IBP Journal Nov 2017
IBP Journal Nov 2017
IBP Journal Nov 2017
An Outsiders Review through the
Glass Ceiling
A Lesson
From The
Desk Of CE Husain Lawai
Chief Executive-IBP
he Institute of Bankers Pakistan is the only accrediting Manager Certification, Islamic Banking Certification, Customer
and awarding body committed to providing Services, SME Banking Certifications, Foreign Exchange
professional education and technical training services Certifications etc.
for the banking industry in the country.
IBP has partnered with various internationally recognized
Since its inception over sixty-five years ago, IBP has been organizations which include IFC (International Finance
setting standards and continuously expanding and evolving Cooperation World Bank), BCI (Business Continuity
to cater to the diverse needs and challenges posed by the Institute UK), Chartered Bankers Institute UK, Bangor
banking and financial sector. IBP has been closely involved University UK and Omega Performance - Singapore to
in broadening its scope of activities pertaining to international conduct internationally accredited programs & trainings in
training programs, foreign collaborations, customized Pakistan. The Institute is also partnering with local universities
trainings, free seminars, etc. in Pakistan to provide banking specific qualifications.
IBPs banking qualification program, ISQ (IBP Superior After the successful running of Certified General Bankers
Qualification) is the only recognized professional banking Program, The IBP School Program (TIS) successfully initiated
qualification in Pakistan and is accredited by Chartered Banker the Certified General Banker for Microfinance Sector. This
Institute (UK). It also leads towards Chartered Banker MBA program allows fresh graduates to receive training on various
(CBMBA) from Bangor University Business School (UK). facets of Microfinance business, providing opportunities to
fresh graduates hoping to pursue a career in banking.
A very successful and recent addition to IBPs training
services has been the launch of eILM (IBP Learning The 2nd Pakistan Banking Awards were launched in March
Management). This complete Learning Management System 2017, following the overwhelming response and remarkable
was launched in November 2016 to facilitate bankers accessing success of the First Pakistan Banking Awards in 2016. These
a holistic interactive online learning package. annual awards are given to individual banks based on their
performance, broadly in the spheres of development, finance,
As Pakistans banking industry is exposed to numerous and customer services. The awards honor and promote the
business risks, competitive working environment, fast paced efforts of banks for developing new and innovative products
growth, technological advancement and frequent changes in and services, while giving them the incentive to enhance their
policies and procedures, hence, timely information, application performance for the coming year.
of changes and knowledge sharing is imperative. IBP offers a
wide range of training programs that cater to the financial IBP will continue its efforts to enhance and sustain levels of
services industry. These include Certified, Standardized and professionalism as it nurtures the needs of professionals and
Assessment-Based Training Programs like Branch Manager aspiring entrants in the banking industry.
Certification, Certified Bank Tellers, Branch Operations
Syed Danish Ali is a Senior Consultant at SIR
consultants, the leading actuarial consultancy in the 06 Islamic Banking Inherent in Foreign Trade
Middle East and South Asia. He is also a graduate Opportunities and Challenges in
of University of London in Sociology and Career Domestic and Global Economy
ambassador of Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA Conference
UK). He has more than 75 publications across a range of
international platforms and is a regular contributor to
various research activities. Banking
07 China-Pakistan
Economic Corridor
Challenges & Opportunities 19 RISK
Nida Asad Is an MBA in Human Resource
From the Perspective of
Banks and other Financial
Management, and has worked as an Anti-Money
Laundering Analyst at a leading bank. 08 IBP Organizes Institutions
of Fellows
22 Commercial Banking
Problems and
Sohailuddin Alavi is an author and consultant. He has
authored books on decision making, ethics, organization 09 IBP Superiour Solutions
management and leadership and writes for a number of Qualification-ISQ
reputed professional magazines. He is also a partner at Convocation 2016
the Corporate Consulting Group and Senior Projects
Consultant at a development consortium of NGOs in
Cover Story
The Institute of
37 44 A CENTURY Bankers Pakistan
Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, All rights reserved. The material appearing in
Opinion and the Financial Crisis of this journal may not be reproduced in any
2008 form without prior permission of The Institute
of Bankers Pakistan (IBP).
Should Monitoring Remain General Disclaimer
Confined to Customers Only? IBP Journal is based on contributions from
individuals and information obtained from
local and international print and electronic
media. IBP has not verified this information
and no warranty, expressed or implied, is
made that such information is accurate,
complete or should be relied upon as such.
