Los Angeles Times September 08 2017
Los Angeles Times September 08 2017
Los Angeles Times September 08 2017
with the
By Cathleen Decker,
Lisa Mascaro
and Noah Bierman
dent Trumps startling alli-
ance with Democrats
stemmed from his building
frustration with Republican
leaders inability to secure
the legislative victories he
assumed would come more
swiftly but its genesis is far
more certain that its poten-
tial for success.
The new relationship saw
its first result Thursday. The
Senate advanced legislation
based on Trumps deal
Wednesday with the Demo- Gerben Van Es AFP/Getty Images
cratic leaders, Rep. Nancy THE HURRICANE ruined 95% of the structures on the island that comprises St. Martin and, above, St. Maarten. BACK STORY, A2
Pelosi and Sen. Charles E.
an targets: the low-lying
Turks and Caicos, and parts
of the Bahamas.
Meanwhile, the peril to
Tuesday, 2 p.m.
Monday, 2 p.m.
the U.S. mainland grew.
It has become more
likely that Irma will make
Sunday, 2 p.m.
landfall in southern Florida
as a dangerous major hurri-
cane, and bring life-threat-
ening storm surge and wind
Friday, 2 p.m.
impacts to much of the
state, the National Hurri-
cane Center said.
Amazon.com is shopping
for a city to house a second
headquarters and mayors
across the country already
Trumps decision
are lining up to bid on the
crown-jewel prize.
The online retailing gi-
ants new campus would de-
leaves Dreamers
liver an economic boost well
beyond the $5 billion in con-
struction costs and 50,000
jobs anticipated at Ama-
unable to travel
zons HQ2. Not only would ment purposes, and then re-
Amazons direct spending at By Kate Linthicum turn legally to the U.S.
its future second home be No longer.
the stuff of city planner MEXICO CITY Last President Trumps deci-
dreams, but theres also the month, California college sion Tuesday to strip depor-
indirect benefit created by student Miriam Juan tation protections for DACA
spawning more business for stepped off a plane in Gua- recipients beginning in
suppliers, nearby vendors dalajara, Mexico, and March also restricts their
and others. hugged her grandparents ability to travel. A Homeland
It would be particularly for the first time in 17 years. Security memorandum said
rewarding for Los Angeles, She had no words at first, the department would stop
which has suffered an exo- just smiles and tears. approving new applications
dus of corporate head- Brought to the U.S. at age for travel permits, known as
quarters in the last two dec- Alessandro Di Meo European Pressphoto Agency 4, Juan was able to make the advance parole. The agency
ades because of the areas POPE FRANCIS and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos are greeted by trip to Mexico thanks to a lit- said it would honor applica-
relatively high business a child during a stop in Bogota. This is the nations first papal visit since 1986. tle-known perk of the De- tions that had been ap-
taxes and housing costs. ferred Action for Childhood proved.
I welcome the opportu-
nity to compete for this re- A papal plea for reconciliation Arrivals program,
Obama-era initiative that
an Those in favor of stricter
immigration enforcement
markable investment, and Pope Francis called for Colombians to promote forgiveness and leave behind the shielded 800,000 Dreamers applauded the decision to
the tens of thousands of hatred and violence of half a century of armed conflict. WORLD, A4 from deportation. end the travel program,
good-paying jobs it is sure to Under DACA, young im- which some have described
bring with it, Los Angeles migrants without legal stat- as a back door to citi-
Mayor Eric Garcetti said in a Weather us could apply for permis- zenship because it helped
Printed with soy inks on
statement Thursday. Clouds, then sun. partially recycled paper.
sion to take short trips out of tens of thousands of DACA
L.A. is the perfect place L.A. Basin: 82/64. B8 the country for humanitari- recipients get green cards in
[See Amazon, A10] an, educational or employ- [See DACA, A4]
A2 F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 S L AT I M E S . C O M
9:30 AM 4:15 PM
UCLA - Royce Hall | 340 Royce Drive
Day University brings together professors from IRMA LEFT at least eight people dead on the island of St. Martin and damaged buildings including this hotel.
Caribbean Sea
(in just one day) the international communi-
Here is a briefing on Detailed
some of the island nations in
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Irmas path:
What Can We Learn From The and Barbuda Sources: Mapzen, OpenStreetMap Los Angeles Times
tlers in 1650 and adminis- seven main islands and
1784, when it was sold to erupted in the territory in
[email protected]
L AT I M E S . C O M F R I DAY, SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 A3
Irans city of mullahs is evolving
Disillusionment with
Islamic Revolution
has eroded status of
Qoms exalted clergy.
By Shashank Bengali
and Ramin Mostaghim
[DACA, from A1] to people getting amnesty or pus that would enable other back to Mexico last month their positions and throwing lombias economic and so-
recent years. citizenship, and it turned Dreamers to travel with ad- with advance parole. People their arms around him as he cial system and open the
Migrants applying for le- out not to be accurate. vance parole. told him he spoke Spanish arrived. The crowd was way to redistributing land
gal permanent residence Immigration advocates The U.S. has now robbed with an American accent. equally jubilant at Bogotas amid gross economic in-
through sponsorship by a acknowledge the benefits of us of that, she said. At least I was able to see main Plaza Bolivar, where equalities.
U.S. citizen family member advance parole; in recent Juan traveled with the my family once again after 14 about 22,000 flag-waving Co- Though the first year of
or an employer typically years some groups have California-Mexico Studies years, but it was a culture lombians interrupted him the accords implementa-
get green cards quickly as coached Dreamers on how Center, a nonprofit that has shock, he said. People repeatedly. tion has seen the FARC dis-
long as they have entered to time green card applica- arranged for about 160 heard me talking and looked In the first major speech arm, it also has been marked
the country lawfully or tions with advance parole DACA students to visit at me funny. I felt like an out- of his trip, Francis appealed by the states failures to
through advance parole. trips. Still, many advocates Mexico over the last several cast in my own country. to President Juan Manuel bring services to hard-to-re-
On the other hand, mi- insist the programs biggest years. Along with allotted For some who had the Santos and Colombias po- ach communities where the
grants who crossed the bor- benefit was not potential ac- time for family visits, the chance to travel home, the litical, cultural and econo- government has historically
der illegally and have not re- cess to legal status but the trips featured meetings with experience reaffirmed that mic elite to avoid the temp- had little presence and
entered the U.S. via parole chance for tens of thousands Mexican officials and semi- their lives and identities are tation to seek vengeance as where rebels are beginning a
must leave the country and of Dreamers to reconnect nars on the countrys history now centered in the U.S. the country emerges from new chapter as civilians.
apply for a green card from a with their homeland. and politics. Ricardo Aca, a Dreamer the conflict. Instead, he said Former guerrillas arriving at
U.S. Consulate abroad, a I essentially got to meet The group canceled an- from New York, visited his they should commit them- many of the 26 demobiliza-
process that can take years. my home, meet my grand- other trip to Mexico planned home state of Puebla, Mexi- selves to heal wounds, build tion zones found little more
An estimated 40,000 parents and aunts and un- for December after this co, in January. He was bridges, strengthen re- than fields of mud, and
DACA recipients have used cles and cousins and get to weeks announcement that thrilled to reunite with his lationships and support one months later many still live
advance parole to get green know my culture and my tra- protections would be younger brother, who was 4 another. in tents rather than the
cards since the program was ditions, said Juan, 21, a stripped from recipients in when Aca and his parents One year after the gov- buildings with running wa-
created in 2012, said Claire math major at Cal Poly Po- six months. The administra- said goodbye and crossed ernment signed a peace ac- ter and electricity that the
Nicholson, a spokeswoman mona, who spent eight days tion has asked Congress to the border. But he was cord with rebels of the Revo- government promised.
for U.S. Citizenship and Im- last month eating her grand- write a law during that pe- struck by the poverty that lutionary Armed Forces of Looking ahead, Francis
migration Services. mothers homemade tor- riod to resolve the issue. abounded, and the children Colombia, or FARC, the said Colombia now needs to
Its extremely trou- tillas, learning about her in- The world changed asking for money on the guns have fallen silent and enact just laws to resolve
bling, said Ira Mehlman, a digenous heritage and yesterday for this popula- streets. 7,000 rebels are transitioning the structural causes of pov-
spokesman for the Federa- strolling the lush green corn tion of students, said Ar- Aca decided to cut short back to civilian life. But Co- erty and inequality to over-
tion for American Immigra- fields of her native village. mando Vazquez-Ramos, co- his trip to Mexico to make lombians remain strongly come the conflicts that have
tion Reform, which seeks to Juan returned to Califor- ordinator of the California- sure he was home before divided over the accord, with torn apart this nation for
reduce levels of immigra- nia a few weeks ago, deter- Mexico Project and a Chi- Trumps Jan. 20 inaugura- conservative opponents see- decades.
tion. President Obama said mined to launch a study cano studies professor at Cal tion. We didnt know when ing it as too generous to the Let us not forget that in-
DACA would in no way lead abroad program on her cam- State Long Beach. he would take action, said guerrillas who were behind equality is the root of social
For immigrants brought Aca, who gained national scores of atrocities during ills, he said.
to the U.S., returning to the prominence last year when
country of their birth can be he starred in a video high-
important, he said. lighting his job as a server at
FOR THE RECORD Some of them were a sushi restaurant in a
brought to the U.S. when Trump condo building in
Daher Capital: In the they were in diapers and re- Manhattan.
Sept. 6 Business section, an If you believe that we have member nothing of their Although the experience
article about investment made an error, or you have countries, he said. They in Mexico was powerful, he
firm Daher Capital mis- questions about The Times dream of connecting with felt glad to come home to
spelled the first name of in- journalistic standards and their relatives and recover- New York City. Ive come to
vestor Michel Daher as practices, you may contact ing their identities. love the U.S. like I love my
Michael. Deirdre Edgar, readers Although the chance to country, he said.
representative, by email at visit home countries was Before he left, his grand-
Luxury Condos: In the readers.representative happy for many, others mother took him aside.
Sept. 2 edition of Hot Prop- @latimes.com, by phone at found it difficult. Jose Platas Im glad that you came
erty, an article about the Mr. (877) 554-4000, by fax at Arroyo, a computer science back, she said. She said she
C Residences gave architect (213) 237-3535 or by mail at major at Cal State Domin- wasnt sure shed be around
Ray Kappes age as 92. He is 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, guez Hills, came to the U.S. the next time Aca came back
90. The article also said Mr. C CA 90012. The readers from Mexico at age 11. He to Mexico.
Residences is in Beverly representative office is spoke only Spanish then and Jose Jacome European Pressphoto Agency
Hills; it is Beverly Hills adja- online at latimes.com felt like an outsider. He felt kate.linthicum POPE FRANCIS greets a jubilant crowd at Plaza
cent. /readersrep. that way again when he went @latimes.com Bolivar in Bogota, Colombia, before his speech.
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(800) LA TIMES
with a Job that is latimes.com. You can also photos, graphics and page
manage your account at reproductions, e-mail
myaccount.latimes.com. [email protected] or call
(213) 237-4565.
Letters to the Editor
Trump son details Russian meeting
tween Russian government only known Rob as a some-
Donald Trump Jr. tells authorities and several what colorful music promot-
members of Trumps family, er who had worked with pop
senators his intention as well as current and former stars such as Michael Jack-
was to assess Clintons aides. son.
Trump Jr. sought to dis- He added: Nonetheless I
fitness for office. pel speculation Thursday thought at the time I should
By David S. Cloud that President Trump knew listen to what Rob and his
about the meeting at the colleagues had to say.
time. He told the panel he Goldstone had worked
WASHINGTON Don- had not informed his father, with Trump Jr. on the
ald Trump Jr. agreed to then the expected Republi- Trump-owned Miss Uni-
meet during the campaign can nominee, about it, ac- verse pageant in Moscow in
last year with a Russian law- cording to a person familiar 2013. He attended the June
yer who had promised to with his testimony. 2016 meeting along with
provide damaging informa- Investigators see the Irakly Ike Kaveladze, a
tion on Hillary Clinton be- Trump Tower meeting as Russian-born business exe-
cause he hoped to assess her significant because it was cutive. Both work for a bil-
fitness for office, the presi- specifically offered to lionaire Moscow developer
dents eldest son told Senate Trump Jr. as part of an effort with close ties to the Krem-
investigators Thursday. by Moscow to help his father lin.
Moscow lawyer Natalia win the White House, and Trump Jr. said Veselnit-
Veselnitskaya and three as- because attendees have pro- skaya opened the meeting
sociates with links to Russia vided varying accounts of speaking very generally
went to an office in Trump what occurred. about individuals con-
Tower in Manhattan for the They also are trying to nected to Russia supporting
June 9, 2016, meeting with understand what Trump or funding Clinton. It was
Donald Trumps top lieuten- knew about the Russian of- quite difficult for me to
ants, including his cam- fer. After Trump Jr. was first understand what she was
paign chairman, Paul Mana- promised damaging infor- saying or why, he added.
fort, his son-in-law, Jared mation, his father promised She produced no incrimi-
Kushner, and son Donald Jr. to give a major speech to dis- nating information about
To the extent they had cuss all the things that have Clinton, Trump Jr. said, and
information concerning the taken place with the Clin- ended in 20 or 30 minutes
fitness, character or qualifi- tons. when the Russian shifted
cations of a presidential can- The Trump Tower meet- the discussion to the Mag-
didate, I believed that I ing took place five days be- nitsky Act, a subject that
should at least hear them fore news broke that hackers Trump Jr. said he knew
out, Trump Jr. said in a linked to the Russian gov- Carolyn Kaster Associated Press nothing about.
statement about his meet- ernment had stolen thou- DONALD TRUMP JR. told investigators Thursday that he ended his 2016 meet- It was clear to me that
ing with the Russians. sands of emails from com- ing with a Moscow lawyer when she shifted the discussion to the Magnitsky Act. her real purpose in asking
Depending on what, if puters at the Democratic for the meeting all along was
any, information they had, I National Committee. The The subpoenas were That was an oblique ref- contacted by Rod Gold- to discuss Russian adoption
could then consult with emails began appearing on withdrawn after both agreed erence to the Magnitsky Act, stone, a former business as- and the Magnitsky Act, he
counsel to make an informed WikiLeaks in July. to testify in private. Grassley a U.S. law enacted in 2012 sociate, who described said.
decision as to whether to Rinat Akhmetshin, a said they both eventually that imposed financial sanc- Veselnitskaya as a Russian Trump Jr. said he pro-
give it further consider- Russian-born lobbyist who would be questioned by tions on Russian officials government attorney who ceeded to quickly and po-
ation, he added. attended the meeting, testi- senators in a public hearing. and businessmen, including had official documents and litely end the meeting by
Trump Jr.s closed-door fied last month before a Muellers office has ap- one of Veselnitskayas cli- information that would in- telling her that because my
testimony before the Senate grand jury convened by proached the White House ents. Moscow responded to criminate Clinton and father was a private citizen
Judiciary Committee, one of Mueller to investigate Rus- about interviewing staff the sanctions by banning would be very useful to your there did not seem to be any
the four congressional pan- sian interference in the 2016 members who helped write American adoption of Rus- father. point to having this discus-
els investigating the Trump election, according to a per- Trump Jr.s first public sian children. Her information was sion, saying he gave it no
campaigns dealings with son familiar with the matter. statements after news of the But Trump Jr. later re- part of Russia and its further thought.
Russia, provided the most Trump Jr., a business- 2016 meeting emerged two leased emails that he agreed governments support for I did not collude with
detailed account yet of the man, agreed to appear be- months ago, CNN reported. to the meeting in hopes of re- Mr. Trump, Goldstone told any foreign government and
meeting. fore the Judiciary Commit- He initially said he and ceiving damaging informa- Trump Jr. do not know of anyone who
It also is a focus of special tee after the chairman, Sen. Veselnitskaya had primari- tion about Clinton, then the In his statement Thurs- did, he said.
counsel Robert S. Mueller Charles E. Grassley (R- ly discussed a program expected Democratic nomi- day, Trump Jr. said he was
IIIs separate criminal inves- Iowa), had subpoenaed him about the adoption of Rus- nee. skeptical of Goldstones in- [email protected]
tigation of alleged links be- and Manafort. sian children. The emails show he was formation, since he had Twitter: @davidcloudLAT
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Why Trump
worked with
[Analysis, from A1] Republicans in Congress.
derided as Crying Chuck, Were seeing the prag-
was a sign from the presi- matic, transactional Presi-
dent unseen in the last seven dent Trump, Bennett said.
months. Trump had worked You know, Republicans can
solely with Republicans on control everything if they
measures meant to satisfy a choose to, but if they cant
narrow, conservative base. get along and cant get it
But he suddenly seemed in- done, they shouldnt be sur-
tent on pursuing whatever prised another solution
path allowed him to be seen comes up.
as the successful deal-maker Nonetheless, Trumps
hed vowed to be a promise moves came at much risk:
he has not been able to alienating his own partys
achieve as his priorities have congressional leaders, re-
stalled on GOP-controlled newing concerns among
Capitol Hill. conservatives over his loy-
Trump told reporters at alty to their goals and by Jose Luis Magana Associated Press
the White House that he increasing Democrats lev- SENATE AND HOUSE Minority Leaders Charles E. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi meet with Dreamers
could foresee working in bi- erage going into fall negotia- holding a fast on Capitol Hill to protest President Trumps decision to end the program that protects them.
partisan fashion on a host of tions on a range of topics
issues. I think we will have a diminishing GOP power. border, but lacking the ideol- paign released an ad Thurs- bers of Congress, if they large part determine his
different relationship than Some in the GOP sought ogy on economic and cultur- day that said career politi- could not deliver on Trumps chances of success.
weve been watching over to put the best face on al issues that has driven Re- cians Schumer and Pel- demands, should get out of This clears out the next
the last number of years. I Trumps move, saying it re- publicans on Capitol Hill. osiwere trying to stop him. the way and let somebody 90 days for us to focus on im-
hope so. I think thats a great flected a desire to move He is a pragmatist. He While Trumps irritation else take their job. portant things, Mnuchin
thing for our country. And I ahead on topics important wants to get things done, at congressional Republi- Later that day, Trump told Fox Business Networks
think thats what the people to both them and the White said one confidant, who cans has been visible for seemed to take the pressure Maria Bartiromo. So we
of the United States want to House, chiefly tax reform. spoke on the condition of months, he has ignored his to act quickly off Congress, have the funding for Harvey;
see. They want to see some Others remained defiantly anonymity to preserve rela- own responsibility for the tweeting that if the matter were focused on tax reform.
dialogue. They want to see angry that the president had tions with the White House. failures to date as the osten- was not fixed in six months Thats going to be the big pri-
coming together, he said. undercut party leaders in- If that means reaching sible leader of a party that he would revisit it and po- ority for the next 90 days so
Still, the move reflected cluding House Speaker Paul across the aisle to get things often appears rudderless. tentially reinstate the DACA that we can have a bill
less a dawning relationship D. Ryan (R-Wis.). done, I think hes very willing Much like on health in- program despite his cam- passed for the president to
with the other party by a Still others blamed Ryan to do that. surance, his head-snapping paign pledge to get rid of it. sign.
suddenly unfettered and in- and other GOP leaders for The alliance has obvious back-and-forth on Tuesday On Wednesday, on a Mick Mulvaney, Trumps
dependent president than a Trumps move. Rep. Mark limitations; the Democratic over the program for young flight to North Dakota for a budget director, offered a ra-
warning to Republicans to Walker of North Carolina, deal sanctioned by Trump immigrants known as De- rally, Trump said he wanted tionale that glided past the
corral warring factions, ac- chairman of the conserva- represents one of only a few ferred Action for Childhood good border security and a rancor and shock felt by
cording to current and past tive Republican Study matters on which the two Arrivals, or DACA, was a DACA program where many of his former GOP
Trump advisors. Group, sent a tart letter to sides may find agreement. confusing template for con- everybody is happy and now House colleagues toward
They said Trump was ex- Ryan that called the Trump And, of course, Demo- gressional Republicans they dont have to worry Trump, blaming Congress
pressing his anger at fellow deal irresponsible. Worse crats want to replace Trump seeking to know his desires. about it anymore ignor- unpopular party leaders.
Republicans, whom he yet is attaching the debt lim- in 2020. Sam Nunberg, a for- He first tweeted a de- ing substantial anti-DACA Is he annoyed at Repub-
blames for his inability to it to legislation that contin- mer Trump strategist, said mand that Congress come sentiment in his party. lican leadership? Yeah, I
make good on election ues the status quo or even that the Democratic leaders up with a fix for DACA bene- To have that uncertainty think he probably is, he told
pledges such as repealing worsens the trajectory of had played the president. ficiaries, known as Dream- followed by a quick deal with Fox Business Networks Neil
and replacing the Affordable spending, Walker wrote. Pelosi and Schumer will ers. Then the White House Democrats announced in Cavuto. To the extent that
Care Act. The absence of big It was not clear whether work hand-in-hand with the demanded a comprehensive the Oval Office in front of the president was annoyed
achievements has contrib- Trumps alliance with president on one action immigration overhaul, a Ryan, Senate Majority by that is simply reflecting
uted to the presidents lag- Democrats would survive item: impeaching him, he nearly impossible task given Leader Mitch McConnell many of the people of this
ging popularity, which in the week, much less the said. That is it. Trumps six-month dead- (R-Ky.) and Treasury Secre- country.
turn has lessened his control months required to estab- Pelosi, of San Francisco, line. tary Steven T. Mnuchin, all
over his quarrelsome party. lish a true change of direc- was unsure of the extent to No details were forth- of whom opposed it fur- cathleen.decker
Barry Bennett, a former tion and yield results. which the president was pre- coming; White House Press ther unnerved Republicans. @latimes.com
Trump strategist, said his Still, the shift was in pared to work with her party. Secretary Sarah Huckabee Trumps aides were left in [email protected]
dalliance with Schumer and keeping with Trumps cam- You never know. Lets Sanders would only say that the familiar position of craft- noah.bierman
Pelosi did not necessarily paign persona: that of a Re- hope this is a sign of some- Congress needs to provide ing an after-the-fact expla- @latimes.com
suggest a long-term rela- publican with staunchly thing to come, she said. more than just a one-piece nation for the presidents Times staff writer Brian
tionship, but was meant as conservative views on some If so, signs were uneven: fix to replace the Obama- acts, trying to calm fellow Bennett contributed to this
a shot across the bow for matters like securing the Trumps reelection cam- era program. She said mem- Republicans who will in report from Washington.
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[Amazon, from A1]
for a company like Amazon
to find talented workers, and
an environment that nur-
tures growth and innova-
tion, Garcetti said.
Amazon launched the
search for its second North
American base because its
current headquarters,
which covers 33 buildings in
greater Seattle, is brimming
with 40,000 workers follow-
ing the companys remarka-
ble growth that lifted its
sales to $136 billion last year.
Many mayors wasted no
time making their pitches,
signaling that a fierce battle
among many of the nations
largest metropolitan areas
may be looming.
Were all abuzz this
morning about Amazons
announcement, said St.
Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson,
according to the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch. She said city
officials were putting to-
gether a team right now to Elaine Thompson Associated Press
make a very competitive CONSTRUCTION on three glass-covered domes in April, called Amazon Spheres, is part of an expansion of Amazons campus in Seattle.
Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Pe- of talent, said Kevin Klow- Gov. Jerry Browns Office
duto simply tweeted, On it, den, executive director of the of Business and Economic
with a link to Amazons pro- Milken Institutes California Development, known as
posal-submission page. Center and a managing GO-Biz, is aware of the Ama-
Chicago Mayor Rahm economist at the Institute. zon headquarters proposal,
Emanuel has spoken to Be- L.A. is a center for standard Deputy Director Sid
zos several times about media and entertainment Voorakkara said.
bringing HQ2 to the Second but also for newer media and It is fair to say we work
City, according to the Chi- online content. closely with the city on all
cago Sun-Times. Still, L.A.s high housing business opportunities from
Chicagos unmatched costs might work against it. attraction, expansion and
workforce, world-class uni- Rent and home prices retention, he said.
versities and unparalleled have soared in recent years The desire for a second
access to destinations in the region, putting a headquarters might simply
throughout the world make strain on family budgets and reflect Amazons relentless
it the perfect headquarters the ability to take out a growth.
location for companies large mortgage, although Ama- Late last month, Amazon
and small. Thats also why zon noted that employment completed its $13.7-billion
Chicago has led the nation in at its second headquarters purchase of Whole Foods
corporate relocations for the would be high-paying jobs. Market Inc., a chain of 470
last four years, mayoral Too expensive it grocery stores that focus on
spokesman Grant Klinzman doesnt solve anything, said organic and natural foods.
said in an email to the news- Michael Pachter, an analyst The scope of Amazons
paper. at Wedbush Securities in search to house 50,000 work-
And Nashville Mayor Gina Ferazzi Los Angeles Times Los Angeles. I personally ers is considered staggering
Megan Barry told the Ten- AMAZONS new headquarters is expected to produce 50,000 well-paying jobs. think this is more about in the commercial real es-
nessean that she was confi- Above, the e-commerce giants customer fulfillment center in San Bernardino. housing than anything else. tate industry. Amazon has
dent that our socially prog- So, Riverside makes more more than 8 million square
ressive, pro-business cli- Co. and a former chair of the and a strong university sys- gion, including Transpar- sense than L.A. Or Bakers- feet in multiple buildings in
mate, talented workforce, Los Angeles County Econo- tem is required in the area, ent, Bosch and The Last field. Seattle, according to the Se-
and overall great quality of mic Development Corp. Amazon said. Tycoon. But Chris Thornberg, attle Times, and is still grow-
life offers the type of environ- This is a huge opportu- We want to invest in a Amazon Studios has be- founding partner of Beacon ing fast. It would presum-
ment that they are looking nity for the city of Los Ange- community where our em- come a major Hollywood Economics, said L.A.s high ably require multiple build-
for. les, Greif said. In terms of ployees will enjoy living, rec- player in just a few years. housing costs are unlikely to ings in Southern California
Amazon expects the win- the importance to the city, I reational opportunities, The studio produced last deter Amazon because as well. Downtown L.A.s
ning city to grant lucrative think the Olympics [in 2028] educational opportunities, years Academy Award-win- many of its employees are U.S. Bank Tower, for exam-
perks. In its request for pro- would pale against this. and an overall high quality of ning Manchester by the paid well and the company ple, one of the tallest office
posal to prospective bid- We expect HQ2 to be a life, the company added. Sea and has been success- already has experience in buildings in the West, con-
ders, it asks them to identify full equal to our Seattle Amazons sales have ful in luring prestige talent, Seattle, also one of the coun- tains 1.4 million square feet
state and local incentives headquarters, Amazon doubled in the last four years including Woody Allen, trys most expensive cities. and is about 80% leased.
available, including tax Chief Executive Jeff Bezos and it employs about 380,000 Matthew Weiner and Rich- They pay a lot of money, Its tough to get your
credits and utility incen- said in a statement Thurs- people, including thousands ard Linklater, to create origi- Thornberg said. They are head around the magnitude
tives. The initial cost [of the day. Amazon HQ2 will bring at nine fulfillment centers in nal movies and TV series. the reasons home prices go of the scale of this opportu-
project] and ongoing cost of billions of dollars in up-front California. This year it an- Los Angeles and Orange up. They are the cause, not nity, said real estate broker
doing business are critical and ongoing investments, nounced plans to build two counties might appear to be the effect. Nico Vilgiate of Colliers
decision drivers in which and tens of thousands of centers, in Redlands and in viable candidates: They Thornberg said there is a International.
area would be selected, Am- high-paying jobs. Eastvale, near Riverside. have a large available work- simpler reason Los Angeles
azon said. Amazon said it would The company also has a force, nearby airports, is unlikely to land the Seattle [email protected]
Regardless, if Im the give priority to areas with film and television produc- nearby universities and ac- firm it already has a head- [email protected]
mayor and the governor, Im more than 1 million people tion arm, Amazon Studios, cess to the West Coast ports, quarters on the West Coast. Times staff writers Andrew
all over this opportunity like that are within 45 minutes of based in Santa Monica. which are among the busiest Bezos is looking to take Khouri, David Ng, Patrick
a bear on honey, said Lloyd an international airport. The TV division of the in the nation. over the world, he said. My McGreevy and Roger
Greif, head of the Los Ange- In addition, a highly ed- studio shoots many of its The biggest advantage guess is he is going to aim for Vincent contributed to this
les investment bank Greif & ucated labor pool is critical shows in the Los Angeles re- L.A. has is the concentration the East Coast. report.
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L AT I M E S . C O M F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 A11
During a speech at
George Mason University in
Virginia, DeVos stopped
short of relaxing or rescind-
ing the guidelines, as some
expected she might. She
said the agency would begin
a formal notice and com-
ment period to gather infor-
mation and evidence before
making revisions.
Womens groups fear that
if the guidelines are
changed, victims of sexual
assault will lose protections
or face pressure to remain
silent. Others say a revised
policy could lead to a process
that better considers the
rights of those accused.
DeVos announced early
in her tenure that she would
reevaluate the 2011 guide-
lines that President Obama
put in place. Her review
came amid complaints that
students who were accused
of sexual assault were not
granted due process and
were battling a system de-
signed to presuppose they
were guilty.
There are men and . 14
women, boys and girls, who
are survivors, and there are
men and women, boys and
girls, who are wrongfully ac- .
cused, DeVos said. The
failed policy has pushed
schools to overreach.
The rules in question gov-
ern Title IX, a 1972 law best
known for the provision re-
quiring schools to allow boys
and girls to equally partici-
pate in sports. The law had
long been used to ban sexual
harassment and assault in
Under Obama, the De-
partment of Educations Of-
fice for Civil Rights substan-
tially beefed up enforcement
of that policy, advising col-
leges how they should inves-
tigate incidents and warning
of possible penalties should
they fail. Among other
things, the Obama guide-
lines set a timetable for in-
vestigating cases and called
for school administrators to
use a lower standard of evi-
dence than usually required
in criminal assault com-
According to Kathleen
Salvaty, the University of
Californias systemwide Ti-
tle IX coordinator, the rules
elevated the issue of campus CE
sexual assault, which led to a N TI
mushrooming of complaints
and investigations.
But DeVos said the
guidelines described in
two Dear Colleague letters
to administrators effec-
tively weaponized the Ed-
ucation Departments civil
rights arm to work against
schools and against stu-
dents. The review process GET MORE
will put an end to the era of Both gifts gether, up to
rule by letter, DeVos said. e. With any
One of Trumps most di-
visive Cabinet members, De- OR OR
Este Lauder purchase of
Vos has already rescinded $75 or more, choose your
Obama-era protections for full-size favorite. WebID 4819222
transgender students and
relaxed some requirements
/G R
regarding how her depart-
ment investigates com-
plaints about schools han-
dling of sexual assault cases.
DeVos did not specify ex-
actly which part of the
Obama guidelines would be MAY WE SUGGEST
up for revision. e o
She did, however, pro- e
pose one specific option for 29
improving the current sys-
tem: creating regional cen-
eu now 24-hour
ters, which would largely n W D 14 4
take adjudication out of the
hands of universities, who
have often complained they
are ill-equipped for the task.
o ter r a free 10-d
DeVos cited two Philadel-
s l pe ct shade.
phia-based attorneys, Gina
Smith and Leslie Gomez,
who have helped colleges
handle assault cases and de-
vised such an approach. In a
2016 article in Dispute Reso-
lution Magazine, they de-
scribed the centers as a net-
work of offices that combine
the resources of govern-
ment, law enforcement and
schools to resolve sexual as-
sault complaints.
