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Are social media replacing traditional media in terms of brand equity creation?
Manfred Bruhn, Verena Schoenmueller, Daniela B. Schfer,
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To cite this document:
Manfred Bruhn, Verena Schoenmueller, Daniela B. Schfer, (2012) "Are social media replacing traditional
media in terms of brand equity creation?", Management Research Review, Vol. 35 Issue: 9, pp.770-790,
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35,9 Are social media replacing
traditional media in terms of
brand equity creation?
Manfred Bruhn, Verena Schoenmueller and Daniela B. Schafer
Department of Marketing and Management, University of Basel,
Basel, Switzerland
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relative impact of brand communication on
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brand equity through social media as compared to traditional media. In a juxtaposition of different
industries it aims at: investigating whether both communication instruments have an impact on
consumer-based brand equity; comparing the effect sizes of these two communication instruments;
and separating the effects of firm-created and user-generated social media communication.
Design/methodology/approach A total of 393 data sets from three different industries, namely
tourism, telecommunications, and pharmaceuticals, were generated using a standardized online-survey.
Structural equation modeling was used in the analysis of the data obtained to investigate the interplay of
social media and traditional media in general, as well as in an examination of industry-specific
Findings The results of the empirical study show that both traditional communications and social
media communications have a significant impact on brand equity. While traditional media has a
stronger impact on brand awareness, social media communications strongly influence brand image.
Firm-created social media communication is shown to have an important impact on functional brand
image, while user-generated social media communication exerts a major influence on hedonic brand
image. Furthermore, the present study highlights significant differences between the industries under
Originality/value The research described in this paper is pioneering in that it juxtaposes the
impacts of social media and traditional media on brand equity a topic of increasing interest to firms
in the era of Facebook and Twitter but so far largely uninvestigated. Moreover, the differentiation
between firm-created and user-generated social media communication, which is gaining increasingly
in importance, as companies see their brand marketing power devolve to the consumer through social
media platforms, offers valuable insights to marketing practitioners and academics.
Keywords Brand management, Brand equity, Marketing communications, Social media,
Traditional media, Word of mouth
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
The media landscape has undergone an immense transformation over the past decade
(Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Social media, i.e. social networks or microblogs, are
increasingly replacing traditional media, and the buzz about these new marketing
opportunities seems unlimited: millions of fans declare their love to Coca-Cola on
Facebook, the roller babies of the Danones water brand Evian have become the most
Management Research Review frequently viewed video on YouTube, and thousands of Starbucks consumers work
Vol. 35 No. 9, 2012
pp. 770-790 together on the platform Mystarbucksidea.com to create new ideas for the popular coffee
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited house brand for free. This trend of consumers becoming fans of brands on social media
DOI 10.1108/01409171211255948 platforms and using social media as an increasing source of information about brands
leads to the assumption that social media in addition to traditional marketing Brand
communication instruments exerts an important impact on a brands success. In 2008, equity
companies invested more than 1.54 billion dollars for the implementation and support of
social media communications. This growth in social media seems unlimited so far creation
(Trusov et al., 2009), as the investments in social media are expected to increase to more
than three billion dollars per year by 2013 (Kozinets et al., 2010). Social media has
established itself as a mass phenomenon with a wide demographic distribution: 771
75 percent of the US internet users use social media (Miller, 2009). The viral diffusion of
information through social media has a far greater capacity to reach the public than
short tail media such as TV, radio, and print advertisements (Keller, 2009).
However, the rapid growth of social media platforms over the last few years have
raised the question of whether this development has diminished the marketers control of
brand management (Berthon et al., 2007). Since social media offers an opportunity
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for consumers to talk to hundreds or even thousands of other consumers around the
world, companies are no longer the sole source of brand communication. Additionally,
consumers are turning away from traditional media such as TV, radio, or magazines and
are increasingly using social media to search for information (Mangold and Faulds, 2009).
They regard social media as a more trustworthy source of information than the traditional
instruments of marketing communications used by companies (Foux, 2006). According to
a study conducted by Nielsen (2009a), 70 percent of internet users trust the evaluations of
consumers on social media platforms. Consequently, marketers can expect that brand
communication will cease to be generated solely by the company, but increasingly by
the consumers themselves through so-called user-generated social media communication.
Therefore, it is crucial to differentiate between firm-created and user-generated social
media communication and examine the impact of these two forms of social media
communication separately. This is highly important, as firm-created social media
communication is under the control of the company and the brand manager, whereas
user-generated social media communication is independent of the companys control.