It is with deep regret that we announce the sad demise of Dr. Syed Sabir Ali Jaffery, on
16 September 2016. Dr. Jaffery was a veteran banker, with over 50 years of experience
in banking and teaching, including all key areas of banking operations in senior
positions, with international exposure in the capacity of Country General Manager.
He was a highly qualified, literate professional with a B. Com, LLB, MBA (Gold
Medal) from IBA, MPhil (Gold Medal) from KASBIT, and PhD from District of
Columbia, USA. He was a great human being who always found great pleasure in
sharing his knowledge and expertise with others. A Fellow of the Institute of Bankers
Pakistan (IBP), Dr. Jaffery had been a regular contributor to IBPs Quarterly Journal
over the past 10 years. He will be greatly missed by the banking fraternity.
Highlighting the significance of research and training for capacity building of human
resources working in the financial sector, The Institute of Bankers Pakistan (IBP) in
association with IBA Center of Excellence in Islamic Finance (IBA CEIF) and support
of Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Malaysia arranged a conference on Islamic
Banking Opportunities and Challenges in Domestic and Global Economy. The
event was held on Sept. 7th, 2016 at IBP Karachi office. Professor Datuk Dr. Syed
Othama Alhabshi and Dr. Ahmed Musa Wang Yongbao were invited as speakers,
currently serving as Deputy President Academic at INCEIF and Director at NWUPL
China respectively. Both the speakers discussed various opportunities that Pakistan has
in transforming its banking culture based on Islamic principles. Success stories of
Malaysia in creating research centers through academia and developing laws that
support the Islamic banking were shared. Furthermore, emphasis was made on
synchronizing heart & mind towards a common objective of Islamic way of doing
business. The awareness session ended up with determination to support central banks
vision 2020 in enabling & promoting Islamic Banking for financial inclusion.
IBP organizes
get-together of
Fellow Members
On Friday, November 11, 2016 a get-together of the
Fellows was organized by The Institute of Bankers
Pakistan (IBP). The event was chaired by Governor
State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Mr. Ashraf Mahmood
Wathra. Senior Bankers, Practitioners and Financial
Analysts attended the gathering wholeheartedly and
appreciated the efforts of IBP in organizing the event.
The Institute of Bankers Pakistan held its Convocation and Mr. Husain Lawai, CE IBP emphasized the efforts of IBP for
Prize distribution ceremony to award gold medals, prizes and improvements in the ISQ qualification. He highlighted the role
certificates to candidates for their outstanding performance in the of IBP in imparting trainings to produce skilled professionals at
IBP Superior Qualification (ISQ) exam for the years 2009-2015. every level in the banking sector. He said that the ISQ is the
The ceremony was held on November 28, 2016 at the IBP office. benchmark qualification for bankers in Pakistan. Mr. Lawai
commended the banks for planning training and development
The ceremony was attended by senior bankers and eminent strategies to ensure recruitment of qualified staff. The Honorable
members of the banking fraternity. Speaking on the occasion, CE presented certificates and cash awards to the position holders.
Mr. Irfan Siddiqui, Vice President and Chairman of IBP Academic
Board & Finance Committee, expressed his delight at being The ISQ is the only recognized professional banking qualification
present at the event and appreciated the efforts of the ISQ in Pakistan. It is a three level, self -study program: Junior
qualifying candidates. He praised IBP for its efforts to train and Associateship of IBP ( JAIBP), Associateship of IBP (AIBP) and
assess bankers to produce skilled human resource and promote Fellowship of IBP (FIBP). The JAIBP program of ISQ is accredited
healthy competition. by the Chartered Banker Institute, UK in 2011. Since then, 1022
candidates have qualified for the Associate Chartered Banker title.
The Governor of the State Bank and President of IBP, Prior to 2011, 159 candidates qualified through comprehensive
Mr. Ashraf Mahmood Wathra stressed on the importance of exam.
professional qualification for bankers in Pakistan. Highlighting
the importance of skilled human resource, he urged banks to focus IBP awards gold medals to candidates who score the highest
on training budgets and align their training policies accordingly. marks in each of the 3 stages of JAIBP. Special prizes are awarded
The Honorable Governor congratulated the successful to candidates secure high marks in different subjects. 19 gold
candidates, and proceeded to award gold medals to the position medals and 159 other cash prizes were awarded to successfully
holders. qualifying candidates at the convocation.