While schools would still
make interim accommoda-
tions and policy changes as a
result of assault cases, such
as dormitory changes for
those involved in the com-
plaints, the regional centers
would carry out the full in-
vestigations and oversee the T ORDERS Exclusions apply, see macys.com/freereturns Advert
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The long,
long, long
wait begins
water to recede, waiting for
Soggy homes, FEMA, the power to come on, wait-
insurance claims, ing for the walls to dry, wait-
ing for contractors, waiting
contractors: Harvey for a spot at the shelter, wait-
survivors know its ing to find a hotel, waiting to
get out of the in-laws house.
going to be awhile. Connor and Hughes let
flooded neighbors stay in
By Joe Mozingo their home; they waited as
their guests worked to move
furniture and clothes to sec-
HOUSTON They idled ond stories, secure their
the afternoon away, sta- homes, turn off power and
tioned behind a barricade of retrieve personal docu- Robert Gauthier Los Angeles Times
half-inch plywood that kept ments and photos. DREW CONNOR and wife Hailey Hughes, right, watch the tide rise and fall from their front porch in Hous-
the boat wake from rolling One day, Hughes kay- ton. With them is neighbor Maja Kuehner. Connor described his mood as crazy then calm, crazy then calm.
through their front door. aked to her aunts house a
The water on the street mile away, and as she passed Those who had second message on the FEMA web- payments to be approved. the hotel was charging, not
had turned from clear to other hold-outs scattered stories moved into them. site: The inspection of your Her friend had let her stay in the family. But she had no
brown, and gone up and about on their own desert is- Many went to shelters or property is pending because the apartment for free. Now way to prove it. So she paid
down for days. lands, they asked her what moved in with family mem- the area where your proper- it was in ruins. $129 and hoped to be reim-
Drew Connor, 33, gauged was happening over there bers and friends. Many oth- ty is located is inaccessible. Shed been sleeping at a bursed later. The next
its height where it lapped at or back there. She felt like a ers stayed to protect their Truth was, the federal in- family members place, but nights rate was $151.
the bricks on his mailbox pil- 19th century postman carry- homes from looters, to rip spectors could surely access the quarters were cramped They started couch-surf-
lar. ing news across the frontier. out carpets and drywall, to the street the postal and she didnt want to be a ing with family members af-
It looks like its gone As they relaxed on their be there when FEMA ar- carrier rolled down the block burden, so she spends days ter that, spending their days
down a brick, he told his front entry, Connor drinking rived. with ease. But the numbers here trying to figure out dragging their salvageable
wife. a whiskey and Coke, an air- Streets east of down- of people filing applications what to do. stuff to a storage locker.
Water had not crept into boat roared through, setting town, where the waters re- for relief online were over- She teared up looking at Roderick met with a FEMA
their home in west Houston, off the cicadas. ceded last week, now had whelming. the mess of her belongings, inspector who took pictures
but with no Internet or tele- When the shrill petered berms of flood detritus in- James Jackson, 57, used a rotting in heaps. I want to of the apartment and their
vision, he and his wife, Hai- out, it was dead quiet. stead of curbs bedraggled bucket to scoop the last cou- be self-sufficient. losses.
ley Hughes, had little to do Its like zen, she said. couches, tables, warped ple inches of water out of a In a public housing proj- The apartment was un-
but sit on the stoop and wait It gets old, he said. cabinets, clothes, muddy low spot in his family home. ect in the Fifth Ward, Rod- livable. Even the inspector
as their neighborhood re- Its been up and down for carpets, sheetrock turned to The smell inside was nox- erick and Kimberly Francis said so. But the manager
verted to wilderness. Fish me, he added about his sludge. ious. His older sisters lived had escaped the storm to told them they had to pay
hawks hunted on the streets. mood. Crazy then calm, The sun came out blister- there now, and he doubted find themselves knee-deep their $706 rent on time or be
The night buzzed like a jun- crazy then calm. ing and tropical, and mos- they had any insurance. in the bureaucratic bog. evicted and bumped out
gle. Houses began to decay. My mom told me I quitoes found paradise. I think theyre just wait- At a downtown shelter, of public housing for good.
The tragedy and drama should grind up some pills Are you the FEMA ing for FEMA. they registered with FEMA So now they were again
of Harvey were profound. and give them to him, she man? a resident asked a re- In Kashmere Gardens, to and the agency said it would waiting on hold on their
But since the storm passed, said. porter walking down such a the south, Renee Bradford pay their bills at approved cellphones while navigating
and as the nation prepared They figured when they road, St. Louis Street, in the sat in her apartment with hotels. Happy to have some a different federal agency
for new devastation from were done helping neigh- Trinity/Houston Gardens the fan on and windows privacy, they reserved a website, hud.gov.
Hurricane Irma, the reality bors, theyd leave and stay neighborhood. open, waiting and hoping for room at the Comfort Inn and And the biggest problem:
for most people in the Texas with her family. All eyes were eagerly up- the stench to dry out. Suites. But when they ar- At each part of their journey
flood zones has been a long, For those whose homes on him, until he said he The uncertainty felt like a rived, the man at the front through limbo, they were
buggy trip back to a more flooded, the wait has been all wasnt. They went back to pit in her gut. Bradford, 58, desk said they did not qual- among thousands, all wait-
primitive time and an anx- the more miserable. work or talking. Many were said she just had a brain tu- ify. He called FEMA and ing, as FEMA looks to be-
ious and excruciatingly bor- The smell of mold and al- trying to get their flood in- mor removed and couldnt handed her the phone. All of come even more burdened,
ing wait. gae, silt packed on the floors, surance adjuster on the go back to work as a phar- our representatives are when Irma reaches the Flor-
Waiting for the FEMA putrid refrigerators that phone or a FEMA inspector macy technician because of busy; please call again. ida Straits.
man, waiting for insurance beached in odd rooms like to view their damage. dizzy spells. But she was still Kimberly felt what didnt
adjusters, waiting for the dead whales. Some of them got this waiting for her disability qualify was the high rate [email protected]
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A14 F R I DAY, SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tence and subsequent parole decisions and insist that all workers
eslie Van Houten of Monrovia should take into account the fact that the be paid a living wage.
was just a teenager when she criminals hoped to instigate terror, but that We consumers also need
helped kill Rosemary LaBianca on doesnt mean that the punishment should to be willing to pay an
Aug. 9, 1969. Her mind was argu- depend on how much attention a particular appropriate price for our
ably muddled by drug use, as well crime generated, whether the victims in- clothes.
as by the hold that Charles Manson and his cluded movie stars or whether the assailants KCNA / EPA Lynda Obershaw
cult-like family exerted over her. Her death were a headline-magnet like Manson and his KIM JONG UN inspects a hydrogen bomb to be Pasadena
sentence was thrown out more than 40 years young, mostly female spellbound hangers- mounted on a missile, according to North Korea.
ago, and she has spent most of her life eligible on. Crimes should not be punished because ::
for parole yet still in prison. She has repeat-
edly expressed remorse. There is no evidence
that she would pose a danger to anyone. Isnt
they were among the defining horrors of a
particular generation, but rather because
they were crimes.
Talk nuke tests first Any discussion of who is
responsible for underpaid
workers in the garment
it time that California released her? Van Houtens crime resulted in a sentence Re Uniting against North Korea, editorial, Sept. 7 industry should include
No. of death in 1971. This page opposes the death the subject of executive
Inexplicably, some find the call to be an penalty in all circumstances and would op- We should try talks with North Korea, starting by compensation.
easy one. Hard-liners will argue that brutal pose such a sentence for Van Houten were getting that country to stop nuclear testing. According to Morning-
murderers like Van Houten forever give up she facing it today. Every nuclear test by North Korea brings its regime star, the total compensa-
any right to liberty or even life. Others ex- But just because we are morally opposed closer to perfecting a weapon that could reach American tion for the five key execu-
press outrage that the state would keep a to execution does not mean we automatically soil. But if we engage the North on ending nuclear tests, tives at Ross Stores Inc. in
person locked up for decades merely to satis- reject any form of retribution as opposed we not only halt that progress, but also open the door for 2016 was about $35 million.
fy some inchoate societal urge for retribu- to mere deterrence for crimes with a par- more agreements. If these executives were
tion, long after the other reasons we put peo- ticularly corrosive effect on society. Retribu- The United States, North Korea and China should paid less, Ross could afford
ple in prison to prevent them from com- tion should be meted out sparingly and together ratify the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban to pay its contractors
mitting new crimes, to deter others, to reha- should be balanced with mercy. But it has a Treaty, which bans all nuclear test explosions. The responsible for manufac-
bilitate them no longer apply. valid role. United States and China have not tested nuclear turing apparel more, and
But for most people who sincerely grap- As it happens, court rulings in 1972 de- the contractors could
weapons for decades and have no need to, so ratification
ple with the question, it is a very difficult, clared the states process for imposing the afford to pay their workers
should be relatively simple.
emotionally wrenching and intellectually death penalty unconstitutional, leaving Van more.
The three nations could then take part in on-site
vexing call indeed. Now that Van Houten has Houten and other death-row inmates with Excessive executive
inspection exercises, which treaty members regularly compensation is unfair,
for the second time been found suitable for sentences of life in prison with the possibility practice. That experience can build the confidence for immoral and bad for busi-
parole by a state parole panel, it falls to Gov. of parole. Even quirkier circumstances com- peace and more agreements that could lead to ending ness.
Jerry Brown also for the second time to plicate her case. Her lawyer died during trial, North Koreas nuclear program. Mary Bomba
decide whether to uphold that decision. A causing an appeals court to grant her a new Diplomacy can still work, but you have to work at it. Los Angeles
year ago, he said no. He was right then, and trial in 1977, resulting in her being sentenced The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty gives us
he should say no again. But its complicated. to seven years to life. this opportunity to resolve the North Korean crisis
Van Houten joined other Manson family We dont argue that Van Houten should
murderers on the second night of a killing be denied any chance at parole, or that her
peacefully. We should take it.
William Lambers
The right home
spree, invading the Los Feliz home of Leno
and Rosemary LaBianca and terrorizing the
youth or her drug-impaired brain should
never be taken into account. But although
Cincinnati buyer: not you
couple before killing them. Van Houten held she may have been unclear on the details of Re Sticker shock jolts
down Rosemary LaBianca as others stabbed Mansons insane plot to foment terror, stitch- The only alternative to Dealing with millions of them to Pacoima, column,
her. Then Van Houten herself plunged a knife ed together from various Beatles lyrics, she war with North Korea is people here illegally is not Sept. 3
into the victim more than a dozen times. The knew what she was doing. Although she was the United States ending about fear of immigrants,
killers wrote messages on the walls using a teenager when she killed, she was legally an all trade with China if it it is about effectively con- Once again, Steve
their victims blood. adult. There necessarily is an element of ran- continues to prop up Kim trolling our sovereign Lopez skillfully showcases
It was a particularly gruesome and hor- domness in any line-drawing exercise. Jong Uns regime. borders. There is nothing issues that confront regu-
rific murder, but it was also an act of terror- It would be fair to ask when Van Houten China alone is responsi- cruel about seriously lar folks. The reality for
ism. Manson intended to wage a race war, should be released if not now. Never? We ble for permitting this facing the issue and giving most of us who live in Los
and he wanted the murders to get the project dont say never. But we look at her crime and rogue regime to starve its Congress a deadline to act Angeles is that housing in
people and build hydrogen in order to do so. much of the area is unaf-
underway by throwing the city into panic. its role in a plan to destabilize society and we
bombs, and its Chinas The hope that Congress fordable.
To an extent, he and his followers suc- must say not yet.
responsibility to prevent a will act is substantially One quote stood out to
potential nuclear holo- strengthened by the dead- me.
caust. We Americans must line the president has Steve Adams, a nurse
be prepared to see our established for ending the who moved here with his
economy take a hit, one Deferred Action for Child- wife Rebekah Adams from
been reached where the sides of the debate. many parts of Los Angeles,
options are only bad and It also is a good move for Weve lived all over the
alifornia lawmakers are or addressing public concerns. Again law- worse, and we must choose our constitutional repub- United States and Ive
again considering a last-minute makers should be looking for ways to ensure bad. lic. President Obama was never seen this disparity
bill that would let deep-pocketed CEQA isn't misused to impede major public China isnt the enemy, against taking action like between the haves and
developers and favored projects infrastructure improvements. But throwing but it is the key. We should DACA before he was for it. have-nots.
cut corners on the states land- out CEQA altogether is unwarranted and demonstrate to the Chi- President Trump is ac- Theres only one thing
mark environmental law. wrongheaded. nese through our willing- knowledging that the Id change in Rebekahs
Last week Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Gar- The exemption for the Olympics, it turns ness to take this drastic DACA executive order is comment, The middle
dena) introduced a bill that was pitched as a out, was a sweetener added to make the bill economic step that the dubious, but more impor- class is becoming a mythi-
way to dramatically speed the construction more palatable to lawmakers who want to Kim regime must go. There tantly has placed the issue cal beast. Perhaps we can
of transit lines and parking lots needed for support the 2028 Games. But as soon as the is no peaceful alternative to squarely in the lap of Con- all agree that the word
the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028. bill became public last week, Los Angeles this strategy. gress, where it can be de- becoming is unnecessary
Bradfords big idea? Exempting the projects Mayor Eric Garcetti who has spearheaded If China still refuses to bated and the resolution and inaccurate.
from all the studies and public input required the citys Olympic bid said the city did not end its support of North made law, not dictated. Choral Brown
by the California Environmental Quality Act. request the exemption or think it was neces- Korea, then it must be Jeffrey C. Briggs Culver City
The primary beneficiaries of Senate Bill 789, sary. The LA2028 bid committee also sent a prepared to accept a nu- Hollywood
clear-armed Japan, a nu- ::
however, would be the proposed Clippers letter to Bradford asking him to remove the
clear-armed South Korea
arena and other projects in Inglewood's Olympics exemptions from the bill.
sports and entertainment district. The Olympics provisions are just part of
and, eventually, war on the
Korean peninsula.
Retailers that use This was not a column
about the vanishing middle
Bradfords bill is the latest salvo in the on- the problem with SB 789, however. The bill
going fight over CEQA, which was enacted would exempt from CEQA a proposed tran-
Joseph Charney
South Pasadena
L.A. sweatshops class, which is a large issue
in this country.
more than 40 years ago as a way to inform, sit link between the Crenshaw/LAX Line now Re Behind a $13 shirt, a This was nothing more
protect and empower the public by requiring being built and the new NFL stadium for the :: $6-an-hour worker, Sept. 3 than a complaint about
developers to disclose the environmental ef- Rams and the Chargers in the same part of how the classic economic
fects of their projects and to mitigate any Inglewood as the proposed new Clippers It might be time for the To think that in Cali- theory of supply and de-
harm they may cause. While CEQA is a vital arena. It would let the city of Inglewood use worlds major powers to fornia, one of the most mand affects the price of a
tool that has made countless projects better eminent domain to take private property, ex- take a different approach progressive states, there commodity for which a
since its inception, it is also too easily used to cept homes, for the sports and entertain- to North Korea. are still apparel makers relatively fixed quantity is
tie up projects with costly and time-consum- ment district without first completing the Since Kim possesses that pay sweatshop wages available. After all, nobody
ing lawsuits for reasons that have nothing to CEQA analysis. And it would halt a judges nuclear weapons and to their workers when I can manufacture more
do with environmental protection. ability to block the project, even if the judge shows no signs of giving believed that by raising the land, and even if density
Rather than address the broader problem found that an environmental review already them up, perhaps the U.S. minimum wage to $15 an was vastly increased,
of CEQA abuse, its become commonplace conducted was deeply flawed. and other nuclear powers hour by 2022, Californians prices in the more central
for lawmakers to craft CEQA exemptions for The developers of the Clippers arena ar- should say this: OK, were doing the right thing parts of Los Angeles will
projects they favor often multi-million-dol- gue they need the bill to prevent competitors North Korea, youve done is heartbreaking. remain high.
it. You are one of us; you are As I stewed in disbelief What came across is
lar sports venues, such as the Kings arena in namely, they say, the owners of Staples
a nuclear power. Welcome and embarrassment after that this couple wanted
Sacramento. Its a cop-out that advances the Center and the Forum from using CEQA
to the club. Now, please reading The Times report, everything in their new
interests only of well-connected developers lawsuits to delay or kill the project. Chris
join us in sharing responsi- I jotted down the names of home: a nice climate, close
and growth-hungry local officials. Meany, the arena project manager, argued bility for the fate of the the companies that pur- to work or easy public
But as for making more substantive re- that CEQA is too easily weaponized by op- world. chased and sold these transportation, decent
forms to CEQA? No way, thats the third rail ponents. It seems to me that this garments. Maybe my busi- size, safe for them and their
of California politics. Lawmakers refuse Hes got a point. Businesses have used is what North Korea wants ness wasnt that important dog, no major renovations
touch it. So they keep introducing exemp- CEQA lawsuits to block competition, and to be treated with re- to them, but I will certainly needed, hip restaurants
tions that erode CEQAs protections, project neighborhood groups have used the law as a spect. Why continue to boycott and spread the and more. And they did not
by project. Bradfords might be the most ag- bargaining chip to coax money or conces- treat it like a misbehaving word to my friends not to expect to pay much for all
gressive yet. sions from developers. So, yes, there is a real child who has run off with buy from Forever 21, Ross that.
First, SB 789 would exempt from CEQA need for changes that make it harder to mis- the family car without Dress for Less and TJ Nor were they willing to
the construction of any trains, monorails, use CEQA. permission? Why not in- Maxx until they pay back make the trade of pre-
street cars or parking lots that could be used But lawmakers willingness to ignore that stead allow North Korea to wages to the workers de- cious hours, which a lot of
during the Olympics. That would be unprec- larger problem while passing exemption af- actually be one of the manding the minimum other people make not only
edented in California, and essentially give ter exemption for the billion-dollar sports grown-ups? wage owed to them. by commuting but by
government agencies and developers carte teams, corporations and developers only The established powers In the meantime, I will working extended hours.
blanche to build hugely disruptive multi-mil- underscores what many Californians already might not like the idea look for the label and pur- What, should we force the
lion-dollar projects without studying the po- believe: that the laws mandates are nego- initially, but the facts sug- chase items from the com- sale of housing at an af-
gest that this is what must pany started by Dov Char- fordable price with a
tential environmental or community impacts tiable for the rich and well-connected.
be done. It is time now to ney, Los Angeles Apparel, lottery to determine which
keep the world safe in which pays workers $15 an deserving couple gets it?
whatever way possible. hour. I hope The Times will The competitive market
Karl Lisovsky continue to inform its for housing does not well
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND PUBLISHER Venice readers of which compa- illustrate the plight of the
Ross Levinsohn nies are doing the wrong vanishing middle class in
News and right things morally Southern California.
Jim Kirk Congress makes and legally.
Barbara Azrialy
Stephanie Scher
Los Angeles
Lawrence Ingrassia immigration law Los Angeles
Colin Crawford, Scott Kraft Re Trumps cruelty to ::
Dreamers, Sept. 6
Christina Bellantoni, Shelby Grad, Kudos to The Times for Please send letters to
Mary McNamara, Kim Murphy, Michael Whitley You have it all wrong in a brilliant expose of the [email protected]. For
Opinion your headline and first plight of garment workers submission guidelines, see
Nicholas Goldberg EDITOR OF THE EDITORIAL PAGES paragraph, but you have it in Los Angeles. The public latimes.com/letters or call
right at the end. now knows that these 1-800-LA TIMES, ext. 74511.
L AT I M E S . C O M / O P I N I O N F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 A15
are not scholars. A man Atlantic editor Jeff- Hillel rabbi at UCLA who is Orthodox and a By Sung-Yoon Lee
t might seem an insignificant dis- rey Goldberg once called the most disrep- Zionist. "If you disagree with someone
pute, a tiny ship in a small bottle float- utable flack in New York, Torossian has debate him! Win the war of ideas. But let's orth Korea isnt stopping.
ing on a far-off sea. Who cares if a for- done public relations for rapper Lil Kim stop trying to get people fired because we Whether the powerful nuclear
mer UCLA history professor keeps his and the late televangelist Paul Crouch. Hes disagree with their politics. device it detonated Sunday
job as president of the Center for Jew- the PR man of choice for (in Goldbergs Torossian doesnt see it that way. really is compatible with an
ish History in New York City? words) the lunatic fringe of Israeli politics PETA would probably not appoint some- intercontinental ballistic mis-
But the fight over David N. Myers, who (but also, Torossian pointed out, for may- body who is a great hunter to a position sile matters far less than the fact that the
was tapped to head the Center in June, and ors of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv). Sheinkopf there, he said. But the Center for Jewish Kim Jong Un regime now stands on the
whom right-wing adversaries are now try- does PR for companies including Home History is a scholarly center, not a pro-Isra- verge of nuclear breakout. Simply put, Kim
ing to get fired, is about America, and Jews, Depot and runs political campaigns, el group. is ever closer to being able to kill millions of
and intellectual freedom. And its about the mostly for Democrats, mostly in New York. The Zionist hope was for a country people outside North Korea, not least
intrusion of politics and money into the Birnbaum, a former chief of staff for Israeli where Jews could be free of loyalty oaths, Americans.
world of scholarship. leader Benjamin Netanyahu, advised the free to flourish as whomever we wanted to Which is precisely the message behind
The Center for Jewish History houses presidential campaign of Ben Carson. be. In saying which Jews deserve to work in Pyongyangs repeated missile tests with
five scholarly organizations, including the Torossian et al. have company. In the di- the community, Torossian and the others more threatened for as early as this week-
American Jewish Historical Society. vided world of Israel politics, many on the are constricting possibilities for Jewish life end and Kims bluster barrage over the
Among scholars, the appointment of the right see even center-left groups such as J by using threats to try to get a man fired. last several months.
UCLA historian was the opposite of contro- Street as hostile to the Jewish state. They We are absolutely persuading donors, Kim is driven by a systemic need to over-
versial. Brandeis University historian Jon- see Myers vague openness to a possible speaking actively to donors, and if this man turn the unfavorable equation on the Kore-
athan D. Sarna called Myers the very em- partial boycott of Israel one that tar- remains there, I am confident they will see a an peninsula: The backward totalitarian
bodiment of what the center should be. gets companies that make arms used in the rapid decline in donations, Torossian said. North versus a prosperous and pleasant
But this week, an opinion piece appeared in occupation of the West Bank as equiva- (When I asked if he was a donor to the cen- South. South Koreas mere existence poses
three politically conservative Jewish publi- lent to wishing for Israels demise. They see ter, he said, Im not going to answer that.) an existential threat to Pyongyang. Kims
cations, assailing Myers as an extremist the use of the Arab word nakba as a prov- Nearly 500 Jewish scholars, rabbis and ultimate goal is to evict U.S. troops from the
who, according to one of the headlines, ocation. In this reading, a liberal scholar writers, including Holocaust historian South through nuclear blackmail, then,
must be fired for radical viewpoints. like Myers becomes an enemy of his people. Deborah Lipstadt and, I should add, me through graduated escalation, isolate and
The short piece appearing on the To defend Myers against charges of signed a petition defending Myers; it was bully risk-averse Seoul. Pyongyangs latest
websites of the Jewish Press, the anti-Zionism misses the point. What if My- posted online Thursday. actions take it a leap closer to achieving this
Algemeiner and the Israeli network Arutz ers were an anti-Zionist somebody who, So far, the Center for Jewish History has goal.
Sheva carries three bylines: Ronn while loving Jews and Judaism and Jewish stood by its man, saying in a statement that The dangerous situation were facing
Torossian, Hank Sheinkopf and George history, thought that Israels founding was the board has full confidence in his ability was entirely predictable. For more than 20
Birnbaum. It attacks Myers for serving on a mistake, or thought that its privileging of to lead the Center in the fulfillment of its years, policymakers of various political col-
the board of the liberal New Israel Fund; for Jews in law and immigration policy was mission. Is this enough to defeat the man ors on both sides of the Pacific have treated
having helped raise money online for If Not wrong? To be clear, there is no evidence who represented Lil Kim? For the sake of North Koreas growing nuclear and missile
Now, which opposes the occupation of the that he holds those views. (Reached by good scholarship, I hope so. threat with condescension buttressed by
West Bank; and for advising J Street, a email Thursday, Myers declined to com- dithery diplomacy. Seoul and Washington
lobby that supports a two-state solution. ment.) But if he did, would that disqualify Mark Oppenheimer, a contributing have alternated between halfhearted sanc-
The op-ed also links to several essays him from running a scholarly center? writer to Opinion, is the host of the tions and sending billions of dollars of aid
and reviews written by Myers, including Not, I should think, if his scholarship podcast Unorthodox. into Pyongyangs coffers, at times even si-
multaneously sanctioning North Korea
and subsidizing it. The effect has been
wildly successful for North Korea. Pyong-
yang has yet to see any advantage in giving
DAVID HORSEY up its carrot-and-stick nuclear posturing.
Yet not all is lost. As U.S. Ambassador to
the United Nations Nikki Haley said this
week at the Security Council, the incre-
mental approach and half measures of
the past must be replaced with the strong-
est sanctions. However, if the sanctions
are strong only on paper, nothing will
change. The U.S. and its allies have to invest
time and resources to enforce them. Viola-
tors must be met with biting financial con-
sequences. The U.S. is uniquely positioned
David Horsey cartoon about Texas, to punish violators, thanks to the strength
hurricane Harvey and federal aid. of the dollar.
The baffling fact is that the United
States has never exerted the full force of its
sanction power against Pyongyang. Until
2016, U.S. sanctions against North Korea
were weaker in kind and degree than those
against Sudan, Zimbabwe, Cuba and the
Democratic Republic of Congo states
that pose no national security threat to the
U.S. They were also far weaker than sanc-
tions against Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and
the Balkan states.
Even since 2016, Washington has held
back from doing all it could do against
North Korea. Self-deterred by exaggerated
fears of more North Korean provocation
and Chinese economic retaliation, the U.S.
has yet to fine the largest of the Chinese
banks and state companies that are in bla-
tant violation of U.S. laws and U.N. Security
Council resolutions regarding Pyongyang.
And yet money talks, as we saw in the
curtailing of Irans nuclear ambitions. As
the U.S. fined international companies and
banks that continued to do prohibited busi-
ness with Iran, Tehran increasingly iso-
David Horsey Los Angeles Times
lated made the decision to return to ne-
gotiations. In just one example, the U.S.
fined Frances largest bank, BNP Paribas,
in quarterback yards per carry, averaging I think he should be on a roster right as a dollar conduit for North Korean activ-
harles Goodell was a Republi- 6.8 yards every time he ran the ball. Despite now, Rodgers told ESPNs Mina Kimes. I ities, but no fine or threatened block of the
can senator from New York and playing for his third coach in three seasons think because of his protests, hes not. magnitude of the BNP Paribas action has
the father of National Football on a team that was among the league lead- Rodgers is not alone. been imposed on Chinese entities.
League Commissioner Roger ers in dropped passes, he had his best per- The rash of anonymously sourced arti- Through serious and sustained finan-
Goodell. The elder Goodell rep- sonal passer rating since 2013. But a league cles trashing Kaepernicks play came just cial constriction, Washington could compel
resents one of the last of a now-extinct that signs players who have been involved days after several thousand people rallied Kim to modify his behavior freeze his nu-
species known as liberal Republicans, and in murders, violence against women and in front of Goodells NFL headquarters on clear and missile programs, open up his
he made President Nixons enemies list in dog-fighting has found standing up to rac- Park Avenue in New York City: a demon- country and dismantle his gulags. Full de-
1969 after introducing legislation to defund ism to be a bridge too far. stration that loudly called out a league de- nuclearization would not happen until
the Vietnam War. Kaepernicks unemployment has pendent on the physical punishment of Kim, under financial stress, could no longer
In 1973, having been driven from office, turned into a public relations nightmare, black bodies, a league that in the words of placate his generals and faced the specter
Charles Goodell wrote Political Prisoners and now the NFL is pushing back against the Rev. Jamal Bryant is more comfort- of regime collapse. Throughout the proc-
in America, a remarkably bracing treatise the conventional wisdom that a black- able with concussions than someone hav- ess, Washington must communicate to Kim
about the legacy of state repression in the balling has taken place. ing a conscience. and his cronies that there is a way out. Re-
United States and the importance of dis- Just this past week, as the season got The NFL seems to believe that shutting form or abdicate. (Posh exile isnt what Kim
sent in American life. underway, we saw general managers under out Kaepernick will be like a crack of the Jong Un deserves, but it would be a small
I have come to see, Goodell presciently the veil of anonymity express their belief whip across the backs of its players, stamp- price to pay for liberating the Korean penin-
wrote, that our legal and political institu- that Kaepernicks politics have nothing to ing out dissent, keeping everyone in line. sula.)
tions are dangerously unresponsive and do with his job prospects: He simply isnt But the opposite has been the case. During Pyongyang, although far from suicidal,
unyielding to the impassioned grievances good enough to play. This thesis was trotted the preseason, and in the wake of events in needs to menace Washington if it has any
of our own people. When words of appeal out in the New York Times by Colin Flem- Charlottesville, Va., more and more players hope of prevailing over Seoul. If the U.S.
fall upon a seemingly inert system, words ing, who wrote a maddeningly ignorant stepped forward to sit, take a knee or raise a were to cave in and abandon South Korea,
give way to action. piece called Maybe Colin Kaepernick Is fist during the anthem, and they are not shy nothing would be resolved and the risk of
I dont know whether Roger Goodell Just Not That Good. about telling the world why. Unlike last sea- another war started by the North would
ever read his fathers book, but this is cer- Phrased as an authoritative statistical son, white players also have involved them- only increase. (The last time the U.S. with-
tain: Neither he nor the team owners he rep- defense of the idea of merit, Fleming ar- selves in these protests. drew troops from South Korea, in 1949,
resents have taken its lessons to heart. The gued that Kaepernick hasnt been signed For most of the protesting players Ive there was war the next year; it claimed tens
National Football League has yet to sign because he lacks talent. Yes, someone who talked with, Kaepernick is not a distrac- of thousands of American lives. This time,
free agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick does not watch film or study tape for a living tion but a friend, a colleague or a team- nuclear weapons could be in play.)
for the 2017 season, and the reasons are ob- has a definitive position that Kaepernick is mate, and one whose fellow 49ers voted to Full-throttled financial sanctions in
vious: It is punishing a player for practicing not good enough to play. And toward the give him the teams courage award at the the face of obfuscation, evasion, provoca-
political dissent. end of the piece, Fleming admitted, The conclusion of last season. NFL owners want tions and disingenuous negotiations are
Last year, Kaepernick, playing for the older I get, the less I care about football. I Kaepernick to be a ghost story to scare Americas best and only option, short of
San Francisco 49ers, made international cant tell if that is a sign of shamelessness or players from speaking out. Instead, his ab- military action. Temporary deals followed
news by taking a knee during the national sloth. sence haunts the NFL far more effectively by premature relaxation of sanctions would
anthem to raise awareness about racism The people who play professional foot- than if he were where he deserves to be: on only bring fake peace to the Korean penin-
and police violence. He inspired similar ball disagree with Fleming. They think its an NFL roster. Charles Goodell could have sula and buy Pyongyang time and money.
protests on other NFL sidelines, in Texas absurd that Kaepernick is without a team. seen this coming from miles away. His son Give real peace and an end to the Kim re-
middle schools, and at a baseball game in Not only is Kaepernick unsigned, there are could not. gime a chance.