We follow calls for research to analyze the interplay between social media and
traditional marketing communication instruments in more depth (Libai et al., 2010).
Additionally, the analysis of their effects on brand metrics sets the focus on a marketing
outcome that has been neglected in research so far. Moreover, we aim at juxtaposing the
effects of firm-created and user-generated social media communication, as these two
instruments of social media differ significantly in terms of company control. This leads
to three research objectives which are highly relevant for companies, and brand
management in particular, in a changing communication environment (Dellarocas, 2003;
Godes et al., 2005; Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004; Kozinets et al., 2010):
(1) Investigation of the influence of brand-based social media communication on
metrics of brand equity compared to traditional instruments of marketing
(2) Determination of whether firm-created and user-generated social media
communication have different effects on the metrics of brand equity.
(3) Juxtaposition concerning the effects of social media and traditional media on
brand equity in different industries.
2. Research background
The stated research questions require a deeper understanding regarding the
relationship between brand communication and brand equity as well as the impact of
brand-based communication vehicles on social media platforms. Therefore, this paper
relates to two streams in the existing literature; namely, studies focusing on the impact of
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interest in research that investigates the differentiated impact of social media and
traditional media on marketing outcomes (Libai et al., 2010). However, only two studies,
namely Stephen and Galak (2009) and Trusov et al. (2009), deal with this research topic so
far. But these studies are not situated in the branding context. They use social network
membership growth as well as number and size of loans, respectively, as dependent
variables. Thus, the impact of social versus traditional media on target variables of brand
management remains unclear. Our study builds on this research gap by investigating
the individual impacts of social media and traditional media on brand equity. Moreover,
in order to gain a deeper insight into the effect of social media communications,
we differentiate between firm-created and user-generated social media communication
a topic of growing importance (Godes and Mayzlin, 2009). Additionally and in contrast to
previous research, we compare the effects between three industries which differ regarding
their social media engagement and thereby gain valuable insights into existing industry
differences. To sum up, this paper follows recent calls for research regarding a more
comprehensive and multi-faceted analysis on consumer-to-consumer communication
(Libai et al., 2010) and research aiming at a broader understanding of the roles and
mechanisms of traditional and social media communication (Stephen and Galak, 2009).
H1c H1b
Social Media
Functional H4b Brand Attitude H5 Purchase Intention
H2b Brand Image
H2c H3b
brand equity by increasing the probability that a brand will be incorporated in the
consumers consideration set, simplifying the consumers brand choice and turning that
choice into a habit (Yoo et al., 2000).
As marketers always aim at presenting their brand in a positive light, communication
through traditional media and firm-created social media communication both fully
controlled by the marketer will always transport positive brand-based communication
content. Thus, it is assumed that a positive evaluation of the traditional instruments of
marketing communications and firm-created communication will positively influence
brand awareness, functional, and hedonic brand image:
H1. A positive evaluation of brand-based traditional media communication
positively influences (H1a) brand awareness (H1b) functional brand image,
and (H1c) hedonic brand image.
Therefore, we needed to ensure that the participants had actually perceived a specific
brand on social media platforms in order to be eligible to participate in the survey. From
each participants selection of brands, one brand was randomly assigned to that
participant. By limiting the choice of brands to those perceived on social media
platforms as well as randomizing the actual brand that the participants evaluated in the
survey, we avoided the possible bias that participants might chose a brand on the basis
of a personal positive evaluation. Table I gives an overview of the sample demographics.
Measurement procedure
We exclusively used reflective measurements, where changes in a constructs
measures indicate changes in the latent construct (Edwards and Bagozzi, 2000).