gold 159
cash prizes
Saadia W. Durrani Haris B. Mahmood Sumbul Akhter Danish A. Bhatti Umair Ahmed
Stage - i 2009 Stage - ii 2009 Stage - iii 2009 Stage - i 2010 Stage - ii 2010
Neha H. Memon Benazir Brohi S. Rizwan H. Abidi Adnan Rizvi S. Humaira Akhter
Stage - i 2013 Stage - ii 2013 Stage - iii 2013 Stage - i 2014 Stage - ii 2014
By Subtain Raza
time marketing, reduce ing TO NOTE THAT Twitter, Skype, Instagram
acquisition costs and etc. The introduction
have a quicker time to of mobile broadband
market. All features are coupled with the influx
there in social media of affordable smartphones
marketing. had a catalytic effect on
316 million monthly users There are 1.5 million groups on LinkedIn
500 million tweets sent per day 27% of users access LinkedIn through
77% of active users are outside the U.S their mobile device
88% of active users are on mobile devices. Over 3 million company pages
6 distinct communications networks 50% of LinkedIn users have Bachelor or
65% of users expect a response in Graduate degrees
less than two hours 45% of B2B marketers have gained a
customer through LinkedIn
LinkedIn is adding, on average, two
members per second
Only 20% of LinkedIn users are under
the age of 30
1.39 billion active monthly users as of More than 16 billion photos already exist
December 31, 2014 on the platform
Every minute, 510 comments are posted, An average user has close to 40 photos
293,000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 MTV is the most followed brand, with
photos are uploaded over 1.2 million followers
Photos drive engagement on Facebook 1,000 comments per second are posted
pages More than 5 million photos are uploaded
45% of account holders become very every day
paranoid if they cannot access Facebook.
23% of users check their accounts at
least 5 times per day
Drives more referrals than any other
social platform
Inherent in Foreign Trade
By Dr. S. Sabir A. Jaffery
the money only after safe and timely of exporters country operating in the Advance Payment
arrival of goods, or receipt of documents importers country can serve as a useful
of title to goods, conforming with the indication of creditworthiness and Under this arrangement, the seller gets
quality and quantity ordered for. integrity of the importer. In addition, full contract value in advance and the
insurance cover may be obtained against buyer is at all risks. This method is used
There are the following four different the risk of non-payment by the importer. when either the goods are in high
modes of international debt settlement: Various types of export credit guarantee demand, and/or in short supply, or the
and trade indemnity facilities are offered supplier enjoys monopolistic position.
Open Account these days by a number of major insurance
Advance Payment companies. Trade between various units of an
Documentary Collection organization, particularly within a family
Documentary Credit Country Risk: The exchange control organization, or between agents and
measures of the importers country may principal may also take place on advance
Open Account prevent the payment being made by payment basis.
the importer. Political, sovereign, and
It means the exporter will dispatch goods financial hazards may be responsible for Documentary Collection
to the importer and also directly send him this state of affairs.
all the relative documents, enabling the The relevant Uniform Rules for Collection
importer to take delivery of goods. The Major banks provide political (URC) as revised from time to time,
importer agrees to pay at a later date as per and economic reports on the situations known as ICC Publication, shall apply to
arrangement. prevailing in the countries with which all collections and be shall be binding on
their customers have trade relations. all parties thereto, unless otherwise
The arrangement offers least security to Embassies of exporters countries operating expressly agreed and provided that they
the exporter and greatest security to the on foreign lands are also supposed are not inconsistent with any national,
importer. Despite exporters apprehensions, to furnish useful information in this state, or local law and/or regulation.
Open Account Terms are not uncommon. regard. This kind of information helps
the exporters in making decisions as to Collection Defined Collection means
Managing Major Risks to Importers the modes of settlement. Insurance handling by banks of documents as listed
cover is also an alternative available to under URC 522 according to the instruc-
These under Open Account Terms may be exporters. tions received in order to:
classified as follows:
Transit Risk: There is always a possibility (a) obtain payment and/or acceptance; or
Buyer or Credit Risk: It refers to the of loss or damage to goods while on their
importers failure to make payment of way to the ultimate destination. Insurance (b) deliver documents against payment
goods as per arrangement because either cover and appropriate incoterms are the and/or acceptance; or
of incapability or unwillingness. answers to this risk.
(c) deliver documents on other terms
Up-to-date status report on the Exchange Risk: The exchange risk is and conditions.
buyer, or reports on potential buyers by imperative, irrespective of the terms of
organizations such as Export Promotion trade, if the consignment is invoiced in Collection may be clean or documentary.