Oakland, where an entire school band knelt quarterbacks on rosters who were retired
during its performance of the anthem. But last season, threw for negative yards in col- Dave Zirin is sports editor of the Nation Sung-Yoon Lee is the Kim Koo-Korea
he also received a torrent of criticism and lege or are best known by phrases like butt and author of eight books on the politics Foundation professor of Korean studies
death threats for his efforts. fumble. As Green Bay Packers star of sports. He is working with Seattle and an assistant professor at the Fletcher
Amid the maelstrom, Kaepernick threw quarterback Aaron Rodgers said last week, Seahawk Michael Bennett on Bennetts School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts
for 16 touchdowns and just four inter- it is ignorant to think that Kaepernick is autobiography. University.
CALIFORNIA F R I D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L I F O R N I A
City leaders
urge L.A. to
label itself a
san Migration Policy Insti-
Council members plan tute found that 1 in 4 DACA
participants lives in Califor-
to unveil a resolution nia.
in response to Trumps A discussion on which
phrase to use will take place
DACA decision. at Fridays meeting, Wesson
By Dakota Smith Well find out which term
is preferable, Wesson said
Los Angeles city leaders Thursday. Is it city of sanc-
Photographs by Christina House For The Times will push Friday to declare tuary, which is what I per-
GINA CLAYTON , formerly a New York public defender, with her grandmother Velma Halliburton, who the city a sanctuary for im- sonally like? But I dont
helped inspire her to found the Essie Justice Group, a support network for women with loved ones in prison. migrants, a move that know. I havent had a conver-
comes after some lawmak- sation with the other mem-
Putting women at
ers resisted formally using bers.
the term despite pressure Peter Schey, the citys pro
from local immigration bono advocate and legal ad-
groups. visor on immigration issues,
City Council members released a report Thursday
Herb Wesson and Gil Cedillo that recommends making
plan to unveil a resolution the city a Dreamer Arrest-
Mothers and grandmothers often bear the burden when loved ones this week to scrap the De-
ferred Action for Childhood
representation letters
written by attorneys that
Arrivals program. DACA, spell out their legal rights. A
are in prison. A group draws on their experience to fight for change. put in place by President person with DACA status
Obama, shields young peo- would present the letter dur-
ple who were brought into ing any contact with U.S.
the country illegally as mi- Immigration and Customs
By Jazmine Ulloa nors from deportation. Enforcement agents, the
A study by the nonparti- [See Sanctuary, B5]
As a public defender in
New York City, Gina Clayton
realized the cash bail system
used in most state courts
Injunction is
across the country was plac-
ing a heavy burden on wom-
en. The grandmothers and
mothers who visited her of-
fice bailed relatives out so
halted amid
often that they knew several
bond agents by name.
Often the women naviga-
ted complicated contracts
and paid high fees alone, she
ACLU suit
said. Many ended up swim-
ming in debt. Some lost their
Frustrated by the daily
churn of cases, she moved
back to her hometown, Los
Angeles, four years ago. She
had a mission. tion against him, Chief U.S.
I wanted to know what Judge blocks a civil District Judge Virginia A.
mass incarceration was do- Phillips wrote. Continued
ing to women in this country, court order against an enforcement of the injunc-
Clayton, 34, recalled at her DIANNA VINEYARD with grandson Deshawn Mitchell at an Essie Justice Echo Park man who tion is likely to result in irrep-
[See Bail reform, B6] Group meeting. The group is one of many challenging the cash bail system. arable injury.
denies being in a gang. The case is still winding
its way through court. But
Peter Bibring, a senior staff
By Kate Mather attorney with the ACLU of
neighbors who werent quite chunks of concrete and as- The blast lifted 100- partment of Water and Times staff writer Alene COLE WILKINS fought
sure what had happened. phalt strewn over the street. pound manhole covers into Power and Southern Califor- Tchekmedyian contributed his murder case for more
The floor shook. It felt Cars parked near the blast the air and broke up the nia Gas Co. investigate. to this report. than a decade.
B4 F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 S L AT I M E S . C O M
California judge has ruled
that a teenage girl declared
brain-dead more than three
years ago after a tonsillec-
tomy may still be technically
alive, allowing a malpractice
lawsuit against the hospital
to proceed.
Alameda County Judge
Stephen Pulido ruled Tues-
day that its up to a jury to
determine whether Jahi Mc-
Math is alive, which would
increase the amount of dam-
ages if jurors decide in the
familys favor.
The family is seeking
damages from Childrens
Hospital in Oakland for al-
legedly botching a routine
operation to remove the
girls tonsils in December
2013. The family is also de-
manding a ruling that Jahi is
alive and for the hospital to
pay for her future care. She
was 13 when the operation
was conducted.
Jahi, who has been on life
support since the pro- Ben Margot Associated Press
cedure, was pronounced LATASHA SPEARS WINKFIELD , shown in 2013, said that her daughter, Jahi McMath, is still alive and that her Christian faith compels
dead after the surgery, and her fight to keep Jahi on life support despite a declaration of brain death. Winkfield has released videos of Jahis fingers twitching.
the Alameda County coro-
ner signed a death certifi- Winkfield said that her where she receives medical gers and reacting to odors
cate in January 2014. daughter is still alive and care. that Shewmon and her rela-
Lawyers for the girl and that her Christian belief Court records show that tives said were noxious with-
her family did not return compels her fight to keep her New Jersey Medicaid has out providing more specif-
messages left Thursday daughter on life support. picked up some of the girls ics. Shewmon said Jahis
seeking comment. A lawyer Winkfield has released vi- healthcare costs. The family body has not deteriorated as
for the hospital, Thomas deo clips of Jahis fingers has also received financial expected.
Still, had no immediate com- twitching. contributions from an online A doctor who examines
ment Wednesday morning Several doctors, includ- fundraising campaign. the girl every three months
but said he would comment ing two hired by an Alameda In ordering the case to for the family has testified
later. County court, have said trial, Pulido relied on the tes- that Jahi reached puberty
The case has been at the brain-dead patients can still timony of a well-known critic and menstruated while in
center of national debate twitch and move slightly. of diagnosing brain death, New Jersey.
over brain death since the After a judge ruled that Dr. Alan Shewmon. Shewmon said Jahi is in a
girls mother refused to re- California doctors could re- In court documents filed minimally responsive
move her daughter from life move the girl from life sup- in July, the retired UCLA state.
support after doctors de- port, her mother took Jahi to neurologist said videos re- Hospital lawyers have ar-
clared her dead. New Jersey, the only U.S. corded by Jahis family from gued that the family has not
Her mother has previ- state that accommodates 2014 to 2016 showed the teen subjected Jahi to tests ac-
ously acknowledged that McMath family and Omari Sealey religions that do not recog- was still alive. cepted by the American
her daughters brain is se- JAHI McMATH has been on life support since a 2013 nize brain death. The images, some made Medical Assn. to determine
verely and irreparably dam- tonsillectomy. In court documents, a UCLA neurolo- She is on life support in a public by the girls relatives, whether someone is brain-
aged. But Latasha Spears gist said videos of Jahi show that the teen is alive. New Jersey apartment, show Jahi twitching her fin- dead.
Woman helped
spouse, son kill
lover, police say
block of Porter Creek Road.
Three arrested in the As Torres got out of the
vehicle, authorities said, her
ambush and shooting husband and son pulled up
of a 25-year-old in in a car next to the van and
fired shots into the drivers
Santa Rosa. side.
Botello-Arreola was
By Veronica Rocha struck but managed to es-
cape through the passenger
A Northern California door. He ran to a nearby rav-
woman, her husband and ine and fell, officials said.
son were arrested Saturday Hours later, the Califor-
in connection with the death nia Highway Patrol notified
of her lover after the men dis- the sheriff s office that they
covered the affair, author- had found a vehicle littered
ities said. with bullet holes and blood
Maria Guadalupe Torres, at Porter Creek Road.
Kristina Davis San Diego Union-Tribune her husband, Rene Es- When deputies arrived,
MEXICAN AMERICAN mariachi singer Pepe Aguilar, center, speaks to reporters outside a federal court- pinoza Martinez Sr., and her they found the Toyota mini-
house in San Diego after his son was sentenced Tuesday to time served along with three years of probation. son, Rene Espinoza Mar- van, with its windows shot
tinez Jr., are being held with- out. While searching the
If L.A. Olympics bid exceeds budget, state could help cover cost
aims to fulfill a promise from the 2028 bid last month. to step in if the Games have a 2024 Games to Paris. tures consideration during
By Liam Dillon Assembly Speaker Anthony The 2028 Summer budget shortfall. Under AB 132, the states this session, Millman said.
Rendon (D-Paramount) Games are expected to have Last year, state lawmak- financial guarantee is Lawmakers will have to
SACRAMENTO State and Senate President a $5.3-billion price tag, ers overwhelmingly ap- $20 million more than prom- work quickly to pass the
lawmakers would provide up Pro Tem Kevin de Len and organizers believe cor- proved a similar measure, ised in last years legislation, measure this year. The dead-
to $270 million in guarantees (D-Los Angeles) to give porate sponsorships, ticket but it covered only a poten- an increase that accounts line for bills to pass both
under legislation unveiled state support for the sales and other revenue tial 2024 Olympic bid, so new for inflation, said Jeff Mill- houses of the Legislature is
last week should Los Ange- Olympic bid. sources could cover ex- legislation was needed. man, a spokesman for the Sept. 15.
les 2028 Olympic bid go over Costs were the major penses. Los Angeles agreed to bid committee, LA 28.
budget. concern when the Los Ange- City officials and bid or- host the 2028 Games as part This is an LA 28 priority, [email protected]
The measure, AB 132, les City Council approved ganizers had asked the state of a deal that awarded the and we welcome the Legisla- Twitter: @dillonliam
L AT I M E S . C O M S F R I DAY, SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 B5
urday morning outside a 7- per saw Brown trying to walking off and fleeing north veronica.rocha KISU BROWN is suspected of attacking a man who
Eleven in West Hollywood. steal food and offered to pay on Hayworth Avenue. @latimes.com tried to buy him food at a West Hollywood 7-Eleven.
manager for two decades. often played golf, Michael
ene Michael, the Michael quit as general served as vice president of
slick-fielding manager after the 1995 major league scouting from
shortstop nick- season and became a key 1996 to 2002. He then be-
named Stick advisor. came vice president and
who went on to Stick was a pillar of this advisor until 2006, when his
manage the New York Yan- organization for decades, title changed to vice presi-
kees and then as an execu- Yankees owner Hal Stein- dent and senior advisor.
tive built a powerhouse that brenner said in a statement. The Yankees will wear
won four World Series in five He knew the game of base- black armbands on their
years, died Thursday. He ball like few others did, and jerseys for the rest of this
was 79. was always willing and season.
Michael had a heart excited to talk about it with In addition to his wife,
attack and died at his home anyone in earshot. His Michael is survived by sons
in Oldsmar, Fla., said his contributions to the Yan- Mark and Matthew and
wife, Joette. kees over the years have daughters Sandra and
At 6-foot-2 and about 180 been immeasurable. Haley.
pounds in his playing days,
Michael hit just .229 with 15
home runs in 10 big league
seasons, seven with the
Yankees from 1968 to 74 in
one of the worst eras in team OBITUARY
history. He was known for
pulling off the hidden ball
trick, which he was said to
have done five times.
NOTICES Place a paid Notice: latimes.com/placeobituary
He made a far bigger Search obituary notice archives: legacy.com/obituaries/latimes
impact during two terms as
manager, two as general BROWN, Howard A.
manager and then as a June 4, 1927 - August 15, 2017
special advisor relied on by Howard Albert Brown
died on August 15, 2017.
Brian Cashman, the teams His most closely held
GM since 1998. He also secret was his age; he
managed the Chicago Cubs was 91 years old when he passed. He
for two seasons. was born on June 4, 1926 in Venice
A Yankees lifer, Michael Kathy Willens Associated Press Beach, CA. He lived across Southern
CA settling in Pacific Palisades and
maintained durability dur- A GREAT FEEL FOR THE GAME Westwood for the last 40 years of his
ing owner George Stein- Gene Michael was a shortstop who later managed the Yankees and became a life. ZONSHINE, Donald
brenners decades of tu- team executive. Above, Michael, left, with owner George Steinbrenner in 1981. Howards first job was at his fathers
mult. During his second gas station, until he volunteered to join Our beloved Donald passed away
term as general manager, the United States Navy during WWII. peacefully on August 28th after a
He served as a medical corpsman for valiant but brief struggle against a
Michael put together the with high-priced free er, Jeter said in a state- 40-some errors, but he tells the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton,
core of a roster that won agents, Michael preached ment. me this guy is going to be an cancerous brain tumor. Don was born
CA. After the war he used the GI Bill April 23, 1927 to Minnie and Henry
World Series titles in 1996 patience with youth and Michael gave Buck All-Star shortstop. He said and earned a BA in Accounting from Zonshine. He was raised in Burbank,
and from 1998 to 2000. nurtured Derek Jeter, Showalter his first major hes got a little footwork Northwestern College. He worked as California, attending elementary,
He was able to project Bernie Williams and other league managing job. issue, Showalter recalled. an accountant and tax preparer for middle and high school there. Don
so well what players would prospects. He installed an Showalter, now Baltimores How do you project those 65 years. After working for the Bing had a desire to pursue a career in
Company as a manager for many years architecture, but ended up overseeing
become, and he did it organization philosophy of manager, called Michael things and stand by them? he established his own practice in 1975 the family businesses, Henrys Bar
through sitting and watch- patience at the plate to run blatantly honest and the Michael also acquired and maintained that practice until May and Henrys Liquor. He later opened
ing with his eyes, Yankees up pitch counts. best baseball guy that I key veterans who contrib- 2017. He thoroughly enjoyed helping two cocktail lounges, The Buccaneer
manager Joe Girardi said. Gene Michael was not ever saw. uted to the 1996 title, includ- people with their tax issues. and The Cavalier, before developing
He just had a great feel for only largely responsible for Showalter also said ing Paul ONeill, Jimmy Key, He was predeceased by the love a very successful real estate career
of his life, Peggy Ann and his parents with childhood friend Howard Tanner.
the game. the success of the Yankees Michael never missed on Wade Boggs and David Howard and Eva Brown. He is survived Don married May Boss in 1950 and
After watching the Yan- organization, but also for an infielder. Cone. He promoted a young by his three sons: Gregory, Timothy shortly thereafter adopted her son
kees fall short in the 1980s my development as a play- Jeter had made like staffer to assistant general (Linda), and Daniel; his grandchildren Clay. Some years later, Don married
Danielle, Jeffrey, and Stephen; his Dixie Lee Singer. Dixies two children,
great-grandchildren Christina, Janet and Steve, became his children.
Nathaniel and Katie; and his great- Later, Janet married Steve Galletly. Don
great-grandson Malichi. became a grandfather when Jan and
The family asks for no flowers or Steve blessed him with two wonderful
donations but that your memory of boys, Nicholas and Alexander. Sadly,
Howard last in your hearts. Private Dixie passed away 12 years ago after
Services will be held in Newport Beach 35 years of marriage. Years later, Don
on September 9th. was introduced to Joanne Geller.
She became his life partner and
friend, along with her loving family.
HEPPS , Richard Norman Don and Joanne shared nearly six
Born in Pitt. PA, and received his years together, traveling on special
pharmacy degree from Dusquene occasions with family. Their many
University in PA. He was a Korean vet trips together and interesting cultural
and had pharmacies on the west side events enhanced their lives. Don had
of Los Angelas for forty years. He many wonderful achievements in
leaves his wife of 58 years, Nadine, his life: spending years in the Boy
his son Kenneth, his daughter Debra Scouts, developing innovative bar and
(Micheal McKee), and grandchildren restaurant strategies and successfully
Ali, Megan, and Zachary. Services developing several real estate
at Hillside Memorial Park Sunday properties. But most notably, Don was
September 10th at 11 AM. an extremely charitable and generous
man. He was a very giving, loving and
IKEDA, Takamichi Tak supportive man who will be greatly
July 7, 1928 - August 23, 2017 missed by all who had the privilege of
Takamichi Tak Ikeda died knowing him and being a part of his
peacefully of natural causes at home in life. Don is survived by his sister Shirley
La Habra. Tak was born in Kobe, Japan, (Stu), brother Robert (Betty), nephews
to Hakushi and Teruka Ikeda. He was Michael (Rachel) and David, niece
predeceased in July 2011 by his wife of Sheri (Brook), great nephews Hunter
54 years, Chizuko, and his son Michael and Zachary, daughter Janet (Steve),
in February 1994. Tak is survived by grandsons Nicholas and Alexander, son
sons Steven (Pam) and Dr. Eric (Pearl); Clay, granddaughter Natalie, Joanne
grandchildren Alexander, Emily, Jeffrey Geller and family, cousin Meredith
and Jennifer; brother Kenji (Ikuko); (Andrew) and numerous cousins and
sister-in-law Motoko Ikeda; and many friends. A memorial service will be
nieces and nephews. held on Sunday, September 10, 2:00
A memorial service will be held PM, at Mount Sinai Memorial Park,
at 2:30 p.m., September 10 at the 5950 Forest Lawn Drive, Los Angeles,
Anaheim Free Methodist Church, 1001 CA. In lieu of flowers, the family
N. Mayflower St., Anaheim. requests that donations be made to
City of Hope, in the memory of Donald
and Dixie Zonshine.
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met, and will be greatly missed by
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Sol Kaplan, at 11:30am, Sunday
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Wells Fargo
troubles just
keep growing
a risk-management commit-
A year after the banks tee that monitors Wells Far-
gos community bank the
fake-accounts scandal business unit at the center of
broke, a report points the accounts scandal
identifies several so-far
to several undisclosed undisclosed issues, all clas-
high risk problems. sified as high risk. They in-
clude improper fees charged
on some accounts that were
By James Rufus Koren closed when the holders ei-
ther died or were declared le-
One year ago today, Wells gally incompetent, a prac-
Fargo & Co. made the stun- tice that dates to at least
ning admission in a settle- early last year.
ment with regulators that it Coupled with some of the
Al Seib Los Angeles Times created perhaps 2 million ac- banks recent admissions
AFTER sitting vacant for years, City Market is being reinvented as an upscale outpost dedicated to counts for customers with- including an audit that
dining, drinking and hanging out. Above, developers Mark Levy, left, Peter Fleming and Kevin Napoli. out their permission. found the number of sham
The disclosure ignited a accounts may total 3.5 mil-
Dressing up L.A.s
scandal that led in a matter lion the report shows how
of weeks to the ouster of its the bank continues to un-
chairman and chief execu- cover bad practices that pre-
tive, John Stumpf, and to a viously went undetected or
host of promised reforms, in- unaddressed.
cluding the removal of oner- It keeps expanding,
ous sales goals that were said bank analyst Bert Ely.
widely acknowledged to be The question one has to ask
Fashion District
the source of the problem. is, when does the last shoe
But a year later, the scan- drop? Or are there more to
dal that started with out- drop? Anyone who looks at
rage over sham accounts has this continues to be as-
ballooned, and that sin is tounded at how problems
just one of many the San from the past keep coming
Francisco bank has either up.
Ace Hotel
For decades, suppliers laden with fruits, vegetables 12 Broadway Palace II The report, produced for [See Wells Fargo, C4]
Pic Broadway
But on one recent weekday, it was the warm scent of
charcoal from the oven at industrial-chic Italian restau-
rant Rossoblu that wafted over the courtyard where
Santee Alley Proposed
City Market
Equifax hit by
horse carts and later diesel trucks once brought their per-
San Pedro
10 Mart
The idea is to entice a new wave of office workers and oth- Sources: Mapzen, OpenStreetMap Los Angeles Times
ers who want to unwind on a downtown block few used to
The Fashion District is changing, said Mark Levy, Equifax said it launched
one of the developers. Were adding a new dimension. Information on as a website for people to check
So are others, as L.A.s real estate renaissance opens a whether their data were af-
new frontier. many as 143 million fected and to sign up for the
Investors and developers are pouring hundreds of mil- U.S. consumers may companys credit-monitor-
lions of dollars into the scruffy-edged Fashion District, ing services. But a form on
making it next in line for the kind of growth that has been have been exposed. the website purportedly of-
transforming South Park, the Historic Core and Arts Dis- fering to check potential
trict for years. By Paresh Dave impact instead just gives
Los Angeles developer Geoffrey Palmer is finishing his users a date on which they
600-unit Broadway Palace apartment complexes on the Equifax, one of the na- must return to Equifaxs
western edge of the district, which has seen a rush of new tions three major credit re- website to enroll in credit
housing, offices, stores and restaurants since the popular porting firms, announced monitoring.
Ace Hotel opened on Broadway near Olympic Boulevard Thursday that its computer The discrepancy drew
in 2014. systems had been breached, quick scorn from consumers
Brookfield, known for its portfolio of conventional leading to the unauthorized on social media. Equifax de-
high-rise office towers on Bunker Hill and the Financial accessing of Social Security clined to comment on the is-
District, bought a stake this year in the $440-million Cali- numbers and birth dates of sue. Several attempts to get
fornia Market Center, a half-empty fashion showroom up to 143 million U.S. con- through on a phone line that
complex it plans to transform into offices for creative sumers. Equifax said was dedicated
firms. The Atlanta-based com- to consumer calls about the
Such pricey investments in the once-remote Fashion pany said the intrusion data breach resulted in a
District dovetail with the profound transformation of enabled by a website vulner- busy signal.
downtown that some longtime observers still find hard to ability occurred from mid- Besides Social Security
fathom. May through July. The issue numbers and birth dates,
A year ago, I wouldnt have believed City Market was discovered July 29, and the accessed information
South could exist, said veteran commercial property ap- the company spent recent primarily includes names,
praiser David Zoraster of CBRE Group Inc., who has been Al Seib Los Angeles Times weeks working with a cyber- addresses and, in some
studying the city center professionally for nearly four dec- GOODS are displayed in the Fashion District near security consultant and au- cases, drivers license num-
ades. Downtown is now a [See Development, C3] City Market South, a former produce market. thorities on an investigation, bers, according to the com-
which is continuing. [See Breach, C5]
Ambitious plans
for electric cars
BMW plans 12 pure
electrics and 13
Time running out for Internet privacy bill
hybrids by 2025. DAVID LAZARUS The California bill would
Jaguar says its entire remedy that by requiring
fleet will be electric or As the clock telecom companies to ob-
hybrid by 2020. C2 ticks down tain customers approval
on the cur- an opt-in before using,
Legislators OK rent Cali- selling or sharing peoples
arbitration bill fornia legis- personal information with
Responding to the lative ses- marketers.
Wells Fargo scandal, sion, its Congress and the ad-
lawmakers OK a bill increasingly ministration went against
preventing forced looking like the will of the vast majority
arbitration by banks phone and of Americans when they
in some cases. C2 cable companies have suc- revoked the FCC rules,
ceeded in killing off a bill Chau said after introducing
Netflix panned aimed at giving state resi- his bill. California is going
by Fox official dents more control over to restore what Washington
Internet privacy. stripped away.
20th Century Foxs AB 375, written by As- Nearly two dozen other
Stacey Snider singles semblyman Ed Chau (D- states are pursuing similar
out Netflixs movie Arcadia), was introduced in fixes, and polls suggest that
division for criticism June after Republican law- restoration of Internet
at an entertainment makers in Congress and the privacy rules is strongly
conference. C2 Trump administration supported by both Demo-
repealed privacy rules put in crats and Republicans.
Business Beat ......... C2
place by the Federal Com- But privacy advocates
Market Roundup .. C4 munications Commission Christina House For The Times tell me Chaus legislation
Classifieds ................. C5 under former President A BILL requiring telecom companies to obtain customers approval before selling has been trapped for weeks
Obama. or sharing peoples personal information is stuck in a California Senate panel. [See Lazarus, C4]
C2 F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 WST L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S
Luxury carmakers push EVs Netflix
BMW plans 12 pure
electrics, 13 hybrids by by Fox
2025. Jaguar sets even
more ambitious target.
By Russ Mitchell
By David Ng
case anyone still questions
whether the worlds au- In a rare moment of exe-
tomakers are taking electric cutive candor, the head of
cars seriously, BMW said 20th Century Fox Film deliv-
Thursday that 12 all-electric ered a verbal beating to Net-
models and 13 hybrids will be flix, saying that the stream-
on the market by 2025. ing giant offers no advan-
BMW joins Volvo, Mer- tages to filmmakers or mov-
cedes-Benz, Volkswagen, ie lovers, and that its days as
Ford and other carmakers a dominant force in Holly-
that have announced big wood are numbered.
plans to sell a wide variety of Stacey Snider, who
electric and hybrid cars over serves as chairwoman and
the next several years. chief executive of Foxs film
Also Thursday, Jaguar division, didnt mince words
Land Rover said its entire when speaking Thursday at
fleet of new vehicles will be the Bank of America Merrill
electric or hybrid-electric Lynch 2017 Media, Commu-
starting in 2020. nications and Entertain-
The latest announce- Jaguar ment Conference in Beverly
ments come as auto compa- TO DRAW attention to its plan to have its entire fleet of new vehicles be either all-electric or hybrid-electric Hills. When asked by a mo-
nies, especially in Europe, starting in 2020, Jaguar built an all-electric version of the 1968 E-Type roadster it calls the E-Type Zero. derator about the ways that
position themselves to get streaming services are
ahead of government man- nouncement Thursday, ar- hybrid cars as well as pure He likens the evolution to version of the X3 sport utility changing the industry,
dates requiring low- and gued against the mandates, electric vehicles. fuel injection, first used in will debut in 2020, with other Snider singled out Netflixs
zero-emission cars and which may bar gas or diesel Hybrid cars range from expensive race cars to im- vehicles to follow. movie division for criticism.
trucks to cut pollution and engines from parts of cities mild hybrids, which cut prove efficiency before it be- The all-electric Jaguar I- I couldnt find, and I
greenhouse gas emissions. at rush hour. Customer de- emissions and improve fuel came a standard piece of Pace sport utility vehicle, wont say their names, the
France and England are mand cannot be forced, he economy by using a small mass-market engine meanwhile, goes on sale in Netflix movies that we were
considering a ban on the sale said. We do not advocate electric motor to take some technology. 2018. supposed to be upset got
of diesel and gasoline cars by driving bans and quotas. load off a traditional com- BMW said it will equip all To attract attention to its made at Netflix, she said.
2040. China is encouraging BMW board member bustion engine, to plug-in its factories to handle com- electric car announcement, Point me to an article or
electric cars for reasons both Klaus Frolich added: Cus- hybrids, which let a driver bustion engines, hybrid cars Jaguar also showed off a cus- campaign that gets me ex-
environmental and econo- tomers all over the world will commute on electric power and electric cars by 2020. tom-built all-electric version cited.
mic its attempting to de- prefer different types of alone and use a combustion The Germany-based car- of the famed E-Type sports Netflix has been aggres-
velop an electric-car export powertrain for a very long engine for longer distances. maker plans to unveil a four- car, called the E-Type Zero. sively investing in its slate of
industry. Indias govern- time. The cost of electrifica- door zero-emission car at The 1968 version of the car is original movies and recently
ment said it intends to ban Mandates or no, the au- tion is dropping, said Karl the big auto show in Frank- widely considered to be one hired Scott Stuber, formerly
all internal combustion en- tomakers are preparing Brauer of Cox Automotive. furt next week. An electric of the most beautiful cars of Universal, to head the di-
gines by 2030. themselves for a major shift Thats making it possible for version of the companys ever produced. vision.
BMW Chief Executive toward what they call elec- people to buy hybrids with- Mini brand will go on sale For the people who make
Harald Kruger, in his an- trification. That includes out paying a huge premium. next year, and an all-electric [email protected] movies, Snider said that
theres nothing about the
experience of making them
in a churn-like environment
that appeals to filmmakers.
7/1 ARM 1 board, despite concerns Chip Somodevilla Getty Images hearing, Otting defended his
from Democrats that the RANDAL QUARLES , an investment fund manager, tenure and said that
nominees were too close to was tapped to be Fed vice chairman for supervision. OneWest employees worked
the industry. to stop foreclosures. He
Start Rate1 APR1 Investment fund man- approved, 13 to 10. think either nominee is the noted that OneWest did not
ager Randal Quarles has Trump chose Otting to person we want in these im- confirm or deny the allega-
been tapped to be the Feds be the comptroller of the portant roles at our financial tions in the 2011 regulatory
2.875 3.338
% %
first vice chairman for su- currency, a powerful regula- watchdogs, Sen. Sherrod order.
pervision. His approval by tor who oversees federally Brown (D-Ohio) said before On Thursday, all but one
the Senate Banking Com- chartered banks. The Office Thursdays vote. Democrat Sen. Heidi
mittee by a 17-6 vote came a of the Comptroller of the Weve made a lot of prog- Heitkamp of North Dakota
day after another Fed vice Currency, an independent ress in the seven years since voted against Ottings
chairman, Stanley Fischer, bureau of the Treasury De- we passed Wall Street re- nomination.
said he would be stepping partment, was pivotal in the form, and the last thing we Instead of helping fam-
down next month, leaving $185-million settlement last need are people at the Fed- ilies recover from the finan-
the seven-member board year with Wells Fargo involv- eral Reserve and Office of cial crisis, as CEO of
Freddie Yeawary with four vacancies. ing its creation of unauthor- the Comptroller of the Cur- OneWest Bank, he contrib-
The other nominee given ized accounts. rency who are supposed to uted to the devastation,
Personal Mortgage Consultant the OK on Thursday was Jo- Democrats had sharply look out for our financial sys- Brown said of Otting before
seph Otting, former chief questioned Quarles and Ot- tem, instead working to the vote.
executive of Pasadenas ting during their July confir- weaken or eliminate impor- Committee Chairman
OneWest Bank and an ally of mation hearing, expressing tant safeguards, Brown Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) said
www.SouthlandCU.org Treasury Secretary Steven concerns they would not said, referring to the 2010 Otting and Quarles demon-
1)ARM=Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Rate quoted as of 9.7.17 and T. Mnuchin. stand up for average Ameri- Dodd-Frank law that Presi- strated a wealth of under-
subject to change without notice. The loan and accompanying interest
rates, points, and APRs may differ and be adjusted based on your Democrats attacked Ot- cans against major financial dent Trump and congres- standing and qualifica-
credit history, loan-to-value (LTV), occupancy, property type, loan ting for what they said was institutions. sional Republicans want to tions.
amount, and loan purpose. Rates are subject to increase or decrease OneWests aggressive fore- While I appreciate both dismantle.
at the end of the fixed rate period, may adjust annually, and are based on an index plus a margin. The
current index for the 7/1 ARM is the 1-Year London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) as published in The Wall closure practices and his nominees willingness to en- Otting came under fire jim.puzzanghera
Street Journal. P&I payment is subject to change after first interest adjustment. Membership is subject to nomination narrowly was ter public service, I do not from Democrats for the fore- @latimes.com
eligibility. All new accounts will be verified through ChexSystems and are subject to credit approval. Real
Estate Loans are subject to credit approval. QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.
