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Lesson Plan for Whole Class Teaching

My MST will teach the opening and the guided parts of the lesson,
and I will teach the closing part.

Student-Teacher: Reem Alkarbi

Date: 24-10-2017
Course: EPC 1903
Grade Level: Grade 1
Subject: Mathematics
Strand: the students will be able to crate, copy and continue a pattern.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
1PA1 Recognize, read and describe patterns in a range of familiar environments.
1PA2 copy, continue and create simple repeating patterns.
Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
students use? Be specific) class?)

1. board markers Me and my MST will make sure that the five centers of
2. Students math books activities are ready for children. Such as, materials, clean
tables and enough chairs.
3. Five activity folders, each folder contain two
different materials with one of this three Also, if we will use the data show we will open it to make
questions copy, continue and create pattern. sure that it is work.
4. Some materials like, small ball, small chairs, Key vocabulary
small plastic fruits and small shapes.
Copy this pattern
Create pattern
Continue this pattern
Draw pattern

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Time:____ min

Review the last lesson, My MST asked grade one students about the patterns which they learned
from the last lesson, then she ask them who will draw for us pattern in the blackboard? Some of
them raise their hand and draw different patterns from their mind like, hart, butterfly, hart,
butterfly, and circle, tringle, circle, tringle.
Guided Experience and/or Independent Experience

(group working with the teacher and/or students working independently)

In the guided Experience and Independent Experience my MST will gives the students their mathematics
books, then she writes the page in the board as they usually do they will see the number then the will
open it. (the activity book alignment with the outcome because the student will read and describe
Time: ____ min

patterns in a range of familiar environments)


1. She will make sure that everyone open the right page.
2. Then she will explain for them the activity page by talking.
3. By observing their understanding of what they will do in this activity the teacher will decide if they
need more explain she will answer one question for them.
4. During their activity, the teacher will move around to observe and help them.

At the end of the lesson I will make fast competition between the five groups about copy, continue and
create patterns.

First, I will draw a schedule in the bored for the groups to give the group who will answer correctly (well
done) point. At the end of this closing and assessment activity the group who will collect more point will
get a prize.
Time: ____ min

Then, I will choose the leader for each group and I will tell them their role which is move the activity folder
to the other group when time finish.

After that, I will start give each group activity folder and observe their work and understanding. I provide
different types of patterns activity like copy this pattern, continue this pattern and create pattern.

Last, we will see who is the winner.

(Closing the lesson with creative and fun way for grade one students)


I will know if the children understand or not by observing them during the activities.

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