilled water pumps are sequenced to supply the required chilled water flow for the
active chillers. The secondary chilled water pumps are sequenced and modulated to maintain chilled water pressure
differential to the building in the most efficient way possible. Check valves are used with each pump to prevent back
flow when a pump is off. The isolation valves are piped to the chillers in a dedicated configuration to prevent water
from flowing through an inactive chiller.
Figure 3: Constant Speed Primary Headered with Secondary Chilled Water System

Primary Dedicated with Secondary Chilled Water System

The Primary Dedicated with Secondary Chilled Water System shown in the following figure consists of chillers with
primary constant speed chilled water pumps and variable speed secondary chilled water pumps. The primary chilled
water pumps are piped in a dedicated configuration.
The constant speed primary chilled water pumps are interlocked on/off with the chillers. The secondary chilled water
pumps are sequenced and modulated to maintain a chilled water pressure differential to the building in the most
efficient way possible. Check valves are piped with each secondary pump to prevent back flow when a pump is off.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 10

Figure 4: Primary Secondary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Condenser Water Pump Systems

The condenser water systems consist of water cooled chillers, constant or variable speed condenser water pumps,
and two-position or proportional isolation valves if the pumps are piped in parallel (common header).

Water-Cooled Condenser Headered System

In the following figure, the condenser water pumps are connected in a headered or parallel configuration so that any
pump may be used with any chiller. The isolation valves are piped to the chillers in a dedicated configuration to
prevent water from flowing through an inactive chiller.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 11

Figure 5: Water-Cooled Condenser Headered System

Water-Cooled Condenser Dedicated System

In the following figure, the condenser water pumps are connected in a dedicated configuration. Each condenser
water pump is connected to a specific chiller. The condenser water pumps are interlocked to its chiller such that the
pump is started before the chiller is enabled.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 12

Figure 6: Water-Cooled Condenser Dedicated System

Air-Cooled Condenser System

The Air-Cooled Condenser system does not use condenser water to cool the chillers, since they reject their heat by
having ambient air passed across refrigerant-to-air heat exchangers. In packaged air-cooled chillers, the manufacturers
attempt to provide optimal performance by staging fans in response to chiller load and ambient, dry-bulb temperature.

Cooling Towers
Water cooled chillers pass the plants return condenser water through cooling towers where a portion of the water
evaporates, cooling the remaining water. Three cooling tower configurations are described in this section: individual
spray with a common sump, common sprays with a common sump, and individual sprays with individual sumps.
Note: The condenser water supply is provided by the cooling tower to the chiller, and the condenser water return
is provided by the chiller to the cooling tower.

Individual Spray Common Sump Cooling Tower

Figure 7 shows the final cooling tower configuration with dedicated sprays and a common sump.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 13

Figure 7: Cooling Towers with Individual Sprays and Common Sump

Common Spray Common Sump Cooling Tower

Figure 8 shows a cooling tower configuration with common sprays and a common sump. The application for this
configuration can be built with cooling tower support, then by removing the unused isolation valve points CTnISOV-C
and CTnISOV-S (where n = the number of cooling towers), leaving only one isolation valve in the system. You must
add custom logic to open the isolation valve when any cooling tower is active.
Figure 8: Cooling Towers with Common Spray and Common Sump

Individual Spray Individual Sump Cooling Tower

Figure 9 shows the final cooling tower configuration with individual sprays and individual sumps.
The application for this configuration can be built with cooling tower isolation valve support, then wiring the individual
cooling tower valves in parallel. For example, connect the CTISPRV-C and CTISMPV-C.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 14

Figure 9: Cooling Towers with Individual Sprays and an Individual Sump

Alternate Supported Plant Configurations

Waterside Economizer
For a non-integrated waterside economizer, chilled water is either provided by a chiller or by a heat exchanger, but
not simultaneously. Chillers and heat exchangers may either be headered or dedicated (see the following figures).
Up to four heat exchangers may be staged up and down to meet the building load. The total number of controlled
devices (chillers plus heat exchangers) cannot exceed eight devices.
Note: For information on the heat exchanger, see Configuring the Heat Exchanger.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 15

Figure 10: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Chilled Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 16

Figure 11: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Condenser Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 17

Figure 12: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 18

Figure 13: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Condenser Water System

For a non-integrated waterside economizer, chilled water is either provided by a chiller or by a heat exchanger, but
not simultaneously. Chillers and heat exchangers may either be headered or dedicated (see the following figures).
Up to four heat exchangers may be staged up and down to meet the building load. The total number of controlled
devices (chillers plus heat exchangers) cannot exceed eight devices.
Note: For information on the heat exchanger, see Configuring the Heat Exchanger.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 19

Figure 14: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Chilled Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 20

Figure 15: Waterside Economizer - Primary Headered Condenser Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 21

Figure 16: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Chilled Water System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 22

Figure 17: Waterside Economizer - Primary Dedicated Condenser Water System

Ice Formation Reduction

Since it is not uncommon to use waterside economizer cooling in freezing weather conditions, the application attempts
to reduce ice formation in the cooling tower in two ways. First, an adjustable Outdoor Air Economizer Lockout Setpoint
(default = 32F/0C) is provided. When the outside air dry bulb temperature drops below this setpoint, waterside
economizer operation is disabled. Operation is re-enabled once the outside air temperature rises above this setpoint
plus an adjustable OA Econ SP Differential (default = 4F/2C). Secondly, the cooling tower bypass valve is never
modulated during waterside economizer operation, which allows water to flow freely over the cooling tower and
prevents freezing. The cooling tower bypass valve is either full open to the tower (in Start Hx, Hx Control, and
CHWS-T Timing states) or full closed to the tower (in the Warm CW-T state).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 23

Sequencing Methods
The CPO 10 application is designed to maximize the chiller plants operating efficiency. This application:
when enabled, maintains at least one device On (to maintain the minimum or Base load)
determines the percent load of the system
maximizes the plant efficiency by choosing the most efficient device (or combination of devices) available to
meet the required load
if configured, attempts to balance runtimes and start counts for the chillers
if configured, attempts to balance runtimes for the heat exchangers
The selected combination produces the largest adjusted efficiency. Efficiencies are calculated based on the individual
devices Coefficient of Performance (COP), percent load, required capacity, and rated flow. This section explains
the possible sequencing methods you can use in the decision to stage up (add cooling capacity by turning on
additional chillers) or stage down (reduce the number of chillers/heat exchangers commanded on), and how to
configure the chiller/heat exchanger. These methods are Building Load, Chiller Load (Chiller only), Flow Differential,
and Temperature Differential.
Note: In Release 5.0, COP was referred to as Chiller Efficiency.

Building Load
The Building Load method, and specifically the use of a specialized Building Load device (such as a BTU meter AI)
produces the most accurate measurement of the chiller plant load.
The Load Calculation module applies the appropriate correction factors for the fluid media for Pure Water,
Water-Ethylene Glycol Solution, or Water-Propylene Glycol solutions. To specify which type of fluid media, edit the
details of the Load Calculation Media attribute.
When using the Building Load method, it is possible that the building load is not met because the operating chillers
cannot deliver their rated capacity. Reasons for this situation could be a fouled chiller or a day that is beyond the
Buildings cooling design day. The chiller may only be able to reach a 78% load, but is configured to reach 85% to
add another chiller. Therefore, the default application provides logic which derates the capacities of the active chillers,
forcing an upstage to occur under the following conditions:
The CHW Supply Temperature is greater than the CHW Supply Temperature Setpoint for more than a given
period of time (default = 20 minutes).
The CHW Supply Flow is greater than the CHW Max Flow for more than a given period of time (default = 20
minutes). The CHW Max Flow is the sum of the rated CHW Max Flows of requested chillers which are defined
by the user when configuring the Chiller Selector.

Chiller Load
Note: Waterside Economizer does not support chiller load sequencing.
The chiller plant load uses a Capacity Calculation based on % Full Loads Amps or Actual Amps. When % Full Load
Amps is selected, a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module Capacity Calculation Pct FLA module receives percent load
inputs from each chiller. The inputs are used with the device operating capacity to calculate each device load (in
tons), and then added to the other devices running to determine the current chiller plant capacity. This current chiller
plant capacity is compared with the total chiller plant capacity to determine the percentage of total chiller plant
When Actual Amps is selected, a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module Capacity Calculation Amp for Actual Amp selection,
receive signals from current transducers from each chiller. The module adds the amperage of all the current devices.
The percent load is determined as a percentage of the total Actual Amperage of the chiller plant to the total chiller
plant available.
This method of load calculation is less expensive to implement than the Building Load method. One disadvantage
of this method is that the application uses a secondary data source (electric load), as compared to the Building Load
sensor, which uses a primary data source (heat flow).
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 24
Decouple Loop Flow (Flow Differential)
The Flow Differential method is used only with the primary/secondary chilled water pumping configuration.
Several different methods can determine the difference between primary and secondary chilled water flow.
Bi-directional Flow Sensor measures the Decouple flow directly.
Bi-directional Flow Sensor with BI input measures the Decouple flow directly, and the binary input gives indication
of either normal or reverse direction.
Note: A reverse flow occurs when the secondary flow is greater than the primary flow.
Calculate Decouple Flow receives its input from the Diff Flow Calc, which calculates the difference between the
Primary and Secondary Chilled Water Supply flows.
You can estimate the cooling load based on the measured flow differential, which is also the flow in the crossover
decoupler pipe. The Percent Load is the percentage of the current building load to the total chiller plant available.
This control mode is much less expensive to implement than either Building Load or Chiller Load, but the disadvantage
is that the Flow Differential uses half the information required to do the calculation. For example, to calculate the
energy flow, the chilled water flow and the temperature difference are required. This method assumes that the chillers
produce a constant temperature drop, which is not the case most of the time.

Temperature Differential
The cooling load is determined based on the measured chilled water supply and return temperature differential,
which is calculated in the Supply Return Water Differential module (a Setpoint/Miscellaneous module).
This module is designed to ensure chiller startup by providing a fixed temperature differential output of 14F (7C)
under startup conditions when the chilled water supply and return temperature differential is typically zero. After
startup, once the chilled water supply temperature falls to 46F (or below 10C), the module begins to output the
true chilled water supply-return temperature differential.
This building load is compared to the maximum rated temperature drop across the devices, as defined in the details
of the Chiller Selector Module as Max Delta CHWT. This method is inexpensive since it uses only temperature
The Temperature Differential method may be used only on primary constant speed pumps.

Application Distribution
Central plant applications may be very large and comprise up to eight chillers and heat exchangers, eight condenser
water pumps, eight primary chilled water pumps, eight secondary chilled water pumps, eight cooling towers, isolation
valves, bypass valves, and sensors. Large chiller plant applications may exceed the limits of one controller. These
limits include object count, object memory, downloadable file size, bandwidth, I/O count, and BACnet Object ID
(BACoid) count.
Large chiller plant applications are actually a collection of six loosely coupled subsystems, which allow a chiller plant
application to be separated into subsystems. The Metasys system software allows the placement of each of the
six subsystems (chillers, primary chilled water pumps, condenser water pumps, secondary chilled water pumps,
heat exchangers, and towers) in separate controllers.
This section describes how to determine when to divide an application, how to build a split application, and how to
pass data between the subsystems. For information on creating a distributed application, see Appendix: Creating
Distributed Applications.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 25

Determining the Application Size
Field Equipment Controllers (FECs), Advanced Application Field Equipment Controllers (FACs), and Network Control
Engines (NCEs) have limits on the application size the controller supports. Several items can cause an application
to exceed the controllers capacity including:
Object count and the number of BACnet Object IDs are limited. CCTs System Capacity indicator provides a
good indication of these two items.
Object memory is another limitation which depends on the type and quantity of objects. Some complex objects
(for example, chiller selector, pump selector, Multistage Controller [MSC], Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative
[PID]) require more object memory than simpler objects.
Metasys FEC, FAC, and NCE controllers support ten IOM devices connected via the Sensor Actuator (SA) Bus,
which limits the number of inputs and outputs available to the controller.
An FEC or FAC can hold an application with up to three chillers, three primary chilled water pumps, three secondary
chilled water pumps, three condenser water pumps, and three cooling towers; however, the FAC may include more
objects than an FEC. An NCE can hold an application with up to seven chillers, seven primary chilled water pumps,
seven secondary chilled water pumps, seven condenser water pumps, and seven cooling towers.

Performance Considerations
The controllers processor may become busy causing unexpected behavior under certain conditions including:
too many frequently executed modules are loaded into a controller
an application has outputs feeding back to inputs via Last Value objects, and these values change quickly
The following CPO 10 modules consume the most CPU bandwidth and require special considerations regarding the
use of remote sensors:
Chiller Selector
- Bandwidth decreases by the use of the Sequence Table (see the Sequence Table and Device Combinations
- Bandwidth increases exponentially with the number of devices.
Pump Selector (used with headered chilled water and headered condenser water pumping)
- Bandwidth increases exponentially with the number of devices.
Pump Differential Pressure Control
- The Pump Differential Pressure Control should use a local analog input for this module. The pressure sensor
should be connected to the FEC, FAC, or NCE which contains the pressure control modules. The sensor
should not be connected to an IOM as random communication delays can affect control safety.
Variable Speed Primary Minimum Flow Control
- This loop is an order of magnitude slower than the pressure control loop. The Variable Speed Primary Minimum
Flow Control should use a local analog input. Do not use an IOM.

Subsystem Data Sharing Requirements

The subsystems in central plant applications are loosely coupled together, meaning the subsystems run fairly
independent of one another. However, some data is shared between subsystems. When all subsystems are located
in a single controller, data passes between systems without any additional user configuration. When the subsystems
are split between controllers, you must configure either peer-to-peer references or global data shares via a supervisory
controller, such as a Network Automation Engine (NAE).
When the application is split among controllers, all controllers must have the same values for SYSTEM-EN,
CLGOAT-LOCKOUT-SP, OA-H, and OA-T. If one controller has a network input or network output that meets any
of these parameters, all controllers in the application must match. The network input or network output must be set
for Peer-to-Peer at the controller, or for a Global Data Share from a Supervisory Controller.
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 26
Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Chiller)
In this case, the secondary chilled water pump subsystem requires information from the chiller subsystem. Figure
18 shows which information must be shared. Table 1 provides attribute descriptions.
Figure 18: Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Chiller)

Table 1: Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Chiller)

Attribute Description
CHILLER MAX FLOW SRC (AV:816) Indicates the sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers.
CHILLER MAX FLOW DEST (AV:817) Receives the sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers.
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC (BV:771) Provides indication that secondary pump startup is required. This network output
exists in the controller that has the Chiller subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST (BV:775) Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem that secondary pump startup is
required. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Secondary
Pumping subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT SRC (AV:770) Provides indication of the minimum chilled water flow that is required. This
network output exists in the controller that has the Chiller subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT DEST (AV:772) Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem of the minimum chilled water
flow required. This network input exists in the controller that contains the
Secondary Pumping subsystem.

Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)

In this scenario, the secondary chilled water pump subsystem requires information from the heat exchanger subsystem.
Figure 19 shows which information must be shared. Table 2 provides descriptions.
Figure 19: Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)

Table 2: Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)

Attribute Description
CHLR MAX FLOW DEST Required maximum secondary chilled water flow. This input exists in the controller that contains
(AV:817) the Heat Exchanger subsystem.
CHLR MAX FLOW SRC Required maximum secondary chilled water flow. This input exists in the controller that contains
(AV:816) the Chiller subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 27

Table 2: Secondary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
MIN CHW FLOW SPT DEST Receives indication from the Heat Exchanger subsystem of the minimum chilled water flow
(AV:772) required. This input exists in the controller that contains the secondary chilled water pumping
MIN CHW FLOW SPT SRC Provides indication of the minimum chilled water flow is required. This output exists in the
(AV:770) controller that has the Heat Exchanger subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST Provides indication that secondary chilled water pump startup is required. This output exists
(BV:775) in the controller that has the secondary chilled water pump subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC Provides indication that the secondary chilled water pump startup is required. This output exists
(BV:771) in the controller that has the Heat Exchanger subsystem.

Tower Subsystem
The tower subsystem requires information from the chillers subsystem and from the Condenser Water Pump
subsystem when using headered Condenser Water pumps. Figure 20 shows which information must be shared for
the dedicated condenser water system. For the dedicated condenser water system, the tower pulls all of the shared
data from the controller containing the chiller subsystem. Figure 21 shows which information must be shared for the
headered condenser water system. For the headered condenser water system, the tower pulls some of the data
from the controller containing the chiller subsystem, and some of the data from the controller containing the condenser
water pump control.
Figure 20: Dedicated Condenser Water Tower Subsystem

Figure 21: Headered Condenser Water Tower Subsystem

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 28

Figure 22: Dedicated Condenser Water Tower Subsystem with ASHRAE Open Loop Method

Figure 23: Headered Condenser Water Tower Subsystem with ASHRAE Open Loop Method

Table 3: Condenser Water Tower Subsystem

Attribute Description
CW PMP COUNT SRC (AV:779) Provides indication that cooling tower operation is required.
CW PMP COUNT DEST (AV:778) Receives indication from the Headered Condenser Water Pumping subsystem that cooling
tower operation is required. This network input exists in the controller that contains the
Tower Control subsystem.
CLGOATLOCKOUT-SP (AV:52) Indicates the outdoor air lockout setpoint. The network input exists in the controller that
contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists in the controller that
contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
OA-H (AI:1064) (AV:61) Indicates the Outdoor Air Relative Humidity. The network input exists in the controller that
contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists in the controller that
contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
OA-T(AI:1066) (AV:62) Indicates the Outdoor Air temperature. The network input exists in the controller that
contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists in the controller that
contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
SYSTEM-EN (BV:85) Indicates that central cooling is enabled to run. The network input exists in the controller
that contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists in the controller
that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 29

Table 4: Condenser Water Tower Subsystem with ASHRAE Open Loop Method
Attribute Description
TOWER CURR CAP DEST (AV:801) Receives the sum of the capacities of the towers currently commanded On.
TWR CURR CAP SRC (AV:806) Indicates the sum of the capacities of the towers currently commanded On.
TWR FLOW AVAIL DEST (AV:800) Receives the available cooling tower flow. This value is used to determine valid
device combinations.
TWR FLOW AVAIL SOURCE (AV:805) Indicates the available cooling tower flow.
TWR RQD FLOW SRC (AV:803) Indicates the flow required by the active chillers.
TWR RQD FLOW DEST (AV:798) Receives the flow required by the active chillers.
CW PMP COUNT SOURCE (AV:779) Provides indication that cooling tower operation is required.
CW PMP COUNT DEST (AV:778) Receives indication from the Headered Condenser Water Pumping subsystem
that cooling tower operation is required. This network input exists in the controller
that contains the Tower Control subsystem.
CLGOATLOCKOUT-SP (AV:52) Indicates the outdoor air lockout setpoint. The network input exists in the
controller that contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists
in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
OA-H(AI:1064) (AV:61) Indicates the Outdoor Air Relative Humidity. The network input exists in the
controller that contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists
in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
OA-T(AI:1066) (AV-62) Indicates the Outdoor Air temperature. The network input exists in the controller
that contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists in the
controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
SYSTEM-EN (BV:85) Indicates that central cooling is enabled to run. The network input exists in the
controller that contains the Tower Control subsystem. The network output exists
in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
BLDG LOAD SOURCE (AV:815) Indicates the cooling load of the building.
BLD LOAD DEST (AV:814) Receives the cooling load of the building.
CHILLER PLANT CAP SRC (AV:812) Indicates the sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded On.
CHILLER PLANT CAP DEST (AV:813) Receives the sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded On.
CHILLER PLANT PWR SRC (AV:804) Indicates the rated power of the active chillers.
CHILLER PLANT PWR DEST (AV:799) Receives the rated power of the active chillers.
CWFLOW-SP (AV:657) (AV-658) Indicates the condenser water flow required by the active chillers.

Condenser Water Tower Subsystem (Hx)

In this scenario, the condenser water tower subsystem requires information from the heat exchanger subsystem
and the condenser water pump subsystem. Figure 24 shows which information must be shared for the dedicated
condenser water system. For the dedicated condenser water system, the tower pulls all of the shared data from the
controller containing the heat exchanger subsystem. Figure 25 shows which information must be shared for the
headered condenser water system. For the headered condenser water system, the tower pulls some data from the
controller containing the heat exchanger subsystem, and some data from the controller containing the condenser
water pump control. Table 5 provides descriptions of the attributes.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 30

Figure 24: Dedicated Condenser Water Tower Subsystem (Hx)

Figure 25: Headered Condenser Water Tower Subsystem (Hx)

Figure 26: Headered Condenser Water Tower Subsystem with ASHRAE Open Loop Method (Hx)

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 31

Figure 27: Dedicated Condenser Water Tower Subsystem with ASHRAE Open Loop Method (HX)

Table 5: Condenser Water Tower Subsystem (Hx)

Attribute Description
BLDG LOAD DEST (AV:814) Equals cooling load of the building.
BLDG LOAD SOURCE Equals cooling load of the building.
CHILLER PLANT CAP DEST Equals sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded on.
CHILLER PLANT CAP SRC Equals sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded on.
CHILLER PLANT PWR DEST Equals rated power of the active chillers.
CHILLER PLANT PWR SRC Equals rated power of the active chillers.
CW CURRENT CAP DEST Receives indication from headered condenser water pumping subsystem indicating current
(AV:760) capacity of the condenser water pumps. This input exists in the controller that contains the
tower subsystem.
CW CURRENT CAP SRC Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and provides indication of the current capacity
(AV:759) of the condenser water pumps. This output exists in the controller that has the headered
condenser water pumping subsystem.
CW PMP COUNT DEST Receives indication from the dedicated condenser water pumping subsystem that cooling tower
(AV:778) operation is required. This input exists in the controller that contains the tower control subsystem.
CW PMP COUNT SRC Provides indication that cooling tower operation is required.
CWFLOW-SP (AV:658) Input Indicates the condenser water flow setpoint provided from the heat exchanger subsystem to
(AV:657) Output the tower control subsystem. The input exists in the controller that contains the tower control
subsystem. The output exists in the controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
Note: This information applies to dedicated condenser water pumps.
ECON STATE DEST (MV:920) Provides waterside economizer sequencer state. This input exists in the controller that has the
tower control subsystem.
ECON STATE SOURCE Provides waterside economizer sequencer state. This output exists in the controller that has
(MV:983) the heat exchanger subsystem.
TWR CURRENT CAP DEST Equals sum of the capacities of the towers currently commanded on (input).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 32

Table 5: Condenser Water Tower Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
TWR CURRENT CAP SRC Equals sum of the capacities of the towers currently commanded on (output).
TWR REQD FLOW DEST Equals flow required by the active chillers or heat exchangers (input).
TWR REQD FLOW SRC Equals flow required by the active chillers or heat exchangers (output).
TWR SYS-ENABLE DEST Serves as system enable for tower control subsystem. This input exists in the controller that
(BV:85694) contains the tower control subsystem.
TWR SYS-ENABLE SRC Serves as the system enable for the cooling tower subsystem. This input exists in the controller
(BV:85695) that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
TWR FLOW AVAIL SOURCE Equals flow available from the tower subsystem.
TWR FLOW AVAIL Equals flow available from the tower subsystem.