Bureau, or Commercial Attach/Counselor foreign currency. Clean collection means collection of
hat is Risk?
By Banti Lal
The article aims to present an insight on the countrys monetary policy, approaching
step by step towards the strategic objective, history, effectiveness of monetary policy,
making of monetary policy process, fundamental tools, light on the monetary policy
outlook in the current scenario and its efficacy in economic growth.
The price level where the supply of MONETARY POLICY The prime objective of Monetary Policy is
money equals demand for it is the to focus on price stability, to help economy
equilibrium price, which tends to be Monetary policy may be defined as a reach or maintain monetary equilibrium.
stable unless some outside factor changes process through which supply of money is An economy is at monetary equilibrium
demand or supply. In other words, prices being controlled by government, central when quantity of money demanded
will be stable when people have no more bank, or monetary authority controls equals the quantity of money supplied.
money or no less money than they need to targeting inflation and interest rate with Monetary Policy maintains value of
make the purchases. an objective to ensure stability of coinage; print notes and prevent coins
situation is called liquidity trap can the economic activity. Contractionary In its monetary policy statement, the
occur during deflation or when monetary policy seeks to reduce size of the central bank said that the country would
inflation is very low. money supply controlled by either a not achieve its GDP growth target
central bank or a finance ministry. of 5.5% in the period ending June 30,
Banking risk involves managing risk 2016; however, it would exceed its
within the banking system. Banks must Monetary policy targets to keep corresponding outcome of 4.2% in last
keep banking reserves to handle actual inflation within a desired range with year. The SBP expects inflation will likely
cash needs, but they can lend an periodic adjustments to interest rate attain a higher upland in next financial
amount equal to several times their maintained for a specific duration using year, as rising global oil prices, imposition
actual reserves. The money lent out open market operations usually reviewed of new taxation measures and increase in
by banks increases the money supply, on a monthly or quarterly basis by a policy electricity and gas tariffs would put
and too much money (whether lent committee. The inflation targeting upward pressure on inflation.
or printed) will lead to inflation. approach to monetary policy approach was
Central banks manage systemic risks pioneered in New Zealand. Interest rate is However, it has been observed, the real
by maintaining a balance between changed in response to various market economic benefit of historic low interest
expansionary economic activity indicators attempting to forecast economic rate could not be harvested until
through bank lending and control of trends, simple method Taylor rule adjusts the government took measures for a
inflation through reserve requirements. the interest rate in response to changes in sustainable industrial growth. Despite
the inflation rate and the output gap. a low interest rate, borrowings of
MONETARY POLICY OUTLOOK manufacturing sector were low and
The inflation in 2016 is low, although exports were declining, the cost of doing
Neoclassical and Keynesian economics Consumer Price Index (CPI) so called business that included power and gas
significantly differ on the effects and inflation sustained its rising trend for tariffs in Pakistan was much higher
effectiveness of monetary policy on seventh consecutive months and rose compared to Bangladesh, India, Vietnam
influencing the real economy; there is no to 4.2% in April 2016 from 1.3% in and other emerging economies. Under
clear consensus on how monetary policy September 2015, despite continuous current circumstances, it appears that the
affects real economic variables (aggregate increase on a yearly basis, would remain house building and property sector would
output or income, employment). Both low as compared to annual average target be real beneficiary of low interest rate.
economic schools of thoughts accept that of 6 %. As per SBP, expansion in industrial
monetary policy affects monetary variables activities and services sector would It is imperative that the central bank of
(price levels, interest rates). In economics, salvage some of GDP growth due to the every country summarizes assessment of the
an expansionary monetary policy is one losses arose in cotton and rice crops. health of economy in its monetary policy
that seeks to increase the size of the money Furthermore, uncertainty might arise if statement. An independent and effective
supply aimed at lowering the interest rates there was an adverse change in oil prices or monetary policy is essential for effective
to achieve economic growth by increasing workers remittances. economic management in the country.
While widespread and ever-increasing automation at financial institutions has brought tremendous
production and operational efficiencies in the industry, it has simultaneously given rise to cyber threats
and attacks on transactions conducted through online branches, branchless banking and the internet;
payment systems for intra/interbank settlement and credit information of consumers etc. are also at
risk. Meanwhile, a large-scale hacking attack may involve stealing a company or an individuals
intellectual property; seizing and unauthorized usage of online bank accounts (leading to monetary
loss); creating and distributing malware on the Internet of things (networks, computers, laptops,
smartphones, tablets, smart TVs etc.) and illegally accessing and then disclosing confidential business
information to the detriment of the firms reputation.
