CPC 100 User Manual
CPC 100 User Manual
CPC 100 User Manual
Article Number VESD0601 - Manual Version: CPC100LITE.ENU.11 When you are working with our products we want to provide you with the greatest possible
With respect to the functionality of the CPC 100 software, this manual refers to the version benefits. If you need any support, we are here to assist you!
V 3.20.
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Preface Introduction Quick Current Voltage Transformer Resistance Others Common Technical Data CP TD1 CP CU1 CP SB1 CP CB2
Transformer Transformer Functions
CPC 100 V 3.20
About this User Manual Safety Instructions for the CPC 100 and its Accessories
The purpose of this User Manual is to get you started quickly. It guides you directly to the various The CPC 100 must be used in observance of all existing safety requirements from national Orderly Measures
CPC 100 application fields, shows the typical test setup, the corresponding CPC 100 test card, standards for accident prevention and environmental protection. Before operating the CPC 100,
and outlines the parameters used for this test in a compact form. read the following safety instructions carefully. Do not turn on or use the CPC 100 if you do not This User Manual only complements the CPC 100 Reference Manual available in PDF
understand the information in this manual. If any of the safety instructions are unclear, contact format on the CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM and the CPC 100 Start Page. However, it does not
Since the scope of this User Manual is confined to the most important information about a replace it.
specific subject, the CPC 100 User Manual complements the CPC 100 Reference Manual, OMICRON electronics.
Either this User Manual or the CPC 100 Reference Manual should always be available on
however, it does not replace it. The CPC 100 Reference Manual is available in PDF format on the site where the CPC 100 is being used.
the CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM and the CPC 100 Start Page. Principle Use According to Regulations
Personnel assigned to use the CPC 100 should carefully read the CPC 100 User Manual/
Reading the CPC 100 User Manual alone does not release the user from the duty of complying Only use the CPC 100 in a safe manner and in accordance with the regulations, and follow Reference Manual - in particular the section on safety instructions - before beginning to work
with all national and international safety regulations relevant for working with the CPC 100, for the instructions in the User Manual. Make sure that the CPC 100 is in a technically sound with it. On principle, this also applies to personnel who only occasionally work with the
example, the regulation EN50191 Erection and Operation of Electrical Test Equipment as well condition. In particular, avoid disruptions that could affect safety. CPC 100.
as the applicable regulations for accident prevention in the country and at the site of operation. The CPC 100 is exclusively intended for the application fields specified in detail in Do not undertake any modifications, extensions, or adaptations to the CPC 100.
Designated Use on page Preface-2. Any other use violates the regulations. The Use the CPC 100 in conjunction with original accessories only.
Conventions and Symbols Used manufacturer/distributor is not liable for damage resulting from improper usage. The user
alone assumes all responsibility and risk. Operator Qualifications and Primary Responsibilities
In this manual, the following symbols indicate safety instructions for avoiding hazards. Follow the instructions provided in this User Manual and in the CPC 100 Reference Manual
available in PDF format on the CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM and the CPC 100 Start Page in Testing with the CPC 100 should only be performed by authorized and qualified personnel.
DANGER order to work in accordance with the regulations. Clearly establish the responsibilities. Personnel receiving training, instruction, direction, or
Death or severe injury will occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not Do not open the CPC 100 housing. education on the CPC 100 should remain under the constant supervision of an experienced
observed. If you do not use the CPC 100 anymore, turn the safety key to lock (vertical) and remove operator while working with the equipment.
the key to avoid anybody accidentally turning on the CPC 100.
Store the key and the CPC 100 separately to prevent unauthorized personnel from using the
Safe Operation
Death or severe injury can occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not
CPC 100. When putting the CPC 100 into operation, follow the instructions in section Putting CPC 100
If you have a cardiac pacemaker, do not use the CPC 100. into Operation in the CPC 100 Reference Manual (available in PDF format on the
CAUTION Before operating the CPC 100, make sure there is no person with a cardiac pacemaker in CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM or the CPC 100 Start Page).
Minor or moderate injury may occur if the appropriate safety instructions are not the immediate vicinity. Never use the CPC 100, any accessory or the CP TD1 equipment trolley without a solid
observed. connection to earth with at least 6 mm.
Use a ground point as close as possible to the operator.
Equipment damage or loss of data possible
Preface - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Designated Use Safety Instructions for the CPC 100 and its Accessories
The CPC 100, in conjunction with its accessories or as a stand-alone unit, is a multi-purpose General
primary test set for commissioning and maintaining substation equipment. It performs current
transformer (CT), voltage transformer (VT) and power transformer (TR) tests. Furthermore, it is 2 kV AC, 130 V AC The CPC 100s outputs and the cables connected to them carry life-hazardous voltage or
outputs current.
used for contact and winding resistance testing, polarity checks as well as primary and
secondary protection relay testing. Always obey the five safety rules and follow the detailed safety instructions below.
The various, partly automated tests are defined and parameterized via the front panel control of Before connecting or disconnecting test objects and/or cables, turn off the CPC 100 by
a built-in embedded PC. either the POWER ON/OFF switch or the Emergency Stop button. Never connect or
disconnect a test object while the outputs are active.
The functionality scope of the CPC 100 is described in detail in the chapter Designated Use of Even if you switched off the CPC 100, wait until the red I/O warning light is fully
the CPC 100 Reference Manual available in PDF format on the CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM or extinguished. As long as this warning light is lit, there is still voltage and/or current potential
the CPC 100 Start Page.
Preface - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
Preface - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Changing Fuses DC Output to Test Objects with a High Inductance CPC 100 in Combination with the CP TD1
Turn off the CPC 100, unplug the power cord and/or press the Emergency Stop button. Use test cards RWinding (winding resistance) and TRTapCheck (tap changer winding The CP TD1 is an optionally available high-precision test system for on-site insulation tests of
We recommend to wait for about 30 seconds. This time is necessary for the internal resistance and on-load tap changer interruption check) only: high-voltage systems like power and measuring transformers, circuit breakers, capacitors and
electrolytic capacitors to fully discharge. isolators. The CP TD1 works as an add-on device to the CPC 100 and is described in chapter
Ground the test object, and disconnect it from the CPC 100. By disconnecting it, you prevent CP TD1 of this User Manual.
a possibly faulty test object feeding power back into the CPC 100. The message Switch off in progress notifies you that, after the
Locate the blown fuse on the front panel of the CPC 100, and replace it. CPC 100 was switched off, the connected external inductance On principle, the safety instructions that apply to the CPC 100 and its accessories also apply to
(i.e., the test object) still feeds voltage potential back into the the CP TD1. However, the CP TD1 requires some additional precautions and measures. They
Note: Replace with identical fuse type only (refer to the chapter Changing Fuses of the 6A DC or 400A DC output. are listed in chapter CP TD1 on page CP TD1-1.
CPC 100 Reference Manual available in PDF format on the CPC 100 Toolset CD-ROM or the
CPC 100 Start Page). The existence of this voltage potential at the 6A DC output is
also indicated by a lit LED - even if the CPC 100 is switched off. Different Symbols for PE
If a test object with a big inductance is connected to the The CPC 100 and CP TD1 use different symbols for protective earth (PE):
CPC 100, ground the test object on both ends before
disconnecting it from the CPC 100.
If a test object with a big inductance was connected to the CPC 100, short-out the test object
additionally before disconnecting it from the CPC 100.
DANGER This is due to a new standard and does not symbolize any functional difference.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current Note: Both symbols mean exactly the same, i.e., protective earth (PE) or equipotential ground.
Never connect or disconnect test objects and/or cables as long as the on-screen
message Switch off in progress is displayed.
Connect the CP SA1 discharge box to the V DC input sockets when using the
400A DC output to protect yourself and the CPC 100 from high-voltage hazards.
Use separate clamps for current and voltage connections on both sides of the test
object to avoid hazards in case one clamp falls off during the test.
Preface - 4
CPC 100 V 3.20
Fuse 6.3A T (slow-acting wire fuse 5x20 mm) Test Procedure Overview: Provides an
for 3A AC, 6A AC, 130V AC and 6A DC enhanced overview of all test cards of the currently
active test procedure. Defines the test procedure
AC OUTPUT default.