Condenser Water Pump Subsystem (Chiller)

The condenser water pump subsystem requires information from the chiller subsystem, and the chiller subsystem
also requires information from the condenser water pump subsystem. Figure 28 and Figure 30 show which information
must be shared in the dedicated condenser water pumping subsystem. Figure 29 and Figure 31 show which
information must be shared in the headered condenser water pumping subsystem.
Figure 28: Dedicated Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Constant Speed Pumps

Figure 29: Headered Condenser Water Pumping Subsystem with Constant Speed Pumps

Figure 30: Dedicated Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Variable Speed Pumps

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 33

Figure 31: Headered Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Variable Speed Pumps

Table 6: Condenser Water Pump Subsystem

Attribute Description
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC (BV:771) Provides indication to the Condenser Water Pumping System that condenser water
pump startup is required. This network output exists in the controller that has the Chiller
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST (BV:775) Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem that condenser water pump startup is
required. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Condenser Water
Pumping subsystem.
CWFLOW-SP (AV:657)(AV:658) Indicates the condenser water flow setpoint. This is provided from the Chiller subsystem
to the condenser water pump subsystem. The network input exists in the controller that
contains the Condenser Water Pumping subsystem. The network output exists in the
controller that contains the Chiller subsystem.
CW CURRENT CAP SRC (AV:759) Provides the current capacity of the condenser water pumps to the Chiller subsystem.
This network output exists in the controller that has the Condenser Water Pumping
CW CURRENT CAP DEST (AV:760) Receives the current capacity of the condenser water pumps from the Condenser Water
Pumping subsystem. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Chiller
CWFLOW-AVAIL (AV:653) Provides indication of the available condenser water flow to the Chiller subsystem. This
includes pumps that are on and pumps that are enabled but currently off. This network
output exists in the controller that has the Condenser Water Pumping subsystem.
CWFLOW-AVAIL (AV:654) Receives indication of the available condenser water flow from the Condenser Water
Pumping subsystem. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Chiller
CW PUMP##-ENABLE DEST (BV:346 Receives indication from the Condenser Water Pumping subsystem that condenser
- BV:353) water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) is enabled. This network input
exists in the controller that contains the Chiller subsystem.
CWP##-ENABLE SRC (BV:524 - Provides indication that condenser water pump ## is enabled. This network output
BV:531) exists in the controller that has the Condenser Water Pumping subsystem.
CWP##-CMD (BV:691-BV:698) input Indicates that dedicated condenser water pump ## is required to run. This input is
(BV:715 - BV:722) output provided from the Chiller subsystem to the Condenser Water Pump subsystem. The
network input exists in the controller that contains the Condenser Water Pumping
subsystem. The network output exists in the controller that contains the Chiller
MIN CW FLOW SRC (BV:807) Receives indication of the minimum condenser water flow.
MIN CW FLOW DEST (BV:802) Provides indication of the minimum condenser water flow.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 34

Condenser Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)
In this scenario, the condenser water pump subsystem requires information from the heat exchanger subsystem
and the condenser water pump subsystem. Figure 32 through Figure 35 show which information must be shared
for the various types of condenser water pump subsystems.
Figure 32: Dedicated Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Variable Speed Pumps (Hx)

Figure 33: Dedicated Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Constant Speed Pumps (Hx)

Figure 34: Headered Condenser Water Pump Subsystem with Variable Speed Pumps (Hx)

Figure 35: Headered Condenser Water Pumping Subsystem with Constant Speed Pumps (Hx)

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 35

Table 7: Condenser Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
CWFLOW-SP (AV:657) Input Indicates the condenser water flow setpoint provided from the heat exchanger subsystem to
(AV:658) Output the headered condenser water pump subsystem. The input exists in the controller that contains
the condenser water pumping subsystem. The output exists in the controller that contains the
heat exchanger subsystem.
Note: This information applies to headered condenser water pumps.
ECON STATE DEST (MV:920) Provides the waterside economizer sequencer state. This input exists in the controller that has
the condenser water pump subsystem.
ECON STATE SOURCE Provides the waterside economizer sequencer state. This output exists in the controller that
(MV:983) contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
HX CW PUMP ## ENABLE Indicates that condenser water pump ## is enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This input
DEST (BV:85625, 85627, exists in the heat exchanger subsystem.
85629, 85631)
HX CW PUMP ## ENABLE Indicates that condenser water pump ## is enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This output
SRC (BV:85626, 85628, 85630, exists in the condenser water pump subsystem.
HX CWP##-CMD (BV:85641, Indicates that condenser water pump ## is required to run (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). The
85644, 85647, 85650) Input input exists in the controller that contains the condenser water pump subsystem. The output
(BV:85642, 85645, 85648, exists in the controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
85651) Output
CWP##-ENABLE DEST Receives indication from the condenser water pumping subsystem that condenser water pump
(BV:346353) ## is enabled. This network input exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CWP##-ENABLE SRC Provides indication that condenser water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) is
(BV:524531) enabled. This network output exists in the controller that has the condenser water pumping
CWP##-CMD (BV:691698) Indicates that the dedicated condenser water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or
Input (BV:715722) Output 8) is required to run. This input is provided from the chiller subsystem to the condenser water
pump subsystem. The network input exists in the controller that contains the condenser water
pumping system. The network output exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CWFLOW-AVAIL (AV:654) Provides indication of the condenser water flow that is available. This includes pumps that are
Inputs (AV:653) Outputs on and pumps that are enabled but currently off. The network output exists in the controller
that has the condenser water pumping subsystem, and the network input exists in the controller
that has the chiller subsystem.
HX MIN CW FLOW DEST Indicates heat exchanger minimum condenser water flow. This input exists in the controller
(AV:25077) that contains the condenser water pump subsystem.
HX MIN CW FLOW SRC Indicates heat exchanger minimum condenser water flow. This output exists in the controller
(AV:25076) that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
MIN CW FLOW DEST (AV:802) Indicates minimum condenser water flow (input).
MIN CW FLOW SRC (AV:807) Indicates minimum condenser water flow (output).
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST Indicates that the condenser pump startup is required. This input exists in the controller that
(BV:775) contains the condenser water pump subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC Indicates that the condenser pump startup is required. This output exists in the controller that
(BV:771) contains the heat exchanger subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 36

Table 7: Condenser Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
WSE CW CURRENT CAP Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and provides indication of the current capacity
DEST (AV:85702) of the headered condenser water pumps. This input exists in the controller that has the heat
exchanger subsystem.
WSE CW CURRENT CAP SRC Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and provides indication of the current capacity
(AV:85703) of the headered condenser water pumps. This output exists in the controller that has the
condenser water pumping subsystem.

Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Chiller)

The primary chilled water pump subsystem requires information from the chiller subsystem, and the chiller subsystem
also requires information from the primary chilled water pump subsystem. There are four combinations of
headered/dedicated piping and constant speed/variable speed pumps. Figure 36 shows the Headered Variable
Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping System. Figure 37 shows the Headered Constant Speed Primary Chilled
Water Pumping System. Figure 38 shows the Dedicated Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping System.
Figure 39 shows the Dedicated Constant Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping System.
Figure 36: Headered Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping

Figure 37: Headered Constant Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping

Figure 38: Dedicated Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping

Figure 39: Dedicated Constant Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 37

Table 8: Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem
Attribute Description
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC (BV:771) Provides indication to the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem that primary
chilled water pump startup is required. This network output exists in the controller that
has the Chiller subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST (BV:775) Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem that primary chilled water pump startup
is required. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled
Water Pumping subsystem.
CHWFLOW-SP (AV:655) input Indicates the chilled water flow setpoint. This information is provided from the Chiller
(AV:656) output subsystem to the Headered Primary Chilled Water Pump subsystem. The network
input exists in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
The network output exists in the controller that contains the Chiller subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT SRC (AV:770) Provides indication to the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem of the minimum
required chilled water flow. This network output exists in the controller that has the
Chiller subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT DEST (AV:772) Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem of the minimum required chilled water
flow. This network input exists in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water
Pumping subsystem.
CHW CURRENT CAP SRC (AV:757) Provides the current capacity of the primary chilled water pumps to the Chiller
subsystem. This network output exists in the controller that has the Primary Chilled
Water Pumping subsystem.
CHW CURRENT CAP DEST (AV:758) Receives the current capacity of the primary chilled water pumps from the Primary
Chilled Water Pumping subsystem. This network input exists in the controller that
contains the Chiller subsystem.
CHILLER MAX FLOW SRC (AV:816) Receives the sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers.
CHILLER MAX FLOW DEST (AV:817) Indicates the sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers.
CHWFLOW-AVAIL (AV:651) Provides indication to the Chiller subsystem of the available primary chilled water flow.
This output includes pumps that are on and pumps that are enabled but currently off.
This network output exists in the controller that has the Primary Chilled Water Pumping
CHWFLOW-AVAIL (AV:652) Receives indication from the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem of the available
primary chilled water flow. This network input exists in the controller that contains the
Chiller subsystem.
CHW PUMP##-ENABLE SRC (BV:536 Provides indication that primary water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or
- BV:543) 8) is enabled. This network output exists in the controller that has the Dedicated Primary
Chilled Water Pumping subsystem.
CHW PUMP##-ENABLE DEST (BV:338 Receives indication that primary water pump ## is enabled. This network input exists
- BV:345) in the controller that contains the Chiller subsystem.
CHWP##-CMD (BV:675 - BV:682) input Indicates that dedicated primary chilled water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
(BV:707 - BV:714) output 6, 7, or 8) is required to run. This is provided from the Chiller subsystem to the Primary
Chilled Water Pump subsystem. The network input exists in the controller that contains
the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem. The network output exists in the
controller that contains the Chiller subsystem.

Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)

In this scenario, the primary chilled water pump subsystem requires information from the heat exchanger subsystem
and the chilled water pump subsystem. Figure 40 through Figure 43 show which information must be shared for the
various types of primary chilled water pump subsystems.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 38

Figure 40: Dedicated Constant Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping (Hx)

Figure 41: Dedicated Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping (Hx)

Figure 42: Headered Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping (Hx)

Figure 43: Headered Constant Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumping (Hx)

Table 9: Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)

Attribute Description
CHILLER MAX FLOW DEST Equals sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers/heat exchangers.
CHILLER MAX FLOW SRC Equals sum of the Rated CHW Max Flows of all requested chillers/heat exchangers.
CHWFLOW-SP (AV:655) Indicates the chilled water flow setpoint provided from the heat exchanger subsystem to the
Output (AV:656) Input headered primary chilled water pump subsystem. The input exists in the controller that contains
the primary chilled water pump subsystem. The output exists in the controller that has the heat
exchanger subsystem

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 39

Table 9: Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
HX CHW PUMP ## ENABLE Indicates that primary chilled water pump ## is enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This
DEST (BV:85599, 85601, input exists in the primary chilled water pump subsystem.
85603, 85605)
HX CHW PUMP ## ENABLE Indicates that primary chilled water pump ## is enabled (where ## means 1, 2, 3, or 4). This
SRC (BV:85600, 85602, 85604, output exists in the heat exchanger subsystem.
HX CHWP##-CMD (BV:25078, Indicates that dedicated primary chilled water pump ## is required to run (where ## means 1,
25080, 25082, 25084) Output 2, 3, or 4). The input exists in the controller that contains the primary chilled water pump
(BV:25079, 25081, 25083, subsystem. The output exists in the controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
25085) Input
CHW PUMP## ENABLE DEST Receives indication from the dedicated primary chilled water pumping subsystem that primary
(BV:338345) water pump ## is enabled. This input exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHW PUMP## ENABLE Provides indication that primary water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8) is
SRC(BV:536545) enabled. This output exists in the controller that contains the dedicated primary chilled water
pumping subsystem.
CHWFLOW_AVAIL (AV:651) Provides indication of the primary chilled water flow that is available. This includes pumps that
are on and pumps that are enabled but currently off. The network output exists in the controller
that has the Primary Chilled Water Pumping subsystem, and the network input exists in the
controller that has the Chiller subsystem.
CHWP##-CMD (BV:675-682) Indicates that dedicated primary chilled water pump ## (where ## means 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or
input (BV:707-714) output 8) is required to run. This is provided from the Chiller subsystem to the Primary Chilled Water
Pump subsystem. The network input exists in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled
Water Pumping subsystem. The network output exists in the controller that contains the Chiller
CHLR MIN CHW FLOW DEST Receives indication from the Chiller subsystem of the minimum chilled water flow required.
(AV:25049) This network input exists in the controller that contains the Primary Chilled Water Pumping
CHLR MIN CHW FLOW SRC Provides indication of the minimum chilled water flow that is required. This network output
(AV:25050) exists in the controller that has the Chiller subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT DEST Indicates heat exchanger minimum chilled water flow. This input exists in the controller that
(AV:772) contains the primary chilled water pump subsystem.
MIN CHW FLOW SPT SRC Indicates heat exchanger minimum chilled water flow. This output exists in the controller that
(AV:770) contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD DEST Indicates that the primary chilled water pump startup is required. This input exists in the controller
(BV:775) that contains the primary chilled water pump subsystem.
PMP STARTUP REQD SRC Indicates that the primary chilled water pump startup is required. This output exists in the
(BV:771) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
WSE CHW CURRENT CAP Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and provides indication of the current capacity
DEST (AV:85700) of the headered primary chilled water pumps. This input exists in the controller that has the
heat exchanger subsystem.
WSE CHW CURRENT CAP Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and provides indication of the current capacity
SRC (AV:85701) of the headered primary chilled water pumps. This output exists in the controller that has the
primary chilled water pumping subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 40

Chiller Control Subsystem (Hx)
In this scenario, the chiller subsystem requires information from the heat exchanger subsystem. Figure 44 shows
which information must be shared for the chiller subsystem with dedicated pumping, and Figure 45 shows which
information must be shared for the chiller subsystem with headered pumping.
Figure 44: Chiller Control Subsystem Dedicated Pumping (Hx)

Figure 45: Chiller Control Subsystem Headered Pumping (Hx)

Table 10: Chiller Control Subsystem (Hx)

Attribute Description
BLDG LOAD DEST (AV:814) Equals cooling load of the building.
BLDG LOAD SRC (AV:815) Equals cooling load of the building.
CHLR CW PMP COUNT DEST Provides chiller selector indication that cooling tower operation is required. This input exists in
(AV:85546) the controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR CW PMP COUNT SRC Provides the chiller selector indication that cooling tower operation is required. This output
(AV:85547) exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR MAX CHW FLOW DEST Indicates the chiller selector required maximum primary chilled water flow. This input exists in
(AV:85548) the controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR MAX CHW FLOW SRC Indicates the chiller selector required maximum primary chilled water flow. This output exists
(AV:85549) in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR MIN CHW FLOW DEST Indicates the chiller selector required minimum chilled water flow. This input exists in the
(AV:25049) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR MIN CHW FLOW SRC Indicates the chiller selector required minimum chilled water flow. This output exists in the
(AV:25050) controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR MIN CW FLOW DEST Indicates the chiller selector required minimum condenser water flow. This input exists in the
(AV:934) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR MIN CW FLOW SRC Indicates the chiller selector required minimum condenser water flow. This output exists in the
(AV:979) controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR NEED PMPS DEST Provides chiller selector indication that pump startup is required. This input exists in the
(AV:85550) controllers that contain the heat exchanger subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 41

Table 10: Chiller Control Subsystem (Hx)
Attribute Description
CHLR NEED PMPS SRC Provides chiller selector indication that pump startup is required. This output exists in the
(AV:85551) controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR REQ CHW FLOW DEST Indicates the required chilled water flow from the chiller selector. This input exists in the controller
(AV:85552) that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR REQ CHW FLOW SRC Indicates the required chilled water flow from the chiller selector. This output exists in the
(AV:85553) controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR REQ CW FLOW DEST Indicates the required condenser water flow from the chiller selector. This input exists in the
(AV:85554) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR REQ CW FLOW SRC Indicates the required condenser water flow from the chiller selector. This output exists in the
(AV:85555) controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR REQ TWR FLOW DEST Indicates the required cooling tower water flow from the chiller selector. This input exists in the
(AV:85556) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHLR REQ TWR FLOW SRC Indicates the required cooling tower water flow from the chiller selector. This output exists in
(AV:85557) the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR SYS-ENABLE DEST Functions as system enable for the chiller subsystem. This input exists in the controller that
(AV:85558) contains the chiller subsystem.
CHLR SYS-ENABLE SRC Functions as system enable for the chiller subsystem. This output exists in the controller that
(AV:85559) contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHW CURRENT CAP DEST Receives indication from the heat exchanger subsystem of the headered primary chilled water
(AV:758) pumps current capacity. This input exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CHW CURRENT CAP SRC Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and indicates headered primary chilled water
(AV:757) pumps current capacity. This output exists in the controller that contains the heat exchanger
CW CURRENT CAP DEST Receives indication from the heat exchanger subsystem of the headered condenser water
(AV:760) pumps current capacity. This input exists in the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.
CW CURRENT CAP SRC Equals sum of the rated flows of active pumps and indicates headered condenser water pumps
(AV:759) current capacity. This output exists in the controller that has the heat exchanger subsystem.
CHILLER PLANT CAP DEST Equals sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded on.
CHILLER PLANT CAP Equals sum of the capacities of the chillers currently commanded on.
HXSELECTOR-PV DEST Functions as process variable supplied to the heat exchanger selector. This input exists in the
(AV:85682) controller that contains the heat exchanger subsystem.
HXSELECTOR-PV SRC Functions as process variable supplied to the heat exchanger selector. This output exists in
(AV:85683) the controller that contains the chiller subsystem.

Degraded Mode of Operation

When an application is developed using multiple controllers, and one (or possibly more) of the controllers fails or
goes offline, the loss of communications can degrade the system operation. The system can continue operation (at
least for a period of time) without causing a failure. The active controllers in the system can continue operating,
maintaining control of their part of the system. Nevertheless, the application engineer must be aware of the applications
behavior during this degraded mode of operation.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 42

Figure 28 through Figure 45 shows how subsystems are connected in order to pass the required information between
them. All attributes that have the Failsoft property set to False are shown with a blue background. If the connection
with the attributes source breaks (for example, a failed controller or poor MS/TP communications due to an overloaded
bus or third-party device not following BACnet MS/TP protocol), the destination controller continues operating using
the last known good value.
The Cooling Outside Air Lockout Setpoint (CLGOATLOCKOUTSP) is the only attribute set with Failsoft True; therefore,
if the connection with the CLGOATLOCKOUTSP attributes source becomes disabled, this attribute reverts to its
default value. See Appendix: Creating Distributed Applications for details on the data passed between the subsystems.

Setup and Commissioning

Chiller Coefficient of Performance (COP)
The COP curves are modeled with a trapezoid as shown in Figure 46. The goal of the CPO 10 application is to run
the chillers in the region represented by the flat region of the trapezoid. As the building load increases, the chillers
operate in the dropping sloped region of the trapezoid, where COP drops. Eventually the application replaces the
inefficient combination of chillers with a more efficient combination, and the plant resumes operating in the flat region
of the trapezoid. This section discusses how the application calculates the chiller COP, searches for more efficient
combinations, and determines whether to stage up or stage down.
Figure 46: Current Coefficient of Performance (COP)

Determining Chiller COP

The application calculates the Current Percent Load (the current building load as a percent of the total chiller plant
capacity) based on the Process Variable input and the Control Mode. Based on the COP curve, the application can
then calculate the Current COP of the chiller plant, only considering the relative COPs of the chillers.
After calculating the Current COP, the application calculates the Predicted COP of all possible combinations allowed
in order to make a decision whether to stage up or stage down.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 43

Each device has a COP curve generically modeled by the Peak COP, the Upper and Lower Optimal Pct Load, Max
and Min Pct Load, and Max and Min Pct Load COP (Figure 46). For CCT-10, the Upper and Lower Optimal Pct Load
values were modified to be per-chiller inputs, and the following per-chiller properties were also added:
Max Pct Load
Min Pct Load
Max Pct Load COP
Min Pct Load COP
See Table 11 for the descriptions of the COP curve.
Table 11: Determining Chiller COP
Region in Figure 46 Description
A The COP slopes from 0 for 0% load to the Min Pct Load COP at the Min Pct Load.
B The COP slopes from the Min Pct Load COP for the Min Pct Load to the Peak COP at the
Lower Optimal Pct Load.
C The Peak COP defines the height of the plateau of the curve.
The COPs of all devices are flat within the Lower and Upper Optimal Pct Load limits.
D The COP slopes from the Peak COP at the Upper Optimal Pct Load to the Max Pct Load
COP at the Max Pct Load.
E The COP slopes from the Max Pct Load COP for the Max Pct Load to 0 at 110% load.

When determining chiller COP, keep these additional points in mind:

The Upper Optimal Pct Load input defines the location of the right edge of the plateau.
The Lower Optimal Pct Load input defines the location of the left edge of the plateau.
Each chiller can have a unique Upper and Lower Optimal Pct Load.
The devices can have different Peak COPs.
Devices with higher Peak COPs are preferentially selected.
Note: It is good practice to set up and map the Maintenance Switch, either as a networked input or a physical binary
contact input to the controller. This scenario allows the operator to disable a non-functional chiller so that
chiller is not considered when calculating valid combinations.
The new points added to the COP curve for CCT-10 allow for a much closer approximation of the actual COP curve
than in previous versions of CPO. The curve can now be thought of as four coordinate points in the form (Percent
Load, COP) that are connected together. See Table 12.
Table 12: Coordinate Points Forming the COP Curve
Point Location in Figure 46 Point Pair Description
1 Min Pct Load, Min Pct Load COP
2 Lower Optimal Pct Load, Peak COP
3 Upper Optimal Pct Load, Peak COP
4 Max Pct Load, Max Pct Load COP

The COP curve in Figure 46 represents what a variable speed chiller may look like. A curve representing a constant
speed chiller for example can be obtained by increasing the Max Pct Load COP point (to a maximum value equal
to the Peak COP) in order to more accurately represent the upper half of the actual COP curve. Note that, internally,
parts of the curve to the left of the Min Pct Load (minimum of 0) and to the right of the Max Pct Load (maximum of
100) are linearly extrapolated to the points (0, 0) and (110, 0) respectively.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 44

When calculating valid combinations:
The combinations considered consist of enabled chillers only.
The combination does not violate Min Off or Min On timers.
Once a combination is considered valid, knowing the capacity of each device and the current load on the system,
the selector determines what the percent load would be for the proposed combination. Then, the selector determines
the actual COP of the combination. It does this by first finding the COP (y-axis) of each On device in the given
combination at the calculated percent load (x-axis) (Figure 46). Finally, the selector capacity-weights the COPs of
all the On devices to come up with a single COP for the whole combination. The combination with the highest COP
becomes the desired combination that the selector then attempts to move towards.
Operating between the upper and lower optimal percent load points does not prevent the chiller selector from
switching the device combination to a different combination that has a higher COP. If the load changes such that a
different combination is more efficient at the new load (for example, the different combination is on its plateau, higher
than the plateau of the current combination), the Selector switches.

Configuring the Chiller Selector

The chiller selector module requires configuration once system selection is complete. The Device Information table,
sequence table, key inputs, and parameters are explained in this section.

Device Information Table (Chiller Selector)

To provide automated, efficient operation, you must include the energy description of each chiller during CCT
configuration. This description consists of some or all of the Rated Capacity, Rated Current, Minimum CW Flow,
Rated CW Flow, Minimum CHW Flow, Rated CHW Flow, Peak COP, Device Type, CHW MAX Flow, Lift Sensitivity,
Design Lift, Max Pct Load, Min Pct Load, Max Pct Load COP, Min Pct Load COP, Interstage Transition Delay, and
Stabilize Time, depending on the chosen control mode and chiller plant configuration.
The user enters this information during CCT configuration. After the CCT tree selection process, the user must edit
the Details of the Chiller Selector module. In the CCT canvas, under Output Control, search and double-click (or
right-click and select View Details) the corresponding Chiller Selector # primitive, where # is the number of chillers
of the plant. Then, edit and enter the required values according to the Device Information Table.
The following parameters are supplied by the CW Selector, PCHWP Selector, and Tower Selector and are used
with the flows defined in the Device Information Table.
Note: The Chiller Selector does not start a chiller unless it has the flow required to support it.
Table 13: Chiller Selector Inputs
Input Description
CW Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller can
be commanded on.
CW Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on CW pumps enabled and their flow capacity.
CHW Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CHW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller
can be commanded on.
CHW Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on CHW pumps enabled and their flow capacity.
Tower Commanded Flow This value must be greater than CW Min flow defined in the Device Info Table before the chiller can
be commanded on.
Tower Available Flow Indicates the flow available based on Towers enabled and their flow capacity.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 45

Table 14: Chiller Selector Outputs
Output Description
Required CW Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the CWP Pump Selector.
Min CW Flow Setpoint Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation.
Required CHW Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the PCHWP Pump Selector.
Min CHW Flow Setpoint Indicates the minimum flow required for safe chiller operation.
Max CHW Flow Indicates the sum of the rated CHW Max Flow of all chillers requested. It is the maximum amount
of variable speed CHW flow that the Chiller Selector is allowing the Variable Speed Pump Selector
to command for each chiller. In a variable speed primary system, this value sets the upper limit for
primary pumps being controlled by the PCHWP Selector. In a primary-secondary system, this value
sets the upper limit for the secondary pumps being controlled by the SCHWP Selector.
Required Tower Flow Indicates the chiller rated flows sent to the Cooling Tower Selector.