As per multiple security analysts and Transfer stolen funds across Effective policies and procedures
experts, this breach happened through borders to illicit beneficiary accounts
one or more threats such as: quickly or in real time, to prevent Defense in Depth or layered approach
institutions/authorities from recovering IT/Cyber Security Framework
Malware Insider help the funds. (see Figure 1)
Philrem Services
(S Ord M
ce s
4 81
uc er
35 Orders
1 O 20
rd M
30 Orders
Bl iss
oc pe
ke lle
d d)
Shalika Foundation
Bangladesh Bank Federal Reserve Bank
(Bangladesh) of New York (USA)
The hackers misspelled Foundation in their request to transfer the funds, spelling the word as Fundation
This spelling error gained suspicion from Deutsche Bank, a routing bank which put a halt to the transaction
in question after seeking clarifications from Bangladesh Bank
In order to tackle the evolving cyber security challenges in combating internal and external cyber threats and attacks against institutions
automated business environment, the following: Critical Cyber Security Controls for Effective Cyber Defense have been introduced
by The Center for Internet Security (CIS) as an actionable, preemptive, conducive and enabling approach.
Incident Response and Management Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises
Protect the organizations information as well as its
reputation, by developing and implementing an
CSC CSC Test the overall strength of an organizations
defenses (the technology, the processes and the
incident response infrastructure (e.g. plans, defined
roles, training, communications, management
19 20 people) by simulating the objectives and actions
of an attacker.
oversight) for quickly discovering an attack and
then effectively containing the damage, eradicating
the attackers presence and restoring the integrity
of the network and systems.
The Impact of
on Investments
Exploring the Implications One at a Time
Up till recently, the artificial intelligence portion of data science was looked upon
cautiously due to its history of booms and dooms. In the latest stream of events,
major improvements have been shown in this field and now deep learning, the
new leading front for Artificial Intelligence, presents a promising prospect for
overcoming problems of big data.
eep learning is a method of where it can be utilized. Deep learning has traditional data analysis before 2005
machine learning that undertakes various architectures such as deep neural focused on just the tip of the iceberg, the
calculations in a layered fashion networks, deep belief networks, deep big data revolution sprang up and now
starting from high level abstractions Boltzmann machines etc. which are able deep learning offers us a better glimpse
(vision, language and other Artificial to handle and decode complex structures into the unconscious segment of data that
Intelligence related tasks) to more and that have multiple non-linear features. we know exists, but are constrained in
more specific features. The machine is able realizing its true potential. Deep learning
to progressively learn as it digests more Deep learning offers us considerable helps us in both exploring the data and
and more data and its ability to transform insight into the relatively unknown identifying connections in descriptive
abstract concepts into concrete realities unstructured data, which is 80% of the analysis. These connections also help us in
has opened up a diverse plethora of areas data that we generate as per IBM. While forecasting what the result will likely be,
By Nida Asad
Should Monitoring Remain Confined to Customers Only?
Internal fraud is a developing problem around the globe. In 2014, 751 confirmed cases of employee
fraud were recorded by Cifas Members to the internal fraud database. Despite the fact that internal fraud
is being considered as a bigger threat for banks and should remain the primary focus of attention;
management continues to worry about external fraud and customer due diligence. Unfortunately, 60%
of bank fraud cases are a result of employee disloyalty.
o sustain amidst a competitive In an effort to identify the reasons why Compulsion (pushed into oence)
business environment, employers staff participate in devious activities, Seduction (pulled into oence)
have opted to empower their staff Personnel Department must review the
and assign important duties down the circumstances that provoke illegal behavior. From developing researches, it can be
chain of command. Delegation and Generally, the most serious threat of deduced that fraudsters feel they have been
empowerment has indeed refined the internal fraud has been centered on pushed into crime due to financial
business operations and level of customer relatively senior workforce appointed on challenges they have been facing. Also,
satisfaction. However, empowerment managerial positions. However, the junior they are compelled through greed,
harvests the potential of deceit and pave staff now have an access to sensitive data debts, gambling, addictions or family
way for fraudsters to misuse their authority. which they can easily manipulate for their expectations. The explanation of indulging
Internal fraud can be defined as malpractice personal gains. in offence in such situations is simple;
or deceit that occurs within an organization, Desperation leads to creative crimes.