We drew on established scales used in the literature and adapted them to our research
context. Measure reliability and validity of the reflective measurements were assessed
using Cronbachs a and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). All constructs show a high
Sample demographics (n 393) %
Male 46.56
Female 53.44
778 PhD 9.41
University degree 34.10
High school diploma 21.88
Secondary school leaving certificate 20.10
Elementary school certificate 3.05
No indication 11.45
, 18 1.02
18-22 5.09
Downloaded by Independent University At 03:43 05 October 2017 (PT)
23-34 25.19
35-54 55.22
. 54 13.49
Apprentice 9.67
Worker 10.69
Employee 41.73
Executive employee 10.69
Table I. Self-employed 10.43
Sample demographics No indication 16.79
Cronbachs a, ranging from 0.88 to 0.98. In using CFA, we assessed the composite
reliability and the average variance extracted (AVE) of all the constructs. All constructs
show a value higher than 0.60 for composite reliability, which is recommended as
the threshold value in the literature (Bagozzi and Yi, 1988). The analysis shows values
greater than 0.65 for AVE exceeding the acceptable value of 0.50 (Fornell and Larcker,
1981). Our scale properties and the corresponding reliability and validity values are
provided in Table AI. Moreover, we tested for discriminant validity on the basis of the
criteria that Fornell and Larcker (1981) suggest. The results show that discriminant
validity is given (Table AII).
We included all independent and dependent latent variables in one multifactorial
CFA model. This model shows a satisfactory fit to the data (x 2/df 2.73; root mean
square error of approximation (RMSEA) 0.07; standardized root mean square
residual (SRMR) 0.03; comparative fit index (CFI) 0.97; Tucker-Lewis Index
(TLI) 0.96). We used structural equation modelling (AMOS 17.0) to test the
hypotheses. The overall model leads to a good fit (x 2/df 3.12; RMSEA 0.07;
SRMR 0.06; CFI 0.96; TLI 0.95).
image 0.42 * * * p
Brand awareness ! brand attitude 0.14 * * * p
Functional brand image ! brand attitude 0.67 * * * p
Hedonic brand image ! brand attitude 0.26 * * * p
Brand attitude ! purchase intention 0.87 * * * Table II.
Standardized structural
Notes: *t $ 1.282, p # 0.10; * *t $ 1.645, p # 0.05; * * *t $ 2.326, p # 0.01 coefficients
brand image, which leads to the acceptance of H2a and H2b. However, no significant
effect is detected for hedonic brand image, rejecting H2c. Regarding user-generated
social media communication, a significant impact is found for hedonic brand image,
while a positive relationship with functional brand image and brand awareness is not
confirmed. Therefore, H3c1 is supported, while H3a, H3b1, H3b2 and H3c2 are rejected.
Consistent with H4a-H4c, brand awareness, functional, and hedonic brand image
positively impact brand attitude. Finally, the positive relationship between brand
attitude and purchase intention is confirmed leading to the acceptance of H5.
Further insights regarding the effect of traditional instruments of marketing
communications and social media communications on brand attitude as well as on
purchase intention are drawn from an investigation of the indirect effects (Homburg
and Jensen, 2007; Preacher and Kelley, 2011). Firm-created social media
communication demonstrates the greatest indirect effect size (brand attitude: 0.36;
purchase intention: 0.32) compared to user-generated social media communication
(brand attitude: 0.20; purchase intention: 0.18) and traditional media (brand attitude:
0.30; purchase intention: 0.26).
the hypotheses are validly investigated (Steenkamp and Baumgartner, 1998). The
results of the unconstrained and the constrained models are shown in Table III.
The x 2-difference test shows that significant differences between the three
industries are detected (Table IV). Regarding the comparison between the tourism and
the telecommunications industries, the unconstrained model reveals a x 2-value of
1,219.6. Firm-created social media communication exerts a greater influence on
functional brand image for telecommunication brands compared to tourism brands,
while user-generated social media communication has a significantly stronger
influence on both brand awareness and functional brand image for tourism brands.
For the comparison of the tourism and the pharmaceuticals industries, a x 2-value of
1,228.7 is determined. The impact of firm-created social media communication on
functional brand image is significantly stronger for the pharmaceutical industry. The
differences between the two industries become even clearer when considering the
differences regarding user-generated social media communication. For the tourism
industry, user-generated social media communication has a greater impact on brand
awareness as well as on both dimensions of brand image.
The comparison of the telecommunications and pharmaceuticals industries reveals
significant differences, too. The unconstrained model shows a x 2-value of 1,164.3.
User-generated social media communication has a significantly greater impact on
functional brand image for telecommunication brands compared to pharmaceutical
Tourism telecommunications
Model 1 1,219.63 566 21.73 0.24 0.07 0.06 0.93 0.92
Model 2 1,241.37 584 0.07 0.06 0.93 0.93
Tourism pharmaceuticals
Model 1 1,228.69 566 12.74 0.81 0.07 0.07 0.94 0.93
Model 2 1,241.43 584 0.07 0.07 0.94 0.93
Telecommunications pharmaceuticals
Model 1 1,164.34 566 17.58 0.48 0.06 0.07 0.95 0.94
Model 2 1,181.92 584 0.06 0.07 0.95 0.94
Table III.