Table 15: Device Information Table

Property Must Be Entered
1 Always
Rated Capacity (X)
Peak COP (X)
Rated CHW Flow (X) If the pumps are headered
CHW Min Flow (X)
CHW Max Flow If system has variable speed primary pumps
Rated Current Power (X) If Control Mode = Chiller Load
(Required for ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control)
Rated CW Flow (X) If Condenser Pump Piping Layout = Parallel
CW Min Flow (X)
Design Lift (X) If Lift Sensitivity 0

1 The (X) indicates that the property applies to each chiller device.

Sequence Table and Device Combinations

By design, the chiller selector chooses the most efficient device combination for any load. For certain operating
combinations, the end user may want to restrict the available combinations using the sequence table. Using the
sequence table, the user defines which combinations to run instead of being determined by the chiller selector
primitive. In general, we do not recommend using this feature and recommend leaving the sequence table blank.
Note: You must define a sequence table when using the Sequence Row Control as part of the CPO30 Optimization
feature. See the Sequence Table Parameters (Chiller) section for more details.
The default sequence table (Figure 47) is a one-dimensional array. This array, for all devices type A, indicates that
the first choice is one device, second is two devices, and so forth until all devices are On.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 46

Figure 47: Sequence Table

The Sequence Table can explicitly specify combinations of devices that are allowed to run. Figure 48 shows the
device information and Sequence Tables for a system with five chillers.
Figure 48: Device Info and Sequence Table Five Device Example

For this system, the only allowed combinations of chillers and resulting capacities are outlined in Table 16.
Table 16: Five Chiller Sequence Table
Group A (10 Tons) Group B (20 Tons) Capacity (Total Tons)
1 0 10
0 1 20
1 1 30
3 0 30
3 1 50

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 47

Table 16: Five Chiller Sequence Table
Group A (10 Tons) Group B (20 Tons) Capacity (Total Tons)
4 0 40
4 1 60

Table 17 is an example of a central plant with three chillers and their capacities.
Table 17: Central Plant with Three Chillers
Chiller Number of Tons
Chiller 1 1,000 tons
Chiller 2 1,000 tons
Chiller 3 4,000 tons

If no sequence table is specified, the application chooses the combinations in Table 18.
Table 18: No Sequence Table Selected
Chiller 1 Chiller 2 Chiller 3 Capacity
1 0 0 1,000
0 1 0 1,000
1 1 0 2,000
0 0 1 4,000
1 0 1 5,000
0 1 1 5,000
1 1 1 6,000

Suppose the plant operator requires that the 1,000-ton chillers be commanded On together, not separately. Devices
1 and 2 would be marked as Device Type A, and Device 3 would be marked as Device B. Table 19 shows the new
Device Information Table.
Table 19: Device Information Table
Group A Group B Capacity
2 0 2,000
0 1 4,000
2 1 6,000

Chiller Timers
Table 20 provides descriptions of the chiller timers. For more information, see Transition Timing.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 48

Table 20: Chiller Timers
Property/Input Description Values
CHLR START DELAY (System Amount of time after the System Default: 30 minutes
Start Delay) Enabled input changes from False
Minimum: 1 minute
to True before the selector
considers the sequencing of Maximum: 120 minutes
additional chillers. The minimum
load is maintained during this time
to allow the chilled water and
condenser water pumps to operate.
This time is typically longer than the
Stabilize Time to allow the system
to achieve steady state after not
being on for some time, such as the
start of the cooling season. This
time gives the system an
opportunity to move the water and
make the water temperature more
Stabilize Time Amount of time to wait after a device Default: 15 minutes
is commanded off or on before
Minimum: > Capacity Limit Hold Time
evaluating if the current combination
of devices is meeting the current Maximum: 120 Minutes
demand, or if another device should
be turned on or off. This should
reflect the amount of time it takes
for the system to recognize a
change to the process variable.
Interstage Transition Delay When changing from one Default: 8.0 minutes
combination of devices to another,
Minimum: 1.0 minutes
this is the amount of time to wait
between turning one device on and Maximum: 120 minutes
another device off. For example:
The system has three chillers, and
chillers 1 and 3 are running, and the
system requirements change such
that it is more efficient to run chillers
1 and 2. This scenario requires two
chillers to change and only one is
allowed to change at a time.
Therefore, the chiller selector turns
on chiller 2, waits the interstage
delay time, then turns off chiller 3.
Iso Valve Stroke Time Stroke time of the isolation valve. Default: 60 seconds
This delays turning on the device or
Minimum: 0 seconds
turning off the device.
Maximum: 180 seconds
CHLR-MINOFFTIME (Minimum Off Minimum amount of time a device Default: 1 minute
Time) should be commanded off.
Minimum: 1 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 49

Table 20: Chiller Timers
Property/Input Description Values
CHLR-MINONTIME (Minimum On Minimum amount of time a device Default: 1 minute
Time) should be commanded on.
Minimum: 1 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes
Pump Delay Longest time required for the pump Default: 120 seconds
to stop when commanded to stop,
Note: Input connected to Pump Delay network input
or the time to speed up when
that has a 60 second default.
commanded to start.
Minimum: 0 seconds
Maximum: 120 seconds
CHLR PUMP DWN TIME Amount of time the CW and CHW Default: 10 minutes
pumps should run after a chiller is
Minimum: 1 minute
commanded off.
Maximum: 120 minutes
1 Delay after an On command before Default: 15 minutes
Interstage On Delay
starting to upstage again.
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes
1 Delay after an Off command before Default: 0.1 minutes
Interstage Off Delay
starting to downstage again.
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 10 minutes
1, 2 Indicates when any of the Default: True
Waiting for Commanded Flow
commanded flows (CHW, CW,
Tower) are less than the Min Rated
Flows. The commanded flows need
to be at least as high as the Min
Rated Flows in order to command
the device on.
1, 2 Time until the next device can be Default: 0 Minutes
Time Until Device On
commanded on.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 50

Table 20: Chiller Timers
Property/Input Description Values
Low Load Delay At very low building loads, Default: 1.0 minutes
third-party chiller plant optimization
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
equipment may decide that
continuing to run a single chiller is Maximum: 120 minutes
less efficient than running only the
chilled water pumps. If Low Load
becomes True while only one chiller
is running, Chiller Selector shuts off
the chiller, but keeps the isolation
valves open (if present) and keeps
the chilled water pumps running.
Once Low Load becomes False
again, regular Sequence Row
Control resumes.
Sequence Row Transition Delay Amount of time the selector does Default: 0.2 minutes
not make any staging decision when
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
switching sequence row control from
true to false.

1 This property is found in the Engineering Values section, under the Device Information Table.
2 This property cannot be edited.

Sequence Table Parameters (Chiller)

The Sequence Row Control, Sequence Row, and Sequence Row Transition Delay parameters are used when a
specific row of the sequence table should be used to determine which chillers should be enabled instead of being
determined by the chiller selector primitive. The sequence table is used to integrate the chiller selector with other
third-party chiller plant optimization equipment, such as equipment from Optimum Energy (CPO30). The Chiller
selector and the third-party equipment should have identical sequence tables, which ensures both request the same
desired combination of devices.
Note the following in regard to these parameters:
When Sequence Row Control is true, the chillers enabled are determined by the parameter Sequence Row.
Sequence Row is the sequence table row the primitive moves toward (obeying timers and status).
Sequence Row Transition Delay is the time the selector does not make any staging when switching sequence
row control from true to false.
Note: This timer is ignored if System Enabled becomes False.
The chiller selector also includes Low Load input and Low Load Delay. At very low building loads, third-party chiller
plant optimization equipment may decide that continuing to run a single chiller is less efficient than running only the
chilled water pumps. If Low Load becomes True while only one chiller is running, Chiller Selector shuts off the chiller,
but keeps the isolation valves open (if present) and keeps the chilled water pumps running. Once Low Load becomes
False again, regular Sequence Row Control resumes.
Note: Low Load Delay is a property of the chiller selector primitive and can be found on the left side under
Engineering Values.

Key Inputs and Parameters (Chiller)

The default values of the inputs and properties of the Chiller Selector and Pump Selector modules ensure safe and
reliable operation of the plant. Use caution when changing any of these values. See Table 21 and the following
sections for more information on these key parameters.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 51

Table 21: Key Inputs and Parameters Overview
Parameter Description
CHW Temperature These values are used to calculate the lift and adjust the plant capacity if the
lift sensitivity was defined for the chillers. For more information, see Chiller
CW Temperature
Lift Sensitivity.
Process Variable Process Variable Input is supplied by a setpoint/miscellaneous module and
determined by Control Scheme. Input Process Variable Units are also
determined by Control Scheme.
For Building Load, the process variable is connected to the Load Filter
For Temperature Differential, the process variable is supplied by the
Supply Return Water Differential module.
For Chiller Load, the building load is determined in the Capacity
Calculation Amp xx module and is filtered in the Load Filter module.
For Decouple Loop Flow, the building load is determined in the Decouple
Flow Loop Determination module.
For more information, see Sequencing Methods.
Upper Percent Load These parameters determine the COP Curves. All chillers use the upper and
optimal percent load values. Each chiller may have its own values. See
Lower Percent Load
Determining Chiller COP for more information.
For variable speed chillers, they may be reset by the Upper and Lower Optimal
Percent Load Reset Module. For more information, see Upper and Lower
Optimal Percent Load Reset.
Hysteresis These parameters are used for determining when to stage up and down and
provide a deadband that provides stability to transitions. When these
Staging Margin
parameters are made smaller, the system reacts much more quickly. For more
Device x Runtime information, see Searching for More Efficient Combinations.
Device x Start Count
Rotate Now Rotate Now causes an immediate re-evaluation of the required devices to
provide the required capacity to meet the current load based on the current
Device Runtime or Start Counts. For more information, see Rotate Now.
Rotation Mode Rotation Mode is based on runtime where the chiller selector attempts to
equalize device Runtime or Start Count to equalize the start count of the
devices, or both.
Derate Now These parameters are used to calculate a reduced capacity of the running
chillers. For more information, see Derating a Chiller.
Derate Reset
Derating Percent
Coast (CHLR Coast) At the end of the day, the Chiller Coast input, when true, allows the chiller's
internal algorithm to stage down chillers using penalties to make certain chillers
appear less efficient and also prevents starting up to add additional devices.

Coast Mode
Coast mode is designed to be used towards the end of the day, when plants are typically shut down. In these cases,
Coast mode can be scheduled for a time period immediately prior to shutdown of the plant to prevent a chiller from
starting up and then shutting down after a short cycle. Typically, Coast mode is scheduled for a period 30 to 60
minutes prior to the shutdown of the plant.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 52

Upper Percent Load
When the a running chiller's Upper Percent Load value is increased, the application stages up at higher percent
loads. For example, if a plant has chillers running with a combined capacity of 400 tons and the Upper Percent Load
is 80%, the application considers staging up when the current load exceeds 320 tons. If the Upper Percent Load
parameter is changed to 95%, the application does not consider staging up until the building load exceeds 380 tons.
Note: In CCT-10, the Upper Optimal Percent Load is an input for both Chiller Selector and Pump Selector, but only
for Chiller Selector is this input unique for each device.

Lower Percent Load

When the a running chiller's Lower Percent Load value is decreased, the application stages down at lower percent
loads. For example, if a plant is running pumps with a combined capacity of 400 gpm and the Lower Percent Load
is 70%, the application considers staging down when the current load reduces less than 280 gpm. If this parameter
is reduced to 55%, the application does not consider staging down until the building load decreases to less than 220
Note: In CCT-10, the Lower Optimal Percent Load is an input for both Chiller Selector and Pump Selector, but only
for Chiller Selector is this input unique for each device.

Hysteresis is the value of an additional efficiency penalty applied before making a change. Larger values increase
the stability of the chiller combination currently operating, while forcing a greater drop in efficiency before making a
switch. The adjusted efficiency of the new combination includes this Hysteresis.

Staging Margin
To help prevent unnecessary staging and instability, the Staging Margin defines areas of the COP curve that indicate
potential alternative chiller combinations. However, the Staging Margin does not directly determine the timing or
direction of the Selector. The Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load points are included in the Staging Margin,
which is applied to both the x-axis (percent load) and the y-axis (COP). The Staging Margin also defines the point
on the curve where each of the identified areas ends. See Stage Up Decision and Stage Down Decision.
Note: Since the Upper Optimal Pct Load is typically closer to 100% than the Lower Optimal Pct Load is to 0%, the
slope of the right-hand side curve is much steeper than the left-hand side slope. Therefore, when the load
is increasing, the system efficiency of the current combination drops faster compared with the slower increase
of efficiency of the new combination, allowing the algorithm to switch to a new stage.

Rotate Now
The Rotate Now feature is meant to immediately force the desired, long-term device combination to change; however,
the actual staging of the device may not occur right away. The selector must first respect its internal timers, such as
the Minimum On/Off Time and the Interstage timers. These timers are meant to protect the equipment from being
staged on and off too frequently. The Rotate Now feature cannot override these timers.
In the case of the Chiller Selector Module, if it has determined there is a change to which devices should be running,
it starts a chiller that should be on before disabling a chiller that is already running. When making the change, the
commanded flows need to be at least as high as the Min Rated flows in order to command the next device On.

Chiller Base Load (Min Required Capacity)

The Chiller Base Load value in units of load. Minimally, the application maintains this amount of rated cooling. We
recommend setting this input value to the desired Chiller capacity multiplied by the optimal percent load (halfway
between the lower and upper optimal percentages). For example, if the average of the Upper and Lower Optimal
Load Percent = 80% and the minimum run conditions are one 100-ton chiller, the value of the Min Required Capacity
is 100 tons x 80% = 80 tons.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 53

Capacity Limit
Capacity limit operates by providing a stable transition when another variable speed chiller is added to the chillers
currently running. This stable transition is completed by temporarily limiting the capacity of the chillers currently
running while the added chiller comes up to speed. The output connects to a variable speed chiller either as a
physical analog input or parameter input for Motor Current Limit Setpoint (Chiller Percent Full Load Amps Limit), by
lowering it to limit the capacity while the new chiller comes up to speed.
Capacity Limit uses the inputs and outputs in Table 22.
Table 22: Capacity Limit Inputs and Outputs
Name Description
Capacity Limit Setup Input that determines how the value for Capacity Limit is calculated, Manual or Automatic.
Capacity Limit Hold Time Input that determines the amount of time the output is limited when Capacity Limit is active. Default:
10 Minutes
Capacity Limit User Input Input that determines the value the chillers are limited to when Capacity Limit is active and the setup
Current Percent Load Chiller Selector output calculated value that represents the percent loading of chillers currently
running. When setup is Automatic, Current Percent Load acts as an input for Capacity Limit.
Capacity Limit Output that serves as the value sent to chiller input Motor Current Limit Setpoint.

When Capacity Limit Setup = Automatic

When adding the first chiller, the output is not limited. When adding an additional chiller, the running chiller's Capacity
Limit output is ramped down from 100% to the Current Percent Load in half the capacity limit hold time, held at that
value for the second half of the capacity limit hold time, and then released back to 100%.
When Capacity Limit Setup = Manual
When adding additional chillers, the running chiller's Capacity Limit Output is stepped down to the Capacity Limit
User Input value, holds it at that value for the entire Capacity Limit Hold Time, and then releases it back to 100%.

Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Chiller)

Table 23 provides additional engineering values that appear in Simulation and Commissioning modes only.
Table 23: Chiller Selector Operational Data
Value Description
Is Stable Specifies whether the Stabilize Timer has expired and the Process Variable can be used to update the
combination of devices. The Stabilize Timer starts when a chiller command output or a chiller status
input changes. A shorter Stabilize Timer (20% of the Stabilization Time) also starts when the CHW
Commanded Flow input changes due to the start or stop of a CHW pump.
Steady Sequence Specifies the row of the sequence table the primitive is moving toward.
Predicted Percent Represents the anticipated percent load based on the device commands.
Predicted Adjusted Represents the predicted COP adjusted for runtime, start counts start/stop, load change, and hysteresis
COP penalties. When Coast is enabled, the chiller selector uses penalties when making the predicted adjusted
COP calculation to make certain chillers appear less efficient.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 54

When viewing outputs in the Chiller Selector module, note that the values for Required Devices and Required Interim
Devices represent which chillers should be commanded on rather than which chillers are commanded on. The
following table describes these outputs.
Table 24: Key Outputs
Output Description
Required Devices Represents the desired steady state set of the chillers commanded on. For example, a value of 5 means
0-0-0-1-0-1, which indicates device 1 and 3 are on, and chillers 2, 4 and above are off.
Required Interim Represents the intermediate chillers requested to run while the chiller selector moves toward the desired
Devices steady state.
Predicted COP Represents the expected capacity weighted coefficient of performance (COP) based on the Required
Devices (steady state device commands).

Configuring the Pump Selector

When the pumps (chilled or condensed water or secondary) are arranged in a headered configuration, the CPO 10
application uses Pump Selector primitives to control each headered circuit to:
maximize the pumping efficiency by choosing the most efficient pump (or combination of pumps) available
minimize the total starts of the devices
attempt to balance runtimes and start counts for the pumps
In general, when enabled, the primitive determines the combination that best meets the requirements and turns on
or off the appropriate pumps in an orderly manner to arrive at the desired combination.
The best combination produces the largest adjusted efficiency. Efficiencies are calculated based on the Device
Efficiency, percent load, Required Capacity and Rated Flow as described in the following section.
Pump Selector modules are listed in the Output Control column with names such as PCHWP Selector (Primary
Chilled Water Pumps), SCHWP Selector (Secondary Chilled Water Pumps) and CWP (Condenser Water Pumps).
You must provide the basic pump information in the Pump Selector Module for it to operate and be reliable. To enter
the information, edit the details of the module. You must complete the table on the left side with pump efficiency and
capacity for the module to be reliable and the application to work. The pump Efficiencies can be the same value. If
one of the pumps is given a higher efficiency, it is considered the preferred device. When all the efficiencies are the
same, the selector looks at them equally, with consideration given to runtime and starts to equalize.

Pump Selector Module Timers

Table 25 provides a list of timers associated with the Pump Selector Module and provides details on how they affect
Table 25: Pump Selector Module Timers
Timer Description Values
Stabilize Time Amount of time to wait after a pump is commanded off or Default: 0.0 minutes
on before evaluating if the current combination of pumps
Minimum: 0 minutes
is meeting the current demand, or if another pump should
be turned on or off. This should reflect the amount of time
it takes for a pump to ramp up its commanded speed, and
the amount of time it takes for the system to recognize a
change to the process variable.
Interstage On Delay Delay after an On command before starting to upstage Default: 0.2 minutes
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 55

Table 25: Pump Selector Module Timers
Timer Description Values
Interstage Off Delay Delay after an Off command before starting to downstage Default: 0.1 minutes
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 10 minutes
MINONTIME (Minimum On The minimum amount of time a pump should be Default: 1 minute
Time) commanded on.
Minimum: 0 minutes
Maximum: 60 minutes
MINOFFTIME (Minimum The minimum amount of time a pump should be Default: 2.0 minute
Off Time) commanded off.
Minimum: 0 minutes
Maximum: 60 minutes
Sequence Row Transition Amount of time the selector does not make any staging Default: 2.0 minutes
Delay decision when switching sequence row control from true to
Minimum: 0.0 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes

Plant Pump Capacity

When the pump configuration is headered, the current pump capacity is calculated based on the Pump Selector
Mode of operation. The following paragraphs explain the calculations.
Control Mode = Constant Speed:The Chiller Selector primitive sends the Pump Selector primitive the Required
Capacity. The Pump Selector compares this Required Capacity with the various combinations available. The primitive
then determines the combination of pumps that provides this flow at the highest adjusted efficiency. The flow provided
by the chosen pumps is greater than the Required Capacity, and the percent load is defined as the Required Capacity
over the rated capacity of the On devices (Device nn Status = On).
Control Mode = Variable Speed:The application routes the speed of the currently operating pumps (for single
value, all pumps run at the same speed) to the Pump Selector primitive. The required flow (current load) can be
determined based on the affinity law of the pumps, which states that the current flow produced by a pump is directly
proportional to its speed.
Similar to the Constant Speed Mode, this required flow is then used to compare the various combination options
available. The primitive determines the combination of pumps that provides this flow at the highest adjusted efficiency.
The new combination, which is based off individual pump efficiencies, obeys the rules regarding valid device
combinations, and provides the highest adjusted efficiency.
Table 26 shows the pump capacity control schemes for the choices in the CCT selection wizard.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 56

Table 26: Supported Piping Configurations
CCT Selection Pump Control
Piping Selection Pump Type Speed Selection Pump Selector Control Pump Capacity Control
Headered Piping Primary CHW Pumps Variable Speed Variable Speed Pumps added when
PID% > Upper Limit
Pumps removed
when PID% < Lower
Pump Selector
cannot add more
capacity than CHW
Max Flow
Pump Selector
cannot shed more
capacity than CHW
Min Flow
Constant Speed Constant Speed Pumps Selector
adds/sheds capacity
to match Chiller
Selector Required
Condenser Water Variable Speed Variable Speed Pumps added when
Pumps PID% > Upper Limit
Pumps removed
when PID% < Lower
Constant Speed Constant Speed Pumps Selector
adds/sheds capacity
to match Chiller
Selector Required
Secondary CHW Pumps Variable Speed Variable Speed Pumps added when
PID% > Upper Limit
Pumps removed
when PID% < Lower
Pump Selector
cannot add more
capacity than CHW
Max Flow
Pump Selector
cannot shed more
capacity than CHW
Min Flow

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 57

Table 26: Supported Piping Configurations
CCT Selection Pump Control
Dedicated Piping Primary CHW Pumps Variable Speed None Chiller Selector adds
or sheds pumps with
Constant Speed
Condenser Water Variable Speed
Constant Speed

Pump Selector Details

To provide efficient operation, the rated capacity and peak efficiency of each pump is required. The user enters this
information during CCT configuration. After following the CCT tree selection process, edit the Details of the Pump
Selector primitive. In the CCT canvas, under Output Control, search and double-click (or right-click and select View
Details) the corresponding Pump Selector # primitive, where # is the number of chillers of the plant. Since the Pump
Selector primitive is used to control the chilled water primary and secondary pumps, as well as the condenser water
loops, look for the following names:
PCHWP Selector Number - (primary chilled water pump selector)
SCHWP Selector Number - (secondary chilled water pump selector)
CWP Selector Number - (condenser water pump selector)
Open the corresponding Details page and enter the required values. Figure 49 shows an example of the pump
selector used to control four primary chilled water pump systems.
Figure 49: Pump Selector Used to Control Four Primary Chilled Water Pump System

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 58

Sequence Table Parameters (Pump Selector)
The Sequence Row Control, Sequence Row, and Sequence Row Transition Delay parameters are used when a
specific row of the sequence table should be used to determine which pumps should be enabled instead of being
determined by the pump selector primitive. This sequence table is used to integrate the pump selector with other
third-party chiller plant optimization equipment, such as equipment from Optimum Energy (CPO30). The Pump
selector and the third-party equipment should have identical sequence tables, which ensures both request the same
desired combination of devices.
Note the following in regard to these parameters:
When Sequence Row Control true, the pumps enabled are determined by the parameter Sequence Row.
Sequence Row is the sequence table row the primitive moves toward (obeying timers and status).
Sequence Row Transition Delay is the time the selector does not make any staging.
Note: This timer is ignored if System Enabled becomes False.

Key Inputs and Parameters (Pump)

The default values of the inputs and properties of the Pump Selector module ensure safe and reliable operation of
the plant. Use caution when changing any of these values. The following table explains the effect that some of the
key parameters have in the performance of these primitives and the application.
Table 27: Key Inputs and Parameters for the Pump Selector
Parameter Description
PCHWP Upper Pct Load (Upper Percent Load) These parameters determine the Pump COP Curves. All pumps
share the same pump curve. Much like the chiller selector, the
PCHWP Lower Pct Load (Lower Percent Load)
Pump Selector module chooses the most efficient pump or
combination of pumps to meet the flow requirements. The exact
names are similar to those shown here for the Primary Chilled
Water Pumps in the PCHWP Selector, depending on the Pump
Selector module.
PCHWP Base Load (Minimum Required Capacity) Defines the minimum flow the system needs to maintain.
Maximum Flow Defines the maximum limit of the pumping capacity that can be
turned on.
Input Hysteresis These parameters are used for determining to stage pumps up
and down and provide a deadband that provides stability to the
Input Staging Margin
transitions. When the staging margin and hysteresis parameters
Input Device x Runtime are made smaller, the system reacts much more quickly. For
more information, see Searching for More Efficient
Input Device x Start Count Combinations.
Rotate Now Rotate Now causes an immediate re-evaluation of the required
devices to provide the required capacity to meet the current
load based on the current Device Runtime or Start Counts. For
more information, see Rotate Now.
Rotation Mode Rotation Mode is based on runtime where the pump selector
attempts to equalize device Runtime or Start Count to equalize
the start count of the devices, or both.

Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Pump)

Table 28 provides additional engineering values that appear in Simulation and Commissioning modes only.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 59

Table 28: Pump Selector Operational Data
Value Description
Is Stable Specifies whether the Stabilize Timer has expired and the selector can use the current process
variable to evaluate whether to stage devices.
Predicted Percent Load Represents the anticipated percent load based on the device commands.
Predicted Efficiency Represents the expected efficiency based on the required devices.
Predicted Adjusted Represents the predicted efficiency adjusted for runtime, start counts start/stop, load change,
Efficiency and hysteresis penalties.

When viewing outputs in the Pump Selector module, note that the values for Required Devices and Required Interim
Devices represent which pumps should be commanded on rather than which pumps are commanded on. The
following table describes these outputs.
Table 29: Key Outputs
Output Description
Required Devices Represents the desired steady state set of the pumps commanded on. For example, a value of 5
means 0-0-0-1-0-1, which indicates device 1 and 3 are on, and pumps 2, 4 and above are off.
Required Interim Represents the intermediate pumps requested to run while the pump selector moves toward the
Devices desired steady state.

Configuring the Cooling Tower Selector

Figure 50: Tower Selector Used to Control Two Towers

The Cooling Tower Selector module is always included. You must provide basic tower information in the Tower
Selector module in order for it to operate and be reliable. To enter the information, edit the details of the module.
You must complete the table on the left side with Rated Capacity, Rated Current/Power, and Peak Efficiency in order
for the module to be reliable and the application to work. The tower efficiencies can be the same value. If one of the
towers is given a higher efficiency, it is considered the preferred device. When all the efficiencies are the same, the
selector looks at them equally, with consideration give to capacity, runtime, and starts to equalize.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 60

The Cooling Tower Selector primitive must be configured or the system does not operate. In the CCT canvas, under
Output Control, search for and double-click (or right-click and select Details View) the Cooling Tower Selector #
primitive, where # is the number of cooling towers of the plant. Figure 50 shows an example of the cooling tower
selector used to control two cooling towers. Click the Edit button and enter the Rated Capacity, Rated Current/Power,
and Peak Efficiency for each cooling tower. Current/Power Units may also be edited in this view. Click Apply and
Close before exiting the Details View.

Sequence Table Parameters (Tower)

The Sequence Row Control, Sequence Row, and Sequence Row Transition Delay parameters are used when a
specific row of the sequence table should be used to determine which Towers should be enabled instead of being
determined by the Tower selector primitive. The sequence table is used to integrate the Tower selector with other
third-party chiller plant optimization equipment, such as equipment from Optimum Energy (CPO30). The Tower
selector and the third-party equipment should have identical sequence tables, which ensures both request the same
desired combination of devices.
Note the following in regard to these parameters:
When Sequence Row Control is true, the Tower enabled is determined by the parameter Sequence Row.
Sequence Row is the sequence table row the primitive moves toward (obeying timers and status).
Sequence Row Transition Delay is the time the selector does not make any staging.
Note: This timer is ignored if System Enabled becomes False.
When the low load input is true, the only operating chiller is commanded off to provide chilled water more efficiently.
If more than one chiller is running, this input is ignored. After the last chiller running is off, the chiller selector waits
1 minute (adjustable with the Low Load Delay Property in the Chiller Selector) and then stops the condenser pumps
and cooling tower fans, but keeps the valves open. The chilled water pumps continue to run.
When this input changes to false, regular sequence row control operation resumes.