L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S F R I DAY , SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 C3
[Development, from C1]
cool place. For most of my
career, nobody would stay
there if they didnt have to.
The changes encroach-
ing on the Fashion District
also are being spurred by
internal, industry forces as
online purchasing and other
shifting retail trends shake
up the food chain bringing
clothes, accessories and fab-
rics to consumers.
The vast California Mar-
ket Center, at 9th and Los
Angeles streets, has been
struggling for more than 20
years, as wholesale show-
rooms lost their supremacy
in the clothing trade amid
the rise of mass retailers in-
cluding Wal-Mart.
The giant retail chain, for
example, learned to quickly
evaluate what customers
wanted at the point of sale Photographs by Al Seib Los Angeles Times
and buyers no longer needed SHOPPERS browse in Santee Alley, the Fashion Districts outdoor bazaar where throngs gather daily to shop for bargains and kitsch.
to travel to showrooms to
make purchasing judg- gni intended to be a night- neighborhood for the second
ments. Online sales also time destination. phase, he said.
clobbered a lot of the smaller Indeed, creating multiple For all the changes the
boutique owners who once eating and drinking options Fashion District is going
flocked to the district to was part of the strategy to through, such gentrification
stock their stores. build City Market Souths is unlikely to creep into San-
The garment industry is reputation, said developer tee Alley, the districts popu-
hitting some head winds Levy, who is building out lar outdoor bazaar where
with the Internet, said the complex with partners throngs gather daily to shop
Rena Masten Leddy, execu- Kevin Napoli and Peter for bargains and kitsch.
tive director of the L.A. Fleming. Rents on the alley and on
Fashion District Business Fleming is the great- prime blocks nearby with a
Improvement District. nephew of Edward J. Flem- lot of foot traffic reach $9 per
Showrooms are less impor- ing, who co-founded the square foot per month, said
tant now and some building original City Market with Au real estate broker I. Hassan
owners will decide to go in a Gee Jong in 1909. He brought of Quantum Associates.
new direction. in Levy and Napoli of Lena Thats a price most
Also, bulk buyers from Group Partners in 2013. downtown retailers, who
South America, once key It will cost about $13 mil- typically pay $3 to $5 a
customers in the district, are lion to build out the 2.5-acre square foot in the Arts Dis-
disappearing as stronger Market South, but it is trict and Historic Core,
dollars and political turmoil slated to be just the first would balk at.
in some countries depress phase of development at the Operators of Fashion
purchasing. former produce site long District shops that sell only
Parts of the district also known as the City Market of wholesale can also pay as
evolved over the last several Los Angeles. much as $9 or $10 a square
years as many merchants Plans for a much bigger foot. That means landlords
moved east of San Pedro parcel to the north owned by are getting top dollar and
Street to newer buildings. Fleming call for a ground-up the kind of change now oc-
Womens wear stores, development that could in- curring on the edges of the
which were concentrated on clude a campus for a private district may not further
its western end around FASHION SHOWROOM Lovestitch, above, is among the new tenants of City college, high-rise residences, creep into it anytime soon.
Maple and Wall streets Market South. The complex also features offices, bars, eateries and a coffeehouse. hotel rooms and offices for So for now, City Market
north of Pico Boulevard, rent. If approved by Los An- shares San Julian Street
moved to the sprawling San and restaurants as change stitch and a coffeehouse. built in the 1930s that also geles officials, the north City with a cluster of prosperous-
Pedro Wholesale Center and comes at the Fashion Dis- Among the tenants in the holds Rossoblu, which Market complex would total looking wholesalers such as
other big wholesale marts to trict from two directions. eight-building complex will serves Bolognese-inspired about 1.6 million square feet Juliet, Dancing Queen
the east, said Mark Moniz, The South Park neigh- be a couple of entertainment Italian cuisine. on 7.5 acres, said Douglas and Cinderella that sell
another CBRE property ap- borhood is creeping east and companies, Drive Studios, a Also coming to the for- Hanson, master plan archi- womens floor-length gowns
praiser. the Historic Core is creeping visual effects firm, and the mer warehouse, in January, tect for the project. for special events.
Some mens wear whole- south, Moniz said. Bullitt studio operations of is Slanted Door, a branch of Construction would be It will be interesting to
salers checked out of Los City Market South is filmmakers Justin Lin and a San Francisco restaurant spread over several years see how it affects the rest of
Angeles Street and many leading the changes on the Anthony and Joe Russo. The known for its modern Viet- and could cost more than the neighborhood, Leddy
clothing accessories dealers eastern edge along San trio are behind such box-of- namese cuisine. $500 million. Hanson said said of City Market South.
vacated spots on Main Julian Street, transforming fice standouts as the Fast And set to open soon in City Market South was a way Some owners are saying, I
Street closer to the urban the south end of the old pro- and the Furious franchise an old banana-processing to kick off the bigger project wonder what I can do with
core of downtown. duce market into a mixed- and Captain America: The facility and loading dock is a and reorient the neighbor- my property.
Now, new owners are use center with offices, bars, Winter Soldier. yet-unnamed bar and hood from vehicles to pedes-
turning those sites into restaurants, an event center, Bullitts offices will be in a restaurant by mixologists trians. [email protected]
apartment buildings, hotels fashion showroom Love- two-story former warehouse Pablo Moix and Steve Livi- It starts to develop the Twitter: @rogervincent
C4 F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 L AT I M E S . C O M / B U S I N E S S
Estate Sales Legal Notices Legal Notices Business Names Business Names Health & Fitness HOMES FOR SALE Legal Notices
La Canada
Museum Quality Estate Sale! Fictitious Business Name Statement NO.: 2017 224244
Inches in weeks! All natural.
tion is power and content
4416 Hobbs Dr. 91011 The following person is doing business as: Odor free. Works for men COUNTY is King? Do you need
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Buying all locations. Top $ NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: registrant commenced to transact business under No deliveries. The All-New taling 0.724 acres in La Jolla. tion new innovative web-
paid. Call 800-786-8425 the ctitious business name or names listed above on Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 Views of the bay & down- site capublicnotice.com
07/2009. I declare that all information in this state- pounds! FAA approved! town San Diego. Lots oered and check out the FREE
CARL BERNARD, an individual; CHARLES M. INOKON, an individual; JESSE FREE info kit: 1-844-359- together as a whole. Fully
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One-Month Trial Smart
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as true information which he or she knows to be false
HATHORN, aka JESSE HATHORN, aka JESSE W. HATHORNE, aka JESSE is guilty of a crime) REGISTRANT/CORP/LLC NAME: 1-866-539-4173 information call Cecelia @
Auctions YARD SALE HATHORNE, aka JESSE W. HAWTHORNE, aka JESSE HAWTHORNE, an Hi Pro Speed Intl Inc. Signature: Ching King Cheung. Services For Seniors servicelinkauction.com 916-288-6011 or www.ca-
COLLECTIBLES CLOTHING individual; RICHARD A. SCHULENBERG, an individual; PAUL A. JOHNSON, This statement was led with the County Clerk of LA publicnotice.com (CDCN)
FURNITURE TOOLS GOLF an individual; LEGACY HOLDINGS INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nevada County on AUG 15, 2017. NOTICE- in accordance with
tions largest senior living
Out of State
Los Angeles Fine SAT 9/9/17 8 AM corporation; ENTERPRISE INSURANCE SERVICES, a California limited subdivision (a)of section 17920 A Fictitious Name referral service. Contact our Name Change
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liability company; OSI SYSTEMS, INC., a Delaware corporation; SHELIA RANCH - $197 MONTH - Qui-
Company (Storage GLENDALE CA 91205 STARKS, aka SHEILA STARKS, aka SHELIA STARKS, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF from the date on which it was led in the oce of Our service is FREE/no ob-
ligation. CALL 1-800-915- et secluded 37 acre o grid
THE SYDNEY STARKS SEPARATE PROPERTY TRUST DATED APRIL 2, 2000, the County Clerk except, as provided in subdivision ranch set amid scenic moun- ORDER TO SHOW
Auction) Antiques & Art Sale aka, STEPHANIE STARKS HOPE FOUNDATION, an individual; and DOES 1 (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after 0992 (CDCN)
tains and valleys at clear CAUSE FOR A CHANGE
Los Angeles Fine Arts & Wine Saturday September 9th any change in the facts set forth in the statement 6,200. Near historic pioneer OF NAME
Storage Company located at Highland Park Sidewalk Sale. through 40, inclusive, pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the Miscellaneous town & large shing lake. CASE NO. BS170486
2290 S. Centinela Ave., Los
Angeles, Ca. 90064
Antiques Art Vintage Books
Tools Tribal Artifacts and YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF:
residence address of a registered owner. A new cti- Services No urban noise & dark sky
Petitioner or Attorney
will be holding an auction tious business name statement must be led before nights amid pure air & AZs
Oddities. 7am - 1pm. Out- (LO EST DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): the expiration. The ling of this statement does not MASSAGE CHAIR REPAIR best year-round climate. Ev- (name, state, bar, and
on September 22, 2017 at side of Moryork Gallery at WAYNE F. WANDELL, an individual,
1pm for the following Units/ of itself authorize the use in this state of ctitious We service any massage ergreen trees /meadowland address):
4959 York Blvd. chair. blend with sweeping views Anthony D. Storm, Esq. 9420
Tenants: business name in violation of the rights of another
Andrew Sun- Unit WC018A: under federal state or common law (see section 14411 We buy used massage across uninhabited wilder- WILSHIRE BLVD, 2ND FLOOR
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without chairsany condition! ness mountains and val-
11 Cases of Wine your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the et seq. Business and Professions code). Dean C. Logan, BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA
Thomas G McAndless- Unit We sell certied refurbished leys. Self-suciency quality
information below. LA County Clerk. BY: I. Correa, Deputy. Published 8/25, chairs and we accept garden loam soil, abundant 90212 TO ALL PERSONS
WB001C: 12 cases of wine 9/1, 9/8, 9/15/17.
Steele Fairbanks- Unit You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are trade-ins. groundwater & maintained INTERESTED:
WC001C: 4 cases of wine served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy Free estimate! Call Charles road access. Camping & Petitioner JONAH MENASHEH
Steele Fairbanks- Unit served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your
Legal Notices Legal Notices 310-650-0908 RVs ok. No homeowners
NEHORAYAN filed a petition with
WC108C: 8 cases of wine Assoc. or deed restrictions.
Andrew Sun- Unit WC089B: General written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to $22,900, $2,290 dn. Free bro- this court for a decree changing
hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your DISH TV. 190 channels. chure with additional prop- names as follow:
13 cases of wine Announcements response. You can find these court forms and more information at the
SUMMONS $49.99/mo. for 24 mos. Ask erty descriptions, photos/ Present Name
Steele Faribanks- Unit
WC039C: 6 cases of wine Got an older car, boat or California Courts Online Self-Help Center CITACION JUDICIAL About Exclusive Dish Fea-
tures like Sling and the
terrain map/weather chart/ JONAH MENASHEH NEHORAYAN
Tom Mena-Arons- Unit area info: 1st United Realty
RV? Do the humane thing. (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or the Case Number (Numero del Caso): Hopper. PLUS High Speed 800.966.6690. (CDCN) Proposed Name
WB054B: 13 cases of wine Donate it to the Humane JONAH JEROME NEHORAYAN
courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court Internet, $14.95/mo. (Avail-
Art Lima- Unit ASD39/40: 8 Society. Call 1- 800-341-0153 clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you 30-2016-00870854-CU-OR-CJC ability and Restrictions ap- THE COURT ORDERS that
paintings (CDCN)
Hong Kim- Unit WC008b: 7 may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may ply.) TV for Less, Not Less TV! all persons interested in this
cases of wine
Hong Kim- Unit WC099A: 6
be taken without further warning from the court.
There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney
1-855-317-8288 (CDCN)
Meet singles right now! No
From matter appear before this court at
the hearing indicated below to
cases of wine Yuliya Golubitskaya, and all persons unknown, claim- paid operators, just real peo- show cause, if any, why the
Steele Faribanks- Unit
WC105B: 9 cases of wine
right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an
attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be
ing any legal or equitable right, title, estate, lien, or
interest in the property described in the complaint
ple like you. Browse greet-
ings, exchange messages
brokers petition for change of name
Liza Zide & Warren Zide- Unit eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. adverse to Plaintis title, or any cloud on Plaintis and connect live. Try it free. should not be granted. Any
WC083A: 10 cases of wine
Margaret Grith- Unit
Auto Services You can located these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services title therein, and Does 1-20, Inclusive Call now: 1-855-651-2199.
to buyers. person objecting to the name
changes described above must file
Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online Self-
Grant Little- Unit WB020A: 26
single bottles in a rack
WANTED! Old Porsche
356/911/912 for restoration
Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local
court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): Cut the Cable! CALL DIREC-
TV. Bundle & Save! Over 145
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PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE or more in a civil case. The courts lien must be paid before the court will Simpson, trustee of the James B. Simpson Trust DVR. $50/month for 2 Years
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NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide Other Great Oers! 1-866-
AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde dentro de 30 das, la corte cause why the petition should not
Call (310) 447-7700 against you without your being heard unless you 200-7203 (CDCN)
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continuacin. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons Bus Prof Svcs Directory objection is timely filed, the court
may grant the petition without a
MORTGAGES Tiene 30 DAS DE CALENDARIO despus de que le entreguen esta citacin
y papeles legales para presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y
and legal papers are served on you to le a written
response at this court and have a copy served on the DIVINE CONSULTANT hearing.
Conventional/FHA/VA hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una plainti. A letter or phone call will not protect you. BUS.& LOVE 323-739-0192 NOTICE OF HEARING
& HARD MONEY Your written response must be in proper legal form if
Resident'l & Comm'l & Land llamada telefnica no lo prolegen. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que DATE: NOV 21, 2017
Fund in less than 2 wks!! estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. you want the court to hear your case. There may be TIME: 10:00 AM
800-615-LOAN (5626) Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su a court form that you can use for your response. You DEPT: 44
Estate Sales CA BRE Lic#00866318 respuesta. Puedo encontrar estos formularios de la corte y ms can nd these court forms and more information at
the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.
Room: 418
NMLS Lic#289109 informacin en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California The address of the
RE Bkr BRE Lic#0191999 courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or
Estate Sale Bkr NMLS Lic#1039324 (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la
corte que le quede ms cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de
the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the l-
ing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you
Miscellaneous court is: SUPERIOR COURT OF
Antique books, antique fur-
Social Security Disability? presentacin, pida al secretario de la corte que le d un formulario de do not le your response on time, you may lose the
Merchandise ANGELES 111 N. Hill St., Los
niture, vintage prints, lm &
theatre memorabilia, dark- Up to $2,671/mo. (Based on extencin de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, case by default, and your wages, money, and property Angeles, CA 90012. A copy of this
room equipment, Asian art, paid-in amount.) FREE evalu- puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podr quitar su may be taken without further warning from the court. OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR Order to Show Cause shall be
household goods, antique ation! Call Bill Gordon & As- sueldo, dinero y hiener sin ms advertencia. There are other legal requirements. You may THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- published at least once each
baby grand piano, exercise sociates. 1-800-276-7931. Hay otros requisites legales. Es recommendable que llame a un abogado want to call an attorney right away. If you do not cation, Tax Deductible, Free
Mail: 2420 N St NW, Wash- week for four successive weeks
bike, & senior equipment!
Saturday 8:30 to 4. ington DC. Oce: Broward inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un abogado, puede llamar a un servicio know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney Towing, All Paperwork Taken
Care Of. CALL 1-800-267-
LA Times prior to the date set for hearing
Co. FL., member TX/NM Bar. de remission a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que referral service. If you cannot aord an attorney, you on the petition in the following
6330 Allott Ave., Van Nuys may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprot 5473 (CDCN)
(CDCN) cumpla con los requisites para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un
programa de servicios legales sin lines de lucro. Puede encontrar estos legal services program. You can locate these nonprot WANTED! Old Porsche
Real Estate newspaper of general circulation,
printed in this county.
South Pasadena Do you owe over $10,000
grupos sin lines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services,
groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www. 356/911/912 for restoration Dated: AUG 18, 2017
1505 Huntington Dr Apt A to the IRS or State in back
Sat Sept 9th 9am-6pm. An- taxes? Get tax relief now! (www.lawhelpcalifornia.org), en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de
lawhelpcalifornia.org), the California Courts Online
Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or
by hobbyist 1948-1973 Only. Classified EDWARD B. MORATON, JR.
Any condition, top $ paid!
tiques, oak furn, books, & Well ght for you! 1-855- California, (www.sucorte.ca.gov) o ponindose en contacto con la corte by contacting your local court or county bar associa- PLEASE LEAVE MESSAGE Judge
knick-knacks 672-1562 (CDCN) o el colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a tion. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived (707) 965-9546 (CDCN) Published in the Los Angeles
reclamar las cuotas y los costos extentos por imponer un gravamen sobre fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award Times 9/8, 9/15, 9/22, 9/29/2017
cualquier recuperacin de $10,000 ms de valor recibida mediante un of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The courts lien must Advertise Today
acuerdo o una concesin de arbitraje en un caso de derecho civil. Tiene be paid before the court will dismiss the case.
que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no responde (800) 234-4444
The name and address of the court is:
dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede decider en su
contra sin escuchar su version. Lea la informacion a
(El nombre y direccin de la corte es): continuacion.
Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO despues de que Trust Deeds- Sale
STANLEY MOSK COURTHOUSE le entreguen esta citacion y papeles legales para DOMESTIC
111 NORTH HILL STREET presenter una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y First Trust Deed Ready to EMPLOYMENT
Self-service 24/7: LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una Fund Earn 10.99%
latimes.com/placead The name, address, and telephone number of the plaintiffs attorney, or carta o una llamada telefonica no lo protegen. Su DTLA Project. 55% LTV Caregiver Needed
plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la direccin y el nmero del respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal For elderly man. $13/hr
abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abodgado, correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es P/T. Van Nuys Area.
Call: 310-651-4055 (Cell) Ben 323-363-7929
es): R. Lance Belsome posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar
Contact us by phone 24/7: 1055 West Seventh Street, Suite 2800 para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios
Los Angeles, California 90017-2554 de la corte y mas informacion en el Centro de Ayuda Rentals LA Westside
(213) 489-7775 de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte.ca.gov), en
800-234-4444 Date: July 19, 2017 la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte
que le quede mas cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota Beverly Hils (90210) 622 Canon Dr. 5 Beds 5.5 Baths.
Sherri R. Carter, Clerk 5,139 sqft. Monthly Rent :
de presentacion, pida al secretario de la corte que le
By: /s/ Shaunya Bolden, Deputy $17,900.00. Spacious up-
de un formulario de exencion de pago de cuotas. Si graded 1 level contempo-
ADVERTISING POLICIES no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, puede perder el rary. Best of Beverly Hills
STATEMENT OF DAMAGES AND NOTICE RE PUNITIVE DAMAGES [Code Civ. caso por incumplimiento y la corte le podra quitar su and the Westside!! Sunlit
For Los Angeles Times advertising terms Proc. 425.11 and 425.115] sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Rms. with high ceilings and
and conditions go to: NOTICE TO DEFENDANT SHELIA STARKS, aka SHEILA STARKS, aka SHELIA a mix of wood oors and
STARKS, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE OF THE SYDNEY STARKS SEPARATE The name and address of the court is: (El nombre y tiles. open oor plan, w/patios/lawns/pool/spa/guest suite,
http://www.tronc.com/ad-io-terms/ direccion de la corte es): and walking distance from Rodeo Drive. For more info call
FOUNDATION: Superior Court of California, County of Orange, Central & text Rania (213)-364-2323 & Cloude (310)-968-8080
YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT: Plaintiff WAYNE F. WANDELL will seek Judicial District
economic and non-economic damages against you when he seeks a by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
judgment in the above-captioned, as follows:
Santa Ana, CA 927001
Economic Damages: $1,475,000 The name, address, and telephone number of Unscramble these four Jumbles,
Non-Economic Damages (Emotional Distress): $300,000 plaintis attorney, or plainti without an at- one letter to each square,
YOU ARE HEREBY FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT: In addition to the above- torney, is: (El nombre, la direccion y el numero to form four ordinary words.
described economic and non-economic damages, Plaintiff WAYNE F. de telefono del abogado del demandante, o del
WANDELL reserves the right to seek an award of punitive and/or treble demandante que no tiene abogado, es): TCOBH
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app
damages in the amount of Five Million, Three Hundred Twenty-Five Jason R. Burris, Burris Law
Thousand Dollars ($5,325,000) against you when he seeks a judgment in 1420 E. Chapman Avenue
the above-captioned action against you. Orange, CA 92866
LAW OFFICES OF R. LANCE BELSOME (714) 941-8122 2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
By: R. LANCE BELSOME, Attorney for Plaintiff WAYNE F. WANDELL All Rights Reserved.
Dated: July 21, 2017
Date: (Fecha) 8/23/2016
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F R I D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / S P O R T S
in the
Stephens overcomes
Williams and Keys
beats Vandeweghe to
play for Open title.
Stephens was
stuck on her
couch in
January for
the duration
of this years
first Grand Slam event, the
Australian Open, her leg
immobilized by a massive
cast that protected her
surgically repaired left foot.
On Saturday she will play
for the championship of the
years last Grand Slam, the
U.S. Open, co-starring with Photographs by Wally Skalij Los Angeles Times
Madison Keys in an all- IT WAS A SHORT and not so sweet night for Dodgers ace Clayton Kershaw, who leaves the game against the Rockies with two out
American showcase of in the fourth inning after giving up four runs and six hits. Kershaw threw 86 pitches.
first-time Slam finalists.
Their success attests to
the new depth of American
womens tennis and con-
firms the exceptional nature
of two young women who
might have seemed to be
moving at a slow pace in
turning their potential into
success but have gotten
there all the same.
Seems like
Stephens, who ranked
957th in the world in late Kershaw is angry after his
July when she returned
from an 11-month injury early exit contributes to the
absence and was unseeded
here as the 83rd-ranked
player, played a gutsy third
a long way Dodgers seventh loss in a
row and 12th in 13 games.
set against seven-time
Grand Slam winner Venus
Williams on Thursday to
to October COLORADO 9, DODGERS 1
Matthew Stockman Getty Images passing day, the breathing is just a Magic number I picked a really bad time to
SLOANE STEPHENS little bit harder. Combination of Dodgers wins or Arizona losses that have a bad night, Kershaw said.
defeated Venus Williams The Dodgers are still a team will clinch the NL West title. The Dodgers (92-48) had hoped
with a gutsy third set. [See Plaschke, D7] 8 Breaking down the last 10 Series champions. D7 [See Dodgers, D7]
By Zach Helfand
number of plays as he waved Jon Gruden was 35 in1988 Chiefs pick apart
and tried to communicate when the Oakland Raiders
defensive calls. Safety Chris were routed at Kansas City
Patriots in opener
Cameron Smith found Hawkins ventured down in their season opener. On Smith throws for four
himself in the unusual posi- closer to the line of scrim- the plane ride home he sat touchdowns and rookie
tion of evaluating USCs mage to do the same. next to owner Al Davis. Hunt scores three. D3
game film in real time last Nor did Smith recognize I didnt think we were
Saturday. Serving a half- what he saw in Western going to make a first down
game suspension for a tar- Michigans offense. The the whole year, Gruden napolis Colts at the Colise-
geting penalty during the Broncos, he said, were run- said. So I thought about um.
second half of the Trojans ning formations that USC quitting when I got off the Gruden, an ESPN Mon-
Rose Bowl victory last Janu- hadnt planned for. plane. day Night Football analyst,
ary, the linebacker watched USC players and coaches Gruden kept his job, knows what lies ahead for
on television in the locker have pieced together a few guiding the Raiders to con- McVay, 31, as he navigates his
room as Western Michigan hypotheses for why the Tro- secutive 8-8 finishes before a first season.
had its way with USCs run jans front seven expected breakthrough 12-4 record in It takes a lot of mental
defense. to be a fearsome, imposing his third season. Two years toughness a lot of mental
He dissected the first half pillar of the team was later, with the Tampa Bay toughness and some con-
as it happened. humbled against Western Buccaneers, he won a Super fidence in yourself to be a
I got a perfect view, he [See USC, D5] Bowl championship. head coach in this league no
In 2008, Grudens final matter what age you are,
season as an NFL coach, he Gruden said. But he will be
hired a young assistant tested.
named Sean McVay. Since January, when the
End of an empty NFL era On Sunday, McVay will Rams tabbed McVay to re-
The return of the Rams and Chargers should Mark J. Terrill Associated Press lead his own team for the place Jeff Fisher, NFL ob-
mean a lot to local high school football players. D2 SEAN McVAY, talking to backup quarterback Sean first time when he coaches servers marveled at how the
Mannion, has never been a head coach at any level. the Rams against the India- [See Rams, D4]
D2 F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 SS L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RTS
For NFL aspirants, two
at San
at San
Francisco Francisco
Ch. 5, SNLA
targets in their backyard
at Seattle at Seattle at Seattle HOUSTON ERIC SONDHEIMER
who grew up in Los Angeles
7 6 1 7 will be able to play in front of
FSW FS1 FSW FSW family and friends.
ANGELS Getting to play the
Steve Smith won a Super Rams and Chargers,
IND. Bowl ring as a receiver with Smith-Schuster said, its
1 the New York Giants. Hes going to be great for my
Ch. 2 also a member of the so- family.
RAMS called lost generation of The Rams and Chargers
people who grew up in Los should have strong commu-
at Denver Angeles from 1995 through nity outreach programs.
7:15 2015, when there was no NFL The Rams last season do-
ESPN team based here. nated equipment to the Los
CHARGERS I was a basketball guy Angeles Unified School
growing up, he said. The District and sponsored a
at Seattle Rams and Raiders left when seven-on-seven high school
6 I was in first grade. tournament. They also are
FS1 At Woodland Hills Taft sponsoring a pilot program
GALAXY High, he became so good at Gary McCullough Associated Press creating an academic chal-
catching passes that USC SAYS SOUTHLAND-BRED Malik Jackson of the lenge among the high school
TBA* offered him a scholarship. Jaguars: Not having an NFL team didnt bother me. football teams at Crenshaw,
7 USC was like a pro Eagle Rock, Fairfax and San
ESPN2 team, he said. We felt we cities in America that dont Robert Woods (Gardena Fernando. Both NFL teams
SPARKS made it when youre at USC have NFL teams, and kids Serra, USC), DeSean Jack- are honoring high school
because there was no pro still grow up to be NFL son (Long Beach Poly, Cali- coaches of the week.
Shade denotes home game *WNBA playoffs team. players. But when you re- fornia), DeAnthony Thom- The biggest wish list item
How many young ath- move not one but two pro- as (Crenshaw, Oregon) and among high school coaches
letes abandoned football for fessional teams from an Anthony Barr (Loyola, is for the pro teams to hold
TODAY ON THE AIR basketball, baseball, soccer area as large as Los Angeles, UCLA). clinics to show them train-
or other sports in Southern the ramifications can be We came out and ing methods.
TIME EVENT ON THE AIR California over those 21 profound. wanted to live our dreams Im not sure how big the
AUTO RACING seasons probably wont ever Because USC and UCLA and motivate kids that they NFL presence was before,
9 a.m. NASCAR Monster Energy Cup, Federated Auto TV: NBCSN be known, but the return of have strong college pro- could get there, whether Griffin said. I know cities
Parts 400, final practice two pro teams this season grams, they helped keep they were at Birmingham, that do have NFL teams,
with the Rams playing at interest in football alive Oaks Christian or Taft, they do a great job mentor-
1 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series, Virginia 529 College TV: NBCSN
the Coliseum and the Char- locally and made dreams Jackson said. We did in- ing. There will be tons of
Savings 250, qualifying
gers at StubHub Center come true even if kids spire others. kids benefiting from having
2:30 p.m. NASCAR Monster Energy Cup, Federated Auto TV: NBCSN should be a boon for the didnt get a chance to see Theres no denying the teams here.
Parts 400, qualifying football community. NFL games live. influence of having an NFL At least one high school
4:30 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series, Virginia 529 College TV: NBCSN It helps build the new You rely on the college team visit your city. Ryan player has his own brother
Savings 250 generation, said Smith, team and being the best in Griffin, a backup quarter- to serve as an NFL role
BASEBALL who has sons ages 6 and 2. your city and high school, back with the Tampa Bay model. That would be
5 p.m. New York Yankees at Texas TV: MLB You take them to a game, said Malik Jackson of the Buccaneers and a graduate Chaminades Mac Griffin,
7 p.m. Colorado at Dodgers TV: SNLA R: 570, and you see the fans. I didnt Jacksonville Jaguars, a of West Hills Chaminade Ryans younger brother.
1020 have that when I was a kid. defensive tackle who played High, played basketball as a In Los Angeles, nothing
The first NFL game that at Lake Balboa Birming- child. But he also became a is simple when it comes to
7 p.m. Angels at Seattle TV: FS West
second-round draft pick ham High. Not having an big fan of the Dallas Cow- deciding which pro team to
R: 830, 1330
JuJu Smith-Schuster of the NFL team didnt bother me. boys, who trained in Ox- root for. The Raiders left in
BOXING Pittsburgh Steelers plays It made me hungry to be on nard. 1994 but still have a large
10 p.m. David Benavidez vs. Ronald Gavril TV: Showtime will be more than just a a team. I followed on TV, he following.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL memorable experience. Players who made it to said. I went to Cowboy Its hard to go against
3:30 p.m. Memphis at Central Florida TV: ESPNU I didnt see any NFL the NFL remember being training camp all the time. the Giants, but Im going to
5 p.m. Oklahoma State at South Alabama TV: ESPN2 games ever, the standout inspired to follow the paths My mom is from Dallas. She pick a game and go watch,
receiver from Long Beach of some of their favorite high brainwashed me. For my Smith said. In my heart, I
5 p.m. Ohio at Purdue TV: FS1 Poly High and USC said. Ill school and college players, 10th birthday, I got to watch bleed blue.
COLLEGE SOCCER be playing before I ever such as Keyshawn Johnson Cowboys-Packers, Troy
2:30 p.m. Women, Santa Clara at USC TV: Pac-12 watched them. (Dorsey High, USC), Clay Aikman versus Brett Favre. [email protected]
4 p.m. Indiana at Maryland TV: Big Ten Yes, there are plenty of Matthews (Agoura, USC), And now, NFL players Twitter: latsondheimer
4 p.m. Virginia Tech at Duke TV: Prime
7:30 p.m. Women, Florida Gulf Coast at Arizona TV: Pac-12
6 p.m. Women, UCLA at Nebraska
TV: Big Ten Big wins a kick for Santa Margarita
5 p.m. Stanford at USC TV: Pac-12
wood, the Freeway League
6:30 a.m. Omega European Masters TV: Golf
Brady impressively TONIGHTS TOP GAMES MVP last season at Fuller-
ton Troy. He has mobility
11:30 a.m. LPGA, Indy WIT Championship TV: Golf punctuates rout by Lancaster Paraclete (2-0) at Westlake Village Oaks Chris- and loves to scramble. He
9:30 p.m. Champions, Japan Airlines Championship TV: Golf booting field goals of tian (1-1), 7 p.m.: Paraclete is ranked No. 1 in Southern Sec- broke off a 55-yard touch-
TV: Golf tion Division 5 and have been playing like a Division 1 team. down run in which no
4:30 a.m. Omega European Masters
55 and 47 yards. Quarterback Brevin White, receiver Andre Hunt and fresh- Alemany defender touched
man running back Amir Bankhead are off to outstanding him. He also passed for two
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL S. MARGARITA 61 starts. Oaks Christian knocked off Edison last week after touchdowns.
