Ain ShamsJAnaesthesiol73336 7108132 - 015828
Ain ShamsJAnaesthesiol73336 7108132 - 015828
Ain ShamsJAnaesthesiol73336 7108132 - 015828
gamma knife, ketamine, midazolam
Methods Results
Patients had fasted for at least 8 h before the The study included 120 patients (75 male and 45
procedure. Baseline vital data were recorded (heart female), who were randomly divided into three equal
rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate). After groups according to the atropine dose (0.5, 0.3, and 0.1
intravenous cannulation, patients of the three groups mg, respectively). All patients underwent gamma knife
received ketamine 0.5 mg/kg intravenously (Ketamine, radiosurgery for brain tumors.
50 mg/ml; Sigma Pharmaceuticals, Egypt) plus
midazolam 1 mg intravenously (Midathetic, 5 mg/ml; With regard to age, sex, body weight of patients,
Amoun pharmaceuticals, Egypt). Group A patients baseline hemodynamic data, and duration of
received atropine 0.5 mg intravenously (Atropine, treatment, no statistically significant differences
1 mg/ml; Misr Pharmaceuticals, Egypt), patients were found among the three groups (P > 0.05)
of group B received atropine 0.3 mg intravenously, (Table 1).
and patients of group C received 0.1 mg atropine
intravenously. Only one patient (2.5%) in group A (who received
atropine 0.5 mg), and two patients (5%) in group B
The patients were observed visually during the (who received atropine 0.3 mg), had increased
treatment inside the treatment room through a closed secretions, whereas 15 patients (37.5%) had increased
audio video circuit. All patients were monitored secretions in group C (who received atropine 0.1 mg).
by pulse oximetry (Homedics Px-100 Deluxe) for Comparison between the three groups showed that
arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate throughout the incidence of increased secretions was significantly
the treatment. The patients were observed for lower in groups A and B than in group C (P < 0.05)
hypersalivation manifested by drooping of secretions (Table 2) (Fig. 1).
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Table 1 Patients age, sex, body weight, baseline heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and duration of treatment
Parameters Mean SD ANOVA
Group A Group B Group C F P-value
Age (years) 37.75 11.76 41.00 11.61 39.88 10.47 0.854 0.428
Sex [N (%)]
Female 19 (47.5) 14 (35) 12 (30) 2 = 2.772 0.250
Male 21 (52.5) 26 (65) 28 (70)
Body weight (kg) 76.50 11.56 80.13 9.90 79.38 13.12 1.088 0.340
Baseline HR/min 79.75 6.40 80.13 4.73 77.25 10.06 1.781 0.173
Systolic BP 126.38 7.76 129.88 13.28 125.63 11.78 1.646 0.197
Diastolic BP 75.00 6.41 78.13 6.86 76.75 9.37 1.673 0.192
Baseline RR/min 15.53 1.57 16.55 2.14 15.90 2.18 2.739 0.089
Duration of treatment (min) 34.83 8.75 39.10 7.78 37.28 7.64 2.825 0.073
ANOVA, analysis of variance; BP, blood pressure; HR, heart rate.
Administration of atropine as an antisialagogue to in all cases, and the use of atropine as an adjunct
patients receiving ketamine sedation for gamma knife for intramuscular ketamine sedation in children
radiosurgery was an effective technique to reduce significantly reduces hypersalivation.
hypersalivation induced by ketamine. The doses of 0.5
and 0.3 mg of atropine showed nearly the same efficiency Brown et al. [6] conducted a prospective observational
in decreasing secretions, but the dose of 0.1mg atropine study over 3 years on 1090 pediatric patients who
did not prevent the increase in secretions in 15 patients received ketamine sedation in the emergency
in group C (37.5% of patients). Atropine dose 0.3 mg department, and they used 100-mm visual analogue
also caused significantly lower incidence of tachycardia scale to rate excessive salivation. Of the 1090
than the dose of 0.5 mg, which was used in group A ketamine sedations, 947 were administered without
patients. adjunctive atropine, and surprisingly, their results
showed that 92% of these subjects had salivation
Heinz et al. [5] conducted a prospective, randomized, score of 0 mm.
double-blind study, including a total of 83 patients, aged
13 months14.5 years, who required ketamine procedural Green et al. [7] published a secondary analysis of an
sedation in a tertiary emergency department. Patients observational database of 8282 ED ketamine sedations
were randomized to receive 0.01 mg/kg of atropine assembled from 32 studies. They compared the relative
or placebo. All received 4 mg/kg of intramuscular incidence of adverse events including airway adverse
ketamine. Hypersalivation occurred in 11.4% of events and laryngospasm (most probably owing
patients administered atropine compared with 30.8% increased secretions) between children who received
of patients administered placebo. They concluded that atropine, glycopyrrolate, or no anticholinergic. Their
ketamine sedation was successful and well tolerated results showed that glycopyrrolate was associated
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Table 3 Comparison between three groups with regard to changes in heart rate
Groups Mean SD P-value
Baseline 1 min 5 min 10 min 20 min
Group A 79.75 6.40 86.72 11.40 94.63 14.18 86.11 10.36 80.60 7.86 <0.01
Group B 80.13 4.73 83.01 7.78 83.93 11.96 82.09 9.86 80.90 7.01 >0.05
Group C 77.25 10.06 81.00 11.86 79.11 9.92 80.63 7.06 78.30 5.61 >0.05
P-value of group A was highly significant with regard to the increase in heart rate and is indicated in bold.
with significantly more airway and respiratory adverse significantly less tachycardia. More studies are needed
events than either atropine or no anticholinergic. to confirm this finding.