Key Inputs and Parameters (Tower)

The default values of the inputs and properties of the Cooling Tower Selector module ensure safe and reliable
operation of the plant. Use caution when changing any of these values. The following table explains the effect that
some of the key parameters have in the performance of these primitives and the application.
Table 30: Key Input and Parameters for the Cooling Tower Selector
Parameter Description
CW Commanded Flow Supplied by the CW Selector and used with the flows defined in the Device Information table.
The tower selector does not start a tower unless it has the flow required to support it.
Rotate Now Rotate Now causes an immediate re-evaluation of the required devices to provide the required
capacity to meet the current load based on the current Device Runtime or Start Counts. For
more information, see Rotate Now.
Rotation Mode Rotation Mode is based on runtime where the tower selector attempts to equalize device
Runtime or Start Count to equalize the start count of the devices, or both.

Cooling Tower Timers

Table 31 provides descriptions of the Cooling Tower timers.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 61

Table 31: Cooling Tower Timers
Property/Input Description Values
Iso Valve Stroke Time Stroke time of the isolation valve. Default: 25 seconds
This delays turning on the device or
Minimum: 0 seconds
turning off the device.
Maximum: 120 seconds
CT-MINOFFTIME (Minimum Off Minimum amount of time a device Default: 1 minute
Time) should be commanded off.
Minimum: 0 minutes
Maximum: 60 minutes
CT-MINONTIME (Minimum On Minimum amount of time a device Default: 1 minute
Time) should be commanded on.
Minimum: 0 minutes
Maximum: 60 minutes
Interstage On Delay Delay after an On command before Default: 0.5 minutes
starting to upstage again.
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes
Interstage Off Delay Delay after and Off command before Default: 0.1 minutes
starting to downstage again.
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 10 minutes
Sequence Row Transition Delay Amount of time the selector does Default: 1.0 minutes
not make any staging decision when
Minimum: 0.0 minutes
switching sequence row control from
true to false. Maximum: 120 minutes

Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Tower)

Table 32 provides additional engineering values that appear in Simulation and Commissioning modes only.
Table 32: Tower Selector Operational Data
Value Description
Predicted Efficiency Represents the expected efficiency based on the required devices.
Predicted Adjusted Efficiency Represents the predicted efficiency adjusted for runtime, start counts start/stop, load change,
and hysteresis penalties.

When viewing outputs in the Cooling Tower Selector module, note that the values for Required Devices and Required
Interim Devices represent which devices should be commanded on rather than which devices are commanded on.
The following table describes these outputs.
Table 33: Key Outputs
Output Description
Required Devices Represents the desired steady state set of the devices commanded on. For example, a
value of 5 means 0-0-0-1-0-1, which indicates device 1 and 3 are on, and devices 2, 4 and
above are off.
Required Interim Devices Represents the intermediate devices requested to run while the selector moves toward the
desired steady state.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 62

Configuring the Waterside Economizer Suitability
The key parameters for setting up waterside economizer cooling are listed in Table 34. For information on setting
up the heat exchanger, see Configuring the Heat Exchanger.
Table 34: Waterside Economizer Cooling Setup Parameters
Parameter Description
ECON EN STPT Economizer Enable Setpoint. See Setting the Economizer
Enable Setpoint.
ECON CW-SP Economizer Condenser Water Temperature Setpoint. See
Setting the Economizer Condenser Water Temperature Setpoint.
ECON CH-SP Economizer Chilled Water Temperature Setpoint.
CWT-CHLRSTPT Condenser Water Chiller Start Setpoint: condenser water temp
required before starting the chiller.

Waterside Economizer Sequencer

The Waterside Economizer Sequencer module is designed to automatically switch the central plant between chiller
(mechanical) cooling and waterside economizer cooling with minimal disturbance to flows and to the chilled water
supply temperature. The module uses a finite state machine to accomplish transitions between nine possible states
listed in the following table.
Table 35: Waterside Economizer Sequencer Module States
State Description
Off The system is disabled. All devices are off.
Chiller Control Chillers are controlled to provide chilled water to the building.
Stop Chillers Chillers are disabled prior to initiating waterside economizer cooling with heat
Start Hx Waterside economizer cooling is initiated. Cooling towers are run at maximum speed
to bring the condenser water temperature down to meet the Economizer CWS-T Setpoint
as quickly as possible.
Hx Control Heat exchangers are controlled to provide chilled water to the building. Cooling towers
are modulated to control the CWS-T to the Economizer CWS-T Setpoint and the Heat
Exchanger Selector stages heat exchangers to meet the building load.
CHWS-T Timing Waiting state. Heat Exchangers are in control, but the CHWS-T has risen above the
Economizer CHW-Tsp plus Differential, which indicates a transition back to chiller
control may be possible due to an increase in building load.
Warm CW-T Precursor state to return to chiller control. Flows are directed through the heat
exchangers, but cooling towers are turned off and fully bypassed to allow the CWS-T
to warm up to an acceptable chiller startup temperature as quickly as possible.
Start Chillers Chillers are started. Time in this state is brief because this state is exited as soon as
chiller status is True.
Stop Hx Heat exchangers are disabled. Heat exchanger isolation valves are closed. Time in
this state is brief because this state is exited as soon as Hx status is False.

Waterside Economizer Suitability

The Waterside Economizer Suitability module provides four different options for determining when waterside
economizer cooling is suitable. The module design is such that the control option it uses depends on what is connected
to the inputs. If only the OAT is connected, it uses Dry Bulb. If the RH is connected and reliable, it uses Wet Bulb.
If Building Load is connected, it uses one of the methods that includes plus Building Load.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 63

Dry Bulb Temperature
Waterside economizer cooling is suitable when the outside air dry bulb temperature drops below an adjustable Econ
Enable Spt (default = 50 F/10 C). Economizer cooling becomes unsuitable when the outside air dry bulb temperature
rises above the Econ Enable Spt plus an adjustable Differential (default = 2 F/1 C).

Dry Bulb Temperature Plus Building Load

Waterside economizer cooling is suitable when the outside air dry bulb temperature drops below an adjustable Econ
Enable Spt (default = 50F/10C) and the current building load is equal to or less than the available heat exchanger
capacity. Economizer cooling becomes unsuitable when the outside air dry bulb temperature rises above the Econ
Enable Spt plus an adjustable Differential (default = 2F/1C), or if the current building load becomes greater than
the available heat exchanger capacity plus an adjustable Load Margin (default = 5.7 T/20 kW).

Wet Bulb Temperature

Waterside economizer cooling is suitable when the outside air wet bulb temperature drops below an adjustable Econ
Enable Spt (default = 50F/10C). Economizer cooling becomes unsuitable when the outside air wet bulb temperature
rises above the Econ Enable Spt plus an adjustable Differential (default = 2F/1C).

Wet Bulb Temperature Plus Building Load

Waterside economizer cooling is suitable when the outside air wet bulb temperature drops below an adjustable Econ
Enable Spt (default = 50F/10C) and the current building load is equal to or less than the available heat exchanger
capacity. Economizer cooling becomes unsuitable when the outside air wet bulb temperature rises above the Econ
Enable Spt plus an adjustable Differential (default = 2F/1C), or if the current building load becomes greater than
the available heat exchanger capacity plus an adjustable Load Margin (default = 5.7T/20 kW).

Setting the Economizer Enable Setpoint

The Econ Enable Spt is selected so that economizer cooling is enabled whenever outdoor conditions make it possible
to achieve the Econ CHWS-T Spt with the Heat Exchanger/Cooling Tower System available.
This scenario occurs whenever:
OAT (Wet Bulb) < Econ CHWS-T Spt - (cooling tower approach + heat exchanger approach)
For example, if the cooling tower approach is 7F, and the heat exchanger approach is 3F, then the Econ CHWS-T
Spt of 55F can be achieved whenever:
OAT (Wet Bulb) < 55F - (7F + 3F) = 45F
Therefore, it is reasonable to set the Econ Enable Spt to 45F. If waterside economizer suitability is based on dry
bulb instead of wet bulb temperature, the Econ Enable Spt could actually be set higher, since the wet bulb temperature
is lower than the dry bulb temperature, more so at lower relative humidity. For example, a 54F dry bulb temperature
with 50% RH results in a wet bulb temperature of 45F (assuming sea level elevation).

Setting the Economizer Condenser Water Temperature Setpoint

The Econ CWS-T Spt should be set so that the condenser water supplied by the cooling tower to the heat exchanger
makes it possible to achieve the Econ CHWS-T Setpoint. For example, if its desired to supply 55F chilled water to
the building during waterside economizer cooling and the heat exchanger approach is a typical 3F, then the Econ
CWS-T Spt can be determined from:
Econ CWS-T Spt = Econ CHWS-T Spt - heat exchanger approach, or
Econ CWS-T Spt = 55F - 3F = 52F

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 64

Configuring the Heat Exchanger
The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive provides the logic for sequencing a bank of up to four heat exchangers. The
primitive provides individual outputs for the equipment required by each heat exchanger, including isolation valves,
pumps, and cooling towers (as necessary). The primitive works in concert with the Pump and Tower Selector
primitives to provide proper sequencing and timing.
The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive is designed to help maximize the chiller plant's operating efficiency while
minimizing total starts and attempting to balance run times for the devices involved. The user can control the Rotation
method by reducing the devices' internally rated efficiency based on run time imbalance.
The primitive supports three modes of operation.
Building Load - The cooling load is directly represented by the value of the Process Variable input. Typically,
this is provided (by a separate module in the application) as some product of delta T, Heat Capacity, and Flow.
Flow Differential - Only for systems with primary constant speed pumps. The cooling load can be determined
based on the measured flow differential that is input on the Process Variable. For this calculation, the users also
needs to know the actual chilled water flow as the CHW Commanded Flow input.
Temperature Differential - Only for primary constant speed pumps. The cooling load can be determined based
on the measured temperature differential that is input on the Process Variable. For this calculation, the users
also needs to know the actual chilled water flow as the CHW Commanded Flow input and the maximum rated
temperature drop across the devices.
The user can optionally designate a device type for groups of devices and indicate the desired staging or sequencing.
The desired sequencing is specified as a Sequence Table. Basically, this table defines which combinations of devices
can be used.
This primitive is used within a Control Sequence. The Heat Exchanger Selector primitive can only exist within a
Control Sequence or Control Activity within a Control Sequence. For this release, a maximum of four devices are
You must provide the basic heat exchanger information in the Heat Exchanger Selector Module for it to operate and
be reliable. To enter the information, edit the details of the module. There is a table on the left side that must be
completed with heat exchanger capacities and flows for the module to be reliable and the application to work. Use
Figure 51 and Table 36 to configure the settings for your heat exchanger. For most settings, use the parameters
supplied by the manufacturer. If the manufacturer has not provided settings, use the recommended settings found
in Table 36.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 65

Figure 51: Heat Exchanger Selector

Table 36: Heat Exchanger Selector Device Information Table Parameters

Parameter Description Calculation

Rated Rated capacity in Tons/kW.

Rated CW Rated condenser water flow (flow on the cooling tower side of the Rated CW Flow = 3.0 x Rated Capacity
Flow heat exchanger) in gpm or L/s.
Rated CHW Rated chilled water flow (flow on the building load side of the heat Rated CHW Flow = 2.4 x Rated Capacity
Flow exchanger) in gpm or L/s.
CHW Max Rated maximum chilled water flow (flow on the building load side of CHW Max Flow = Rated CHW Flow x
Flow the heat exchanger) in gpm or L/s. 1.20

CW Min Flow Rated minimum condenser water flow (flow on the cooling tower side CW Min Flow = Rated CW Flow x 0.803
of the heat exchanger) in gpm or L/s.
CHW Min Flow Rated minimum chilled water flow (flow on the building side of the CHW Min Flow = Rated CHW Flow x 0.30
heat exchanger) in gpm or L/s.

1 Calculate values only if the manufacturer has not provided these settings.
2 For systems with multiple parallel (headered) primary or secondary chilled water pumps, this parameter must be set to a
non-zero value greater than the CHW Flow. Failure to do so may result in only one chilled water pump operating per heat
exchanger (additional pumps do not stage up).
3 For systems with dedicated heat exchangers with variable speed condenser water pumps, this parameter must be set to a
non-zero value. Failure to do so may prevent the condenser water pumps from speeding up (the condenser water pumps
may remain at minimum speed).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 66

Sequence Table Parameters (Hx)
The Sequence Row Control, Sequence Row, and Sequence Row Transition Delay parameters are used when a
specific row of the sequence table should be used to determine which Heat Exchangers should be enabled instead
of being determined by the Heat Exchanger selector primitive. The sequence table is used to integrate the Heat
Exchanger selector with other third-party chiller plant optimization equipment, such as equipment from Optimum
Energy (CPO30). The Heat Exchanger selector and the third-party equipment should have identical sequence tables,
which ensures both request the same desired combination of devices.
Note the following in regard to these parameters:
When Sequence Row Control true, the Heat Exchanger enabled is determined by the parameter Sequence Row.
Sequence Row is the sequence table row the primitive moves toward (obeying timers and status).
Sequence Row Transition Delay is the time the selector does not make any staging.
Note: This timer is ignored if System Enabled becomes False.

Key Inputs and Parameters (Hx)

The default values of the inputs/properties of the Heat Exchanger module ensure safe and reliable operation of the
plant. Use caution when changing any of these values. The following table explains the effect that some of the key
parameters have in the performance of these primitives and the application.
Table 37: Key Input and Parameters for the Heat Exchanger
Parameter Description
HX Base Load (Minimum Required Capacity) Defines the minimum load the system needs to maintain.
Process Variable Process Variable Input is supplied by a setpoint/miscellaneous module
and determined by Control Scheme. Input Process Variable Units are
also determined by sequencing methods.
For Building Load, the process variable is the building cooling load.
Devices are selected to meet the current building load based on their
capacity. The current Percent Load is the percentage of the current
building load to the total of the devices commanded on.
For Temperature Differential (used with primary chilled water
constant speed pumps), this method measures the difference
between the chilled water supply and return temperatures, and
compares the rated temperature drop of the heat exchangers, as
defined by the Max Delta CHWT.
For Flow Differential (used with primary chilled water constant speed
pumps), the building cooling load is determined based on measured
flow differential between the primary chilled water loop and the
secondary chilled water loop, which is also the flow in the crossover
decoupler pipe.
A positive value indicates the flow is greater in the primary loop
than the secondary loop; a negative value indicates the flow is less
in the primary loop than the secondary loop.
The selector tries to maintain this value close to zero, which means
that the plant capacity matches the building load and operates most
For more information, see Sequencing Methods.
CW Commanded Flow These input parameters come from the CW Selector, PCHWP Selector,
and Tower Selector and are used with the Flows defined in the Device
CHW Commanded Flow
Information Table. The heat exchanger selector does not start a heat
Tower Commanded Flow exchanger unless it has the flow required to support it.

Tower Available Flow

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 67

Table 37: Key Input and Parameters for the Heat Exchanger
Parameter Description
Required CW Flow These parameters are outputs from the Hx Selector to the CW Selector,
PCHWP Selector, and Tower Selector and are determined from the Flows
Min CW Flow Setpoint
defined in the Device Information Table.
Required CHW Flow
Min CHW Flow Setpoint
Max CHW Flow
Required Tower Flow
Rotate Now Rotate Now causes an immediate re-evaluation of the required devices
to provide the required capacity to meet the current load based on the
current Device Runtime or Start Counts. For more information, see Rotate
Rotation Mode Rotation Mode is based on runtime where the chiller selector attempts
to equalize device Runtime or Start Count to equalize the start count of
the devices, or both.

Heat Exchanger Timers

The following table provides descriptions of the heat exchanger timers.
Table 38: Heat Exchanger Timers
Property Description Values
HX START DELAY (System Start Amount of time after the System Default: 0 minutes
Delay) Enabled input changes from False
Minimum: 0 minutes
to True before the selector
considers the sequencing of Maximum: 120 minutes
additional heat exchangers. The
minimum load is maintained during
this time to allow the chilled water
and condenser water pumps to
operate. This time is typically longer
than the Stabilize Time to allow the
system to achieve steady state after
not being on for some time, such as
the start of the cooling season. This
time gives the system an
opportunity to move the water and
make the water temperature more
Stabilize Time Amount of time to wait after a device Default: 15 minutes
is commanded off or on before
Minimum: 1 minute
evaluating if the current combination
of devices is meeting the current Maximum: 120 minutes
demand, or if another device should
be turned on or off. This should
reflect the amount of time it takes
for the system to recognize a
change to the process variable.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 68

Table 38: Heat Exchanger Timers
Property Description Values
Sequence Row Transition Delay Amount of time the selector does Default: 1 minutes
not make any staging decision when
Minimum: 0 minute
switching sequence row control from
true to false. Maximum: 120 minutes
Iso Valve Stroke Time Stroke time of the isolation valve. Default: 15 seconds
This delays turning on the device or
Minimum: 0 seconds
turning off the device.
Maximum: 180 seconds
HX-MINOFFTIME (Minimum Off Minimum amount of time a device Default: 10 minutes
Time) should be commanded off.
Minimum: 1 minute
Maximum: 120 minutes
HX-MINONTIME (Minimum On Minimum amount of time a device Default: 10 minutes
Time) should be commanded on.
Minimum: 1 minute
Maximum: 120 minutes
Pump Delay Longest time required for the pump Default: 15 seconds
to stop when commanded to stop,
Minimum: 0 seconds
or the time to speed up when
commanded to start. Maximum: 120 seconds
PUMP DWN TIME Amount of time the CW and CHW Default: 0 minutes
pumps should run after a heat
Minimum: 0 minute
exchanger is commanded off.
Maximum: 120 minutes
1 Delay after an On command before Default: 15 minutes
Interstage On Delay
starting to upstage again.
Minimum: 1.0 minutes
Maximum: 120 minutes
1 Delay after an Off command before Default: 0.1 minutes
Interstage Off Delay
starting to downstage again.
Minimum: 0.1 minutes
Maximum: 10 minutes

1 This property is found in the Engineering Values section, under the Device Information Table.
2 This property cannot be edited.

Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Hx)

Table 39 provides additional engineering values that appear in Simulation and Commissioning modes only.
Table 39: Heat Exchanger Operational Data
Value Description
Is Stable Specifies whether the Stabilize Timer has expired and the Process Variable can be used to
update the combination of devices. The Stabilize Timer starts when a heat exchanger command
output or a chiller status input changes. A shorter Stabilize Timer (20% of the Stabilization
Time) also starts when the CHW Commanded Flow input changes due to the start or stop of
a CHW pump.
Steady Sequence Row Specifies the row of the sequence table the primitive is moving toward.
Predicted Percent Load Represents the anticipated percent load based on the device commands.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 69

When viewing outputs in the Heat Exchanger module, note that the values for Required Devices and Required
Interim Devices represent which devices should be commanded on rather than which devices are commanded on.
The following table describes these outputs.
Table 40: Key Outputs
Output Description
Required Devices Represents the desired steady state set of the devices commanded on. For example, a
value of 5 means 0-0-0-1-0-1, which indicates device 1 and 3 are on, and devices 2, 4 and
above are off.
Required Interim Devices Represents the intermediate devices requested to run while the selector moves toward the
desired steady state.

Pressure and Temperature Control

Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Minimum Flow Control

In a variable flow primary system, the control application has a pressure control loop which modulates the pump
speed to control the dP of the chilled water loop, and a flow control loop which modulates a bypass valve to control
the minimum flow through the chiller evaporators. These two loops are tightly coupled since a change in pump speed
affects flow through the bypass valve and a change in bypass valve flow changes the building chilled water dP.
Due to this tight coupling between the two loops, they must run at different periods. The CPO 10 application sets
the Process Time Constant for the pressure loop to 6 seconds, making its period equal to 1 second (Period = Time
Constant / 6), and the Min Flow loop Time Constant default value is 60 seconds, making its period equal to 10
seconds. Since these periods are user defined, the standard tuning inputs on the PID-preprocessors are set to false.
The PID-preprocessor still calculates the Minimum Tune Band. Another consideration for the Chilled Water Flow
Minimum Flow Control loop(found in the VF Primary Min Flow Control module) is the process range. This value
should be set to the sum of the chiller minimum flows, which is also the size of the decoupler.
In some chiller plant applications, the bypass valve is equipped with a pneumatic actuator with a short stroke time.
A Rate Limiter is included in the module so the speed of the pneumatic actuator can be reduced to an acceptable

Chilled Water Pump Differential Pressure Control

Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Pumps

As noted in the Variable Speed Primary Chilled Water Minimum Flow Control section, when the system uses variable
speed primary chilled water pumps, the differential pressure control loop is tightly coupled to the minimum flow
control loop. Exercise care when modifying the Process Time Constant.
When the system uses secondary (variable speed) chilled water pumps, the CPO 10 application uses a standard
sideloop module that does not require modification of the Process Time Constant. In this case, the module has a
Process ID input with the default value set to Differential Pressure.
Notice that the Pump Selector module (used to sequence the pumps) uses the differential pressure loop PID present
value as its process variable to add or remove pumps.
During the plant startup the building may be warm while the first chillers are commanded on line. The differential
pressure loop calls for increased flow to maintain the setpoint. The pump selector has a Maximum Flow input set
by the chiller selector according to the number of chillers turned on. This strategy works elegantly to avoid staging
up to the last pump unnecessarily (remember only one chiller is on). This design starts the first pumps at full speed,
no new pumps are turned on, and the building dP does not meet its setpoint.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 70

Note: For a Primary/Secondary system, the CHW Max Flow for each chiller should be set to the Max Flow for the
secondary pumps. In this configuration, the connection between the Max CHW Flow output of the chiller
selector and the Maximum Flow input of the SCHWP selector serves the purpose of setting the upper bound
of how much pumping the SCHWP selector can command. The SCHWP selector's Process Variable is a
percent command (for the variable speed pumps). Without the Maximum Flow input, it would be possible for
a rise in the Process Variable to cause the selector to command on every pump before the pressure dynamics
in the system could react and decrease the percent command feeding the Process Variable. The CHW Max
Flow value in the Device Info Table of the chiller selector sets the maximum variable speed pumping that
can be commanded for each individual chiller. This prevents the possibility of over-pumping the variable
speed pumps.

Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset

You can reset the variable speed primary chilled water pump dP setpoint based on one of two methods, reset by
building dP or reset by coil position. When reset is based on building dP, the pump dP setpoint incrementally increases
(stage up) if the building dP is below the building dP setpoint minus deadband (default = 2 psi), and incrementally
decreases (stage down) if the building dP is above that setpoint plus deadband. When reset is based on chilled
water coil valve position, a number of valve positions (default of four) are monitored and a statistical algorithm is
applied to determine if the pump dP setpoint is incrementally increased (stage up), decreased (stage down), or held
at its present value.
The incremental stage up and stage down thresholds should be set to values that are proportionate to the expected
operating point of the dP across the building. The default values of 3 psi and 2 psi for the incremental increase and
decrease thresholds respectively, are appropriate for a building dP of 20 psi. As a rule of thumb, the increase and
decrease thresholds should be approximately 10% of the building dP operating point.
Set the minimum differential setpoint to a value that is large enough so that the fully open bypass valve meets all
the minimum flow requirements when the building pressure is at the minimum differential setpoint:
Figure 52: Minimum Differential Point Equation

where dPmin is the minimum differential pressure setpoint, flowmin is the largest minimum flow requirement (all chillers)
and CV is the flow coefficient of the bypass valve (when open).
The pump dP setpoint is not reset to a value that exceeds the maximum dP setpoint (default = 40 psi).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 71

Figure 53: Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset by Building Differential Setpoint

Constant Speed Primary with No Secondary Pumps

In this configuration, the Chiller Selector module requests from the Pump Selector Module, the total amount of flow
required by the chillers commanded on; for example, the sum of the Rated Chilled Water Flow properties of the
chillers currently commanded on. The pump selector decides (according to runtimes, starts counts, and other values)
which pumps must turn on to fulfill the flow request.
At any given time, the building may not be using all the provided flow; therefore, a building dP control is necessary.
A PID loop maintains the setpoint by regulating the bypass valve.

Condenser Water Temperature Control

The CPO 10 selection tree allows the user to use (or not use) cooling towers and the condenser water bypass valve.
Both options are explained in the following sections.

Bypass Valve Only; River or Lake Water Cooling

Use this option if the plant can use a natural cold water source to remove the waste heat from the chillers. This
method uses a bypass valve to maintain the condenser water temperature setpoint until the valve fully closes (to
the bypass). At this point, the water source temperature is at or above the condenser water temperature setpoint.

Cooling Towers Only

This choice is appropriate for hot and humid climates, where the ambient wet-bulb temperature never (or very seldom)
drops below the condenser water temperature setpoint. For these applications, the condenser water is expected to
run through the cooling towers any time the chillers are operational.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 72

Cooling Towers with Bypass Valve
This choice is appropriate in moderate to cold climates, where the returning water from the cooling towers may be
below the condenser water temperature setpoint. Due to the chillers manufacturer requirements, you may need to
maintain the condenser water temperature above a minimum value. The bypass valve ensures that the minimum
temperature setpoint is maintained.

Towers with Single Speed Fans

During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.

Towers with Multiple Speeds

During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.
As the condenser water temperature increases (requiring more cooling from the towers), the operating towers are
commanded one at a time, to the next higher speed until all the towers reach this second speed. If more cooling is
required, the application continues to command the operating towers to successively higher speeds, until all the
towers are running at the highest speed. The following figure explains how eight three-speed towers are staged.
This strategy is the most energy efficient, since the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.
Figure 54: Staging Eight Three-Speed Towers

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 73

Towers with Variable Speed Fans
During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded
Flow. Typically, this is one tower for each condenser water pump. The controlling PID stages tower fans as needed.
As the condenser water temperature increases (more cooling is required from the towers), all towers are modulated
by a single PID to maintain the cooling tower temperature setpoint. This strategy is the most energy efficient, since
the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.
Two different strategies are available for controlling cooling towers with variable speed fans: Closed Loop (PID)
Control or Open Loop Control.