when an employee intentionally makes To recognize the risk and infer how to
false representation, willingly fails to mitigate them, it is imperative to postulate On the flipside, often fraudsters claim that
disclose necessary information, exploits a the psyche of a fraudster. Two of the they were almost seduced to commit
position of trust for personal benefit or prominent situations that lead a person to violations because of system loopholes and
causes loss to co-workers or organization. commit fraud are: poor management control. Since it was such
An Outsiders Review Through the Glass Ceiling
In the following analysis, an attempt has Rationality paradigm has three Drivers
been made to review the Change Management levels, namely: Performance level,
program undertaken at a local bank. The Intervening level and the Root level.
analysis has been done with reference to a Performance rationality recognizes the directions. Common road blocks include
framework, annexed as A and is based on need for improvement in revenue, lack of clarity of directions, people across
considered and informed opinions of the compliance and facilitation. Intervening the echelons do not share the same
banks employees and those of its customers rationality identifies the need for perspective, vague/weak planning,
obtained randomly. improvement in products, services, stakeholders take competing positions
efficiency and effectiveness. Finally, root vis--vis change, delayed or fragmented
Though the banks change management rationality unravels the required changes implementation etc.
program was much in line with the in the organizational governance and
industry practices but it was looked upon policies, planning, processes, people and Finally, all the steps described above
skeptically by many inside and outside of structure. need to be put together in a Change
the bank for various reasons. The general Management Framework. The framework
perception is that initially, the banks It is important to remember, however, firstly entails integrating multiple change
performance showed improvements in that interventions must begin at the root interventions across the organization into
terms of profit growth, size of deposit level followed by intervening level before one holistic plan. Secondly, it requires
pool, innovation and diversity in financial change in performance can be envisaged. defining key-performance indicators and
products. However, the management Any attempt to change performance time lines for each intervention and the
could not demonstrate any meaningful directly cannot be sustained. interdependences across the entire
improvement in the overall governance interventions. The framework will thus
per se, general level of customer service, This brings us to the next logical step in provide an efficient and effective basis for
employees performance and morale, the change management process i.e. coordination, control and monitoring of
technology interface and last but not the developing strategic directions for change. various interventions at the operational as
least physical environment that contributes This entails deciding what to change well as strategic levels.
significantly to staff efficiency at the across the organization. The organization
branches. All this serves as the basis to should make policy decisions vis--vis CHANGE
support the hypothesis that the strategic repositioning of the organization MANAGEMENT IN THE BANK
correlation between change management at the corporate and business levels, The bank is not just a commercial bank
interventions and the improvement strengthening of governance environment, per se; its operations are much more
indicators at the bank were not well increase or decrease in capital and change complex. Besides maintaining profitable
established. The analysis, however, in owners composition, restructuring of operations, the bank also performs other
remains generalized as the bank had not assets, change in peoples competence non-traditional banking functions.
developed strategic and operational KPIs level, improvement in processes either via However, since it was mistakenly
for the change interventions. business process re-engineering or benchmarked with typical international
improvement, access to technology and commercial banks hence while building
CONCEPTUAL PREMISE change of soft image. It is pertinent to rationality for the change only profit
The banks change management program concurrently identify and ideally work out growth was in focus. Consequently, the
has been assessed using the conceptual mitigation strategies for the most likely external challenges and internal problems
premise, namely: Drivers, Rationality, road blocks alongside deciding strategic facing the bank were distorted and on the
No strategic framework for the Holistic approach. contracts and the real challenges and
change management was developed, opportunities on ground.
which weakened the implementation, Results focus long term and short
coordination and control of the term both. Integration of directions and
reforms. Change interventions were speed across multiple change
designed and initiated in silos and Managements total commitment and interventions.
without an effective implementation unconditional support.
strategy and controls. 360o monitoring and evaluation of all
Essentially strategic outlook change interventions in terms of
Employees were not prepared, both in complimented by operational outcome, output, time lines, budgets
terms of their attitude and capacities, knowledge. and individual (team) accountability
to complement the other interventions followed by corrective actions and
for a successful change. Teamwork outside the boundaries of reinforcements.
hierarchies: Participation of people
Managements participation was across the organization through all Last but not the least, transparency,
confined to initiating the change stages of change cycle, in letter and legitimacy and rationality in all
interventions photo session. It, spirit. change interventions.
however, failed to demonstrate
commitment to the process and Systematic thinking: Problem
facilitate the change along the way. diagnosis followed by home grown
innovative interventions.