Invariance test Notes: Model 1 unconstrained; Model 2 constrained
Tourism Tourism Pharmaceuticals
telecommunications pharmaceuticals telecommunications equity
x 2-difference x 2-difference x 2-difference creation
test with 1 df p test with 1 df p test with 1 df p
6. Discussion
The advent of social media has introduced new channels of brand communication,
evidenced currently by the application of online brand engagement on social media
platforms: Starbucks asking consumers for advice on improving their market offerings;
Coca-Colas and Danones activity on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.
Our studys investigation of the increasing utilization of brand engagement through social
media communications offers valuable insights on the relative influence of this media on
brand equity compared to traditional instruments of marketing communications and leads
to important implications for companies brand communication activities.
The investigation of the effect sizes of traditional media and social media
communications on the different dimensions of brand equity demonstrates that
traditional media exert a stronger impact on brand awareness compared to social media
communications, whereas social media communications have a stronger positive influence
on brand image. Consequently, our comparative appraisal of these communications media
shows that traditional media such as TV and print campaigns are best suited to increasing
brand awareness, while corporate weblogs or brand profiles on social networking sites are
best suited to improving brand image. Thus, the joint implementation of these different
communication instruments offers opportunities for further increasing brand equity.
MRR A more detailed analysis of social media communications, achieved by
35,9 differentiating firm-created social media communication and user-generated social
media communication, reveals the importance of source credibility. The different effects
of firm-created compared to user-generated social media communication on the brand
image dimensions demonstrate that consumers consciously differentiate between the
sources of information. A deeper consideration of these results reveals that firm-created
782 social media communication specifically increases functional brand image, whereas
user-generated social media communication positively affects hedonic brand image.
The strong impact of user-generated social media communication on the hedonic
brand image becomes obvious by looking at the content of positive brand-based
statements on social media platforms. On these platforms, consumers often refer to the
overall attractiveness or desirability of the brand. As an example, one can point out the
numerous consumers who confess their love of brands like Starbucks on its Facebook
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of mouth even more directly by inviting consumers to promote their brand. For this,
companies send product packages to consumers and ask them personally to talk
about the brand to their friends and acquaintances (Godes and Mayzlin, 2009). However,
companies have to be aware that buying word of mouth risks raising consumer
skepticism (Mayzlin, 2006). Thus, companies have to carefully develop successful
strategies for influencing consumer-to-consumer social media communication. Without
necessarily needing to influence consumer discussions, companies can also benefit from
simply monitoring user-generated social media communication and, in the process,
gather useful information about a brands advantages or disadvantages, which they can
then employ in future brand strategies (Mayzlin, 2006).
Finally, it has to be acknowledged that user-generated social media communication
does not impact consumers brand perception regarding reliability, credibility, and
trustworthiness. The insignificant effect of user-generated communication on functional
benefit is in line with empirical results in the field of (electronic) word of mouth.
Studies state that product dissatisfaction (Day et al., 1981) and the retailers failure to
provide appropriate complaint handling mechanisms, inadequate responses to customer
complaints, and inefficiency regarding product repair (Richins, 1983) are often the cause
of negative word of mouth. These reasons relate to the functional brand aspects,
implying that consumers who are dissatisfied with a functional aspect of a brand will
be sufficiently motivated to communicate their irritation on the internet to other
consumers. In this context, previous research identified consumers concern for other
consumers (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2004) or consumer vengeance (Sundaram et al., 1998)
as motivations for expressing oneself online. However, they also use social media
platforms to value positive experiences or praise functional brand aspects as a quote
from BMWs Facebook profile shows: We love the customer service ethic at BMW [. . .]
and the cars are great too. The insignificant effect of user-generated social media on
functional benefit might be precisely due to the coexistence of positive and negative
comments. In this context, marketers have to be aware that firm-created social
media in contrast to user-generated social media exerts a strong impact on functional
brand image. Thus, companies can influence consumers here and should use this
communications channel as well as traditional media to manage brand awareness and
functional brand image.