Closed Loop (PID) Control

During normal operation, the CPO 10 application first modulates the bypass valve to maintain the condenser water
temperature setpoint. When the controlling PID saturates high (valve fully closed to the bypass), the cooling tower
sequencer starts turning on the towers one at a time, at minimum speed, until all towers are commanded on. As the
condenser water temperature increases (more cooling is required from the towers), all towers are modulated by a
single PID to maintain the condenser water temperature setpoint. This strategy maximizes energy efficiency, since
the fan power consumption increases with the cube of its speed.

Open Loop Control

Note: To use this control strategy you must select the ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control in the System Selector
Tool. If you do not select this option, the Closed Loop strategy is used.
Three control modules are involved in open loop control. CW Bypass Valve Control modulates the Cooling Tower
Valve output CTV-O command to maintain the Condenser Water Supply Temperature (CWS-T) to maintain Condenser
Water temperature setpoint (CW-SP).
Open Loop Tower with Low Limit controls the Cooling Tower Speed Command based on the Current Chiller Plant
Capacity. It contains the Near Optimal Open Loop Tower Control algorithm to provide a single command to all
operating towers. If the condenser water temperature falls below the condenser water temperature setpoint, the
open loop algorithm is overridden and a single PID modulates all operating towers to maintain the condenser water
setpoint. The Open Loop algorithm is used when the condenser water temperature is between the condenser water
temperature setpoint and high limit condenser water temperature setpoint. Similarly, if the condenser water temperature
rises above the high limit condenser water temperature setpoint, the open loop algorithm is overridden and all
operating towers are commanded to 100%.
The Cooling Tower Selector module commands towers on and off based on the CW Commanded Flow. Typically,
this is one tower for each condenser water pump.

Condenser Water Pressure Control

When you have variable speed CW pumps, there are two control loops for the condenser water systemone that
controls the bypass valve and cooling towers to maintain condenser water temperature setpoint, and another that
controls the flow through the chillers.
The Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control module controls the flow through the chillers and has two hybrid
activities that perform two functions:
One control loop maintains condenser water differential pressure setpoint. The differential setpoint should be
enough to get the water to the top of the cooling tower.
The other controls the speed of the pumps to ensure there is enough flow through the chillers that are running
as determined by the minimum flow setpoint value, which is set in the Chiller Selector module by the CW Min
Flow in the Device Info Table.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 74

Alarms and Interlocks
The CPO 10 application provides inputs for device statuses, maintenance switches, lockout switches, alarms, unit
reset, and the logic associated with them.
The following sections describe these functions in more detail.

Maintenance and Lockout Switches

The purpose of the Equipment Interlock primitive is to remove equipment from service when either a maintenance
or lockout switch is set to Disable or a mismatch exists between the Device Status and Command after a delay time
Note: A mismatch is only detected when the Command is on and the Device Status is off. It is not detected when
the Device Status is on and the Command is off, such as when equipment is manually turned on.
Be sure to review the installation Setup, Output Delay, and Lost Status parameters to make sure they are suitable
for a particular installation. For example, the Output Delay should represent the amount of time after commanding
a device that if that device does not give matching status, there may be a mechanical problem. See Troubleshooting.

Both the maintenance switch and the lockout switch inputs indicate the device is offline and unavailable for sequencing.
When the application detects the Maintenance switch is set to Disable, the chiller is removed from rotation. When
the lockout switch is set to Alarm, the pump or cooling tower is removed from rotation. In the selection tree, you can
choose hardware or network lockout and maintenance switches.
Figure 55: Chilled Water Pump Lockout Switch

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 75

In the selection tree, a maintenance switch option is available for chillers. Pumps, towers, and heat exchangers have
a lockout switch option. Figure 56 shows an example of the selections for the chiller maintenance switch. Figure 55
shows an example of the selections for the chilled water pump lockout switch.
Figure 56: Chiller Maintenance Switch

Pumps and towers support several alarm options. The following table shows the various subsystems and their
supported alarms.
Table 41: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Primary Chilled Water Variable Speed Pumps Constant Speed Pumps Yes No
Pump Only Only
Secondary Chilled Yes No Yes No
Water Pump

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 76

Table 41: Supported Alarm Types
Subsystem Alarm Type
Frequency Converter Motor Overload Belt Alarm Vibration
Fault Tripped
Condenser Water Yes Yes Yes No
Cooling Tower Variable Speed Fans Constant Speed Pumps Yes Yes
Only Only

Some alarms are only supported for specific equipment types. For example, the frequency converter fault alarm is
only available for variable speed devices. The motor overload tripped fault alarm is only supported for constant
speed pumps and cooling tower fans. The selection tree provides options to set the alarms as either manual or
automatic reset as shown in Figure 57.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 77

Figure 57: Manual or Automatic Reset Alarms

Using the selections in Figure 57, the resultant application has a variable speed chilled water pump system with
frequency converter alarm, which requires a manual reset, and an automatic reset belt alarm. Automatic reset alarms
clear as soon as the alarm input returns to the normal state. Manual reset alarms are latched so the alarm input
must return to a normal state and the user must reset the latch.

Unit Reset
The application has a unit reset input if any alarms or interlocks require a manual reset. At selection time, the user
has the option to select either a hardware or network input for unit reset.
In Figure 57, the Unit Reset Switch (BI) option is selected for the frequency converter fault, and the resultant application
has a hardware input to reset the alarm. If the Unit Reset Switch (BI) option is not selected, the application has a
network input. It is possible to choose a network input for some features, and a binary input for others.
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 78
The CPO 10 application supports optional status inputs which provide feedback indicating whether the chillers,
isolation valves, pumps, and cooling towers are on or off. In some cases, the status is only monitored. In other cases,
the status can be compared to the command and the device may become locked out if the command and status
mismatch for a user-defined period of time.
Figure 58 shows an example of status selected for the primary chilled water pumps.
The application in Figure 58 has status inputs for the primary chilled water pumps, and the pump status is compared
to the commanded value of the pump. If the status and the command are mismatched for a user-defined period of
time (for example, 30 seconds), the pump is locked out and unavailable for rotation. Figure 59 shows manual restart
selected; therefore, the locked out pump is not available for rotation until the user manually resets the application.
The application also supports an automatic restart mode.
Figure 58: Primary Chilled Water Pump Status

Figure 59 shows Chiller Status selected. With Chiller Status selected, the application has a status input for the chiller,
but the status input is only monitored. Chiller status is not compared to the commanded value.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 79

Figure 59: Chiller Status Options

Automatic Restart
This application also supports an Automatic Restart option for locked out equipment. When you select this option,
the application automatically attempts a user-defined number of restarts at user-defined intervals. If all restart attempts
are unsuccessful, a manual restart is required.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 80

Figure 60: CCT Setup for MUX (Shown in Figure 39)

Blocking Protection
The CPO 10 application has an optional blocking protection feature, which is intended to prevent a motor from seizing
up during long idle periods. The blocking protection function monitors a motor, and if the motor is off for an extended
period of time (such as a week), the blocking protect function commands the motor on for a brief period of time (such
as 30 seconds).

Setup, Delay, and Maintenance Switch Inputs

The Setup Input Modes of Operation table describes the four Setup input modes of operation. The setup determines
what is done with the comparison between the command and status, or if it uses the status. The Additional Inputs
table provides descriptions of the Delay and Maintenance Switch.
Table 42: Setup Input Modes of Operation
Mode of Operation Description
None The device does not have any status input, and the module routes the command through the
primitive to the OffOn output. The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command
and status inputs.
Status The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive does not check for a mismatch between the command and status inputs.
Automatic Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
allows the primitive to correct itself when the mismatch is corrected. The primitive has properties
for the maximum number of retries allowed before user intervention is required; for example,
Reset. It also has a Retry Interval property for setting the time to wait after a retry before
attempting to start the device again.
Manual Restart The device does have status feedback, and the Device Status input is used for the OffOn output.
The primitive checks for a mismatch between the command and status. The primitive disables
the device if the command and status are mismatched longer than the delay times. This mode
requires manual reset to enable the device.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 81

Table 43: Additional Inputs
Input Description
Output Delay The maximum amount of time the status and command may mismatch before the device is
disabled. This forgiveness time is used when a device is turning on or a device is turning off.
Lost Status Delay This input is similar to the Output Delay, but it is used after the device was commanded on,
status was confirmed, but later lost. For Chiller Interlocks, this input may be set to a longer time
than the output delay to allow a chiller to recover from low load recycle without disabling the
chiller, but must be short enough to bring on a new chiller if the chilled water temperature begins
to rise. For Pumps and towers, this time delay should be the same as the Output Delay.
Maintenance Switch This input provides a Binary Input to disable or enable the controlled device.

Operational Data for Simulation and Commissioning (Equipment Interlock)

Table 44 provides additional engineering values that appear in Simulation and Commissioning modes only.
Table 44: Equipment Interlock Operational Data
Value Description
RetryCounter Number of times the device has lost status.

Retry Amount of time to wait before attempting to try the device again.
Retry Retry limit.

1 When RetryCounter is greater than or equal to Retry Attempts, the primitive does not allow any more retries until you set the
Reset input.

Table 45: Key Outputs

Output Description
Off On Displays either the Command or Device Status as determined by the Setup input.
Device Displays True when the device is available and False when the device is not available.
Alarm Displays Normal when the device is enabled and Alarm when the device is disabled due to a mismatch or loss
of status.
Note: In CCT-10, upgraded applications do not BACnet expose the alarm output by default. Make sure that
this attribute is BACnet Exposed to ensure that the Alarm status is mapped to the engine.

Sequence of Operation for Staging Chillers

Once the application decides to stage up or down, the chiller selector primitive starts a defined sequence of operation.
This operation is based on whether:
the system is dedicated or headered
the application is staging up or down
the device to add or remove is the first or the last, as explained in the following paragraphs

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 82

Transition from Actual to the Desired Combination
When staging from the actual to the desired combination, consider the following:
When the new desired combination is different from the Current Combination by more than one change, a
sequence of On and Off commands applies. The commands may not start immediately when the applicable
timers are active.
When a device is turned On, the Interstage On Timer starts and no new device turns on until this timer expires.
When a device is turned Off, the Interstage Off Timer starts and no other device turns off until this timer expires.
During the transition from the actual to the desired combination, the primitive may use combinations of devices
not defined in the sequence table.
Whenever a device changes its mode (on or off), the stabilize timer starts. No attempts to find a new combination
due to changes in the process variable are made until this timer expires.
The sequence of changes apply in a manner that always provides and verifies sufficient capacity prior to removing
any devices. That is, when increasing capacity, the application must turn chillers on before it turns chillers off.
To achieve this requirement, the same logic that determines the best steady state combination to operate is also
used to sequence from the existing conditions to the steady state conditions.
This sequencing occurs with a progression of single on or off commands. The intermediate sequence (or combination
of devices) is chosen using the same logic as described before. This methodology ensures that each sequence in
the transition to the final desired combination of devices is the most efficient and obeys the timing requirements (for
example, interstage delay or pump down delay).

Transition Timing
Figure 61 through Figure 64 show the desired sequence of events after the primitive determines the need to add or
remove chillers. Separate sequences exist for adding the first device and removing the last device. This is done to
avoid dead-heading the pumps. The outputs involved consist of:
CW Isolation Valve/Pump Commands
CHW Isolation Valve/Pump Commands
Required CW Flow, Required CHW Flow (bracketed by the Min and Max values)
Current Percent Load
Device nn Cmd
Capacity Limit
The CW and CHW Max Flows are the sum of the rated flows of the pumps commanded to On. The CW and CHW
Max Flow values are not outputs but internal variables of the primitive.
Headered systems use isolation valves and the pumps are commanded on or off by a dP control module. Dedicated
systems, on the other hand, do not use isolation valves and the pumps are directly commanded by the chiller selector
primitive. Therefore, since the primitive knows (CW Headered/Dedicated property) whether the CW loop is headered
or dedicated, the CW Iso Valve/Pump command behaves accordingly, that is, if it is dedicated, it is a Pump command
and if it is headered it is an Isolation Valve command.
Likewise, since the primitive knows (CHW Headered/Dedicated property) whether the CHW loop is headered or
dedicated, the CHW Iso Valve/Pump command behaves accordingly. That is, if the CHW loop is dedicated, the
CHW loop is a pump command; and if the CHW Iso Valve/Pump command is headered, the CHW Iso Valve/Pump
command is an isolation valve command.
Within the primitive, there are several timers that determine when certain events can occur. The following timers are
shown in the following figures:
InterstageOnTime: Time since the last chiller was commanded on
InterstageOffTime: Time since the need to add or remove 1 chiller was last detected

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 83

InterstagePumpOnTime: Time since the last pump was commanded on
CommandedFlowSatisfiedTime: Time that all of the headered commanded flows have been at least as high
as the Min Rated Flows for the next device combination (commanded flows come from other selectors; if all
dedicated, this timer has no effect)
CommandedZeroFlowSatisfiedTime: Time that the headered pump (not tower) commanded flows have been
zero (commanded flows come from other selectors; if all dedicated, this timer has no effect)
PumpOnTime: Time since the last pump was commanded on
PumpOffTime: Time since the last pump was commanded off
Note: For these examples, assume the InterstageOnDelay and InterstageOffDelay are longer than all other required
delays combined.

Figure 61 depicts the timing for the process of adding the first device. This is applicable to headered or dedicated
piping. The sequence for adding the first device is:
1. The need to start the first chiller has been determined (Add Device = True).
Note: No timers inhibit turning on the first device.
2. The (Headered) Iso Valve output immediately changes to True and the Isolation valve timer starts. For Dedicated
systems this timers duration should be zero. The isolation valve needs to open first to give the starting pump a
clear flow way.
3. When the Isolation valve timer expires and the Headered Tower Cmd Flow becomes greater than zero (signifying
at least one tower valve is completely open), the (Dedicated) Pump command changes to True, the Required
CW Flow, required CHW Flow, and Max CHW outputs are updated and the PumpOnTime (Dedicated) and
CommandedFlowSatisfiedTime (Headered) timers are started. If either side CW (or Tower) or CHW is headered,
the CommandedFlowSatisfiedTime timer starts only after the headered CW, Tower, and CHW Commanded
Flows are greater than or equal to their Minimum Required Flows. (For systems with all Dedicated piping, this
timer has already expired.) This sequence allows both flows (dedicated and headered) to exist at the same time.
4. After both the PumpOnTime and CommandedFlowSatisfiedTime timers (which both last for a Pump Delay)
expire, the Device nn command is set true (this is the signal to the chiller panel to start Chiller X) and the Current
Percent Load is updated.
5. When the chiller panel returns the status, confirming that the Chiller X started, Device nn Status is set to On.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 84

Figure 61: Timing Adding the First Device

Figure 62 depicts the process of adding an additional device. This process is similar to starting the first chillier and
only differs in the order of updating the requested flow and opening the isolation valves. This sequence applies to
the headered piping systems.
The algorithm determines that more devices are required based on the Process Variable (PV) input. Figure 62 shows
the transition from two devices running at 90% to three devices running at 60%.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 85

In this example because the flow ratings are slightly different (we do allow individual entries), a reduction in flow is
shown. If the flows are all linearly related, no change occurs in the required flows. The sequence is as follows:
1. The need to start an additional chiller is sensed (Add Device is True).
2. The Required Tower, Required CW Flow, Required CHW Flow, and Max CHW Flow outputs are immediately
3. Start the (dedicated) Pump command, and start the Pump Start delay. If either side CW or CHW is headered,
this Pump Delay timer starts only after the headered CW, Tower, and CHW Commanded flows are greater than
or equal to their minimum required flows. Since there is at least one isolation valve open, the additional requested
flow has a discharge pathway.
4. After the Pump Delay timer expires, Request ISO Valve/Pump to start and start the Isolation Valve Stroke Timer.
This sequence allows both flows (dedicated and headered) to exist at the same time.
5. When the Isolation Valve Stroke Timer expires, start the new chiller (Device nn Cmd is set to True) and update
the Current Percent Load.
6. After the chiller panel reports that the requested chiller has started, Device nn Status is set to On.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 86

Figure 62: Timing Adding an Additional Headered Device

Figure 63 depicts the sequence of removing any device, except the last. The sequence is as follows:
1. The need to remove one of multiple working devices has been detected (Remove Device = True).
2. Command Device nn to turn off (Device nn Cmd = False) and update the Current Percent Load.
3. Once the chiller panel reports that the device has turned off (Device nn Status = Off), start the Pump Down timer.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 87

4. When the Pump Down timer expires, set the (Headered) Iso Valve Cmd output to false and start the Isolation
Valve Stroke Time timer.
5. When the Isolation Valve Stroke Time timer has expired, update the Required Flow variables and outputs and
turn off the (Dedicated) Pump Cmd output.
This sequence of operations seeks to maintain both flows (dedicated and headered) simultaneously.
Figure 63: Timing Removing Devices (Excluding the Last Device)

Finally, Figure 64 shows the sequence to remove the last device. This diagram differs from Figure 63 in the order
of changing the requested flow and closing the isolation valves. The differences are necessary in order to prevent
deadheading the pumps (running with isolation valves closed). The sequence is as follows:
1. The need to turn off the last device has been detected (Remove Device = True).
2. Command Device nn to turn off (Device nn Cmd = False), set the Required Tower Flow output to zero, and
update the Current Percent Load outputs.
3. Once the chiller panel reports that the device has turned off (Device nn Status = Off), start the Pump Down timer.
4. When the Pump Down timer expires, set the (Dedicated) Pump Cmd output to False and set the required variables
and outputs to zero and start the Pump Delay timer.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 88

Note: This Pump Delay timer only starts after the headered Commanded Flow is zero.
5. After the Pump Delay timer has expired, set the (Headered) Iso Valve Cmd to False.
6. This sequence of operation seeks to maintain both flows simultaneously while preventing dead heading the last
headered pump.
Figure 64: Timing Diagram Removing the Last Device

Figure 65 shows the sequence of events when a device is added or removed, and depicts what occurs when a
device is disabled in the middle of the start-up process. This finite state machine depicts any dedicated chiller, or
turning on the first headered chiller or turning off the last headered chiller.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 89

Figure 65: FSM for Dedicated Systems or First Headered On or Last Headered Off

Figure 66 shows the sequences of events when a device is added, removed, or disabled for headered chillers only.
This figure does not depict turning on the first device or turning off the last device.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 90

Figure 66: FSM for Headered Devices Not First On and Not Last Off

Once a device starts the process of turning on or off, the sequence always completes. The only exception occurs
when the device is disabled.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 91

Waterside Economizer States
Figure 67 provides a diagram of state transitions involved in the waterside economizer. Table 46 provides a description
of how the equipment is functioning in each state.
Figure 67: Waterside Economizer States

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 92

Table 46: Waterside Economizer States and Behavior
State Chiller Hx Tower Chiller Iso Hx Iso Tower Tower CWS-T Spt
Selector Selector Enable Valves Valves Bypass Fans
3 Source
Off Disabled Disabled Disabled Closed Closed 100% 0% Chiller
Chiller Enabled Disabled Enabled Open Closed Chiller
Stop Disabled Disabled Enabled Open Closed Chiller
Start Hx Disabled Enabled Enabled Closed
2 100% 100% Hx

Hx Control Disabled Enabled Enabled Closed Open 100% Control Hx

CHWS-T Disabled Enabled Enabled Closed Open 100% Control Hx
Warm CW-T Disabled Enabled Disabled Closed Open 0% 0% Chiller
Start Enabled Enabled Enabled Open Open Chiller
Stop Hx Enabled Disabled Enabled Open Closed Chiller

1 Closed after Pump Down Time + Pump Delay expire.

2 Open after Pump Delay expires.
3 For the Chiller Control, Stop Chillers, Start Chillers, and Stop Hx states, tower and bypass valve and tower fans are sequenced
by the condenser water sequence.

Waterside Economizer State Timing Diagram

Figure 68 and Figure 69 show the desired sequence of events as the waterside economizer sequencer controls the
transition between chiller control and heat exchanger control and back.

Transitions in Dedicated Case

The timing diagram in Figure 68 illustrates how a central plant piped in a dedicated configuration could, beginning
in the Off state, transition from Chiller Control to Hx Control and back to Chiller Control over a period of time.
In the Off state, all equipment, outputs, enables, commands, and flows are off or at zero. Once the system is enabled,
assuming conditions allow mechanical cooling, the Chiller Selector is enabled and commands the dedicated chiller
pump on. After the chiller Pump Delay time has expired, the Chiller Selector commands the chiller to start (Chiller
Control - state 1 on the timing diagram). While in this state, the Chiller Selector may stage multiple chillers on or off
as required to efficiently satisfy the cooling load.
Assume that conditions now change so that it is suitable to allow the waterside economizer (heat exchanger) to
handle the cooling load. The Chiller Selector is disabled and begins to stage off the chillers (Stop Chillers - state 2
on the timing diagram).
When the last chiller turns off, the Hx Selector is enabled and sends the dedicated Hx pump command (Start Hx -
state 3 on the timing diagram). After a Hx Pump Delay time, the Hx Selector commands the Hx on (note that this
command does not actually turn the heat exchanger on; the heat exchanger is already on by virtue of its dedicated
Hx pump having been commanded on).
Once the chiller Pump Down Time expires, the Chiller Selector commands the dedicated pump command off. The
system enters Hx Control (state 4 on the timing diagram) once the condenser water temperature is less than or
equal to the Econ CHWS-T Setpoint. While in Hx Control, the Hx Selector may stage multiple heat exchangers on
or off as required to efficiently satisfy the cooling load.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 93

While in Hx Control, the system may enter the CHWS-T Timing state (state 5 on the timing diagram) if the CHWS-T
begins to get sufficiently warm. This state is only a wait state and there are no specific equipment control actions
taken while in this state. However, it can be a prelude to exiting economizer cooling if the system remains in this
state for a long enough time (the CHWS-T Wait Time) or conditions change making waterside economizer unsuitable.
Assuming that the CHWS-T has stayed warm for a sufficient period of time, or economizer cooling has become
unsuitable, the system begins to transition back to mechanical cooling by entering the Warm CW-T state (state 6
on the timing diagram). Upon entering this state, tower fans are turned off and the condenser water bypass valve
is opened so that the CWS-T becomes warm enough to start the chillers. Once the CWS-T has warmed sufficiently,
the system transitions to Start Chillers (state 7 on the timing diagram).
In Start Chillers, the Chiller Selector is enabled and commands the dedicated chiller pump on. After the chiller Pump
Delay time has expired, the Chiller Selector commands the chiller to start. When the chiller starts, the system enters
Stop Hx (state 8 on the timing diagram). Simultaneously, the Hx Selector is disabled and any running heat exchangers
and their associated dedicated Hx pumps are commanded off. When the last heat exchanger is off, the system once
again enters Chiller Control.