7:30 p.m. Chaminade at St. John Bosco TV: Prime ALEMANY 7 relying more on the physicality of quarterback Josh Calvert. Then there was running
PRO BASKETBALL The pick: Paraclete. back Chad Magyar, who
By Eric Sondheimer
4:30 p.m. Basketball Hall of Fame enshrinement TV: NBA West Hills Chaminade (2-0) vs. Bellflower St. John Bosco
scored three touchdowns
SOCCER and rushed for 161 yards in 13
(1-1) at El Camino College, 7:30 p.m.: Chaminade gets an
Dylan Brady, a senior carries.
11:15 a.m. Germany, Hamburg vs. Leipzig TV: FS2, UDN early playoff test. The Eagles offensive line might be the
kicker for Santa Margarita, The fourth quarter was
11:30 a.m. France, Metz vs. Paris Saint-Germain TV: beIN1 best in school history, but St. John Boscos defense is a
experienced a first half that played under a running
11:45 a.m. Spain, Leganes vs. Getafe TV: beIN2 strength. Running back Andrew Van Buren must be able to
kickers can only dream clock. It has been a challeng-
pick up yards for Chaminade to stay close.
4:30 p.m. Mexico, Puebla vs. Cruz Azul TV: UDN about Thursday night in a
The pick: St. John Bosco.
ing opening month for sec-
6:45 p.m. Mexico, Atlas vs. Tigres UANL TV: UDN nonleague game against ond-year Alemany coach
Eric Sondheimer
3:45 a.m. Spain, Real Madrid vs. Levante TV: beIN Net Mission Hills Alemany at James Washington, who
(Sat.) Laguna Hills. won a Super Bowl ring with
Brady sent seven kickoffs opening a 48-7 halftime lead. With Santa Margarita the Dallas Cowboys. The
4:15 a.m. England, Manchester City vs. Liverpool TV: NBCSN, UNVSO
flying into the end zone for It was another sign of the and JSerra already owning Warriors (1-2) are trying to
touchbacks. He booted a 47- dominance of Trinity wins over Alemany and Loy- compete in Division 1. Re-
6:15 a.m. Germany, Monchengladbach vs. Frankfurt TV: FSP, UDN yard field goal. And on the fi- League teams this season. ola, those two teams will ceiver Jacob Perez had 11
(Sat.) nal play of the half, he made The leagues six teams are a probably have to earn an catches for 96 yards.
6:30 a.m. Germany, Freiburg vs. Dortmund TV: FS1, FOXD a 55-yard field goal, with the combined 12-1. automatic berth through As for Fisher, hes happy
(Sat.) ball hitting the crossbar and And the Eagles knocked the Mission League by fin- with the Eagles. I took this
6:30 a.m. Germany, Mainz vs. Leverkusen TV: FS2 bouncing over. He finished off Loyola 35-0 and now ishing in the top three spots job for a reason, he said. To
(Sat.) the night going 11 for 11 on Alemany in their last two to get in. coach in the Trinity League,
6:45 a.m. England, Arsenal vs. Bournemouth TV: NBCSN, UNVSO touchbacks and made seven games. Both are Division 1 Coach Rich Fisher, in his the best in America, and
(Sat.) conversion kicks. Mission League teams that second season at Santa Mar- against the best athletes. I
TENNIS Thirteen points is not already are facing a difficult garita after previously hope Im here a long time.
bad, he said. road to the playoffs. coaching 17 years in the col-
9 a.m. U.S. Open, doubles final TV: ESPN2
Santa Margarita (3-0) Sixteen of the 18 Division lege ranks, has an intriguing [email protected]
1 p.m. U.S. Open, mens semifinals TV: ESPN cruised to a 61-7 victory after 1 teams make the playoffs. quarterback in Josiah Nor- Twitter: latsondheimer
Chiefs crash Patriots celebration
ons, who unveiled their fifth
Smith is brilliant as banner during a pregame cel-
ebration that included a live
Kansas City ruins performance by the rapper
defending champs Flo Rida, and with hometown
favorite Mark Wahlberg act-
banner-raising night. ing as master of ceremonies.
Goodell was in attendance
KANSAS CITY 42 and was booed loudly when he
NEW ENGLAND 27 walked onto the visitors side-
line before the game.
By Sam Farmer Goodell is public enemy
No. 1 among Patriots fans,
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. who feel he unfairly punished
They cheered. They danced. Brady for an alleged football-
They high-fived. deflating scheme. Although
Thursday was a night of this was shaping up to be
celebration for the New Eng- Goodells first trip back to
land Patriots. Gillette since Brady served
Until the Kansas City his four-game suspension, the
Chiefs came to life. commissioner actually at-
In a resounding upset of tended an exhibition game
the defending Super Bowl here in August.
champions, the visiting Chiefs A barely audible Belichick
relied on a pristine perform- summed up the night: Bad
ance by quarterback Alex defense. Bad coaching. Bad
Smith and the scorching playing. Bad football.
speed of Tyreek Hill and rook-
ie Kareem Hunt to deliver a [email protected]
42-27 defeat that left Gillette
Stadium as quiet as a library. Chiefs 42, Patriots 27
Kansas City ............................7 7 7 2142
The same crowd that New England...........................7 10 10 027
toasted the five-time Super First Quarter
Bowl champions, booed NFL NE Gillislee 2 run (Gostkowski kick), 12:08.
Commissioner Roger Good- KC De.Harris 7 pass from A.Smith (Santos kick),
ell, and cheered wildly as the Michael Dwyer Associated Press
Second Quarter
latest banner was unfurled, CHIEFS running back Kareem Hunt, left, crosses the goal line for a touchdown ahead of New England Patri- NE FG Gostkowski 25, 14:56.
headed for the exits in ots linebacker Kyle Van Noy and safety Duron Harmon, on ground. Hunt had three touchdowns. NE Gillislee 2 run (Gostkowski kick), 7:27.
stunned disbelief. KC Hunt 3 pass from A.Smith (Santos kick), :13.
Third Quarter
The Patriots, favored by didnt blink. blanket Danny Amendola to a him, and hell keep taking when the Chiefs made a huge
KC Hill 75 pass from A.Smith (Santos kick), 9:19.
nine, had won eight in a row But one of their players did concussion. shots down the field. play, stuffing the run for no NE Gillislee 1 run (Gostkowski kick), 5:01.
when opening the season at reboot. Hunt coughed up the We didnt make a lot of Both teams lost key defen- gain on fourth and one. NE FG Gostkowski 32, :09.
home. Even without star re- ball on Kansas Citys first play plays tonight, Brady said. sive players. New England Then, Kansas City re- Fourth Quarter
ceiver Julian Edelman, done from scrimmage a guy who We need to be a lot better in a linebacker Donta Hightower sponded with a 90-yard scor- KC Hunt 78 pass from A.Smith (Santos kick), 14:07.
KC Hunt 4 run (Santos kick), 5:14.
for the year because of a knee never lost a fumble in four lot of areas. Start with our at- left the game in the third ing drive that culminated with KC West 21 run (Santos kick), 4:00.
injury, they are loaded with years at Toledo then put on titude and our competi- quarter with an apparent a seven-yard touchdown pass TEAM STATISTICS KC NE
talent. They almost went up an amazing show. He finished tiveness. knee injury, and All-Pro Kan- from Smith to tight end First downs ...................................26 25
Total Net Yards .............................537 371
by two touchdowns in the first with 243 yards from scrim- The Chiefs took a 21-17 lead sas City safety Eric Berry was Demetrius Harris. Rushes-yards ..........................27-185 35-124
Passing.......................................352 247
six minutes but there was no mage and three touchdowns, just before the midway point carted off with what looked to Still, the Patriots were Punt Returns ..............................4-10 1-8
writing off the Chiefs, who fin- including a catch and carry of the third quarter, when Hill be an Achilles injury. knocking on the door Kickoff Returns ...........................4-86 3-49
Interceptions Ret...........................0-0 0-0
ished with 537 yards of offense. that covered 78 yards. got behind the defense and The Patriots led at half- throughout the opening quar- Comp-Att-Int..........................28-35-0 16-36-0
The 42 points were the Guys were just letting me turned a long pass into a 75- time, 17-14, but the game lop- ter, with 20 of their 27 snaps Sacked-Yards Lost .......................3-16 3-20
Punts .....................................6-43.7 6-40.3
most allowed by the Patriots know, We got your back, to yard touchdown. He was so sided at that point. coming in Chiefs territory. Fumbles-Lost................................2-1 1-0
in the Bill Belichick era forget about it and come back far ahead of his pursuers after New England opened with Scoring both of New Eng- Penalties-Yards........................15-139 6-55
Time of Possession ....................30:14 29:46
eclipsing the 41they gave up to and make plays, Hunt said. making the catch, he turned a touchdown drive, then got lands touchdowns in the first Individual Leaders
the Chiefs in a 2014 loss. Smith was brilliant, com- and shot them the peace sign. the ball right back when Hunt half was running back Mike RUSHING:Chiefs, Hunt 17-148, West 1-21, Hill 2-5,
On defense, the Chiefs pleting 28 of 35 passes for 368 As far as the touchdown, it fumbled on the visitors first Gillislee, formerly of Buffalo, a Thomas 1-4, Kelce 1-4, A.Smith 5-3. Patriots, Gillislee
15-45, J.White 10-38, Hogan 3-17, Burkhead 3-15,
stymied Tom Brady, who lost yards and four touchdowns. was Alex and the offensive play from scrimmage. free-agent acquisition in the Lewis 2-9, Brady 2-0.
for the first time in 10 Thurs- That vastly upstaged Brady, line, everybody protecting, The Patriots took pos- offseason. He would score a PASSING:Chiefs, A.Smith 28-35-0-368. Patriots,
day night starts. who completed 16 of 36 passes Hill said. Without those guys, session at the Kansas City 32 third touchdown to reclaim Brady 16-36-0-267.
RECEIVING:Chiefs, Hill 7-133, Hunt 5-98, Kelce 5-40,
We didnt blink, Kansas for 267 yards, with no touch- I wouldnt have been able to and moved all the way to the the lead in the third quarter. A.Wilson 5-37, Conley 2-43, De.Harris 2-15, West 1-4,
City linebacker Derrick John- downs or interceptions, and get down the field Alex is our 10, threatening to take a two- The home crowd was Thomas 1-(minus 2). Patriots, Amendola 6-100, Cooks
3-88, J.White 3-30, Gronkowski 2-33, Hogan 1-8, Burk-
son said. Thats the best was under heavy pressure, es- leader. Weve just got to rally touchdown lead with less than buzzing to celebrate the de- head 1-8.
thing we did tonight. We pecially after losing security behind him, keep supporting six minutes expired. Thats fending Super Bowl champi- FIELD GOALS MISSED: None.
Commanding Threatening
letter is sent
locker room is to the home
big challenge of Sumlin
wire reports
[Rams, from D1] name.
youngest coach in modern Youre going to listen for Texas A&M and law en-
league history handled him- that reason, but also just be- forcement officials were in-
self during a Super Bowl me- cause of the energy and the vestigating Thursday night
dia blitz, the NFL scouting focus. after football coach Kevin
combine and the owners Said offensive lineman Sumlin received a racist and
meetings. Jamon Brown: He has an threatening letter at his
Hall of Fame quarter- aura and a demeanor about home.
back Troy Aikman praised him. He gets your attention His wife, Charlene Sum-
McVay for his football knowl- once he walks in the room. lin, posted a picture of the
edge and maturity, and for McVay, however, has no letter, which had a return ad-
demonstrating that he experience as a head coach dress in Houston, on Twit-
could run an effective of- at any level. ter. The handwritten letter,
fense with the Washington When Seattle Seahawks which included a racial epi-
Redskins. coach Pete Carroll was 31, he thet, read: You suck as a
Now he must prove some- was a North Carolina State coach! Youre a ... and cant
thing else. assistant still a few years win! Please get lost! Or else.
Ive always felt, for me, if from his first job as an NFL On the post Charlene
I was hiring a head coach, assistant. He was 42 when he added: People of 2017:
the first thing Id want to was hired to coach the New please tell me how any part
know is that he could get in York Jets. of this is OK? And to the
front of 53 guys and com- What an extraordinary sender: did it occur to you
mand the room during diffi- opportunity for the guy, that a child may open it?
cult times, Aikman, an ana- Carroll, 65, said of McVay. If Ben Margot Associated Press Texas A&M President
lyst for Fox, said shortly af- he can do it well and hang RAMS CORNERBACK Trumaine Johnson, returning an interception in a pre- Michael Young and athletic
ter McVay was hired. Be- with it and make it through season game against the Raiders, was voted a team captain by the players. director Scott Woodward is-
cause no matter how good the years of formulating sued a joint statement con-
you are, theres going to be a your program and your phi- RAMS REPORT demning the letter and add-
stretch of the season where losophy and all of that and ing that they are: working
its a challenge.
So that would be the No.
1 requirement for me.
Former Dallas Cowboys
survive then he will prove
that he was worthy of it.
Arizona Cardinals coach
Bruce Arians, 64, knows
Phillips will finally have with law enforcement au-
thorities to bring the sender
of this letter to justice.
Texas A&M squandered
coach Jimmy Johnson, also
a Fox analyst, said he was
initially concerned about
McVays age. But McVays
what its like to be a head
coach at 30.
Temple hired Arians in
1983. In six seasons there, he
his defense, minus Donald a 34-point third-quarter
lead in a season-opening 45-
44 loss to UCLA on Sunday
at the Rose Bowl.
background he is a grand- had two winning seasons. Its disappointing that Johnson a team captain.
son of former San Francisco Arians spent the next 20- By Gary Klein \ hes not here for whatever It shows you what a
49ers executive John McVay plus years working as an and Lindsey Thiry the reasons are, but Ive great job hes done on focus-
Hurricane Irma
and his decision to sur- NFL and college assistant been through it before too, ing on the things that he can causes cancellations
round himself with experi- before taking over as interim Shrouded in injury-de- Phillips said. Youve got to control, McVay said, add- No. 10 Florida State can-
enced coaches such as Wade coach of the Colts in 2012. pleted mystery during the play with the guys you have. ing, Clearly we know what celed its home game Sat-
Phillips allayed those con- The Cardinals hired him in preseason, a near fully We believe that we can type of talent he is but now I urday against Louisiana
cerns. 2013. stocked Rams defense will fi- play well and thats what think hes starting to bring Monroe because of impend-
If youre a smart guy and McVay is on the right nally be on display in Sun- were going to try to do. people with him. ing Hurricane Irma.
you can command a room, track, Arians said. days season opener against Sean McVay continues to Johnson is playing again The cancellation Thurs-
Johnson said, it doesnt Hire some good old guys the Indianapolis Colts. say that he will not rule out under the franchise tag and day night came after Florida
make any difference how old who know what theyre do- Defensive coordinator Donald possibly playing will earn nearly $17 million. Gov. Rick Scott ordered all
you are. ing and trust them so you Wade Phillips is as curious against the Colts, showing He will become an unre- state colleges and universi-
McVay worked as an as- can do your job, Arians said. as anybody. the first-year coach is no stricted free agent after the ties closed through Monday
sistant under Jon and Jay Hes obviously very bright Im just waiting to kind novice when it comes to the season. in order to support shelter
Gruden, Mike Shanahan to get the job. But hell do a of see how we do, Phillips sometimes laughable as- Johnson, 27, said the cap- and emergency relief efforts.
and Jim Haslett. Those ex- good job. said Thursday. I think pects of NFL gamesman- tain designation was an Officials on Wednesday ini-
periences, McVay said, pre- Jon Gruden believes Mc- theres going to be good ship. honor really coming from my tially moved the start time
pared him to take charge in Vays charisma, energy and things. Phillips has coached mul- teammates and that he has from 7 p.m. to noon.
front of the team. intelligence will pull the Phillips, 70, brought his tiple Hall of Fame players focused on just controlling The teams do not have
When things are not go- coach and the Rams trademark 3-4 scheme to the and such current NFL stars what I can control, day-in open dates on the same
ing well or somebody needs through tough times. Rams but has not been able as Houston Texans lineman and day-out. week, preventing them from
to stand up and be that I dont think hes going to truly evaluate it. J.J. Watt and Denver Bron- Phillips said Johnson rescheduling the game.
strong voice and that leader to buckle every time they Starting linebackers cos linebacker Von Miller. could be among the elite No. 22 Florida canceled
that everybody can rally be- face adversity, Gruden said. Robert Quinn and Mark If and when Donald re- players at his position. its Saturday home opener
hind, I think Ive seen it from Gruden described Mc- Barron and cornerback turns, Phillips will coach him Hes come in here, done against Northern Colorado
those coaches and what it Vays assignment as a diffi- Kayvon Webster were held the same way. everything we asked and a and No. 21South Florida and
looks like, he said. And cult job right now. The out of preseason games to You give them the op- little bit more, really, Connecticut called off their
then weve got great exam- Rams, he said, are not going make sure they would be portunity to do what they do Phillips said. And thats game that was scheduled for
ples of it on our staff here. to contend for the Super physically sound for the well, he said, adding, what Ive been impressed Saturday in Storrs, Conn.
Rams players appeared Bowl this season, so they opener. Others such as line- youve got to put them in a with. He works at what he
to embrace McVays football must strive for improve- man Michael Brockers and position to be able to utilize does, hes a smart player. Utah State rolls
knowledge and enthusiasm ment, especially from linebacker Connor Barwin their talent, is all you have to Hes athletic, he listens to Quarterback Kent My-
through offseason workouts quarterback Jared Goff. were limited to two games. do. what were trying to teach ers completed 24 of 26 pas-
and minicamps, training That falls on the head And then, of course, there and he knows how to fit in ses for 323 yards and two
camp and the four-game coach, through good times is the Aaron Donald situa- Leader of the pack the defense. touchdowns to lead Utah
preseason schedule. and bad. tion. The star lineman did Cornerback Trumaine Running back Todd Gur- State to a 51-13 victory over
McVays age has no bear- Youve got to keep your not participate in offseason Johnson is attempting to ley, left tackle Andrew visiting Idaho State.
ing on his ability to com- own confidence level up, workouts, did not report to make the most of a disap- Whitworth, punter Johnny Myers also rushed for 85
mand the room, several Gruden said, because your training camp and remains a pointing situation and Hekker, and linebackers yards and two touchdowns.
players said. parents dont call you and holdout because of a con- hes off to a noteworthy Connor Barwin and Alec He left early in the third
I dont think it makes give you a hug every time you tract dispute. start. Ogletree also were voted quarter with the Aggies (1-1)
much of a difference, offen- get your butt kicked. Phillips, in his 40th NFL The Rams declined to captains. ahead 45-6.
sive lineman Rob Ha- season, has experienced sign Johnson to a long-term Ty Flanagan rushed for
venstein said. It still says [email protected] similar situations as a head contract during the off- [email protected] 106 yards and a score on 25
head coach in front of his Twitter: @latimesklein coach and coordinator. season, but players voted [email protected] carries for the Bengals (1-1.)
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 D5
92 48 .657
82 58 .586
L Pct. GB
Parkers persistence pays off
Colorado 75 65 .536 17 4-6 past a decade of scuffling along in
San Diego 63 78 .447 2912 6-4 He made Angels opening obscurity, Parker pointed across
the Angels clubhouse to Mike
San Francisco 55 87 .387 38 3-7 roster for the first time at Trout, the teams superstar center
Central W L Pct. GB L10
Chicago 77 63 .550 7-3
age 32 and has had a fielder.
He knows, deep down in his
St. Louis 72 68 .514 5 7-3
surprising season. heart, that hes good, Parker said.
Milwaukee 72 68 .514 5 5-5 I feel like Im the same way. Obvi-
By Pedro Moura ously, Im not on Trouts talent lev-
Pittsburgh 67 74 .475 1012 4-6 el, but I know deep down that I am
Cincinnati 61 80 .433 1612 6-4 The boy had quit baseball, say- good enough to do this. Even
East W L Pct. GB L10 ing he no longer found it fun. He though you dont think so, I do,
Washington 86 54 .614 7-3 preferred other activities that can even though Im just a nobody from
fill an 8-year-olds time away from Arkansas.
Miami 67 73 .479 19 1-9
school. Parker thought of an August
Atlanta 62 77 .446 2312 5-5 But while spending this sum- night in Washington when he
New York 61 79 .436 25 4-6 mer with his mother and stepfa- heard a heckler shout to Trout that
Philadelphia 53 87 .379 33 4-6 ther in Anaheim, young Jude re- Bryce Harper was better than him.
vealed that he was again inter- I mean, OK, he never said he
Wild card W L Pct. GB L10 ested. was better than Harper, Parker
Arizona 82 58 .586 +7 10-0 He didnt really say why, but he said. Thats your opinion. But
offered a hint late one evening in with him, with anybody, you cant
Colorado 75 65 .536 4-6
July as he sipped an Icee at his let that get to you. Because once
Milwaukee 72 68 .514 3 5-5 stepfathers locker at Angel Sta- that starts to diminish your own
St. Louis 72 68 .514 3 7-3 dium. confidence in yourself, youre
Blake, Jude said, addressing screwed.
Thursdays results Angels relief pitcher Blake Parker. Its like that quote about the
Colorado 9, at DODGERS 1 Im just so glad youre in the big Jeffrey McWhorter Associated Press boat, how the water is all on the
Chicago 8, at Pittsburgh 2 leagues. RELIEVER Blake Parker has been living in an RV this summer outside and it stays above the wa-
at Washington 4, Philadelphia 3 Whys that? Parker asked as with his wife and stepson within a mile of Angel Stadium. ter. Once it gets in, the boat sinks. If
at New York 7, Cincinnati 2 he tied his shoes and readied to you let it all bounce off you, youll be
at Atlanta 6, Miami 5 head home. sometimes he was hurt, and some- by allowing a late home run, he fine. But once it affects you, youre
at San Diego 3, St. Louis 0 Because we get stuff, Jude times he pitched without confi- replied, You should quit gam- done, slowly but surely.
said, referring to the drink he had dence. Now, as a product of his bling, its a bad habit, and sent A few winters ago, Parkers par-
nabbed from the clubhouse past, Parker possesses a sense of along the national gambling ents persuaded him to undergo a
kitchen. self-reliance rare among his major helpline. hair-replacement operation. It did
AL STANDINGS Jude appreciates the present. league contemporaries. I want them to know that I see not work as intended, and it left
West W L Pct. GB L10
Parker, 32, knows the struggles of Rather than purchase coffee them, I hear them, but it doesnt him with a significant scar span-
the past. Over the last decade, hes each day, he makes his own cold bother me, he said. I guess it ning the back of his head in the
Houston 86 53 .619 8-2
pitched in places such as Hawaii, brew, buying beans in bulk, soak- gives me my own satisfaction. I shape of a toothless smile. Its vis-
ANGELS 72 68 .514 14 2 1
6-4 Mexico and Iowa. Last winter ing them in water for 24 hours, and try to be funny with it, and at the ible when hes not wearing a cap,
Texas 70 69 .504 16 6-4 alone, he was claimed off waivers filtering out the grounds. Hes left same time take the edge off and and he takes it off each time he
Seattle 69 71 .493 1712 3-7 three times. with a fresh pitcher every day, and joke around. takes the mound, showing the scar
His surprise season with the he leaves it in the clubhouse He acts the same way toward as he faces second base and prays.
Oakland 59 80 .424 27 2-8 Angels started March 22, when he kitchen for all to enjoy. his teammates. In mid-May, as fel- Parker prefers not to discuss
Central W L Pct. GB L10 started striking out everyone. Be- This spring, he purchased an low reliever Cam Bedrosian neared the operation, but he understands
Cleveland 84 56 .600 10-0 tween that afternoon and opening RV in case he needed to shuttle be- a month on the disabled list for an why people ask. He doesnt let it
Minnesota 73 67 .521 11 6-4 day, Parker recorded 17 outs, all tween triple A and the majors. unexpectedly severe groin injury, flood his boat.
strikeouts. Only one hitter he faced Rather than sign a short-term Parker trolled him. Heres what I take away from
Kansas City 69 70 .496 1412 5-5 reached base. It was spring train- lease, he figured hed just live on Bro, he began, waiting until that deal, said his father, Richard.
Detroit 59 80 .424 2412 3-7 ing, sure, but it was a stretch of the road. Instead, he and his wife, Bedrosian looked at him. Are you I take the fact that he doesnt care
Chicago 54 85 .388 2912 2-8 dominance typically unseen near Jordan, along with Jude, have ever gonna pitch again this year? about the scar; he doesnt care
East W L Pct. GB L10
the sports highest level, and it se- spent the season parked within a Yes, I am, Bedrosian said. what happened. He keeps his hair
cured Parker his first opening-day mile of Angel Stadium. When? Parker asked. In Sep- short and hes not afraid to take off
Boston 79 61 .564 6-4
roster spot. To limit their exposure to nega- tember? his hat. Thats what I love about
New York 75 64 .540 312 5-5 Now, wielding a tight splitter tivity, at least two of his teammates Now, his teammates are repay- Blake. Im telling you, I love the kid
Baltimore 71 69 .507 8 6-4 and firm fastball velocity, Parker have deleted their Twitter ac- ing him. Late-inning relievers often because he just doesnt worry
Tampa Bay 70 71 .496 912 6-4 has 76 strikeouts in 61 innings, a counts or removed the application work out later than other members about it.
team-best 2.36 earned-run average from their phones. Parker em- of the bullpen, and last week as
Toronto 64 76 .457 15 3-7 and a 0.85 walks-plus-hits-per-in- braces it. On a few late nights this Parker took the field for a stretch- Short hop
Wild card W L Pct. GB L10 nings-pitched (WHIP), which is season, he has opened the app to ing session in Texas before a game Albert Pujols has a bone bruise
New York 75 64 .540 +212 5-5 tied for sixth among major league respond to fans ripping him, un- against the Rangers, Bedrosian in his sore left knee. Team doctor
Minnesota 73 67 .521 6-4 relievers. usual behavior for a pro athlete in and Jesse Chavez were headed the Steven Yoon administered a lubri-
The way he pitched in spring 2017. When one fan wrote that opposite direction, having already cating injection into the knee, and
ANGELS 72 68 .514 1 6-4
training, Angels manager Mike Parker had the worst beard he had finished their workout. Pujols, 37, has been cleared to play
Baltimore 71 69 .507 2 6-4 Scioscia said, we didnt know how ever seen, Parker retweeted it with- See you in the ninth, closer, Friday in Seattle.
Texas 70 69 .504 212 6-4 he hadnt been in the big leagues out comment to his 4,000 followers. they said in unison, as they headed
for 10 years. To another man who com- back to the clubhouse. [email protected]
Tampa Bay 70 71 .496 312 6-4
Sometimes he was unlucky, plained that Parker cost him $1,000 To explain how he proceeded Twitter: @pedromoura
Kansas City 69 70 .496 3 2
Seattle 69 71 .493 4 3-7
Thursdays results
New York 9, at Baltimore 1 CUBS 8 METS 7 BRAVES 6 PADRES 3
Cleveland 11, at Chicago 2
Minnesota 4, at Kansas City 2 PIRATES 2 REDS 2 MARLINS 5 CARDINALS 0
Albert Almora Jr. hit a two-run homer, Rookie cleanup hitter Brandon Nimmo Kurt Suzuki capped a two-run rally in Brad Hand struck out Dexter Fowler
Ian Happ had three hits and Chicago, homered twice, Juan Lagares added a the ninth inning when he lined a single with the bases loaded in the ninth
TODAYS GAMES after scoring only four runs in the first solo shot and New York won for the past third base to score Freddie Free- inning, preserving the shutout after
three games of the series, busted out third time in four games, ending Cin- man, who was intentionally walked and giving up singles to Stephen Piscotty,
for 13 hits, eight for extra bases. cinnatis three-game winning streak. moved to second on a groundout. Randal Grichuk and Carson Kelly.
COL/Marquez (R) 10-6 4.26 7 p.m.
Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Pittsburgh AB R H BI Avg. Cincinnati AB R H BI Avg. New York AB R H BI Avg. Miami AB R H BI Avg. Atlanta AB R H BI Avg. St. Louis AB R H BI Avg. San Diego AB R H BI Avg.
