1.4 Product Distribution: Table 1.5 Percentage Distribution To 5 Area
1.4 Product Distribution: Table 1.5 Percentage Distribution To 5 Area
1.4 Product Distribution: Table 1.5 Percentage Distribution To 5 Area
4 Product Distribution
In this section, we explain about the distribution of C-Scale insulation to our
customers. The explanation consists of product distribution location, proportion
product distribution, product distribution from plant to customers, and the mode
1.4.1 Product Distribution Location
The main target consumer of insulation is LNG producers, which needs
insulation at its storage and transportation system. C-Scale insulation product will
be distributed to several city in Indonesia and around Asia as well. In Indonesia, we
supply the insulation demand from Badak LNG, Donggi Senoro LNG, Tangguh
LNG, Arun Regasification Unit, several Floating Storage and Regasification Units
(FSRUs) in Lampung, and Onshore Receiving Terminal in Muara Karang Jakarta.
We also ship to Japan, South Korea, Russia,
1.4.3 Product Distribution Chain
C-Scale will be distributed to 5 areas based on each demand locations. The
proportion of product shipment is distributed based on demand of LNG insulation
data. The percentage of total requirement of LNG insulation in the 5 areas show
that Sunda area 20%, East Indonesia (Badak LNG, Donggi-Senoro LNG, and
Tangguh LNG) 60%, Nanggroe Aceh Darrusalam 3%, East Asia are 12% and
Russia 5%. Tabel 1.5 will shows percentage distribution to 5 area. Each month we
deliver 200 kg insulation sheet by gross weight.
Note that the export shipment to East Asia and Russia area is not counted per
month every shipment, it is shipped every 6 months, with the total insulation sheet
is cumulative for the amount of months.
Cost per
Distance Time
Route Pathway delivery time
(km) (days)
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 1048 9
Lhokseumawe 1.330.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 1145 11
Bontang 4.950.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 3449 13
Banggai 6.260.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 3710 14
Gulf of Bintuni 6.565.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 1145 10
Lampung 1.620.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 1103 10
Muara Karang 1.190.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 5702 17
Russia 9.200.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 5399 16
Japan 8.910.000,00
Batam Port to Rp
Marine 4895 16
South Korea 8.780.000,00