Transitions in Headered Case

The timing diagram in Figure 69 illustrates how a central plant piped in a headered configuration could, beginning
in the Off state, transition from Chiller Control to Hx Control and back to Chiller Control over a period of time.
In the Off state, all equipment, outputs, enables, commands, and flows are off or at zero. Once the system is enabled,
assuming conditions allow mechanical cooling, the Chiller Selector is enabled and commands the CHW and CW
Isolation Valves to open. After the Isolation Valve Stroke Time has expired, the Chiller Selector sends its Required
Flows to the Pump Selectors. The Pump Selectors start the pumps and send their Commanded Flows back to the
Chiller Selector. When the Commanded Flows are sufficient to satisfy the Chiller Selector's minimum flow requirements,
and the chiller Pump Delay time has expired, the Chiller Selector commands a chiller to start (Chiller Control - state
1 on the timing diagram). While in this state, the Chiller Selector may stage multiple chillers on or off as required to
efficiently satisfy the cooling load.
Assume that conditions now change so that it is suitable to allow the waterside economizer (heat exchanger) to
handle the cooling load. The Chiller Selector is disabled and begins to stage off the chillers (Stop Chillers - state 2
on the timing diagram). Simultaneous with the disabling of the Chiller Selector, the Pump Selectors begin to send
Commanded Flow to the Hx Selector which has not yet been enabled.
When the last chiller turns off, the Hx Selector is enabled and sends its Required Flows to the Pump Selectors (Start
Hx - state 3 on the timing diagram - the actual required flow sent to the Pump Selectors at this time is actually the
sum of both the Chiller Selector and Hx Selector Required Flows. This is done to ensure sufficient flow to the chiller
is maintained when the Hx Selector opens its Isolation Valves). After a Hx Pump Delay time, the Hx Selector
commands its Hx Isolation Valves open. At this point, both the Chiller and Hx Isolation Valves are open and the
headered pumps are kept running. After the Hx Isolation Valve Stroke Time expires, the Hx Selector sends a heat
exchanger on command (note that this command does not actually turn the heat exchanger on; the heat exchanger
is already on by virtue of its CHW and CW Isolation Valves having been opened).
Once the chiller Pump Down Time plus a chiller Pump Delay time expires, the Chiller Selector commands its Isolation
Valves closed and flow is now routed exclusively through the heat exchanger. The system enters Hx Control (state
4 on the timing diagram) once the condenser water temperature is less than or equal to the Econ CHWS-T Setpoint.
While in Hx Control, the Hx Selector may stage multiple heat exchangers on or off as required to efficiently satisfy
the cooling load.
While in Hx Control, the system may enter the CHWS-T Timing state (state 5 on the timing diagram) if the CHWS-T
begins to get sufficiently warm. This state is only a wait state and there are no specific equipment control actions
taken while in this state. However, it can be a prelude to exiting economizer cooling if the system remains in this
state for a long enough time (the CHWS-T Wait Time) or conditions change making waterside economizer unsuitable.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 94

Assuming that the CHWS-T has stayed warm for a sufficient period of time, or economizer cooling has become
unsuitable, the system begins to transition back to mechanical cooling by entering the Warm CW-T state (state 6
on the timing diagram). Upon entering this state, the Pump Selectors begin to send Commanded Flows to the Chiller
Selector which has not yet been enabled. Tower fans are turned off and the condenser water bypass valve is opened
so that the CWS-T becomes warm enough to start the chillers. Once the CWS-T has warmed sufficiently, the system
transitions to Start Chillers (state 7 on the timing diagram).
In Start Chillers, the Chiller Selector is enabled and its Isolation Valves commanded open. When the chiller Isolation
Valve Stroke time expires, the chiller sends its Required Flows (summed with the Hx Selector's Required Flows) to
the Pump Selectors. After a chiller Pump Delay time, the Chiller Selector commands a chiller on. When the chiller
starts, the system enters Stop Hx (state 8 on the timing diagram) . The Hx Selector is disabled and the heat exchanger
Isolation Valves are closed so that flow is now routed exclusively through the chiller. When the last heat exchanger
is off, the system enters Chiller Control once again. When the Hx Isolation Valve Stroke Time expires, the Hx Selector
Required Flow to the Pump Selector drops to zero.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 95

Figure 68: Transitions in Dedicated Case

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 96

Figure 69: Transitions in Headered Case

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 97

Operation and Troubleshooting
Searching for More Efficient Combinations
The Predicted COP calculations include:
predicted Percent Load of each chiller for the combination under consideration
the total plant COP associated with the Predicted Percent Load
adjustments applied to the Predicted COP
Start Count Imbalance
Runtime Imbalance
These adjustments are penalties applied to the COP of the considered chiller combination, and allow the application
to prefer chiller combinations that minimize the start count and runtime imbalances between chillers.
Start Stop Adjustment is a penalty applied at the rate of 0.004% per change (for example, per chiller changing
from off to on, or vice versa). This adjustment is necessary to help prevent unnecessary switches and minimize
the number of switches.
Hysteresis and Staging Margin are used to determine expected adjusted COP, and this promotes additional
stability. These values are user-entered; however, using the default values for both the hysteresis and staging
margin is highly recommended. Entering lower values for the staging margin and hysteresis may cause frequent
cycling (chillers turn on or off too quickly). Entering larger values for the staging margin and hysteresis may cause
a delay when turning chillers off or on, causing the application to run inefficiently. Waiting too long to perform
the stage up or stage down may result in an unmet building load. See Figure 70 and Figure 71.
Select the combination of devices that produces the largest COP.
Figure 70: COP Load Curve

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 98

Stage Down Decision
Figure 71 describes how the application chooses to stage down to a combination with less cooling capacity. Point
1 on the figure represents the existing combination of three chillers. The percent load is decreasing, and the chiller
combination is not running as efficiently as it did with a higher load. The application searches through the list of
possible chiller combinations, and finds a group of two chillers which run more efficiently (point 2). The application
applies a staging margin (point 3) and hysteresis (point 4) to determine an expected adjusted COP for the combination
of two chillers. Since point 4 has a higher COP than point 1, the application switches from three chillers to two chillers.
Figure 71: Stage Down

Stage Up Decision
Figure 72 describes how the application chooses to stage up to a combination with more cooling capacity. Point 1
on the figure represents the existing combination of two chillers. The percent load is increasing, and the chiller
combination is not running as efficiently as it did with a lower load. The application searches through the list of
possible chiller combinations, and finds a group of three chillers which run more efficiently (point 2). The application
applies a staging margin (point 3) and hysteresis (point 4) to determine an expected adjusted COP for the combination
of three chillers.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 99

Figure 72: Stage Up

Chiller Lift Sensitivity

The CPO 10 application uses a dynamic method to adjust the plant capacity based on the chilled and condenser
water temperatures. The application adjusts the device capacity based on actual lift, design lift, and lift sensitivity.
Since the individual chillers capacities are dependent on the lift, to ensure an accurate calculation of the plant
capacity, the device Rated Capacity (X) is adjusted to an Uprated Capacity (X) as follows:
Uprated Capacity (X) = [Device Lift Sensitivity (X) x (Lift-Design Lift (X))] + Rated Capacity (X)
Lift = CW Temperature (entering chiller) - CHW Temperature (exiting chiller),
and Rated Capacity (X) and Design Lift (X) are entered into the Device Information Table by the user.
Note: Lift may also be calculated as CW Temperature (entering chiller) - CHW Supply Temperature Setpoint
(CHWS-SP). Using CHWS-SP instead of CHW Temperature provides a more consistent steady state value
to the Lift sensitivity calculation.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 100

Figure 73: Adjusted Device Rated Capacity Versus Lift

Adjusted Capacity
If your chiller is not manufactured by York, you must determine the adjusted (increased) capacity of the chiller at
the reduced lift for the lowest temperature the cooling towers can deliver, or that the chiller can operate with for
extended periods of time. Contact the chiller manufacturer for the adjusted capacity, which you can then use to
calculate the chiller lift sensitivity.
If your chiller is manufactured by York, you can determine the adjusted capacity with Yorkworks software.
Once you have the adjusted capacity of the chiller, you can calculate Lift Sensitivity and enter this value into the
Device Info table of the Chiller Selector module in CCT.
Lift Sensitivity is calculated as follows:

S = Lift Sensitivity
Ca = adjusted (increased) capacity of chiller at the adjusted (reduced) lift
Cr = rated capacity of chiller at the rated lift
La = adjusted (reduced) lift
Lr = rated lift

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 101

Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load Reset
When Variable Speed chillers are controlled by Building Load, the Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load points
are dynamically reset based on chiller lift to minimize total chiller power consumption. The lift is defined as the
difference between the condenser water temperature entering the chiller and the CHW Supply Temperature Setpoint.
The application resets the Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load points within a user-defined range (default =
3040% and 6580% for the Lower and Upper points, respectively) and over a user-defined range of lift (default =
Note: These range values are defined in the Chiller Optimal Percent Load Setpoint Reset module. The reset Upper
and Lower Percent Load points are passed from the Chiller Optimal Percent Load Setpoint Reset module to
the Chiller Selector module. The module uses a time period (default = 5 minutes) to determine how often the
inputs are evaluated and the calculation executed.
The Chiller Selector module uses default values of 90% for the Upper Optimal Percent Load and 60% for the Lower
Optimal Percent Load to create a Chiller COP Efficiency curve. Figure 74 is derived from chiller power consumption
data for a typical plant over a range of part load ratios and lifts, and illustrates how the Upper and Lower Optimal
Percent Load are reset within their defined ranges.
Figure 74: Changes to Upper Optimal Percent Load and Lower Optimal Percent Load versus Chiller Lift

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 102

For example, if the lift is 26F and the Current Percent Load is increasing, then the application switches from one
chiller to two chillers when the Current Percent Load reaches 66.3%. Beyond this load, less total chiller power is
consumed running two chillers than running only one. Similarly, if the Current Percent Load is decreasing, the
application switches from two chillers to one chiller when the Current Percent Load reaches 33.2%, which is the
Lower Optimal Percent Load shown in Figure 74.
Figure 75 shows an example of a variable speed COP based on its part load, and with various values for chiller lift.
Figure 75: Variable COP Based on Partial Load

As the chiller lift decreases, two events occur:

1. The capacity of the chiller increases. A chiller can more easily reject heat when the condenser water is cooler
and the differential temperature is greater. A 1,000 ton chiller at design conditions of 41F lift may be capable
of producing 1,200 tons at lower operating conditions of 11F lift.
2. The peak COPs shift higher, which means the loads at which the chiller operates most efficiently changes. In
Figure 75, you can see the areas in which the chiller operates most efficiently shifts to the left as the Lift decreases.
In this circumstance, it is more efficient to run two chillers at low part load instead of one at a higher load.
Upper and Lower Optimal Percent Load values reset for Variable Speed Chillers only. The reset module determines
new values to define the change in area of efficiency of the chiller when it operates with the lower condenser water
temperature. Figure 75 illustrates the efficiency (COP) for chiller part load conditions based on several values of
Chiller Lift. As the Lift decreases, the area of greatest efficiency shifts to the left, and the reset module makes the
changes to reflect this change in area of greatest efficiency.

Derating a Chiller
Note: This feature only applies to system where Control Mode = Building Load or Chiller Load.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 103

In some cases, the chiller cannot meet the building load due to issues (such as a fouled device) that interfere with
the chiller producing its rated capacity. In these cases, the chiller does not account for these issues and does not
determine that it cannot meet building load, but continues to operate, assuming that the building load can be met
based only on the chiller rated capacity.
The Derate Now attribute forces the Chiller Selector module to calculate a reduced capacity of the running chillers
and then force the module to reevaluate which chillers should be operating.
The command to Derate Now originates from the Setpoint/Miscellaneous Module Chiller Forced Upstage module.
This module monitors the Chilled Water Supply Temperature and the associated setpoint, the flow and the associated
Chiller Maximum flow. If the CHWS Temperature is above setpoint (3F) for a specified period of time (20 minutes),
or if the CHW Flow is above Chiller Max flow of all devices running, the module forces the chiller selector to calculate
a reduced capacity of the running chillers and to reevaluate which chillers should be running.
The Chiller Selector calculates a derated capacity of the chillers using a Derating Percent that applies to the rated
Derating Percent = 100 - (100 - Current Derating Percent) x Rate Factor
A Rate Factor accounts for previous occurrences of the Derate Now command and is defined as
Rate Factor = Current Percent Load / 101

Important: Derating Percent values greater than 40% may indicated possible malfunction of the chillers and should
be investigated.
The Derating Percent is gradually reduced back to 0% at a rate of 2% per hour. For example, if the Derating Percent
is 10%, it lowers from 10% to 0% over 5 hours. This gradual decrease occurs so that the Derated Percent does not
remain at the initial Derated Capacity.
The Chiller Forced Upstage feature controls both the Derate Now and the Derate Reset input to the Chiller Selector
module. The Derate Reset resets the Derating Percent back to zero instantly.
Note: The Derate Now command may not force a chiller into operation immediately. At the Derated Capacity, the
chiller may still be able to meet the load. Derate Now command may start a chiller, but only if a chiller is
available, and the command must still respect the minimum timers and required chilled water, condenser
water, and tower capacities to support the chiller function.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 104

Table 47: Troubleshooting
Symptom Cause Solution
Application does not run
The application is inactive. Nothing Chiller or Pump Selector modules (or both) Using CCT, edit the unreliable modules'
happens are Unreliable - Invalid Configuration. details. Enter the required parameters:
Capacities, minimum flows, rated flows,
and so forth.Download the application with
the modules correctly configured.
System is disabled. System is locked out Check System Enable input. Check that
by outdoor temperature. the outdoor temperature is greater than
the OA Temperature Enable Setpoint.
If the system has analog isolation valves, Make the interlock time longer than the
the isolation valve stroke time is longer isovalve stroke time.
than the interlock delay, as a result the
isolation valves do not make the end
switch in time.
A Sequence Table is defined. Several Remove Sequence Table and allow the
chillers are disabled, and there are no Chiller Selector to choose the best
valid chiller combinations. combination, or add more legal
combinations to the Sequence Table.
The application seems inactive. Chiller Configuration is Headered (either Chilled Check the corresponding Pump Selector
Selector. Required Devices is different Water or Condenser Water.) Pump Required Devices and the Pump
than zero but no chillers turn on. Selector can not activate the correct Command outputs. Check Pump statuses.
number of pumps to match the requested Check Pump Lockout Switches.
flow from the chiller selector.
Devices do not turn On when they should or turn On when they should not
Building and the chilled water are warm Stabilization Timer or the Startup Delay Wait for the Stabilization and Startup
and only the first chiller has started. No Timer are Active. Delay Timers to expire. When both timers
other chillers are starting. expire, Chiller Selector. IsStable is True.
Building and the chilled water are Coast = True Make Coast = False
warm, but no chillers are commanded
on after interstage delay.
Additional chiller starts when coast = Significant increase in building load This issue can be seen in simulation but
true. causes the current % load to exceed is not likely to happen in a live system.
approx 150%. Make sure building load increases are
representative of a live system.
Near the end of the day chillers turn On Coast = False Consider setting a schedule to make
just to turn off a few minutes later when Coast = True several minutes before the
the plant shuts off for the day. end of the working day.
Pumps not turning on. Pumps are locked out because the Increase the Interlock delay.
Interlock delay is too short and the pump
does not have enough time to report status
before the Interlock locks the pump out.
Pumps are locked out because the pumps Check pump status switches.
do not report status.
Poor control

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 105

Table 47: Troubleshooting
Symptom Cause Solution
At startup building dP setpoint is not Only one (or a few chillers are on, the Wait until the rest of the chillers turn on.
met. building is warm, the AHUs are consuming
all the chilled water produced. No more
chilled water should be produced until
more chillers are brought online.
In a variable speed primary only Control loops are tightly coupled. Maintain a high ratio between the time
system, the chilled water pressure constants of the two control loops to
control loop and the chilled water mitigate coupling. The application defaults
minimum flow control loops are not to a 10:1 ratio, where the pressure loop is
stable. the faster loop.
Process Range for the Chilled water The suggested value for the minimum flow
minimum flow control loop is not set control loop process range is the sum of
appropriately for the application. the chiller minimum flows.
Chiller Selector overshoots and turns Chiller Selector Stabilization Time is too Increase Chiller Selector Stabilization
on too many chillers, then turns off too short. Time.
many chillers. No acceptable control is
Poor control of pumps/cycling on and CHW Pump Differential Pressure Verify and correct the CHW
off. Control.Ramp Time is shorter than the Pump.Differential Pressure Control.Ramp
actual variable frequency drive ramp time. time.
Pump capacity entered in Pump Selector Verify that the actual rated pump flow
device information table does not match corresponds to what is in the Pump
the actual pump capacity. Selector Device Information table.

Appendix: Application Inputs and Parameters

Table 48 lists key application inputs and parameters to review once you complete System Selection. Identify the
modules included in your application and review the parameters and make adjustments based on your system

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 106

Table 48: Application Inputs and Parameters
When You Select Module Name Input/Attribute
Type of Sequencing = Building load BLDG-L Filter Setup
Chillers Chiller Selector Rated Capacity
Peak COP
Lift Sensitivity
Design Lift
Note: See Configuring the Chiller
CHLR Coast
Note: Must be greater than Stabilize
Time. 35 minutes recommended
Stabilize Time
Note: Must be less than CHLR START
DELAY. 30 minutes
Type of Sequencing = Building Load Chiller Percent Load Setpoint Reset Period
and Variable Speed Chillers
Upper OPT SP-High Range
Upper OPT SP-Low Range
Lower OPT SP-High Range
Lower OPT SP-High Range
Lift High Range
Lift Low Range
Primary CHW Pumps CHW Pump Control Min Speed
Parallel (Headered) Primary CHW PCHWP Selector Device Capacity
Interstage Delay
Chiller Selector Rated CHW Flow
CHW Max FLow
Primary CHW Pumps - Variable Speed VF Primary Min Flow Control Process Dead Time
Process Range
Process Time Constant
CHW Pump Differential Pressure Control Process Dead Time
Process Range
Process Time Constant
PCHWP VFD Ramp Time Default Value
Parallel (Headered) Primary CHW Chiller Selector CHW Min Flow
Pumps - Variable Speed

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 107

Table 48: Application Inputs and Parameters
When You Select Module Name Input/Attribute
Variable Speed Primary CHW Pumps PCHWP dP Setpoint Reset By Coil Stage Down Threshold
and Differential Pressure Setpoint Position
Stage Up Threshold
Reset by Coil Position
Variable Speed Primary CHW Pumps CHW Pump Differential Pressure Setpoint Stage Down Threshold
and Differential Pressure Setpoint Reset
Stage Up Threshold
Parallel Primary CW Pumps CWP Selector Device Capacity
Interstage Delay
Rated CW Flow
CW Pumps Variable Speed CW Pump Control Min Speed
CW VFD Ramp Time (Network Input) Default Value
Parallel (Headered) Primary CW Pumps CW Selector CWP UPPER PCT LOAD
- Variable Speed
Chiller Selector CW Min Flow
Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Process Range
Note: For low limit control
Dedicated Primary CW Pumps Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Process Range
Variable Speed Control
Note: For low limit control
Secondary Pumping SCHWP Selector Device Capacity
Interstage Delay
Secondary Pump Control Min Speed
SCHWP VFD Ramp Time (Network Input) Default Value
Secondary Pumping and Differential SCHWP dP Setpoint Reset by Coil Stage Down Threshold
Pressure Setpoint Reset by Coil Position
Stage Up Threshold
Variable Speed Cooling Towers and Cooling Tower Control Rated Capacity
ASHRAE Open Loop Method
Rated Current Power
Open Loop Tower Control with Low Limit Minimum Speed
Variable Speed Cooling Towers - NOT Cooling Tower PID Control Min Speed
ASHRAE Open Loop Method

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 108

Appendix: Creating Distributed Applications
The two methods to create the distributed application are described in this section. The first method uses CCT to
generate and save the master application containing all subsystems. Once you save the master application, use
Select System to access the selection tree and select only the subsystems for the controller that is to host the
selected subsystems. Save the new subsystem using the save-as menu selection. Re-open the master application
file, and again select only those subsystems that are to be hosted by the second controller. See the Creating a
Distributed Application Using the Master Application section for more information.
The second method also uses CCT. Use the System Selection preferences for the Central Cooling with Optimization
tree. Select the File > New menu to create each subsystem, modifying the tree selections before saving. The following
sections describe these methods in more detail.

Creating a Distributed Application Using the Master Application

To create a distributed application using the master application:
1. From the CCT File menu, select New. The New System dialog box appears (Figure 76).
Figure 76: CCT New System Dialog Box

2. Enter the System Name.

3. From the System Type drop-down list, select Central Cooling.
4. From the System Configuration drop-down list, select Central Cooling with Optimization.
5. Click OK. The System Selection Wizard dialog box appears.
6. Select all items in the tree required in the specific project, similar to the selections shown in Figure 77. The items
are selected in the same manner as the items being stored in a single controller.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 109

Figure 77: System Selection Wizard for Chiller Application

7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish and then save the master application file.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 110

Creating Subsystems From the Master Application
Now you can create subsystems from the master application. In this example, we create four subsystems: chiller,
primary chilled water pump, condenser water pump, and towers.

Creating the Chiller Subsystem

To create the Chiller Subsystem:
1. With the master application open, click the Select System button on the toolbar. The master application tree
appears in System Selection Wizard dialog box.
2. Select the subsystem or subsystems you want to create. Make sure the subsystems you do not want to create
are not selected. For this example, we chose the chiller subsystem (Figure 78).
Figure 78: System Selection Wizard for Chiller Subsystem

3. Click Next.
4. Click Finish. The Rebuild Application Warning dialog box appears (Figure 79).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 111

Figure 79: Rebuild Application Warning Dialog Box

5. Click Yes.
6. When CCT finishes applying the selections, select File > Save As and enter a new filename to save the Chillers
subsystem (Figure 80).
Figure 80: Saving the Chiller Subsystem

The first subsystem is now complete.

Creating the Condenser Water (Tower) Subsystem

To create the Condenser Water (Tower) subsystem:
1. Open the master application, click Select System.
2. Select the Condenser Water System checkbox (Figure 81) to create the tower subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 112

Figure 81: System Selection Wizard for Condenser Water (Tower) Subsystem

3. Click Next.
4. Click Finish. The Rebuild Application Warning dialog box appears (Figure 79).
5. Click Yes.
6. Select File > Save As and enter a new filename to save the Condenser Water System subsystem.
Figure 82: Saving the Condenser Water (Tower) Subsystem

The Condenser Water (Tower) subsystem is now complete.

Creating the Primary Chill Water (PCHW) Pump Subsystem

To create the PCHW Pump subsystem:
1. Open the master application, click Select System.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 113

2. Select the Primary Chill Water Pumps checkbox to create the Primary Chill Water Pumps subsystem (Figure
Figure 83: System Selection Wizard for Primary Chill Water Pumps Subsystem

3. Click Next.
4. Click Finish. The Rebuild Application Warning dialog box appears (Figure 79).
5. Click Yes.
6. Select File > Save As and enter a name for the Primary Chill Water Pumps subsystem.
Figure 84: Saving the Primary Chill Water Pump Subsystem

This completes the Primary Chill Water Subsystem.

Creating the Condenser Water Pump Subsystem

To create the Condenser Water Pump subsystem:

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 114

1. Open the master application.
2. Click Select System.
3. Select the Primary Cond Water System checkbox (Figure 85).
Figure 85: System Selection Wizard for Primary Cond Water Pumps Subsystem

4. Click Next.
5. Click Finish. The Rebuild Application Warning dialog box appears (Figure 79).
6. Click Yes.
7. Select File > Save As and enter the name of the Primary Cond Water Pump subsystem.
Figure 86: Saving the Primary Cond Water Pump Subsystem

You have successfully completed the first step for creating a distributed application. See Setting up Communication
between Controllers section to complete the operation.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 115

Creating a Distributed Application Using Master Preferences
To create a distributed application using master preferences:
1. From the CCT Tools menu, select Preferences > System Selection.
2. Select Central Cooling with Optimization (Figure 87).
Figure 87: Preferences System Selection Tree

3. Select options in the Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling Plant with Optimization tree using the single controller
application selections.
Note: At this point you can export a Master Preferences file. Click the Export button and enter name for your
master preferences file. Click Save.
4. Create subsystems from the master preferences.

Creating Subsystems from the Master Preferences

Now you can create subsystems using the master preferences. In this example, we create four subsystems: chiller,
primary chilled water pump, condenser water pump, and towers.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 116

Note: When creating subsystems from the system selection tree, it is good practice to verify your selections in the
Control (Application tab) and Logic tabs.

Creating the Chiller Subsystem

To create the Chiller Subsystem:
1. From the CCT File menu select New (Figure 88).
2. Enter the System Name. In this example, the name is Chillers.
Figure 88: System Selection Wizard for Chiller Subsystem

3. From the System Type drop-down list, select Central Cooling.

4. From the System Configuration drop-down list, select Central Cooling with Optimization.
5. Click OK. The master application tree appears in System Selection wizard.
6. Check the desired subsystem or subsystems. Make sure you uncheck the subsystems you do not want. Figure
89 shows the Chillers subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 117

Figure 89: Creating the Chiller Subsystem

7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish
9. Select File > Save.
10. In the Save dialog box, click Save. This completes the first subsystem, Chillers.

Creating the Condenser Water (Tower) Subsystem

To create the Condenser Water (Tower) subsystem:
1. From the CCT File menu select New. The New System dialog box appears.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 118

Figure 90: Creating the Condenser Water Subsystem

2. Enter the System Name. In this example, the name is Condenser Water.
3. From the System Type drop-down list, select Central Cooling.
4. From the System Configuration drop-down list, select Central Cooling with Optimization.
5. Click OK. The master application tree appears in System Selection wizard.
Figure 91: System Selection Wizard for Condenser Water

6. Select the Condenser Water System checkbox.

7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.
9. In the Save dialog box, click Save to save the Condenser Water System subsystem. You have now created the
Condenser Water System subsystem.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 119

Creating the Primary Chilled Water Pump Subsystem
To create the Primary Chilled Water Pump subsystem:
1. From the CCT File menu select New. The New System dialog box appears (Figure 92).
Figure 92: Creating the Primary Chilled Water Pumps Subsystem

2. Enter the System Name. In this example, the name is Primary Chill Water Pumps.
3. From the System Type drop-down list, select Central Cooling.
4. From the System Configuration drop-down list, select Central Cooling with Optimization.
5. Click OK. The master application tree appears in System Selection wizard.
Figure 93: System Selection Wizard for Primary Chilled Water Pumps

6. Select Primary Chill Water Pumps checkbox (Figure 93).

7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish.
9. In the Save dialog box, click Save to save the Primary Chill Water Pumps subsystem.
Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 120
Setting up Communication between Controllers
Now you must set up the communication between the controllers. We recommend using Peer-to-Peer communications.
If you want to monitor the communications between the different subsystems within the application, you may want
to use NAE and Global Data Shares.
Before you can set up the communications, you must define the hardware for each of the subsystems and note the
BACoid assigned to the device for each subsystem.
Use CCT to setup the peer-to-peer references for each application.
For NAE and Global Data shares, after mapping each of the controllers to the NAE, you must create global data
share objects to pass the data between the controllers.
See Figure 18 through Figure 39 in Subsystem Data Sharing Requirements to create the peer-to-peer connections
or the global data share objects.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 121

Appendix: Central Plant Optimization 30 Integration
When you select the tree node Central Plant Optimization 30, CCT creates the necessary integration points. Integration
points are setpoints calculated by CPO-30 that the CCT application needs to read and then operate the chiller plant
based on these values.

