Free Lime Determination Clinker
Free Lime Determination Clinker
Free Lime Determination Clinker
Note: 41301
Free Lime Determination in Clinker
ARL 9900 Series with IntelliPower
Simultaneous-Sequential XRF Spectrometer
economies of energy. 2.0 1.9 %
The X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF) is used to 1.8
1.6 C 3S
perform chemical elemental analysis on cement making
1.4 0.5 %
materials. From this analysis, concentrations for the major 1.2
oxides are derived. Since mineralogical information is not 1.0
available from XRF spectra (for instance XRF gives only 0.8
the total Ca concentration in the sample including free 2.52 2.58 2.44 2.40
d Spacing [Anstrom]
CaO), wet chemical methods like titration or a separate
X-ray diffractometry (XRD) equipment are normally
Figure 1: Diffraction pattern obtained with the ARL 9900 Series in the free
required to determine the phase content in clinker or lime region for clinker samples with varying CaO concentrations
Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced an innovative A calibration program recorded the intensities of the
instrument capable of dealing with both techniques: the characteristic diffraction peak for free lime (d=2.41) on
Thermo Scientific ARL 9900 Series with IntelliPower. the six clinker standards. The results are shown in Figure
Inside the XRF spectrometer, a diffraction system can be 2 along with the relevant parameters in Table 1. The
integrated which is capable of performing qualitative innovative diffraction system produces a sensitivity of
scans and quantitative analysis as well. The highest 600 cps/ % for free lime analysis. This is about 10 times
repeatability of angular positioning is ensured through higher than a conventional X-ray diffractometer. The
Thermo moir fringe positioning mechanism. standard error of estimate is an average of the differences
The performance of this diffraction system has been between chemical and found concentrations. It is an
improved by careful optimization of the crystal estimation of the accuracy of analysis. The value obtained
discriminator and the detector. A large gain on the (0.08 %) is well within the capability of wet chemistry.
sensitivity of the interesting phases has been obtained
which results in much better performance in term of
quantitative analysis than what is achieved with
traditionnal diffractometers.
The short term stability was tested by measuring a In addition to these
clinker sample 11 times for 40 s. on free lime with the offices, Thermo Fisher
integrated XRD system and 40 s. on the fixed XRF 3 Scientific maintains