It is generally believed that an effective Interventions should essentially
change management program should conform to the given context: the
conform to certain pre - conditions such as: legitimate social & psychological
he past twenty years saw postwar economic policymaking and the addresses these questions, and much
unprecedented growth and stability dilemmas we now face. . . . It is rare to more. For those endeavoring to
followed by the worst financial crisis the encounter a book on economics quite as understand the greatest financial crisis of
industrialised world has ever witnessed. In intellectually exhilarating as The End of our time and the future of finance, this
the space of little more than a year what Alchemy a dazzling performance indeed. highly provocative book is a must-read.
had been seen as the age of wisdom was ( John Plender - Financial Times) (Alan Greenspan)
viewed as the age of foolishness. Almost
overnight, belief turned into incredulity. Offers both a deeply examined critique Drawing on years of scholarly study
of economics as usual, and practical, of banking history and his real world
Most accounts of the recent crisis focus controversial ideas on policy. It's a experience in fighting financial panic,
on the symptoms and not the underlying rare achievement. (Clive Crook - Mervyn King has set out a new framework
causes of what went wrong. But those Bloomberg View) for monetary and financial reform.
events, vivid though they remain in our Seemingly simple in concept, it challenges
memories, comprised only the latest in a I have read umpteen books about the prevailing banking and market practice.
long series of financial crises since our financial crisis of 20072008 and its The End of Alchemy demands debate
present system of commerce became the lessons. This is the cleverest one, and a well-reasoned response. (Paul
cornerstone of modern capitalism. brimming over with new ideas. While A. Volcker)
Alchemy explains why, ultimately, this was other lords of finance publish memoirs,
and remains a crisis not of banking - even King has produced a brilliant analysis not Mervyn King may well have written
if we need to reform the banking system - only of what went wrong in the global the most important book to come out
nor of policy-making - even if mistakes financial system but also of what went of the crisis. Agree or disagree, King's
were made - but of ideas. wrong in economics itself. (Niall Fergu- visionary ideas deserve the attention of
son) everyone from economics students to
In this refreshing and vitally important heads of state. (Lawrence H. Summers)
book, former governor of the Bank A sophisticated and highly approacha-
of England Mervyn King - an actor in ble study of how modern finance has lost ABOUT THE AUTHOR
this drama-proposes revolutionary new its way. Few individuals are more qualified
concepts to answer the central question: than Lord Mervyn King to imagine the Mervyn King was Governor of the Bank
are money and banking a form of banking of the future. His book should be of England from 2003-2013, and is
Alchemy or are they the Achilles heel of a required reading. (Henry Kissinger) currently Professor of Economics and
modern capitalist economy? Law at New York University and School
Mervyn King asks, Why has almost Professor of Economics at the London
EDITORIAL REVIEWS every industrialized country found it School of Economics. Lord King was
difficult to overcome the stagnation that made a life peer in 2013, and appointed by
If [The End of Alchemy] gets the followed the financial crisis in the Queen a Knight of the Garter in 2014.