CPO30 Enable Control System

This system enables the Chiller Plant Optimization (CPO) control system. The system enable input from the CPO
application maps directly to the OE CLGREQD point to indicate that central plant cooling is required. The operator
manually sets the OE LOOPREQD point to True when OE direction is desired. The OE system responds by setting
the OEREADY point to True to indicate that the CPO application can follow the OE point values. When OEREADY
is True and the communication loss point (COMSLOSSBAS from the heartbeat control system) is false, the CPO30
Ready point is set to True and the OE BASMODE point is set to false. See Figure 94.
Figure 94: CPO30 Enable Control System

CPO 30 Inputs and Outputs

The following tables define the inputs and outputs needed for integration.
Table 49: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Input Modules
Name Definition
CPO-30 Ready When CPO-30 Ready is true, the application follows the CPO-30 integration point values. When
CPO-30 Ready is false, the application follows its original sequences.
CPO-30 CHILLERMODE When CPO-30 CHILLERMODE is true, the application enables the mechanical cooling system.
CPO-30 RUNCTFAN When CPO-30 RUNCTFAN is true, the application turns on the fans in each running cooling
tower and runs the fans at the speed indicated by the CPO-30 CTFRPM point.
CPO-30 CHDMD Sets the chiller %RLA (Running Load Amperage) limit, for each running chiller.
CPO-30 LOWLOAD At very low loads, the operation of the lead (only operating) chiller is disabled to provide chilled
water more efficiently. When CPO-30 LOWLOAD is true, the application stops the operating
chiller, while leaving isolation valves open because the pumps continue to run. The chiller is
shut down, the running condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans are stopped. The chill
water pumps remain running. When CPO-30 LOWLOAD is false, the lead condenser pump is
enabled. Once the condenser water pump is proved to be running, the application enables the
lead chiller. At this point, the system returns to normal operation.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 122

Table 49: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Input Modules
Name Definition
CPO-30 CHLRTR The CPO-30 CHLRTR signal is an analog 0-N (N = number of chillers at this plant) signal sent
to the application. The signal's value increases (or decreases) when the CPO-30 system wants
the application to add or subtract a lag chiller. When CPO-30 CHLRTR is increased from 0 to
1, the application initiates the start of the first chiller stage corresponding with the first row of
the chiller sequencing table. When CPO-30 CHLRTR is 1 and increased to 2 (or more), the
application steps through each chiller stage as defined in the chiller sequence table.
CPO-30 CDWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all condenser water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 CDWPRPM point value.
CPO-30 CDWPTR Indicates the number of condenser water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when
to add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 CHWPTR Indicates the number of chill water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when to
add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 CHWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all chill water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 CHWPRPM point value.
CPO-30 SCHWPTR Indicates the number of secondary water pumps to run. This signal informs the application when
to add or remove a pump.
CPO-30 SCHWPRPM Pump speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system supplied value.
When two or more pumps are operating, all secondary water pumps operate at identical speeds
according to the CPO-30 SCHWPRPM point value.
CPO-30 CTTR Indicates the number of cooling towers to run. If CPO-30 determines it is more efficient to run
two or more cooling towers with the operating chillers, it increases the CPO-30 CTTR signal.
This signal informs the application when to add or remove a tower. This may happen concurrently
with a CPO-30 CHLRTR signal. This point only indicates when to allow condenser water flow
into the tower; the cooling tower fans remain off unless CPO-RUNCTFAN is on.
CPO-30 CDWBPV Indicates the percent at which the condenser water bypass valve is opened to control the
condenser water temperature.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 123

Table 49: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Input Modules
Name Definition
CPO-30 CTFRPM Cooling tower fan speeds are controlled by the application according to the CPO-30 system
supplied value CPO-30 CTFRPM when CPO-30 RUNCTFAN is active. When two or more tower
fans are operating, all tower fans operate at identical speeds according to the CPO-30 CTFRPM
point value.
CPO-30 HXTR The CPO-30 HXTR signal is an analog 0-N (N = number of heat exchangers at this plant) signal
sent to the application. The signal's value increases (or decreases) when the CPO-30 system
wants the application to add or subtract a heat exchanger. When CPO-30 HXTR is increased
from 0 to 1, the application initiates the start of the first heat exchanger stage corresponding
with the first row of the sequencing table. When CPO-30 HXTR is 1 and increased to 2 (or
more), the application steps through each stage as defined in the sequence table.

Table 50: Central Plant Optimization 30 Network Output Modules

Name Definition
CPO-30 CLGMODE Communicates to the CPO-30 system that the system is in
mechanical cooling mode (chillers only), free cooling mode, or
transitioning from one mode to another. The CPO-30 system
calculates setpoints differently depending on whether the system
is in mechanical cooling or free cooling mode. This output is
analog with values 0, 1, 2, and 3 as indicated below:
0 - Mechanical cooling mode. The chillers are enabled and
provide 100% of the cooling for the plant.
1 - Transitioning from mechanical cooling to free cooling mode.
2 - Free cooling mode. The chillers are disabled and the free
cooling heat exchanger(s) provide 100% of the cooling.
3 - Transitioning from free cooling mode to mechanical cooling.

CPO30 Control Systems

As part of the CPO30 integration, additional logic must be added at the supervisory device to share data between
the Optimum Energy (OE) system and the CPO field controllers. Most of the points listed in CPO 30 Inputs and
Outputs can be shared directly without additional logic. However, two control systems that require additional logic
are the Heartbeat Control System and the CPO30 Enable Control System.

Heartbeat Control System

The Heartbeat control system monitors the communication between the Metasys Building Automation System (BAS)
and the system provided by Optimum Energy (OE). The OEWATCHDOG and BASWATCHDOG inputs are compared
to see if they are equal. The output of the comparison is put through two timersone receiving the signal, and one
receiving the inverse signal through a NOT command. These timers are on delay timers that are set for 2 minutes.
If the input to either timer is TRUE for longer than 2 minutes, a communications lost error flag is triggered. One timer
catches the error in the case that one value does not match the other for 2 minutes, and the other timer waits to see
that both values have changed within 2 minutes. See Figure 95.
Figure 95: Heartbeat Control

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note 124

This appendix describes the process of creating an application with a combination of dedicated and headered piping.
A CPO standard application supports either dedicated or headered piping. A standard application can be modified
with custom modules to support a combination of dedicated and headered piping.
This section contains descriptions of the custom modules available, as well as a detailed example of how to create
an application with a combination of dedicated and headered piping in Release 10.1 Controller Configuration Tool

Example: Creating an Application with a Combination of Dedicated

and Headered Piping
This example demonstrates how to modify a standard headered CCT application and use the custom modules
described in the Introduction to create an application with a combination of dedicated and headered piping.
This example uses variable speed control for both the CW and CHW pumps. Using variable speed control requires
more modifications than using single speed control. This example uses five chillers and six pumps; three chillers
have four headered CW and CHW pumps, and two dedicated chillers of equal size use their own dedicated pump.

Detailed Procedures

Selecting the Mechanical System and Control Logic for the CPO10 Application
1. Open CCT.
2. On the File menu, click New. The New System screen appears.
a. In the System Name text box, type a name for your system. This example uses the name
b. Click the System Type drop-down box and select Central Cooling Plants.
c. Click the System Configuration drop-down box and select Central Cooling with Optimization.
3. Click OK. The System Selection Wizard screen appears.
a. Under Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling with Optimization > Plant layout Configuration > Quantity of
Chillers, select the total number of chillers in the application. This example uses Five (three headered chillers
plus two dedicated chillers).
b. Under Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling with Optimization > CHW Pump Piping Layout > Parallel Primary
CHW Pumps, select the total number of headered pumps in the application. This example uses Four.
c. Under Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling with Optimization > CHW Pump Piping Layout > CHW Pump
Speed, select either Single Speed Pump or Variable Speed Pump. This example uses Variable Speed Pump.
d. Under Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling with Optimization > Condenser Pump Piping Layout > Parallel
Primary CW Pumps, select the total number of headered pumps in the application. This example uses Four.
e. Under Central Cooling Plant Central Cooling with Optimization > Condenser Pump Piping Layout > CW Pump
Speed, select either Single Speed Pump or Variable Speed Pump. This example uses Variable Speed Pump.
f. Under Chillers > Chiller Speed, select either Constant Speed or Variable Speed. This example uses Variable
g. Under Chillers, select both CHW Isolation Valve and CW Isolation Valve.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 125
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 96: System Selection Wizard Mechanical System Selection Part 1

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 126
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 97: System Selection Wizard Mechanical System Selection Part 2

h. Under Chillers > CHW Isolation Valve > CW Isolation Valve.

i. Under Condenser Water System > Cooling Tower > Number of Cooling Towers (One Fan Per), select the
total number of towers in the application. This example uses Four.
j. Under Condenser Water System > Cooling Tower > ASHRAE Open Loop Tower Control.
4. Click Next. The Control Logic Selection screen appears.
5. Click Finish. The application builds and appears within the Tool.
Note: By default, the application appears within the Classic View perspective. We suggest you continue using
this perspective for the remainder of the configuration.
6. Go to Configuring the Chiller Selector.

Configuring the Chiller Selector

1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, double-click Chiller Selector. (This example shows Chiller Selector
05.) The Chiller Selector Details view appears.
2. Resize the upper-left pane of the Details view to show the Device Info table.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 127
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 98: Details Device Info Table

3. Click Edit.
4. For each field of the Device Info table, enter the values for each of the five chillers.
Note: Leave the flow values at 0 for any dedicated chillers.
5. Click Apply.
6. Click Close.
7. Save the application.
8. Go to Deleting the Isolation Valve Outputs and Associated Commands for Dedicated Chillers.

Deleting the Isolation Valve Outputs and Associated Commands for Dedicated Chillers
For this step, first delete the isolation valve outputs, and then the Isolation Valve last-value (LV) commands and
isolation valve interlock commands for all isolation valves that the application does not have.
1. In the Application pane, under Outputs, select all isolation valve outputs for all dedicated chillers in the application.
Note: The isolation valve outputs are named CHxCHWISOV-C or CHxCWISOV-C, where x represents the
chiller number.
2. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click each Isolation Valve output.
Note: In this example, we select the Isolation Valve outputs named CH4CHWISOV-C, CH4CWISOV-C,
3. Right-click and select Delete (following figure). The Confirm screen appears.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 128
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 99: Deleting the Isolation Valve Commands for Dedicated Chillers

4. Click Yes.
5. Under Output Control, select all isolation valve LV outputs for all dedicated chillers in the application.
Note: The isolation valve LV outputs are named Chlrx CHW ISO Valve LV or Chlrx CW ISO Valve LV, where
x represents the chiller number.
6. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click each Isolation Valve LV output.
Note: In this example, we select the Isolation Valve outputs named Chlr4 CHW ISO Valve LV, Chlr4 CW ISO
Valve LV, Chlr5 CHW ISO Valve LV, and Chlr5 CW ISO Valve LV, since chillers 4 and 5 are dedicated.
Figure 100: Deleting the Isolation Valve LV Commands for Dedicated Chillers

7. Right-click one of the selected outputs and select Delete. The Confirm screen appears.
8. Click Yes.
9. Under Setpoint/Miscellaneous, select all isolation valve interlock commands for all dedicated chillers in the
Note: The isolation valve interlock commands are named CHW x IsoVlv Interlock or CW x IsoVlv Interlock,
where x represents the chiller number.
10. Hold down the Ctrl key, and click each Isolation Valve Interlock command.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 129
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Note: In this example, we select the isolation valve interlock commands named CHW 4 IsoVlv Interlock, CHW
5 IsoVlv Interlock, CW 4 IsoVlv Interlock, and CW 5 IsoVlv Interlock, since chillers 4 and 5 are dedicated.
Figure 101: Deleting the Isolation Valve Interlock Commands for Dedicated Chillers

11. Right-click one of the selected outputs and select Delete. The Confirm screen appears.
12. Click Yes.
13. Go to Adding Dedicated CHW Pump Output Control Modules.

Adding Dedicated CHW Pump Output Control Modules

For this step, you are adding CHW Pump Output Control modules for each of the dedicated CHW pumps in the
1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection for Output Control
screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Pump Output Control.
3. Click the up arrow or enter the number of Pump Output Controls for the number of dedicated CHW pumps in
this application. For this example, the number is 2.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 130
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 102: New Module Selection Module Selection for Output Control

4. Click Finish. In this example, Pump Output Control-1 and Pump Output Control-2 appear in the Output Control
5. Right-click Pump Output Control-1 and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. Change the Standard Name to CHW Pmp x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW
pump in the application. In this example, the Standard Name becomes CHW Pump 5 Control.
Figure 103: Renaming the Pump Output Control

7. Click OK. Pump Output Control-1 appears in the Output Control column as CHW Pump 5 Control.
8. Repeat the steps in this section for each dedicated CHW pump in the application. In this example, Pump Output
Control-1 is renamed CHW Pump 5 Control, and Pump Output Control-2 is renamed CHW Pump 6 Control.
9. Go to Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CHW Pump (CHW Pmp x Control).

Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CHW Pump (CHW Pmp x Control)
1. Under Output Control, right-click CHW Pump x Control, where x represents the first dedicated CHW pump in
the application (in this example, CHW Pump 5 Control), and select View Logic. The Logic tab opens within the
Application pane.
2. Right-click State and select Rename.
3. In the User Name field, enter PCHWP x-State, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User
Name is CWP 5-State.
4. Click OK. The State block is renamed PCHWP 5-State.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 131
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 104: Renaming the PCHWP State

5. Right-click Activity Output Percent Command and select Rename.

6. In the User Name field, enter PCHWP x-O, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User
Name is PCHWP 5-O.
7. Click OK. The Percent Command is renamed PCHWP 5-O.
8. Right-click Device OnOff and select Rename.
9. In the User Name field, enter PCHWP x-C, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User
Name becomes PCHWP 5-C.
10. Click OK. The Device OnOff is renamed PCHWP 5-C.
Figure 105: Renaming the Device OnOff

11. In the Activities tree, select another CHW Pump x Control. Repeat the steps in this section for each dedicated
CHW pump (CHW Pump x Control) in the application. In this example, this section must be completed for both
CHW Pump 5 Control and CHW Pump 6 Control.
12. Go to Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CHW Pumps.

Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CHW Pumps

For these steps, you are connecting the Pump Startup Determination output to the dedicated CHW pump's system
enable. Connect the PCHWP-RAMP network input to the dedicated CHW pump's ramp time input. Connect the
Chiller Selector output CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd to the Command input on the pump control.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select the first dedicated CHW pump (CHW Pump x Control) in
the application. In this example, CHW Pump 5 Control is selected.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click System Enable and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 132
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 106: Making a Connection on the System Enable

4. Select Logic > Output Control > Pump Startup Determination.

Figure 107: Selecting the Pump Startup Determination

5. Click OK.
6. Right-click Ramp Time and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
7. Select Network Inputs > PCHWP-RAMP.
Figure 108: Selecting PCHWP-RAMP

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 133
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
8. Click OK.
9. Right-click Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
10. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx, where xx represents the number. In this example, Chiller
Selector 05 is selected.
11. In the right pane, select the appropriate CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd, where x represents the number of the
specific isolation valve pump command that corresponds to the selected pump.
Note: The number of the appropriate isolation valve pump command might not match the number of the selected
pump. In this example, CHW Iso Valve/Pump 4 Cmd (the first dedicated chiller) is the appropriate choice
for CHW Pmp 5 Control (the first dedicated CHW pump).
Figure 109: Selecting the CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd

12. Click OK.

13. Right-click Percent Cmd, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
14. Select Logic > Output Control > CHW Pump Differential Pressure Control v61.
15. In the right pane, select Percent Command.
16. Click OK.
17. Repeat Step 1 through Step 17 for each dedicated CHW pump.
18. Go to Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CHW Pump.

Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CHW Pump

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection for Output
Control screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Last Value (Enum).
3. In the row that lists a Name of Last Value (Enum), enter a Count value for the number of dedicated CHW
pumps in the application. In this example, you add two.
Figure 110: Specifying the Count of the Last Value (Enum)

4. Click Finish. The Last Value (Enum) modules appear in the Output Control column.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 134
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
5. Right-click a Last Value (Enum) and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. Enter a Standard Name of PCHWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW
pump in the application. In this example, the Standard Name becomes PCHWP5 Command LV.
Figure 111: Renaming the Last Value (Enum)

7. Click OK.
8. Right-click PCHWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump in the
application (in this example, PCHWP Command LV), and select View Details. The Details screen appears.
9. Click Edit.
10. In the right pane, in the Inputs row, click the drop-down box for Units and select Off/On. The Default Value
automatically sets to Off.
Note: Make sure you select Off/On, not OffOn, which is also a selection option.
11. In the Outputs row, under Units, click the drop-down box for Units and select Off/On. The Default Value
automatically sets to Off.
Note: Make sure you select Off/On, not OffOn, which is also an option.
Figure 112: Setting the PCHWPx Command LV Units to Off/On

12. Click Apply.

13. Click Close.
14. Select PCHWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump in the
application. In this example, PCHWP5 Command LV is selected.
15. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab
16. Under Input, right-click Input, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
17. Select Logic > Output Control > CHW Pump x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated
CHW pump in the application. In this example, CHW Pump 5 Control is selected.
18. Select PCHWP5-C, then click OK.
19. Repeat Step 6 through Step 18 for each dedicated CHW pump in the application.

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Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
20. Go to Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CHW Pump.

Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CHW Pump

1. In the Application pane, right-click Setpoint/Miscellaneous and select New. The New Module Selection for
Setpoint/Miscellaneous screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Equipment Interlock.
3. Click the up arrow or type a Count value to indicate the number of dedicated CHW pumps in the application. In
this example, you add two.
Figure 113: Setting the Count of the Equipment Interlock

4. Click Finish. The Equipment Interlock modules appear in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous column.
5. Right-click an Equipment Interlock module and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. In the Standard Name field, type CHW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the number of the first dedicated
CHW pump in the application. In this example, the Standard Name becomes CHW Pump 5 Interlock.
Figure 114: Renaming the Equipment Interlock

7. Click OK.
8. Select the CHW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump in the
application. In this example, CHW Pump 5 Interlock is selected.
9. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
10. Under Input, right-click Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
11. Select Logic > Output Control > PCHWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated
CHW pump in the application. In this example, PCHWP5 Command LV is selected.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 136
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Figure 115: Selecting the Preset Value

12. Click OK.

13. Right-click Device Enable and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
14. From the list, select Logic > Output Control > CHW Pump x Control, where x represents the number of the
first dedicated CHW pump in the application. In this example, CHW Pump 5 Control is selected.
Figure 116: Selecting the CHW Pump x Control

15. Click OK.

16. Under Setpoint/Miscellaneous, right-click CHW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the first dedicated CHW
pump in the application, and select View Details. The Details screen appears.
17. Click Edit.
18. In the Inputs section, in the Output Delay row, set the Default Value to match the need of the application. In this
example, the default value is set to 10.0.
Note: We recommend that you review this module to determine what default value parameters are necessary
for the application. It may be necessary to make connections to Pump Status inputs and System Reset
to achieve the control requirements.
19. In the Inputs section, in the Lost Status Delay row, set the Default Value to match the need of the application.
In this example, the default value is set to 10.0.
Note: We recommend that you review this module to determine what default value parameters are necessary
for the application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 137
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 117: Setting the Default Values

20. Click Apply.

21. Click Close.
22. Repeat Steps 5 through Step 21 for each dedicated CHW pump in the application.
23. Go to Adding CHW Water Pump Application Outputs.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 138
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Adding CHW Water Pump Application Outputs
Add a PCHWPx-O module and a PCHWPx-C module for each dedicated CHW pump.
Note: If the application does not have variable speed CHW pumps, then PCHWPx-O does not need to be added.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Outputs and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, enter PCHWPx, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump for the
application. In this example, PCHWP5 is entered.
3. In the row that lists User Name PCHWPx-C, enter a Count value of 1.
4. In the row that lists User Name PCHWPx-O, enter a Count value of 1.
Figure 118: Setting the Count of Primary Water Pump x

5. Click Finish.
6. Select the CHW Pump x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump in the
application. In this example, CHW Pump 5 Control is selected.
7. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab
8. Under Output, right-click PCHWP x-C, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
9. Select Hardware > Outputs > PCHWPx-C, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump
in the application. In Figure 135, PCHWP5-C is selected.
10. Under Output, right-click PCHWPx-O, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
11. Select Hardware > Outputs > PCHWPx-O, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CHW pump in
the application. In Figure 135, PCHWP5-O is selected.
12. Repeat all the steps in this section for each dedicated CHW pump in your application. In Figure 135, the steps
must be completed for CHW Pump 5 Control and CHW Pump 6 Control, since these are the two dedicated
CHW pumps.
13. Go to Adding Dedicated CW Pump Output Control Modules.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 139
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Adding Dedicated CW Pump Output Control Modules
For this step, you are adding CW Pump Output Control modules for each of the dedicated CW pumps in the application.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection for Output Control
screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Pump Output Control.
3. Click the up arrow or enter the number of Pump Output Controls for the number of dedicated CW pumps in this
application. For this example, the number is 2.
Figure 119: New Module Selection Module Selection for Output Control

4. Click Finish. In this example, Pump Output Control-1 and Pump Output Control-2 appear in the Output Control
5. Right-click Pump Output Control-1 and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. Change the User Name to CW Pmp x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump
in the application. In this example, the User Name becomes CW Pmp 5 Control.
Figure 120: Renaming the Pump Output Control

7. Click OK. Pump Output Control-1 appears in the Output Control column as CW Pmp 5 Control.
8. Repeat the steps in this section for each dedicated CW pump in the application. In this example, Pump Output
Control-1 is renamed CW Pmp 5 Control, and Pump Output Control-2 is renamed CW Pmp 6 Control.
9. Go to Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CW Pump (CW Pmp x Control).

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 140
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Editing the Logic of Each Dedicated CW Pump (CW Pmp x Control)
1. Under Output Control, right-click CW Pmp x Control, where x represents the first dedicated CW pump in the
application (in this example, CW Pmp 5 Control), and select View Logic. The Logic tab opens within the
Application pane.
2. Right-click State and select Rename.
3. In the User Name field, enter CWP x-State, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User
Name is CWP 5-State.
4. Click OK. The State block is renamed CWP 5-State.
Figure 121: Renaming the CWP State

5. Right-click Activity Output Percent Command and select Rename.

6. In the User Name field, enter CWP x-O, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User Name
is CWP 5-O.
7. Click OK. The Percent Command is renamed CWP 5-O.
8. Right-click Device OnOff and select Rename.
9. In the User Name field, enter CWP x-C, where x represents the pump number. In this example, the User Name
becomes CWP 5-C.
10. Click OK. The Device OnOff is renamed CWP 5-C.
Figure 122: Renaming the Device OnOff

11. In the Activities tree, select another CW Pmp x Control. Repeat the steps in this section for each dedicated CW
pump (CW Pmp x Control) in the application. In this example, this section must be completed for both CW Pmp
5 Control and CW Pmp 6 Control.
12. Go to Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CW Pumps.

Configuring the Application Connections for Dedicated CW Pumps

For these steps, you are connecting the Pump Startup Determination output to the dedicated CW pump's system
enable. Connect the CWVFD-RT network input to the dedicated CW pump's ramp time input. Connect the Chiller
Selector output CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd to the Command input on the pump control.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select the first dedicated CW pump (CW Pmp x Control) in the
application. In this example, CW Pmp 5 Control is selected.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 141
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2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click System Enable and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
Figure 123: Making a Connection on the System Enable True

4. Select Logic > Output Control > Pump Startup Determination.

Figure 124: Selecting the Pump Startup Determination

5. Click OK.
6. Right-click Ramp Time and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
7. Select Network Inputs > CWVFD-RT.
Figure 125: Selecting CWVFD-RT

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 142
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8. Click OK.
9. Right-click Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
10. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx, where xx represents the number of chillers. In this example,
Chiller Selector 05 is selected.
11. In the right pane, select the appropriate CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd, where x represents the number of the
specific isolation valve pump command that corresponds to the selected pump.
Note: The number of the appropriate isolation valve pump command might not match the number of the selected
pump. In this example, CW Iso Valve/Pump 4 Cmd (the first dedicated chiller) is the appropriate choice
for CW Pmp 5 Control (the first dedicated CW pump).
Figure 126: Selecting the CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd

12. Click OK.

13. Repeat Step 1 through Step 12 for each dedicated CW pump.
14. Go to Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CW Pumps.

Configuring a Last Value Module for the Dedicated CW Pumps

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New.
2. The New Module Selection for Output Control screen appears.
3. In the Filter field, type Last Value (Enum).
4. In the row that lists a Name of Last Value (Enum), enter a Count value for the number of dedicated CW pumps
in the application. In this example, you add two.
Figure 127: Specifying the Count of the Last Value (Enum)

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 143
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
5. Click Finish. The Last Value (Enum) modules appear in the Output Control column.
6. Right-click a Last Value (Enum) and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
7. Enter a User Name of CWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump
in the application. In this example, the User Name becomes CWP5 Command LV.
Figure 128: Renaming the Last Value (Enum)

8. Click OK.
9. Right-click CWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the application
(in this example, CWP5 Command LV), and select View Details. The Details screen appears.
10. Click Edit.
11. In the right pane, in the Inputs row, click the drop-down box for Units and select Off/On. The Default Value
automatically sets to Off.
Note: Make sure you select Off/On, not OffOn, which is also an option.
12. In the Outputs row, under Units, click the drop-down box for Units and select Off/On. The Default Value
automatically sets to Off.
Note: Make sure you select Off/On, not OffOn, which is also an option.
Figure 129: Setting the CWPx Command LV Units to Off/On

13. Click Apply.

14. Click Close.
15. Select CWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the application.
In Figure 129, CWP5 Command LV is selected.
16. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
17. Under Input, right-click Input and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
18. Select Logic > Output Control > CW Pmp x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW
pump in the application. In Figure 129, CW Pmp 5 Control is selected.
19. Repeat Step 6 through Step 18 for each dedicated CW pump in the application.
20. Go to Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CW Pumps.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 144
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Configuring Interlock Modules for the Dedicated CW Pumps
1. In the Application pane, right-click Setpoint/Miscellaneous and select New. The New Module Selection for
Setpoint/Miscellaneous screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Equipment Interlock.
3. Click the up arrow or type a Count value to indicate the number of dedicated CW pumps in the application. In
this example, you add two.
Figure 130: Setting the Count of the Equipment Interlock

4. Click Finish. The Equipment Interlock modules appear in the Setpoint/Miscellaneous column.
5. Right-click an Equipment Interlock module and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. In the User Name field, type CW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW
pump in the application. In this example, the User Name becomes CW Pump 5 Interlock.
Figure 131: Renaming the Equipment Interlock

7. Click OK.
8. Select the CW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the
application. In this example, CW Pump 5 Interlock is selected.
9. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
10. Under Input, right-click Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
11. Select Logic > Output Control > CWPx Command LV, where x represents the number of the first dedicated
CW pump in the application. In this example, CWP5 Command LV is selected.
Figure 132: Selecting the Preset Value

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 145
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
12. Click OK.
13. Right-click Device Enable and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
14. From the list, select Logic > Output Control > CW Pmp x Control, where x represents the number of the first
dedicated CW pump in the application. In this example, CW Pmp 5 Control is selected.
Figure 133: Selecting the CW Pmp x Control

15. Click OK.

16. Under Setpoint/Miscellaneous, right-click CW Pump x Interlock, where x represents the first dedicated CW
pump in the application, and select View Details. The Details screen appears.
17. Click Edit.
18. In the Inputs section, in the Output Delay row, set the Default Value to match the need of the application. In this
example, the default value is set to 10.0.
Note: We recommend that you review this module to determine what default value parameters are necessary
for the application. It may be necessary to make connections to Pump Status inputs and System Reset
to achieve the control requirements.
19. In the Inputs section, in the Lost Status Delay row, set the Default Value to match the need of the application.
In this example, the default value is set to 10.0.
Note: We recommend that you review this module to determine what default value parameters are necessary
for the application.
Figure 134: Setting the Default Values

20. Click Apply.

21. Click Close.
22. Repeat steps 5 through 21 for each dedicated CW pump in the application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 146
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
23. Go to Adding Condenser Water Pump Application Outputs.