6 A, 3A or 130V output
File Operations: Lets you save, load, delete, copy
Fuse 3.15A (slow-acting wire fuse 5x20 mm) and rename test procedures.
for 3A AC and 130V AC Options: To specify general parameters.
V1 AC input V2 AC input
300V AC input 3V AC input Context-dependent menu keys
Directly invoke specific commands associated with the
DC OUTPUT currently selected control of the test card and view.
6A DC output (fuse-protected with a 6 A fuse)
Introduction - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Introduction - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
CPC 100 Block Diagram Principles of Test Cards and Test Procedures The Components of a Test Card
Ext. Test Cards Focus on the data entry field for AC current.
The CPC 100 software comprises a number of test cards. A test card carries out one specific The term focus designates the currently selected (active) part of the test card. The selected
& power test, e.g., measuring a CT excitation curve, or testing the ratio of a voltage transformer. component is highlighted or inverted.
factor +
500V A test card holds a number of user-definable test settings and - after the test was run - test The actual function of the context-dependent
500V results. menu keys depends on the selected view, test
2kV mode, test card and selected test card
500V 500V 4A
Switched 1kV 2A
Test Procedure component (i.e., the focus).
2kV 1A
mode 500V
amplifier A test procedure contains multiple test cards.
Temperature and power consumption
Mains The composition of such a test procedure and the settings of all single test cards can be freely monitoring.
100-240V Filter defined by the user. Within a test procedure, each test card and its associated test is executed If an output is activated, both the CPC 100s
50/60Hz I individually in a user-defined order. power consumption and the current emitted at
65V 130V / 6A AC
N 2kV
U O the high-current outputs is monitored and,
PE I 800A u Report together with the temperature, displayed by this
t temperature gauge.
p For archiving or reporting purposes, or later processing, a test procedure with all of its test cards, Status of test assessment. The test
6.3A The temperature gauges bar therewith
U 65V / 6A DC
u specific settings and - after the test was run - test results and assessments can be saved. It is assessment is a manual procedure carried represents an indicator for the remaining time
DSP I t then considered a report. out by the user. After the test, set the focus
(Digital the CPC 100 can output power.
s Such a report can later be opened any time in the CPC 100s File Operations menu. on the assessment symbol. Use the context-
dependent menu key OK or Failed to assess plenty of spare
6V / 800A AC Note: For detailed information about test cards, test procedures and templates, refer to section
the test. no more spare
How to Use The CPC 100 Software of chapter Introduction in the CPC 100 Reference
For a few seconds, the status line also
Manual available in PDF format on the CPC 100 Toolsets or CPC 100 Start Page.
+ displays general operation information, e.g.
Ethernet 5V / 400A DC Emergency key pressed.
to 300V AC
RS 232 Built-in
3V AC I Pressing the Settings menu key opens the Settings page (see page Quick-1) allowing you to
PC optional 10A AC/DC
10V DC set the test cards individually. As a rule, do not set the test cards on the Settings page but set
all test cards of a test procedure using the Device Setup tab in the Options view (see page
optional analog or digital interfaces Introduction-5).
(plug-in boards)
Introduction - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
The Menus
The Test Procedure Overview lists all test cards of the currently active test procedure in a list
Opens the submenu Edit (refer to Submenu Edit on page 5)
box showing the cards name, its creation date and time, whether test results are available and
the test cards assessment status.
The CPC 100 file system differentiates two file types: Saves the currently open test, i.e., the test card(s) previously opened in the Test
Card View (refer to Note below).
With Save As Default, Test Procedure Overview provides a function to save the
current test procedure as the test procedure default, i.e., that default the CPC 100 name.xml A test procedure with all of its test cards and specific settings. An .xml file Opens the String Editor. You can save the currently open test under a new name
software will start with in future. may also contain test results and assessments that were stored together of your choice (15 characters max.).
with the settings as report in the CPC 100 file system for archiving
Note: For detailed information refer to section Test Procedure Overview of chapter purposes. Use the handwheel or the Up / Down keys to select a test, and press Open to open
Introduction in the CPC 100 Reference Manual available in PDF format on the it. Changes to Test Card View.
name.xmt Test procedure template, i.e., a user-defined template containing one or
CPC 100 Toolsets or CPC 100 Start Page.
more test cards with all of their specific test settings but without test Closes the current test card(s), changes to Test Card View and opens the test
results. procedure default.
Introduction - 4
CPC 100 V 3.20
Move to the destination folder of your choice. Press Paste to insert the contents of Select the check box if the
Opens the String Editor. You can create a new folder with any name of your choice.
the CPC 100 clipboard to this folder. PE connection is intact and
an error message (313)
Appends the contents of a test file (.xml) or template (.xmt) of your choice to the Press Paste As Templ. to make the contents of the CPC 100 clipboard a test
currently open test. procedure template.
Operating the CPC 100
(for future use) with the check box
Deletes the currently selected test or folder from the CPC 100s disk space. selected can cause injury
or possibly death of the
Closes the Edit submenu and returns to the main File Operations menu. operating staff! Resets all user-specific settings made in the
Opens the String Editor that enables you to rename the current test to any new CPC 100 software to factory-defined defaults
name of your choice. including:
Set the default frequency.
This value will be used for all the test card defaults
(for future use) Note: If a folder is cut or copied to the Clipboard, the selection is recursive, i.e., all of its test cards. the test procedure default
subfolders will also be put to the Clipboard.
Cutting or copying a test or folder, and trying to paste it in the same location, opens the String all settings made at the Device Setup tab
Closes the submenu and returns to the main File Operations menu. Auto save automatically (Sets external booster to CB2, sets CT and
Editor. saves the current test
Since a test or folder cannot exist twice under the same name at the same location, determine VT to OFF and sets the default frequency
settings in fixed intervals to 50 Hz.)
a new name for it using the String Editor. specified to a file named the String Editors template strings
If selected, the CPC 100 cools down faster.
Thus, the duty cycle can be increased.
Introduction - 5
CPC 100 V 3.20
Sliding regulator to adjust the display
Introduction - 6
CPC 100 V 3.20
The command Restore Defaults at the Options tab Device Setup resets all
user-specific settings made in the CPC 100 software to factory-defined defaults.
This includes the test card defaults and the test procedure default.
Introduction - 7
CPC 100 V 3.20
Introduction - 8
CPC 100 V 3.20
Quick - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Note that some of the trigger events offered in the Trigger on: combo box depend on the
measured quantity settings below (trigger on measurement).
Trigger on Overload: the occurrence or the clearing of an output overload condition (clearing
is delayed by 100 ms to debounce).
Quick - 2
Current Transformer
CPC 100 V 3.20
CTRatio (and Burden) CTRatio (with Burden) - The Option Measure Burden
Use the CTRatio test card to measure a current transformers ratio and burden with injection on Select the check box Measure Burden to measure the burden in VA.
the CTs primary side with up to 800 A from AC OUTPUT. Nominal primary current
Note: This option is only useful as long as the injected current I test is about of the magnitude
Output range Select to stop test automatically when measurement is done. of the nominal current I prim.
Primary injection
Nominal secondary current
Use current clamp
rather than IAC
Actual current input
injected into CTs
primary side
Phase angle
relative to Iprim
Current Transformer - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Output frequency
Actual injection
Burden in VA: I sec nom (V sec act current measured
I sec nom/I sec act) via input I AC Select to enter
secondary voltage
instead of
cos : cosine of angle between I sec and V sec
measuring it
voltage at the
Note: For the meaning of the other test card components, refer to page Current Transformer-1.
measured at input
V1 AC, and Cosinus of phase
phase angle angle
Burden in VA: I sec nom
relative to Isec (V sec act I sec nom/I sec act)
Current Transformer - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
Actual voltage
If fnom < 60 Hz -> ftest = fnom + 10 Hz.