Furthermore, our results demonstrate that brand awareness has the weakest impact on
brand attitude compared to functional and hedonic brand image. At first, this weak
MRR relationship seems to be in accordance with our reasoning regarding the hypothesized
35,9 effect of user-generated, firm-created, and traditional media communication on brand
awareness. Firm-created and traditional media communication transport only
positive information which leads to increased consumer brand awareness, which in turn
enhances brand attitude positively a presumed marketing objective. However,
user-generated communication does not necessarily need to be positive in order to raise
784 awareness, implying that negative user-generated social media communication can
increase the brand awareness, but need not necessarily increase brand attitude positively.
Nevertheless, our results demonstrate that user-generated social media communication
does not have a significant impact on brand awareness in the overall data set which covers
the three industries. A further analysis of the separate industries however indicates that
for the tourism industry there is a significant impact on brand awareness, highlighting that
the significance of the effect on brand awareness seems to be industry-specific. We
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conclude that the effect of user-generated social media communication on brand awareness
seems rather complex regarding its possible ambiguous effect on awareness and its
dependency on industry and therefore further research should be carried out in this
context. Additionally, our results imply that it is not sufficient for marketing managers to
simply measure consumer awareness of their brands presence on social media platforms.
Marketing managers should rather discover the underlying causes eliciting this
awareness, as it is awareness that ultimately impacts brand attitude and the nature of this
relationship is equivocal, depending on the kind of information communicated positive
or negative. Therefore, it seems crucial for a company to identify (1) the source of the
increased awareness (firm-created or user-generated communication) and (2) the valence of
the user-generated content on social media platforms leading to an increased awareness.
Discussing the industry comparison in more detail, our study reveals that there are
significant differences in the effect sizes. This indicates that decisions about the
implementation of social media should be driven by industry characteristics. The results
demonstrate that consumers of pharmaceutical brands rely more heavily on highly
qualified specialists and dismiss the opinions and evaluations of other consumers.
This explains the strong impact of firm-created social media communication and the
negligible importance of user-generated communication on social media platforms. In the
tourism industry, on the other hand, consumers highly appreciate consumer-to-consumer
communication and consult user-generated social media communication for information
when making brand decisions. Here, firm-created social media communication lacks
credibility in the eyes of the consumer. Finally, for the telecommunications industry, both
firm-created and user-generated social media communication strongly influence
functional and hedonic brand image, respectively, highlighting the importance of
implementing a comprehensive social media communications strategy in this industry.
To sum up, companies should recognize the need to engage in social media and to
carefully define a clear strategy for their engagement. Social media offer companies
numerous opportunities to listen to their consumers, to engage with them, and to even
influence their conversations. Companies providing social network platforms bring
like-minded consumers together and give them the opportunity to talk about
brand-based topics. Therefore, companies should view social media as an essential
component of their marketing communication mix, and integrate them in their
marketing communications in order to increase brand equity. The rising trend of
the consumer use of social media will increasingly impact brand equity in future.
The strategic implementation of social media offers marketers an added advantage in Brand
being relatively low in investment costs compared to traditional marketing equity
communication instruments such as TV. Companies are challenged to respond to
these changes and to successfully integrate social media communications in their creation
marketing mix in order to enhance their consumer-based brand equity. Moreover, they
should integrate the industry-specific findings of this paper into their brands social
media policy. 785
The following limitations of our study need to be acknowledged. Since our study uses
advertising as a proxy for the traditional instruments of marketing communications,
future researchers are encouraged to investigate other communication instruments,
such as sponsoring, and to analyze the interplay of these instruments with social media
communications. Moreover, a broader spectrum of industries should be investigated, as
this would yield a clearer indication of the various mechanisms operating with brands of
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different industries. Future research should also try to relate company social media
communications to company financial performance indicators, such as shareholder
value, to gain a deeper insight into the benefits of social media communications on
corporate financial success.
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internet platforms which are suitable for exchanging information, opinions or experiences;
e.g. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube; both companies and users on social media platforms can promote
Table AI. the brand via these media
1 0.90
2 0.85 0.90
3 0.73 0.65 0.89
4 0.39 0.35 0.42 0.65
5 0.60 0.54 0.53 0.47 0.94
6 0.46 0.49 0.44 0.29 0.56 0.83
7 0.62 0.57 0.57 0.49 0.84 0.63 0.91
8 0.54 0.47 0.48 0.40 0.67 0.54 0.76 0.93
Table AII.
Test of discriminant Notes: The average variance extracted (AVE) values are marked in italics; the squared construct
validity correlations are beneath the diagonal
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