Adding Condenser Water Pump Application Outputs

Add a CWPx-O module and a CWPx-C module for each dedicated CW pump.
Note: If the application does not have variable speed CW pumps then CWPx-O does not need to be added.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Outputs and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, enter Cond Water Pumpx, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump
for the application. In this example, Cond Water Pump5 is entered.
3. In the row that lists User Name CWPx-C, enter a Count value of 1.
4. In the row that lists User Name CWPx-O, enter a Count value of 1.
Figure 135: Setting the Count of Cond Water Pumpx

5. Click Finish.
6. Select CW Pmp x Control, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the application.
In Figure 135, CW Pump 5 Control is Selected.
7. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
8. Under Output, right-click CWPx-C, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
9. Select Hardware > Outputs > CWPx-C, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the
application. In this example, CWP5-C is selected.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 147
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 136: Selecting CWPx-C for Hardware Outputs

10. Under Output, right-click CWPx-O, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
11. Select Hardware > Outputs > CWPx-O, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in the
application. In this example, CWP5-O is selected.
Figure 137: Selecting CWPx-O for Hardware Outputs

12. Repeat all the steps in this section for each dedicated CW pump in your application. In this example, the steps
must be completed for CW Pmp 5 Control and CW Pmp 6 Control, since these are the two dedicated CW pumps.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 148
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13. Go to Adding a Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module.

Adding a Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module

Add a Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 module. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated
CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the row that lists a Name of Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61, enter a Count value of 1.
Figure 138: Entering the Count Value of Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61

3. Click Finish.
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61 and select
Rename. The Rename screen appears.
5. Change the Standard Name to Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61, and then click OK.
Figure 139: Renaming Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61

6. Right-click Network Inputs and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
7. In the row that lists a Standard Name of CS Input (Float), enter a Count value of 1.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 149
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 140: Setting the Count of CS Input (Float)

8. Click Finish.
9. In the Application pane, under Network Inputs, right-click INPUT-FLOAT and select Rename. The Rename
screen appears.
10. Change the User Name to CWDT-SP.
Figure 141: Renaming the INPUT-FLOAT

11. Click OK.

12. In the Application pane, under Network Inputs, select CWDT-SP.
13. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
14. Under Output, right-click CWDT-SP and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
15. Select Logic > Output Control >Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61.
16. In the right pane, select Setpoint.
Figure 142: Selecting Setpoint

17. Click OK.

18. In the Application pane, under Network Inputs, select CW-F.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 150
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Note: Depending on your system setup, you may need to select Inputs instead of Network Inputs.
19. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
20. Under Output, right-click O1 and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
21. Select Logic > Output Control > Dedicated Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61.
22. In the right pane, select Low Limit Process Variable.
Figure 143: Selecting Low Limit Process Variable

23. Click OK.

24. Go to Configuring CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs.

Configuring CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs

Add CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T inputs for each chiller in the application with dedicated CW piping. This section
applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application screen, right-click Inputs and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, enter Chillerx CHW, where x represents the number of the first dedicated chiller in the application.
3. In a row that lists an Application of Chillerx CHW Entering and the Signal for your application, enter a Count
value of 1.
Note: The signal is based on the hardware used for your application.
4. In a row that lists an Application of Chillerx CHW Leaving and the Signal for your application, enter a Count
value of 1.
Note: The signal is based on the hardware used for your application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 151
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Figure 144: Setting the Count of Chillerx CHW Entering and Leaving

5. Click Finish.
6. Go to Configuring the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module.

Adding and Configuring the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module

Add the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For
any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Setpoint/Miscellaneous and select New. The New Module Selection screen
2. In the row that lists a Name of CW Temperature Diff Calc, enter a Count value of 1.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 152
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 145: Entering the Count Value of CW Temperature Diff Calc

3. Click Finish.
4. Go to Connecting the Output and Input on the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module.

Connecting the Input on the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module

Connect the CW Pump x Interlock output to the Command x input on the CW Temp Diff Calc module. This section
applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application screen, under Setpoint/Miscellaneous, select CW Temperature Diff Calc.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. In the Input column, scroll to Command x, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump in
the application (in this example, Command 5).
4. Right-click Command x and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
5. Select Logic > Setpoint Miscellaneous > CW Pump x Interlock.
Figure 146: Selecting the CW Pump x Interlock

6. Click OK.
7. Repeat this section for each dedicated CW pump in the application. In this example, this section must be completed
for Command 5 and Command 6.
8. Go to Connecting the CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs to the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module.

Connecting the CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T Inputs to the CW Temperature Diff Calc Module
Connect all the CHxCWE-T and CHxCWL-T inputs to the CW Temp Diff Calc module. This section applies only to
variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any other pump speeds, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application screen, under Setpoint/Miscellaneous, select CW Temperature Diff Calc.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 153
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
3. In the Input column, scroll to Chlrx CW Entering Temp Dest, where x represents a number of a dedicated
chiller in the application.
4. Right-click Chlrx CW Entering Temp Dest and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
5. Select CHxCWE-T.
6. Click OK.
7. In the CW Temperature Diff Calc pane, in the Input column, scroll to Chlrx CW Leaving Temp Dest, where x
represents a number of a dedicated chiller in the application.
8. Right-click Chlrx CW Leaving Temp Dest and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
9. Select CHxCWL-T.
10. Click OK.
11. Go to Connecting the Output and Input on the Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module.

Connecting the Output on the Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61 Module
Connect the output of the CW Temp Diff Calc module to the process variable input of the Dedicated Variable
Speed CW Pump Control v61 module. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any
other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select Dedicated Variable Speed CW with Low Limit v61.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Process Variable and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
4. Select Logic > Setpoint/Miscellaneous > CW Temperature Diff Calc.
Figure 147: Selecting the CW Temperature Diff Calc

5. Click OK.
6. Go to Copying the Custom Modules.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 154
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Copying the Custom Modules
1. Navigate to the FSC Solutions Database.
Note: You can find a direct link to the FSC Solutions Database in the article Where can I find the custom
modules for creating a CPO10 Application with a combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping?
2. Locate your custom modules in the FSC Solutions Database.
3. Copy the custom modules to the Custom Control Modules Folder on your local hard drive at MetasysIII > CCT
> UI.
Note: The custom modules must be copied to your local hard drive before continuing to the next step.
4. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification

Add the custom module DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification. This section applies only to variable speed
dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type MinFlow.
3. In the row that lists a Name of DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.caf.module, enter a Count value of
Figure 148: Setting the Count of the DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification Module

4. Click Finish.
5. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click
DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.caf.module and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
6. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.
Figure 149: Renaming the DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification Module

7. Click OK.
8. Go to Connecting the CW Min Flow Setpoint to the Min Flow Input.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 155
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Connecting the CW Min Flow Setpoint to the Min Flow Input
Connect the CW Min Flow Setpoint from the Chiller Selector to the Min Flow input of the custom module
DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps.
For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click CW Min Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
4. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx, where xx represents the number of the first dedicated chiller
in the application.
5. In the right pane, select Min CW Flow Setpoint.
Figure 150: Connecting the CW Min Flow Setpoint to the Min Flow

6. Click OK.
7. Repeat the steps of this section for all dedicated chillers in the application.
8. Go to Setting the Default Value for the Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier Input.

Setting the Default Value for the Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier Input
The Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier is the ratio of the minimum flow of the CW Pump over the capacity of the CW
Pump. Set the default value for the Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier input of the custom module
DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps.
For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification and
select View Details. The Details screen appears.
2. In the upper-left corner, click Edit. You may need to expand the right pane in order to view the Inputs and Outputs
3. In the Inputs section, in the row that lists a Name of Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier, enter the appropriate
Default Value for your system.
Note: Reference the rated capacity and minimum flow requirement for the pump you are using to determine
the appropriate Default Value for your system. For example, a CWP Capacity of the 300 gpm and a CWP
Min Flow of 2400 gpm gives a Capacity to Min Flow Multiplier of 0.8.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 156
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 151: Setting the Default Value

4. Click Apply.
5. Click Close.
6. Go to Connecting the Commands of the DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.

Connecting the Commands of the DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification

Connect the CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmds from the Chiller Selector to the CWPx Command inputs of the custom
module DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification for each dedicated CW pump. This section applies only to
variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application screen, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, scroll to Dedicated CWPx Cmd, where x represents the number of the first dedicated CW pump
in the application.
4. Right-click Dedicated CWPx Cmd and click Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
5. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
6. In the right pane, select CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd, where x represents the number of the first dedicated chiller
in the application.
Note: The number of the corresponding pump command might not match the number of the selected chiller. In
this example, CW Iso Valve/Pump 4 Cmd (the first dedicated chiller CW isolation valve) is the corresponding
isolation valve for the first dedicated chiller.
Figure 152: Connecting the Pump Commands to the Chiller Commands

7. Click OK.
8. Repeat the steps of this section for each dedicated chiller in the application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 157
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
9. Go to Breaking the Connection of the CW Min Flow LV from the Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control

Disconnecting the CW Min Flow LV from the Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control
Break the connection of the CW Minimum Flow LV block connected to the Headered Variable Speed CW Pump
Control v61 module.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Low Limit Setpoint and select Break Connection.
4. Go to Adding a Last-Value (Float) Block Named CW Modified Minimum Flow LV.

Adding a Last-Value (Float) Block Named CW Modified Minimum Flow LV

Add a last-value (float) block named CW Modified Minimum Flow LV. This section applies only to variable speed
dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection screen appears.
2. In the Filter field, type Last Value (Float).
3. In the row that lists a name of Last Value (Float), enter a Count value of 1.
Figure 153: Entering the Count Value of the Last Value (Float)

4. Click Finish.
5. In the Application screen, under Output Control, right-click Last-Value (Float) and select Rename. The Rename
screen appears.
6. Fill in a User Name of CW Modified Minimum Flow LV.
Figure 154: Renaming the Last Value (Float)

7. Click OK.
8. Go to Connecting the Input of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the DedicatedHeadered_MinFlowModification
Module Output.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 158
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Connecting the Input of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the
DedicatedHeadered_MinFlowModification Module Output
Connect the Input of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the DedicatedHeadered_MinFlowModification Module
Output. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any other pumps, skip this entire
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select CW Modified Minimum Flow LV.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Input and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
4. Select Logic > Output Control > DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.
Figure 155: Connecting the ModifiedCWMinFlow Input to the
DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification Output

5. Click OK.
6. Go to Connecting the Output of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the Variable Speed Modules.

Connecting the Output of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the Variable Speed Modules
Connect the output of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to both the dedicated and headered variable speed
modules as the Low Limit Setpoint. This section applies only to variable speed dedicated CW pumps. For any
other pumps, skip this entire section.
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select CW Modified Minimum Flow LV.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Output, right-click Present Value and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
4. Select Logic > Output Control > Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control with Low Limit v61.
5. In the right pane, select Low Limit Setpoint.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 159
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 156: Connecting the Output of the CW Modified Minimum Flow LV to the Variable Speed

6. Click OK.
7. Make a second connection. Under Output, right-click Present Value and select Make Connection. The Select
Reference screen appears.
8. Select Logic > Output Control > Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61. In the right pane, select
Low Limit Setpoint.
9. Click OK.
10. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification, and then enter a count value
of 1 for that module.
Figure 157: Adding the DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification Custom Module

3. Click Finish.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 160
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click
DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.caf.module and select Rename. The Rename screen
5. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.
Figure 158: Renaming the DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification

6. Go to Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification Module.

Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification Module

1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Required Tower Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
4. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chillers in the application.
5. In the right pane, select Required Tower Flow, and then select OK.
Figure 159: Connecting the Required Tower Flow

6. Under Input on the Connections Tab, right-click Dedicated CWPx Cmd, and then select Make Connection.
7. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chillers in the application.
8. In the right pane, select CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd, and then select OK.
Note: x represents the number of the dedicated chiller.
Note: In the example, CW Iso Valve/Pump 4 Cmd is connected to Dedicated CWP5 Cmd on the
DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification module.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 161
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 160: Selecting the CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd

9. Repeats Step 6 though Step 8 for each dedicated chiller in the application.
10. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right click DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.
11. Select View Details. The Details window opens.
12. Under Inputs, set the Default Value of any dedicated CW pump capacity to Dedicated CWPx Capacity.
Note: x is the identifying number of a dedicated pump.
Figure 161: Setting the Default Value of Dedicated CW Pumps

13. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select Tower Required Flow LV.
14. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
15. Under Input, right-click Input, and then select Break Connection.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 162
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 162: Breaking the Tower Required Flow LV Connection

16. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_TowerRequiredFlowModification.

17. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
18. Under Output, right-click Required Tower Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
19. Select Logic > Output Control > Tower Required Flow LV.
20. In the right pane, select Input.
Figure 163: Making a Connection to the Tower Required Flow LV

21. Under Output, right-click Dedicated CWPx Capacity and select Make Connection. The Select Reference
screen appears.
Note: x represents the identifying number for a dedicated CW pump in the application.
22. Select Logic > Output Control > DedicatedHeadered_CWMinFlowModification.
23. In the right pane, select Dedicated CWPx Capacity. In this example, CWP5 and CWP6 are dedicated, so they
are connected.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 163
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 164: Connecting a Dedicated Chiller

24. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification, and then enter a count value
of 1 for that module.
Figure 165: Selecting A New Module

3. Click Finish.
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click
DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.caf.module and select Rename. The Rename screen
5. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.
Figure 166: Renaming the Custom Module

6. Go to Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification Module.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 164
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification Module
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Headered CW Percent Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference
screen appears.
4. Select Logic > Output Control > Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61.
5. In the right pane, select Percent Cmd.
Figure 167: Connecting to the Dedicated Headered Pump

6. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select Headered Variable Speed CW Pump Control v61.
7. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
8. Under Output, right-click each output and select Break Connection (except for the
DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification connection).
Figure 168: Breaking Connections

9. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_CWPercentCommandModification.

10. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
11. Under Input, right-click Dedicated CW Percent Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference
screen appears.
12. Select Logic > Output Control > Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control with Low Limit v61.
13. In the right pane, select Percent Cmd.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 165
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 169: Connecting to the Dedicated Variable Speed CW Pump Control with Low Limit v61

14. Under Output, right-click CW Percent Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
15. Select Logic > Output Control > CW Pmp x Control.
Note: x represents an indicating number for each dedicated and headered CW pump in the application.
16. In the right pane, select Percent Cmd.
17. Repeat Step 15 and Step 16 for each CW pump.
Figure 170: Connecting to each CW Pump Control

18. Under Output, right-click CW Percent Command and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
19. Select Logic > Output Control > CWP Selector xx.
20. In the right pane, select Process Variable.
Figure 171: Connecting to a CWP Selector

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 166
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
21. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type MainLogic, and then enter a count value of 1 for that module.
Figure 172: Selecting Main Logic Module

3. Click Finish.
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic.caf.module and
select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
5. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic.
Figure 173: Renaming Main Logic Module

6. Go to Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic Module.

Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic Module

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type last value (float), and then enter a count value of 2 for that module.
Figure 174: Selecting Last Value (Float) Module

3. Click Finish.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 167
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click Last Value (Float) and select Rename. The Rename
screen appears.
5. Change the User Name to CW Commanded Flow LV.
6. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click Last Value (Float) and select Rename. The Rename
screen appears.
7. Change the User Name to CHW Commanded Flow LV.
8. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic.
9. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
10. Under Input, right-click CWLV and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
11. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chiller in the application.
12. In the right pane, select Required CW Flow.
Figure 175: Selecting the Required CW Flow

13. Under Input, right-click CWMinLV and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
14. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
15. In the right pane, select Min CW Flow Setpoint.
Figure 176: Selecting the Min CW Flow Setpoint

16. Under Input, right-click CHWLV and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
17. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 168
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
18. In the right pane, select Required CHW Flow.
Figure 177: Selecting Required CHW Flow

19. Under Input, right-click CHWMinLV and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
20. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
21. In the right pane, select Min CHW Flow Setpoint.
Figure 178: Selecting Min CHW Flow Setpoint

22. Under Input, right-click CWIsoVlvCmdx and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
Note: x represents the number of a headered chiller in the application.
23. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
24. In the right pane, select CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 169
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 179: Selecting CW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd

25. Repeat Step 22 through Step 24 for each chiller with headered pumping.
26. Under Input, right-click CHWIsoVlvCmdx and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
Note: x represents the identifying number of each headered chiller in the application.
27. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector.
28. In the right pane, select CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd.
Figure 180: Selecting CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd

29. Repeat Step 26 through Step 28 for each chiller with headered pumping.
30. Under Input, right-click CW Commanded Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
31. Select Logic > Output Control > CWP Selector xx.
Note: xx represents a number of a headered pump in the application.
32. In the right pane, select Current Capacity.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 170
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 181: Selecting Current Capacity for a CWP Selector

33. Break the input connections to the following LV modules:

Logic > Output Control > CW Cap Match LV
Logic > Output Control > CW Minimum Flow LV
Logic > Output Control > CHW Pump Shed OK LV
34. Break the following connections on the Chiller Selector:
Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector > CW Commanded Flow
Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector > CHW Commanded Flow
35. Under Input, right-click CHW Commanded Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
36. Select Logic > Output Control > PCHWP Selector xx.
Note: xx represents a number of a headered pump in the application.
37. In the right pane, select Current Capacity.
Figure 182: Selecting Current Capacity for a PCHWP Selector

38. Under Output, right-click CW Required Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
39. Select Logic > Output Control > CW Cap Match LV.
40. In the right pane, select Input.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 171
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 183: Selecting Input for CW Cap Match LV

41. Under Output, right-click CW Min Flow Setpoint and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
42. Select Logic > Output Control > CW Minimum Flow LV.
43. In the right pane, select Input.
Figure 184: Selecting Input for CW Minimum Flow LV

44. Under Output, right-click CHW Min Flow Setpoint and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
45. Select Logic > Output Control > CHW Pump Shed OK LV.
46. In the right pane, select Input.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 172
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 185: Selecting Input for CHW Pump Shed OK LV

47. Under Output, right-click CHWIsoVlvCmdx and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen appears.
Note: x represents a number of a headered chiller in the application.
48. Select Logic > Output Control > Chlrx Control.
49. In the right pane, select Isolation Valve Command.
50. Repeat Steps 45 through Step 47 for each chiller with headered pumping.
Figure 186: Selecting Isolation Valve Command for Chlr x Control

51. Under Output, right-click CHW Commanded Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
52. Select Logic > Output Control > CHW Commanded Flow LV.
53. In the right pane, select Input.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 173
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 187: Selecting Input for CHW Command Flow LV

54. Under Output, right-click CW Commanded Flow and select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
55. Select Logic > Output Control > CW Commanded Flow LV.
56. In the right pane, select Input.
Figure 188: Selecting Input for CW Command Flow LV

57. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select CW Commanded Flow LV.
58. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
59. Under Output, right-click Present Value, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
60. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chiller in the application.
61. In the right pane, select CW Commanded Flow.
62. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select CHW Commanded Flow LV.
63. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
64. Under Output, right-click Present Value, and then select Make Connection. The Select Reference screen
65. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 174
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Note: xx represents the number of chiller in the application.
66. In the right pane, select CHW Commanded Flow.
67. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type chillercommands, and then enter a count value of 1 for that module.
Figure 189: Selecting the Chillercommands Module

3. Click Finish.
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands.caf.module
and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
5. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands.
Figure 190: Renaming the DedicatedHeadered_ChilerCommands Module

6. Go to Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands Module.

Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands Module

1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select Chiller Selector xx.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Output, right-click Device x Cmd, and then select Break Connection.
4. Repeat Step one through Step three for each dedicated chiller in the application.
5. In the Application Pane, under Output Control, select Chlrx Control.
Note: x represents a dedicated chiller in the application.
6. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
7. Under Input, right-click Chiller Command and select Break Connection.
8. Repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for every dedicated chiller in the application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 175
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
9. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click DedicatedHeadered_ChillerCommands, and then
select View Details. The details window appears.
10. Under Inputs, set the Pump Delay and IsoVlv Stroke Time default values to match the Pump Delay and
IsoVlvStrokeTime values from the Chiller Selector.
Figure 191: Matching the Input Values

11. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.

12. Under Input, right-click DedicatedChillerCmdx and select Make Connection.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated chiller in the application.
13. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chillers in the application.
14. In the right pane, select Device x Cmd.
Figure 192: Selecting Device x Cmd for Chiller Selector xx

15. Repeat Step 12 through Step 14 for each dedicated chiller in the application.
16. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
17. Under Output, right-click DedicatedChillerCmdx, and then select Make Connection.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated chiller in the application.
18. Select Logic > Output Control > Chlrx Control.
19. In the right pane, select Chiller Command.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 176
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 193: Selecting Chiller Command for Chlrx Control

20. Go to Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification.

Adding the Custom Module DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification

1. In the Application pane, right-click Output Control and select New. The New Module Selection Screen appears.
2. In the Filter Field, type DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification, and then enter a count value of 1 for
that module.
Figure 194: Selecting the DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification Module

3. Click Finish.
4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click
DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification.caf.module and select Rename. The Rename screen appears.
5. Change the User Name to DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification.
Figure 195: Renaming the DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification Module

6. Go to Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification Module.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 177
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Connecting the DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification Module
1. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select VF Primary Min Flow Control.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Setpoint, and then select Break Connection
Figure 196: Breaking Setpoint Connections

4. In the Application pane, under Output Control, select DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification.

5. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
6. Under Input, right-click MinCHWFlowSetpoint In and select Make Connection.
7. Select Logic > Output Control > DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic.
8. In the right pane, select CHW Min Flow Setpoint.
Figure 197: Selecting CHW Min Flow Setpoint for DedicatedHeadered_MainLogic

9. Under Input, right-click Dedicated CHWP x Cmd, and then select Make Connection.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated CHW pump in the application.
10. Select Logic > Output Control > Chiller Selector xx.
Note: xx represents the number of chillers in the application
11. In the right pane, select CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated CHW pump in the application.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 178
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 198: Selecting the CHW Iso Valve/Pump x Cmd for Chiller Selector xx

12. Repeat Step 9 through Step 11 for each dedicated CHW Pump in the application.
13. In the Application pane, under Output Control, right-click DedicatedHeadered_MinCHWFlowModification,
and then select View Details. The details window appears.
14. Under Inputs, set the Dedicated CHWPx Min Flow input Default Value to match the values of the dedicated
CHW pump's minimum flow in the application.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated CHW pump.
Figure 199: Setting the Dedicated CHWPx Min Flow to a Default Value

15. Select Logic > Output Control > VF Primary Min Flow Control.
16. Click the Connections tab.
17. Under Inputs, right-click Setpoint, and then select Break Connection.
18. Under Output, right-click Modified Min CHW Flow Setpoint, and then select Make Connection.
19. Select Logic > Output Control > VF Primary Min Flow Control.
20. In the right pane, select Setpoint.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 179
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 200: Selecting the Setpoint for VF Primary Min Flow Control

21. Go to Connecting Interlocks to the Chiller Enable Determination.

Connecting Interlocks to the Chiller Enable Determination

1. In the Application pane, under State Generation, select Chiller Enable Determination.
2. In the Features pane, click the Connections tab.
3. Under Input, right-click Pump A Enable x, and then select Make Connection.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated CW pump in the application.
4. Select Logic > Setpoint/Miscellaneous > CW Pump x Interlock.
5. In the right pane, select Device Enable.
Figure 201: Selecting Device Enable for CW Pump x Interlock

6. Under Input, right-click Pump B Enable x, and then select Make Connection.
Note: x represents a number of a dedicated CHW pump in the application.
7. Select Logic > Setpoint/Miscellaneous > CHW Pump x Interlock.
8. In the right pane, select Device Enable, and then click OK.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 180
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping
Figure 202: Selecting Device Enable for CHW Pump x Interlock

9. Repeat Step 3 through Step 8 for each dedicated pump in the application.
The configuration is complete.

Building Efficiency
507 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202
Metasys and Johnson Controls are registered trademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc.
All other marks herein are the marks of their respective owners. 2015 Johnson Controls, Inc.

Published in U.S.A.

Johnson Controls Central Plant Optimization 10 Application Note: Appendix: Creating an Application with a 181
Combination of Dedicated and Headered Piping

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