Actual current The voltage will then be calculated back to fnom (V = Vmeas * fnom/ftest). With fnom < 60 Hz, the
maximum test voltage is reduced up to 20 % and with fnom 60 Hz, the maximum test voltage
is increased up to 16 %. The exciting current will not be corrected as the influence is very small.
Current Transformer - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Total elapsed time
CT resistance
temperature T meas: Actual ambient temperature
compensation for
the result T ref: Temperature for which the result is calculated
R ref: Calculated resistance.
Off before In Centigrade:
disconnecting Rref = (V DC / I DC) x (235 C + T ref) / (235 C + T meas)
device under test In Fahrenheit:
Rref = (VDC / IDC) x (391F + Tref F) / (391F + Tmeas F)
Formula according to IEC 60076-1
Current Transformer - 4
CPC 100 V 3.20
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
Actual test voltage green LED red LED
The CPC 100 injects a Never operate the CPOL with an open battery compartment. A life-hazardous
Actual test current special polarity check voltage level may occur in the battery compartment if the CPOLs probe touches a
signal test point with high-voltage potential!
polarity checker polarity checker
Handle with extreme caution: Do not touch the test point with your fingers.
Highest measured current CPOL CPOL
If you detect a wrong polarity in the current path, turn off the CPC 100 first, and only
then disconnect the terminals.
Time span Vtest is applied to the
During the test, the test voltage increases in a ramp characteristic from 0 V to V test. V test is
then applied to the output for the specified time span. The measurements are continuously
taken. Afterwards, V test decreases in a ramp characteristic.
Current Transformer - 5
CPC 100 V 3.20
A T on / T off ratio of 2.000 s / 9.000 s means the signal is applied for 2 seconds,
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current CT
then paused for 9 seconds. After that the cycle repeats.
Feeding test voltage to a tap of a multi-ratio CT can cause life-threatening voltages on
other taps with higher ratios.
Do not touch tapped windings.
Select output
Enter results
Use the CTRatioV test card to measure a current transformers ratio. To do so, feed a voltage
of up to 500 V from the 2kV AC output to the transformers secondary side.
Current Transformer - 6
CPC 100 V 3.20
Ratio error
Polarity: Ratio Iprim. / Isec.:
OK = phase I sec - phase I prim Isec act x (Iprim nom /Iprim act)
= - 45 < 0 < + 45 and deviation in %
NOTOK = all other cases ((Kn x Isec - Iprim)/Iprim) x 100 %
Note: If the transformers knee point voltage is approximated or exceeded, due to the
transformers saturation the measurement results are not correct anymore. If the knee point is
extensively exceeded, the transformer can even be damaged.
Therefore, the knee point voltage should be known or measured beforehand.
Current Transformer - 7
CPC 100 V 3.20
*) Note that the current I sec does not really exist in the system. It is a calculated current only.
Current Transformer - 8
CPC 100 V 3.20
The SV-Ratio test card is mainly used to check the ratio between the output current or voltage Block diagram of a typical measurement setup: Output range
and the input current or voltage of the selected merging unit channel according to the IEC 61850 Output frequency
standard. In addition, the SV-Ratio card is also used to determine the polarity of the signal, Primary side
Ethernet IRT**
whereas the CPC 100 serves as the signal source. The merging units generate the input output CPC 100 input Switch Primary injection Nominal primary current or voltage
voltages or currents. (SV-Ratio) current or voltage Refresh stream
The CPC 100 test system performs closed-loop testing whereby a test signal is injected on the
primary side of the current/voltage sensors. The Merging Unit (MU) converts the sensor output digital Stream information
into an SV stream which is published to the substation network. The CPC 100 then reads the
data back from the network in order to perform a variety of different tests. Channel
Optical fiber selection
The CPC 100 transforms the sampled points to the spectral function of the signal. This Fourier-
transformed sampled values signal is filtered with a special Hann window to only retrieve the Refer to the
signal at the selected frequency. This allows frequency-selective measurements to be selected
performed on SV streams and thereby the noise is suppressed. Selected stream Range (I or V)
The SV-Ratio test card can be accessed from CT, VT or Others.
The following tests can be performed: Deviation of actual
Select to choose ratio from nominal
Ratio and polarity Substation channels ratio in %
Automatic MU detection Network automatically
Frequency-selective current/voltage measurement
Noise level measurement
Magnitude response of the signal processing chain (15 to 400 Hz)
* If the MU has an Ethernet output, no IRT switch is required.
Channel name; Identifies quality of
** IRT Switch: Industrial Real-Time Switch Output Primary Calculated
refers to the the connection
current values ratio value
selected Range or from
Note: The SV-Ratio test card can be used both for current transformers and voltage (either I or V) voltage measured Polarity status
transformers alike. Therefore, the description refers to currents and voltages.
Current Transformer - 9
CPC 100 V 3.20
Current Transformer - 10
Voltage Transformer
CPC 100 V 3.20
VTRatio VTBurden
Use the VTRatio test card to measure a voltage transformers ratio with injection on the VTs Use the VTBurden test card to measure a voltage transformers secondary burden with voltage
primary side with up to 2 kV from AC OUTPUT. injection on the VTs secondary side with up to 130 V from AC OUTPUT.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
To do so, open the circuit as shown in the figure below, and inject the AC voltage from the
Do not connect the CPC 100 output to the secondary side of the VT. This will cause
CPC 100s 130V AC output into the burden. Input I AC measures the current that flows into the
hazardous voltages on the primary side
burden, and input V1 AC the voltage at the burden.
For VT ratio measurement, connect the CPC 100 output to the primary side of the
a A
Correction factor for Nominal primary voltage
V prim 1/3 and 1/3: Correction factors for V sec
Nominal secondary voltage
Primary injection
VT voltage
Select to stop test
automatically when
measurement is
n done
N Measured n
primary voltage
Select to enter
secondary voltage
Secondary voltage instead of
measured at V1 AC, measuring it
and its phase angle
relative to the
measured Vprim
Ratio and deviation in %
OK = phase I sec - phase I prim / = - 45 < 0 < + 45
NOTOK = all other cases
Voltage Transformer - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
from 130V AC
*) Due to cross-talk between the measuring inputs V1 AC and V2 AC, we suggest not to connect
a current clamp to the input V2 AC. Therefore, use a current clamp with current output.
Voltage Transformer - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
Use the VTElectronics test card to test the ratio of non-conventional electronic voltage
transformers with a very low-level secondary voltage. Correction factor for Nominal primary voltage
V prim
Electronic protection relay with
1/3 and 1/3: Correction factors for V sec
Electronic voltage transformer low-voltage input
injection Nominal secondary voltage
Select to stop test
automatically when
Shielded cable with
measurement is
twisted wires
primary voltage Select to enter
secondary voltage
instead of
Secondary measuring it
voltage measured
at V1 AC, and its
phase angle
relative to the
measured Vprim
Ratio and deviation in %
OK = phase I sec - phase I prim
= - 45 < 0 < + 45
NOTOK = all other cases
Voltage Transformer - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Voltage Transformer - 4
CPC 100 V 3.20
Transformer - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Voltage difference HV / H LV /X
between positions Dd0 V/H2 v/X2 A U-V / H1-H2 u-v / X1-X2 1
Activate if tap
changer is on high-
Select for U/H1 W/H3 u/X1 w/X3
voltage side
the fully B V-W / H2-H3 v-w / X2-X3
C W-U / H3-H1 w-u / X3-X1
and The total number of taps minus the middle positions defines the number of taps above and
extended below the middle position(s). To determine the voltage for each tap position, the nominal ratio Yy0 V/H2 v/X2 A U-V / H1-H2 u-v / X1-X2 1
manual of the middle position(s) and the deviation percentage are needed and the HV tap changer
mode check box needs to be activated if applicable. U/H1 W/H3 u/X1 w/X3
Transformer - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
B V-(U+W) / H2- u-v / X1-X2 B V-W / H2-H3 w-v / X3-X2 B V-(U+W) / H2- v-u / X2-X1
(H1+H3) (H1+H3)
C W-U / H3-H1 u-w / X1-X3
C W-(U+V) / H3- v-w / X2-X3 C W-(U+V) / H3- w-v / X3-X2
(H1+H2) Dz6 V/H2 w/X3 u/X1 A U-V / H1-H2 v-u / X2-X1 1 (H1+H2)
Transformer - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Test voltage
Nominal primary
Test frequency
injection voltage
Output frequency
Connect to tap changer
OFF: No alternative
CP SB1 vector group has
transformer switch been determined
The CPC 100 energizes the transformers primary windings and measures the voltages on the
With the IEC 61378-1 check box activated, the CPC 100 carries out two standard-compliant secondary terminal. The optimized algorithm reduces the number of measurements. The vector
measurements for each winding and calculates the transformers turns ratio and phase shift. group is determined according to the voltage distributions. In cases where the measurement
The measurement table displays the same values as for the standard TRRatio measurement. results apply equally to two vector groups, an alternative group is provided.