attention it deserves, it might just save the 20072008, and why did money and
world. (Michael Lewis - Bloomberg View) banking, the alchemists of a market (This book is available in IBP Library)
An outstandingly lucid account of economy, turn into its Achilles heel? He
At The Bottom Of The Pyramid
s incredible as it may seem in this It should be compulsory reading for every inclusion is. " Jojo Malolos, former CEO of
hyper-connected, technologically central bank, ministry of finance, and Smart Hub (Smart MC joint venture)
advanced era, half the planets population government official who is serious
exist as Financial nomadsthose who about empowering people. Every senior "The end of poverty is coming our way,,
nourish and shelter themselves without executive of any bank worth its salt should and this brilliant book explains how and
using traditional banking services. While study this. There is something in it for why." Professor Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the
the wealthy live at the top of a metaphorical everybody. " Brian Richardson, CEO Earth Institute at Columbia University
pyramid, taking financial security and of Wizzit
banking services for granted, there are ABOUT THE AUTHOR
billions of people who struggle at the "Navigating the complex layers of the
pyramids base in an exhausting state of financial inclusion space is not an easy An expert in financial service innovation,
financial exclusion and insecurity. Times task, but Karl Mehta and Carol Realini CAROL REALINI is a serial entrepreneur
are changing rapidly, but despite global manage to paint a clear, detailed landscape and globally - recognized technology
uncertainty, technology has the capacity of the issues and challenges at hand with pioneer. Attending the World Economic
to reach and equip people in all walks of effortless prose that keeps us captivated Forum, she led global discussions on
life. Advances in communications have and informed from start to end." alternative banking. Recognized as a top
reconfigured the ease with which we Rodger Voorhies, Director of Financial woman in Silicon Valley, she sits on
interact with our money-and these Services for the Poor, Bill & Melinda Gates boards and advises financial services
advances can provide innovative financial Foundation and mobile companies. For more
services to the unbanked and underserved information, please visit carolrealini.com
around the world. Financial inclusion for "Not only was it an easy and enjoyable KARL MEHTA is a serial entrepreneur
all is indeed within our reach, and with read--it was authoritative and credible, and venture capitalist in Silicon Valley. He
this conviction, authors Karl Mehta and written by those who are obvious experts was founder & CEO of PlaySpan
Carol Realini propose a vision for a better in their field. The personal and real-life (acquired by Visa), a global alternative
world and a blueprint to get there. experiences supporting the concepts payment network. Karl served as the
developed around innovation makes the White House Presidential Innovation. He
EDITORIAL REVIEWS content accessible to anyone--even to is an active investor in Edtech and Fintech
those who are new to the concept of and founder-CEO of EdCast Inc.
"The book reads like a fast-paced novel. I financial inclusion. This is a book full
could not put it down and I can't wait for of real knowledge and will help readers
the sequel to find out what happens next. appreciate what authentic financial
Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, and the Financial Crisis of 2008
n this narrative history, David E. of his career participating, at a high level, Lindsey was intimately involved in
Lindsey gives the reader a ringside seat in the preparation and analysis of shaping Federal Reserve policy for three
to a century of policies at the US Federal monetary policy and its administration at decades. In this book he brings that
Reserve. Alternating between broad the Federal Reserve. This experience, perspective to an evaluation of the
historical strokes and deep dives into the together with his natural thoughtfulness controversial policies that have ensued
significance of monetary issues and and extensive reading in monetary since the Great Recession. His
developments, Lindsey offers a fascinating history, has produced a book that is off the penetrating critique is likely to be
look into monetary policymaking from beaten track and relevant to fuller especially influential given his status as a
the Fed's inception in 1913 to today. understanding of current issues. Fed insider. Anil K. Kashyap,
Lindsey's three decades of service on the Stephen H. Axilrod, former Staff Director Edward Eagle Brown Professor of
Federal Reserve Board staff allow him to for Monetary and Financial Policy and Economics and Finance, University of
combine the heft of scholarship with an former Federal Open Market Committee Chicago Booth School of Business,
insider's perspective on how the recent Secretary, Board of Governors, Federal USA
chairmen's and current chairwoman's Reserve System, USA
personalities and singular visions have ABOUT THE AUTHOR
shaped policy choices with far-reaching Lindsey had a ringside seat as a senior
consequences. He critiques the official in the Federal Reserve Board, David E. Lindsey was a 29-year veteran of
performances of Chairman Ben Bernanke and has since remained a keen observer the Federal Reserve Board's senior staff
and Vice Chair Janet Yellen during the of monetary policy-making. From this when he retired in 2003. He became
prelude, outbreak, and aftermath of the vantage point, he has developed Associate Economist of the policymaking
financial crisis of 2008, situating them in numerous acute and trenchant Federal Open Market Committee in 1984
the context of the Fed's century-long commentaries on this process, e.g., the and Deputy Director of the Division of
history. He also quantitatively explores an effectiveness of later rounds of Monetary Affairs in 1987. Lindsey
alternative to the conventional quantitative easing and the role of received his PhD from the University of
New-Keynesian theory of inflation, academic monetary theorists. Far from Chicago in 1970, writing his thesis under
replacing so-called "rational expectations" a whitewash of Fed activities in recent Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman
with the Fed's inflation objective. This years, the book is often quite combative.
unique volume is a piece of living history Overall it is perceptive, well written, (This book is available in IBP Library)
that has much to offer economists and and entertaining. Well worth reading.
monetary policy and finance professionals. Charles A. E. Goodhart, Professor,
Financial Markets Group,London
EDITORIAL REVIEWS School of Economics, UK; former
Member, Monetary Policy Committee,
Lindsey is an experienced and thoughtful Bank of England
monetary economist who has spent much