Dodgers/Darvish (R) 8-11 4.11 SNLA Happ cf-lf 5 2 3 0 .259 Marte lf 3 1 0 0 .257 Ervin cf 2 1 1 1 .400 Reyes ss 5 0 1 2 .236 Gordon 2b 5 1 2 0 .302 Inciarte cf 4 1 2 0 .310 Fowler cf 4 0 0 0 .257 Margot cf 3 1 2 0 .266
PHI/Thompson (R) 1-1 4.50 4 p.m. Bryant 3b 5 0 1 0 .288 c-Osuna 1 0 0 0 .246 Cozart ss 4 0 1 0 .305 Aoki rf 4 0 1 0 .279 Stanton rf 4 1 1 0 .282 Albies 2b 4 0 1 2 .279 Bader lf 4 0 2 0 .326 Asuaje 2b 2 1 1 0 .277
WAS/Scherzer (R) 13-5 2.19 Rizzo 1b 2 2 2 2 .280 Moroff 2b 3 0 1 0 .195 Votto 1b 4 0 1 0 .313 Cabrera 3b 4 1 2 0 .266 Yelich cf 3 1 1 1 .287 F.Frman 1b 3 1 0 0 .317 DeJng ss 4 0 2 0 .284 Pirela rf-lf 3 0 1 1 .292
Zobrist 2b 4 1 1 0 .233 MCtchn cf 4 1 1 0 .275 Duvall lf 3 0 0 1 .251 Cecchini 2b 1 0 0 0 .208 Ozuna lf 5 1 2 2 .307 Kemp lf 4 1 1 1 .286 Mrtinz 1b 4 0 1 0 .310 Solarte 3b 4 0 1 0 .255
CIN/Garrett (L) 3-6 7.41 4 p.m. Frman 2b 0 0 0 0 .077 Bell 1b 5 0 0 1 .259 Gennett 2b 4 0 1 0 .298 Nimmo lf 4 3 3 3 .283 Rlmuto 1b 5 0 1 0 .273 L.Adams lf 1 0 0 0 .263 Molina c 4 0 0 0 .276 Myers 1b 4 1 2 2 .241
NY/Lugo (R) 5-4 5.00 Shwrbr lf 3 0 0 0 .199 Luplow rf 4 0 1 1 .206 Suarez 3b 4 0 0 0 .271 Lagares cf 4 1 1 1 .265 Andrsn 3b 3 1 2 1 .280 K.Suzuki c 4 0 2 1 .258 Pisctty rf 4 0 2 0 .247 Spgnbrg lf 3 0 0 0 .269
Almora cf 2 1 1 2 .288 Rdrgz 3b 2 0 0 0 .175 Schebler rf 4 1 2 0 .238 Smith 1b 3 1 1 1 .191 Ellis c 3 0 0 0 .200 Ruiz 3b 4 1 1 0 .214 Garcia 2b 3 0 1 0 .246 Yates p 0 0 0 0 ---
MIA/Urena (R) 12-6 3.71 4:30 p.m. Baez ss 5 1 1 1 .270 Diaz c 4 0 1 0 .250 Turner c 3 0 0 0 .147 Plawecki c 4 1 1 0 .238 Aviles ss 2 0 0 0 .250 Swanson ss 4 1 2 0 .240 d-Grichk 1 0 1 0 .241 Hand p 0 0 0 0 .000
ATL/Foltynewicz (R) 10-11 4.75 Heyrd rf 4 1 2 1 .259 Mercer ss 4 0 1 0 .253 Mahle p 2 0 0 0 .167 Rnlds 2b 1 0 0 0 .209 Dietrich 1 0 0 0 .243 Peterson rf 4 0 2 2 .196 Mejia 3b 2 0 0 0 .143 Aybar ss 4 0 1 0 .227
MIL/Nelson (R) 11-6 3.59 5 p.m. Rivera c 3 0 1 1 .236 Taillon p 2 0 2 0 .152 Adleman p 0 0 0 0 .103 Harvey p 2 0 0 0 .069 Straily p 2 0 0 0 .041 Newcomb p 1 0 0 0 .043 b-Valra 2b 1 0 1 0 .200 Hedges c 3 0 0 0 .206
Lester p 3 0 1 1 .167 a-Bostick lf 2 0 1 0 .143 Chacin p 0 0 0 0 --- a-Taijeron 1 0 1 0 .105 Moore 1 0 0 0 .210 Johnson 1 0 0 0 .000 e-Voit 1 0 0 0 .245 Richard p 2 0 1 0 .132
CHI/Lackey (R) 11-10 4.74 b-Jay 1 0 0 0 .287 Totals 34 2 8 2 b-Vincej 1 0 0 0 .000 Familia p 1 0 0 0 .000 I.Suzuki 1 0 1 1 .259 M.Adms 1 0 1 0 .274 Lynn p 2 0 0 0 .059 a-Blash 1 0 0 0 .213
PIT/Williams (R) 6-7 4.14 5:15 p.m. Totals 37 8 13 8 Totals 31 2 6 2 Totals 34 7 11 7 Rojas ss 0 0 0 0 .258 Markakis 0 1 0 0 .283 c-Pham 1 0 0 0 .310 Stammen p 0 0 0 0 .500
Chicago 111 120 200 8 13 0 Cincinnati 110 000 000 2 6 0 Totals 35 5 10 5 Totals 35 6 12 6 f-Kelly 1 0 1 0 .184 Szczur rf 1 0 0 0 .225
STL/Weaver (R) 4-1 2.50 Totals 36 0 11 0 Totals 30 3 9 3
Pittsburgh 001 000 010 2 8 0 New York 010 222 00x 7 11 0 Miami 300 000 110 5 10 1
SD/Lyles (R) 0-2 6.71 6:30 p.m. Atlanta 020 020 002 6 12 1 St. Louis 000 000 000 0 11 1
a-lined out for Sanchez in the 7th. b-lined out for Grimm in the a-singled for Harvey in the 5th. b-grounded out for Chacin in the
ARI/Corbin (L) 13-11 3.83 8th. c-struck out for Neverauskas in the 9th. 7th. WalksMiami 5: Stanton 1, Yelich 2, Anderson 1, Aviles 1. Atlanta San Diego 100 000 20x 3 9 0
WalksChicago 3: Rizzo 2, Zobrist 1. Pittsburgh 6: Marte 1, WalksCincinnati 1: Ervin 1. New York 6: Aoki 1, Nimmo 1, Smith 3: Inciarte 1, F.Freeman 2. StrikeoutsMiami 9: Stanton 1, Yelich 1, a-out on fielders choice for Richard in the 6th. b-singled for Mejia
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Moroff 2, McCutchen 1, Rodriguez 2. StrikeoutsChicago 8: Happ 1, 1, Reynolds 3. StrikeoutsCincinnati 6: Cozart 1, Duvall 1, Gennett Ozuna 2, Realmuto 2, Dietrich 1, Straily 2. Atlanta 8: Albies 2, in the 7th. c-lined out for Lynn in the 7th. d-singled for Garcia in the
Bryant 1, Zobrist 2, Baez 2, Rivera 1, Lester 1. Pittsburgh 9: Osuna 1, 1, Suarez 1, Schebler 2. New York 6: Aoki 1, Smith 2, Reynolds 1, F.Freeman 1, Kemp 1, Ruiz 2, Swanson 1, Peterson 1. EGordon (11), 9th. e-struck out for Valera in the 9th. f-singled for Tuivailala in the
McCutchen 1, Bell 2, Luplow 3, Diaz 2. LOBChicago 7, Pittsburgh Harvey 1, Familia 1. LOBCincinnati 5, New York 9. 2BErvin (2), Albies (2). LOBMiami 9, Atlanta 9. 2BAlbies (6), M.Adams (21). 9th.
Angels/Nolasco (R) 6-12 5.08 7 p.m. 11. 2BHapp 2 (16), Bryant (33), Zobrist (18), Baez (21), Heyward Schebler 2 (22), Cabrera (26), Nimmo (5), Plawecki (5). 3BGordon (7), Ozuna (2), Inciarte (4). HRKemp (18), off Straily. WalksSt. Louis 1: Fowler 1. San Diego 3: Asuaje 1, Spangenberg
SEA/Leake (R) 8-12 4.14 FS West (12), Lester (3), Luplow (2), Diaz (9), Mercer (23), Bostick (1). HRNimmo (2), off Adleman; Lagares (3), off Adleman; Nimmo (3), RBIsYelich (72), Ozuna 2 (109), Anderson (1), I.Suzuki (16), Albies 1, Hedges 1 StrikeoutsSt. Louis 11: Fowler 2, DeJong 1, Martinez 1,
DET/Farmer (R) 3-2 7.18 4 p.m. HRAlmora (6), off Sanchez. RBIsRizzo 2 (102), Baez (68), off Chacin. RBIsErvin (7), Duvall (94), Reyes 2 (44), Nimmo 3 2 (15), Kemp (58), K.Suzuki (41), Peterson 2 (13). SBYelich (13), Molina 2, Piscotty 1, Garcia 1, Voit 1, Lynn 2. San Diego 4: Pirela 2,
Heyward (49), Rivera (29), Lester (6), Almora 2 (35), Bell (83), (14), Lagares (14), Smith (13). SBErvin (2). SFDuvall. Inciarte (21). SFAlbies. SEllis, Newcomb. DPMiami 1, Atlanta Myers 1, Szczur 1. EMejia (1). LOBSt. Louis 10, San Diego 9.
TOR/Stroman (R) 11-6 3.08 Luplow (7). SFRizzo. SRivera. GIDPSchwarber, Diaz. RISPCincinnati 1 for 10; New York 2 for 9. Runners moved 2. 2BDeJong (20), Solarte (15). HRMyers (25), off Oh. RBIsPirela
BAL/Miley (L) 8-11 4.91 4 p.m. DPChicago 1 (Baez, Zobrist, Rizzo); Pittsburgh 1 (Moroff, Mercer, upMahle, Lagares, Plawecki. GIDPVotto, Cabrera. DPCincinnati Miami IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA (38), Myers 2 (66). SBMargot (14), Myers (18). SAsuaje,
Bell). 1 (Gennett, Cozart, Votto); New York 1 (Cecchini, Reyes, Smith). Straily .........................5 7 4 3 2 3 98 3.95 Pirela.DPSt. Louis 1 (Fowler, DeJong); San Diego 2 (Asuaje, Aybar,
CLE/Clevinger (R) 8-5 3.50 Ellington......................1 0 0 0 0 1 14 5.73
Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Myers), (Solarte, Asuaje, Myers).
TB/Archer (R) 9-8 3.76 4 p.m. Lester, W, 10-7.............6 5 1 1 4 5 111 4.35 Mahle, L, 0-2 ...............4 6 3 3 4 2 72 3.60 Garcia ........................23 1 0 0 0 1 10 4.50 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Grimm ........................1 0 0 0 0 0 16 4.98 Adleman .....................1 3 2 2 1 1 29 5.41 Steckenrider ................13 0 0 0 0 1 4 2.49 Lynn, L, 10-7 ...............6 6 1 1 3 3 118 2.94
BOS/Pomeranz (L) 14-5 3.36 Barraclough, H, 22........1 1 0 0 0 2 22 2.88
Wilson ........................1 2 1 1 1 2 23 3.42 Chacin ........................1 2 2 2 0 1 22 9.00 Duke ..........................0 1 1 1 0 0 3 6.30
NY/Tanaka (R) 11-10 4.54 5 p.m. Pena...........................1 1 0 0 1 2 23 6.00 Stephens.....................2 0 0 0 1 2 25 3.86 Ziegler, L, 1-4 ..............23 3 2 2 1 0 19 5.04 Oh..............................1 1 1 1 0 0 15 3.83
TEX/Perez (L) 11-10 4.87 MLB Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Atlanta IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Tuivailala .....................1 1 0 0 0 1 11 2.88
Taillon, L, 7-6.............423 11 6 6 1 3 78 4.78 Harvey, W, 5-4..............5 5 2 2 1 1 74 5.82 Newcomb ....................5 7 3 3 3 5 94 4.38 San Diego IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
MIN/Santana (R) 14-7 3.35 5:15 p.m. Smoker, H, 3................1 0 0 0 0 3 12 5.59 Sims, H, 1 ...................1 0 0 0 0 0 8 5.59 Richard, W, 7-13 ..........6 5 0 0 1 5 93 4.78
Sanchez....................213 1 2 2 1 3 34 9.82
KC/Kennedy (R) 4-10 5.37 Benoit.........................1 1 0 0 0 1 10 4.65 Familia........................2 1 0 0 0 1 23 5.17 S.Freeman, H, 10 .........23 0 1 1 2 0 16 2.94 Stammen, H, 8.............1 2 0 0 0 2 19 3.16
Neverauskas ................1 0 0 0 1 1 18 3.38 Ramos ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 13 3.50 Ramirez ....................113 3 1 0 0 1 24 2.20 Yates, H, 17.................1 1 0 0 0 2 26 4.09
HOU/McHugh (R) 2-2 3.25 7 p.m. Brothers, W, 3-3 ...........1 0 0 0 0 3 13 6.50
Inherited runners-scoredSanchez 1-0. WPLester, Pena. HBPHarvey (Ervin). Hand, S, 16-21 ............1 3 0 0 0 2 18 2.41
OAK/Cotton (R) 7-10 5.53 HBPStraily (K.Suzuki). T3:23. Tickets sold23,561 HBPLynn (Margot). T3:03. Tickets sold21,334 (42,302).
URoberto Ortiz, Chris Guccione, Dana DeMuth, Paul Nauert. UJerry Layne, Dan Bellino, Marvin Hudson, Shane Livensparger.
T3:13. Tickets sold19,201 (38,362). T2:38. Tickets sold21,274 (41,922). (41,500).
SF/Moore (L) 4-13 5.42 5 p.m.
CHI (AL)/ Giolito (R) 2-1 2.25
Aaron Judge and Chase Headley each Trea Turner capped Washington's
The American League Central leaders Jorge Polanco drove in the go-ahead
LEADERS hit two-run homers and Didi Gregorius
set a franchise record with their 15th runs against ailing Royals closer Kelvin
three-run sixth inning with a two-run
NATIONAL LEAGUE >>> had three hits and scored twice for the single, helping the NL East leaders to
Yankees, who closed to within 312 consecutive victory, getting another Herrera with two outs in the ninth their fourth consecutive victory. Team-
Not including late Dodgers-Colorado game
Player G AB R H Avg. games of the AL East-leading Red Sox. terrific outing from staff ace Corey inning. Herrera, who is dealing with a mate Adam Lind had two hits.
Blackmon Col .................137
JuTurner DODGERS ..........112
191 .340
130 .327 New York AB R H BI Avg. Baltimore AB R H BI Avg.
Kluber and belting five home runs. mild forearm strain, blew a 2-1 lead.
Harper Was ....................106 402 92 131 .326 Gardner lf 3 2 2 0 .258 Beckhm ss 3 0 2 0 .291 Philadelphia AB R H BI Avg. Wash. AB R H BI Avg.
DMurphy Was .................128 478 85 153 .320 Wade lf 0 0 0 0 .135 Mchdo 3b 4 0 0 0 .271 Cleve. AB R H BI Avg. Chicago AB R H BI Avg. Minnesota AB R H BI Avg. Kansas City AB R H BI Avg. Hrndz 2b 4 1 1 0 .289 Turner ss 4 0 1 2 .275
Posey SF........................122 431 55 137 .318 Headley 1b 4 1 1 2 .279 Flahrty 3b 0 0 0 0 .242 Lindor ss 6 3 3 1 .270 Sanchez 3b 4 1 1 1 .262 Dozier 2b 4 0 0 1 .260 Mrrifld 2b 402 1 .286 Galvis ss 4 0 1 1 .257 Difo 3b 4 0 1 0 .281
LeMahieu Col .................132 522 85 165 .316 Bird 1b 1 0 0 0 .147 Schoop 2b 4 0 1 0 .306 Jackson lf 3 1 1 1 .310 Moncada 2b 3 0 0 0 .183 Mauer 1b 3 0 3 0 .306 Cain cf 401 0 .297 Herrera cf 3 0 2 0 .291 Murphy 2b 3 0 1 0 .320
Goldschmidt Ari ..............135 484 102 152 .314 Castro 2b 5 1 1 1 .313 Jones cf 4 1 2 0 .280 Allen lf 2 1 1 2 .250 Abreu 1b 4 1 1 1 .296 Polanco ss 3 0 2 2 .262 Cabrera rf 401 0 .296 Hoskins lf 4 0 0 0 .296 Zmrmn 1b 4 0 0 0 .302
Votto Cin........................141 489 95 153 .313 Grgrius ss 5 2 3 1 .292 Mncini lf 3 0 0 0 .290 Diaz 3b 2 1 0 0 .255 Delmonico lf 3 0 0 0 .284 Rosario lf 5 0 1 0 .285 Orlando rf 000 0 .175 Williams rf 4 0 1 0 .274 Lind lf 3 1 2 0 .303
Seager DODGERS............124 461 75 143 .310 Torreyes ss 0 0 0 0 .295 Davis 1b 3 0 1 0 .223 Usla 3b 1 0 0 0 .224 Garcia rf 3 0 0 0 .322 Buxton cf 5 0 0 0 .249 Hosmer 1b 302 0 .317 Joseph 1b 3 1 1 1 .239 c-Robles 1 0 0 0 .000
Pham StL.......................108 374 78 116 .310 Judge rf 4 2 1 2 .276 Sntnder 1b 1 0 0 0 .167 Ecrncn dh 3 1 2 3 .256 Liriano rf 0 0 0 0 .154 Kepler rf 3 1 1 0 .247 Perez c 400 0 .263 d-Franco 1 0 0 0 .222 Taylor cf 4 1 1 0 .262
Holliday dh 4 0 1 1 .229 Trumbo dh 3 0 0 0 .244 Mjia dh 1 0 1 0 .286 Davidson dh 3 0 0 0 .224 EEscbr 3b 4 0 0 0 .253 Mstaks dh 300 0 .278 Crawford 3b 4 0 0 0 .091 Wieters c 4 1 1 1 .235
Home Runs Sntna 1b 4 0 0 0 .260 Narvaez c 3 0 1 0 .269 Castro c 4 0 2 0 .230 A.Escobar ss 3 1 1 0 .243 Alfaro c 4 1 1 1 .355 De Aza rf 1 0 1 1 .179
b-Austin dh 1 0 0 0 .226 Alvrz dh 1 0 0 0 .000
Stanton, Miami................................................................ 53 Ellsbury cf 5 0 1 1 .258 Smith rf 3 0 0 0 .269 Naquin rf 0 0 0 0 .222 Saladino ss 3 0 0 0 .192 1-Granite 0 1 0 0 .231 Gordon lf 312 1 .200 Nola p 2 0 1 0 .073 a-Kndrk lf 1 1 1 0 .327
Bellinger, DODGERS.......................................................... 36 Frazier 3b 3 1 1 1 .210 Hays rf 1 0 0 0 .000 Chsnhll rf 5 0 3 0 .305 Engel cf 3 0 0 0 .167 Gimenez c 0 0 0 0 .206 Torres 3b 300 0 .239 Blanco 1b 2 0 0 0 .195 Roark p 2 0 0 0 .083
Runs Batted In Romine c 4 0 2 0 .220 Joseph c 3 0 1 0 .272 Gomes c 5 1 2 0 .229 Totals 29 2 3 2 Grsmn dh 3 2 1 1 .248 Totals 31 2 9 2 Totals 35 3 8 3 b-Btista rf 2 0 1 0 .286
Stanton, Miami .............................................................. 112 Totals 39 9 13 9 Totals 33 1 7 0 Zimmr cf 5 1 1 0 .246 Totals 34 4 10 4 Totals 33 4 10 4
Arenado, Colorado.......................................................... 112 Gnzlz 2b 4 2 2 4 .281 Minnesota 000 010 003 4 10 0 Philadelphia 001 110 000 3 8 1
New York 302 201 100 9 13 1 Totals 41 11 16 11
Pitching Baltimore 000 001 000 1 7 0 Kansas City 000 020 000 2 9 0 Washington 010 003 00x 4 10 1
Cleveland 412 000 301 11 16 0 1-ran for Castro in the 9th. a-walked for De Aza in the 6th. b-singled for Roark in the 6th.
Kershaw, DODGERS ....................................................... 16-2 WalksNew York 3: Gardner 2, Judge 1. Baltimore 2: Beckham 1, Mancini Chicago 200 000 000 2 3 1
Greinke, Arizona ............................................................ 16-6 1. StrikeoutsNew York 9: Headley 1, Castro 2, Judge 2, Holliday 2, Frazier 1, WalksMinnesota 5: Mauer 2, Polanco 1, Kepler 1, Grossman 1. c-flied out for Kintzler in the 7th. d-struck out for Morgan in the 8th.
Romine 1. Baltimore 8: Mancini 2, Davis 2, Alvarez 1, Smith 1, Joseph 2. WalksCleveland 4: Jackson 1, Diaz 1, Encarnacion 1, Santana 1. Kansas City 1: Hosmer 1. StrikeoutsMinnesota 7: Dozier 1, Rosario WalksPhiladelphia 1: Herrera 1. Washington 3: Murphy 1, De
EGregorius (8). LOBNew York 7, Baltimore 7. 2BGardner (21), Chicago 2: Moncada 1, Delmonico 1. StrikeoutsCleveland 6: 2, Buxton 1, E.Escobar 2, Castro 1. LOBMinnesota 10, Kansas City Aza 1, Kendrick 1. StrikeoutsPhiladelphia 9: Hernandez 1, Hoskins
AMERICAN LEAGUE >>> Encarnacion 1, Chisenhall 1, Gomes 2, Zimmer 2. Chicago 14:
Gregorius 2 (25), Ellsbury (13), Jones (24), Joseph (13). HRJudge (39), off 4. 2BMauer (31), Polanco (28), A.Escobar (28). HRGrossman 2, Williams 2, Joseph 1, Franco 1, Alfaro 1, Blanco 1. Washington 11:
Player G AB R H Avg. Sanchez 2, Moncada 1, Abreu 1, Delmonico 3, Garcia 2, Davidson 2, (9), off Gaviglio. RBIsDozier (81), Polanco 2 (62), Grossman (38), Turner 1, Difo 1, Murphy 2, Zimmerman 1, Lind 1, Taylor 2, Wieters 2,
Gausman; Headley (12), off Wright; Castro (14), off Hart; Frazier (23), off
Altuve Hou .....................133 521 95 183 .351 Rodriguez. RBIsHeadley 2 (56), Castro (55), Gregorius (67), Judge 2 (87), Saladino 1, Engel 2. EEngel (2). LOBCleveland 9, Chicago 2. Merrifield (66), Gordon (39). SBKepler (6). CSA.Escobar (5). Roark 1. EJoseph (8), De Aza (2). LOBPhiladelphia 6,
AGarcia ChW ..................114 435 60 140 .322 2BJackson (15), Chisenhall (16), Gomes (15), Zimmer (15). SFDozier. SPolanco. GIDPGrossman, Cain, Perez, Moustakas, Washington 8. 2BHernandez (24), Herrera (37), Taylor (21),
Hosmer KC.....................139 523 83 166 .317 Holliday (56), Ellsbury (37), Frazier (63). SBGardner (19). DPNew York 2
3BLindor (3). HREncarnacion (33), off Pelfrey; Lindor (27), off Torres. DPMinnesota 4 (Dozier, Polanco, Mauer), (Dozier, Polanco, Wieters (19). HRAlfaro (2), off Roark; Joseph (21), off Roark.
Reddick Hou...................121 432 72 135 .312 (Frazier, Castro, Headley), (Castro, Headley); Baltimore 1 (Schoop, Beckham,
Pelfrey; Gonzalez (3), off Pelfrey; Allen (1), off Fry; Gonzalez (4), off Mauer), (Gibson, Polanco, Mauer), (Dozier, Mauer); Kansas City 1 RBIsGalvis (58), Joseph (66), Alfaro (7), Turner 2 (36), Wieters
Ramirez Cle....................135 525 93 162 .309 Davis).
New York IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Brantly; Sanchez (10), off Kluber; Abreu (28), off Kluber. (Torres, Merrifield, Hosmer). (50), De Aza (6). SBDifo (9), Taylor (13). DPPhiladelphia 2
Mauer Min .....................121 447 59 137 .306 RBIsLindor (71), Jackson (31), Encarnacion 3 (85), Gonzalez 4 Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Schoop Bal ....................138 536 86 164 .306 Gray, W, 9-9...............523 6 1 0 2 5 102 3.22 (Crawford, Hernandez, Joseph), (Hernandez, Galvis, Blanco);
Green .......................113 1 0 0 0 2 21 1.93 (11), Allen 2 (5), Sanchez (47), Abreu (84). SBDiaz (1). Gibson ........................7 8 2 2 1 0 95 5.19 Washington 1 (Turner, Murphy, Zimmerman).
Andrus Tex .....................135 559 91 170 .304 SFGonzalez. DPCleveland 1, Chicago 1. Hildenberger, W, 3-2......1 1 0 0 0 0 6 2.43 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Segura Sea ....................109 456 70 138 .303 Kahnle ........................1 0 0 0 0 0 9 2.77
Heller..........................1 0 0 0 0 1 12 0.00 Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Belisle, S, 6-9 ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 14 4.44 Nola.........................513 7 3 2 2 8 106 3.71
Home Runs Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Kluber, W, 15-4 ............7 3 2 2 1 13 96 2.56 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Mrgn, L, 3-2, BS, 1-1 ..123 2 1 1 1 2 32 4.21
KDavis, Oakland .............................................................. 39 Gausman, L, 10-10.......3 5 5 5 3 4 79 4.99 Armstrong....................1 0 0 0 0 0 9 4.38 Gaviglio.......................5 4 1 1 3 3 77 4.41 Garcia.........................1 1 0 0 0 1 8 2.67
Judge, New York ............................................................... 39 Wright.........................2 3 2 2 0 2 40 5.65 Breslow .......................1 0 0 0 1 1 12 4.76 Alexander, H, 7 ..........123 1 0 0 0 1 15 2.12 Washington IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Hart ...........................23 3 1 1 0 0 20 3.19 Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Moylan, H, 20..............13 0 0 0 0 0 4 3.83 Roark, W, 12-9.............6 7 3 3 1 6 100 4.48
Runs Batted In Pelfrey, L, 3-11 .............4 8 7 7 3 4 96 5.51 Minor, H, 15 ................1 1 0 0 0 1 14 2.82
Rodriguez ..................113 2 1 1 0 1 29 12.27 Kintzler, H, 8 ................1 0 0 0 0 0 12 2.73
Cruz, Seattle.................................................................. 104 Beck.........................223 3 1 1 1 2 53 6.28 Hrera, L, 3-3, BS, 4-30..23 3 3 3 2 1 22 4.24 Madson, H, 20 .............1 1 0 0 0 2 13 1.58
Schoop, Baltimore.......................................................... 102 Yacabonis....................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 3.65
Givens ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 11 2.60 Fry ...........................113 4 2 2 0 0 21 21.60 Maurer........................13 1 0 0 0 1 15 6.11 Doolittle, S, 19-20 ........1 0 0 0 0 1 16 2.84
Pitching Brantly ........................1 1 1 1 0 0 12 9.00 Inherited runners-scoredMaurer 2-0. HBPGibson
Inherited runners-scoredGreen 2-0, Rodriguez 1-0. HBPWright WPRoark, Nola. PBAlfaro (1).
Kluber, Cleveland .......................................................... 15-4 (Frazier). USean Barber, Jeff Kellogg, Will Little, James Hoye. T3:19. HBPBeck (Diaz). WPFry. T2:58. Tickets sold17,019 (Moustakas). UPaul Emmel, Quinn Wolcott, Brian ONora, Nic Lentz. T3:09.
Sale, Boston................................................................. 15-7 Tickets sold14,946 (45,971). (40,615). UChris Segal, Joe West, Andy Fletcher, Alan Porter. T2:56. Tickets sold26,267 (41,418).
Tickets sold26,485 (37,903).
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S S F R I DAY , SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 D7
8 Also Ran: Pipedreams, Manning, El Nino Fable, Here Comes Autism, Monetary Policy,
2.10 P# Horse
7 Phantom Proton
8 Time: 22.03, 45.37, 57.51, 1.04.10. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Jeff Bonde. Owner: Ding, Lan Sensational Sea, My Perfect Gem. 5 Jeweled Roman 2.60 2.40
and Robin, Charles. 8 Time: 23.39, 47.50, 1.12.92, 1.26.07, 1.38.81. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Gerard Piccioni. 3 Morning Dance Gonzalez 9.40
Physicians at local Boston is involved. We adjust the 8 Scratched: none. Owner: BSM Stable, DeMaio Racing Ventures LLC and LMJ Investments. 8 Also Ran: Trappiza, Cool Munnings, Starlet Storm, Relentless Miss, Kittys Girl, La
Medical Group offices are prescription for a mans 8 Exotics: $1 Exacta (5-2) paid $6.20, $1 Superfecta (5-2-6-7) paid $176.20, $1 8 Scratched: Second Gear, Sooner Boomer. Samp.
Trifecta (5-2-6) paid $72.30. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (4-7) paid $179.60, $1 Exacta (7-6) paid $198.80, $1 8 Time: 22.03, 44.86, 57.25, 1.10.01. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Neil D. Drysdale. Owner:
so confident their treatment performance to 45-minutes, an 7002 SECOND RACE. 512 furlongs. Waiver claiming. Three-year-olds Superfecta (7-6-4-2) paid $4,406.90, $1 Trifecta (7-6-4) paid $456.50, $1 Pick Three Stepaside Farm.
will immediately help men hour, 90-minutes or longer, and up. Claiming prices $16,000-$14,000. Purse $17,000. (5-4-7) paid $310.90. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (6-7) paid $110.00, $1 Exacta (7-5) paid $12.30, $1
with Erectile Dysfunction, according to Dr. William P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show 7005 FIFTH RACE. 6 furlongs. Claiming. Fillies. Three-year-olds. 7008 EIGHTH RACE. 1 mile. Maiden special weight. Two-year-olds.
they are offering the first 5 One Im Running To Roman 4.40 2.80 2.60 Claiming prices $20,000-$18,000. Purse $22,000. Purse $45,000.
Livingston, and patients see 6 Cherokee Dynasty Hernandez 3.40 2.80
P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show
50 callers a free in-office results right in our office. After 2 Chromium Elliott 5.20
5 Holy Mosey Risenhoover 10.20 5.40 3.20 8 City Plan Werner 40.60 11.80 5.80
medication dose. 8 Also Ran: Mizter Kool Cat, My Farmer, Aeon. 6 Social Taboo Pedroza 3.60 2.60 9 Dark Vader Roman 7.80 4.60
climax, the patient stays erect 8 Time: 21.68, 45.01, 57.39, 1.04.25. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Mark Glatt. Owner: Moran, 7 Just Be Held Roman 2.60 1 Draft Pick Gutierrez 4.40
Erectile dysfunction and the entire period of time. Michael A. and Joe. 8 Also Ran: Furious Fire, Jill Madden, Passion for Papa, Flower Heart Deer. 8 Also Ran: Canadian Game, So Long Sailor, Inscom.
premature ejaculation have 8 Scratched: none. 8 Time: 22.71, 46.12, 58.11, 1.10.78. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Molly J. Pearson. Owner: 8 Time: 24.21, 48.50, 1.12.20, 1.25.69, 1.38.96. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Eoin G. Harty.
This allows them to adequately 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (5-5) paid $15.80, $1Exacta (5-6) paid $6.10, $1Superfecta Anderson, Regan and Kunz, Yvonne. Owner: Godolphin Stable.
long been a (5-6-2-3) paid $168.20, $1 Trifecta (5-6-2) paid $35.90. 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (7-5) paid $677.20, $1 Exacta (5-6) paid $20.90, $1 8 Scratched: Dare To Enter, Primo Touch, Taranis.
satisfy their
problem for 7003 THIRD RACE. 512 furlongs. Claiming. Three-year-olds and up. Superfecta (5-6-7-4) paid $258.10, $1 Trifecta (5-6-7) paid $65.40, $1 Pick Three (4-7-5) 8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (7-8) paid $172.80, $1 Exacta (8-9) paid $79.30, $1
millions of partner. No other Claiming prices $12,500-$10,500. Purse $16,000. paid $2,323.20, 50-Cent Pick Four (5-4-7-5) 4 correct paid $1,298.95, 50-Cent Pick Five Superfecta (8-9-1-3) paid $1,346.90, $1 Super High Five (8-9-1-3-6) , Super High Five
medication P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show (5-5-4-7-5) 5 correct paid $4,128.30. Carryover $10,172, $1 Trifecta (8-9-1) paid $416.50, $1 Pick Three (6-7-8) paid $713.10,
men, in spite of 4 Getoffmyback Roman 7.20 2.80 2.20 7006 SIXTH RACE. 1 mile. Claiming. Three-year-olds and up. Claiming 50-Cent Pick Four (5-6-7-8) 4 correct paid $3,048.45, $2 Pick Six (4-7-5-6-7-8) 4 out of
the popularity can do this. We 5 Alley Boss Pedroza 2.20 2.10 prices $8,000-$7,000. Purse $14,000. 6 paid $768.80, Pick Six Carryover $10,765.