The magnetization current and phase angle will not be available in this mode.
Note: The IEC 61378-1 test takes longer than a standard ratio measurement.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
During the Vector Group Check, the CPC 100 continuously puts out the set test
Do not touch the CPC 100s outputs and do not touch or unplug any cables.
Transformer - 4
CPC 100 V 3.20
The currently sweeped tap and the remaining time are displayed during the sequence.
Note: You can only interrupt the Tap Changer Cleaner Sequence by pressing the Emergency
Stop button.
Transformer - 5
CPC 100 V 3.20
Transformer - 6
CPC 100 V 3.20
Example: Results of a tap changer and winding resistance test Performing a Tap Changer Test
For the tap changer test, the last two columns of the table are relevant.
1. Press the I/O (test start/stop) push-button to start the test.
2. Press Keep Result to save the resistance value of this tap or press Auto Keep
High ripple because inductance is Result. In this case, the CPC 100 waits until stable results within the set
charged Tolerance and t are achieved. After then, a new result line is added showing
the number of the next measured tap.
3. Move to the next position on the tap changer.
Values okay because always in the
same range 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all taps you want to measure.
5. Press the I/O (test start/stop) push-button to stop the test and wait until the
transformer windings are discharged.
Tap defective: significantly higher values for ripple and slope. Compared to the properly functioning Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
tap change of line 5, for the defective tap in line 7 the ripple is about 30 times and the slope about 15 Before disconnecting the transformer under test, ground all transformer
times higher. connections.
Transformer - 7
CPC 100 V 3.20
Use the Demag test card to demagnetize the transformer core. Magnetized transformers may Check box for Vector group of
easily saturate and draw an excessive inrush current upon energization. Since the forces on the single-phase the transformer
windings due to high inrush current may cause damage or even breakdown, it is desirable to transformers
avoid them.
DANGER Measured current
The CPC 100 Demag test card requires a Test current
CP SB1 transformer switch box. The wiring Never touch or unplug the
is the same as for a standard resistance cables before the automatic
test plus a connection of the V1 input to the Demag cycle is completed. Demag status Saturation
message threshold
switch box. Via the switch box, the If in doubt, use a grounding or
CPC 100 injects a constant current from the discharging rod.
6A DC output into the power transformer. Current
Set present
The current is led through the I AC / DC saturation level or
saturation as the
input for measurement. remaining
new saturation
Follow the steps below to fill in the Demag test card: threshold level
Enter the vector group of the transformer. CP SB1 transformer switch box Test card during Demag process
Specify whether the test object is a single-phase transformer.
Enter the test current. Demag status messages:
In the first step during the demagnetization process, the transformer core is saturated. This Wiring check... Checking for correct wiring
process stops at predefined thresholds. If a threshold is not reached over a long period of time, Idle. Displayed before the process is started
the saturation level can be adapted manually. By pressing the Set current saturat. soft key,
Test was canceled. Displayed after pushing the Emergency Stop button or
the present saturation level can be set as the new threshold. During the Demag cycle, the
confirming an error message
initial remanence is measured and the currently remaining remanence is constantly displayed.
After the test, the core is demagnetized. Saturating core... Core is being saturated
Discharging... Core is being discharged
Demagnetizing... Actual demagnetization cycle in progress
Core is demagnetized. Demag cycle has been successful
Transformer - 8
CPC 100 V 3.20
The Resistance test card provides a total of three output ranges. The test setup depends on 10 m to 10 10 to 20 k
the selected range.
Setup for a m measurement in the 6A DC range: Setup for an to kmeasurement in the V DC (2 wire) range:
1 to 10 m
Setup for a measurement in the 400 A DC range:
Inject current from the 6A DC output to both sides of the test object. To measure this current,
route it via the I AC/DC input as shown in the figure above. Input V DC measures the voltage
drop, the software calculates the test objects resistance.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current At this range, the DC input V DC outputs the current needed to measure the resistance.
Do not measure on a large inductance in this mode.
Use RWinding instead.
Inject current from the 400A DC output to both sides of the test object. Input V DC measures the
voltage drop, the software calculates the test objects resistance.
Resistance - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Highest possible
resistance Equipment damage caused by high voltage or current
Smallest possible
resistance Using the CP SA1 discharge box also protects the CPC 100 from damages caused
by high voltage.
Select to enter
VDC manually
instead of
measuring it
Resistance - 2
CPC 100 V 3.20
Use the RGround test card to determine earth resistance between a substations ground Measuring the Ground Resistance of Small Ground Systems Measuring the Ground Resistance of Large Ground Systems
system and a remote auxiliary electrode. To measure the earth resistance, the CPC 100 injects
AC current between the substations ground system and a temporary remote auxiliary electrode.
A second auxiliary electrode is used to measure the voltage potential across the substations
earth resistance.
Note: Make sure not to position the auxiliary electrode U too close to the substations ground
system. If you do so, you measure in a range where the earth resistance may not be linear (see
figure below).
We suggest to test several points using a longer distance to the substation ground. That way
you get a better understanding of where the linear range of the earth resistance lies, and where
the measurements are reliable.
Theoretical resistance characteristic of an earth electrode: Auxiliary
electrode U 90
Earth resistance in m
(Birds-eye view) > 1km
600 U
500 3...5 x a
400 linear range of earth resistance electrode I
200 electrode U
Resistance - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Measuring the Soil Resistivity Calculating the soil resistivity:
=2dR Nominal test current
= soil resistivity
Frequency of test current. Select a
d = distance between auxiliary electrodes (identical between all electrodes)
frequency other than the 50 or 60Hz
R = calculated resistance as indicated at the RGround test card (R(f)) mains frequency to prevent
interferences by stray earth
With the spacing of d, the test measures the average soil resistivity between the U auxiliary
electrodes down to a depth of d. Therefore, varying d also varies the depth of the volume for
which the soil resistivity is to be measured.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
Do not touch the 6A AC output. It can carry a life-threatening voltage level at high
Actual test current (rms value)
loop impedances or open measuring circuits.
Note: To learn how to measure the resistance of a single ground rod in an earthing system, refer
to the CPC 100 Reference Manual, section RGround of chapter Resistance. The CPC 100
Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary Reference Manual is available in PDF format on the CPC 100 Toolsets or the Measured voltage between
electrode I electrode U electrode U electrode I CPC 100 Start Page.
U substation ground and the auxiliary
electrode U (rms value, non- Calculated ohmic part of Calculated inductive
selective frequency) and phase shift earth impedance part of earth impedance
d d d between VRMS and IRMS. (frequency-selective (frequency-selective
measurement) measurement)
d= distance
Resistance - 4
Others: Sequencer
CPC 100 V 3.20
The sequence is repeated The feature Manual Trigger provides a possibility to manually initiate a trigger
Synchronize with V1 AC (needs up to 200 ms to endlessly.***) signal (i.e., a premature termination) of the current state at any time. This manual
synchronize) trigger has the same function as an automatic trigger signal.
Press the Add State button to define additional states. Note that the maximum
possible number of states is 6.
Output range selection
Others: Sequencer - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
100ms 100ms
State 4: "wait for the CB to close"
Long dead time. Set to output 50A*) until the "Overload" trigger
State 2: "wait for the CB to close" t
condition that started state 4 clears.
