Improved Fingercode For Filterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching
Improved Fingercode For Filterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching
Improved Fingercode For Filterbank-Based Fingerprint Matching
1 x' 2 y ' 2
G ( x, y; f , ) = exp 2 + 2 cos(2fx' ) (1)
2 x ' y '
x' = x sin + y cos ( 2)
y ' = x cos y sin (3)
Experiments are conducted on a standard fingerprint The work described in this paper was fully supported by a
database NIST-4, which contains a set of 2000 fingerprint grant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong
image pairs (512x512, 256 gray levels, 500 dpi). Each Kong SAR (Project no. CUHK 4190/01E).
fingerprint pair has two different rolled impressions of the
same finger. We remove some fingerprints if their
reference points are too close to the edge of the image.
To test the performance of the oriented FingerCode,
we first implement a filterbank-based fingerprint matching
system using the original approach [5]. Here, we replace
the reference point location algorithm with the new
algorithm discussed in Section 3. The dataset is then
processed using the implemented system.
We then replace the FingerCode generation module (f = 0.1; x, y = 6) (f = 0.1; x, y = 4)
with the new algorithm to compute the oriented
FingerCode. The same dataset is again processed. Each
test fingerprint image is matched with all the other
fingerprints in the database. If the Euclidean distance
between two FingerCodes is below a threshold, we make
the decision that the two fingerprint images are
matched; otherwise, we say, the two fingerprint images
come from different fingers. The matching is labeled
correct if the matched pair is from the same finger and (f = 0.05; x, y = 4) (f = 0.2; x, y = 4)
incorrect, otherwise. The genuine acceptance rate (GAR)
and the false acceptance rate (FAR) corresponding to a Figure 5. ROC curves comparing the performance of the new
distance threshold are computed according to these FingerCode with the original FingerCode on the NIST-4
labeled matching results. The overall matching
performance can be measured by a receiver operating
characteristic (ROC) curve, which plots GAR against
FAR at different operating points (distance thresholds).
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