& Longer offer a simple 1 Upper Mesa Falls Gutierrez 2.60 P# Horse Jockey Win Place Show ATTENDANCE/MUTUEL HANDLE
of Viagra, 8 Also Ran: Lions Luck, Chief Tiger, Wheres Bubba. 6 Air Pocket Maldonado 10.80 5.60 2.80
guarantee: On-track attendance-844. Mutuel handle-$219,558
Cialis and 8 Time: 21.96, 45.29, 57.14, 1.03.48. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Peter Miller. Owner: Gary 8 Our Nation Gonzalez 4.00 2.80 Inter-track attendance-2,908. Mutuel handle-$749,586
If you dont Barber. 1 Papa Royale Gutierrez 2.40
Levitra. Many
Out-of-state attendance-N/A. Mutuel handle-$2,359,251
8 Exotics: $2 Daily Double (5-4) paid $16.00, $1 Exacta (4-5) paid $5.60, $1 Super- 8 Also Ran: Antinanco, Scatter the Moon, Gunslinger, Zirondelle, Do Some Magic.
respond to the Total attendance-3,752. Mutuel handle-$3,328,395
men arent fecta (4-5-1-6) paid $41.50, $1 Trifecta (4-5-1) paid $16.90, $1 Pick Three (5-5-4) paid 8 Time: 23.84, 48.04, 1.13.09, 1.25.85, 1.39.28. Clear & Fast. Trainer: Rafael DeLeon.
helped by these medication on
pills or cannot the first visit,
take them due the office visit is
to adverse side free. With that LOS ALAMITOS ENTRIES
BMG state- Up to 1 Hour! guarantee, local
patients have Second day of a 12-day meet. First post 2 p.m. 7012 FOURTH RACE. 512 furlongs. Starter allowance. Fillies and 5073 Voluntary,7 F Martinez,124 6-1
5054 Badasmywifeletsmeb,4 S Arias,124 10-1
of-the-art nothing to lose. 7009 FIRST RACE. 5 furlongs. Claiming. 3-year-olds and up. Claiming mares. 3-year-olds and up. Purse $15,000. 9047 Put It There,6 E Hernandez,124 12-1
price $6,250. Purse $13,000. 5025 No Bachi,1 O Santos,124 20-1
diagnostic procedures enable Openings are filling PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds
PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds 7304 Foxy Lover,5 Mn Garcia,124 9-5
their physicians to formulate quickly for the free in office 5015 Luckarack,4 E Maldonado,124 5-2 (6254) Scathing,4 S Gonzalez,124 5-2 7015 SEVENTH RACE. 512 furlongs. Allowance optional claiming. Fillies
(5059) Bound For Heaven,3 F Martinez,124 3-1 6254 Rockantharos,6 R Fuentes,XX117 3-1 and mares. 3-year-olds and up. Claiming price $20,000. State bred.
a personalized treatment medication dose. Patients are 2051 Four Gaels,1 V Bednar,124 7-2 5051 Aiming Straight,2 F Martinez,124 7-2 Purse $46,000.
based on the patients unique assured of utmost privacy 5040 Land Of The Free,6 E Hernandez,124 4-1 6139 Ryderroo,1 M Ramirez,124 10-1 PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds
6196 Changing Karma,5 B Boulanger,124 5-1 5050 Southern Darling,3 E Payeras,XXX114 20-1
health and medical conditions. 3283 Divine Spark,2 Mn Garcia,118 2-1
and professionalism with 5043 Mason B,2 J Allen,124 6-1 6214 Adios Cali,7 R Bejarano,118 5-2
Thats why our success rate 7010 SECOND RACE. 512 furlongs. Maiden claiming. Fillies and mares.
7013 FIFTH RACE. 5 12 furlongs. Maiden special weight. Fillies.
6102 Journeyonthemove,1 S Elliott,122 5-1
private waiting rooms and 2-year-olds. Purse $45,000.
is so high, says Dr. William 3-year-olds and up. Claiming prices $50,000-$40,000. State bred. 4139 Mizzen Glory,3 J Theriot,122 6-1
Livingston, Board Certified a friendly staff. Further Purse $23,000. PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds 6183 Papa Mambo,5 E Maldonado,122 6-1
6162 Steph Being Steph,9 S Elliott,120 3-1 6135 Victory Seeker,6 M Pedroza,118 8-1
Urologist. We help men as old information is available by PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds 5002 Divine Mercy,3 M Pedroza,120 7-2 6225 Bold At Night,4 C Sutherland,122 10-1
4373 Privy,5 E Roman,X113 8-5 6085 Factorofwon,8 T Conner,120 9-2
as ninety-four, with diabetes, calling (855) 260-6800 or visit 6147 Right To The Point,1 E Hernandez,120 2-1 .... Line Drive,4 M Gutierrez,120 5-1
7016 EIGHTH RACE. 1 mile. Maiden claiming. Fillies and mares.
6049 Ruled By Girls,6 M Pedroza,120 3-1 3-year-olds and up. Claiming prices $20,000-$18,000. Purse $17,000.
prostate surgery and heart www.BostonMedicalGroup.com 6049 Tribal Finale,3 S Elliott,120 6-1
.... Shezaspanishdancer,7 E Roman,X115 6-1
PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds
.... Unaffordable U,2 E Maldonado,120 8-1
conditions. Regardless of BMG has locations across 6210 Silics Angel,2 B Pena,120 10-1 .... Sea My Moves,1 S Gonzalez,120 12-1 8082 Mysteriousmagician,1 E Roman,X115 3-1
.... Twenty One Coil St,4 L Werner,XX113 15-1 .... Avail,5 L Werner,XX113 20-1 6182 Oh Scatty Oh,7 E Maldonado,118 7-2
their age or medical history, our the USA, in: LA & OC, San 7011 THIRD RACE. 6 furlongs. Maiden special weight. 3-year-olds and 6074 Creative Spark,10 Mn Garcia,120 20-1 6185 Gift Giver Linda,9 C Sutherland,120 5-1
Diego, Dallas, Houston, up. Purse $45,000. 6132 Grace Hopper,8 S Elliott,120 5-1
results everyday are amazing. .... Sweet Marlene,6 R Fuentes,XX113 20-1
6182 Amaranta,4 J Contreras,120 6-1
All medications are FDA Chicago, Detroit, DC & PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds 7014 SIXTH RACE. 512 furlongs. Claiming. 3-year-olds and up. Claiming 6182 Colonel Peggy Sue,10 M Pedroza,120 10-1
6136 Mr Vargas,2 E Roman,X115 9-5 price $6,250. Purse $12,000. 4170 Princess Nicole,3 E Hernandez,120 10-1
approved, and no surgery Alexandria, NY & NJ. 6136 Zipman,6 R Bejarano,120 5-2 5061 Curlina Curlina,2 L Werner,XX117 12-1
6170 Psychedelicat,3 M Pedroza,120 3-1 PR Horse (PP) Jockey,Wt Odds 6156 Silken Road,6 I Ocampo,120 20-1
2256 Bardstown,1 K Desormeaux,124 5-1 5059 Little Jack,8 S Risenhoover,124 5-2 6182 Riverka,5 E Payeras,XXX114 30-1
BMG has helped over 1 Million Men and has a US Patent for its .... Papa Jazz,4 S Elliott,120 5-1 5059 Warrens Cole,5 B Boulanger,124 3-1 Also eligible
6122 Captain Walker,5 S Gonzalez,124 15-1 5065 Parliamentarian,3 F Rojas,124 7-2 6132 Warrior Vixen,12 S Gonzalez,124 5-2
highly effective Boston Method 7248 Apollo Ten,2 V Bednar,124 5-1 6182 Of Note,11 B Pena,120 5-1
L AT I M E S . C O M / S P O RT S F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 D9
gets past Bryan brothers
[Elliott, from D1]
lose in semifinals
all-American night with a 6-1,
6-2 rout of CoCo Vandeweghe, By Helene Elliott
but neither found it easy to be
labeled the Next Great NEW YORK Twins Bob
American Tennis Hope be- and Mike Bryan, who grew
fore they were ready to carry up in Camarillo, wont add a
that burden. Theyre ready fifth U.S. Open mens doubles
now. Im just super proud title or 17th Grand Slam title
and honored to be a part of to their collection.
what these four girls were, The No. 11-seeded (and un-
what we did tonight, related) team of Feliciano
Stephens said. Lopez and Marc Lopez of
Keys, who acknowledged Spain defeated the fifth-
she didnt expect to win here seeded Bryan brothers
and was just going match by Thursday in the semifinals
match, savored the night 6-3, 3-6, 6-4. The Bryans Daniel Murphy EPA
that much more because she havent won a Grand Slam SEMIFINALIST Juan
and Stephens have become since the 2014 U.S. Open, their Martin del Potro won
friends over the years. I cant longest drought since they sportsmanship award.
think of a better person to won their first major at the
have this first experience French Open in 2003.
with, Keys said. The duo of Jean-Julien
Stephens, 24, has always Rojer of the Netherlands and Todays
been a good defender but was Horia Tecau of Romania,
forced to refine other el- seeded 12th, upset the No. 1-
ements of her game. She had seeded team of Henri Konti-
to become more nimble with nen of Finland and John MEN
her footwork which is now Peers of Australia 6-1, 6-7(5), 8 No. 28 Kevin Anderson vs.
one of her strengths add 7-5 to advance to the mens No. 12 Pablo Carreno Busta
nuances that give depth and doubles final. 8 No. 1 Rafael Nadal vs.
extra dimensions to her No. 24 Juan Martin del Potro
power-dependent game, and Adam Hunger Associated Press Honors
become more positive when MADISON KEYS celebrates her 6-1, 6-2 victory over CoCo Vandeweghe. These Juan Martin del Potro,
things arent going so well, as are the moments growing up that you dream about, she said afterward. who upset Roger Federer on his only Grand Slam title here,
in Williams second-set re- Wednesday to advance to the in 2009.
vival Thursday. In the third idolize. Williams, told of their round of another Slam until she might start running a mens semifinals, and Petra The first semifinal will pit
set, though, Stephens discov- respect for her, was unmoved, she got past three seeded little bit colder than what she Kvitova, who reached the No. 12 Pablo Carreno Busta
ered she had another asset to probably because her loss players here and then de- was doing, said Vandeweghe, quarterfinals to continue a re- of Spain against No. 28 Kevin
tap after Williams took a 5-4 was so fresh. To be honest, feated the ninth-seeded who teared up several times markable comeback from Anderson of South Africa.
lead and was two points away Im definitely here to win my Williams. during her post-match news injuries she suffered in a knife Anderson, who stands 6-
from victory at 30-all. matches, not for consola- I was a baby then, conference. I was fighting as attack last December, were foot-8, has a 2-0 lead in their
That Im a real fighter, tions, said Williams, who was Stephens said of that 2013 hard as I could for as long as I named winners of the U.S. head-to-head matchups. Car-
that I have a lot of grit. Sur- serenaded by a standing semifinal. I didnt know as could but she stayed hot the Open Sportsmanship reno Busta didnt lose a set in
prising, said Stephens, who ovation from Stephens and much as I know now. I think a whole time. awards. The U.S. Tennis Assn. his first five matches here and
hit a spectacular backhand the appreciative fans as she lot of life has happened. I have Keys took a medical time- annually gives the awards to his service has been broken
passing shot to get back into exited the court. been through a lot. out after she tweaked some- the professional tennis play- only three times in 87 service
that 10th game and trigger a For the last few years Keys has had her share of thing in her thigh just to be ers who best demonstrate ex- games.
match-closing roll. Stephens has been, in some tribulations, too, most re- sure it would not become a cellence in sportsmanship
I dont give up. Im not ways, a victim of her own cently two wrist surgeries bother, but that was the only throughout the U.S. Open Se- Wheelchairs
just going to give it to some- success. She was 19 when she that also made her a specta- blip on her otherwise joyous ries and the U.S. Open. Wheelchair tennis was
one. Im not just going to let defeated Serena Williams to tor during this years Austral- night. It feels absolutely Del Potro, the No. 24 seed, contested at Arthur Ashe Sta-
them take it from me. Im reach the Australian Open ian Open. Seeded No. 15 here, amazing, she said. These will face No. 1 Rafael Nadal in dium for the first time, with
going to make sure I give semifinals in 2013, a triumph Keys was sharp from the start are the moments growing up the second semifinal Friday. two doubles matches. Wheel-
everything that I have, and I that immediately raised against No. 20 seed Van- that you dream about. Nadal holds an 8-5 lead in chair competition will contin-
leave everything on the court Stephens profile and the deweghe and never faced a For Keys or for Stephens, their head-to-head meetings, ue through Sunday in mens,
at all times, no matter what. expectations for her future. break point. Keys hit 25 win- a dream will come true on but Del Potro has a 5-4 edge on womens and quad divisions.
It was a difficult loss for She made the quarterfinals at ners and made only nine Saturday. hard courts. Nadal won two of
Williams, whom Keys and Wimbledon that year but unforced errors. his 15 Grand Slam titles here, [email protected]
Stephens have said they didnt get past the fourth I thought at some point [email protected] in 2010 and 2013. Del Potro won Twitter: @helenenothelen
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CALENDAR F R I D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 0 1 7 :: L A T I M E S . C O M / C A L E N D A R
Youthana Yuos
ALEX ALPHARAOH tells his life story in WET.
drama and
deep thoughts Vitor Martins
KENDRAH McKAY and Keith Stevenson in the classic farce Rhinoceros at Pacific Resident Theatre.
By Philip Brandes
DOLORES HUERTA speaks at a 1975 press conference in a clip from Peter Bratts documentary Dolores. Huerta is the co-founder of the United Farm Workers.
Marjorie Prime
9/11 review
signature achievements. But this precise and luxuriant rendition of Daphne du Mauriers
masterful gothic romance is still entertainment of a high order, with a riveting psychological Columbus
Superb performances by
Lois Smith, Jon Hamm,
is delayed
triangle embodied by Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier and the incomparable Judith Ander- John Cho and Haley Lu Geena Davis and Tim Rob- The drama 9/11, starring
son, surely the greatest Mrs. Danvers that ever was. Criterion Collections splendid 4k digital Richardson play two strang- bins are the center of this Charlie Sheen, opens Friday
ers who go on a walking- elegant, quietly haunting in general release but was
restoration is now available, with supplements including a conversation with critic Molly
and-talking tour of the sci-fi chamber piece di- not screened for critics. The
Haskell and scholar Patricia White; the 2016 French documentary Daphne du Maurier: In modernist architecture in rected by Michael review will appear as soon as
the Footsteps of Rebecca ; and no fewer than three radio adaptations of the novel, includ- Columbus, Ind., in this Almereyda, who adapted it possible in Calendar and
ing Orson Welles Mercury Theatre adaptation. serenely intelligent, gor- from Jordan Harrisons 2014 online at latimes.com/enter
Justin Chang geously contemplative first play. (Justin Chang) NR. tainment/movies/reviews.
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R F R I DAY, SE P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 E5
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450 W 2ND ST (909) 621-5500 17200 VENTURA BLVD Closed Captioning Descriptive Video Service
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1:30, 4:30, 7:20PM 1:40, 4:40, 7:30, 9:55PM VALID FRIDAY SEPTEMBER ONLY 2017 Landmark Theatres
CENTURY CITY AMC Century City 15 amctheatres.com WEST LOS ANGELES Cinemark 18 & XD (310) 568-3394
11:50, 2:05, 4:45, 7:00PM cinemark.com 11:45, 2:15, 4:35, 6:55, 9:25PM
Free 3-Hour Parking w/AMC Validation. Min. Charge $4
after 3 Hours, Plus $1 For Each Addl Hour. BALDWIN HILLS Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza 15 + Xtreme
(323) 296-1005 cinemark.com 10:40, 1:10, 4:10, 7:00PM
L.A. / BEVERLY HILLS Pacics The Grove Stadium 14
(323) 692-0829 #209 pacictheatres.com SHERMAN OAKS ArcLight Cinemas at The Sherman Oaks Galleria
(818) 501-0753 arclightcinemas.com 11:20, 1:15, 3:10, 5:10,
The Landmark at W. Pico & Westwood
(310) 470-0492 landmarktheatres.com
WESTWOOD iPic Theaters @ Westwood
(310) 307-7003 ipictheatres.com
12:15, 3:15, 6:30, 9:45PM
AMC Broadway 4
amctheatres.com 10:55, 2:00,
SHERMAN OAKS ArcLight Cinemas at The
Sherman Oaks Galleria (818) 501-0753
arclightcinemas.com 11:35, 12:35, 2:50, 5:15,
Laemmles NoHo 7 (310) 478-3836
1:20, 4:10, 7:20, 10:00PM
AND AT 10:00, 12:30, 2:45, 4:55, 7:10, 9:20PM
4-Hour On-Site Validated Parking $2
SANTA MONICA ArcLight Cinemas Santa Monica
7:15, 9:20PM Free 4-Hour Validated Parking
DOWNTOWN L.A. Regal L.A. Live Stadium 14 (844) 462-7342 #4046
112:00, 2:30, 5:00, 7:35, 10:00PM
Free 3-Hour Validated Parking
L.A. / BEVERLY HILLS Pacics The Grove
Stadium 14 (323) 692-0829 #209
4:45, 7:30, 10:15PM
7:45, 10:15PM Free 4-Hour Validated Parking
DOWNTOWN L.A. Regal L.A. Live Stadium 14
Tickets @ laemmle.com
THEATERS (310) 566-2810 arclightcinemas.com
11:05, 1:05, 3:50, 5:20, 7:10, 9:55PM
regmovies.com 1:30, 3:55PM
Validated 4-Hour Parking $5, Parking Lot at Olympic & Francisco
PLAYA VISTA Cinemark Playa Vista & XD (310) 862-5667
HOLLYWOOD ArcLight Cinemas at Sunset & pacictheatres.com Cinemark 18 & XD (844) 462-7342 #4046 regmovies.com AMC Dine-In Sunset 5 amctheatres.com UNIVERSAL CITY AMC Universal CityWalk 19
Vine (323) 464-4226 arclightcinemas.com
10:05, 12:15, 2:55, 5:10, 8:05, 10:30PM
10:05, 11:35, 1:10, 2:35, 5:45,
8:20, 10:50PM
(310) 568-3394 cinemark.com
12:00, 2:40, 5:20, 8:00,
1:15, 4:00, 7:00, 9:45PM
Validated 4-Hour Parking $5, Parking Lot
1:30, 4:15, 7:00, 9:45PM
Free 3-Hour Validated Parking
EVERYWHERE amctheatres.com 12:05, 2:40, 5:00PM 11:15, 1:40, 4:05, 6:25PM
4-Hour Validated Parking $3 4-Hour On-Site Validated Parking $2 10:40PM at Olympic & Francisco All Shows 21+ Valid ID Required
E6 F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R
ITS ALL soft lights and perfect styling in Hallie Meyers-Shyers directorial debut about how Alice (Reese Witherspoon, center, at head of table ) got her groove back.
ADDISON TIMLIN and Jeremy Irvine play teens DANNY GLOVER, left, and Zachary Spicer are OLIVIA COOKE plays a music hall performer and
drawn to each other in an epic tale of angels on Earth. priests and John C. McGinley is a Franciscan friar. Bill Nighy a Scotland Yard detective in 1880s London.
Kino Lorber
A RITUAL among the Xhosa of South Africas Eastern Cape provides the backdrop for a coming-to-terms story. Nakhane Tour, foreground, is one of the leads.
Alison Cohen Rosa IFC Films Lionsgate Premiere Imani Motion Pictures
NICHOLAS HOULT , right, portrays J.D. Salinger, PETER DINKLAGE is an architectural model- VIVICA A. FOX is a veteran actress among a less
and Kevin Spacey is editor-educator Whit Burnett. maker who is obsessed with a memory machine. seasoned cast that struggles to bring the film to life.
ways a possibility that every-
ones conspiring to make
Ana believe shes going
crazy. The characters toss
around jargon and raise phi-
marily a mystery, unraveling
whats happening to the her-
Because the actors deliv-
er every line in a breathless
Chilean writer-director rush, their performances are
Fernando Guzzonis un- monotone; and because
nerving drama Jess is no Burrows throws in new char-
Christ-like parable, but spir- acters and ideas every few
itual emptiness is certainly minutes, the resolution to
the prevailing mood. The ti- this story comes out rushed
tle figure, played by Nicols and goofy and not as poi-
Durn, is a sexually fluid gnant as intended. Anti
high-schooler in Santiago Matter shows promise
with a disinterest in educa- though even when its
tion or his future and a frosty more interesting than en-
relationship with his widow- Breaking Glass Pictures tertaining.
er father, Hector (Alejandro IN FERNANDO GUZZONIS grim drama Jess, four aimless youths make a fateful decision one night. Noel Murray
With his pal Pizarro (Se- violent outbursts of her pre- The biggest problem for Anti Matter. Not rated.
bastin Ayala), the thrills teen son Benny (Rajay Gun Shy isnt its ridiculous Running time: 1 hour, 46
are boy band music and sex, Chandler, in a remarkable premise or its frequently minutes. Playing: Laemmle
but when a pair of older mis- debut), who appears to have silly tone; its that it doesnt Music Hall, Beverly Hills.
creants join in, the focus a severe form of autism, opts fully commit to either. Wests
turns to drugs and bad be- to place whats left of her film doesnt have as much
havior. The blitzed-out high splintering faith in the fun with Turks ineptitude as
jinks take a grave turn one hands of Brother Abe it could, but its no fault of its Theres 9/11. And
night in a park, when this (David Harewood). lead, Banderas. Though the
quartet of troublemakers Having come from a screenplay by Toby Davies in the dorms ...
come across a lonely, wasted dark place himself and still and Mark Haskell Smith is
teenager and beat him bearing the visibly pained based on Smiths novel Writer-director Ryan
senseless. When the as- demeanor of a tortured past, Salty, it feels as though it Frost was a freshman in col-
saulted kids condition and a the reborn Abe has earned a were written specifically for lege on Sept. 11, 2001 (full dis-
police investigation into it reputation as something of a the actor. Hes charming and closure, so was this critic).
become news the next day, healer, and, with the encour- funny, owning the long, curly Its a unique situation
Jess quickly discovers agement of church adminis- wig and rock-star swagger away from home for the first
whos looking out for him trator Mother (Prophetess Gravitas Ventures with ease. The actor is time, living with a group of
and who isnt. Libra), attempts to purge RAJAY CHANDLER is a troubled boy whose mom clearly having fun, but it isnt people youve just met and
Guzzonis movie is an un- Benny of the demonic forces seeks a spiritual solution in Free in Deed. enough to compensate for trying to process the surreal,
sparing portrait of aimless- that he believes to be con- the movies otherwise history-altering terrorist at-
ness told mostly in the quea- tributing to his condition. with refreshing candor and will always be the biggest patchy humor and bumbling tacks on the U.S. Frost has
siest shades and inspired by The fact-based story, humor. threat to patriarchy. script. tried to capture that potent
the true story of a young gay which is allowed to quietly Leela (Aahana Kumra), Katie Walsh Kimber Myers period in the one room-set
man in Santiago left in a unfold in a series of extended Usha (Ratna Pathak Shah), September Morning.
coma after a night of wanton takes, has been stripped of Shirin (Konkona Sen Lipstick Under My Gun Shy. Rating: R, for The morning in question
torture by four attackers. all artifice, especially in re- Sharma) and Rehana Burkha. In Hindi with Eng- language, some sexual con- is the wee hours of Sept. 12,
The plight of a lost gay teen gard to the pared-back per- (Plabita Borthakur) are lish subtitles. Not rated. tent and nudity, and drug when five freshmen gather in
drawn into violence is also at formances of Harewood, a very different women, Running time: 1 hour, 57 material. Running time: 1 the dorm room of Eric (Troy
the heart of the new Ameri- British actor with regular loosely connected to one an- minutes. Playing: Cinemark hour, 26 minutes. Playing: Doherty) and Dish (Patrick
can indie Beach Rats, but roles on Homeland and other in the city of Bhopal. 18 and XD, West L.A.; AMC Laemmle NoHo 7, North Cage II) for beer, pizza and
Guzzonis movie is grimmer Supergirl, and Findley, Each seeks to escape the op- Orange 30. Hollywood. one of those endless, ram-
about family. The movies who starred in Ava Du- pressive patriarchy that de- bling talks that are ubiqui-
last act, for which Guzzoni Vernays 2012 breakthrough fines their lives and yearns tous in the early days of col-
saves his ultimate state- feature, Middle of No- for a more modern and au- lege. The students all seem a
ment on the crisis of dealing where. tonomous lifestyle. Banderas rocks Rapid-fire sci-fi bit nonchalant about the
with troubled youth, belongs Guided by the New Zea- Student Rehana and events of the day, more ex-
to Hector, and Goic a fine land-based Mahaffy, theirs saleswoman Shirin are in silly Gun Shy drama promising cited to talk about sexual ex-
actor takes the baton with is an achingly raw and ten- burkha-wearing Muslims, periences and regale their
heartbreaking resolve. der portrait of two spir- though the fashion- and mu- Known for big-budget ac- The indie science-fiction pals with their best child-
Robert Abele itually isolated individuals sic-obsessed Rehana rebels, tion blowouts like Con Air movie Anti Matter sets it- hood tales.
for whom the laying on of stepping out in modern and The Expendables 2, self apart from similar arty The existential threat
Jess. In Spanish with hands is a surrogate for clothing. Shirin has to hide Simon West brings both genre exercises by adopting posed by the terrorist at-
English subtitles. No rating. some desperately needed her success at work from her bombast and self-awareness a screwball comedy pace tacks does steer the conver-
Running time: 1 hour, 25 human contact. abusive, unemployed and to the smaller action come- and a visual style akin to a sation toward philosophical
minutes. Playing: Laemmle Michael philandering husband, who dy Gun Shy. While it hyperactive action film. issues, but September
Music Hall, Beverly Hills. Rechtshaffen wants to keep her pregnant doesnt bring the explosions Writer-director Keir Bur- Morning is far more con-
and at home. The Hindu or the laughs of previ- rows rapid-fire dialogue cerned with detailing the
Free in Deed. Not rated. women might not wear ous films by the director, it and barrage of images ulti- college experience, with 9/11
Running time: 1 hour, 38 burkhas, but they are simi- features an all-out perform- mately prove too exhaust- as a backdrop. There are
Two souls seek minutes. Playing: Arena larly controlled: aspiring ance from Antonio Band- ing, though its always ener- gestures toward collective
Cinelounge Sunset, Holly- businesswoman Leela is eras that may be enough to getic. political or social conscious-
human contact wood. pressured into an arranged keep some audiences enter- Yaiza Figueroa stars as ness ROTC member
marriage, and widow Usha is tained. Ana, an Oxford-based ex- Dishs jingoistic anger and
Set along a particularly shamed for exploring her With his hair-band fame perimental physicist who an encounter with a World
downtrodden stretch of sexuality. long past him, former rock stumbles on a potentially War II vet pizza delivery man
Memphis, Tenn., Jake Ma- Indian women Lipstick Under My star Turk Henry (Banderas) world-changing discovery but they feel forced. Frost
haffys bleakly spare, power- Burkha was initially hasnt left his Malibu man- when she figures out how to memorializes his experience
ful Free in Deed focuses on defy constraints banned in India for its hon- sion in years. Dragged by his generate and stabilize a of this day, but its just not
a pair of damaged souls who est depiction of feminine supermodel wife, Sheila wormhole, which can tele- enough to make a significant
seek salvation beneath the The rousing Indian sexual fantasy. Its through (Olga Kurylenko), he re- port objects and people. But comment about the event.
harsh fluorescent lighting of drama Lipstick Under My fantasy, creative self-expres- turns to his native Chile for a when she uses herself as a Katie Walsh
a converted storefront Pen- Burkha, co-written and di- sion and career ambition vacation. She is kidnapped test subject, Ana reemerges
tecostal church. rected by Alankrita Shrivas- that these women define while on a llama tour (of into a world where her col- September Morning. No
A single mother, Melva tava, takes on the repressive who they are as individuals, course) and held for ransom, leagues behave suspiciously rating. Running time: 1 hour,
(Edwina Findley), barely traditions around gender outside of strict gendered and its up to the lazy, pam- and her memory is riddled 30 minutes. Playing: Vintage
coping with the increasingly and sexuality in that country norms. That independence pered Turk to save her. with gaps. Los Feliz 3.