Short dead time. Set to output 50A until the "Overload" trigger The measurement table shows for state 4 that the long dead time + State 1 *)
State 2 State 3 *)
State 4
condition that started state 2 clears. the CB closing time lasted 3.191 s. This time also includes the short long dead time
The measurement table shows for state 2 that the short dead time + additional time to compensate for the debounce (see note). dead time
the CB closing time lasted 477 ms. This time also includes the The actual value for CB close equals 3.191 s - 100 ms = 3.091 s.
additional time to compensate for the debounce (see note).
*) Current values < 50A do not initiate an "Overload" when the current
The actual value for CB close equals 477 ms - 100 ms = 377 ms. circuit opens. For this reason, a nominal current value of 50A was chosen
*) State 2 and 4 incl. the additional 100 ms the CPC 100 adds to compensate for the debounce
here, even though the CB is open. (see note above).
Note that the r.m.s. measurement of IOut reacts slow and therefore
the measurement table does not show the full current.
Others: Sequencer - 2
Others: Ramping
CPC 100 V 3.20
Use the Ramping test card to define a series of ramps to be applied to a connected test object.
The feature Manual Trigger provides a possibility to manually initiate a trigger
A series of up to 5 ramps can be defined. The ramps within that series execute sequentially, and signal (i.e., a premature termination) of the current ramp at any time. This manual I
run from a start to an end value within a set period of time. Ramp 2
trigger has the same function as an automatic trigger signal.
200 A
It is possible to specify a trigger signal that prematurely terminates either the entire series of Press the Add Ramp button to define additional ramps. Note that the maximum
ramps or the actual ramp only, and then continues with the next one (if any). possible number of ramps is 5.
Start value of ramp
Example of a series of ramps
Switch off on trigger, i.e., when a trigger condition becomes true
Ramp 1
Output range selection & actual output
Ramp 2
Ramp 3
Ramped quantity & fixed quantity
The three ramps defined in the ramps table shown above result in an output signal like this: 1A t
Ramps table (ramp-specific settings): 0s 5s 15s 20s
output quantity settings
ramp duration if no trigger occurs
trigger specification
Ramp 1 Ramp 2 Ramp 3
from 1 A from 200 A from 200 A
(set at "Start val:") (end value of ramp 1) (end value of ramp 2)
to end value 200 A to end value 200 A to end value 0 A
(set in line 1 column "A") (set in line 2 column "A") (set in line 3 column "A")
in 5 s for 10 seconds in 5 seconds
(set in line 1 column "s") (set in line 2 column "s") (set in line 3 column "s")
Others: Ramping - 3
CPC 100 V 3.20
Ramp 3:
Because ramp 1 did not reach the 200A due to the 0A 1s
trigger signal, ramp 3 starts with 170.29A, and then
ramps down to zero with the set steepness (200.0A to 0s 7.175s 1.1s 10 s 21s
0.0A in 10s) until the trigger condition "Binary" occurs.
Here, trigger condition "Binary" means: the relay
contact drops off. Since there are no further ramps
defined, in this moment the sequence terminates.
Ramp 2: The measurement table shows for ramp 3 that the relay
contact dropped off 1.1s after ramp 3 started at a
Pause time. Test current output is
current value of 152.35A.
"frozen" for 1 s.
The CPC 100s AC OUTPUT feeds the ramped current signal into a CT, which is connected to
an overcurrent relay. The overcurrent relays trip contact is fed into the CPC 100s binary input
BinIn, and acts there as a trigger signal.
Others: Ramping - 4
Others: Amplifier
CPC 100 V 3.20
Use the Amplifier test card to set the CPC 100 to an "amplifier-like" mode. In this mode, an
Display of the measured high-current Starting a high-current output
input signal fed into a synchronization input drives the high-current outputs magnitude, DANGER
output signal
frequency and phase angle. Set range Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
Select between I AC, V1 AC and V2 AC as synchronization inputs. Depending on the measured input signal, setting the amplification factor can result in
To prevent saturation, the output signal follows sudden magnitude changes at the unintentionally high currents.
synchronization input slowly. This smoothening effect delays the follow-up of the output current If the magnitude of the input signal is unknown or uncertain, set the amplification
up to 250 ms. Measured phase
Set phase angle factor to "0" before starting the test.
angle between
Both the "amplification" factor and the phase angle between input and output are set by the user between input input and output
in the Amplifier test card. and output signal Set an amplification factor of "0".
Note: Changes in frequency and phase angle may result in unwanted effects. Both frequency Press I/O (test start / stop) to start the measurement.
and phase must be held stable.
Now the display field shows the measured input value.
Note: The input frequency is limited to a range of 48 ... 62 Hz.
synchronization Value measured With the measured input value in mind, enter the amplification factor now.
input at
Acknowledge this entry by pressing the handwheel or the Enter key to start the
input (refer
to Starting a
output in the next
Measured input frequency (48 ... 62 Hz) column).
Set the amplification factor to determine the ratio between input and output signal.
Note: The synchronization input is not automatically range-switching, it is fixed to its maximum
Others: Amplifier - 5
CPC 100 V 3.20
Test set
CMC 256-3
synchronization unit
CT 1 CT 2 CT 3
Others: Amplifier - 6
Others: Comment
CPC 100 V 3.20
Others: Comment - 7
Others: HV Resonance Test System
CPC 100 V 3.20
Others: HV
Common Functions
CPC 100 V 3.20
Test Assessment
The test assessment is a manual procedure carried out by the user. The String Editor is used to name or rename test cards, tests and templates as well as to fill out Important special characters
The example below shows an assessment made at a VTRatio test card. However, the the Comment card.
assessment procedure is carried out in the same fashion on all test cards. Any time such an operation becomes necessary, the String Editor starts automatically. carriage return (line feed)
Change case tab (special function in Form Editor mode; refer to page Others-7).
Move left Delete the default name by repeatedly pressing the backspace key.
Available Move right Enter the new test or folder name by consecutively selecting the characters of
Assessment symbol your choice from the on-screen keyboard with the Up / Down keys or by
navigating to it with the handwheel.
Finish editing
Acknowledge every selected character by pressing the handwheel or Enter.
Abort editing,
Template phrases
discard changes
After the test, set the focus on the assessment symbol by turning the handwheel.
Test not assessed. The number of available characters to choose from depends on the String Editors use. If, for
example, a user-defined comment is to be entered in the Comment card, the number of
available characters is bigger than if a test is to be renamed. This difference are special
characters, such as !, ?, _, [ ], etc.
Use the context-dependent menu keys to assess the test.
Test OK
Test failed
Common Functions - 1
CPC 100 V 3.20
Common Functions - 2
CPC 100 Technical Data
CPC 100 V 3.20
Generator / Output Section - Current Outputs Generator / Output Section - Voltage Outputs Internal Measurement of Outputs
Note: For detailed information refer to the section Technical Data in the CPC 100 Reference
Range Amplitude5 tmax Imax Powermax5 f Guaranteed accuracy Typical accuracy6
Manual available in pdf format on the CPC 100 Toolsets or the CPC 100 Start Page.
0 2 kV 1 min 1.25 A 2500 VA 15 400 Hz Output Range Amplitude Phase Amplitude Phase
The output is either voltage or current, and is automatically selected by the software or manually 2kV AC3
by the user. Current and voltage outputs are overload and short-circuit proof and protected 0 2 kV >2h 0.5 A 1000 VA 15 400 Hz Reading Full Full Reading Full Full
against over-temperature. error scale scale error scale scale
1kV AC 3 0 1 kV 1 min 2.5 A 2500 VA 15 400 Hz
error error error error
Range Amplitude tmax1 Vmax2 Powermax2 f 0 1 kV >2h 1.0 A 1000 VA 15 400 Hz
800A AC - 0.20 % 0.20 % 0.20 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.10
0 800 A 25 s 6.0 V 4800 VA 15 400 Hz 500V AC3 0 500 V 1 min 5.0 A 2500 VA 15 400 Hz
400A DC - 0.40 % 0.10 % - 0.20 % 0.05 % -
3 0 400 A 8 min 6.4 V 2560 VA 15 400 Hz 0 500 V >2h 2.0 A 1000 VA 15 400 Hz
800A AC 2000 V 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.10
0 200 A >2h 6.5 V 1300 VA 15 400 Hz 130V AC10 0 130 V >2h 3.0 A 390 VA 15 400 Hz
1000 V 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.30 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.15
6A AC 10 0 6A >2h 55 V 330 VA 15 400 Hz 2kV AC 500 V 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.40 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.20
Output transient characteristics
3A AC10 0 3A >2h 110 V 330 VA 15 400 Hz 5A 0.40 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.20 % 0.05 % 0.10
0 400 A 2 min 6.5 V 2600 VA DC Changes from off or a low Changes from a high magnitude to 500 mA 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.10
magnitude to a higher magnitude a lower magnitude or off
400A DC 0 300 A 3 min 6.5 V 1950 VA DC
AC current within one period 300 ms maximum; accordingly less Note: For the individual notes, see Notes Related to Inputs and Outputs below.
0 200 A >2h 6.5 V 1300 VA DC
for smaller magnitudes
6A DC4, 10 0 6A >2h 60 V 360 VA DC
AC voltage 1200 ms maximum; accordingly less 300 ms maximum; accordingly less
2000A AC3 with an optional current booster. For more details, refer to page CP CB2-1. for smaller magnitudes for smaller magnitudes
Measuring Inputs Output to Input Synchronization Notes Related to Inputs and Outputs
All input/output values are guaranteed over one year within an ambient temperature of 23 C
Guaranteed accuracy Typical accuracy6 Test cards Quick, Test card Amplifier
5 (73 F 10 F), a warm-up time longer than 25 min and in a frequency range of 45 60 Hz
Sequencer, Ramping
Amplitude Phase Amplitude Phase or DC. Accuracy values indicate that the error is smaller than (value read x reading error + full
Input Imped. Range Frequency range 48 62 Hz scale of the range x full scale error).
Reading Full Full Reading Full Full
error scale scale error scale scale Synchronization inputs V1 AC V1 AC, V2 AC, I AC 1. With a mains voltage of 230 V using a 2 x 6 m high-current cable at an ambient temperature
error error error error (automatic range switching) (fixed to maximum range) of 23 C 5 (73 F 10 F)
10A AC 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.10 2. Signals below 50 Hz or above 60 Hz with reduced values possible.
Input magnitude 10 % of input range full scale
1A AC 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.30 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.15 3. Output can be synchronized with V1 AC in Quick, Sequencer, Ramping and Amplifier.
Output magnitude 5 % of output range full scale
IAC/DC4, 7 < 0.1 4. The input / output is protected with lightning arrestors between the connector and against
10A DC 0.05 % 0.15 % - 0.03 % 0.08 % - Settling time 100 ms after 5 % of output 1000 ms after 5 % of output protective earth. In case of energy above a few hundred Joule the lightning arrestors apply
1A DC 0.05 % 0.15 % - 0.03 % 0.08 % - magnitude is reached magnitude is reached a permanent short-circuit to the input / output.
300 V 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.10 Signal changes All quantities must be ramped No changes of frequency and 5. Signals below 50 Hz or above 200 Hz with reduced values possible.
within 20 signal periods phase. Magnitude changes
30 V 0.10 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.05 % 0.05 % 0.10 6. 98 % of all units have an accuracy better than specified as typical.
500 k without limitation. Output
V1 AC8
3V 0.20 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.10 % 0.05 % 0.10 follows within 250 ms. 7. Input is galvanically separated from all other inputs
300 mV 0.30 % 0.10 % 0.20 0.15 % 0.05 % 0.10 Phase tolerance 0.5 within the limits as specified above 8. V1 and V2 are galvanically coupled but separated from all other inputs.
3V 0.05 % 0.15 % 0.20 0.03 % 0.08 % 0.10 9. There are power restrictions for mains voltages below 190V AC.
V2 AC 8, 11 10 M 10. Fuse-protected
300 mV 0.15 % 0.15 % 0.20 0.08 % 0.08 % 0.10
11. When using the CTRogowski test card, the 3V V2 AC input uses an additional software
30 mV 0.20 % 0.50 % 0.30 0.10 % 0.25 % 0.15
based integration method. In the range of 50 Hz < f < 60 Hz, this results in a phase shift of
10 V 0.05 % 0.15 % - 0.03 % 0.08 % - 90 as well as an additional phase error of +/- 0.1 and an additional amplitude error of +/-
1V 0.05 % 0.15 % - 0.03 % 0.08 % - 0.01 %. For frequencies in the range of 15 Hz < f < 400 Hz, the phase error is not specified,
V DC4, 7 and the amplitude error can be up to +/- 0.50 % higher.
100 mV 0.10 % 0.20 % - 0.05 % 0.10 % -
10 mV 0.10 % 0.30 % - 0.05 % 0.15 % -
CPC 100
Technical Data
CPC 100 V 3.20
Weight and Dimensions
Weight 29 kg (64 lbs), case without protection cover
Dimensions W x H x D: 468 x 394 x 233 mm (18.4 x 15.5 x 9.2"), cover,
without handles.
CPC 100
Technical Data
CP TD1 - 1
CP TD1 - 2
CP TD1 Connected to a Power Transformer CP TD1 Connected to CP CAL1 Putting the CP TD1 into Operation
CP TD1 CP TD1 CP CAL1 As the first step, before you set a CPC 100 / CP TD1 measurement setup into
12 kV 12 kV
operation, link the CPC 100, CP TD1 and, if applicable, the equipment trolley with
IN a min. 6 mm grounding cable as displayed on page CP TD1-2.
Never use the CPC 100 / CP TD1 measurement setup without a solid connection
C1 to ground.
C2 1. Switch off the CPC 100 at the main power switch.
Ix 2. With trolley:
C3 Properly connect the CPC 100 and CP TD1 grounding terminals to the trolleys ground bar.
Connect the ground bar to earth. All cables minimum 6 mm.
Measurement Measurement Without trolley:
PE PE Properly connect the CPC 100 and CP TD1 grounding terminals to earth. Both cables
minimum 6 mm.
Booster Serial Booster Serial 3. Connect the CP TD1s "BOOSTER IN" to the CPC 100s "EXT. BOOSTER" with the
OMICRON electronics supplied booster cable.
CPC 100 ground 4. Connect the CP TD1s "SERIAL" to the CPC 100s "SERIAL" with the OMICRON electronics
CPC 100
supplied data cable. This cable also provides the power supply for the CP TD1.
Power transformer 5. Pull out the measuring cables from the cable drum and connect the test object to the
CP TD1s measuring inputs IN A and IN B.
6. Pull out the high-voltage cables from the cable drum and connect the test object to the
When using the CP CAL1 for calibration, we recommend to take C1 as reference and to select CP TD1s high-voltage output.
Equipotential ground the calibration frequency in a range between 50 200 Hz.
7. Switch on the CPC 100.
8. Selecting the TanDelta test card from any of the CPC 100s CT, VT, Transformer or Others
test card groups automatically turns on the CP TD1. If no CP TD1 is connected to the
CPC 100, an error message appears.
9. Set up your measurement in the TanDelta test card (see page CP TD1-5).
10. Press the CPC 100s I/O (test start / stop) push-button.
CP TD1 - 3
Calibrate the CP TD1 Using a Reference Capacitor Option TH 3631 Application and Test Templates
By connecting a reference capacitor (e.g., optional device CP CAL1) with known values of Use the optional device TH 3631 to measure ambient temperature, the test object temperature For detailed information on the CP TD1 applications, refer to the CP TD1 Reference Manual
capacity Cref and dissipation factor DFref, in mode UST-A the values Cx and DFx can be and humidity. Once these values were measured, enter them into the respective entry fields of delivered with the CP TD1 or available in pdf format on the CPC 100 Start Page.
measured and then compared to the known reference values. the TanDelta test cards Settings page at Compensations (see page CP TD1-6).