13917 Pioneer Blvd. 562-804-5615 6355 Bellingham Ave. 818-760-8400 1440 Eastman Ave. at Telephone Rd. 805-658-6544
ATOMIC BLONDE E (12:50, 4:00), 7:40, 10:30 $1.75 Sun. & Tue! (All 2D Movies, All Day!) All Seats $3.50 $1.50 Surcharge for 3D Movies
Rancho Niguel Road 949-831-0446 $1.00 All Day Tuesday - 3D Surcharge Applies
HOME AGAIN C (12:00, 2:25, 4:45), 7:10, 9:30 PLANETS C (3:20), 10:15 VALERIAN AND THE CITY OF A THOUSAND THE DARK TOWER C 12:00, 2:20, 4:50, 7:30, 10:15
961 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576
I DO... UNTIL I DONT E (5:00 PM) WISH UPON C (12:40, 5:10), 7:50 PLANETS C 12:45, 4:00, 7:10, 10:20
ATOMIC BLONDE E 2:30, 7:40
IT - DOLBY ATMOS E (12:45), 4:15, 7:30, 10:50 TULIP FEVER E (11:25, 2:05, 4:35), 7:05, 9:50 THE HOUSE E (3:00, 5:20), 10:20 WISH UPON C 12:00, 5:20, 7:50, 10:10
VICEROYS HOUSE (11:40, 2:10, 4:50), 7:25, 10:00 TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT C (12:00,
DESPICABLE ME 3 3D B 11:50, 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9:20 PLANETS C 12:20, 7:20
3:30), 7:00, 10:20
BEACH RATS E (11:15, 1:45, 4:15), 6:45, 9:15
47 METERS DOWN C (12:10, 2:40), 8:00, 10:15 TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT C 12:30, WISH UPON C 12:10, 5:10, 10:20
THE GLASS CASTLE C (11:00, 1:50, 4:40), 8:00
CARS 3 A (11:40, 2:10, 4:50), 7:20, 9:50 3:45, 7:00, 10:15
DESPICABLE ME 3 3D B 11:40, 2:00, 4:30, 6:50, 9:20
948 Broxton Avenue 310-208-5576 WIND RIVER E (11:30, 2:00, 4:30), 7:00, 9:30 CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS: THE FIRST EPIC CARS 3 A 12:10, 2:45, 7:30 CARS 3 A 11:50, 2:10, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40
HOME AGAIN C 1:30, 4:30, 7:45, 10:20 THE BIG SICK E (11:30, 2:15), 7:45 MOVIE IN 3D B (11:50, 2:30, 5:00), 7:30, 10:00
ORANGE COUNTY EAST LOS ANGELES NO TALES C (12:20), 7:10 NO TALES C 3:00, 10:10 NO TALES C 3:20, 10:10
WESTMINSTER 10 Goodrich & Whittier 323-726-8022
3:40), 6:50, 10:10 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 C 12:30,
6721 Westminster Ave. 714-893-4222 3:30, 7:20, 10:30
$6.00 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D) 3:40, 7:00, 10:00
$6.00 All Day Sunday (Not Applicable in 3D) SAN FERNANDO VALLEY
9/11 E (12:30, 2:55), 5:20, 7:45, 10:10 CONEJO VALLEY
HOME AGAIN C 11:45, 2:15, 4:45, 7:05, 9:40 GRANADA HILLS 9 SAN GABRIEL VALLEY
IT E 12:00, 2:10, 3:10, 4:00, 5:10, 6:20, 7:20, 8:20, 9:30, HOME AGAIN C (2:50), 7:50 16830 Devonshire Street 818-363-3679
10:20 HOME AGAIN C (11:50, 2:10), 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 29045 Agoura Road 818-707-9966 1003 E. Colorado Blvd 626-229-9400
5:20, 10:20 IT E (11:30, 1:10, 2:40), 4:20, 5:50, 7:30, 9:00, 10:30
BIRTH OF THE DRAGON C 12:10, 5:10, 10:10 $6 Wednesday all day for all 2D films
(upcharge for DBOX & 3D)
All Seats $2.00 before 6pm $1.00 All Beef Hot Dogs
IT E (1:30, 3:15), 5:00, 8:20, 9:45 HAZLO COMO HOMBRE E (12:00, 2:30), 4:50, 7:15, 10:00
LEAP! B 11:50, 2:10, 4:25, 6:50, 9:10 Now Offering Reserved Seating
IT (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (12:05, 12:40, 3:50), 6:30, LEAP! B (11:45, 2:00), 4:30, 6:50, 9:30 THE DARK TOWER C (11:30, 5:00), 9:40
THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E 1:45, 4:30, 7:10, 10:00 9/11 E (12:30, 3:00), 5:15, 7:40, 10:00
7:05, 10:15 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E (12:30, 3:50), 7:20, 10:15 DETROIT E (3:10), 9:50
LOGAN LUCKY C 2:00, 4:50, 7:35, 10:15 HAZLO COMO HOMBRE E (1:25), 4:10, 7:20, 10:05 ANNABELLE: CREATION E (11:40, 2:20), 5:00, 7:40, 10:20 HOME AGAIN C (12:00, 2:20, 4:40), 7:20, 9:40 KIDNAP E (1:50), 7:20, 9:15
ANNABELLE: CREATION E 2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:50 LEAP! B (2:35), 7:20 WIND RIVER E (12:10, 3:40), 7:00, 9:50
IT - DBOX SEATING - DOLBY ATMOS E (1:15, THE EMOJI MOVIE B (12:10, 2:30, 4:40), 7:00
THE NUT JOB 2: NUTTY BY NATURE B 4:35 PM LEAP! (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (12:05), 5:00, 9:45 KIDNAP E (12:20, 2:50), 5:10, 7:50, 10:10
PLANT 16 IT - DOLBY ATMOS E (1:15, 4:30), 7:30, 10:30 PLANETS C (12:00), 6:30
BABY DRIVER E 2:30, 7:30 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD 7876 Van Nuys Blvd. 818-779-0323
(SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (3:30), 9:10 IT E (11:30, 2:30), 5:30, 8:30 WISH UPON C 7:40, 10:00
WONDER WOMAN C 1:30, 7:00, 10:05 HOME AGAIN C (11:35, 2:00), 4:55, 7:20, 9:45
ANNABELLE: CREATION E (1:00), 7:00 LEAP! B (12:10, 2:40, 4:50) DESPICABLE ME 3 B (11:40, 2:10, 4:30), 6:50, 9:20
IT E (11:30, 12:00, 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:00, 3:30), 4:30, 5:30,
SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ANNABELLE: CREATION 6:00, 6:35, 7:35, 8:35, 9:05, 9:35, 10:35 CARS 3 A (11:50, 2:20, 4:50)
26762 Verdugo Street 949-661-3456 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E (1:00, 4:20), 7:15, 10:10
(SPANISH SUBTITLES) E 4:00, 10:00 IT - DBOX SEATING E (11:30, 2:30), 5:30, 8:35 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 C (1:00,
THE NUT JOB 2: NUTTY BY NATURE B (12:10), HAZLO COMO HOMBRE E (12:25, 2:50), 5:20, 7:50, 10:15 LOGAN LUCKY C (12:45, 3:50), 7:00, 9:45
$6.00 All Day Tuesday (Not Applicable in 3D & VIP)
4:50, 9:35 4:10), 7:10, 10:10
BIRTH OF THE DRAGON C (2:35), 7:30, 10:00 WIND RIVER E (12:20, 2:50), 5:20, 7:50, 10:20
HOME AGAIN - VIP SEATING C 1:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30 THE NUT JOB 2: NUTTY BY NATURE LEAP! B (12:10, 2:25), 4:45, 7:00
(DUBBED IN SPANISH) B (2:30), 7:10
IT E 1:15, 4:45, 7:45, 9:20 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E (1:25), 4:20, 7:15, 10:20 854 E. Alosta Ave. at Citrus 626-334-6007
THE DARK TOWER C (12:25), 5:20, 10:05 ANNABELLE: CREATION E (12:40, 3:55), 7:25, 10:10
THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E 1:00, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 WESTLAKE VILLAGE TWIN All Seats $7.00 before 5pm
THE DARK TOWER (SPANISH SUBTITLES) C THE NUT JOB 2: NUTTY BY NATURE B (12:05, 4711 Lakeview Canyon at Agoura Rd. 818-889-8061
LOGAN LUCKY C 12:50, 3:40, 6:40 9/11 E (12:10, 2:30), 5:00, 7:15, 9:40
(2:50), 7:45 2:20), 4:40, 6:55, 9:15
THE DARK TOWER C 9:20 PM TULIP FEVER E (1:00), 4:00, 7:20, 10:00 HOME AGAIN C (12:00, 2:20, 4:40), 7:00, 9:20
3459 Via Lido at Newport Blvd. 949-673-8350 KIDNAP (SPANISH SUBTITLES) E (12:15), 5:10, 10:10 KIDNAP E (12:55, 3:10), 5:25, 7:40, 9:50 PATTI CAKE$ E (12:45, 3:45), 7:00, 9:50 IT E (11:40, 1:00, 2:40, 4:10), 5:45, 7:10, 8:45, 9:30, 10:15
THE EMOJI MOVIE B (3:30), 8:30 THE EMOJI MOVIE B (11:50, 2:10), 4:25, 6:40, 9:10 BIRTH OF THE DRAGON C (3:00 PM)
IT E (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 10:00
THE EMOJI MOVIE (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B LEAP! B (12:30, 2:50), 5:10, 7:35, 9:50
At South Coast Plaza/Sunower & Plaza Dr. 714-557-5701 6:45, 10:05 PASEO CAMARILLO 3 THE HITMANS BODYGUARD E (1:20, 4:20), 7:20, 10:05
WAR FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES C 5:50 PM 390 N. Lantana at Daily 805-383-2267
Now Featuring Reserved Luxury Seating SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING C (12:45, 3:50), ANNABELLE: CREATION E (1:10, 4:00), 7:30, 10:20
VICEROYS HOUSE (11:45, 2:30, 5:00), 7:30, 9:55 TULIP FEVER E (12:30, 4:00), 7:15, 9:50 WIND RIVER E (12:40, 3:30), 7:40, 10:10
THE TRIP TO SPAIN (11:30, 2:15, 4:45), 7:15, 9:50 DESPICABLE ME 3 B (12:45 PM) CARS 3 A (1:00 PM) THE TRIP TO SPAIN (12:45, 3:45), 7:30, 10:00 KIDNAP E (12:50), 5:30, 7:50, 10:00
THE BIG SICK E (1:00, 4:00), 7:00, 9:45 DESPICABLE ME 3 (SPANISH SUBTITLES) B (3:15 PM) WONDER WOMAN C (12:20), 6:10 WIND RIVER E (1:00, 4:15), 7:00, 9:40 THE EMOJI MOVIE B (11:50, 2:10, 4:30), 6:50
Showtimes for September 8
Bargain Showtimes in ( ) Locally Owned, Proudly Operated
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 E9
7:10 PM 9:55 PM
WIND RIVER E (1:50 PM) 4:40 PM 7:30 PM 10:10 PM WIND RIVER E (1:10 PM) 4:10 PM 7:00 PM 9:40 PM
tragedy BARGAIN IN ( )
Every Sunday, we
FOR 9/8/2017 ONLY
deaths in the line of duty or TWENTY TWO is a portrait of the surviving comfort women of China.
the violence of their own ac-
tions. Ex-lawman Thomas face after face, and the vol- and admired Nyack, N.Y., met with Fidel Castro.
Marcheses documentary ume of the rape is clear and native (and former teen vol- That encounter planted
Fallen is interested in sym- immense. The women share unteer firefighter), his role the seed for this documenta-
pathy for police as it per- their similar experiences as an impromptu rescuer ry exploration into the
tains to the former, and in so with personal details that il- and how he lost his own life blockade that had been in Lookfor
Look forgreat
doing has crafted a slick, luminate their unique lives. in the process. place, in one form or anoth-
mournful, feature-length re- The effects of their impris- The ways Crowthers er, since the Eisenhower ad- topbrands
top brandsininthis
cruitment video for a job he onment linger, with some grieving mother worked to ministration and, despite a
sees as unsung, heroic and unable to speak much about reconstruct the long-un- partial thaw under Presi-
dangerous. the occupation period, but known events of her red ban- dent Obama, remains a go-
Recent tragedies from many have also lived rich dana-wearing sons heroic fi- ing concern in the Trump
coast to coast are detailed, lives, surrounded by family nal hour are also stirringly White House.
and the grieving spouses/ and friends. recounted. Although Rice occa-
partners/chiefs interviewed Theres an urgency in Gary Goldstein sionally pops in and out as
by Marchese make for Guos mission to capture narrator, she dutifully defers
touching footage. (The film- these womens narratives as Man in Red Bandana. to her extensive lineup of
maker himself had to end his they climb into their 80s and Rated: PG-13, for thematic talking heads, with Robert
career when he was stabbed 90s. Guo previously made a material involving disaster- Kennedy Jr., Sergei Khru-
by a suspect.) But dont mis- short film about the same related images and descrip- shchev (Nikitas son) and
take Fallen for an insiders subject called Thirty Two, tions. Running time: 1 hour, Lucie Arnaz (Desis daugh-
examination of the jobs rig- with the number decreasing 20 minutes. Playing: Laem- ter) doing the bulk of the
ors, its pitfalls, and what can rapidly in just a few years. mle Music Hall, Beverly heavy commentating.
be done about safety and use Theres no artifice in this Hills; also on VOD. Though we learn inter-
of force. documentary, with the di- esting tidbits along the way,
Theres an air of defen- rector simply presenting the like that Arnaz, who also
siveness here, with a lot of in-
terviewed cops starting off
womens lives as they tell
them, one after another. Exploring the contributes a cover of the Ir-
ving Berlin Prohibition-era
12BR963 LAA5050183-10
Giving voice to Crowther, a young man MIDNIGHT RUNNERS (NR) Eng. Subtitles 10:15, 12:30, 2:45,
THE FEELS (NR) 7:30 P.M. *off
o thhee co
e pprice
credited with saving at least 5:05, 7:30, 10:15
Making note of family
Loudon Wainwright
III takes on a familiar
topic in his first book.
By Randy Lewis
A Greek tragedy
nearly 50 years of writing
songs and recording albums
has built a deep body of work
rooting through the various
TV HIGHLIGHTS Friday Prime-Time TV Sports News Movies (N) New Closed Captioning
8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm
SERIES The Doctors Some of the
shows most disgusting
CBS EIF Presents: XQ Super School Hawaii Five-0 (TV14) Blue Bloods (TV14) News (N)
Third Rail With Ozy Carlos Live (TVPG) (N)
moments; backstage
Watson hosts this new NBC EIF Presents: XQ Super School Americas Got Talent (TVPG) Dateline NBC (TVPG) (N) News (N)
prostate exams. (N) 2 p.m. Live (TVPG) (N)
seven-part cross-plat- KCBS
form series with experts KTLA Masters of Illu- Masters of Penn & Teller: Fool Us (TVPG) News (N) News (N)
Steve Charlie Sheen (9/11); sion (N) Illusion
and celebrities debating a
LeAnn Rimes and per- ABC EIF Presents: XQ Super School What Would You Do? (TVPG) 20/20 (TVPG) The surprising News (N)
provocative topic. Up
forms. (N) 2 p.m. KNBC Live (TVPG) The future of outcome of a court case
first: Is Truth Over- American high schools; pre- involving a 2015 shooting on
rated? 7:30 p.m. KOCE Dr. Phil Two women say paring the nations students the campus of Northern Ari-
that their mother, a for- for their future. (N) zona University. (N)
Masters of Illusion Michael
mer guest on the show, KCAL News (N) News (N) News (N) Sports Central Mike & Molly
Grandinetti, Chris Korn,
has continued to abuse al- FOX EIF Presents: XQ Super School Beat Shazam (TVPG) News (N) Pigskin PreviewTMZ (TVPG)
Jeff McBride, Barry and
cohol. (N) 3 p.m. KCBS Live (TVPG) (N) (N)
Stuart, Kyle Marlett, Bill
Cook, Adam Wylie (who Irene Poon Andersen The Ellen DeGeneres Show MyNt American Ninja Warrior American Ninja Warrior Seinfeld Seinfeld King of Queens
appeared in the series BAMBI ARTIST Halle Berry (Kingsman: KVCR Orman (6:30) Ethan Bortnick Live in Concert: Power (TVG) Johnny Mathis: Wonderful! Wonderful! (TVG)
Picket Fences as a child) Tyrus Wong is saluted on the Golden Circle); Ryan KCET The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947) Gene Tierney. Dark Journey (1937) Conrad Veidt.
and Greg Gleason are the a new edition of Ameri- Adams performs. (N) 3 UNI Enamorndome de Ramn (N) Mi marido tiene familia (N) La tierra prometida (N) Noticias 34
featured illusionists intro- can Masters on KOCE. p.m. KNBC KOCE Washington LAaRT Joseph American Masters (TVPG) The art, life and Peace Meals Tavis Smiley
duced by host Dean Cain. Washington Week President Week (N) Watson. impact of painter Tyrus Wong. (N) Citizenship. (N)
8 p.m. KTLA MOVIES Trumps deal with Demo- KDOC Law & Order: CI (TV14) Law & Order: CI (TV14) Family Guy Family Guy Seinfeld
American Masters A year cratic leadership to raise KLCS Sun Studio The Sun Studio Austin City Limits (TVPG) Front and Center (TVPG) Business
Silence (2016) 9:40 a.m. and the debt limit and fund Country Duo. Tony Lucca. Beck. Kaleo. (TVG) (N)
after his death, the new 5:15 p.m. EPIX
biography Tyrus Wong the government for three A&E Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol Live PD: Patrol
showcases the various Jaws (1975) 10 a.m. Show- months; Congress and the AMC Con Air (1997) Nicolas Cage. Vicious convicts hijack their flight. (R) Con Air (1997) (R)
professional pursuits of time DACA program: Michael ANP Treehouse: Out on a Limb (N) Treehouse Masters (N) Operation Redesign (N) Treehouse
the American artist The China Syndrome (1979) Scherer, the Washington BBC Star Trek (7:20) Star Trek (TVPG) Star Trek (TVPG) (9:40) Star Trek
Noon Sundance Post; Yamiche Alcindor,
whose works were show- BET Alex Cross (2012) Tyler Perry. A killer pushes Cross to the edge. Being Mary Jane (TV14)
cased alongside those of the New York Times;
Trailer Park Shark (2017) 1
Nancy Cordes, CBS; Jeff
Bravo Legally Blonde Hes Just Not That Into You (2009) Ben Affleck. (8:20) (PG-13) Hes Just Not
Picasso and Matisse and p.m. Syfy CMT Soul Surfer (2011) AnnaSophia Robb, Helen Hunt. (PG) Soul Surfer (2011) (PG)
was essential to the cre- Zeleny, CNN. (N) 7 and 8
Eat, Play, Love (2017) 2 p.m. p.m. KOCE CNN CNN Tonight: Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight: Don Lemon (N) CNN Newsroom Live (N) Newsroom
ation of the animated Dis-
Hallmark Com South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park
ney classic Bambi. 9 Real Time With Bill Maher
p.m. KOCE Born to Be Blue (2015) 3 p.m. Ken Bone; environmental Disc Deadliest Catch (N) (7) Bering Sea Gold (N) Alaskan Bush: Off Grid (N) Bering Gold
TMC activist Xiuhtezcatl Mar- Disn Ravens Home Disneys Descendants 2 (2017) Dove Cameron. Bizaardvark Ravens Home
Guys Family Road Trip
Last week the series Sun, Sand & Romance tinez; political commen- E! Monster-in-Law (2005) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda. (PG-13) Eric & Jessie E! News (N)
(2017) 4 p.m. Hallmark tator S.E. Cupp; writer ESPN SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter
toured parts of Texas be-
The Outlaw Josey Wales Adam Gopnik. (N) 10 p.m. Food Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Guys Family Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In Diner, Drive-In
fore it was hit hard by Hur-
(1976) 4 p.m. OVA and Midnight HBO FNC Tucker Carlson Tonight The Five Hannity Tucker Carlson
ricane Harvey. This week,
after a stop in Alabama, Tavis Smiley Martin Sheen. Free X2: X-Men United (2003) Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman. (PG-13) The 700 Club
the family heads for Flor- TALK SHOWS (N) 11 p.m. KOCE FX World War Z (2013) Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos. (PG-13) World War Z (2013)
ida. 9 p.m. Food Network Charlie Rose (N) 11:30 p.m. Hall The Sweeter Side of Life (2013) Kathryn Morris. The Middle The Middle Golden Girls
CBS This Morning (N) 7
Room 104 Nat Wolff and Ad- KOCE; midnight KVCR; 1 HGTV Dream Home Dream Home Dream (N) Dream Home House Hunters Hunters Int. House Hunters
a.m. KCBS
am Foster star as a pair of a.m. KLCS
Today Kelly Clarkson per- Hist Ancient Aliens (TVPG) Ancient Aliens (TVPG) (N) The Dark Files (TV14) (10:03) (N)
innocent young Mormon The Tonight Show Starring IFC Safe (2012) Jason Statham, Robert John Burke. (R) Homefront (2013) Jason Statham. (R)
forms; Andy Roddick. (N)
missionaries who find the Jimmy Fallon James
7 a.m. KNBC Life Hitch (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. (PG-13) Little Women
boundaries of their faith Franco; Kendall Jenner;
KTLA Morning News (N) 7 MSN 11th Hour (N) The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word 11th Hour
tested after checking into Pete Townshend; Alfie
Room 104 in this new epi- a.m. KTLA Boe. (N) 11:34 p.m. KNBC MTV Unplugged (TVPG) (N) Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness
sode of the anthology se- Good Morning America NGC Primal Survivor (TV14) Primal Survivor (TV14) Primal Survivor (TV14) Primal Survivor
The Late Show With
ries.11:32 p.m. HBO Candice Bergen; Sam Stephen Colbert Nick Yogi Bear (2010) Dan Aykroyd. (PG) Full House Full House Full House Friends
Heughan and Caitriona Stephens take on the OWN 20/20 on OWN (TV14) 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 20/20 on OWN
SPECIALS Balfe. (N) 7 a.m. KABC news of the day; actress Spike The Day After Tomorrow (2004) Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal. (PG-13) Hercules
Good Day L.A. Jackie Ev- Jessica Biel. (N) 11:35 p.m. Sund Law & Order (TV14) Law & Order (TV14) Law & Order (TV14) Law & Order
EIF Presents: XQ Super
ancho; Scott Grimes KCBS Syfy Skyfall (2012) Daniel Craig. A threat to MI6. Terminator 2
School Live Celebrities,
(The Orville); Kristin Jimmy Kimmel Live Jason TBS ELeague (7) (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
students, educators, and
Smith (Top 30); Mayor Bateman; Richard Lewis; TCM Movie (6:30) Carry on Cabby (1963) Sidney James, Kenneth Connor. Taxi Driver (1976) (R)
parents rethink the future
Eric Garcetti, Los Ange- Jack Johnson performs.
of U.S. high schools. 8 p.m. TLC Kindred Spirits: Bonus Edition Kindred Spirits: Bonus Edition Kindred Spirits: Bonus Edition Kindred Spirits
les; Grae Drake, Rotten (N) 11:35 p.m. KABC
CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox TNT American Sniper (2014) Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller. (R) Few Good Men
Tomatoes. (N) 7 a.m. The Late Late Show With
Gary Owen: I Got My Asso- KTTV Toon King of the Hill American Dad Cleveland Show American Dad Rick and Morty Bobs Burgers Family Guy
ciates This new special James Corden Taron Travel Expedition Unknown (TVPG) Josh Gates Destination Truth Josh Gates Destination Truth Destination
Live with Kelly and Ryan Egerton; pro basketball
captures the aspiring Tru Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Knockout
Gwendoline Christie player Damian Lillard.
comic on his latest tour. 9 TV L MASH (TVPG) (8:12) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King of Queens
(Top of the Lake) drops (N) 12:37 a.m. KCBS
p.m. Showtime USA Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family
by; Fifth Harmony per- Nightline (N) 12:37 a.m.
The Dark Files In this new forms. (N) 9 a.m. KABC VH1 Drumline (2002) Nick Cannon. (7) (PG-13) Stomp the Yard (2007) (9:35) (PG-13)
two-hour special, former KABC
The View Toby Keith per- WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met
CIA operative Barry Last Call With Carson Daly
forms. (N) 10 a.m. KABC Cine The Nice Guys (2016) Russell Crowe. (R) Role Models (2008) (R)
Eisler, filmmaker Chris Adrianne Palicki; the
The Talk Justin Hartley co- Shelters perform; Lauren Encr Charlies Angels (2000) (PG-13) (8:19) Outlander (TVMA)
Garetano andjournalist
Steve Volk investigate the hosts; Kelsea Ballerini; Lapkus. (N) 1:38 a.m. EPIX Arrival (2016) Amy Adams. (PG-13) The Magnificent Seven (2016) (PG-13)
conspiracy theories cen- Ellen K. 1 p.m. KCBS KNBC HBO Keeping Up With the Joneses (2016) (8:10) Real Time: Bill Maher (N) VICE (TV14)
tered on an abandoned The Dr. Oz Show Supermar- Show A Bronx Tale (1993) Gary Owen: I Got My Associates Boxing David Benavidez vs. Ronald Gavril.
military base known as ket-ready foods; boxed SPORTS Robert De Niro. (7) (R) (TVMA) (N) (Live) (10:05)
Camp Hero in Montauk, delivery meal kits; Costco. For todays sports on TV, see Starz Men in Black II (2002) (7:27) Outlander (TVMA) Outlander (TVMA)
N.Y. 10:03 p.m. History 1 p.m. KTTV the Sports section. TMC Mystery, Alaska (1999) Russell Crowe. (R) The Program (1993) James Caan. (R)
E14 F R I DAY , S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R
cut with his seven of trumps, three spades, inviting game.
By Frank Stewart and declarer loses a trump A bid of two spades would
trick. promise nothing.
Why does everyone call True, I said. But at the
Cy the Cynic? a new mem- other table, Cys teammate South dealer
ber of my club asked. sitting East threw in an over- Both sides vulnerable
Hes a typical cynic who call of two hearts. North-
distrusts everything and South doubled that and got J 10 5 4
everybody, I shrugged, but all their tricks on defense for 983
its mostly because his part- down three, plus 800. So Cy AQ
ners and teammates always lost five IMPs for making his K842
let him down. unmakable game. WEST EAST
73 Q98
I wrote down todays I begin to understand, 65 A K Q 10 4
deal. In a team match, Cy said our new member. 10 7 6 4 3 J95
played at four spades. West Question: You hold: J J975 10 3
found the best lead of a 10 5 4 9 8 3 A Q K 8 4 2. SOUTH
heart, and East took his high The dealer, at your left, AK62
hearts and ... shifted to a dia- opens two hearts, a weak J72
mond. Cy won in dummy, two-bid. Your partner dou- K82
picked up the trumps with a bles. The next player passes. AQ6
finesse against Easts queen What do you say? SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST
and claimed, plus 620. Answer: Partners dou- 1 NT Pass 2 Pass
Surely his team gained ble promises opening values 2 Pass 4 All Pass
IMPs, our newcomer said. probably more since you Opening lead 6
East beats the contract by might have to respond at the
leading another heart at three level and support for 2017, Tribune Media
KENKEN Trick Four. West can upper- the unbid suits. Jump to Services
Every box will contain a number; numbers depend on the size of the grid. For a 6x6
puzzle, use Nos. 1-6. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each
heavily outlined set of squares must combine to produce the target number found in the
top left corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. A number can be ASK AMY
Dear Amy: Im 62 and have I had left at this house, along Each time one of us is on
been single for 27 years, with with a note that stated, I the road, my mother insists
occasional relationships. miss you, and if you gave us that we call her halfway to
Im quite independent, and (me) another chance I know the destination and again
if the relationship was no things would be different. once we get there.
longer working (for whatev- Is this stalking? Should I She will map out exactly
er reason), either he or I start restraining order pro- how long it should take us to
ended it with not much fan- ceedings? Should I reach out get from A to B with no traf-
fare involved. to his ex-wife and see if hell fic, extra stops, going the
This spring, I met a man eventually get over it? speed limit, etc., and if we
who lives only a few blocks Grandma dont call at the time she
away from me. With a Stalker thinks we should have com-
9/8/17 At first it was working pleted the trip, she will start
quite well. Then he started Dear Grandma: You are blowing up our phones with
getting angry with me for ab- not being stalked so far. text messages and calls. My
HOROSCOPE solutely no reason. He However, given this mans phone does not sync to my
started demonstrating ter- history both his reported car, so I would have to phys-
rible jealousy. I would leave history and his behavior ically answer her text or call.
Your analyzing mind is prob- doesnt make them healthy. the relationship, he would toward you I agree that Weve explained that
By Holiday Mathis ably not up to the task of Figure out whats good and apologize, I would forgive you should be wary. what she is doing is danger-
healing your emotional correct before you repeat it. him, and then it would hap- If you genuinely think it ous, but she refuses to stop.
Aries (March 21-April 19): wounds. Instead, employ Pisces (Feb. 19-March pen all over again. would be helpful, you could She did this to me tonight
Solitude can be healing, your heart and body to that 20): Today your senses will I learned that his ex-wife contact his ex, who might while I was at the end of a
though some people will go task. be naturally more engaged, of 35 years will not engage provide some insight. five-hour drive that ended
to great lengths to avoid it. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): and your intuition will be him in conversation, and his Install a No Trespass- well past midnight. Then
Taurus (April 20-May Today youre like a jazz mu- keen. children and grandchildren ing sign at the end of your she had the nerve to scold
20): Some will lower their in- sician. You know your piece Todays birthday (Sept. barely spend time with him. driveway. If this man comes me for worrying her.
hibitions through chemi- too well to play it note for 8): This solar return raises He told me that his ex-wife on to your property again Your thoughts?
cals. Its healthier to lower note. Improvise. the tone you bring to your life accused him of stalking her and it makes you uncomfort- Stressed by Text
your inhibitions through a Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): events, which will serve you after the divorce. able, you could send him a
mind-set or through phys- Narrow the gap between in the moment and beyond. I finally had to break it off, letter via priority mail: I Dear Stressed: Im not
ical activity instead. your idea of where you are Memories are not flat, linear with no hope of reconciling. I have posted a No Trespass- sure why your mother keeps
Gemini (May 21-June 21): now and your idea of where representations, but 3D have since stopped all com- ing sign at the edge of my such close tabs on her chil-
Attention isnt the goal for you want to be. snapshots of everything, in- munication, although he property. Please do not dren, but you should get to-
you today. Youve good rea- Sagittarius (Nov. 22- cluding your mood. Love continued to text me, beg- come on to my property or gether as a group and resist
sons for wanting to go under Dec. 21): Theres a person and joy spill over through ging me to give him another contact me again. If you see her control.
the radar. who, lately, tends to put a the end of your year. Shrewd chance. him on your property and/or You should not read or
Cancer (June 22-July 22): twist in the mood to enable a business leads to lucrative Yesterday my sisters and if he contacts you after this, answer her texts or calls
In some ways youll feel more downward spiral. If this deals in February. Leo and I noticed him walking up my you should look into legal while driving.
influential and important to character is unavoidable, Sagittarius adore you. Your driveway. He placed an en- remedies.
people who are far away plan ahead and put up emo- lucky numbers are: 10, 2, 16, velope on my car windshield. Send questions to Amy
from you than you will to tional armor. 50 and 27. Once he was gone, I opened Dear Amy: I come from a Dickinson to askamy@
those at an arms length. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. it and he was returning a clip family that travels a lot. amydickinson.com.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 19): Rumination makes us Holiday Mathis writes her
Listen for the real message. feel worse. Instead of analyz- column for Creators
You dont necessarily have ing, accept. Instead of doing, Syndicate Inc. The FAMILY CIRCUS By Bil Keane DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketcham
to address it now, but defi- be. horoscope should be read
nitely make note of this Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. for entertainment. Previous
underlying truth. 18): Old patterns feel com- forecasts are at
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): fortable, but that familiarity latimes.com/horoscope.
Edited By Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
By Alex Eaton-Salners 2017 Tribune Content Agency
1 Short pants?
5 Gloria in Excelsis __
8 Where JFK, Nixon and
Carter served
14 Brazils largest city
16 Military builder
17 In my opinion ...
18 MLB single-season
for most hits
19 Skiers destination
20 Musical set in
Manhattans East
Village ARGYLE SWEATER By Scott Hilburn MARMADUKE By Brad & Paul Anderson
22 Shooting marble
23 Xanadu gp.
24 Youngest Simpson
26 Oer there
28 Somewhat,
to Saint-Sans
29 Against: Abbr.
31 Spanish pronoun
32 Pen pals greeting?
33 Removes, as a
temporary hem
36 No-hitter, usually
38 Shot with more detail
39 Hogwarts subjects
40 Ford maverick?
41 Windy City transit
42 Blue Shield offering 7 Obsolete audio 43 Hunky-dory
43 Energy field technology 44 Elizabeth Is line
44 Hardy title teenager 8 Employing 46 Shabby
45 Carpathian Mountains 9 Federal housing 47 Hamilton role
locale assistance program 48 Help with a job?
10 No thanks 49 A __ formality
47 Do diner work
11 Somewhat 50 Shave
48 Roadies box
12 Aloe __ 52 Editors mark
51 Product made from
13 That smarts! 53 Captain hanged for
fermented rice BLISS By Harry Bliss
15 Flight-related prefix piracy BALLARD STREET By Jerry Van Amerongen
52 Game typically
21 I problem? 54 Pac-12 team
with 81 squares
24 Pyrnes peak 56 Salon offering
55 Scram!
25 Mike of Next Friday 58 Spacewalk initials
57 Make less vulnerable to
earthquakes, say 26 Rural agreement
27 Org. that inspects ANSWER TO
59 Straying
60 Countermanded workplaces PREVIOUS PUZZLE
61 Wee 28 Any of 12 popes
62 Muesli bit 30 Treasure chest coins
63 Repairs with turf represented graphically
by two consecutive
DOWN letters in six puzzle
1 Russia had one in the answers (including this
20th century one)
2 Level, in London 32 1875 Alcott novel
3 70s-80s show about a 33 Umas role in The
big family Producers
4 Induced the purchase of 34 Squirrels hoard
add-ons, say 35 Escape destinations
5 Tonight, I Celebrate 37 Fourth dimension
My Love, e.g. 38 Essence
6 Brother of Peyton 40 Budget motel chain 9/8/17
L AT I M E S . C O M / CA L E N DA R F R I DAY, S E P T E M B E R 8 , 2 017 E15
DOONESBURY By Garry Trudeau Doonesbury is on vacation. This is a reprint. DILBERT By Scott Adams
LA CUCARACHA By Lalo Alcaraz BABY BLUES By Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman
Vanity Fair