If you experience substantial deviations, re-calibrate the CP TD1: Test Templates
Cx = Cref / Cmeas and The test procedures for designated applications are controlled by templates available on the
DF / PF + = DFref - DFmeas CPC 100 Toolsets shipped with your CP TD1 or on the CPC 100 Start Page.
as described on page CP TD1-6. Test templates are available for the following areas:
A re-calibration of the CP TD1 is also shown in the test report (.xml file). Power transformers
Instrument transformers
Note: If you change the factory-made calibration, the responsibility for the accuracy of the
Rotating machines
CP TD1 will be in your hands.
Cables and transmission lines
Grounding systems
Calibration tips: Others
For calibration, set the averaging factor to maximum and the filter bandwidth to 5 Hz (refer
to page CP TD1-5).
To reset to the factory settings, select "DF/PF+" to 0.0 ppm and "Cx" to 1.000 (refer to page
CP TD1-6).
CP TD1 - 4
CP TD1 - 5
TanDelta-PF Test Card - Main Page TanDelta-PF Test Card - Settings Page
Compound measurement setting Pressing the Settings button on the TanDelta main page opens the Settings page allowing you Selecting Compensations" converts the actually measured dissipation or power factor to
to set additional measurement options. normalized values corresponding to an ambient temperature of 20 C. In doing so, the values
Cp, DF (tan) = parallel capacitance & dissipation factor
Cp, PF (cos) = parallel capacitance & power factor The CP TD1 leaves OMICRON entered at "Compensations" represent the existing ambient condition.
Cp, Ptest = parallel capacitance & power
At "Assessment Limits", set the tolerance of the
Cp, P@10kV = parallel capacitance & power; linearly interpolated to 10 kV test voltage
electronics factory-calibrated. If a main pages nominal values for the assessment. Enter oil temperature, ambient temperature (at bushing) and relative humidity first.
Q test, Stest = reactive & apparent power component needs to be exchanged by a For the capacitance, the tolerance is entered in Then place the cursor on "k".
Z = impedance with phase angle spare part, the CP TD1 must be re- percent, for the dissipation factor its a multiplier. The medium the measurement takes place in, oil or air, determines the k-factor.
Cp, Rp = parallel capacitance & parallel resistance
Ls, Rs = serial inductance & serial resistance Note: Availability and naming of the entry fields
Cp, QF = parallel capacitance & quality factor To re-calibrate, set the focus onto the ANSI C57.12
Ls, QF = series inductance & quality factor test card tab designation TanDelta and depend on the measuring mode, e.g., DF and PF The oil temperature is the determining medium for the k-factor.
press Edit Calib to enable the entry are the same entry field. Bushings
fields: The air temperature at the respective bushing is the determining medium for the k-factor.
Bushings provides three bushing types to select from: RBP (Resin Bonded Paper), RIP
Cx = correction factor for Cmeas
The averaging factor determines the (Resin Impregnated Paper) and OIP (Oil Impregnated Paper). The k-factor changes
number of measurements. A factor of 3 accordingly.
DF/PF + = corrective value added
means: the CP TD1 carries out 3 to dissipation or power factor (can
measurements whose results are then
be + or -)
averaged. The higher the factor, the
Note: Enter your name and press Select if you use an external CT.
more accurate the measurement but
the longer the measuring time. Update Calib to complete the re- The entered ratio is used to calculate
calibration. the measured current accordingly.
See also figure CP TD1 CP CAL1 on
Note: "Use ext. CT" can only be
page CP TD1-3.
selected if there are no measurement
Filter bandwidth of measurement. If selected, the beeper sounds during
results yet.
the entire test. If cleared, the beeper
Note: If the test frequency equals the default frequency (as set at Options | Device Setup), sounds at the beginning and the end of
the filter bandwidth is always 5 Hz, regardless of the set value. This even applies if the option
the test only.
"use default frequency of xx.xx Hz" is not specifically selected.
5 Hz means that interferences at frequencies with an offset of 5 Hz from the measuring If selected, the CPC 100 checks whether the shield of the high-voltage cable is connected. For
frequency will not affect the results. some large inductive loads, the CPC 100 can accidentally report shield check error even when
The smaller the filter bandwidth, the longer the measuring time. the shield is connected. If this is the case, it makes sense to clear the check box.
Returns to TanDeltas main page
CP TD1 - 6
CP TD1 - 7
Conditions: Signals below 45 Hz with reduced values possible. Capacitive linear loads. Conditions: f0 = 15 400 Hz
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
Terminal U/f THD I S tmax Filter bandwidth Meas. time Stop band specification (attenuation) error < 0.05 % of Ix < 8 mA,
f0 5 Hz 2.2 s > 110 dB at fx = f0 (5 Hz or more) reading + 0.1 pF Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
High-voltage 10 12 kV AC <2% 300 mA 3600 VA > 2 min 1 pF 3 F 6 digits
output f0 10 Hz 1.2 s > 110 dB at fx = f0 (10 Hz or more) error < 0.2 % of reading Ix > 8 mA,
15 400 Hz 100 mA 1200 VA > 60 min Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
f0 20 Hz 0.9 s > 110 dB at fx = f0 (20 Hz or more)
Measurements Dissipation factor DF (tan)
Test current (RMS, selective)
Test frequencies
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
Terminal Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
Range Resolution Typical accuracy 0 10 % 5 digits error < 0.1 % of reading f = 45 70 Hz,
IN A or IN Ba 0 5A AC 5 digits error < 0.3 % of reading + Ix < 8 mA (capacitive) I < 8 mA,
15 400 Hz 0.01 Hz error < 0.005 % of reading + 0.005 %a
100 nA Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
error < 0.5 % of reading Ix > 8 mA 0 100 5 digits error < 0.5 % of reading Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
TanDelta test card: Column Hz of the results table
(0 10000 %) + 0.02 %
Special displays in the frequency column Hz and their meanings: a
) IN A (red) or IN B (blue), depending on the mode.
Test voltage (RMS, selective) Power factor PF (cos)
*50 Hz (*60 Hz) Measurement mode suppressing the mains frequency
interferences; doubles the measurement time.
Range Resolution Typical accuracy Range Resolution Typical accuracy Conditions
!30 Hz The selected test voltage is not available in Automatic
0 12000V AC 1V error < 0.3 % of reading + 1 V 0 10 % 5 digits error < 0.1 % of reading f = 45 70 Hz,
measurement (applies to frequencies below 45 Hz only).
(capacitive) + 0.005 %a I < 8 mA,
?xx Hz Results with reduced accuracy, e.g., in case of a low testing Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
voltage, influences of partial discharge etc.
0 100 % 5 digits error < 0.5 % of reading Vtest = 300 V 10 kV
+ 0.02 %
a) Reduced accuracy of DF and PF at mains frequency or its harmonics. Mains frequency suppression
CP TD1 - 8
1 H 1000 kH 6 digits error < 0.3 % of reading temperature Cables and equipment 16.6 kg
Humidity range 5 95 % relative humidity, no condensation accessories (36.6 lbs)
Quality factor QF Shock IEC68-2-27 (operating), 15 g/11 ms, half-sinusoid equipment and 26.6 kg 680 x 450 x 420 mm
casea (58.7 lbs) (26.8 x 17.7 x 16.5)
Vibration IEC68-2-6 (operating), 10 150 Hz, acceleration 2 g
Range Resolution Typical accuracy
continuous (20 m/s); 5 cycles per axis Equipment trolley equipment 14.5 kg
0 1000 5 digits error < 0.5 % of reading + 0.2 % (32 lbs)
EMC EN 50081-2, EN 55011, EN 61000-3-2, FCC Subpart B of Part
> 1000 5 digits error < 5 % of reading 15 Class A, EN 50082-2, IEC 61000-4-2/3/4/8, CE conform equipment & carton 18.9 kg 590 x 750 x 370 mm
(89/336/EEC) (41.7 lbs) (23.2 x 29.2 x 14.6)
Safety EN 61010-1, EN 60950, IEC 61010-1, produced and tested in CP TD1, CPC 100, equipment 85 kg 750 x 1050 x 600 mm
an EN ISO 9001 certified company. equipment & trolley (187.5 lbs) (29.5 x 41.3 x 23.6)
(without CP CAL1) equipment & packing 125 kg
Prepared for IEEE 510, EN 50191, VDE 104
(275.8 lbs)
CP TD1 - 9
CP TD1 - 10
CP CU1 - 1
Surge arrestor
Fuse 30 A Voltmeter
CP CU1 - 2
Measurement Setup Configuring the CPC 100 Connecting the CPC 100 and CP CU1 to Power Lines
The CPC 100 must be configured for the CP CU1. Follow the steps below to configure the Safety Instructions
CPC 100: Do not connect the measurement setup to overhead lines if there is a possibility of a
1. Press the Options view selector button to open the Options window. thunderstorm over any part of the lines to be measured. A lightning discharge to the line
under test can cause injury or possibly death of the operating staff.
It is strongly recommended to take all parallel lines out of service before proceeding.
Connecting the measurement setup to overhead lines with a life parallel system brings about
high-voltage hazards.
While the grounding switch at the near end of the power line is open, the area around the
Dangerous zone CP GB1 in the range of 5 m/15 ft and around the CP CU1 in the range of 2 m/5 ft is a
dangerous zone due to high-voltage and mechanical hazards. Do not enter the dangerous
zone. Keep the grounding switch open for a time as short as possible.
I AC V1 AC If you see or hear anything uncommon in the test equipment, e.g. noise of electrical
discharge or lightening of surge arrestors, close the grounding switch before touching the
CPC 100 CP CU1 V SENSE Test object
CP GB1 measurement setup.
CP CU1 - 3
CP CU1 - 4
10 km/6 mi?
2 km/1.5 mi?
Use the 10 A
50 km/30 mi?
current range.
current range.
Start with the 100 A
Set 10 A
Set 20 A
Set 50 A
Connect a grounding set in parallel to the closed
grounding disconnector to each phase. Connect it first to
the ground and then to the line. Open the grounding
disconnector and measure the currents in all three
grounding sets. Use the highest measured value of IGS in
the following formula. Close the grounding disconnector
after the measurement is done.
Connecting the CPC 100 and CP CU1 to Power Lines
greater than 50 V?
Set 10 A
Set 50 A
Set 20 A
50 V?
500 V?
250 V?
100 V?
Set 50 A
Set 10 A
Set 20 A
Try to take parallel lines out of service or to reduce the current flow on the parallel systems.
Is 1 A possible?
Are 12 A possible?
Are 30 A possible?
Are 60 A possible?
Set 50 A
Set 20 A
Set 10 A
Applications and Test Templates Line Impedance Measurement Ground Impedance Measurement
The following application examples show the typical usage of the CP CU1. The test procedures
running on the measurement setup are controlled by templates available on the
CPC 100 Start Page.
For detailed information on the CP CU1 applications, refer to the CP CU1 Reference Manual
delivered with the CP CU1 or available in pdf format on the CPC 100 Start Page.
Far end
Far end
Overhead line
Overhead line
Near endend
CPC 100
There are seven different measurement loops: A-B (shown here), A-C, B-C, A-G, B-G, C-G and
ABC in parallel to ground (similar to the next figure).
CP CU1 - 5
Measurement of Coupling into Signal Cables Step and Touch Voltage Measurement Technical Data
Output Ranges
For step and touch voltage measurements using the HGT1 FFT voltmeter, refer to the
There are four measurements with different connections. For detailed information, refer to the
HGT1 User Manual.
template or the CP CU1 Reference Manual.
CP CU1 - 6
CP SB1 - 1
Functional Components of the CP SB1 Connecting the CPC 100 and CP SB1 to Power Transformers
The front panel of the CP SB1 provides the following functional components:
Read the DANGER
Transformer High Voltage Tap Changer Transformer High Voltage: Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
Transformer Low Voltage manual
Outputs (Source) for the injection of current or voltage on the individual phases of the Position the CP SB1 in the safety area and do not enter this area during the entire
Up Down transformer measurement.
Inputs (Measure) for the voltage measurement Connect the CPC 100 and CP SB1 using the delivered grounding cable.
Note: The inputs and outputs of the respective connections (U/H1, V/H2, W/H3, N/H0) are Connect the grounding cable of the CP SB1 at a safe grounding point at the
connected to the transformer using Kelvin clamps. transformer.
Do not operate the test equipment without safe connection to ground.
Transformer Low Voltage: Make sure that all high-voltage connections of the transformer are removed.
Outputs (Source) for the injection of current or voltage on the individual phases of the Make sure that all terminals of the transformer are connected to ground.
transformer Switch off the power supply of the tap changer.
Inputs (Measure) for the voltage measurement Connect the Kelvin clamps to the bushings.
Connect the cables to the Kelvin clamps. Make sure that the cables show upwards and that
Note: The inputs and outputs of the respective connections (u/X1, v/x2, w/x3, n/X0) are
LEDs each color is connected to a different phase.
connected to the transformer using Kelvin clamps.
Connect the cables from the Kelvin clamps voltage sense outputs to the CP SB1s
Tap Changer: Two potential-free contacts for switching the tap changer transformer inputs. Observe the color code.
AC input for connection to the 2KV AC output of the CPC 100 Make sure to measure the voltage to ground at the terminals of the tap changer. If no voltage
DC input for connection to the 6A DC output and I AC/DC input of the CPC 100 is measured, connect the flexible terminal adapters to the "up" and "down" terminals of the
AC output for connection to the V1 AC input of the CPC 100 tap changer.
DC output for connection to the V DC input of the CPC 100 Connect the cables ("up", "down") to the CP SB1.
Serial interface for the CPC 100 (TRRatio and TRTapCheck test cards) to control the Connect the CP SB1 to the CPC 100 according to Functional Components of the CP SB1
CP SB1 on page CP SB1-2.
Equipotential ground terminal for grounding the CP SB1 close to the position of the Switch on the power supply of the tap changer.
operating staff Remove all grounding connections of the terminals except one per winding. Use Neutral (N)
V1 AC Output V DC Output Serial Equipotential
AC Input DC Input for the grounding connection if accessible.
connection ground
Start the measurement according to page Transformer-1 and page Transformer-7.
CP SB1 - 2
CP SB1 - 3
CP SB1 - 4
Note: If you select the CP CB2 as external booster on the Device Setup tab in the Options
menu, it will be saved as default value for new test cards. However, it is also possible to select
the external booster individually on the test cards. The settings for already inserted test cards
will only be changed if no test results are available yet.
CP CB2 - 1
Technical Data
Notes regarding the CP CB2
Current outputs
1. With a mains voltage of 230 V using a 2 x 0.6 m high-current cable at an ambient
Range Amplitude tmax1 Vmax2 Powermax2 f
temperature of 23 C 5 (73 F 10 F)
1000 A AC 0 1000 A 25 s 4.90 V 4900 VA 15 400 Hz 2. Signals below 50 Hz or above 60 Hz with reduced values possible
0 500 A 30 min 5.00 V 2500 VA 15 400 Hz Note: Make sure to establish series or parallel connection, depending on the selected range on
2000 A AC 0 2000 A 25 s 2.45 V 4900 VA 15 400 Hz the test card.
Death or severe injury caused by high voltage or current
Internal measurement of outputs
Do not touch the CPC 100s outputs and do not touch or unplug any cables while
Guaranteed accuracy Typical accuracy working with the CP CB2.
Amplitude Phase Amplitude Phase
Reading Full Full Reading Full Full
error scale scale error scale scale
error error error error
2000 A AC 0.25 % 0.25 % 0.50 0.13 % 0.13 % 0.25
1000 A AC 0.25 % 0.25 % 0.50 0.13 % 0.13 % 0.25
Weight Dimensions (W x H x D)
CP CB2 test set 16 kg (35.3 lbs) 186 x 166 x 220 mm (7.3 x 6.5 x 8.7),
without handle.
test set & case 25 kg (55.1 lbs) 700 x 450 x 360 mm (27.6 x 17.7 x
CP CB2 - 2